/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package com.android.camera.ui; import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.Matrix; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.hardware.camera2.params.Face; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import com.android.camera.ExtendedFace; import com.android.camera.util.CameraUtil; public class Camera2FaceView extends FaceView { private final int smile_threashold_no_smile = 30; private final int smile_threashold_small_smile = 60; private final int blink_threshold = 60; private Face[] mFaces; private ExtendedFace[] mExFaces; private Face[] mPendingFaces; private ExtendedFace[] mPendingExFaces; private Rect mCameraBound; private Rect mOriginalCameraBound; private float mZoom = 1.0f; private Handler mHandler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case MSG_SWITCH_FACES: mStateSwitchPending = false; mFaces = mPendingFaces; mExFaces = mPendingExFaces; invalidate(); break; } } }; public Camera2FaceView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); } public void setCameraBound(Rect cameraBound) { mCameraBound = cameraBound; } public void setOriginalCameraBound(Rect originalCameraBound) { mOriginalCameraBound = originalCameraBound; } public void setZoom(float zoom) { mZoom = zoom; } public void setFaces(Face[] faces, ExtendedFace[] extendedFaces) { if (LOGV) Log.v(TAG, "Num of faces=" + faces.length); if (mPause) return; if (mFaces != null) { if ((faces.length > 0 && mFaces.length == 0) || (faces.length == 0 && mFaces.length > 0)) { mPendingFaces = faces; mPendingExFaces = extendedFaces; if (!mStateSwitchPending) { mStateSwitchPending = true; mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(MSG_SWITCH_FACES, SWITCH_DELAY); } return; } } if (mStateSwitchPending) { mStateSwitchPending = false; mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_SWITCH_FACES); } mFaces = faces; mExFaces = extendedFaces; if (!mBlocked && (mFaces != null) && (mFaces.length > 0) && mCameraBound != null) { invalidate(); } } private boolean isFDRectOutOfBound(Rect faceRect) { return mCameraBound.left > faceRect.left || mCameraBound.top > faceRect.top || faceRect.right > mCameraBound.right || faceRect.bottom > mCameraBound.bottom; } @Override public boolean faceExists() { return (mFaces != null && mFaces.length > 0); } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { if (!mBlocked && (mFaces != null) && (mFaces.length > 0) && mCameraBound != null) { int rw, rh; rw = mUncroppedWidth; rh = mUncroppedHeight; if (((rh > rw) && ((mDisplayOrientation == 0) || (mDisplayOrientation == 180))) || ((rw > rh) && ((mDisplayOrientation == 90) || (mDisplayOrientation == 270)))) { int temp = rw; rw = rh; rh = temp; } if (rw * mCameraBound.width() != mCameraBound.height() * rh) { if (rw == rh || (rh * 288 == rw * 352) || (rh * 480 == rw * 800)) { rh = rw * mCameraBound.width() / mCameraBound.height(); } else { rw = rh * mCameraBound.height() / mCameraBound.width(); } } CameraUtil.prepareMatrix(mMatrix, mMirror, mDisplayOrientation, rw, rh); // mMatrix assumes that the face coordinates are from -1000 to 1000. // so translate the face coordination to match the assumption. Matrix translateMatrix = new Matrix(); translateMatrix.preTranslate(-mCameraBound.width() / 2f, -mCameraBound.height() / 2f); translateMatrix.postScale(2000f / mCameraBound.width(), 2000f / mCameraBound.height()); Matrix bsgcTranslateMatrix = new Matrix(); bsgcTranslateMatrix.preTranslate(-mCameraBound.width() / 