/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.gallery3d.app; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.app.ActionBar.OnMenuVisibilityListener; import android.app.Activity; import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.net.Uri; import android.nfc.NfcAdapter; import android.nfc.NfcAdapter.CreateBeamUrisCallback; import android.nfc.NfcEvent; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.animation.AccelerateInterpolator; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; import android.widget.Toast; import com.android.gallery3d.R; import com.android.gallery3d.anim.FloatAnimation; import com.android.gallery3d.common.ApiHelper; import com.android.gallery3d.common.Utils; import com.android.gallery3d.data.ComboAlbum; import com.android.gallery3d.data.DataManager; import com.android.gallery3d.data.FilterDeleteSet; import com.android.gallery3d.data.FilterSource; import com.android.gallery3d.data.MediaDetails; import com.android.gallery3d.data.MediaItem; import com.android.gallery3d.data.MediaObject; import com.android.gallery3d.data.MediaSet; import com.android.gallery3d.data.MtpSource; import com.android.gallery3d.data.Path; import com.android.gallery3d.data.SecureAlbum; import com.android.gallery3d.data.SecureSource; import com.android.gallery3d.data.SnailAlbum; import com.android.gallery3d.data.SnailItem; import com.android.gallery3d.data.SnailSource; import com.android.gallery3d.picasasource.PicasaSource; import com.android.gallery3d.ui.AnimationTime; import com.android.gallery3d.ui.BitmapScreenNail; import com.android.gallery3d.ui.DetailsHelper; import com.android.gallery3d.ui.DetailsHelper.CloseListener; import com.android.gallery3d.ui.DetailsHelper.DetailsSource; import com.android.gallery3d.ui.GLCanvas; import com.android.gallery3d.ui.GLRoot; import com.android.gallery3d.ui.GLRoot.OnGLIdleListener; import com.android.gallery3d.ui.GLView; import com.android.gallery3d.ui.ImportCompleteListener; import com.android.gallery3d.ui.MenuExecutor; import com.android.gallery3d.ui.PhotoFallbackEffect; import com.android.gallery3d.ui.PhotoView; import com.android.gallery3d.ui.PreparePageFadeoutTexture; import com.android.gallery3d.ui.RawTexture; import com.android.gallery3d.ui.SelectionManager; import com.android.gallery3d.ui.SynchronizedHandler; import com.android.gallery3d.util.GalleryUtils; import com.android.gallery3d.util.LightCycleHelper; public class PhotoPage extends ActivityState implements PhotoView.Listener, OrientationManager.Listener, AppBridge.Server, PhotoPageBottomControls.Delegate, GalleryActionBar.OnAlbumModeSelectedListener { private static final String TAG = "PhotoPage"; private static final int MSG_HIDE_BARS = 1; private static final int MSG_LOCK_ORIENTATION = 2; private static final int MSG_UNLOCK_ORIENTATION = 3; private static final int MSG_ON_FULL_SCREEN_CHANGED = 4; private static final int MSG_UPDATE_ACTION_BAR = 5; private static final int MSG_UNFREEZE_GLROOT = 6; private static final int MSG_WANT_BARS = 7; private static final int MSG_REFRESH_BOTTOM_CONTROLS = 8; private static final int MSG_ON_CAMERA_CENTER = 9; private static final int HIDE_BARS_TIMEOUT = 3500; private static final int UNFREEZE_GLROOT_TIMEOUT = 250; private static final int REQUEST_SLIDESHOW = 1; private static final int REQUEST_CROP = 2; private static final int REQUEST_CROP_PICASA = 3; private static final int REQUEST_EDIT = 4; private static final int REQUEST_PLAY_VIDEO = 5; private static final int REQUEST_TRIM = 6; public static final String KEY_MEDIA_SET_PATH = "media-set-path"; public static final String KEY_MEDIA_ITEM_PATH = "media-item-path"; public static final String KEY_INDEX_HINT = "index-hint"; public static final String KEY_OPEN_ANIMATION_RECT = "open-animation-rect"; public static final String KEY_APP_BRIDGE = "app-bridge"; public static final String KEY_TREAT_BACK_AS_UP = "treat-back-as-up"; public static final String KEY_START_IN_FILMSTRIP = "start-in-filmstrip"; public static final String KEY_RETURN_INDEX_HINT = "return-index-hint"; public static final String KEY_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED = "show_when_locked"; public static final String KEY_IN_CAMERA_ROLL = "in_camera_roll"; public static final String KEY_ALBUMPAGE_TRANSITION = "albumpage-transition"; public static final int MSG_ALBUMPAGE_NONE = 0; public static final int MSG_ALBUMPAGE_STARTED = 1; public static final int MSG_ALBUMPAGE_RESUMED = 2; public static final int MSG_ALBUMPAGE_PICKED = 4; public static final String ACTION_NEXTGEN_EDIT = "action_nextgen_edit"; private GalleryApp mApplication; private SelectionManager mSelectionManager; private PhotoView mPhotoView; private PhotoPage.Model mModel; private DetailsHelper mDetailsHelper; private boolean