/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 The CyanogenMod Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.camera; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.app.Activity; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import android.hardware.Camera; import android.hardware.Camera.CameraInfo; import android.hardware.Camera.Parameters; import android.hardware.Camera.Size; import android.media.CamcorderProfile; import android.util.Log; import com.android.camera.util.ApiHelper; import com.android.camera.util.CameraUtil; import com.android.camera.util.GcamHelper; import org.codeaurora.snapcam.R; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.HashMap; import android.os.Build; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import android.os.SystemProperties; /** * Provides utilities and keys for Camera settings. */ public class CameraSettings { private static final int NOT_FOUND = -1; public static final String KEY_VERSION = "pref_version_key"; public static final String KEY_LOCAL_VERSION = "pref_local_version_key"; public static final String KEY_RECORD_LOCATION = "pref_camera_recordlocation_key"; public static final String KEY_VIDEO_QUALITY = "pref_video_quality_key"; public static final String KEY_VIDEO_TIME_LAPSE_FRAME_INTERVAL = "pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_key"; public static final String KEY_PICTURE_SIZE = "pref_camera_picturesize_key"; public static final String KEY_JPEG_QUALITY = "pref_camera_jpegquality_key"; public static final String KEY_FOCUS_MODE = "pref_camera_focusmode_key"; public static final String KEY_VIDEOCAMERA_FOCUS_MODE = "pref_camera_video_focusmode_key"; public static final String KEY_FOCUS_TIME = "pref_camera_focustime_key"; public static final String KEY_VIDEOCAMERA_FOCUS_TIME = "pref_camera_video_focustime_key"; public static final String KEY_FLASH_MODE = "pref_camera_flashmode_key"; public static final String KEY_VIDEOCAMERA_FLASH_MODE = "pref_camera_video_flashmode_key"; public static final String KEY_WHITE_BALANCE = "pref_camera_whitebalance_key"; public static final String KEY_SCENE_MODE = "pref_camera_scenemode_key"; public static final String KEY_EXPOSURE = "pref_camera_exposure_key"; public static final String KEY_TIMER = "pref_camera_timer_key"; public static final String KEY_TIMER_SOUND_EFFECTS = "pref_camera_timer_sound_key"; public static final String KEY_VIDEO_EFFECT = "pref_video_effect_key"; public static final String KEY_CAMERA_ID = "pref_camera_id_key"; public static final String KEY_CAMERA_HDR = "pref_camera_hdr_key"; public static final String KEY_CAMERA_HQ = "pref_camera_hq_key"; public static final String KEY_CAMERA_HDR_PLUS = "pref_camera_hdr_plus_key"; public static final String KEY_CAMERA_FIRST_USE_HINT_SHOWN = "pref_camera_first_use_hint_shown_key"; public static final String KEY_VIDEO_FIRST_USE_HINT_SHOWN = "pref_video_first_use_hint_shown_key"; public static final String KEY_PHOTOSPHERE_PICTURESIZE = "pref_photosphere_picturesize_key"; public static final String KEY_STARTUP_MODULE_INDEX = "camera.startup_module"; public static final String KEY_POWER_SHUTTER = "pref_power_shutter"; public static final String KEY_MAX_BRIGHTNESS = "pref_max_brightness"; public static final String KEY_VIDEO_ENCODER = "pref_camera_videoencoder_key"; public static final String KEY_AUDIO_ENCODER = "pref_camera_audioencoder_key"; public static final String KEY_PICTURE_FORMAT = "pref_camera_pictureformat_key"; public static final String KEY_ZSL = "pref_camera_zsl_key"; public static final String KEY_CAMERA_SAVEPATH = "pref_camera_savepath_key"; public static final String KEY_COLOR_EFFECT = "pref_camera_coloreffect_key"; public static final String KEY_VIDEOCAMERA_COLOR_EFFECT = "pref_camera_video_coloreffect_key"; public static final String KEY_FACE_DETECTION = "pref_camera_facedetection_key"; public static final String KEY_SELECTABLE_ZONE_AF = "pref_camera_selectablezoneaf_key"; public static final String KEY_SATURATION = "pref_camera_saturation_key"; public static final String KEY_CONTRAST = "pref_camera_contrast_key"; public static final String KEY_SHARPNESS = "pref_camera_sharpness_key"; public static final String KEY_AUTOEXPOSURE = "pref_camera_autoexposure_key"; public static final String KEY_ANTIBANDING = "pref_camera_antibanding_key"; public static final String KEY_ISO = "pref_camera_iso_key"; public static final String KEY_SHUTTER_SPEED = "pref_camera_shutter_speed_key"; public static final String KEY_LENSSHADING = "pref_camera_lensshading_key"; public static final String KEY_HISTOGRAM = "pref_camera_histogram_key"; public static final String KEY_DENOISE = "pref_camera_denoise_key"; public static final String KEY_BRIGHTNESS = "pref_camera_brightness_key"; public static final String KEY_REDEYE_REDUCTION = "pref_camera_redeyereduction_key"; public static final String KEY_CDS_MODE = "pref_camera_cds_mode_key"; public static final String KEY_VIDEO_CDS_MODE = "pref_camera_video_cds_mode_key"; public static final String KEY_TNR_MODE = "pref_camera_tnr_mode_key"; public static final String KEY_VIDEO_TNR_MODE = "pref_camera_video_tnr_mode_key"; public static final String KEY_AE_BRACKET_HDR = "pref_camera_ae_bracket_hdr_key"; public static final String KEY_ADVANCED_FEATURES = "pref_camera_advanced_features_key"; public static final String KEY_HDR_MODE = "pref_camera_hdr_mode_key"; public static final String KEY_HDR_NEED_1X = "pref_camera_hdr_need_1x_key"; public static final String KEY_DEVELOPER_MENU = "pref_developer_menu_key"; public static final String KEY_VIDEO_SNAPSHOT_SIZE = "pref_camera_videosnapsize_key"; public static final String KEY_VIDEO_HIGH_FRAME_RATE = "pref_camera_hfr_key"; public static final String KEY_SEE_MORE = "pref_camera_see_more_key"; public static final String KEY_VIDEO_HDR = "pref_camera_video_hdr_key"; public static final String DEFAULT_VIDEO_QUALITY_VALUE = "custom"; public static final String KEY_SKIN_TONE_ENHANCEMENT = "pref_camera_skinToneEnhancement_key"; public static final String KEY_SKIN_TONE_ENHANCEMENT_FACTOR = "pref_camera_skinToneEnhancement_factor_key"; public static final String KEY_FACE_RECOGNITION = "pref_camera_facerc_key"; public static final String KEY_DIS = "pref_camera_dis_key"; public static final String KEY_LONGSHOT = "pref_camera_longshot_key"; private static final String KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_AE_BRACKETING_MODES = "ae-bracket-hdr-values"; private static final String KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_AF_BRACKETING_MODES = "af-bracket-values"; private static final String KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_RE_FOCUS_MODES = "re-focus-values"; private static final String KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_CF_MODES = "chroma-flash-values"; private static final String KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_OZ_MODES = "opti-zoom-values"; private static final String KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_FSSR_MODES = "FSSR-values"; private static final String KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_TP_MODES = "true-portrait-values"; private static final String KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_MTF_MODES = "multi-touch-focus-values"; private static final String KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_FACE_RECOGNITION_MODES = "face-recognition-values"; private static final String KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_DIS_MODES = "dis-values"; private static final String KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_SEE_MORE_MODES = "see-more-values"; private static final String KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_CDS_MODES = "cds-mode-values"; private static final String KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_VIDEO_CDS_MODES = "video-cds-mode-values"; private static final String KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_TNR_MODES = "tnr-mode-values"; private static final String KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_VIDEO_TNR_MODES = "video-tnr-mode-values"; private static final String KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_PREVIEW_FORMATS = "preview-format-values"; private static final String KEY_SNAPCAM_SUPPORTED_HDR_MODES = "hdr-mode-values"; private static final String KEY_SNAPCAM_SUPPORTED_HDR_NEED_1X = "hdr-need-1x-values"; public static final String KEY_SNAPCAM_SHUTTER_SPEED = "shutter-speed"; public static final String KEY_SNAPCAM_SHUTTER_SPEED_MODES = "shutter-speed-values"; public static final String KEY_QC_AE_BRACKETING = "ae-bracket-hdr"; public static final String KEY_QC_AF_BRACKETING = "af-bracket"; public static final String KEY_QC_RE_FOCUS = "re-focus"; public static final int KEY_QC_RE_FOCUS_COUNT = 7; public static final String KEY_QC_LEGACY_BURST = "snapshot-burst-num"; public static final String KEY_QC_CHROMA_FLASH = "chroma-flash"; public static final String KEY_QC_OPTI_ZOOM = "opti-zoom"; public static final String KEY_QC_FSSR = "FSSR"; public static final String KEY_QC_TP = "true-portrait"; public static final String KEY_QC_MULTI_TOUCH_FOCUS = "multi-touch-focus"; public static final String KEY_QC_FACE_RECOGNITION = "face-recognition"; public static final String KEY_QC_DIS_MODE = "dis"; public static final String KEY_QC_CDS_MODE = "cds-mode"; public static final String KEY_QC_VIDEO_CDS_MODE = "video-cds-mode"; public static final String KEY_QC_TNR_MODE = "tnr-mode"; public static final String KEY_QC_VIDEO_TNR_MODE = "video-tnr-mode"; public static final String KEY_SNAPCAM_HDR_MODE = "hdr-mode"; public static final String KEY_SNAPCAM_HDR_NEED_1X = "hdr-need-1x"; public static final String KEY_VIDEO_HSR = "video-hsr"; public static final String KEY_QC_SEE_MORE_MODE = "see-more"; public static final String KEY_LUMINANCE_CONITION = "luminance-condition"; public static final String LUMINANCE_CONITION_LOW = "low"; public static final String LUMINANCE_CONITION_HIGH = "high"; public static final String LGE_HDR_MODE_OFF = "0"; public static final String LGE_HDR_MODE_ON = "1"; public static final String KEY_INTERNAL_PREVIEW_RESTART = "internal-restart"; public static final String KEY_QC_ZSL_HDR_SUPPORTED = "zsl-hdr-supported"; public static final String KEY_QC_LONGSHOT_SUPPORTED = "longshot-supported"; private static final