/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package com.android.camera; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.graphics.ImageFormat; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.hardware.camera2.CameraAccessException; import android.hardware.camera2.CameraCharacteristics; import android.hardware.camera2.CameraManager; import android.hardware.camera2.CameraMetadata; import android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap; import android.media.MediaRecorder; import android.media.CamcorderProfile; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Range; import android.util.Rational; import android.util.Size; import android.media.EncoderCapabilities; import android.media.EncoderCapabilities.VideoEncoderCap; import com.android.camera.imageprocessor.filter.BeautificationFilter; import com.android.camera.imageprocessor.filter.BestpictureFilter; import com.android.camera.imageprocessor.filter.BlurbusterFilter; import com.android.camera.imageprocessor.filter.ChromaflashFilter; import com.android.camera.imageprocessor.filter.OptizoomFilter; import com.android.camera.imageprocessor.filter.SharpshooterFilter; import com.android.camera.imageprocessor.filter.StillmoreFilter; import com.android.camera.imageprocessor.filter.TrackingFocusFrameListener; import com.android.camera.imageprocessor.filter.UbifocusFilter; import com.android.camera.ui.ListMenu; import com.android.camera.ui.PanoCaptureProcessView; import com.android.camera.ui.TrackingFocusRenderer; import com.android.camera.util.SettingTranslation; import com.android.camera.app.CameraApp; import org.codeaurora.snapcam.R; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.lang.StringBuilder; public class SettingsManager implements ListMenu.SettingsListener { public static final int RESOURCE_TYPE_THUMBNAIL = 0; public static final int RESOURCE_TYPE_LARGEICON = 1; public static final int SCENE_MODE_AUTO_INT = 0; public static final int SCENE_MODE_NIGHT_INT = 5; // Custom-Scenemodes start from 100 public static final int SCENE_MODE_CUSTOM_START = 100; public static final int SCENE_MODE_DUAL_INT = SCENE_MODE_CUSTOM_START; public static final int SCENE_MODE_OPTIZOOM_INT = SCENE_MODE_CUSTOM_START + 1; public static final int SCENE_MODE_UBIFOCUS_INT = SCENE_MODE_CUSTOM_START + 2; public static final int SCENE_MODE_BESTPICTURE_INT = SCENE_MODE_CUSTOM_START + 3; public static final int SCENE_MODE_PANORAMA_INT = SCENE_MODE_CUSTOM_START + 4; public static final int SCENE_MODE_CHROMAFLASH_INT = SCENE_MODE_CUSTOM_START + 5; public static final int SCENE_MODE_BLURBUSTER_INT = SCENE_MODE_CUSTOM_START + 6; public static final int SCENE_MODE_SHARPSHOOTER_INT = SCENE_MODE_CUSTOM_START + 7; public static final int SCENE_MODE_TRACKINGFOCUS_INT = SCENE_MODE_CUSTOM_START + 8; public static final int SCENE_MODE_PROMODE_INT = SCENE_MODE_CUSTOM_START + 9; public static final String SCENE_MODE_DUAL_STRING = "100"; public static final String KEY_CAMERA_SAVEPATH = "pref_camera2_savepath_key"; public static final String KEY_RECORD_LOCATION = "pref_camera2_recordlocation_key"; public static final String KEY_JPEG_QUALITY = "pref_camera2_jpegquality_key"; public static final String KEY_FOCUS_MODE = "pref_camera2_focusmode_key"; public static final String KEY_FLASH_MODE = "pref_camera2_flashmode_key"; public static final String KEY_WHITE_BALANCE = "pref_camera2_whitebalance_key"; public static final String KEY_MAKEUP = "pref_camera2_makeup_key"; public static final String KEY_MONO_ONLY = "pref_camera2_mono_only_key"; public static final String KEY_MONO_PREVIEW = "pref_camera2_mono_preview_key"; public static final String KEY_CLEARSIGHT = "pref_camera2_clearsight_key"; public static final String KEY_MPO = "pref_camera2_mpo_key"; public static final String KEY_FILTER_MODE = "pref_camera2_filter_mode_key"; public static final String KEY_COLOR_EFFECT = "pref_camera2_coloreffect_key"; public static final String KEY_SCENE_MODE = "pref_camera2_scenemode_key"; public static final String KEY_SCEND_MODE_INSTRUCTIONAL = "pref_camera2_scenemode_instructional"; public static final String KEY_REDEYE_REDUCTION = "pref_camera2_redeyereduction_key"; public static final String KEY_CAMERA_ID = "pref_camera2_id_key"; public static final String KEY_SWITCH_CAMERA = "pref_camera2_switch_camera_key"; public static final String KEY_PICTURE_SIZE = "pref_camera2_picturesize_key"; public static final String KEY_ISO = "pref_camera2_iso_key"; public static final String KEY_EXPOSURE = "pref_camera2_exposure_key"; public static final String KEY_TIMER = "pref_camera2_timer_key"; public static final String KEY_LONGSHOT = "pref_camera2_longshot_key"; public static final String KEY_SELFIEMIRROR = "pref_camera2_selfiemirror_key"; public static final String KEY_VIDEO_DURATION = "pref_camera2_video_duration_key"; public static final String KEY_VIDEO_QUALITY = "pref_camera2_video_quality_key"; public static final String KEY_VIDEO_ENCODER = "pref_camera2_videoencoder_key"; public static final String KEY_AUDIO_ENCODER = "pref_camera2_audioencoder_key"; public static final String KEY_DIS = "pref_camera2_dis_key"; public static final String KEY_NOISE_REDUCTION = "pref_camera2_noise_reduction_key"; public static final String KEY_VIDEO_FLASH_MODE = "pref_camera2_video_flashmode_key"; public static final String KEY_VIDEO_ROTATION = "pref_camera2_video_rotation_key"; public static final String KEY_VIDEO_TIME_LAPSE_FRAME_INTERVAL = "pref_camera2_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_key"; public static final String KEY_FACE_DETECTION = "pref_camera2_facedetection_key"; public static final String KEY_VIDEO_HIGH_FRAME_RATE = "pref_camera2_hfr_key"; public static final String KEY_SELFIE_FLASH = "pref_selfie_flash_key"; public static final String KEY_SHUTTER_SOUND = "pref_camera2_shutter_sound_key"; public static final String KEY_DEVELOPER_MENU = "pref_camera2_developer_menu_key"; public static final String KEY_RESTORE_DEFAULT = "pref_camera2_restore_default_key"; public static final String KEY_FOCUS_DISTANCE = "pref_camera2_focus_distance_key"; public static final String KEY_INSTANT_AEC = "pref_camera2_instant_aec_key"; public static final String KEY_SATURATION_LEVEL = "pref_camera2_saturation_level_key"; public static final String KEY_ANTI_BANDING_LEVEL = "pref_camera2_anti_banding_level_key"; public static final String KEY_HISTOGRAM = "pref_camera2_histogram_key"; public static final String KEY_AUTO_HDR = "pref_camera2_auto_hdr_key"; public static final String KEY_HDR = "pref_camera2_hdr_key"; public static final String KEY_SAVERAW = "pref_camera2_saveraw_key"; public static final String KEY_ZOOM = "pref_camera2_zoom_key"; public static final String KEY_SHARPNESS_CONTROL_MODE = "pref_camera2_sharpness_control_key"; public static final String KEY_AF_MODE = "pref_camera2_afmode_key"; public static final String KEY_EXPOSURE_METERING_MODE = "pref_camera2_exposure_metering_key"; public static