mShowDetails; // mMediaSet could be null if there is no KEY_MEDIA_SET_PATH supplied. // E.g., viewing a photo in gmail attachment private FilterDeleteSet mMediaSet; // The mediaset used by camera launched from secure lock screen. private SecureAlbum mSecureAlbum; private int mCurrentIndex = 0; private Handler mHandler; private boolean mShowBars = true; private volatile boolean mActionBarAllowed = true; private GalleryActionBar mActionBar; private boolean mIsMenuVisible; private boolean mHaveImageEditor; private PhotoPageBottomControls mBottomControls; private MediaItem mCurrentPhoto = null; private MenuExecutor mMenuExecutor; private boolean mIsActive; private String mSetPathString; // This is the original mSetPathString before adding the camera preview item. private String mOriginalSetPathString; private AppBridge mAppBridge; private SnailItem mScreenNailItem; private SnailAlbum mScreenNailSet; private OrientationManager mOrientationManager; private boolean mHasActivityResult; private boolean mTreatBackAsUp; private boolean mStartInFilmstrip; private boolean mInCameraRoll; private boolean mStartedFromAlbumPage; private long mCameraSwitchCutoff = 0; private boolean mSkipUpdateCurrentPhoto = false; private static final long CAMERA_SWITCH_CUTOFF_THRESHOLD_MS = 300; private RawTexture mFadeOutTexture; private Rect mOpenAnimationRect; public static final int ANIM_TIME_OPENING = 300; // The item that is deleted (but it can still be undeleted before commiting) private Path mDeletePath; private boolean mDeleteIsFocus; // whether the deleted item was in focus private Uri[] mNfcPushUris = new Uri[1]; private final MyMenuVisibilityListener mMenuVisibilityListener = new MyMenuVisibilityListener(); public static interface Model extends PhotoView.Model { public void resume(); public void pause(); public boolean isEmpty(); public void setCurrentPhoto(Path path, int indexHint); } private class MyMenuVisibilityListener implements OnMenuVisibilityListener { @Override public void onMenuVisibilityChanged(boolean isVisible) { mIsMenuVisible = isVisible; refreshHidingMessage(); } } private static class BackgroundFadeOut extends FloatAnimation { public BackgroundFadeOut() { super(1f, 0f, ANIM_TIME_OPENING); setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator(2f)); } } private final FloatAnimation mBackgroundFade = new BackgroundFadeOut(); @Override protected int getBackgroundColorId() { return R.color.photo_background; } private final GLView mRootPane = new GLView() { @Override protected void renderBackground(GLCanvas view) { if (mFadeOutTexture != null) { if (mBackgroundFade.calculate(AnimationTime.get())) invalidate(); if (!mBackgroundFade.isActive()) { mFadeOutTexture = null; mOpenAnimationRect = null; BitmapScreenNail.enableDrawPlaceholder(); } else { float fadeAlpha = mBackgroundFade.get(); if (fadeAlpha < 1f) { view.clearBuffer(getBackgroundColor()); view.setAlpha(fadeAlpha); } mFadeOutTexture.draw(view, 0, 0); view.setAlpha(1f - fadeAlpha); return; } } view.clearBuffer(getBackgroundColor()); } @Override protected void onLayout( boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { mPhotoView.layout(0, 0, right - left, bottom - top); if (mShowDetails) { mDetailsHelper.layout(left, mActionBar.getHeight(), right, bottom); } } }; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle data, Bundle restoreState) { super.onCreate(data, restoreState); mActionBar = mActivity.getGalleryActionBar(); mSelectionManager = new SelectionManager(mActivity, false); mMenuExecutor = new MenuExecutor(mActivity, mSelectionManager); mPhotoView = new PhotoView(mActivity); mPhotoView.setListener(this); mRootPane.addComponent(mPhotoView); mApplication = (GalleryApp) ((Activity) mActivity).getApplication(); mOrientationManager = mActivity.getOrientationManager(); mOrientationManager.addListener(this); mActivity.getGLRoot().setOrientationSource(mOrientationManager); mHandler = new SynchronizedHandler(mActivity.getGLRoot()) { @Override public void handleMessage(Message message) { switch (message.what) { case MSG_HIDE_BARS: { hideBars(); break; } case MSG_REFRESH_BOTTOM_CONTROLS: { if (mBottomControls != null) mBottomControls.refresh(); break; } case MSG_LOCK_ORIENTATION: { mOrientationManager.lockOrientation(); break; } case MSG_UNLOCK_ORIENTATION: { mOrientationManager.unlockOrientation(); break; } case MSG_ON_FULL_SCREEN_CHANGED: { mAppBridge.onFullScreenChanged(message.arg1 == 1); break; } case MSG_UPDATE_ACTION_BAR: { updateBars(); break; } case MSG_WANT_BARS: { wantBars(); break; } case MSG_UNFREEZE_GLROOT: { mActivity.getGLRoot().unfreeze(); break; } case MSG_ON_CAMERA_CENTER: { mSkipUpdateCurrentPhoto = false; boolean updateNeeded = false; if (!mPhotoView.getFilmMode()) { lockOrientation(); updateNeeded = true; } else