String TRUE = "true"; private static final String FALSE = "false"; public static final String KEY_AUTO_HDR = "pref_camera_auto_hdr_key"; //for flip public static final String KEY_QC_PREVIEW_FLIP = "preview-flip"; public static final String KEY_QC_VIDEO_FLIP = "video-flip"; public static final String KEY_QC_SNAPSHOT_PICTURE_FLIP = "snapshot-picture-flip"; public static final String KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_FLIP_MODES = "flip-mode-values"; public static final String FLIP_MODE_OFF = "off"; public static final String FLIP_MODE_V = "flip-v"; public static final String FLIP_MODE_H = "flip-h"; public static final String FLIP_MODE_VH = "flip-vh"; private static final String KEY_QC_PICTURE_FORMAT = "picture-format-values"; public static final String KEY_VIDEO_ROTATION = "pref_camera_video_rotation_key"; //manual 3A keys and parameter strings public static final String KEY_MANUAL_EXPOSURE = "pref_camera_manual_exp_key"; public static final String KEY_MANUAL_WB = "pref_camera_manual_wb_key"; public static final String KEY_MANUAL_FOCUS = "pref_camera_manual_focus_key"; public static final String KEY_MANUAL_EXPOSURE_MODES = "manual-exp-modes"; public static final String KEY_MANUAL_WB_MODES = "manual-wb-modes"; public static final String KEY_MANUAL_FOCUS_MODES = "manual-focus-modes"; //manual exposure public static final String KEY_MIN_EXPOSURE_TIME = "min-exposure-time"; public static final String KEY_MAX_EXPOSURE_TIME = "max-exposure-time"; public static final String KEY_EXPOSURE_TIME = "exposure-time"; public static final String KEY_MIN_ISO = "min-iso"; public static final String KEY_MAX_ISO = "max-iso"; public static final String KEY_CONTINUOUS_ISO = "continuous-iso"; public static final String KEY_MANUAL_ISO = "manual"; public static final String KEY_CURRENT_ISO = "cur-iso"; public static final String KEY_CURRENT_EXPOSURE_TIME = "cur-exposure-time"; //manual WB public static final String KEY_MIN_WB_GAIN = "min-wb-gain"; public static final String KEY_MAX_WB_GAIN = "max-wb-gain"; public static final String KEY_MANUAL_WB_GAINS = "manual-wb-gains"; public static final String KEY_MIN_WB_CCT = "min-wb-cct"; public static final String KEY_MAX_WB_CCT = "max-wb-cct"; public static final String KEY_MANUAL_WB_CCT = "wb-manual-cct"; public static final String KEY_MANUAL_WHITE_BALANCE = "manual"; public static final String KEY_MANUAL_WB_TYPE = "manual-wb-type"; public static final String KEY_MANUAL_WB_VALUE = "manual-wb-value"; //manual focus public static final String KEY_MIN_FOCUS_SCALE = "min-focus-pos-ratio"; public static final String KEY_MAX_FOCUS_SCALE = "max-focus-pos-ratio"; public static final String KEY_MIN_FOCUS_DIOPTER = "min-focus-pos-diopter"; public static final String KEY_MAX_FOCUS_DIOPTER = "max-focus-pos-diopter"; public static final String KEY_MANUAL_FOCUS_TYPE = "manual-focus-pos-type"; public static final String KEY_MANUAL_FOCUS_POSITION = "manual-focus-position"; public static final String KEY_MANUAL_FOCUS_SCALE = "cur-focus-scale"; public static final String KEY_MANUAL_FOCUS_DIOPTER = "cur-focus-diopter"; public static final String KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_MANUAL_FOCUS_MODES = "manual-focus-modes"; public static final String KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_MANUAL_EXPOSURE_MODES = "manual-exposure-modes"; public static final String KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_MANUAL_WB_MODES = "manual-wb-modes"; public static final String KEY_SELFIE_FLASH = "pref_selfie_flash_key"; public static final String EXPOSURE_DEFAULT_VALUE = "0"; public static final String VALUE_ON = "on"; public static final String VALUE_OFF = "off"; public static final int CURRENT_VERSION = 6; public static final int CURRENT_LOCAL_VERSION = 2; private static final String TAG = "CameraSettings"; private final Context mContext; private final Parameters mParameters; private final CameraInfo[] mCameraInfo; private final int mCameraId; public static String mKeyIso = null; public static String mKeyIsoValues = null; public static final HashMap VIDEO_QUALITY_TABLE = new HashMap(); static { //video qualities VIDEO_QUALITY_TABLE.put("4096x2160", CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_4KDCI); VIDEO_QUALITY_TABLE.put("3840x2160", CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_2160P); VIDEO_QUALITY_TABLE.put("1920x1080", CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_1080P); VIDEO_QUALITY_TABLE.put("1280x720", CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_720P); VIDEO_QUALITY_TABLE.put("720x480", CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_480P); VIDEO_QUALITY_TABLE.put("640x480", CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_VGA); VIDEO_QUALITY_TABLE.put("352x288", CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_CIF); VIDEO_QUALITY_TABLE.put("320x240", CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_QVGA); VIDEO_QUALITY_TABLE.put("176x144", CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_QCIF); } // Following maps help find a corresponding time-lapse or high-speed quality // given a normal quality. // Ideally, one should be able to