final String KEY_MANUAL_EXPOSURE = "pref_camera2_manual_exp_key"; public static final String KEY_MANUAL_ISO_VALUE = "pref_camera2_manual_iso_key"; public static final String KEY_MANUAL_EXPOSURE_VALUE = "pref_camera2_manual_exposure_key"; public static final String KEY_QCFA = "pref_camera2_qcfa_key"; public static final String KEY_EIS_VALUE = "pref_camera2_eis_key"; public static final HashMap KEY_ISO_INDEX = new HashMap(); public static final String KEY_BSGC_DETECTION = "pref_camera2_bsgc_key"; public static final String KEY_ZSL = "pref_camera2_zsl_key"; public static final String KEY_VIDEO_ENCODER_PROFILE = "pref_camera2_videoencoderprofile_key"; public static final String MAUNAL_ABSOLUTE_ISO_VALUE = "absolute"; private static final String TAG = "SnapCam_SettingsManager"; private static SettingsManager sInstance; private ArrayList mCharacteristics; private ArrayList mListeners; private Map mValuesMap; private Context mContext; private PreferenceGroup mPreferenceGroup; private ComboPreferences mPreferences; private Map> mDependendsOnMap; private boolean mIsMonoCameraPresent = false; private boolean mIsFrontCameraPresent = false; private JSONObject mDependency; private int mCameraId; private Set mFilteredKeys; private int[] mExtendedHFRSize;//An array of pairs (fps, maxW, maxH) private static Map> VIDEO_ENCODER_PROFILE_TABLE = new HashMap<>(); public Map getValuesMap() { return mValuesMap; } public Set getFilteredKeys() { return mFilteredKeys; } static { //ISO values vendor tag KEY_ISO_INDEX.put("auto", 0); KEY_ISO_INDEX.put("deblur", 1); KEY_ISO_INDEX.put("100", 2); KEY_ISO_INDEX.put("200", 3); KEY_ISO_INDEX.put("400", 4); KEY_ISO_INDEX.put("800", 5); KEY_ISO_INDEX.put("1600", 6); KEY_ISO_INDEX.put("3200", 7); KEY_ISO_INDEX.put(MAUNAL_ABSOLUTE_ISO_VALUE, 8); Set h265 = new HashSet<>(); h265.add("HEVCProfileMain10"); h265.add("HEVCProfileMain10HDR10"); VIDEO_ENCODER_PROFILE_TABLE.put("h265", h265); } private SettingsManager(Context context) { mListeners = new ArrayList<>(); mCharacteristics = new ArrayList<>(); mContext = context; mPreferences = ComboPreferences.get(mContext); if (mPreferences == null) { mPreferences = new ComboPreferences(mContext); } CameraSettings.upgradeGlobalPreferences(mPreferences.getGlobal(), mContext); CameraManager manager = (CameraManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.CAMERA_SERVICE); try { String[] cameraIdList = manager.getCameraIdList(); for (int i = 0; i < cameraIdList.length; i++) { String cameraId = cameraIdList[i]; CameraCharacteristics characteristics = manager.getCameraCharacteristics(cameraId); Log.d(TAG,"cameraIdList size ="+cameraIdList.length); byte monoOnly = 0; try { monoOnly = characteristics.get(CaptureModule.MetaDataMonoOnlyKey); }catch(Exception e) { } if (monoOnly == 1) { CaptureModule.MONO_ID = i; mIsMonoCameraPresent = true; } int facing = characteristics.get(CameraCharacteristics.LENS_FACING); if (facing == CameraCharacteristics.LENS_FACING_FRONT) { CaptureModule.FRONT_ID = i; mIsFrontCameraPresent = true; } mCharacteristics.add(i, characteristics); } } catch (CameraAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } mDependency = parseJson("dependency.json"); } public static SettingsManager createInstance(Context context) { if (sInstance == null) { sInstance = new SettingsManager(context.getApplicationContext()); } return sInstance; } public static SettingsManager getInstance() { return sInstance; } public void destroyInstance() { if (sInstance != null) { sInstance = null; } } public List getDisabledList() { List list = new ArrayList<>(); Set keySet = mValuesMap.keySet(); for (String key : keySet) { Values value = mValuesMap.get(key); if (value.overriddenValue != null) { list.add(key); } } return list; } @Override public void onSettingChanged(ListPreference pref) { String key = pref.getKey(); List changed = checkDependencyAndUpdate(key); if (changed == null) return; runTimeUpdateDependencyOptions(pref); notifyListeners(changed); } public void updateQcfaPictureSize() { ListPreference picturePref = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_PICTURE_SIZE); if (picturePref != null) { picturePref.setEntries(mContext.getResources().getStringArray( R.array.pref_camera2_picturesize_entries)); picturePref.setEntryValues(mContext.getResources().getStringArray( R.array.pref_camera2_picturesize_entryvalues)); filterUnsupportedOptions(picturePref, getSupportedPictureSize( getCurrentCameraId())); } } public void init() { Log.d(TAG, "SettingsManager init"); int cameraId = getInitialCameraId(mPreferences); setLocalIdAndInitialize(cameraId); } public void reinit(int cameraId) { Log.d(TAG, "SettingsManager reinit " + cameraId); setLocalIdAndInitialize(cameraId); } private void setLocalIdAndInitialize(int cameraId) { mPreferences.setLocalId(mContext, cameraId); mCameraId = cameraId; CameraSettings.upgradeLocalPreferences(mPreferences.getLocal()); PreferenceInflater inflater = new PreferenceInflater(mContext); mPreferenceGroup = (PreferenceGroup) inflater.inflate(R.xml.capture_preferences); mValuesMap = new HashMap<>(); mDependendsOnMap = new HashMap<>(); mFilteredKeys = new HashSet<>(); try { mExtendedHFRSize = mCharacteristics.get(cameraId).get(CaptureModule.hfrFpsTable); }catch(IllegalArgumentException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } filterPreferences(cameraId); initDependencyTable(); initializeValueMap(); filterChromaflashPictureSizeOptions(); } private Size parseSize(String value) { int indexX = value.indexOf('x'); int width = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(0, indexX)); int height = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(indexX + 1)); return new Size(width, height); } private void initDependencyTable() { for (int i = 0; i < mPreferenceGroup.size(); i++) { ListPreference pref = (ListPreference) mPreferenceGroup.get(i); String baseKey = pref.getKey(); String value = pref.getValue(); JSONObject dependency = getDependencyList(baseKey, value); if (dependency != null) { Iterator keys = dependency.keys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key = keys.next(); pref = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(key); if (pref == null) continue; //filtered? Set set = mDependendsOnMap.get(key); if (set == null) { set = new HashSet<>(); } set.add(baseKey); mDependendsOnMap.put(key, set); } } } } private void initializeValueMap() { List processLater = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < mPreferenceGroup.size(); i++) { ListPreference pref = (ListPreference) mPreferenceGroup.get(i); String key = pref.getKey(); Set set = mDependendsOnMap.get(key); if (set != null && set.size() != 0) { processLater.add(key); } Values values = new Values(pref.getValue(), null); mValuesMap.put(pref.getKey(), values); } for (String keyToProcess : processLater) { Set dependsOnSet = mDependendsOnMap.get(keyToProcess); String dependentKey = dependsOnSet.iterator().next(); String value = getValue(dependentKey); JSONObject dependencyList = getDependencyList(dependentKey, value); String newValue = null; try { newValue = dependencyList.getString(keyToProcess); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); continue; } Values values = new Values(getValue(keyToProcess), newValue); mValuesMap.put(keyToProcess, values); } } private List checkDependencyAndUpdate(String changedPrefKey) { ListPreference changedPref = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(changedPrefKey); if (changedPref == null) return null; String value = changedPref.getValue(); String prevValue = getValue(changedPrefKey); if (value.equals(prevValue)) return null; List changed = new ArrayList(); Values values = new Values(value, null); mValuesMap.put(changedPrefKey, values); changed.add(new SettingState(changedPrefKey, values)); JSONObject map = getDependencyMapForKey(changedPrefKey); if (map == null || getDependencyKey(map, value).equals(getDependencyKey(map,prevValue))) return changed; Set turnOn = new HashSet<>(); Set turnOff = new HashSet<>(); JSONObject dependencyList = getDependencyList(changedPrefKey, value); JSONObject originalDependencyList = getDependencyList(changedPrefKey, prevValue); Iterator it = originalDependencyList.keys(); while (it.hasNext()) { turnOn.add(it.next()); } it = dependencyList.keys(); while (it.hasNext()) { turnOff.add(it.next()); } it = originalDependencyList.keys(); while (it.hasNext()) { turnOff.remove(it.next()); } it = dependencyList.keys(); while (it.hasNext()) { turnOn.remove(it.next()); } for (String keyToTurnOn: turnOn) { Set dependsOnSet = mDependendsOnMap.get(keyToTurnOn); if (dependsOnSet == null || dependsOnSet.size() == 0) continue; values = mValuesMap.get(keyToTurnOn); if (values == null) continue; values.overriddenValue = null; mValuesMap.put(keyToTurnOn, values); changed.add(new SettingState(keyToTurnOn, values)); } for (String keyToTurnOff: turnOff) { ListPreference pref = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(keyToTurnOff); if (pref == null) continue; values = mValuesMap.get(keyToTurnOff); if (values == null) continue; if (values != null && values.overriddenValue != null) continue; String newValue = null; try { newValue = dependencyList.getString(keyToTurnOff); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); continue; } if (newValue == null) continue; Values newValues = new Values(pref.getValue(), newValue); mValuesMap.put(keyToTurnOff, newValues); changed.add(new SettingState(keyToTurnOff, newValues)); } updateBackDependency(changedPrefKey, turnOn, turnOff); return changed; } private void updateBackDependency(String key, Set remove, Set add) { for (CharSequence c : remove) { String currentKey = c.toString(); Set dependsOnSet = mDependendsOnMap.get(currentKey); if (dependsOnSet != null) dependsOnSet.remove(key); } for (CharSequence c : add) { String currentKey = c.toString(); Set dependsOnSet = mDependendsOnMap.get(currentKey); if (dependsOnSet == null) { dependsOnSet = new HashSet<>(); mDependendsOnMap.put(currentKey, dependsOnSet); } dependsOnSet.add(key); } } public void registerListener(Listener listener) { mListeners.add(listener); } public void unregisterListener(Listener listener) { mListeners.remove(listener); } private void notifyListeners(List changes) { for (Listener listener : mListeners) { listener.onSettingsChanged(changes); } } public int getCurrentCameraId() { return mCameraId; } public String getValue(String key) { Values values = mValuesMap.get(key); if (values == null) return null; if (values.overriddenValue == null) return values.value; else return values.overriddenValue; } public int getValueIndex(String key) { ListPreference pref = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(key); String value = getValue(key); if ((value == null) || (pref == null)) return -1; return pref.findIndexOfValue(value); } private boolean setFocusValue(String key, float value) { boolean result = false; String prefName = ComboPreferences.getLocalSharedPreferencesName(mContext, mCameraId); SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = mContext.getSharedPreferences(prefName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); float prefValue = sharedPreferences.getFloat(key, 0.5f); if (prefValue != value) { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit(); editor.putFloat(key, value); editor.apply(); result = true; } return result; } public float getFocusValue(String key) { String prefName = ComboPreferences.getLocalSharedPreferencesName(mContext, mCameraId); SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = mContext.getSharedPreferences(prefName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); return sharedPreferences.getFloat(key, 0.5f); } public boolean isOverriden(String key) { Values values = mValuesMap.get(key); return values.overriddenValue != null; } public boolean setValue(String key, String value) { ListPreference pref = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(key); if (pref != null) { if (pref.findIndexOfValue(value) < 0) { return false; } else { pref.setValue(value); updateMapAndNotify(pref); return true; } } else { return false; } } public void setValueIndex(String key, int index) { ListPreference pref = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(key); if (pref != null) { pref.setValueIndex(index); updateMapAndNotify(pref); } } public void setFocusDistance(String key, float value, float minFocus) { boolean isSuccess = setFocusValue(key, value); if (isSuccess) { List list = new ArrayList<>(); Values values = new Values("" + value * minFocus, null); SettingState ss = new SettingState(KEY_FOCUS_DISTANCE, values); list.add(ss); notifyListeners(list); } } private void updateMapAndNotify(ListPreference pref) { String key = pref.getKey(); List changed = checkDependencyAndUpdate(key); if (changed == null) return; runTimeUpdateDependencyOptions(pref); notifyListeners(changed); } public PreferenceGroup getPreferenceGroup() { return mPreferenceGroup; } public CharSequence[] getEntries(String key) { ListPreference pref = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(key); if (pref != null) { return pref.getEntries(); } return null; } public CharSequence[] getEntryValues(String key) { ListPreference pref = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(key); if (pref != null) { return pref.getEntryValues(); } return null; } public int[] getResource(String key, int type) { IconListPreference pref = (IconListPreference) mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(key); switch (type) { case RESOURCE_TYPE_THUMBNAIL: return pref.getThumbnailIds(); case RESOURCE_TYPE_LARGEICON: return pref.getLargeIconIds(); } return null; } public int getInitialCameraId(SharedPreferences pref) { int switchId = Integer.parseInt( pref.getString(SettingsManager.KEY_SWITCH_CAMERA,"-1")); CaptureModule.SWITCH_ID = switchId; Log.d(TAG,"SWITCH_ID = " + switchId); if (switchId != -1) return