/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.camera; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.app.Activity; import android.app.AlertDialog; import android.content.ContentProviderClient; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.SurfaceTexture; import android.hardware.Camera.CameraInfo; import android.hardware.Camera.Face; import android.hardware.Camera.FaceDetectionListener; import android.hardware.Camera.Parameters; import android.hardware.Camera.PictureCallback; import android.hardware.Camera.Size; import android.location.Location; import android.media.CameraProfile; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.ConditionVariable; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.os.MessageQueue; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.provider.MediaStore; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.OrientationEventListener; import android.view.SurfaceHolder; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.FrameLayout.LayoutParams; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.Toast; import com.android.camera.CameraManager.CameraProxy; import com.android.camera.ui.AbstractSettingPopup; import com.android.camera.ui.CountDownView; import com.android.camera.ui.FaceView; import com.android.camera.ui.PieRenderer; import com.android.camera.ui.PopupManager; import com.android.camera.ui.PreviewSurfaceView; import com.android.camera.ui.RenderOverlay; import com.android.camera.ui.Rotatable; import com.android.camera.ui.RotateTextToast; import com.android.camera.ui.TwoStateImageView; import com.android.camera.ui.ZoomRenderer; import com.android.gallery3d.R; import com.android.gallery3d.common.ApiHelper; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.CropExtras; import com.android.gallery3d.filtershow.FilterShowActivity; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Formatter; import java.util.List; public class PhotoModule implements CameraModule, FocusOverlayManager.Listener, CameraPreference.OnPreferenceChangedListener, LocationManager.Listener, PreviewFrameLayout.OnSizeChangedListener, ShutterButton.OnShutterButtonListener, SurfaceHolder.Callback, PieRenderer.PieListener, CountDownView.OnCountDownFinishedListener, MediaSaveService.Listener { private static final String TAG = "CAM_PhotoModule"; // We number the request code from 1000 to avoid collision with Gallery. private static final int REQUEST_CROP = 1000; private static final int SETUP_PREVIEW = 1; private static final int FIRST_TIME_INIT = 2; private static final int CLEAR_SCREEN_DELAY = 3; private static final int SET_CAMERA_PARAMETERS_WHEN_IDLE = 4; private static final int CHECK_DISPLAY_ROTATION = 5; private static final int SHOW_TAP_TO_FOCUS_TOAST = 6; private static final int SWITCH_CAMERA = 7; private static final int SWITCH_CAMERA_START_ANIMATION = 8; private static final int CAMERA_OPEN_DONE = 9; private static final int START_PREVIEW_DONE = 10; private static final int OPEN_CAMERA_FAIL = 11; private static final int CAMERA_DISABLED = 12; // The subset of parameters we need to update in setCameraParameters(). private static final int UPDATE_PARAM_INITIALIZE = 1; private static final int UPDATE_PARAM_ZOOM = 2; private static final int UPDATE_PARAM_PREFERENCE = 4; private static final int UPDATE_PARAM_ALL = -1; // This is the timeout to keep the camera in onPause for the first time // after screen on if the activity is started from secure lock screen. private static final int KEEP_CAMERA_TIMEOUT = 1000; // ms // copied from Camera hierarchy private CameraActivity mActivity; private View mRootView; private CameraProxy mCameraDevice; private int mCameraId; private Parameters mParameters; private boolean mPaused; private AbstractSettingPopup mPopup; // these are only used by Camera // The activity is going to switch to the specified camera id. This is // needed because texture copy is done in GL thread. -1 means camera is not // switching. protected int mPendingSwitchCameraId = -1; private boolean mOpenCameraFail; private boolean mCameraDisabled; // When setCameraParametersWhenIdle() is called, we accumulate the subsets // needed to be updated in mUpdateSet. private int mUpdateSet; private static final int SCREEN_DELAY = 2 * 60 * 1000; private int mZoomValue; // The current zoom value. private int mZoomMax; private List mZoomRatios; private Parameters mInitialParams; private boolean mFocusAreaSupported; private boolean mMeteringAreaSupported; private boolean mAeLockSupported; private boolean mAwbLockSupported; private boolean mContinousFocusSupported; // The degrees of the device rotated clockwise from its natural orientation. private int mOrientation = OrientationEventListener.ORIENTATION_UNKNOWN; private ComboPreferences mPreferences; private static final String sTempCropFilename = "crop-temp"; private ContentProviderClient mMediaProviderClient; private ShutterButton mShutterButton; private boolean mFaceDetectionStarted = false; private PreviewFrameLayout mPreviewFrameLayout; private Object mSurfaceTexture; private CountDownView mCountDownView; // for API level 10 private PreviewSurfaceView mPreviewSurfaceView; private volatile SurfaceHolder mCameraSurfaceHolder; private FaceView mFaceView; private RenderOverlay mRenderOverlay; private Rotatable mReviewCancelButton; private Rotatable mReviewDoneButton; private View mReviewRetakeButton; // mCropValue and mSaveUri are used only if isImageCaptureIntent() is true. private String mCropValue; private Uri mSaveUri; private View mMenu; private View mBlocker; // Small indicators which show the camera settings in the viewfinder. private ImageView mExposureIndicator; private ImageView mFlashIndicator; private ImageView mSceneIndicator; private ImageView mHdrIndicator; // A view group that contains all the small indicators. private View mOnScreenIndicators; // We use a queue to generated names of the images to be used later // when the image is ready to be saved. private NamedImages mNamedImages; private Runnable mDoSnapRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { onShutterButtonClick(); } }; private final StringBuilder mBuilder = new StringBuilder(); private final Formatter mFormatter = new Formatter(mBuilder); private final Object[] mFormatterArgs = new Object[1]; /** * An unpublished intent flag requesting to return as soon as capturing * is completed. * * TODO: consider publishing by moving into MediaStore. */ private static final String EXTRA_QUICK_CAPTURE = "android.intent.extra.quickCapture"; // The display rotation in degrees. This is only valid when mCameraState is // not PREVIEW_STOPPED. private int mDisplayRotation; // The value for android.hardware.Camera.setDisplayOrientation. private int mCameraDisplayOrientation; // The value for UI components like indicators. private int mDisplayOrientation; // The value for android.hardware.Camera.Parameters.setRotation. private int mJpegRotation; private boolean mFirstTimeInitialized; private boolean mIsImageCaptureIntent; private static final int PREVIEW_STOPPED = 0; private static final int IDLE = 1; // preview is active // Focus is in progress. The exact focus state is in Focus.java. private static final int FOCUSING = 2; private static final int SNAPSHOT_IN_PROGRESS = 3; // Switching between cameras. private static final int SWITCHING_CAMERA = 4; private int mCameraState = PREVIEW_STOPPED; private boolean mSnapshotOnIdle = false; private ContentResolver mContentResolver; private LocationManager mLocationManager; private final ShutterCallback mShutterCallback = new ShutterCallback(); private final PostViewPictureCallback mPostViewPictureCallback = new PostViewPictureCallback(); private final RawPictureCallback mRawPictureCallback = new RawPictureCallback(); private final AutoFocusCallback mAutoFocusCallback = new AutoFocusCallback(); private final Object mAutoFocusMoveCallback = ApiHelper.HAS_AUTO_FOCUS_MOVE_CALLBACK ? new AutoFocusMoveCallback() : null; private final CameraErrorCallback mErrorCallback = new CameraErrorCallback(); private long mFocusStartTime; private long mShutterCallbackTime; private long mPostViewPictureCallbackTime; private long mRawPictureCallbackTime; private long mJpegPictureCallbackTime; private long mOnResumeTime; private byte[] mJpegImageData; // These latency time are for the CameraLatency test. public long mAutoFocusTime; public long mShutterLag; public long mShutterToPictureDisplayedTime; public long mPictureDisplayedToJpegCallbackTime; public long mJpegCallbackFinishTime; public long mCaptureStartTime; // This handles everything about focus. private FocusOverlayManager mFocusManager; private PieRenderer mPieRenderer; private PhotoController mPhotoControl; private ZoomRenderer mZoomRenderer; private String mSceneMode; private Toast mNotSelectableToast; private final Handler mHandler = new MainHandler(); private PreferenceGroup mPreferenceGroup; private boolean mQuickCapture; CameraStartUpThread mCameraStartUpThread; ConditionVariable mStartPreviewPrerequisiteReady = new ConditionVariable(); private PreviewGestures mGestures; private MediaSaveService.OnMediaSavedListener