2f * mZoom, -mCameraBound.height() / 2f * mZoom); bsgcTranslateMatrix.postScale(2000f / mCameraBound.width(), 2000f / mCameraBound.height()); int dx = (getWidth() - mUncroppedWidth) / 2; dx -= (rw - mUncroppedWidth) / 2; int dy = (getHeight() - mUncroppedHeight) / 2; dy -= (rh - mUncroppedHeight) / 2; // Focus indicator is directional. Rotate the matrix and the canvas // so it looks correctly in all orientations. canvas.save(); mMatrix.postRotate(mOrientation); // postRotate is clockwise canvas.rotate(-mOrientation); // rotate is counter-clockwise (for canvas) int extendFaceSize = 0; extendFaceSize = mExFaces == null? 0 : mExFaces.length; for (int i = 0; i < mFaces.length; i++) { if (mFaces[i].getScore() < 50) continue; Rect faceBound = mFaces[i].getBounds(); faceBound.offset(-mOriginalCameraBound.left, -mOriginalCameraBound.top); if (isFDRectOutOfBound(faceBound)) continue; mRect.set(faceBound); if (mZoom != 1.0f) { mRect.left = mRect.left - mCameraBound.left; mRect.right = mRect.right - mCameraBound.left; mRect.top = mRect.top - mCameraBound.top; mRect.bottom = mRect.bottom - mCameraBound.top; } translateMatrix.mapRect(mRect); if (LOGV) CameraUtil.dumpRect(mRect, "Original rect"); mMatrix.mapRect(mRect); if (LOGV) CameraUtil.dumpRect(mRect, "Transformed rect"); mPaint.setColor(mColor); mRect.offset(dx, dy); canvas.drawRect(mRect, mPaint); if (i < extendFaceSize && mExFaces[i] != null) { ExtendedFace exFace = mExFaces[i]; Face face = mFaces[i]; float[] point = new float[4]; int delta_x = faceBound.width() / 12; int delta_y = faceBound.height() / 12; delta_x = (int)(delta_x * mZoom); delta_y = (int)(delta_y * mZoom); Log.e(TAG, "blink: (" + exFace.getLeyeBlink()+ ", " + exFace.getReyeBlink() + ")"); if (face.getLeftEyePosition() != null) { if ((mDisplayRotation == 0) || (mDisplayRotation == 180)) { point[0] = face.getLeftEyePosition().x; point[1] = face.getLeftEyePosition().y - delta_y / 2; point[2] = face.getLeftEyePosition().x; point[3] = face.getLeftEyePosition().y + delta_y / 2; } else { point[0] = face.getLeftEyePosition().x - delta_x / 2; point[1] = face.getLeftEyePosition().y; point[2] = face.getLeftEyePosition().x + delta_x / 2; point[3] = face.getLeftEyePosition().y; } bsgcTranslateMatrix.mapPoints(point); mMatrix.mapPoints (point); if (exFace.getLeyeBlink() >= blink_threshold) { canvas.drawLine(point[0]+ dx, point[1]+ dy, point[2]+ dx, point[3]+ dy, mPaint); } } if (face.getRightEyePosition() != null) { if ((mDisplayRotation == 0) || (mDisplayRotation == 180)) { point[0] = face.getRightEyePosition().x; point[1] = face.getRightEyePosition().y - delta_y / 2; point[2] = face.getRightEyePosition().x; point[3] = face.getRightEyePosition().y + delta_y / 2; } else { point[0] = face.getRightEyePosition().x - delta_x / 2; point[1] = face.getRightEyePosition().y; point[2] = face.getRightEyePosition().x + delta_x / 2; point[3] = face.getRightEyePosition().y; } bsgcTranslateMatrix.mapPoints(point); mMatrix.mapPoints (point); if (exFace.getReyeBlink() >= blink_threshold) { //Add offset to the points if the rect has an offset canvas.drawLine(point[0] + dx, point[1] + dy, point[2] +dx, point[3] +dy, mPaint); } } if (exFace.getLeftrightGaze() != 0 || exFace.getTopbottomGaze() != 0 ) { double length = Math.sqrt((face.getLeftEyePosition().x - face.getRightEyePosition().x) * (face.getLeftEyePosition().x - face.getRightEyePosition().x) + (face.getLeftEyePosition().y - face.getRightEyePosition().y) * (face.getLeftEyePosition().y - face.getRightEyePosition().y)) / 2.0; double nGazeYaw = -exFace.getLeftrightGaze(); double nGazePitch = -exFace.getTopbottomGaze(); float gazeRollX = (float)((-Math.sin(nGazeYaw/180.0*Math.PI) * Math.cos(-exFace.getRollDirection()/ 180.0*Math.PI) + Math.sin(nGazePitch/180.0*Math.PI) * Math.cos(nGazeYaw/180.0*Math.PI) * Math.sin(-exFace.getRollDirection()/ 180.0*Math.PI)) * (-length) + 0.5); float gazeRollY = (float)((Math.sin(-nGazeYaw/180.0*Math.PI) * Math.sin(-exFace.getRollDirection()/ 180.0*Math.PI)- Math.sin(nGazePitch/180.0*Math.PI) * Math.cos(nGazeYaw/180.0*Math.PI) * Math.cos(-exFace.getRollDirection()/ 180.0*Math.PI)) * (-length) + 0.5); if (exFace.getLeyeBlink() < blink_threshold) { if ((mDisplayRotation == 90) || (mDisplayRotation == 270)) { point[0] = face.getLeftEyePosition().x; point[1] = face.getLeftEyePosition().y; point[2] = face.getLeftEyePosition().x + gazeRollX; point[3] = face.getLeftEyePosition().y + gazeRollY; } else { point[0] = face.getLeftEyePosition().x; point[1] = face.getLeftEyePosition().y; point[2] = face.getLeftEyePosition().x + gazeRollY; point[3] = face.getLeftEyePosition().y + gazeRollX; } bsgcTranslateMatrix.mapPoints(point); mMatrix.mapPoints (point); canvas.drawLine(point[0] +dx, point[1] + dy, point[2] + dx, point[3] +dy, mPaint); } if (exFace.getReyeBlink() < blink_threshold) { if ((mDisplayRotation == 90) || (mDisplayRotation == 270)) { point[0] = face.getRightEyePosition().x; point[1] = face.getRightEyePosition().y; point[2] = face.getRightEyePosition().x + gazeRollX; point[3] = face.getRightEyePosition().y + gazeRollY; } else { point[0] = face.getRightEyePosition().x; point[1] = face.getRightEyePosition().y; point[2] = face.getRightEyePosition().x + gazeRollY; point[3] = face.getRightEyePosition().y + gazeRollX; } bsgcTranslateMatrix.mapPoints(point); mMatrix.mapPoints (point); canvas.drawLine(point[0] + dx, point[1] + dy, point[2] + dx, point[3] + dy, mPaint); } } if (face.getMouthPosition() != null) { Log.e(TAG, "smile: " + exFace.getSmileDegree() + "," + exFace.getSmileConfidence()); if (exFace.getSmileDegree() < smile_threashold_no_smile) { point[0] = face.getMouthPosition().x + dx - delta_x; point[1] = face.getMouthPosition().y; point[2] = face.getMouthPosition().x + dx + delta_x; point[3] = face.getMouthPosition().y; Matrix faceMatrix = new Matrix(); faceMatrix.preRotate(exFace.getRollDirection(), face.getMouthPosition().x, face.getMouthPosition().y); faceMatrix.mapPoints(point); bsgcTranslateMatrix.mapPoints(point); mMatrix.mapPoints(point); canvas.drawLine(point[0] + dx, point[1] + dy, point[2] + dx, point[3] + dy, mPaint); } else if (exFace.getSmileDegree() < smile_threashold_small_smile) { int rotation_mouth = 360 - mDisplayRotation; mRect.set(face.getMouthPosition().x-delta_x, face.getMouthPosition().y-delta_y, face.getMouthPosition().x+delta_x, face.getMouthPosition().y+delta_y); bsgcTranslateMatrix.mapRect(mRect); mMatrix.mapRect(mRect); mRect.offset(dx, dy); canvas.drawArc(mRect, rotation_mouth, 180, true, mPaint); } else { mRect.set(face.getMouthPosition().x-delta_x, face.getMouthPosition().y-delta_y, face.getMouthPosition().x+delta_x, face.getMouthPosition().y+delta_y); bsgcTranslateMatrix.mapRect(mRect); mMatrix.mapRect(mRect); mRect.offset(dx, dy); canvas.drawOval(mRect, mPaint); } } } } canvas.restore(); } super.onDraw(canvas); } @Override public void clear() { // Face indicator is displayed during preview. Do not clear the // drawable. mFaces = null; mExFaces = null; invalidate(); } }