switchId; String value = pref.getString(SettingsManager.KEY_CAMERA_ID, "0"); int frontBackId = Integer.parseInt(value); if (frontBackId == CaptureModule.FRONT_ID) return frontBackId; String monoOnly = pref.getString(SettingsManager.KEY_MONO_ONLY, "off"); if (monoOnly.equals("off")) return frontBackId; else return CaptureModule.MONO_ID; } private void filterPreferences(int cameraId) { // filter unsupported preferences ListPreference whiteBalance = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_WHITE_BALANCE); ListPreference flashMode = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_FLASH_MODE); ListPreference colorEffect = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_COLOR_EFFECT); ListPreference sceneMode = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_SCENE_MODE); ListPreference sceneModeInstructional = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_SCEND_MODE_INSTRUCTIONAL); ListPreference cameraIdPref = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_CAMERA_ID); ListPreference pictureSize = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_PICTURE_SIZE); ListPreference exposure = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_EXPOSURE); ListPreference iso = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_ISO); ListPreference clearsight = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_CLEARSIGHT); ListPreference monoPreview = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_MONO_PREVIEW); ListPreference monoOnly = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_MONO_ONLY); ListPreference mpo = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_MPO); ListPreference redeyeReduction = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_REDEYE_REDUCTION); ListPreference videoQuality = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_VIDEO_QUALITY); ListPreference audioEncoder = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_AUDIO_ENCODER); ListPreference noiseReduction = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_NOISE_REDUCTION); ListPreference faceDetection = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_FACE_DETECTION); ListPreference instantAec = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_INSTANT_AEC); ListPreference saturationLevel = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_SATURATION_LEVEL); ListPreference antiBandingLevel = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_ANTI_BANDING_LEVEL); ListPreference histogram = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_HISTOGRAM); ListPreference hdr = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_HDR); ListPreference zoom = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_ZOOM); ListPreference qcfa = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_QCFA); ListPreference bsgc = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_BSGC_DETECTION); if (whiteBalance != null) { if (filterUnsupportedOptions(whiteBalance, getSupportedWhiteBalanceModes(cameraId))) { mFilteredKeys.add(whiteBalance.getKey()); } } if (flashMode != null) { if (!isFlashAvailable(mCameraId)) { removePreference(mPreferenceGroup, KEY_FLASH_MODE); mFilteredKeys.add(flashMode.getKey()); } } if (bsgc != null) { if (!isBsgcAvailable(mCameraId)) { removePreference(mPreferenceGroup, KEY_BSGC_DETECTION); mFilteredKeys.add(bsgc.getKey()); } } if (colorEffect != null) { if (filterUnsupportedOptions(colorEffect, getSupportedColorEffects(cameraId))) { mFilteredKeys.add(colorEffect.getKey()); } } if (instantAec != null) { if (filterUnsupportedOptions(instantAec, getSupportedInstantAecAvailableModes(cameraId))) { mFilteredKeys.add(instantAec.getKey()); } } if (saturationLevel != null) { if (filterUnsupportedOptions(saturationLevel, getSupportedSaturationLevelAvailableModes(cameraId))) { mFilteredKeys.add(saturationLevel.getKey()); } } if (antiBandingLevel != null) { if (filterUnsupportedOptions(antiBandingLevel, getSupportedAntiBandingLevelAvailableModes(cameraId))) { mFilteredKeys.add(antiBandingLevel.getKey()); } } if (histogram != null) { if (filterUnsupportedOptions(histogram, getSupportedHistogramAvailableModes(cameraId))) { mFilteredKeys.add(histogram.getKey()); } } if (hdr != null){ if (filterUnsupportedOptions(hdr, getSupportedHdrAvailableModes(cameraId))) { mFilteredKeys.add(hdr.getKey()); } } if (sceneMode != null) { if (filterUnsupportedOptions(sceneMode, getSupportedSceneModes(cameraId))) { mFilteredKeys.add(sceneMode.getKey()); } } if ( sceneModeInstructional != null ) { if (filterUnsupportedOptions(sceneModeInstructional, getSupportedSceneModes(cameraId)) ){ mFilteredKeys.add(sceneModeInstructional.getKey()); } } if (cameraIdPref != null) buildCameraId(); if (pictureSize != null) { if (filterUnsupportedOptions(pictureSize, getSupportedPictureSize(cameraId))) { mFilteredKeys.add(pictureSize.getKey()); } else { if (filterSimilarPictureSize(mPreferenceGroup, pictureSize)) { mFilteredKeys.add(pictureSize.getKey()); } } } if (exposure != null) buildExposureCompensation(cameraId); if (iso != null) { if (filterUnsupportedOptions(iso, getSupportedIso(cameraId))) { mFilteredKeys.add(iso.getKey()); } } if (videoQuality != null) { if (filterUnsupportedOptions(videoQuality, getSupportedVideoSize(cameraId))) { mFilteredKeys.add(videoQuality.getKey()); } } if (!mIsMonoCameraPresent) { if (clearsight != null) removePreference(mPreferenceGroup, KEY_CLEARSIGHT); if (monoPreview != null) removePreference(mPreferenceGroup, KEY_MONO_PREVIEW); if (monoOnly != null) removePreference(mPreferenceGroup, KEY_MONO_ONLY); if (mpo != null) removePreference(mPreferenceGroup, KEY_MPO); } if (redeyeReduction != null) { if (filterUnsupportedOptions(redeyeReduction, getSupportedRedeyeReduction(cameraId))) { mFilteredKeys.add(redeyeReduction.getKey()); } } if (audioEncoder != null) { if (filterUnsupportedOptions(audioEncoder, getSupportedAudioEncoders(audioEncoder.getEntryValues()))) { mFilteredKeys.add(audioEncoder.getKey()); } } if (noiseReduction != null) { if (filterUnsupportedOptions(noiseReduction, getSupportedNoiseReductionModes(cameraId))) { mFilteredKeys.add(noiseReduction.getKey()); } } if (faceDetection != null) { if (!isFaceDetectionSupported(cameraId)) { removePreference(mPreferenceGroup, KEY_FACE_DETECTION); } } // filter dynamic lists. // These list can be changed run-time filterHFROptions(); filterVideoEncoderOptions(); filterVideoEncoderProfileOptions(); if (!mIsFrontCameraPresent || !isFacingFront(mCameraId)) { removePreference(mPreferenceGroup, KEY_SELFIE_FLASH); removePreference(mPreferenceGroup, KEY_SELFIEMIRROR); } if ( zoom != null ) { if (filterUnsupportedOptions(zoom, getSupportedZoomLevel(cameraId))) { mFilteredKeys.add(zoom.getKey()); } } } private void runTimeUpdateDependencyOptions(ListPreference pref) { // update the supported list if (pref.getKey().equals(KEY_VIDEO_QUALITY)) { filterHFROptions(); filterVideoEncoderOptions(); } else if (pref.getKey().equals(KEY_SCENE_MODE)) { filterChromaflashPictureSizeOptions(); } else if ( pref.getKey().equals(KEY_VIDEO_ENCODER) ) { filterVideoEncoderProfileOptions(); } } private void buildExposureCompensation(int cameraId) { Range range = mCharacteristics.get(cameraId).get(CameraCharacteristics .CONTROL_AE_COMPENSATION_RANGE); int max = range.getUpper(); int min = range.getLower(); if (min == 0 && max == 0) { removePreference(mPreferenceGroup, KEY_EXPOSURE); return; } ListPreference pref = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_EXPOSURE); Rational rational = mCharacteristics.get(cameraId).get(CameraCharacteristics .CONTROL_AE_COMPENSATION_STEP); double step = rational.doubleValue(); int increment = 1; while ((max - min) / increment > 10) { increment++; } int start = min; if (start < 0) { while (Math.abs(start) % increment != 0) { start++; } } int size = 0; for (int i = start; i <= max; i += increment) size++; CharSequence entries[] = new CharSequence[size]; CharSequence entryValues[] = new CharSequence[size]; int count = 0; for (int i = start; i <= max; i += increment, count++) { entryValues[count] = Integer.toString(i); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (i > 0) builder.append('+'); DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); entries[count] = builder.append(format.format(i * step)).toString(); } pref.setEntries(entries); pref.setEntryValues(entryValues); } public CharSequence[] getExposureCompensationEntries() { ListPreference pref = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_EXPOSURE); if (pref == null) return null; return pref.getEntries(); } public CharSequence[] getExposureCompensationEntryValues() { ListPreference pref = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_EXPOSURE); if (pref == null) return null; return pref.getEntryValues(); } public long[] getExposureRangeValues(int cameraId) { long[] exposureRange = null; try { exposureRange = mCharacteristics.get(cameraId).get( CaptureModule.EXPOSURE_RANGE); if (exposureRange == null) { return null; } } catch(NullPointerException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Supported exposure range modes is null."); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Supported exposure range modes is null."); } return exposureRange; } public int[] getIsoRangeValues(int cameraId) { Range range = null; int[] result = new int[2]; try { range = mCharacteristics.get(cameraId).get(CameraCharacteristics .SENSOR_INFO_SENSITIVITY_RANGE); if (range == null) { return null; } result[0] = range.getLower(); result[1] = range.getUpper(); } catch(NullPointerException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Supported iso range is null."); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Supported iso range is null."); } return result; } private void buildCameraId() { int numOfCameras = mCharacteristics.size(); CharSequence[] fullEntryValues = new CharSequence[numOfCameras + 1]; CharSequence[] fullEntries = new CharSequence[numOfCameras + 1]; for(int i = 0; i < numOfCameras ; i++) { int facing = mCharacteristics.get(i).get(CameraCharacteristics.LENS_FACING); String facingString = facing == CameraCharacteristics.LENS_FACING_FRONT? "front" : "back"; fullEntries[i] = "camera " + i +" facing:"+facingString; fullEntryValues[i] = "" + i; Log.d(TAG,"add "+fullEntries[i]+"="+ fullEntryValues[i]); } fullEntries[numOfCameras] = "disable"; fullEntryValues[numOfCameras] = "" + -1; ListPreference switchPref = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_SWITCH_CAMERA); switchPref.setEntries(fullEntries); switchPref.setEntryValues(fullEntryValues); if (!mIsFrontCameraPresent) { Log.d(TAG,"no front camera,remove camera id pref"); removePreference(mPreferenceGroup, KEY_CAMERA_ID); return; } CharSequence[] entryValues = new CharSequence[numOfCameras]; CharSequence[] entries = new CharSequence[numOfCameras]; //TODO: Modify this after bayer/mono/front/back determination is done entryValues[0] = "" + CaptureModule.BAYER_ID; entries[0] = "BACK"; if (mIsFrontCameraPresent && (numOfCameras > 1)) { entryValues[1] = "" + CaptureModule.FRONT_ID; entries[1] = "FRONT"; } ListPreference cameraIdPref = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_CAMERA_ID); cameraIdPref.setEntryValues(entryValues); cameraIdPref.setEntries(entries); } private void filterVideoEncoderOptions() { ListPreference videoEncoder = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_VIDEO_ENCODER); if (videoEncoder != null) { videoEncoder.reloadInitialEntriesAndEntryValues(); if (filterUnsupportedOptions(videoEncoder, getSupportedVideoEncoders())) { mFilteredKeys.add(videoEncoder.getKey()); } } } private void filterChromaflashPictureSizeOptions() { String scene = getValue(SettingsManager.KEY_SCENE_MODE); ListPreference picturePref = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_PICTURE_SIZE); if (picturePref == null) return; picturePref.reloadInitialEntriesAndEntryValues(); if (Integer.parseInt(scene) == SCENE_MODE_CHROMAFLASH_INT) { if (filterUnsupportedOptions(picturePref, getSupportedChromaFlashPictureSize())) { mFilteredKeys.add(picturePref.getKey()); } // if picture size is setted the CIF/QVGA, modify smallest supportted size . Size pictureSize = parseSize(getValue(KEY_PICTURE_SIZE)); if (pictureSize.getWidth() <= 352 && pictureSize.getHeight() <= 288) { CharSequence[] entryValues = picturePref.getEntryValues(); int size = entryValues.length; CharSequence smallerSize = entryValues[size -1]; setValue(KEY_PICTURE_SIZE, smallerSize.toString()); } } else { if (filterUnsupportedOptions(picturePref, getSupportedPictureSize( getCurrentCameraId()))) { mFilteredKeys.add(picturePref.getKey()); } } } private void filterHFROptions() { ListPreference hfrPref = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_VIDEO_HIGH_FRAME_RATE); if (hfrPref != null) { hfrPref.reloadInitialEntriesAndEntryValues(); if (filterUnsupportedOptions(hfrPref, getSupportedHighFrameRate())) { mFilteredKeys.add(hfrPref.getKey()); } } } private void filterVideoEncoderProfileOptions() { ListPreference videoEncoderProfilePref = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_VIDEO_ENCODER_PROFILE); ListPreference videoEncoderPref = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_VIDEO_ENCODER); if ( videoEncoderProfilePref != null && videoEncoderPref != null ) { String videoEncoder = videoEncoderPref.getValue(); videoEncoderProfilePref.reloadInitialEntriesAndEntryValues(); if ( filterUnsupportedOptions(videoEncoderProfilePref, getSupportedVideoEncoderProfile(videoEncoder)) ) { mFilteredKeys.add(videoEncoderProfilePref.getKey()); } } } private List getSupportedChromaFlashPictureSize() { StreamConfigurationMap map = mCharacteristics.get(getCurrentCameraId()).get( CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP); Size[] sizes = map.getOutputSizes(ImageFormat.JPEG); List res = new ArrayList<>(); if (sizes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) { if (sizes[i].getWidth() > 352 && sizes[i].getHeight() > 288) { res.add(sizes[i].toString()); } } } Size[] highResSizes = map.getHighResolutionOutputSizes(ImageFormat.JPEG); if (highResSizes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < highResSizes.length; i++) { if (sizes[i].getWidth() > 352 && sizes[i].getHeight() > 288) { res.add(highResSizes[i].toString()); } } } return res; } private List getSupportedHighFrameRate() { ArrayList supported = new ArrayList(); supported.add("off"); ListPreference videoQuality = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_VIDEO_QUALITY); if (videoQuality == null) return supported; String videoSizeStr = videoQuality.getValue(); if (videoSizeStr != null) { Size videoSize = parseSize(videoSizeStr); try { Range[] range = getSupportedHighSpeedVideoFPSRange(mCameraId, videoSize); for (Range r : range) { // To support HFR for both preview and recording, // minmal FPS needs to be equal to maximum FPS if ((int) r.getUpper() == (int)r.getLower()) { supported.add("hfr" + String.valueOf(r.getUpper())); supported.add("hsr" + String.valueOf(r.getUpper())); } } } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { Log.w(TAG, "HFR is not supported for this resolution " + ex); } if ( mExtendedHFRSize != null && mExtendedHFRSize.length >= 3 ) { for( int i=0; i < mExtendedHFRSize.length; i+=3 ) { String item = "hfr" + mExtendedHFRSize[i+2]; if ( !supported.contains(item) && videoSize.getWidth() <= mExtendedHFRSize[i] && videoSize.getHeight() <= mExtendedHFRSize[i+1] ) { supported.add(item); supported.add("hsr"+mExtendedHFRSize[i+2]); } } } } return supported; } private boolean removePreference(PreferenceGroup group, String key) { mFilteredKeys.add(key); for (int i = 0, n = group.size(); i < n; i++) { CameraPreference child = group.get(i); if (child instanceof PreferenceGroup) { if (removePreference((PreferenceGroup) child, key)) { return true; } } if (child instanceof ListPreference && ((ListPreference) child).getKey().equals(key)) { group.removePreference(i); return true; } } return false; } public float getMaxZoom(int id) { return mCharacteristics.get(id).get(CameraCharacteristics .SCALER_AVAILABLE_MAX_DIGITAL_ZOOM); } public Rect getSensorActiveArraySize(int id) { return mCharacteristics.get(id).get(CameraCharacteristics .SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE); } public float getMaxZoom(List ids) { float zoomMax = Float.MAX_VALUE; for (int id : ids) { zoomMax = Math.min(getMaxZoom(id), zoomMax); } return zoomMax; } public boolean isZoomSupported(int id) { return mCharacteristics.get(id).get(CameraCharacteristics .SCALER_AVAILABLE_MAX_DIGITAL_ZOOM) > 1f; } public boolean isAutoFocusRegionSupported(List ids) { for (int id : ids) { if (!isAutoFocusRegionSupported(id)) return false; } return true; } public boolean isAutoExposureRegionSupported(List ids) { for (int id : ids) { if (!isAutoExposureRegionSupported(id)) return false; } return true; } public boolean isZoomSupported(List ids) { for (int id : ids) { if (!isZoomSupported(id)) return false; } return true; } public boolean isAutoExposureRegionSupported(int id) { Integer maxAERegions = mCharacteristics.get(id).get( CameraCharacteristics.CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AE); return maxAERegions != null && maxAERegions > 0; } public boolean isAutoFocusRegionSupported(int id) { Integer maxAfRegions = mCharacteristics.get(id).get( CameraCharacteristics.CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AF); return maxAfRegions != null && maxAfRegions > 0; } public boolean isFixedFocus(int id) { Float focusDistance = mCharacteristics.get(id).get(CameraCharacteristics .LENS_INFO_MINIMUM_FOCUS_DISTANCE); if (focusDistance == null || focusDistance == 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean isFaceDetectionSupported(int id) { int[] faceDetection = mCharacteristics.get(id).get (CameraCharacteristics.STATISTICS_INFO_AVAILABLE_FACE_DETECT_MODES); if (faceDetection != null) { for (int value: faceDetection) { if (value == CameraMetadata.STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE_SIMPLE) return true; } } return false; } public boolean isBsgcAvailable(int id) { boolean ret = false; try { byte bsgc_available = mCharacteristics.get(id).get(CaptureModule.bsgcAvailable); ret = bsgc_available == 1; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ret; } public boolean isFacingFront(int id) { int facing = mCharacteristics.get(id).get(CameraCharacteristics.LENS_FACING); return facing == CameraCharacteristics.LENS_FACING_FRONT; } public boolean isFlashSupported(int id) { return mCharacteristics.get(id).get(CameraCharacteristics.FLASH_INFO_AVAILABLE) && mValuesMap.get(KEY_FLASH_MODE) != null; } private List getSupportedPictureSize(int cameraId) { StreamConfigurationMap map = mCharacteristics.get(cameraId).get( CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP); Size[] sizes = map.getOutputSizes(ImageFormat.JPEG); List res = new ArrayList<>(); if (getQcfaPrefEnabled() && getIsSupportedQcfa(cameraId)) { res.add(getSupportedQcfaDimension(cameraId)); } if (sizes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) { res.add(sizes[i].toString()); } } Size[] highResSizes = map.getHighResolutionOutputSizes(ImageFormat.JPEG); if (highResSizes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < highResSizes.length; i++) { res.add(highResSizes[i].toString()); } } return res; } public Size[] getSupportedThumbnailSizes(int cameraId) { return mCharacteristics.get(cameraId).get( CameraCharacteristics.JPEG_AVAILABLE_THUMBNAIL_SIZES); } public Size[] getSupportedOutputSize(int cameraId, int format) { StreamConfigurationMap map = mCharacteristics.get(cameraId).get( CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP); return map.getOutputSizes(format); } public Size[] getSupportedOutputSize(int cameraId, Class cl) { StreamConfigurationMap map = mCharacteristics.get(cameraId).get( CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP); return map.getOutputSizes(cl); } private List getSupportedVideoSize(int cameraId) { StreamConfigurationMap map = mCharacteristics.get(cameraId).get( CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP); Size[] sizes = map.getOutputSizes(MediaRecorder.class); List res = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) { if (CameraSettings.VIDEO_QUALITY_TABLE.containsKey(sizes[i].toString())) { Integer profile = CameraSettings.VIDEO_QUALITY_TABLE.get(sizes[i].toString()); if (profile != null) { res.add(sizes[i].toString()); } } } return res; } public Size[] getSupportedHighSpeedVideoSize(int cameraId) { StreamConfigurationMap map = mCharacteristics.get(cameraId).get( CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP); return map.getHighSpeedVideoSizes(); } public Range[] getSupportedHighSpeedVideoFPSRange(int cameraId, Size videoSize) { StreamConfigurationMap map = mCharacteristics.get(cameraId).get( CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP); return