mOnMediaSavedListener = new MediaSaveService.OnMediaSavedListener() { @Override public void onMediaSaved(Uri uri) { if (uri != null) { mActivity.addSecureAlbumItemIfNeeded(false, uri); Util.broadcastNewPicture(mActivity, uri); } } }; // The purpose is not to block the main thread in onCreate and onResume. private class CameraStartUpThread extends Thread { private volatile boolean mCancelled; public void cancel() { mCancelled = true; interrupt(); } public boolean isCanceled() { return mCancelled; } @Override public void run() { try { // We need to check whether the activity is paused before long // operations to ensure that onPause() can be done ASAP. if (mCancelled) return; mCameraDevice = Util.openCamera(mActivity, mCameraId); mParameters = mCameraDevice.getParameters(); // Wait until all the initialization needed by startPreview are // done. mStartPreviewPrerequisiteReady.block(); initializeCapabilities(); if (mFocusManager == null) initializeFocusManager(); if (mCancelled) return; setCameraParameters(UPDATE_PARAM_ALL); mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(CAMERA_OPEN_DONE); if (mCancelled) return; startPreview(); mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(START_PREVIEW_DONE); mOnResumeTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(CHECK_DISPLAY_ROTATION); } catch (CameraHardwareException e) { mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(OPEN_CAMERA_FAIL); } catch (CameraDisabledException e) { mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(CAMERA_DISABLED); } } } /** * This Handler is used to post message back onto the main thread of the * application */ private class MainHandler extends Handler { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case SETUP_PREVIEW: { setupPreview(); break; } case CLEAR_SCREEN_DELAY: { mActivity.getWindow().clearFlags( WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); break; } case FIRST_TIME_INIT: { initializeFirstTime(); break; } case SET_CAMERA_PARAMETERS_WHEN_IDLE: { setCameraParametersWhenIdle(0); break; } case CHECK_DISPLAY_ROTATION: { // Set the display orientation if display rotation has changed. // Sometimes this happens when the device is held upside // down and camera app is opened. Rotation animation will // take some time and the rotation value we have got may be // wrong. Framework does not have a callback for this now. if (Util.getDisplayRotation(mActivity) != mDisplayRotation) { setDisplayOrientation(); } if (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - mOnResumeTime < 5000) { mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(CHECK_DISPLAY_ROTATION, 100); } break; } case SHOW_TAP_TO_FOCUS_TOAST: { showTapToFocusToast(); break; } case SWITCH_CAMERA: { switchCamera(); break; } case SWITCH_CAMERA_START_ANIMATION: { ((CameraScreenNail) mActivity.mCameraScreenNail).animateSwitchCamera(); break; } case CAMERA_OPEN_DONE: { initializeAfterCameraOpen(); break; } case START_PREVIEW_DONE: { mCameraStartUpThread = null; setCameraState(IDLE); if (!ApiHelper.HAS_SURFACE_TEXTURE) { // This may happen if surfaceCreated has arrived. mCameraDevice.setPreviewDisplayAsync(mCameraSurfaceHolder); } startFaceDetection(); locationFirstRun(); break; } case OPEN_CAMERA_FAIL: { mCameraStartUpThread = null; mOpenCameraFail = true; Util.showErrorAndFinish(mActivity, R.string.cannot_connect_camera); break; } case CAMERA_DISABLED: { mCameraStartUpThread = null; mCameraDisabled = true; Util.showErrorAndFinish(mActivity, R.string.camera_disabled); break; } } } } @Override public void init(CameraActivity activity, View parent, boolean reuseNail) { mActivity = activity; mRootView = parent; mPreferences = new ComboPreferences(mActivity); CameraSettings.upgradeGlobalPreferences(mPreferences.getGlobal()); mCameraId = getPreferredCameraId(mPreferences); mContentResolver = mActivity.getContentResolver(); // To reduce startup time, open the camera and start the preview in // another thread. mCameraStartUpThread = new CameraStartUpThread(); mCameraStartUpThread.start(); mActivity.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.photo_module, (ViewGroup) mRootView); // Surface texture is from camera screen nail and startPreview needs it. // This must be done before startPreview. mIsImageCaptureIntent = isImageCaptureIntent(); if (reuseNail) { mActivity.reuseCameraScreenNail(!mIsImageCaptureIntent); } else { mActivity.createCameraScreenNail(!mIsImageCaptureIntent); } mPreferences.setLocalId(mActivity, mCameraId); CameraSettings.upgradeLocalPreferences(mPreferences.getLocal()); // we need to reset exposure for the preview resetExposureCompensation(); // Starting the preview needs preferences, camera screen nail, and // focus area indicator. mStartPreviewPrerequisiteReady.open(); initializeControlByIntent(); mQuickCapture = mActivity.getIntent().getBooleanExtra(EXTRA_QUICK_CAPTURE, false); initializeMiscControls(); mLocationManager = new LocationManager(mActivity, this); initOnScreenIndicator(); mCountDownView = (CountDownView) (mRootView.findViewById(R.id.count_down_to_capture)); mCountDownView.setCountDownFinishedListener(this); } // Prompt the user to pick to record location for the very first run of // camera only private void locationFirstRun() { if (RecordLocationPreference.isSet(mPreferences)) { return; } if (mActivity.isSecureCamera()) return; // Check if the back camera exists int backCameraId = CameraHolder.instance().getBackCameraId(); if (backCameraId == -1) { // If there is no back camera, do not show the prompt. return; } new AlertDialog.Builder(mActivity) .setTitle(R.string.remember_location_title) .setMessage(R.string.remember_location_prompt) .setPositiveButton(R.string.remember_location_yes, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int arg1) { setLocationPreference(RecordLocationPreference.VALUE_ON); } }) .setNegativeButton(R.string.remember_location_no, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int arg1) { dialog.cancel(); } }) .setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() { @Override public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { setLocationPreference(RecordLocationPreference.VALUE_OFF); } }) .show(); } private void setLocationPreference(String value) { mPreferences.edit() .putString(CameraSettings.KEY_RECORD_LOCATION, value) .apply(); // TODO: Fix this to use the actual onSharedPreferencesChanged listener // instead of invoking manually onSharedPreferenceChanged(); } private void initializeRenderOverlay() { if (mPieRenderer != null) { mRenderOverlay.addRenderer(mPieRenderer); mFocusManager.setFocusRenderer(mPieRenderer); } if (mZoomRenderer != null) { mRenderOverlay.addRenderer(mZoomRenderer); } if (mGestures != null) { mGestures.clearTouchReceivers(); mGestures.setRenderOverlay(mRenderOverlay); mGestures.addTouchReceiver(mMenu); mGestures.addTouchReceiver(mBlocker); if (isImageCaptureIntent()) { if (mReviewCancelButton != null) { mGestures.addTouchReceiver((View) mReviewCancelButton); } if (mReviewDoneButton != null) { mGestures.addTouchReceiver((View) mReviewDoneButton); } } } mRenderOverlay.requestLayout(); } private void initializeAfterCameraOpen() { if (mPieRenderer == null) { mPieRenderer = new PieRenderer(mActivity); mPhotoControl = new PhotoController(mActivity, this, mPieRenderer); mPhotoControl.setListener(this); mPieRenderer.setPieListener(this); } if (mZoomRenderer == null) { mZoomRenderer = new ZoomRenderer(mActivity); } if (mGestures == null) { // this will handle gesture disambiguation and dispatching mGestures = new PreviewGestures(mActivity, this, mZoomRenderer, mPieRenderer); } initializeRenderOverlay(); initializePhotoControl(); // These depend on camera parameters. setPreviewFrameLayoutAspectRatio(); mFocusManager.setPreviewSize(mPreviewFrameLayout.getWidth(), mPreviewFrameLayout.getHeight()); loadCameraPreferences(); initializeZoom(); updateOnScreenIndicators(); showTapToFocusToastIfNeeded(); onFullScreenChanged(mActivity.isInCameraApp()); } private void initializePhotoControl() { loadCameraPreferences(); if (mPhotoControl != null) { mPhotoControl.initialize(mPreferenceGroup); } updateSceneModeUI(); } private void resetExposureCompensation() { String value = mPreferences.getString(CameraSettings.KEY_EXPOSURE, CameraSettings.EXPOSURE_DEFAULT_VALUE); if (!CameraSettings.EXPOSURE_DEFAULT_VALUE.equals(value)) { Editor editor = mPreferences.edit(); editor.putString(CameraSettings.KEY_EXPOSURE, "0"); editor.apply(); } } private void keepMediaProviderInstance() { // We want to keep a reference to MediaProvider in camera's lifecycle. // TODO: Utilize mMediaProviderClient instance to replace // ContentResolver calls. if (mMediaProviderClient == null) { mMediaProviderClient = mContentResolver .acquireContentProviderClient(MediaStore.AUTHORITY); } } // Snapshots can only be taken after this is called. It should be called // once only. We could have done these things in onCreate() but we want to // make preview screen appear as soon as possible. private void initializeFirstTime() { if (mFirstTimeInitialized) return; // Initialize location service. boolean