traverse by offsetting +1000, +2000 respectively, // But the profile values are messed-up in AOSP private static final HashMap VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_TIMELAPSE = new HashMap(); static { VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_TIMELAPSE.put(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_LOW , CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_TIME_LAPSE_LOW ); VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_TIMELAPSE.put(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH , CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_TIME_LAPSE_HIGH ); VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_TIMELAPSE.put(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_QCIF , CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_TIME_LAPSE_QCIF ); VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_TIMELAPSE.put(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_CIF , CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_TIME_LAPSE_CIF ); VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_TIMELAPSE.put(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_480P , CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_TIME_LAPSE_480P ); VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_TIMELAPSE.put(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_720P , CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_TIME_LAPSE_720P ); VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_TIMELAPSE.put(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_1080P, CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_TIME_LAPSE_1080P); VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_TIMELAPSE.put(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_QVGA , CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_TIME_LAPSE_QVGA ); VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_TIMELAPSE.put(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_2160P, CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_TIME_LAPSE_2160P); VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_TIMELAPSE.put(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_VGA , CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_TIME_LAPSE_VGA ); VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_TIMELAPSE.put(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_4KDCI, CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_TIME_LAPSE_4KDCI); } public static int getTimeLapseQualityFor(int quality) { return VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_TIMELAPSE.get(quality); } private static final HashMap VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_HIGHSPEED = new HashMap(); static { VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_HIGHSPEED.put(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_LOW , CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH_SPEED_LOW ); VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_HIGHSPEED.put(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH , CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH_SPEED_HIGH ); VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_HIGHSPEED.put(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_QCIF , -1 ); // does not exist VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_HIGHSPEED.put(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_CIF , CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH_SPEED_CIF ); VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_HIGHSPEED.put(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_480P , CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH_SPEED_480P ); VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_HIGHSPEED.put(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_720P , CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH_SPEED_720P ); VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_HIGHSPEED.put(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_1080P, CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH_SPEED_1080P); VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_HIGHSPEED.put(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_QVGA , -1 ); // does not exist VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_HIGHSPEED.put(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_2160P, CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH_SPEED_2160P); VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_HIGHSPEED.put(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_VGA , CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH_SPEED_VGA ); VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_HIGHSPEED.put(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_4KDCI, CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH_SPEED_4KDCI); } public static int getHighSpeedQualityFor(int quality) { return VIDEO_QUALITY_TO_HIGHSPEED.get(quality); } public CameraSettings(Activity activity, Parameters parameters, int cameraId, CameraInfo[] cameraInfo) { mContext = activity; mParameters = parameters; mCameraId = cameraId; mCameraInfo = cameraInfo; // ISO mKeyIso = mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.key_iso); mKeyIsoValues = mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.key_iso_values); if (mKeyIso == null || mKeyIso.isEmpty()) { mKeyIso = "iso"; } else { Log.d(TAG, "Using key for iso: " + mKeyIso); } if (mKeyIsoValues == null || mKeyIsoValues.isEmpty()) { mKeyIso = "iso-values"; } else { Log.d(TAG, "Using key for iso-values: " + mKeyIsoValues); } } public PreferenceGroup getPreferenceGroup(int preferenceRes) { PreferenceInflater inflater = new PreferenceInflater(mContext); PreferenceGroup group = (PreferenceGroup) inflater.inflate(preferenceRes); if (mParameters != null) initPreference(group); return group; } // ISO public static List getSupportedIsoValues(Parameters params) { String isoValues = params.get(mKeyIsoValues); if (isoValues == null) { return null; } Log.d(TAG, "Supported iso values: " + isoValues); return split(isoValues); } public static String getISOValue(Parameters params) { String iso = params.get(mKeyIso); if (iso == null) { return null; } return iso; } public static void setISOValue(Parameters params, String iso) { params.set(mKeyIso, iso); } // Shutter speed public static List getSupportedShutterSpeedValues(Parameters params) { String shutterSpeedValues = params.get(KEY_SNAPCAM_SHUTTER_SPEED_MODES); if (shutterSpeedValues == null) { return null; } Log.d(TAG, "Supported shutter speed values: " + shutterSpeedValues); return split(shutterSpeedValues); } public static String getSupportedHighestVideoQuality( Context context, int cameraId, Parameters parameters) { // When launching the camera app first time, we will set the video quality // to the first one (i.e. highest quality) in the supported list List supported = getSupportedVideoQualities(cameraId, parameters); assert (supported != null) : "No supported video quality is found"; for (String candidate : context.getResources().getStringArray( R.array.pref_video_quality_entryvalues)) { if (supported.indexOf(candidate) >= 0) { return candidate; } } Log.w(TAG, "No supported video size matches, using the first reported size"); return supported.get(0); } public static void initialCameraPictureSize( Context context, Parameters parameters) { // When launching the camera app first time, we will set the picture // size to the first one in the list defined in "arrays.xml" and is also // supported by the driver. List supported = parameters.getSupportedPictureSizes(); if (supported == null) return; for (String candidate : context.getResources().getStringArray( R.array.pref_camera_picturesize_entryvalues)) { if (setCameraPictureSize(candidate, supported, parameters)) { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = ComboPreferences .get(context).edit(); editor.putString(KEY_PICTURE_SIZE, candidate); editor.apply(); return; } } Log.e(TAG, "No supported picture size found"); } public static void removePreferenceFromScreen( PreferenceGroup group, String key) { removePreference(group, key); } public static boolean setCameraPictureSize( String candidate, List supported, Parameters parameters) { int index = candidate.indexOf('x'); if (index == NOT_FOUND) return false; int width = Integer.parseInt(candidate.substring(0, index)); int height = Integer.parseInt(candidate.substring(index + 1)); for (Size size : supported) { if (size.width == width && size.height == height) { parameters.setPictureSize(width, height); return true; } } return false; } public static int getMaxVideoDuration(Context context) { int duration = 0; // in milliseconds, 0 means unlimited. try { duration = context.getResources().getInteger(R.integer.max_video_recording_length); } catch (Resources.NotFoundException ex) { } return duration; } public static List getSupportedFaceRecognitionModes(Parameters params) { String str = params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_FACE_RECOGNITION_MODES); if (str == null) { return null; } return split(str); } public static List getSupportedDISModes(Parameters params) { String str = params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_DIS_MODES); if (str == null) { return null; } return split(str); } public static List getSupportedSeeMoreModes(Parameters params) { String str = params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_SEE_MORE_MODES); if (str == null) { return null; } return split(str); } public static List getSupportedAEBracketingModes(Parameters params) { String str = params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_AE_BRACKETING_MODES); if (str == null) { return null; } return split(str); } public static List getSupportedCDSModes(Parameters params) { String str = params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_CDS_MODES); if (str == null) { return null; } return split(str); } public static List getSupportedVideoCDSModes(Parameters params) { String str = params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_VIDEO_CDS_MODES); if (str == null) { return null; } return split(str); } public static List getSupportedTNRModes(Parameters params) { String str = params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_TNR_MODES); if (str == null) { return null; } return split(str); } public static List