if (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() < mCameraSwitchCutoff && mMediaSet.getMediaItemCount() > 1) { mPhotoView.switchToImage(1); } else { mPhotoView.setFilmMode(false); updateNeeded = true; } if (updateNeeded) { updateBars(); updateCurrentPhoto(mModel.getMediaItem(0)); } break; } default: throw new AssertionError(message.what); } } }; mSetPathString = data.getString(KEY_MEDIA_SET_PATH); mOriginalSetPathString = mSetPathString; setupNfcBeamPush(); String itemPathString = data.getString(KEY_MEDIA_ITEM_PATH); Path itemPath = itemPathString != null ? Path.fromString(data.getString(KEY_MEDIA_ITEM_PATH)) : null; mTreatBackAsUp = data.getBoolean(KEY_TREAT_BACK_AS_UP, false); mStartInFilmstrip = data.getBoolean(KEY_START_IN_FILMSTRIP, false); mInCameraRoll = data.getBoolean(KEY_IN_CAMERA_ROLL, false); mStartedFromAlbumPage = data.getInt(KEY_ALBUMPAGE_TRANSITION, MSG_ALBUMPAGE_NONE) == MSG_ALBUMPAGE_STARTED; mCurrentIndex = data.getInt(KEY_INDEX_HINT, 0); if (mSetPathString != null) { mAppBridge = (AppBridge) data.getParcelable(KEY_APP_BRIDGE); if (mAppBridge != null) { mShowBars = false; mInCameraRoll = true; mAppBridge.setServer(this); mOrientationManager.lockOrientation(); // Get the ScreenNail from AppBridge and register it. int id = SnailSource.newId(); Path screenNailSetPath = SnailSource.getSetPath(id); Path screenNailItemPath = SnailSource.getItemPath(id); mScreenNailSet = (SnailAlbum) mActivity.getDataManager() .getMediaObject(screenNailSetPath); mScreenNailItem = (SnailItem) mActivity.getDataManager() .getMediaObject(screenNailItemPath); mScreenNailItem.setScreenNail(mAppBridge.attachScreenNail()); // Check if the path is a secure album. if (SecureSource.isSecurePath(mSetPathString)) { mSecureAlbum = (SecureAlbum) mActivity.getDataManager() .getMediaSet(mSetPathString); } if (data.getBoolean(KEY_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED, false)) { // Set the flag to be on top of the lock screen. mFlags |= FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED; } // Don't display "empty album" action item for capture intents if(!mSetPathString.equals("/local/all/0")) { mSetPathString = "/filter/empty/{"+mSetPathString+"}"; } // Combine the original MediaSet with the one for ScreenNail // from AppBridge. mSetPathString = "/combo/item/{" + screenNailSetPath + "," + mSetPathString + "}"; // Start from the screen nail. itemPath = screenNailItemPath; } else if (mInCameraRoll && GalleryUtils.isCameraAvailable(mActivity)) { mSetPathString = "/combo/item/{" + FilterSource.FILTER_CAMERA_SHORTCUT + "," + mSetPathString + "}"; mCurrentIndex++; } MediaSet originalSet = mActivity.getDataManager() .getMediaSet(mSetPathString); if (mInCameraRoll && originalSet instanceof ComboAlbum) { // Use the name of the camera album rather than the default // ComboAlbum behavior ((ComboAlbum) originalSet).useNameOfChild(1); } mSelectionManager.setSourceMediaSet(originalSet); mSetPathString = "/filter/delete/{" + mSetPathString + "}"; mMediaSet = (FilterDeleteSet) mActivity.getDataManager() .getMediaSet(mSetPathString); if (mMediaSet == null) { Log.w(TAG, "failed to restore " + mSetPathString); } if (itemPath == null) { int mediaItemCount = mMediaSet.getMediaItemCount(); if (mediaItemCount > 0) { if (mCurrentIndex >= mediaItemCount) mCurrentIndex = 0; itemPath = mMediaSet.getMediaItem(mCurrentIndex, 1) .get(0).getPath(); } else { // Bail out, PhotoPage can't load on an empty album return; } } PhotoDataAdapter pda = new PhotoDataAdapter( mActivity, mPhotoView, mMediaSet, itemPath, mCurrentIndex, mAppBridge == null ? -1 : 0, mAppBridge == null ? false : mAppBridge.isPanorama(), mAppBridge == null ? false : mAppBridge.isStaticCamera()); mModel = pda; mPhotoView.setModel(mModel); pda.setDataListener(new PhotoDataAdapter.DataListener() { @Override public void onPhotoChanged(int index, Path item) { int oldIndex = mCurrentIndex; mCurrentIndex = index; if (mAppBridge != null) { mPhotoView.setWantCameraCenterCallbacks(true); if (mCurrentIndex > 0) { mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_ON_CAMERA_CENTER); mSkipUpdateCurrentPhoto = false; } if (oldIndex == 0 && mCurrentIndex > 0 && !mPhotoView.getFilmMode()) { mPhotoView.setFilmMode(true); } else if (oldIndex == 2 && mCurrentIndex == 1) { mCameraSwitchCutoff = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + CAMERA_SWITCH_CUTOFF_THRESHOLD_MS; mPhotoView.stopScrolling(); } else if (oldIndex == 1 && mCurrentIndex == 0) { mSkipUpdateCurrentPhoto = true; } } if (!mSkipUpdateCurrentPhoto) { if (item != null) { MediaItem photo = mModel.getMediaItem(0); if (photo != null) updateCurrentPhoto(photo); } updateBars(); } // Reset the timeout for the bars after a swipe refreshHidingMessage(); } @Override public void