map.getHighSpeedVideoFpsRangesFor(videoSize); } public int getHighSpeedVideoEncoderBitRate(CamcorderProfile profile, int targetRate) { int bitRate; String key = profile.videoFrameWidth+"x"+profile.videoFrameHeight+":"+targetRate; String resolutionFpsEncoder = key + ":" + profile.videoCodec; if (CameraSettings.VIDEO_ENCODER_BITRATE.containsKey(resolutionFpsEncoder)) { bitRate = CameraSettings.VIDEO_ENCODER_BITRATE.get(resolutionFpsEncoder); } else if (CameraSettings.VIDEO_ENCODER_BITRATE.containsKey(key)) { bitRate = CameraSettings.VIDEO_ENCODER_BITRATE.get(key); } else { Log.i(TAG, "No pre-defined bitrate for "+key); bitRate = (profile.videoBitRate * targetRate) / profile.videoFrameRate; } return bitRate; } private List getSupportedRedeyeReduction(int cameraId) { int[] flashModes = mCharacteristics.get(cameraId).get(CameraCharacteristics .CONTROL_AE_AVAILABLE_MODES); List modes = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < flashModes.length; i++) { if (flashModes[i] == CameraMetadata.CONTROL_AE_MODE_ON_AUTO_FLASH_REDEYE) { modes.add("off"); modes.add("on"); break; } } return modes; } public float getMinimumFocusDistance(int cameraId) { return mCharacteristics.get(cameraId) .get(CameraCharacteristics.LENS_INFO_MINIMUM_FOCUS_DISTANCE); } private List getSupportedWhiteBalanceModes(int cameraId) { int[] whiteBalanceModes = mCharacteristics.get(cameraId).get(CameraCharacteristics .CONTROL_AWB_AVAILABLE_MODES); List modes = new ArrayList<>(); for (int mode : whiteBalanceModes) { modes.add("" + mode); } return modes; } private List getSupportedSceneModes(int cameraId) { int[] sceneModes = mCharacteristics.get(cameraId).get(CameraCharacteristics .CONTROL_AVAILABLE_SCENE_MODES); List modes = new ArrayList<>(); modes.add("0"); // need special case handle for auto scene mode if (mIsMonoCameraPresent) modes.add(SCENE_MODE_DUAL_STRING); // need special case handle for dual mode if (OptizoomFilter.isSupportedStatic()) modes.add(SCENE_MODE_OPTIZOOM_INT + ""); if (UbifocusFilter.isSupportedStatic() && cameraId == CaptureModule.BAYER_ID) modes.add(SCENE_MODE_UBIFOCUS_INT + ""); if (BestpictureFilter.isSupportedStatic() && cameraId == CaptureModule.BAYER_ID) modes.add(SCENE_MODE_BESTPICTURE_INT + ""); if (PanoCaptureProcessView.isSupportedStatic() && cameraId == CaptureModule.BAYER_ID) modes.add(SCENE_MODE_PANORAMA_INT + ""); if (ChromaflashFilter.isSupportedStatic() && cameraId == CaptureModule.BAYER_ID) modes.add(SCENE_MODE_CHROMAFLASH_INT + ""); if (BlurbusterFilter.isSupportedStatic()) modes.add(SCENE_MODE_BLURBUSTER_INT + ""); if (SharpshooterFilter.isSupportedStatic()) modes.add(SCENE_MODE_SHARPSHOOTER_INT + ""); if (TrackingFocusFrameListener.isSupportedStatic()) modes.add(SCENE_MODE_TRACKINGFOCUS_INT + ""); modes.add("" + SCENE_MODE_PROMODE_INT); for (int mode : sceneModes) { modes.add("" + mode); } return modes; } private List getSupportedFlashModes(int cameraId) { int[] flashModes = mCharacteristics.get(cameraId).get(CameraCharacteristics .CONTROL_AE_AVAILABLE_MODES); List modes = new ArrayList<>(); for (int mode : flashModes) { modes.add("" + mode); } return modes; } private boolean isFlashAvailable(int cameraId) { return mCharacteristics.get(cameraId).get(CameraCharacteristics.FLASH_INFO_AVAILABLE); } public StreamConfigurationMap getStreamConfigurationMap(int cameraId){ return mCharacteristics.get(cameraId) .get(CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP); } public List getSupportedColorEffects(int cameraId) { int[] flashModes = mCharacteristics.get(cameraId).get(CameraCharacteristics .CONTROL_AVAILABLE_EFFECTS); List modes = new ArrayList<>(); for (int mode : flashModes) { modes.add("" + mode); } return modes; } private List getSupportedIso(int cameraId) { Range range = mCharacteristics.get(cameraId).get(CameraCharacteristics .SENSOR_INFO_SENSITIVITY_RANGE); List supportedIso = new ArrayList<>(); supportedIso.add("auto"); if (range != null) { int max = range.getUpper(); int value = 50; while (value <= max) { if (range.contains(value)) { supportedIso.add("" + value); } value += 50; } } else { Log.w(TAG, "Supported ISO range is null."); } return supportedIso; } private boolean isCurrentVideoResolutionSupportedByEncoder(VideoEncoderCap encoderCap) { boolean supported = false; ListPreference videoQuality = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_VIDEO_QUALITY); if (videoQuality == null) return supported; String videoSizeStr = videoQuality.getValue(); if (videoSizeStr != null) { Size videoSize = parseSize(videoSizeStr); if (videoSize.getWidth() > encoderCap.mMaxFrameWidth || videoSize.getWidth() < encoderCap.mMinFrameWidth || videoSize.getHeight() > encoderCap.mMaxFrameHeight || videoSize.getHeight() < encoderCap.mMinFrameHeight) { Log.e(TAG, "Codec = " + encoderCap.mCodec + ", capabilities: " + "mMinFrameWidth = " + encoderCap.mMinFrameWidth + " , " + "mMinFrameHeight = " + encoderCap.mMinFrameHeight + " , " + "mMaxFrameWidth = " + encoderCap.mMaxFrameWidth + " , " + "mMaxFrameHeight = " + encoderCap.mMaxFrameHeight); } else { supported = true; } } return supported; } private List getSupportedVideoEncoders() { ArrayList supported = new ArrayList(); String str = null; List videoEncoders = EncoderCapabilities.getVideoEncoders(); for (VideoEncoderCap videoEncoder: videoEncoders) { str = SettingTranslation.getVideoEncoder(videoEncoder.mCodec); if (str != null) { if (isCurrentVideoResolutionSupportedByEncoder(videoEncoder)) { supported.add(str); } } } return supported; } private static List getSupportedAudioEncoders(CharSequence[] strings) { ArrayList supported = new ArrayList<>(); for (CharSequence cs: strings) { String s = cs.toString(); int value = SettingTranslation.getAudioEncoder(s); if (value != SettingTranslation.NOT_FOUND) supported.add(s); } return supported; } public List getSupportedNoiseReductionModes(int cameraId) { int[] noiseReduction = mCharacteristics.get(cameraId).get(CameraCharacteristics .NOISE_REDUCTION_AVAILABLE_NOISE_REDUCTION_MODES); List modes = new ArrayList<>(); if (noiseReduction != null) { for (int mode : noiseReduction) { String str = SettingTranslation.getNoiseReduction(mode); if (str != null) modes.add(str); } } return modes; } private List getSupportedZoomLevel(int cameraId) { float maxZoom = mCharacteristics.get(cameraId).get(CameraCharacteristics .SCALER_AVAILABLE_MAX_DIGITAL_ZOOM); ArrayList supported = new ArrayList(); for (int zoomLevel = 0; zoomLevel <= maxZoom; zoomLevel++) { supported.add(String.valueOf(zoomLevel)); } return supported; } private void resetIfInvalid(ListPreference pref) { // Set the value to the first entry if it is invalid. String value = pref.getValue(); if (pref.findIndexOfValue(value) == -1) { pref.setValueIndex(0); } } private boolean filterSimilarPictureSize(PreferenceGroup group, ListPreference pref) { pref.filterDuplicated(); if (pref.getEntries().length <= 1) { removePreference(group, pref.getKey()); return