getSupportedVideoTNRModes(Parameters params) { String str = params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_VIDEO_TNR_MODES); if (str == null) { return null; } return split(str); } public static List getSupportedHDRModes(Parameters params) { String str = params.get(KEY_SNAPCAM_SUPPORTED_HDR_MODES); if (str == null) { return null; } return split(str); } public static List getSupportedHDRNeed1x(Parameters params) { String str = params.get(KEY_SNAPCAM_SUPPORTED_HDR_NEED_1X); if (str == null) { return null; } return split(str); } public List getSupportedAdvancedFeatures(Parameters params) { String str = params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_AF_BRACKETING_MODES); str += ',' + params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_CF_MODES); str += ',' + params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_OZ_MODES); str += ',' + params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_FSSR_MODES); str += ',' + params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_TP_MODES); str += ',' + params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_MTF_MODES); str += ',' + mContext.getString(R.string.pref_camera_advanced_feature_default); str += ',' + params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_RE_FOCUS_MODES); return split(str); } public static List getSupportedAFBracketingModes(Parameters params) { String str = params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_AF_BRACKETING_MODES); if (str == null) { return null; } return split(str); } public static List getSupportedChromaFlashModes(Parameters params) { String str = params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_CF_MODES); if (str == null) { return null; } return split(str); } public static List getSupportedOptiZoomModes(Parameters params) { String str = params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_OZ_MODES); if (str == null) { return null; } return split(str); } public static List getSupportedRefocusModes(Parameters params) { String str = params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_RE_FOCUS_MODES); if (str == null) { return null; } return split(str); } public static List getSupportedFSSRModes(Parameters params) { String str = params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_FSSR_MODES); if (str == null) { return null; } return split(str); } public static List getSupportedTruePortraitModes(Parameters params) { String str = params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_TP_MODES); if (str == null) { return null; } return split(str); } public static List getSupportedMultiTouchFocusModes(Parameters params) { String str = params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_MTF_MODES); if (str == null) { return null; } return split(str); } public static List getSupportedPreviewFormats(Parameters params) { String str = params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_PREVIEW_FORMATS); if (str == null) { return null; } return split(str); } // Splits a comma delimited string to an ArrayList of String. // Return null if the passing string is null or the size is 0. private static ArrayList split(String str) { if (str == null) return null; // Use StringTokenizer because it is faster than split. StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(str, ","); ArrayList substrings = new ArrayList(); while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) { substrings.add(tokenizer.nextToken()); } return substrings; } private List getSupportedPictureFormatLists() { String str = mParameters.get(KEY_QC_PICTURE_FORMAT); if (str == null) { return null; } return split(str); } public static List getSupportedFlipMode(Parameters params){ String str = params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_FLIP_MODES); if(str == null) return null; return split(str); } private static ListPreference removeLeadingISO(ListPreference pref) { CharSequence entryValues[] = pref.getEntryValues(); if (entryValues.length > 0) { CharSequence modEntryValues[] = new CharSequence[entryValues.length]; for (int i = 0, len = entryValues.length; i < len; i++) { String isoValue = entryValues[i].toString(); if (isoValue.startsWith("ISO") && !isoValue.startsWith("ISO_")) { isoValue = isoValue.replaceAll("ISO", ""); } modEntryValues[i] = isoValue; } pref.setEntryValues(modEntryValues); } return pref; } private void qcomInitPreferences(PreferenceGroup group){ //Qcom Preference add here ListPreference zsl = group.findPreference(KEY_ZSL); ListPreference colorEffect = group.findPreference(KEY_COLOR_EFFECT); ListPreference camcorderColorEffect = group.findPreference(KEY_VIDEOCAMERA_COLOR_EFFECT); ListPreference faceDetection = group.findPreference(KEY_FACE_DETECTION); ListPreference selectableZoneAf = group.findPreference(KEY_SELECTABLE_ZONE_AF); ListPreference saturation = group.findPreference(KEY_SATURATION); ListPreference contrast = group.findPreference(KEY_CONTRAST); ListPreference sharpness = group.findPreference(KEY_SHARPNESS); ListPreference autoExposure = group.findPreference(KEY_AUTOEXPOSURE); ListPreference antiBanding = group.findPreference(KEY_ANTIBANDING); ListPreference mIso = group.findPreference(KEY_ISO); ListPreference