recordLocation = RecordLocationPreference.get( mPreferences, mContentResolver); mLocationManager.recordLocation(recordLocation); keepMediaProviderInstance(); // Initialize shutter button. mShutterButton = mActivity.getShutterButton(); mShutterButton.setImageResource(R.drawable.btn_new_shutter); mShutterButton.setOnShutterButtonListener(this); mShutterButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); MediaSaveService s = mActivity.getMediaSaveService(); // We set the listener only when both service and shutterbutton // are initialized. if (s != null) { s.setListener(this); } mNamedImages = new NamedImages(); mFirstTimeInitialized = true; addIdleHandler(); mActivity.updateStorageSpaceAndHint(); } private void showTapToFocusToastIfNeeded() { // Show the tap to focus toast if this is the first start. if (mFocusAreaSupported && mPreferences.getBoolean(CameraSettings.KEY_CAMERA_FIRST_USE_HINT_SHOWN, true)) { // Delay the toast for one second to wait for orientation. mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(SHOW_TAP_TO_FOCUS_TOAST, 1000); } } private void addIdleHandler() { MessageQueue queue = Looper.myQueue(); queue.addIdleHandler(new MessageQueue.IdleHandler() { @Override public boolean queueIdle() { Storage.ensureOSXCompatible(); return false; } }); } // If the activity is paused and resumed, this method will be called in // onResume. private void initializeSecondTime() { // Start location update if needed. boolean recordLocation = RecordLocationPreference.get( mPreferences, mContentResolver); mLocationManager.recordLocation(recordLocation); MediaSaveService s = mActivity.getMediaSaveService(); if (s != null) { s.setListener(this); } mNamedImages = new NamedImages(); initializeZoom(); keepMediaProviderInstance(); hidePostCaptureAlert(); if (mPhotoControl != null) { mPhotoControl.reloadPreferences(); } } private class ZoomChangeListener implements ZoomRenderer.OnZoomChangedListener { @Override public void onZoomValueChanged(int index) { // Not useful to change zoom value when the activity is paused. if (mPaused) return; mZoomValue = index; if (mParameters == null || mCameraDevice == null) return; // Set zoom parameters asynchronously mParameters.setZoom(mZoomValue); mCameraDevice.setParametersAsync(mParameters); if (mZoomRenderer != null) { Parameters p = mCameraDevice.getParameters(); mZoomRenderer.setZoomValue(mZoomRatios.get(p.getZoom())); } } @Override public void onZoomStart() { if (mPieRenderer != null) { mPieRenderer.setBlockFocus(true); } } @Override public void onZoomEnd() { if (mPieRenderer != null) { mPieRenderer.setBlockFocus(false); } } } private void initializeZoom() { if ((mParameters == null) || !mParameters.isZoomSupported() || (mZoomRenderer == null)) return; mZoomMax = mParameters.getMaxZoom(); mZoomRatios = mParameters.getZoomRatios(); // Currently we use immediate zoom for fast zooming to get better UX and // there is no plan to take advantage of the smooth zoom. if (mZoomRenderer != null) { mZoomRenderer.setZoomMax(mZoomMax); mZoomRenderer.setZoom(mParameters.getZoom()); mZoomRenderer.setZoomValue(mZoomRatios.get(mParameters.getZoom())); mZoomRenderer.setOnZoomChangeListener(new ZoomChangeListener()); } } @TargetApi(ApiHelper.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) @Override public void startFaceDetection() { if (!ApiHelper.HAS_FACE_DETECTION) return; if (mFaceDetectionStarted) return; if (mParameters.getMaxNumDetectedFaces() > 0) { mFaceDetectionStarted = true; mFaceView.clear(); mFaceView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mFaceView.setDisplayOrientation(mDisplayOrientation); CameraInfo info = CameraHolder.instance().getCameraInfo()[mCameraId]; mFaceView.setMirror(info.facing == CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT); mFaceView.resume(); mFocusManager.setFaceView(mFaceView); mCameraDevice.setFaceDetectionListener(new FaceDetectionListener() { @Override public void onFaceDetection(Face[] faces, android.hardware.Camera camera) { mFaceView.setFaces(faces); } }); mCameraDevice.startFaceDetection(); } } @TargetApi(ApiHelper.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) @Override public void stopFaceDetection() { if (!ApiHelper.HAS_FACE_DETECTION) return; if (!mFaceDetectionStarted) return; if (mParameters.getMaxNumDetectedFaces() > 0) { mFaceDetectionStarted = false; mCameraDevice.setFaceDetectionListener(null); mCameraDevice.stopFaceDetection(); if (mFaceView != null) mFaceView.clear(); } } @Override public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent m) { if (mCameraState == SWITCHING_CAMERA) return true; if (mPopup != null) { return mActivity.superDispatchTouchEvent(m); } else if (mGestures != null && mRenderOverlay != null) { return mGestures.dispatchTouch(m); } return false; } private void initOnScreenIndicator() { mOnScreenIndicators = mRootView.findViewById(R.id.on_screen_indicators); mExposureIndicator = (ImageView) mOnScreenIndicators.findViewById(R.id.menu_exposure_indicator); mFlashIndicator = (ImageView) mOnScreenIndicators.findViewById(R.id.menu_flash_indicator); mSceneIndicator = (ImageView) mOnScreenIndicators.findViewById(R.id.menu_scenemode_indicator); mHdrIndicator = (ImageView) mOnScreenIndicators.findViewById(R.id.menu_hdr_indicator); } @Override public void showGpsOnScreenIndicator(boolean hasSignal) { } @Override public void hideGpsOnScreenIndicator() { } private void updateExposureOnScreenIndicator(int value) { if (mExposureIndicator == null) { return; } int id = 0; float step = mParameters.getExposureCompensationStep(); value = (int) Math.round(value * step); switch(value) { case -3: id = R.drawable.ic_indicator_ev_n3; break; case -2: id = R.drawable.ic_indicator_ev_n2; break; case -1: id = R.drawable.ic_indicator_ev_n1; break; case 0: id = R.drawable.ic_indicator_ev_0; break; case 1: id = R.drawable.ic_indicator_ev_p1; break; case 2: id = R.drawable.ic_indicator_ev_p2; break; case 3: id = R.drawable.ic_indicator_ev_p3; break; } mExposureIndicator.setImageResource(id); } private void updateFlashOnScreenIndicator(String value) { if (mFlashIndicator == null) { return; } if (value == null || Parameters.FLASH_MODE_OFF.equals(value)) { mFlashIndicator.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_indicator_flash_off); } else { if (Parameters.FLASH_MODE_AUTO.equals(value)) { mFlashIndicator.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_indicator_flash_auto); } else if (Parameters.FLASH_MODE_ON.equals(value)) { mFlashIndicator.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_indicator_flash_on); } else { mFlashIndicator.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_indicator_flash_off); } } } private void updateSceneOnScreenIndicator(String value) { if (mSceneIndicator == null) { return; } if ((value == null) || Parameters.SCENE_MODE_AUTO.equals(value) || Parameters.SCENE_MODE_HDR.equals(value)) { mSceneIndicator.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_indicator_sce_off); } else { mSceneIndicator.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_indicator_sce_on); } } private void updateHdrOnScreenIndicator(String value) { if (mHdrIndicator == null) { return; } if ((value != null) && Parameters.SCENE_MODE_HDR.equals(value)) { mHdrIndicator.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_indicator_hdr_on); } else { mHdrIndicator.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_indicator_hdr_off); } } private void updateOnScreenIndicators() { if (mParameters == null) return; updateSceneOnScreenIndicator(mParameters.getSceneMode()); updateExposureOnScreenIndicator(CameraSettings.readExposure(mPreferences)); updateFlashOnScreenIndicator(mParameters.getFlashMode()); updateHdrOnScreenIndicator(mParameters.getSceneMode()); } private final class ShutterCallback implements android.hardware.Camera.ShutterCallback { @Override public void onShutter() { mShutterCallbackTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); mShutterLag = mShutterCallbackTime - mCaptureStartTime; Log.v(TAG, "mShutterLag = " + mShutterLag + "ms"); } } private final class PostViewPictureCallback implements PictureCallback { @Override public void onPictureTaken( byte [] data, android.hardware.Camera camera) { mPostViewPictureCallbackTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Log.v(TAG, "mShutterToPostViewCallbackTime = " + (mPostViewPictureCallbackTime - mShutterCallbackTime) + "ms"); } } private final class RawPictureCallback implements PictureCallback { @Override public void onPictureTaken( byte [] rawData, android.hardware.Camera camera) { mRawPictureCallbackTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Log.v(TAG, "mShutterToRawCallbackTime = " + (mRawPictureCallbackTime - mShutterCallbackTime) + "ms"); } } private final class JpegPictureCallback implements PictureCallback { Location mLocation; public JpegPictureCallback(Location loc) { mLocation = loc; } @Override public void onPictureTaken( final byte [] jpegData, final android.hardware.Camera camera) { if (mPaused) { return; } if (mSceneMode == Util.SCENE_MODE_HDR) { mActivity.showSwitcher(); mActivity.setSwipingEnabled(true); } mJpegPictureCallbackTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // If postview callback has arrived, the captured image is displayed // in postview callback. If not, the captured image is displayed in // raw picture callback. if (mPostViewPictureCallbackTime != 0) { mShutterToPictureDisplayedTime = mPostViewPictureCallbackTime - mShutterCallbackTime; mPictureDisplayedToJpegCallbackTime = mJpegPictureCallbackTime - mPostViewPictureCallbackTime; } else { mShutterToPictureDisplayedTime = mRawPictureCallbackTime - mShutterCallbackTime; mPictureDisplayedToJpegCallbackTime = mJpegPictureCallbackTime - mRawPictureCallbackTime; } Log.v(TAG, "mPictureDisplayedToJpegCallbackTime = " + mPictureDisplayedToJpegCallbackTime + "ms"); // Only animate when in full screen capture mode // i.e. If monkey/a user swipes to the gallery during picture taking, // don't show animation if (ApiHelper.HAS_SURFACE_TEXTURE && !mIsImageCaptureIntent && mActivity.mShowCameraAppView) { // Finish capture animation ((CameraScreenNail) mActivity.mCameraScreenNail).animateSlide(); } mFocusManager.updateFocusUI(); // Ensure focus indicator is hidden. if (!mIsImageCaptureIntent) { if (ApiHelper.CAN_START_PREVIEW_IN_JPEG_CALLBACK) { setupPreview(); } else { // Camera HAL of some devices have a bug. Starting preview // immediately after taking a picture will fail. Wait some // time before starting the preview. mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(SETUP_PREVIEW, 300); } } if (!mIsImageCaptureIntent) { // Calculate the width and the height of the jpeg. Size s = mParameters.getPictureSize(); int orientation = Exif.getOrientation(jpegData); int width, height; if ((mJpegRotation + orientation) % 180 == 0) { width = s.width; height = s.height; } else { width = s.height; height = s.width; } String title = mNamedImages.getTitle(); long date = mNamedImages.getDate(); if (title == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Unbalanced name/data pair"); } else { if (date == -1) date = mCaptureStartTime; mActivity.getMediaSaveService().addImage( jpegData, title, date, mLocation, width, height, orientation, mOnMediaSavedListener, mContentResolver); } } else { mJpegImageData = jpegData; if (!mQuickCapture) { showPostCaptureAlert(); } else { doAttach(); } } // Check this in advance of each shot so we don't add to shutter // latency. It's true that someone else could write to the SD card in // the mean time and fill it, but that could have happened between the // shutter press and saving the JPEG too. mActivity.updateStorageSpaceAndHint(); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); mJpegCallbackFinishTime = now - mJpegPictureCallbackTime; Log.v(TAG, "mJpegCallbackFinishTime = " + mJpegCallbackFinishTime + "ms"); mJpegPictureCallbackTime = 0; } } private final class AutoFocusCallback implements android.hardware.Camera.AutoFocusCallback { @Override public void onAutoFocus( boolean focused, android.hardware.Camera camera) { if (mPaused) return; mAutoFocusTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - mFocusStartTime; Log.v(TAG, "mAutoFocusTime = " + mAutoFocusTime + "ms"); setCameraState(IDLE); mFocusManager.onAutoFocus(focused, mShutterButton.isPressed()); } } @TargetApi(ApiHelper.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) private final class AutoFocusMoveCallback implements android.hardware.Camera.AutoFocusMoveCallback { @Override public void onAutoFocusMoving( boolean moving, android.hardware.Camera camera) { mFocusManager.onAutoFocusMoving(moving); } } private static class NamedImages { private ArrayList mQueue; private boolean mStop; private NamedEntity mNamedEntity; public NamedImages() { mQueue = new ArrayList(); } public void nameNewImage(ContentResolver resolver, long date) { NamedEntity r = new NamedEntity(); r.title = Util.createJpegName(date); r.date = date; mQueue.add(r); } public String getTitle() { if (mQueue.isEmpty()) { mNamedEntity = null; return null; } mNamedEntity = mQueue.get(0); mQueue.remove(0); return mNamedEntity.title; } // Must be called after getTitle(). public long getDate() { if (mNamedEntity == null) return -1; return mNamedEntity.date; } private static class NamedEntity { String title; long date; } } private void setCameraState(int state) { mCameraState = state; switch (state) { case PREVIEW_STOPPED: case SNAPSHOT_IN_PROGRESS: case FOCUSING: case SWITCHING_CAMERA: if (mGestures != null) mGestures.setEnabled(false); break; case IDLE: if (mGestures != null && mActivity.mShowCameraAppView) { // Enable gestures only when the camera app view is visible mGestures.setEnabled(true); } break; } } private void animateFlash() { // Only animate when in full screen capture mode // i.e. If monkey/a user swipes to the gallery during picture taking, // don't show animation if (ApiHelper.HAS_SURFACE_TEXTURE && !mIsImageCaptureIntent && mActivity.mShowCameraAppView) { // Start capture animation. ((CameraScreenNail) mActivity.mCameraScreenNail).animateFlash(mDisplayRotation); } } @Override public boolean capture() { // If we are already in the middle of taking a snapshot or the image save request // is full then ignore. if (mCameraDevice == null || mCameraState == SNAPSHOT_IN_PROGRESS || mCameraState == SWITCHING_CAMERA || mActivity.getMediaSaveService().isQueueFull()) { return false; } mCaptureStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); mPostViewPictureCallbackTime = 0; mJpegImageData = null; final boolean animateBefore = (mSceneMode == Util.SCENE_MODE_HDR); if (animateBefore) { animateFlash(); } // Set rotation and gps data. mJpegRotation = Util.getJpegRotation(mCameraId, mOrientation); mParameters.setRotation(mJpegRotation); Location loc = mLocationManager.getCurrentLocation(); Util.setGpsParameters(mParameters, loc); mCameraDevice.setParameters(mParameters); mCameraDevice.takePicture2(mShutterCallback, mRawPictureCallback, mPostViewPictureCallback, new JpegPictureCallback(loc), mCameraState, mFocusManager.getFocusState()); if (!animateBefore) { animateFlash(); } mNamedImages.nameNewImage(mContentResolver, mCaptureStartTime); mFaceDetectionStarted = false; setCameraState(SNAPSHOT_IN_PROGRESS); return true; } @Override public void setFocusParameters() { setCameraParameters(UPDATE_PARAM_PREFERENCE); } private int getPreferredCameraId(ComboPreferences preferences) { int intentCameraId = Util.getCameraFacingIntentExtras(mActivity); if (intentCameraId != -1) { // Testing purpose. Launch a specific camera through the intent // extras. return intentCameraId; } else { return CameraSettings.readPreferredCameraId(preferences); } } private void setShowMenu(boolean show) { if (mOnScreenIndicators != null) { mOnScreenIndicators.setVisibility(show ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); } if (mMenu != null) { mMenu.setVisibility(show ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); } } @Override public void onFullScreenChanged(boolean full) { if (mFaceView != null) { mFaceView.setBlockDraw(!full); } if (mPopup != null) { dismissPopup(false, full); } if (mGestures != null) { mGestures.setEnabled(full); } if (mRenderOverlay != null) { // this can not happen in capture mode mRenderOverlay.setVisibility(full ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); } if (mPieRenderer != null) { mPieRenderer.setBlockFocus(!full); } setShowMenu(full); if (mBlocker != null) { mBlocker.setVisibility(full ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); } if (!full && mCountDownView != null) mCountDownView.cancelCountDown(); if (ApiHelper.HAS_SURFACE_TEXTURE) { if (mActivity.mCameraScreenNail != null) { ((CameraScreenNail) mActivity.mCameraScreenNail).setFullScreen(full); } return; } if (full) { mPreviewSurfaceView.expand(); } else { mPreviewSurfaceView.shrink(); } } @Override public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height) { Log.v(TAG, "surfaceChanged:" + holder + " width=" + width + ". height=" + height); } @Override public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) { Log.v(TAG, "surfaceCreated: " + holder); mCameraSurfaceHolder = holder; // Do not access the camera if camera start up thread is not finished. if (mCameraDevice == null || mCameraStartUpThread != null) return; mCameraDevice.setPreviewDisplayAsync(holder); // This happens when onConfigurationChanged arrives, surface has been // destroyed, and there is no onFullScreenChanged. if (mCameraState == PREVIEW_STOPPED) { setupPreview(); } } @Override public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) { Log.v(TAG, "surfaceDestroyed: " + holder); mCameraSurfaceHolder = null; stopPreview(); } private void updateSceneModeUI() { // If scene mode is set, we cannot set flash mode, white balance, and // focus mode, instead, we read it from driver if (!Parameters.SCENE_MODE_AUTO.equals(mSceneMode)) { overrideCameraSettings(mParameters.getFlashMode(), mParameters.getWhiteBalance(), mParameters.getFocusMode()); } else { overrideCameraSettings(null, null, null); } } private void overrideCameraSettings(final String flashMode, final String whiteBalance, final String focusMode) { if (mPhotoControl != null) { // mPieControl.enableFilter(true); mPhotoControl.overrideSettings( CameraSettings.KEY_FLASH_MODE, flashMode, CameraSettings.KEY_WHITE_BALANCE, whiteBalance, CameraSettings.KEY_FOCUS_MODE, focusMode); // mPieControl.enableFilter(false); } } private void loadCameraPreferences() { CameraSettings settings = new CameraSettings(mActivity, mInitialParams, mCameraId, CameraHolder.instance().getCameraInfo()); mPreferenceGroup = settings.getPreferenceGroup(R.xml.camera_preferences); } @Override public boolean collapseCameraControls() { // Remove all the popups/dialog boxes boolean ret = false; if (mPopup != null) { dismissPopup(false); ret = true; } return ret; } public boolean removeTopLevelPopup() { // Remove the top level popup or dialog box and return true if there's any if (mPopup != null) { dismissPopup(true); return true; } return false; } @Override public void onOrientationChanged(int orientation) { // We keep the last known orientation. So if the user first orient // the camera then point the camera to floor or sky, we still have // the correct orientation. if (orientation == OrientationEventListener.ORIENTATION_UNKNOWN) return; mOrientation = Util.roundOrientation(orientation, mOrientation); // Show the toast after getting the first orientation changed. if (mHandler.hasMessages(SHOW_TAP_TO_FOCUS_TOAST)) { mHandler.removeMessages(SHOW_TAP_TO_FOCUS_TOAST); showTapToFocusToast(); } } @Override public void onStop() { if (mMediaProviderClient != null) { mMediaProviderClient.release(); mMediaProviderClient = null; } } // onClick handler for R.id.btn_done @OnClickAttr public void onReviewDoneClicked(View v) { doAttach(); } // onClick handler for R.id.btn_cancel @OnClickAttr public void onReviewCancelClicked(View v) { doCancel(); } // onClick handler for R.id.btn_retake @OnClickAttr public void onReviewRetakeClicked(View v) { if (mPaused) return; hidePostCaptureAlert(); setupPreview(); } private void doAttach() { if (mPaused) { return; } byte[] data = mJpegImageData; if (mCropValue == null) { // First handle the no crop case -- just return the value. If the // caller specifies a "save uri" then write the data to its // stream. Otherwise, pass back a scaled down version of the bitmap // directly in the extras. if (mSaveUri != null) { OutputStream outputStream = null; try { outputStream = mContentResolver.openOutputStream(mSaveUri); outputStream.write(data); outputStream.close(); mActivity.setResultEx(Activity.RESULT_OK); mActivity.finish(); } catch (IOException ex) { // ignore exception } finally { Util.closeSilently(outputStream); } } else { int orientation = Exif.getOrientation(data); Bitmap bitmap = Util.makeBitmap(data, 50 * 1024); bitmap = Util.rotate(bitmap, orientation); mActivity.setResultEx(Activity.RESULT_OK, new Intent("inline-data").putExtra("data", bitmap)); mActivity.finish(); } } else { // Save the image to a temp file and invoke the cropper Uri tempUri = null; FileOutputStream tempStream = null; try { File path = mActivity.getFileStreamPath(sTempCropFilename); path.delete(); tempStream = mActivity.openFileOutput(sTempCropFilename, 0); tempStream.write(data); tempStream.close(); tempUri = Uri.fromFile(path); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { mActivity.setResultEx(Activity.RESULT_CANCELED); mActivity.finish(); return; } catch (IOException ex) { mActivity.setResultEx(Activity.RESULT_CANCELED); mActivity.finish(); return; } finally { Util.closeSilently(tempStream); } Bundle newExtras = new Bundle(); if (mCropValue.equals("circle")) { newExtras.putString("circleCrop", "true"); } if (mSaveUri != null) { newExtras.putParcelable(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, mSaveUri); } else { newExtras.putBoolean(CropExtras.KEY_RETURN_DATA, true); } if (mActivity.isSecureCamera()) { newExtras.putBoolean(CropExtras.KEY_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED, true); } Intent cropIntent = new Intent(FilterShowActivity.CROP_ACTION); cropIntent.setData(tempUri); cropIntent.putExtras(newExtras); mActivity.startActivityForResult(cropIntent, REQUEST_CROP); } } private void doCancel() { mActivity.setResultEx(Activity.RESULT_CANCELED, new Intent()); mActivity.finish(); } @Override public void onShutterButtonFocus(boolean pressed) { if (mPaused || collapseCameraControls() || (mCameraState == SNAPSHOT_IN_PROGRESS) || (mCameraState == PREVIEW_STOPPED)) return; // Do not do focus if there is not enough storage. if (pressed && !canTakePicture()) return; if (pressed) { if (mSceneMode == Util.SCENE_MODE_HDR) { mActivity.hideSwitcher(); mActivity.setSwipingEnabled(false); } mFocusManager.onShutterDown(); } else { // for countdown mode, we need to postpone the shutter release // i.e. lock the focus during countdown. if (!mCountDownView.isCountingDown()) { mFocusManager.onShutterUp(); } } } @Override public void onShutterButtonClick() { if (mPaused || collapseCameraControls() || (mCameraState == SWITCHING_CAMERA) || (mCameraState == PREVIEW_STOPPED)) return; // Do not take the picture if there is not enough storage. if (mActivity.getStorageSpace() <= Storage.LOW_STORAGE_THRESHOLD) { Log.i(TAG, "Not enough space or storage not ready. remaining=" + mActivity.getStorageSpace()); return; } Log.v(TAG, "onShutterButtonClick: mCameraState=" + mCameraState); // If the user wants to do a snapshot while the previous one is still // in progress, remember the fact and do it after we finish the previous // one and re-start the preview. Snapshot in progress also includes the // state that autofocus is focusing and a picture will be taken when // focus callback arrives. if ((mFocusManager.isFocusingSnapOnFinish() || mCameraState == SNAPSHOT_IN_PROGRESS) && !mIsImageCaptureIntent) { mSnapshotOnIdle = true; return; } String timer = mPreferences.getString( CameraSettings.KEY_TIMER, mActivity.getString(R.string.pref_camera_timer_default)); boolean playSound = mPreferences.getString(CameraSettings.KEY_TIMER_SOUND_EFFECTS, mActivity.getString(R.string.pref_camera_timer_sound_default)) .equals(mActivity.getString(R.string.setting_on_value)); int seconds = Integer.parseInt(timer); // When shutter button is pressed, check whether the previous countdown is // finished. If not, cancel the previous countdown and start a new one. if (mCountDownView.isCountingDown()) { mCountDownView.cancelCountDown(); mCountDownView.startCountDown(seconds, playSound); } else if (seconds > 0) { mCountDownView.startCountDown(seconds, playSound); } else { mSnapshotOnIdle = false; mFocusManager.doSnap(); } } @Override public void installIntentFilter() { } @Override public boolean updateStorageHintOnResume() { return mFirstTimeInitialized; } @Override public void updateCameraAppView() { } @Override public void onResumeBeforeSuper() { mPaused = false; } @Override public void onResumeAfterSuper() { if (mOpenCameraFail || mCameraDisabled) return; mJpegPictureCallbackTime = 0; mZoomValue = 0; // Start the preview if it is not started. if (mCameraState == PREVIEW_STOPPED && mCameraStartUpThread == null) { resetExposureCompensation(); mCameraStartUpThread = new CameraStartUpThread(); mCameraStartUpThread.start(); } // If first time initialization is not finished, put it in the // message queue. if (!mFirstTimeInitialized) { mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(FIRST_TIME_INIT); } else { initializeSecondTime(); } keepScreenOnAwhile(); // Dismiss open menu if exists. PopupManager.getInstance(mActivity).notifyShowPopup(null); } void waitCameraStartUpThread() { try { if (mCameraStartUpThread != null) { mCameraStartUpThread.cancel(); mCameraStartUpThread.join(); mCameraStartUpThread = null; setCameraState(IDLE); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // ignore } } @Override public void onPauseBeforeSuper() { mPaused = true; } @Override public void onPauseAfterSuper() { // Wait the camera start up thread to finish. waitCameraStartUpThread(); // When camera is started from secure lock screen for the first time // after screen on, the activity gets onCreate->onResume->onPause->onResume. // To reduce the latency, keep the camera for a short time so it does // not need to be opened again. if (mCameraDevice != null && mActivity.isSecureCamera() && ActivityBase.isFirstStartAfterScreenOn()) { ActivityBase.resetFirstStartAfterScreenOn(); CameraHolder.instance().keep(KEEP_CAMERA_TIMEOUT); } // Reset the focus first. Camera CTS does not guarantee that // cancelAutoFocus is allowed after preview stops. if (mCameraDevice != null && mCameraState != PREVIEW_STOPPED) { mCameraDevice.cancelAutoFocus(); } stopPreview(); mCountDownView.cancelCountDown(); // Close the camera now because other activities may need to use it. closeCamera(); if (mSurfaceTexture != null) { ((CameraScreenNail) mActivity.mCameraScreenNail).releaseSurfaceTexture(); mSurfaceTexture = null; } resetScreenOn(); // Clear UI. collapseCameraControls(); if (mFaceView != null) mFaceView.clear(); mNamedImages = null; if (mLocationManager != null) mLocationManager.recordLocation(false); // If we are in an image capture intent and has taken // a picture, we just clear it in onPause. mJpegImageData = null; // Remove the messages in the event queue. mHandler.removeMessages(SETUP_PREVIEW); mHandler.removeMessages(FIRST_TIME_INIT); mHandler.removeMessages(CHECK_DISPLAY_ROTATION); mHandler.removeMessages(SWITCH_CAMERA); mHandler.removeMessages(SWITCH_CAMERA_START_ANIMATION); mHandler.removeMessages(CAMERA_OPEN_DONE); mHandler.removeMessages(START_PREVIEW_DONE); mHandler.removeMessages(OPEN_CAMERA_FAIL); mHandler.removeMessages(CAMERA_DISABLED); mPendingSwitchCameraId = -1; if (mFocusManager != null) mFocusManager.removeMessages(); MediaSaveService s = mActivity.getMediaSaveService(); if (s != null) { s.setListener(null); } } private void initializeControlByIntent() { mBlocker = mRootView.findViewById(R.id.blocker); mMenu = mRootView.findViewById(R.id.menu); mMenu.