true; } resetIfInvalid(pref); return false; } public List getSupportedInstantAecAvailableModes(int cameraId) { List modes = new ArrayList<>(); try { int[] instantAecAvailableModes = mCharacteristics.get(cameraId).get( CaptureModule.InstantAecAvailableModes); if (instantAecAvailableModes == null) { return null; } for (int i : instantAecAvailableModes) { modes.add("" + i); } } catch(NullPointerException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Supported instant aec modes is null."); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Supported instant aec modes is null."); } return modes; } public boolean getQcfaPrefEnabled() { ListPreference qcfaPref = mPreferenceGroup.findPreference(KEY_QCFA); String qcfa = qcfaPref.getValue(); if(qcfa != null && qcfa.equals("enable")) { return true; } return false; } public boolean getIsSupportedQcfa (int cameraId) { byte isSupportQcfa = 0; try { isSupportQcfa = mCharacteristics.get(cameraId).get( CaptureModule.IS_SUPPORT_QCFA_SENSOR); }catch(Exception e) { } return isSupportQcfa == 1 ? true : false; } public String getSupportedQcfaDimension(int cameraId) { int[] qcfaDimension = mCharacteristics.get(cameraId).get( CaptureModule.QCFA_SUPPORT_DIMENSION); if (qcfaDimension == null) { return ""; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < qcfaDimension.length; i ++) { sb.append(qcfaDimension[i]); if (i == 0) { sb.append("x"); } } return sb.toString(); } public Size getQcfaSupportSize() { String qcfaSize = getSupportedQcfaDimension(mCameraId); if (qcfaSize != null) { return parseSize(getSupportedQcfaDimension(mCameraId)); } return new Size(0, 0); } public List getSupportedSaturationLevelAvailableModes(int cameraId) { int[] saturationLevelAvailableModes = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; List modes = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i : saturationLevelAvailableModes) { modes.add(""+i); } return modes; } public List getSupportedAntiBandingLevelAvailableModes(int cameraId) { int[] antiBandingLevelAvailableModes = mCharacteristics.get(cameraId).get( CameraCharacteristics.CONTROL_AE_AVAILABLE_ANTIBANDING_MODES); List modes = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i : antiBandingLevelAvailableModes) { modes.add(""+i); } return modes; } public List getSupportedHistogramAvailableModes(int cameraId) { String[] data = {"enable","disable"}; List modes = new ArrayList<>(); for (String i : data) { modes.add(i); } return modes; } public List getSupportedHdrAvailableModes(int cameraId) { String[] data = {"enable","disable"}; List modes = new ArrayList<>(); for (String i : data) { modes.add(i); } return modes; } public List getSupportedVideoEncoderProfile(String videoEncoder) { List profile = new ArrayList<>(); profile.add("off"); if ( VIDEO_ENCODER_PROFILE_TABLE.containsKey(videoEncoder) ) { profile.addAll(VIDEO_ENCODER_PROFILE_TABLE.get(videoEncoder)); } return profile; } public boolean isHistogramSupport(){ String value = getValue(KEY_HISTOGRAM); return value != null && value.equals("enable"); } public boolean isCamera2HDRSupport(){ String value = getValue(KEY_HDR); return value != null && value.equals("enable"); } public boolean isZSLInHALEnabled(){ String value = getValue(KEY_ZSL); String halZSLValue = mContext.getString(R.string.pref_camera2_zsl_entryvalue_hal_zsl); if ( value != null && value.equals(halZSLValue) ){ return true; }else{ return false; } } public boolean isZSLInAppEnabled(){ String value = getValue(KEY_ZSL); String appZSLValue = mContext.getString(R.string.pref_camera2_zsl_entryvalue_app_zsl); if ( value != null && value.equals(appZSLValue) ){ return true; }else{ return false; } } private boolean filterUnsupportedOptions(ListPreference pref, List supported) { // Remove the preference if the parameter is not supported if (supported == null) { removePreference(mPreferenceGroup, pref.getKey()); return true; } pref.filterUnsupported(supported); if (pref.getEntries().length <= 0) { removePreference(mPreferenceGroup, pref.getKey()); return true; } resetIfInvalid(pref); return false; } public interface Listener { void onSettingsChanged(List settings); } static class Values { String value; String overriddenValue; Values(String value, String overriddenValue) { this.value = value; this.overriddenValue = overriddenValue; } } static class SettingState { String key; Values values; SettingState(String key, Values values) { this.key = key; this.values = values; } } public List getDependentKeys(String key) { List list = null; if (key.equals(KEY_VIDEO_QUALITY)) { list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(KEY_VIDEO_HIGH_FRAME_RATE); } else { String value = getValue(key); JSONObject dependencies = getDependencyList(key, value); if (dependencies != null) { list = new ArrayList<>(); Iterator it = dependencies.keys(); while (it.hasNext()) { list.add(it.next()); } } } return list; } private JSONObject parseJson(String fileName) { String json; try { InputStream is = mContext.getAssets().open(fileName); int size = is.available(); byte[] buffer = new byte[size]; is.read(buffer); is.close(); json = new String(buffer, "UTF-8"); return new JSONObject(json); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } private JSONObject getDependencyMapForKey(String key) { if (mDependency == null) return null; try { return mDependency.getJSONObject(key); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } private JSONObject getDependencyList(String key, String value) { JSONObject dependencyMap = getDependencyMapForKey(key); if (dependencyMap == null) return null; if (!dependencyMap.has(value)) value = "default"; if (!dependencyMap.has(value)) return null; value = getDependencyKey(dependencyMap, value); try { return dependencyMap.getJSONObject(value); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } private String getDependencyKey(JSONObject dependencyMap, String value) { if (!dependencyMap.has(value)) value = "default"; return value; } public void restoreSettings() { clearPerCameraPreferences(); init(); } private void clearPerCameraPreferences() { String[] preferencesNames = ComboPreferences.getSharedPreferencesNames(mContext); for ( String name : preferencesNames ) { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = mContext.getSharedPreferences(name, Context.MODE_PRIVATE).edit(); editor.clear(); editor.commit(); } SharedPreferences pref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(mContext); boolean requestPermission = pref.getBoolean(CameraSettings.KEY_REQUEST_PERMISSION, false ); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(mContext).edit(); editor.clear(); editor.putBoolean(CameraSettings.KEY_REQUEST_PERMISSION, requestPermission); editor.commit(); } public boolean isDeveloperEnabled() { SharedPreferences sp = mContext.getSharedPreferences( ComboPreferences.getGlobalSharedPreferencesName(mContext), Context.MODE_PRIVATE); return sp.getBoolean(SettingsManager.KEY_DEVELOPER_MENU, false); } }