onLoadingFinished() { if (!mModel.isEmpty()) { MediaItem photo = mModel.getMediaItem(0); if (photo != null) updateCurrentPhoto(photo); } else if (mIsActive) { // We only want to finish the PhotoPage if there is no // deletion that the user can undo. if (mMediaSet.getNumberOfDeletions() == 0) { mActivity.getStateManager().finishState( PhotoPage.this); } } } @Override public void onLoadingStarted() { } }); } else { // Get default media set by the URI MediaItem mediaItem = (MediaItem) mActivity.getDataManager().getMediaObject(itemPath); mModel = new SinglePhotoDataAdapter(mActivity, mPhotoView, mediaItem); mPhotoView.setModel(mModel); updateCurrentPhoto(mediaItem); } mPhotoView.setFilmMode(mStartInFilmstrip && mMediaSet.getMediaItemCount() > 1); if (mSecureAlbum == null) { RelativeLayout galleryRoot = (RelativeLayout) ((Activity) mActivity) .findViewById(mAppBridge != null ? R.id.content : R.id.gallery_root); if (galleryRoot != null) { mBottomControls = new PhotoPageBottomControls(this, mActivity, galleryRoot); } } } public void onCameraCenter() { mPhotoView.setWantCameraCenterCallbacks(false); mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_ON_CAMERA_CENTER); } public boolean canDisplayBottomControls() { return mShowBars && !mPhotoView.getFilmMode(); } public boolean canDisplayBottomControl(int control) { if (mCurrentPhoto == null) return false; switch(control) { case R.id.photopage_bottom_control_edit: return mCurrentPhoto.getMediaType() == MediaObject.MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE; case R.id.photopage_bottom_control_panorama: return (mCurrentPhoto.getSupportedOperations() & MediaItem.SUPPORT_PANORAMA) != 0; default: return false; } } public void onBottomControlClicked(int control) { switch(control) { case R.id.photopage_bottom_control_edit: launchPhotoEditor(); return; case R.id.photopage_bottom_control_panorama: LightCycleHelper.viewPanorama(mActivity, mCurrentPhoto.getContentUri()); return; default: return; } } @TargetApi(ApiHelper.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) private void setupNfcBeamPush() { if (!ApiHelper.HAS_SET_BEAM_PUSH_URIS) return; NfcAdapter adapter = NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(mActivity); if (adapter != null) { adapter.setBeamPushUris(null, mActivity); adapter.setBeamPushUrisCallback(new CreateBeamUrisCallback() { @Override public Uri[] createBeamUris(NfcEvent event) { return mNfcPushUris; } }, mActivity); } } private void setNfcBeamPushUri(Uri uri) { mNfcPushUris[0] = uri; } private Intent createShareIntent(Path path) { DataManager manager = mActivity.getDataManager(); int type = manager.getMediaType(path); Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); intent.setType(MenuExecutor.getMimeType(type)); Uri uri = manager.getContentUri(path); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uri); return intent; } private Intent createSharePanoramaIntent(Path path) { DataManager manager = mActivity.getDataManager(); int supported = manager.getSupportedOperations(path); if ((supported & MediaObject.SUPPORT_PANORAMA) == 0) { return null; } Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); intent.setType(GalleryUtils.MIME_TYPE_PANORAMA); Uri uri = manager.getContentUri(path); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uri); return intent; } private void launchPhotoEditor() { MediaItem current = mModel.getMediaItem(0); if (current == null || (current.getSupportedOperations() & MediaObject.SUPPORT_EDIT) == 0) { return; } Intent intent = new Intent(ACTION_NEXTGEN_EDIT); intent.setData(mActivity.getDataManager().getContentUri(current.getPath())).setFlags( Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION); if (mActivity.getPackageManager() .queryIntentActivities(intent, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY).size() == 0) { intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_EDIT); } ((Activity) mActivity).startActivityForResult(Intent.createChooser(intent, null), REQUEST_EDIT); } private void updateShareURI(Path path) { DataManager manager = mActivity.getDataManager(); mActionBar.setShareIntents( createSharePanoramaIntent(path), createShareIntent(path)); Uri uri = manager.getContentUri(path); setNfcBeamPushUri(uri); } private void updateCurrentPhoto(MediaItem photo) { if (mCurrentPhoto == photo) return; mCurrentPhoto = photo; if (mCurrentPhoto == null) return; // If by swiping or deletion the user ends up on an action item // and zoomed in, zoom out so that the context of the action is // more clear if ((photo.getSupportedOperations() & MediaObject.SUPPORT_ACTION) != 0 && !mPhotoView.getFilmMode()) { mPhotoView.setFilmMode(true); } updateMenuOperations(); if (mBottomControls != null) mBottomControls.refresh(); if (mShowDetails) { mDetailsHelper.reloadDetails(); } if ((mSecureAlbum == null) && (photo.getSupportedOperations() & MediaItem.SUPPORT_SHARE) != 0) { updateShareURI(photo.getPath()); } } private void updateMenuOperations() { Menu menu = mActionBar.getMenu(); // it could be null if onCreateActionBar has not been called yet if (menu == null) return; MenuItem item = menu.findItem(R.id.action_slideshow); if (item != null) { item.setVisible((mSecureAlbum == null) && canDoSlideShow()); } if (mCurrentPhoto == null) return; int supportedOperations = mCurrentPhoto.getSupportedOperations(); if (mSecureAlbum != null) { supportedOperations &= MediaObject.SUPPORT_DELETE; } else if (!mHaveImageEditor) { supportedOperations &= ~MediaObject.SUPPORT_EDIT; } MenuExecutor.updateMenuOperation(menu, supportedOperations); } private boolean canDoSlideShow() { if (mMediaSet == null || mCurrentPhoto == null) { return false; } if (mCurrentPhoto.getMediaType() != MediaObject.MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE) { return false; } if (MtpSource.isMtpPath(mOriginalSetPathString)) { return false; } return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Action Bar show/hide management ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void showBars() { if (mShowBars) return; mShowBars = true; mOrientationManager.unlockOrientation(); mActionBar.show(); mActivity.getGLRoot().setLightsOutMode(false); refreshHidingMessage(); if (mBottomControls != null) mBottomControls.refresh(); } private void hideBars() { if (!mShowBars) return; mShowBars = false; mActionBar.hide(); mActivity.getGLRoot().setLightsOutMode(true); mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_HIDE_BARS); if (mBottomControls != null) mBottomControls.refresh(); } private void refreshHidingMessage() { mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_HIDE_BARS); if (!mIsMenuVisible && !mPhotoView.getFilmMode()) { mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(MSG_HIDE_BARS, HIDE_BARS_TIMEOUT); } } private boolean canShowBars() { // No bars if we are showing camera preview. if (mAppBridge != null && mCurrentIndex == 0 && !mPhotoView.getFilmMode()) return false; // No bars if it's not allowed. if (!mActionBarAllowed) return false; return true; } private void wantBars() { if (canShowBars()) showBars(); } private void toggleBars() { if (mShowBars) { hideBars(); } else { if (canShowBars()) showBars(); } } private void updateBars() { if (!canShowBars()) { hideBars(); } } @Override public void onOrientationCompensationChanged() { mActivity.getGLRoot().requestLayoutContentPane(); } @Override protected void onBackPressed() { if (mShowDetails) { hideDetails(); } else if (mAppBridge == null || !switchWithCaptureAnimation(-1)) { // We are leaving this page. Set the result now. setResult(); if (mStartInFilmstrip && !mPhotoView.getFilmMode()) { mPhotoView.setFilmMode(true); } else if (mTreatBackAsUp) { onUpPressed(); } else { super.onBackPressed(); } } } private void onUpPressed() { if ((mStartInFilmstrip || mAppBridge != null) && !mPhotoView.getFilmMode()) { mPhotoView.setFilmMode(true); return; } if (mActivity.getStateManager().getStateCount() > 1) { setResult(); super.onBackPressed(); return; } if (mOriginalSetPathString == null) return; if (mAppBridge == null) { // We're in view mode so set up the stacks on our own. Bundle data = new Bundle(getData()); data.putString(AlbumPage.KEY_MEDIA_PATH, mOriginalSetPathString); data.putString(AlbumPage.KEY_PARENT_MEDIA_PATH, mActivity.getDataManager().getTopSetPath( DataManager.INCLUDE_ALL)); mActivity.getStateManager().switchState(this, AlbumPage.class, data); } else { GalleryUtils.startGalleryActivity(mActivity); } } private void setResult() { Intent result = null; result = new Intent(); result.putExtra(KEY_RETURN_INDEX_HINT, mCurrentIndex); setStateResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, result); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AppBridge.Server interface ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public void setCameraRelativeFrame(Rect frame) { mPhotoView.setCameraRelativeFrame(frame); } @Override public boolean switchWithCaptureAnimation(int offset) { return mPhotoView.switchWithCaptureAnimation(offset); } @Override public void setSwipingEnabled(boolean enabled) { mPhotoView.setSwipingEnabled(enabled); } @Override public void notifyScreenNailChanged() { mScreenNailItem.setScreenNail(mAppBridge.attachScreenNail()); mScreenNailSet.notifyChange(); } @Override public void addSecureAlbumItem(boolean isVideo, int id) { mSecureAlbum.addMediaItem(isVideo, id); } @Override protected boolean onCreateActionBar(Menu menu) { mActionBar.createActionBarMenu(R.menu.photo, menu); mHaveImageEditor = GalleryUtils.isEditorAvailable(mActivity, "image/*"); updateMenuOperations(); mActionBar.setTitle(mMediaSet != null ? mMediaSet.getName() : ""); return true; } private MenuExecutor.ProgressListener mConfirmDialogListener = new MenuExecutor.ProgressListener() { @Override public void onProgressUpdate(int index) {} @Override public void onProgressComplete(int result) {} @Override public void onConfirmDialogShown() { mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_HIDE_BARS); } @Override public void onConfirmDialogDismissed(boolean confirmed) { refreshHidingMessage(); } @Override public void onProgressStart() {} }; private void switchToGrid() { if (mStartedFromAlbumPage) { onUpPressed(); } else { if (mOriginalSetPathString == null) return; preparePhotoFallbackView(); Bundle data = new Bundle(getData()); data.putString(AlbumPage.KEY_MEDIA_PATH, mOriginalSetPathString); data.putString(AlbumPage.KEY_PARENT_MEDIA_PATH, mActivity.getDataManager().getTopSetPath( DataManager.INCLUDE_ALL)); // We only show cluster menu in the first AlbumPage in stack // TODO: Enable this when running from the camera app boolean inAlbum = mActivity.getStateManager().hasStateClass(AlbumPage.class); data.putBoolean(AlbumPage.KEY_SHOW_CLUSTER_MENU, !inAlbum && mAppBridge == null); data.putBoolean(PhotoPage.KEY_APP_BRIDGE, mAppBridge != null); // Account for live preview being first item mActivity.getTransitionStore().put(KEY_RETURN_INDEX_HINT, mAppBridge != null ? mCurrentIndex - 1 : mCurrentIndex); mActivity.getStateManager().startState(AlbumPage.class, data); } } @Override protected boolean onItemSelected(MenuItem item) { if (mModel == null) return true; refreshHidingMessage(); MediaItem current = mModel.getMediaItem(0); if (current == null) { // item is not ready, ignore return true; } int currentIndex = mModel.getCurrentIndex(); Path path = current.getPath(); DataManager manager = mActivity.getDataManager(); int action = item.getItemId(); String confirmMsg = null; switch (action) { case android.R.id.home: { onUpPressed(); return true; } case R.id.action_slideshow: { Bundle data = new Bundle(); data.putString(SlideshowPage.KEY_SET_PATH, mMediaSet.getPath().toString()); data.putString(SlideshowPage.KEY_ITEM_PATH, path.toString()); data.putInt(SlideshowPage.KEY_PHOTO_INDEX, currentIndex); data.putBoolean(SlideshowPage.KEY_REPEAT, true); mActivity.getStateManager().startStateForResult( SlideshowPage.class, REQUEST_SLIDESHOW, data); return true; } case R.id.action_crop: { Activity activity = mActivity; Intent intent = new Intent(CropImage.CROP_ACTION); intent.setClass(activity, CropImage.class); intent.setData(manager.getContentUri(path)); activity.startActivityForResult(intent, PicasaSource.isPicasaImage(current) ? REQUEST_CROP_PICASA : REQUEST_CROP); return true; } case R.id.action_trim: { Intent intent = new Intent(mActivity, TrimVideo.class); intent.setData(manager.getContentUri(path)); // We need the file path to wrap this into a RandomAccessFile. intent.putExtra(KEY_MEDIA_ITEM_PATH, current.getFilePath()); mActivity.startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_TRIM); return true; } case R.id.action_edit: { launchPhotoEditor(); return true; } case R.id.action_details: { if (mShowDetails) { hideDetails(); } else { showDetails(); } return true; } case R.id.action_delete: confirmMsg = mActivity.getResources().getQuantityString( R.plurals.delete_selection, 1); case R.id.action_setas: case R.id.action_rotate_ccw: case R.id.action_rotate_cw: case R.id.action_show_on_map: mSelectionManager.deSelectAll(); mSelectionManager.toggle(path); mMenuExecutor.onMenuClicked(item, confirmMsg, mConfirmDialogListener); return true; case R.id.action_import: mSelectionManager.deSelectAll(); mSelectionManager.toggle(path); mMenuExecutor.onMenuClicked(item, confirmMsg, new ImportCompleteListener(mActivity)); return true; case R.id.action_share: Activity activity = mActivity; Intent intent = createShareIntent(mCurrentPhoto.getPath()); activity.startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, activity.getString(R.string.share))); return true; default : return false; } } private void hideDetails() { mShowDetails = false; mDetailsHelper.hide(); } private void showDetails() { mShowDetails = true; if (mDetailsHelper == null) { mDetailsHelper = new DetailsHelper(mActivity, mRootPane, new MyDetailsSource()); mDetailsHelper.setCloseListener(new CloseListener() { @Override public void onClose() { hideDetails(); } }); } mDetailsHelper.show(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Callbacks from PhotoView //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public void onSingleTapUp(int x, int y) { if (mAppBridge != null) { if (mAppBridge.onSingleTapUp(x, y)) return; } MediaItem item = mModel.getMediaItem(0); if (item == null || item == mScreenNailItem) { // item is not ready or it is camera preview, ignore