/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.gallery3d.exif; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.TreeMap; public class IfdParser { private static final int TAG_SIZE = 12; private final TiffInputStream mTiffStream; private final int mEndOfTagOffset; private final int mNumOfTag; private int mNextOffset; private int mOffsetToNextIfd = 0; private TreeMap mCorrespondingTag = new TreeMap(); private ExifTag mCurrTag; private int mCurrTagOffset; public static final int TYPE_NEW_TAG = 0; public static final int TYPE_VALUE_OF_PREV_TAG = 1; public static final int TYPE_NEXT_IFD = 2; public static final int TYPE_END = 3; IfdParser(TiffInputStream tiffStream, int offset) throws IOException { mTiffStream = tiffStream; mTiffStream.skipTo(offset); mNumOfTag = mTiffStream.readUnsignedShort(); mEndOfTagOffset = offset + mNumOfTag * TAG_SIZE + 2; mNextOffset = offset + 2; } public int next() throws IOException { int offset = mTiffStream.getReadByteCount(); if (offset < mEndOfTagOffset) { offset = mNextOffset; skipTo(mNextOffset); if(mNextOffset < mEndOfTagOffset) { mNextOffset += TAG_SIZE; return TYPE_NEW_TAG; } } if (offset == mEndOfTagOffset) { mOffsetToNextIfd = mTiffStream.readInt(); } if (!mCorrespondingTag.isEmpty()) { Entry entry = mCorrespondingTag.pollFirstEntry(); mCurrTag = entry.getValue(); mCurrTagOffset = entry.getKey(); skipTo(entry.getKey()); return TYPE_VALUE_OF_PREV_TAG; } else { if (offset <= mOffsetToNextIfd) { skipTo(mOffsetToNextIfd); // Reset mOffsetToNextIfd to 0 so next call to next() will point to the end mOffsetToNextIfd = 0; return TYPE_NEXT_IFD; } else { return TYPE_END; } } } public ExifTag readTag() throws IOException, ExifInvalidFormatException { short tagId = mTiffStream.readShort(); short dataFormat = mTiffStream.readShort(); long numOfComp = mTiffStream.readUnsignedInt(); if (numOfComp > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new ExifInvalidFormatException( "Number of component is larger then Integer.MAX_VALUE"); } return new ExifTag(tagId, dataFormat, (int) numOfComp); } public ExifTag getCorrespodingExifTag() { return mCurrTagOffset != mTiffStream.getReadByteCount() ? null : mCurrTag; } public void waitValueOfTag(ExifTag tag, long offset) { if (offset > Integer.MAX_VALUE || offset < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(offset + " must be in 0 ~ " + Integer.MAX_VALUE); } mCorrespondingTag.put((int) offset, tag); } public void skipTo(int offset) throws IOException { mTiffStream.skipTo(offset); while (!mCorrespondingTag.isEmpty() && mCorrespondingTag.firstKey() < offset) { mCorrespondingTag.pollFirstEntry(); } } public IfdParser parseIfdBlock() throws IOException { return new IfdParser(mTiffStream, mTiffStream.getReadByteCount()); } public int read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws IOException { return mTiffStream.read(buffer, offset, length); } public int read(byte[] buffer) throws IOException { return mTiffStream.read(buffer); } public String readString(int n) throws IOException { if (n > 0) { byte[] buf = new byte[n]; mTiffStream.readOrThrow(buf); return new String(buf, 0, n - 1, "UTF8"); } else { return ""; } } public String readString(int n, Charset charset) throws IOException { byte[] buf = new byte[n]; mTiffStream.readOrThrow(buf); return new String(buf, 0, n - 1, charset); } public int readUnsignedShort() throws IOException { return readShort() & 0xffff; } public long readUnsignedInt() throws IOException { return readInt() & 0xffffffffL; } public Rational readUnsignedRational() throws IOException { long nomi = readUnsignedInt(); long denomi = readUnsignedInt(); return new Rational(nomi, denomi); } public int readInt() throws IOException { return mTiffStream.readInt(); } public short readShort() throws IOException { return mTiffStream.readShort(); } public Rational readRational() throws IOException { int nomi = readInt(); int denomi = readInt(); return new Rational(nomi, denomi); } }