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (mPieRenderer != null) { // If autofocus is not finished, cancel autofocus so that the // subsequent touch can be handled by PreviewGestures if (mCameraState == FOCUSING) cancelAutoFocus(); mPieRenderer.showInCenter(); } } }); if (mIsImageCaptureIntent) { mActivity.hideSwitcher(); // Cannot use RotateImageView for "done" and "cancel" button because // the tablet layout uses RotateLayout, which cannot be cast to // RotateImageView. mReviewDoneButton = (Rotatable) mRootView.findViewById(R.id.btn_done); mReviewCancelButton = (Rotatable) mRootView.findViewById(R.id.btn_cancel); mReviewRetakeButton = mRootView.findViewById(R.id.btn_retake); ((View) mReviewCancelButton).setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); ((View) mReviewDoneButton).setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { onReviewDoneClicked(v); } }); ((View) mReviewCancelButton).setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { onReviewCancelClicked(v); } }); mReviewRetakeButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { onReviewRetakeClicked(v); } }); // Not grayed out upon disabled, to make the follow-up fade-out // effect look smooth. Note that the review done button in tablet // layout is not a TwoStateImageView. if (mReviewDoneButton instanceof TwoStateImageView) { ((TwoStateImageView) mReviewDoneButton).enableFilter(false); } setupCaptureParams(); } } /** * The focus manager is the first UI related element to get initialized, * and it requires the RenderOverlay, so initialize it here */ private void initializeFocusManager() { // Create FocusManager object. startPreview needs it. mRenderOverlay = (RenderOverlay) mRootView.findViewById(R.id.render_overlay); // if mFocusManager not null, reuse it // otherwise create a new instance if (mFocusManager != null) { mFocusManager.removeMessages(); } else { CameraInfo info = CameraHolder.instance().getCameraInfo()[mCameraId]; boolean mirror = (info.facing == CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT); String[] defaultFocusModes = mActivity.getResources().getStringArray( R.array.pref_camera_focusmode_default_array); mFocusManager = new FocusOverlayManager(mPreferences, defaultFocusModes, mInitialParams, this, mirror, mActivity.getMainLooper()); } } private void initializeMiscControls() { // startPreview needs this. mPreviewFrameLayout = (PreviewFrameLayout) mRootView.findViewById(R.id.frame); // Set touch focus listener. mActivity.setSingleTapUpListener(mPreviewFrameLayout); mFaceView = (FaceView) mRootView.findViewById(R.id.face_view); mPreviewFrameLayout.setOnSizeChangedListener(this); mPreviewFrameLayout.setOnLayoutChangeListener(mActivity); if (!ApiHelper.HAS_SURFACE_TEXTURE) { mPreviewSurfaceView = (PreviewSurfaceView) mRootView.findViewById(R.id.preview_surface_view); mPreviewSurfaceView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mPreviewSurfaceView.getHolder().addCallback(this); } } @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { Log.v(TAG, "onConfigurationChanged"); setDisplayOrientation(); // Only the views in photo_module_content need to be removed and recreated // i.e. CountDownView won't be recreated ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) mRootView.findViewById(R.id.camera_app); viewGroup.removeAllViews(); LayoutInflater inflater = mActivity.getLayoutInflater(); inflater.inflate(R.layout.photo_module_content, (ViewGroup) viewGroup); // from onCreate() initializeControlByIntent(); initializeFocusManager(); initializeMiscControls(); loadCameraPreferences(); // from initializeFirstTime() mShutterButton = mActivity.getShutterButton(); mShutterButton.setOnShutterButtonListener(this); initializeZoom(); initOnScreenIndicator(); updateOnScreenIndicators(); if (mFaceView != null) { mFaceView.clear(); mFaceView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mFaceView.setDisplayOrientation(mDisplayOrientation); CameraInfo info = CameraHolder.instance().getCameraInfo()[mCameraId]; mFaceView.setMirror(info.facing == CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT); mFaceView.resume(); mFocusManager.setFaceView(mFaceView); } initializeRenderOverlay(); onFullScreenChanged(mActivity.isInCameraApp()); if (mJpegImageData != null) { // Jpeg data found, picture has been taken. showPostCaptureAlert(); } } @Override public void onActivityResult( int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { switch (requestCode) { case REQUEST_CROP: { Intent intent = new Intent(); if (data != null) { Bundle extras = data.getExtras(); if (extras != null) { intent.putExtras(extras); } } mActivity.setResultEx(resultCode, intent); mActivity.finish(); File path = mActivity.getFileStreamPath(sTempCropFilename); path.delete(); break; } } } private boolean canTakePicture() { return isCameraIdle() && (mActivity.getStorageSpace() > Storage.LOW_STORAGE_THRESHOLD); } @Override public void autoFocus() { mFocusStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); mCameraDevice.autoFocus(mAutoFocusCallback); setCameraState(FOCUSING); } @Override public void cancelAutoFocus() { mCameraDevice.cancelAutoFocus(); setCameraState(IDLE); setCameraParameters(UPDATE_PARAM_PREFERENCE); } // Preview area is touched. Handle touch focus. @Override public void onSingleTapUp(View view, int x, int y) { if (mPaused || mCameraDevice == null || !mFirstTimeInitialized || mCameraState == SNAPSHOT_IN_PROGRESS || mCameraState == SWITCHING_CAMERA || mCameraState == PREVIEW_STOPPED) { return; } // Do not trigger touch focus if popup window is opened. if (removeTopLevelPopup()) return; // Check if metering area or focus area is supported. if (!mFocusAreaSupported && !mMeteringAreaSupported) return; mFocusManager.onSingleTapUp(x, y); } @Override public boolean onBackPressed() { if (mPieRenderer != null && mPieRenderer.showsItems()) { mPieRenderer.hide(); return true; } // In image capture mode, back button should: // 1) if there is any popup, dismiss them, 2) otherwise, get out of image capture if (mIsImageCaptureIntent) { if (!removeTopLevelPopup()) { // no popup to dismiss, cancel image capture doCancel(); } return true; } else if (!isCameraIdle()) { // ignore backs while we're taking a picture return true; } else { return removeTopLevelPopup(); } } @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_FOCUS: if (mActivity.isInCameraApp() && mFirstTimeInitialized) { if (event.getRepeatCount() == 0) { onShutterButtonFocus(true); } return true; } return false; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_CAMERA: if (mFirstTimeInitialized && event.getRepeatCount() == 0) { onShutterButtonClick(); } return true; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER: // If we get a dpad center event without any focused view, move // the focus to the shutter button and press it. if (mFirstTimeInitialized && event.getRepeatCount() == 0) { // Start auto-focus immediately to reduce shutter lag. After // the shutter button gets the focus, onShutterButtonFocus() // will be called again but it is fine. if (removeTopLevelPopup()) return true; onShutterButtonFocus(true); if (mShutterButton.isInTouchMode()) { mShutterButton.requestFocusFromTouch(); } else { mShutterButton.requestFocus(); } mShutterButton.setPressed(true); } return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN: if (mActivity.isInCameraApp() && mFirstTimeInitialized) { onShutterButtonClick(); return true; } return false; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_FOCUS: if (mFirstTimeInitialized) { onShutterButtonFocus(false); } return true; } return false; } @TargetApi(ApiHelper.