return; } int supported = item.getSupportedOperations(); boolean playVideo = (mSecureAlbum == null) && ((supported & MediaItem.SUPPORT_PLAY) != 0); boolean unlock = ((supported & MediaItem.SUPPORT_UNLOCK) != 0); boolean goBack = ((supported & MediaItem.SUPPORT_BACK) != 0); boolean launchCamera = ((supported & MediaItem.SUPPORT_CAMERA_SHORTCUT) != 0); if (playVideo) { // determine if the point is at center (1/6) of the photo view. // (The position of the "play" icon is at center (1/6) of the photo) int w = mPhotoView.getWidth(); int h = mPhotoView.getHeight(); playVideo = (Math.abs(x - w / 2) * 12 <= w) && (Math.abs(y - h / 2) * 12 <= h); } if (playVideo) { playVideo(mActivity, item.getPlayUri(), item.getName()); } else if (goBack) { onBackPressed(); } else if (unlock) { mActivity.getStateManager().finishState(this); } else if (launchCamera) { GalleryUtils.startCameraActivity(mActivity); } else { toggleBars(); } } @Override public void lockOrientation() { mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_LOCK_ORIENTATION); } @Override public void unlockOrientation() { mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_UNLOCK_ORIENTATION); } @Override public void onActionBarAllowed(boolean allowed) { mActionBarAllowed = allowed; mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_UPDATE_ACTION_BAR); } @Override public void onActionBarWanted() { mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_WANT_BARS); } @Override public void onFullScreenChanged(boolean full) { Message m = mHandler.obtainMessage( MSG_ON_FULL_SCREEN_CHANGED, full ? 1 : 0, 0); m.sendToTarget(); } // How we do delete/undo: // // When the user choose to delete a media item, we just tell the // FilterDeleteSet to hide that item. If the user choose to undo it, we // again tell FilterDeleteSet not to hide it. If the user choose to commit // the deletion, we then actually delete the media item. @Override public void onDeleteImage(Path path, int offset) { onCommitDeleteImage(); // commit the previous deletion mDeletePath = path; mDeleteIsFocus = (offset == 0); mMediaSet.addDeletion(path, mCurrentIndex + offset); } @Override public void onUndoDeleteImage() { if (mDeletePath == null) return; // If the deletion was done on the focused item, we want the model to // focus on it when it is undeleted. if (mDeleteIsFocus) mModel.setFocusHintPath(mDeletePath); mMediaSet.removeDeletion(mDeletePath); mDeletePath = null; } @Override public void onCommitDeleteImage() { if (mDeletePath == null) return; mSelectionManager.deSelectAll(); mSelectionManager.toggle(mDeletePath); mMenuExecutor.onMenuClicked(R.id.action_delete, null, true, false); mDeletePath = null; } public static void playVideo(Activity activity, Uri uri, String title) { try { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW) .setDataAndType(uri, "video/*") .putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TITLE, title) .putExtra(MovieActivity.KEY_TREAT_UP_AS_BACK, true); activity.startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_PLAY_VIDEO); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) { Toast.makeText(activity, activity.getString(R.string.video_err), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } private void setCurrentPhotoByIntent(Intent intent) { if (intent == null) return; Path path = mApplication.getDataManager() .findPathByUri(intent.getData(), intent.getType()); if (path != null) { mModel.setCurrentPhoto(path, mCurrentIndex); } } @Override protected void onStateResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { mHasActivityResult = true; switch (requestCode) { case REQUEST_EDIT: setCurrentPhotoByIntent(data); break; case REQUEST_CROP: if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { setCurrentPhotoByIntent(data); } break; case REQUEST_CROP_PICASA: { if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { Context context = mActivity.getAndroidContext(); String message = context.getString(R.string.crop_saved, context.getString(R.string.folder_download)); Toast.makeText(context, message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } break; } case REQUEST_SLIDESHOW: { if (data == null) break; String path = data.getStringExtra(SlideshowPage.KEY_ITEM_PATH); int index = data.getIntExtra(SlideshowPage.KEY_PHOTO_INDEX, 0); if (path != null) { mModel.setCurrentPhoto(Path.fromString(path), index); } } } } @Override protected void clearStateResult() { mHasActivityResult = false; } private class PreparePhotoFallback implements OnGLIdleListener { private PhotoFallbackEffect mPhotoFallback = new PhotoFallbackEffect(); private boolean mResultReady = false; public synchronized PhotoFallbackEffect get() { while (!mResultReady) { Utils.waitWithoutInterrupt(this); } return mPhotoFallback; } @Override public boolean