/* * Copyright (c) 2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package com.android.camera.util; import android.hardware.camera2.CameraAccessException; import android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice; import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureRequest; import android.util.Log; public class VendorTagUtil { private static final String TAG = "VendorTagUtil"; private static CaptureRequest.Key CdsModeKey = new CaptureRequest.Key<>("org.codeaurora.qcamera3.CDS.cds_mode", Integer.class); private static CaptureRequest.Key JpegCropEnableKey = new CaptureRequest.Key<>("org.codeaurora.qcamera3.jpeg_encode_crop.enable", Byte.class); private static CaptureRequest.Key JpegCropRectKey = new CaptureRequest.Key<>("org.codeaurora.qcamera3.jpeg_encode_crop.rect", int[].class); private static CaptureRequest.Key JpegRoiRectKey = new CaptureRequest.Key<>("org.codeaurora.qcamera3.jpeg_encode_crop.roi", int[].class); private static CaptureRequest.Key SELECT_PRIORITY = new CaptureRequest.Key<>("org.codeaurora.qcamera3.iso_exp_priority.select_priority", Integer.class); private static CaptureRequest.Key ISO_EXP = new CaptureRequest.Key<>("org.codeaurora.qcamera3.iso_exp_priority.use_iso_exp_priority", Long.class); private static CaptureRequest.Key USE_ISO_VALUE = new CaptureRequest.Key<>("org.codeaurora.qcamera3.iso_exp_priority.use_iso_value", Integer.class); private static CaptureRequest.Key WB_COLOR_TEMPERATURE = new CaptureRequest.Key<>("org.codeaurora.qcamera3.manualWB.color_temperature", Integer.class); private static CaptureRequest.Key MANUAL_WB_GAINS = new CaptureRequest.Key<>("org.codeaurora.qcamera3.manualWB.gains", float[].class); private static CaptureRequest.Key PARTIAL_MANUAL_WB_MODE = new CaptureRequest.Key<>("org.codeaurora.qcamera3.manualWB.partial_mwb_mode", Integer.class); private static CaptureRequest.Key HDRVideoMode = new CaptureRequest.Key<>("org.quic.camera2.streamconfigs.HDRVideoMode", Byte.class); private static final int MANUAL_WB_DISABLE_MODE = 0; private static final int MANUAL_WB_CCT_MODE = 1; private static final int MANUAL_WB_GAINS_MODE = 2; public static boolean isSupported(CaptureRequest.Builder builder, CaptureRequest.Key key) { boolean supported = true; try { builder.get(key); }catch(IllegalArgumentException exception){ supported = false; Log.d(TAG, "vendor tag " + key.getName() + " is not supported"); exception.printStackTrace(); } if ( supported ) { Log.d(TAG, "vendor tag " + key.getName() + " is supported"); } return supported; } // value=0:OFF // value=1:ON // value=2:AUTO public static void setCdsMode(CaptureRequest.Builder builder, Integer value) { if ( isCdsModeSupported(builder) ) { builder.set(CdsModeKey, value); } } private static boolean isCdsModeSupported(CaptureRequest.Builder builder) { return isSupported(builder, CdsModeKey); } public static void setJpegCropEnable(CaptureRequest.Builder builder, Byte value) { if ( isJpegCropEnableSupported(builder) ) { builder.set(JpegCropEnableKey, value); } } private static boolean isJpegCropEnableSupported(CaptureRequest.Builder builder) { return isSupported(builder, JpegCropEnableKey); } public static void setJpegCropRect(CaptureRequest.Builder builder, int[] value) { if ( isJpegCropRectSupported(builder) ) { builder.set(JpegCropRectKey, value); } } private static boolean isJpegCropRectSupported(CaptureRequest.Builder builder) { return isSupported(builder, JpegCropRectKey); } public static void setJpegRoiRect(CaptureRequest.Builder builder, int[] value) { if ( isJpegRoiRectSupported(builder) ) { builder.set(JpegRoiRectKey, value); } } private static boolean isJpegRoiRectSupported(CaptureRequest.Builder builder) { return isSupported(builder, JpegRoiRectKey); } public static void setIsoExpPrioritySelectPriority(CaptureRequest.Builder builder, Integer value) { if ( isIsoExpPrioritySelectPrioritySupported(builder) ) { builder.set(SELECT_PRIORITY, value); } } private static boolean isIsoExpPrioritySelectPrioritySupported(CaptureRequest.Builder builder) { return isSupported(builder, SELECT_PRIORITY); } public static void setIsoExpPriority(CaptureRequest.Builder builder,Long value) { if ( isIsoExpPrioritySupported(builder) ) { builder.set(ISO_EXP, value); } } public static void setUseIsoValues(CaptureRequest.Builder builder,int value) { if ( isUseIsoValueSupported(builder) ) { builder.set(USE_ISO_VALUE, value); } } private static boolean isIsoExpPrioritySupported(CaptureRequest.Builder builder) { return isSupported(builder, ISO_EXP); } private static boolean isUseIsoValueSupported(CaptureRequest.Builder builder) { return isSupported(builder, USE_ISO_VALUE); } private static boolean isPartialWBModeSupported(CaptureRequest.Builder builder) { return isSupported(builder, PARTIAL_MANUAL_WB_MODE); } private static boolean isWBTemperatureSupported(CaptureRequest.Builder builder) { return isSupported(builder, WB_COLOR_TEMPERATURE); } private static boolean isMWBGainsSupported(CaptureRequest.Builder builder) { return isSupported(builder, MANUAL_WB_GAINS); } public static void setWbColorTemperatureValue(CaptureRequest.Builder builder, Integer value) { if (isPartialWBModeSupported(builder)) { builder.set(PARTIAL_MANUAL_WB_MODE, MANUAL_WB_CCT_MODE); if (isWBTemperatureSupported(builder)) { builder.set(WB_COLOR_TEMPERATURE, value); } } } public static void setMWBGainsValue(CaptureRequest.Builder builder, float[] gains) { if (isPartialWBModeSupported(builder)) { builder.set(PARTIAL_MANUAL_WB_MODE, MANUAL_WB_GAINS_MODE); if (isMWBGainsSupported(builder)) { builder.set(MANUAL_WB_GAINS, gains); } } } public static void setMWBDisableMode(CaptureRequest.Builder builder) { if (isPartialWBModeSupported(builder)) { builder.set(PARTIAL_MANUAL_WB_MODE, MANUAL_WB_DISABLE_MODE); } } public static void setHDRVideoMode(CaptureRequest.Builder builder, byte mode) { if ( isHDRVideoModeSupported(builder) ) { builder.set(HDRVideoMode, mode); } } public static boolean isHDRVideoModeSupported(CaptureRequest.Builder builder) { return isSupported(builder, HDRVideoMode); } public static boolean isHDRVideoModeSupported(CameraDevice camera) { try { CaptureRequest.Builder builder = camera.createCaptureRequest(CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_RECORD); return isHDRVideoModeSupported(builder); }catch(CameraAccessException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); return false; } } }