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) private void closeCamera() { if (mCameraDevice != null) { mCameraDevice.setZoomChangeListener(null); if(ApiHelper.HAS_FACE_DETECTION) { mCameraDevice.setFaceDetectionListener(null); } mCameraDevice.setErrorCallback(null); CameraHolder.instance().release(); mFaceDetectionStarted = false; mCameraDevice = null; setCameraState(PREVIEW_STOPPED); mFocusManager.onCameraReleased(); } } private void setDisplayOrientation() { mDisplayRotation = Util.getDisplayRotation(mActivity); mDisplayOrientation = Util.getDisplayOrientation(mDisplayRotation, mCameraId); mCameraDisplayOrientation = Util.getDisplayOrientation(0, mCameraId); if (mFaceView != null) { mFaceView.setDisplayOrientation(mDisplayOrientation); } if (mFocusManager != null) { mFocusManager.setDisplayOrientation(mDisplayOrientation); } // GLRoot also uses the DisplayRotation, and needs to be told to layout to update mActivity.getGLRoot().requestLayoutContentPane(); } // Only called by UI thread. private void setupPreview() { mFocusManager.resetTouchFocus(); startPreview(); setCameraState(IDLE); startFaceDetection(); } // This can be called by UI Thread or CameraStartUpThread. So this should // not modify the views. private void startPreview() { mCameraDevice.setErrorCallback(mErrorCallback); // ICS camera frameworks has a bug. Face detection state is not cleared // after taking a picture. Stop the preview to work around it. The bug // was fixed in JB. if (mCameraState != PREVIEW_STOPPED) stopPreview(); setDisplayOrientation(); if (!mSnapshotOnIdle) { // If the focus mode is continuous autofocus, call cancelAutoFocus to // resume it because it may have been paused by autoFocus call. if (Util.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_PICTURE.equals(mFocusManager.getFocusMode())) { mCameraDevice.cancelAutoFocus(); } mFocusManager.setAeAwbLock(false); // Unlock AE and AWB. } setCameraParameters(UPDATE_PARAM_ALL); if (ApiHelper.HAS_SURFACE_TEXTURE) { CameraScreenNail screenNail = (CameraScreenNail) mActivity.mCameraScreenNail; if (mSurfaceTexture == null) { Size size = mParameters.getPreviewSize(); if (mCameraDisplayOrientation % 180 == 0) { screenNail.setSize(size.width, size.height); } else { screenNail.setSize(size.height, size.width); } screenNail.enableAspectRatioClamping(); mActivity.notifyScreenNailChanged(); screenNail.acquireSurfaceTexture(); CameraStartUpThread t = mCameraStartUpThread; if (t != null && t.isCanceled()) { return; // Exiting, so no need to get the surface texture. } mSurfaceTexture = screenNail.getSurfaceTexture(); } mCameraDevice.setDisplayOrientation(mCameraDisplayOrientation); if (mSurfaceTexture != null) { mCameraDevice.setPreviewTextureAsync((SurfaceTexture) mSurfaceTexture); } } else { mCameraDevice.setDisplayOrientation(mDisplayOrientation); mCameraDevice.setPreviewDisplayAsync(mCameraSurfaceHolder); } Log.v(TAG, "startPreview"); mCameraDevice.startPreviewAsync(); mFocusManager.onPreviewStarted(); if (mSnapshotOnIdle) { mHandler.post(mDoSnapRunnable); } } private void stopPreview() { if (mCameraDevice != null && mCameraState != PREVIEW_STOPPED) { Log.v(TAG, "stopPreview"); mCameraDevice.stopPreview(); mFaceDetectionStarted = false; } setCameraState(PREVIEW_STOPPED); if (mFocusManager != null) mFocusManager.onPreviewStopped(); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void updateCameraParametersInitialize() { // Reset preview frame rate to the maximum because it may be lowered by // video camera application. List frameRates = mParameters.getSupportedPreviewFrameRates(); if (frameRates != null) { Integer max = Collections.max(frameRates); mParameters.setPreviewFrameRate(max); } mParameters.set(Util.RECORDING_HINT, Util.FALSE); // Disable video stabilization. Convenience methods not available in API // level <= 14 String vstabSupported = mParameters.get("video-stabilization-supported"); if ("true".equals(vstabSupported)) { mParameters.set("video-stabilization", "false"); } } private void updateCameraParametersZoom() { // Set zoom. if (mParameters.isZoomSupported()) { mParameters.setZoom(mZoomValue); } } @TargetApi(ApiHelper.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) private void setAutoExposureLockIfSupported() { if (mAeLockSupported) { mParameters.setAutoExposureLock(mFocusManager.getAeAwbLock()); } } @TargetApi(ApiHelper.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) private void setAutoWhiteBalanceLockIfSupported() { if (mAwbLockSupported) { mParameters.setAutoWhiteBalanceLock(mFocusManager.getAeAwbLock()); } } @TargetApi(ApiHelper.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) private void setFocusAreasIfSupported() { if (mFocusAreaSupported) { mParameters.setFocusAreas(mFocusManager.getFocusAreas()); } } @TargetApi(ApiHelper.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) private void setMeteringAreasIfSupported() { if (mMeteringAreaSupported) { // Use the same area for focus and metering. mParameters.setMeteringAreas(mFocusManager.getMeteringAreas()); } } private void updateCameraParametersPreference() { setAutoExposureLockIfSupported(); setAutoWhiteBalanceLockIfSupported(); setFocusAreasIfSupported(); setMeteringAreasIfSupported(); // Set picture size. String pictureSize = mPreferences.getString( CameraSettings.KEY_PICTURE_SIZE, null); if (pictureSize == null) { CameraSettings.initialCameraPictureSize(mActivity, mParameters); } else { List supported = mParameters.getSupportedPictureSizes(); CameraSettings.setCameraPictureSize( pictureSize, supported, mParameters); } Size size = mParameters.getPictureSize(); // Set a preview size that is closest to the viewfinder height and has // the right aspect ratio. List sizes = mParameters.getSupportedPreviewSizes(); Size optimalSize = Util.getOptimalPreviewSize(mActivity, sizes, (double) size.width / size.height); Size original = mParameters.getPreviewSize(); if (!original.equals(optimalSize)) { mParameters.setPreviewSize(optimalSize.width, optimalSize.height); // Zoom related settings will be changed for different preview // sizes, so set and read the parameters to get latest values mCameraDevice.setParameters(mParameters); mParameters = mCameraDevice.getParameters(); } Log.v(TAG, "Preview size is " + optimalSize.width + "x" + optimalSize.height); // Since changing scene mode may change supported values, set scene mode // first. HDR is a scene mode. To promote it in UI, it is stored in a // separate preference. String hdr = mPreferences.getString(CameraSettings.KEY_CAMERA_HDR, mActivity.getString(R.string.pref_camera_hdr_default)); if (mActivity.getString(R.string.setting_on_value).equals(hdr)) { mSceneMode = Util.SCENE_MODE_HDR; } else { mSceneMode = mPreferences.getString( CameraSettings.KEY_SCENE_MODE, mActivity.getString(R.string.pref_camera_scenemode_default)); } if (Util.isSupported(mSceneMode, mParameters.getSupportedSceneModes())) { if (!mParameters.getSceneMode().equals(mSceneMode)) { mParameters.setSceneMode(mSceneMode); // Setting scene mode will change the settings of flash mode, // white balance, and focus mode. Here we read back the // parameters, so we can know those settings. mCameraDevice.setParameters(mParameters); mParameters = mCameraDevice.getParameters(); } } else { mSceneMode = mParameters.getSceneMode(); if (mSceneMode == null) { mSceneMode = Parameters.SCENE_MODE_AUTO; } } // Set JPEG quality. int jpegQuality = CameraProfile.getJpegEncodingQualityParameter(mCameraId, CameraProfile.QUALITY_HIGH); mParameters.setJpegQuality(jpegQuality); // For the following settings, we need to check if the settings are // still supported by latest driver, if not, ignore the settings. // Set exposure compensation int value = CameraSettings.readExposure(mPreferences); int max = mParameters.getMaxExposureCompensation(); int min = mParameters.getMinExposureCompensation(); if (value >= min && value <= max) { mParameters.setExposureCompensation(value); } else { Log.w(TAG, "invalid exposure range: " + value); } if (Parameters.SCENE_MODE_AUTO.equals(mSceneMode)) { // Set flash mode. String flashMode = mPreferences.getString( CameraSettings.KEY_FLASH_MODE, mActivity.getString(R.string.pref_camera_flashmode_default)); List supportedFlash = mParameters.getSupportedFlashModes(); if (Util.isSupported(flashMode, supportedFlash)) { mParameters.setFlashMode(flashMode); } else { flashMode = mParameters.getFlashMode(); if (flashMode == null) { flashMode = mActivity.getString( R.string.pref_camera_flashmode_no_flash); } } // Set white balance parameter. String whiteBalance = mPreferences.getString( CameraSettings.KEY_WHITE_BALANCE, mActivity.getString(R.string.pref_camera_whitebalance_default)); if (Util.isSupported(whiteBalance, mParameters.getSupportedWhiteBalance())) { mParameters.setWhiteBalance(whiteBalance); } else { whiteBalance = mParameters.getWhiteBalance(); if (whiteBalance == null) { whiteBalance = Parameters.WHITE_BALANCE_AUTO; } } // Set focus mode. mFocusManager.overrideFocusMode(null); mParameters.setFocusMode(mFocusManager.getFocusMode()); } else { mFocusManager.overrideFocusMode(mParameters.getFocusMode()); } if (mContinousFocusSupported && ApiHelper.HAS_AUTO_FOCUS_MOVE_CALLBACK) { updateAutoFocusMoveCallback(); } } @TargetApi(ApiHelper.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) private void updateAutoFocusMoveCallback() { if (mParameters.getFocusMode().equals(Util.