onGLIdle(GLCanvas canvas, boolean renderRequested) { mPhotoFallback = mPhotoView.buildFallbackEffect(mRootPane, canvas); synchronized (this) { mResultReady = true; notifyAll(); } return false; } } private void preparePhotoFallbackView() { GLRoot root = mActivity.getGLRoot(); PreparePhotoFallback task = new PreparePhotoFallback(); root.unlockRenderThread(); PhotoFallbackEffect anim; try { root.addOnGLIdleListener(task); anim = task.get(); } finally { root.lockRenderThread(); } mActivity.getTransitionStore().put( AlbumPage.KEY_RESUME_ANIMATION, anim); } @Override public void onPause() { super.onPause(); mIsActive = false; mActivity.getGLRoot().unfreeze(); mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_UNFREEZE_GLROOT); DetailsHelper.pause(); if (mModel != null) { if (isFinishing()) preparePhotoFallbackView(); mModel.pause(); } mPhotoView.pause(); mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_HIDE_BARS); mActionBar.removeOnMenuVisibilityListener(mMenuVisibilityListener); if (mSecureAlbum == null) { mActionBar.disableAlbumModeMenu(true); } onCommitDeleteImage(); mMenuExecutor.pause(); if (mMediaSet != null) mMediaSet.clearDeletion(); } @Override public void onCurrentImageUpdated() { mActivity.getGLRoot().unfreeze(); } public void onFilmModeChanged(boolean enabled) { mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_REFRESH_BOTTOM_CONTROLS); if (enabled) { mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_HIDE_BARS); } else { refreshHidingMessage(); } } private void transitionFromAlbumPageIfNeeded() { TransitionStore transitions = mActivity.getTransitionStore(); int albumPageTransition = transitions.get( KEY_ALBUMPAGE_TRANSITION, MSG_ALBUMPAGE_NONE); if (albumPageTransition == MSG_ALBUMPAGE_NONE && mAppBridge != null) { // Generally, resuming the PhotoPage when in Camera should // reset to the capture mode to allow quick photo taking mCurrentIndex = 0; mPhotoView.resetToFirstPicture(); } else { int resumeIndex = transitions.get(KEY_INDEX_HINT, -1); if (resumeIndex >= 0) { if (mAppBridge != null) { // Account for live preview being the first item resumeIndex++; } if (resumeIndex < mMediaSet.getMediaItemCount()) { mCurrentIndex = resumeIndex; mModel.moveTo(mCurrentIndex); } } } if (albumPageTransition == MSG_ALBUMPAGE_RESUMED) { mPhotoView.setFilmMode(mStartInFilmstrip || mAppBridge != null); } else if (albumPageTransition == MSG_ALBUMPAGE_PICKED) { mPhotoView.setFilmMode(false); } mFadeOutTexture = transitions.get(PreparePageFadeoutTexture.KEY_FADE_TEXTURE); if (mFadeOutTexture != null) { mBackgroundFade.start(); BitmapScreenNail.disableDrawPlaceholder(); mOpenAnimationRect = albumPageTransition == MSG_ALBUMPAGE_NONE ? (Rect) mData.getParcelable(KEY_OPEN_ANIMATION_RECT) : (Rect) transitions.get(KEY_OPEN_ANIMATION_RECT); mPhotoView.setOpenAnimationRect(mOpenAnimationRect); mBackgroundFade.start(); } } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); if (mModel == null) { mActivity.getStateManager().finishState(this); return; } transitionFromAlbumPageIfNeeded(); mActivity.getGLRoot().freeze(); mIsActive = true; setContentPane(mRootPane); mModel.resume(); mPhotoView.resume(); mActionBar.setDisplayOptions( ((mSecureAlbum == null) && (mSetPathString != null)), false); mActionBar.addOnMenuVisibilityListener(mMenuVisibilityListener); if (mSecureAlbum == null) { mActionBar.enableAlbumModeMenu( GalleryActionBar.ALBUM_FILMSTRIP_MODE_SELECTED, this); } if (!mShowBars) { mActionBar.hide(); mActivity.getGLRoot().setLightsOutMode(true); } boolean haveImageEditor = GalleryUtils.isEditorAvailable(mActivity, "image/*"); if (haveImageEditor != mHaveImageEditor) { mHaveImageEditor = haveImageEditor; updateMenuOperations(); } mHasActivityResult = false; mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(MSG_UNFREEZE_GLROOT, UNFREEZE_GLROOT_TIMEOUT); } @Override protected void onDestroy() { if (mAppBridge != null) { mAppBridge.setServer(null); mScreenNailItem.setScreenNail(null); mAppBridge.detachScreenNail(); mAppBridge = null; mScreenNailSet = null; mScreenNailItem = null; } mOrientationManager.removeListener(this); mActivity.getGLRoot().setOrientationSource(null); if (mBottomControls != null) mBottomControls.cleanup(); // Remove all pending messages. mHandler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null); super.onDestroy(); } private class MyDetailsSource implements DetailsSource { @Override public MediaDetails getDetails() { return mModel.getMediaItem(0).getDetails(); } @Override public int size() { return mMediaSet != null ? mMediaSet.getMediaItemCount() : 1; } @Override public int setIndex() { return mModel.getCurrentIndex(); } } @Override public void onAlbumModeSelected(int mode) { if (mode == GalleryActionBar.ALBUM_GRID_MODE_SELECTED) { switchToGrid(); } } }