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_PICTURE)) { mCameraDevice.setAutoFocusMoveCallback( (AutoFocusMoveCallback) mAutoFocusMoveCallback); } else { mCameraDevice.setAutoFocusMoveCallback(null); } } // We separate the parameters into several subsets, so we can update only // the subsets actually need updating. The PREFERENCE set needs extra // locking because the preference can be changed from GLThread as well. private void setCameraParameters(int updateSet) { if ((updateSet & UPDATE_PARAM_INITIALIZE) != 0) { updateCameraParametersInitialize(); } if ((updateSet & UPDATE_PARAM_ZOOM) != 0) { updateCameraParametersZoom(); } if ((updateSet & UPDATE_PARAM_PREFERENCE) != 0) { updateCameraParametersPreference(); } mCameraDevice.setParameters(mParameters); } // If the Camera is idle, update the parameters immediately, otherwise // accumulate them in mUpdateSet and update later. private void setCameraParametersWhenIdle(int additionalUpdateSet) { mUpdateSet |= additionalUpdateSet; if (mCameraDevice == null) { // We will update all the parameters when we open the device, so // we don't need to do anything now. mUpdateSet = 0; return; } else if (isCameraIdle()) { setCameraParameters(mUpdateSet); updateSceneModeUI(); mUpdateSet = 0; } else { if (!mHandler.hasMessages(SET_CAMERA_PARAMETERS_WHEN_IDLE)) { mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed( SET_CAMERA_PARAMETERS_WHEN_IDLE, 1000); } } } private boolean isCameraIdle() { return (mCameraState == IDLE) || (mCameraState == PREVIEW_STOPPED) || ((mFocusManager != null) && mFocusManager.isFocusCompleted() && (mCameraState != SWITCHING_CAMERA)); } private boolean isImageCaptureIntent() { String action = mActivity.getIntent().getAction(); return (MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE.equals(action) || ActivityBase.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE_SECURE.equals(action)); } private void setupCaptureParams() { Bundle myExtras = mActivity.getIntent().getExtras(); if (myExtras != null) { mSaveUri = (Uri) myExtras.getParcelable(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT); mCropValue = myExtras.getString("crop"); } } private void showPostCaptureAlert() { if (mIsImageCaptureIntent) { mOnScreenIndicators.setVisibility(View.GONE); mMenu.setVisibility(View.GONE); Util.fadeIn((View) mReviewDoneButton); mShutterButton.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); Util.fadeIn(mReviewRetakeButton); } } private void hidePostCaptureAlert() { if (mIsImageCaptureIntent) { mOnScreenIndicators.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mMenu.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); Util.fadeOut((View) mReviewDoneButton); mShutterButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); Util.fadeOut(mReviewRetakeButton); } } @Override public void onSharedPreferenceChanged() { // ignore the events after "onPause()" if (mPaused) return; boolean recordLocation = RecordLocationPreference.get( mPreferences, mContentResolver); mLocationManager.recordLocation(recordLocation); setCameraParametersWhenIdle(UPDATE_PARAM_PREFERENCE); setPreviewFrameLayoutAspectRatio(); updateOnScreenIndicators(); } @Override public void onCameraPickerClicked(int cameraId) { if (mPaused || mPendingSwitchCameraId != -1) return; mPendingSwitchCameraId = cameraId; if (ApiHelper.HAS_SURFACE_TEXTURE) { Log.v(TAG, "Start to copy texture. cameraId=" + cameraId); // We need to keep a preview frame for the animation before // releasing the camera. This will trigger onPreviewTextureCopied. ((CameraScreenNail) mActivity.mCameraScreenNail).copyTexture(); // Disable all camera controls. setCameraState(SWITCHING_CAMERA); } else { switchCamera(); } } private void switchCamera() { if (mPaused) return; Log.v(TAG, "Start to switch camera. id=" + mPendingSwitchCameraId); mCameraId = mPendingSwitchCameraId; mPendingSwitchCameraId = -1; mPhotoControl.setCameraId(mCameraId); // from onPause closeCamera(); collapseCameraControls(); if (mFaceView != null) mFaceView.clear(); if (mFocusManager != null) mFocusManager.removeMessages(); // Restart the camera and initialize the UI. From onCreate. mPreferences.setLocalId(mActivity, mCameraId); CameraSettings.upgradeLocalPreferences(mPreferences.getLocal()); try { mCameraDevice = Util.openCamera(mActivity, mCameraId); mParameters = mCameraDevice.getParameters(); } catch (CameraHardwareException e) { Util.showErrorAndFinish(mActivity, R.string.cannot_connect_camera); return; } catch (CameraDisabledException e) { Util.showErrorAndFinish(mActivity, R.string.camera_disabled); return; } initializeCapabilities(); CameraInfo info = CameraHolder.instance().getCameraInfo()[mCameraId]; boolean mirror = (info.facing == CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT); mFocusManager.setMirror(mirror); mFocusManager.setParameters(mInitialParams); setupPreview(); loadCameraPreferences(); initializePhotoControl(); // from initializeFirstTime initializeZoom(); updateOnScreenIndicators(); showTapToFocusToastIfNeeded(); if (ApiHelper.HAS_SURFACE_TEXTURE) { // Start switch camera animation. Post a message because // onFrameAvailable from the old camera may already exist. mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(SWITCH_CAMERA_START_ANIMATION); } } @Override public void onPieOpened(int centerX, int centerY) { mActivity.cancelActivityTouchHandling(); mActivity.setSwipingEnabled(false); if (mFaceView != null) { mFaceView.setBlockDraw(true); } } @Override public void onPieClosed() { mActivity.setSwipingEnabled(true); if (mFaceView != null) { mFaceView.setBlockDraw(false); } } // Preview texture has been copied. Now camera can be released and the // animation can be started. @Override public void onPreviewTextureCopied() { mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(SWITCH_CAMERA); } @Override public void onCaptureTextureCopied() { } @Override public void onUserInteraction() { if (!mActivity.isFinishing()) keepScreenOnAwhile(); } private void resetScreenOn() { mHandler.removeMessages(CLEAR_SCREEN_DELAY); mActivity.getWindow().clearFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); } private void keepScreenOnAwhile() { mHandler.removeMessages(CLEAR_SCREEN_DELAY); mActivity.getWindow().addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(CLEAR_SCREEN_DELAY, SCREEN_DELAY); } // TODO: Delete this function after old camera code is removed @Override public void onRestorePreferencesClicked() { } @Override public void onOverriddenPreferencesClicked() { if (mPaused) return; if (mNotSelectableToast == null) { String str = mActivity.getResources().getString(R.string.not_selectable_in_scene_mode); mNotSelectableToast = Toast.makeText(mActivity, str, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT); } mNotSelectableToast.show(); } private void showTapToFocusToast() { // TODO: Use a toast? new RotateTextToast(mActivity, R.string.tap_to_focus, 0).show(); // Clear the preference. Editor editor = mPreferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean(CameraSettings.KEY_CAMERA_FIRST_USE_HINT_SHOWN, false); editor.apply(); } private void initializeCapabilities() { mInitialParams = mCameraDevice.getParameters(); mFocusAreaSupported = Util.isFocusAreaSupported(mInitialParams); mMeteringAreaSupported = Util.isMeteringAreaSupported(mInitialParams); mAeLockSupported = Util.isAutoExposureLockSupported(mInitialParams); mAwbLockSupported = Util.isAutoWhiteBalanceLockSupported(mInitialParams); mContinousFocusSupported = mInitialParams.getSupportedFocusModes().contains( Util.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_PICTURE); } // PreviewFrameLayout size has changed. @Override public void onSizeChanged(int width, int height) { if (mFocusManager != null) mFocusManager.setPreviewSize(width, height); } @Override public void onCountDownFinished() { mSnapshotOnIdle = false; mFocusManager.doSnap(); mFocusManager.onShutterUp(); } void setPreviewFrameLayoutAspectRatio() { // Set the preview frame aspect ratio according to the picture size. Size size = mParameters.getPictureSize(); mPreviewFrameLayout.setAspectRatio((double) size.width / size.height); } @Override public boolean needsSwitcher() { return !mIsImageCaptureIntent; } public void showPopup(AbstractSettingPopup popup) { mActivity.hideUI(); mBlocker.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); setShowMenu(false); mPopup = popup; mPopup.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); FrameLayout.LayoutParams lp = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); lp.gravity = Gravity.CENTER; ((FrameLayout) mRootView).addView(mPopup, lp); } public void dismissPopup(boolean topPopupOnly) { dismissPopup(topPopupOnly, true); } private void dismissPopup(boolean topOnly, boolean fullScreen) { if (fullScreen) { mActivity.showUI(); mBlocker.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } setShowMenu(fullScreen); if (mPopup != null) { ((FrameLayout) mRootView).removeView(mPopup); mPopup = null; } mPhotoControl.popupDismissed(topOnly); } @Override public void onShowSwitcherPopup() { if (mPieRenderer != null && mPieRenderer.showsItems()) { mPieRenderer.hide(); } } @Override public void onQueueAvailable() { if (mShutterButton != null) mShutterButton.enableTouch(true); } @Override public void onQueueFull() { if (mShutterButton != null) mShutterButton.enableTouch(false); } @Override public void onMediaSaveServiceConnected(MediaSaveService s) { // We set the listener only when both service and shutterbutton // are initialized. if (mShutterButton != null) s.setListener(this); } }