mShutterSpeed = group.findPreference(KEY_SHUTTER_SPEED); ListPreference lensShade = group.findPreference(KEY_LENSSHADING); ListPreference histogram = group.findPreference(KEY_HISTOGRAM); ListPreference denoise = group.findPreference(KEY_DENOISE); ListPreference redeyeReduction = group.findPreference(KEY_REDEYE_REDUCTION); ListPreference aeBracketing = group.findPreference(KEY_AE_BRACKET_HDR); ListPreference advancedFeatures = group.findPreference(KEY_ADVANCED_FEATURES); ListPreference faceRC = group.findPreference(KEY_FACE_RECOGNITION); ListPreference jpegQuality = group.findPreference(KEY_JPEG_QUALITY); ListPreference videoSnapSize = group.findPreference(KEY_VIDEO_SNAPSHOT_SIZE); ListPreference videoHdr = group.findPreference(KEY_VIDEO_HDR); ListPreference pictureFormat = group.findPreference(KEY_PICTURE_FORMAT); ListPreference longShot = group.findPreference(KEY_LONGSHOT); ListPreference auto_hdr = group.findPreference(KEY_AUTO_HDR); ListPreference hdr_mode = group.findPreference(KEY_HDR_MODE); ListPreference hdr_need_1x = group.findPreference(KEY_HDR_NEED_1X); ListPreference cds_mode = group.findPreference(KEY_CDS_MODE); ListPreference video_cds_mode = group.findPreference(KEY_VIDEO_CDS_MODE); ListPreference tnr_mode = group.findPreference(KEY_TNR_MODE); ListPreference video_tnr_mode = group.findPreference(KEY_VIDEO_TNR_MODE); ListPreference manualFocus = group.findPreference(KEY_MANUAL_FOCUS); ListPreference manualExposure = group.findPreference(KEY_MANUAL_EXPOSURE); ListPreference manualWB = group.findPreference(KEY_MANUAL_WB); // Remove leading ISO from iso-values boolean isoValuesUseNumbers = mContext.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.iso_values_use_numbers); if (isoValuesUseNumbers && mIso != null) { mIso = removeLeadingISO(mIso); } if (hdr_need_1x != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, hdr_need_1x, getSupportedHDRNeed1x(mParameters)); } if (hdr_mode != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, hdr_mode, getSupportedHDRModes(mParameters)); } if (cds_mode != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, cds_mode, getSupportedCDSModes(mParameters)); } if (video_cds_mode != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, video_cds_mode, getSupportedVideoCDSModes(mParameters)); } if (tnr_mode != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, tnr_mode, getSupportedTNRModes(mParameters)); } if (video_tnr_mode != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, video_tnr_mode, getSupportedVideoTNRModes(mParameters)); } ListPreference videoRotation = group.findPreference(KEY_VIDEO_ROTATION); if (selectableZoneAf != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, selectableZoneAf, mParameters.getSupportedSelectableZoneAf()); } if (saturation != null && !CameraUtil.isSupported(mParameters, "saturation") && !CameraUtil.isSupported(mParameters, "max-saturation")) { removePreference(group, saturation.getKey()); } if (contrast != null && !CameraUtil.isSupported(mParameters, "contrast") && !CameraUtil.isSupported(mParameters, "max-contrast")) { removePreference(group, contrast.getKey()); } if (sharpness != null && !CameraUtil.isSupported(mParameters, "sharpness") && !CameraUtil.isSupported(mParameters, "max-sharpness")) { removePreference(group, sharpness.getKey()); } if (mIso != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, mIso, getSupportedIsoValues(mParameters)); } if (mShutterSpeed != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, mShutterSpeed, getSupportedShutterSpeedValues(mParameters)); } if (redeyeReduction != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, redeyeReduction, mParameters.getSupportedRedeyeReductionModes()); } if (denoise != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, denoise, mParameters.getSupportedDenoiseModes()); } if (videoHdr != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, videoHdr, mParameters.getSupportedVideoHDRModes()); } if (colorEffect != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, colorEffect, mParameters.getSupportedColorEffects()); } if (camcorderColorEffect != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, camcorderColorEffect, mParameters.getSupportedColorEffects()); } if (aeBracketing != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, aeBracketing, getSupportedAEBracketingModes(mParameters)); } if (antiBanding != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, antiBanding, mParameters.getSupportedAntibanding()); } if (faceRC != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, faceRC, getSupportedFaceRecognitionModes(mParameters)); } if (autoExposure != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, autoExposure, mParameters.getSupportedAutoexposure()); } if (videoSnapSize != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, videoSnapSize, sizeListToStringList( mParameters.getSupportedPictureSizes())); } if (histogram != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, histogram, mParameters.getSupportedHistogramModes()); } if (pictureFormat!= null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, pictureFormat, getSupportedPictureFormatLists()); } if (advancedFeatures != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, advancedFeatures, getSupportedAdvancedFeatures(mParameters)); } if (longShot != null && !isLongshotSupported(mParameters)) { removePreference(group, longShot.getKey()); } if (auto_hdr != null && !CameraUtil.isAutoHDRSupported(mParameters)) { removePreference(group, auto_hdr.getKey()); } if (videoRotation != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, videoRotation, mParameters.getSupportedVideoRotationValues()); } if (manualFocus != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, manualFocus, getSupportedManualFocusModes(mParameters)); } if (manualWB != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, manualWB, getSupportedManualWBModes(mParameters)); } if (manualExposure != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, manualExposure, getSupportedManualExposureModes(mParameters)); } } private void initPreference(PreferenceGroup group) { ListPreference videoQuality = group.findPreference(KEY_VIDEO_QUALITY); ListPreference timeLapseInterval = group.findPreference(KEY_VIDEO_TIME_LAPSE_FRAME_INTERVAL); ListPreference pictureSize = group.findPreference(KEY_PICTURE_SIZE); ListPreference whiteBalance = group.findPreference(KEY_WHITE_BALANCE); ListPreference sceneMode = group.findPreference(KEY_SCENE_MODE); ListPreference flashMode = group.findPreference(KEY_FLASH_MODE); ListPreference focusMode = group.findPreference(KEY_FOCUS_MODE); ListPreference videoFocusMode = group.findPreference(KEY_VIDEOCAMERA_FOCUS_MODE); IconListPreference exposure = (IconListPreference) group.findPreference(KEY_EXPOSURE); IconListPreference cameraIdPref = (IconListPreference) group.findPreference(KEY_CAMERA_ID); ListPreference videoFlashMode = group.findPreference(KEY_VIDEOCAMERA_FLASH_MODE); ListPreference videoEffect = group.findPreference(KEY_VIDEO_EFFECT); ListPreference cameraHdr = group.findPreference(KEY_CAMERA_HDR); ListPreference disMode = group.findPreference(KEY_DIS); ListPreference cameraHdrPlus = group.findPreference(KEY_CAMERA_HDR_PLUS); ListPreference powerShutter = group.findPreference(KEY_POWER_SHUTTER); ListPreference videoHfrMode = group.findPreference(KEY_VIDEO_HIGH_FRAME_RATE); ListPreference seeMoreMode = group.findPreference(KEY_SEE_MORE); // Since the screen could be loaded from different resources, we need // to check if the preference is available here if (seeMoreMode != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, seeMoreMode, getSupportedSeeMoreModes(mParameters)); } if (videoHfrMode != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, videoHfrMode, getSupportedHighFrameRateModes( mParameters)); } if (videoQuality != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, videoQuality, getSupportedVideoQualities( mCameraId, mParameters)); } if (pictureSize != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, pictureSize, sizeListToStringList( mParameters.getSupportedPictureSizes())); filterSimilarPictureSize(group, pictureSize); } if (whiteBalance != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, whiteBalance, mParameters.getSupportedWhiteBalance()); } if (sceneMode != null) { List supportedSceneModes = mParameters.getSupportedSceneModes(); List supportedAdvancedFeatures = getSupportedAdvancedFeatures(mParameters); if (CameraUtil.isSupported( mContext.getString(R.string .pref_camera_advanced_feature_value_refocus_on), supportedAdvancedFeatures)) { supportedSceneModes.add(mContext.getString(R.string .pref_camera_advanced_feature_value_refocus_on)); } filterUnsupportedOptions(group, sceneMode, supportedSceneModes); } if (flashMode != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, flashMode, mParameters.getSupportedFlashModes()); } if (disMode != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, disMode, getSupportedDISModes(mParameters)); } if (focusMode != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, focusMode, mParameters.getSupportedFocusModes()); } if (videoFocusMode != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, videoFocusMode, mParameters.getSupportedFocusModes()); } if (videoFlashMode != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, videoFlashMode, mParameters.getSupportedFlashModes()); } if (exposure != null) buildExposureCompensation(group, exposure); if (cameraIdPref != null) buildCameraId(group, cameraIdPref); if (timeLapseInterval != null) { resetIfInvalid(timeLapseInterval); } if (videoEffect != null) { filterUnsupportedOptions(group, videoEffect, null); } if (cameraHdr != null && (!ApiHelper.HAS_CAMERA_HDR || !CameraUtil.isCameraHdrSupported(mParameters))) { removePreference(group, cameraHdr.getKey()); } int frontCameraId = CameraHolder.instance().getFrontCameraId(); boolean isFrontCamera = (frontCameraId == mCameraId); if (cameraHdrPlus != null && (!ApiHelper.HAS_CAMERA_HDR_PLUS || !GcamHelper.hasGcamCapture() || isFrontCamera)) { removePreference(group, cameraHdrPlus.getKey()); } if (powerShutter != null && CameraUtil.hasCameraKey()) { removePreference(group, powerShutter.getKey()); } if (SystemProperties.getBoolean("persist.env.camera.saveinsd", false)) { final String CAMERA_SAVEPATH_SDCARD = "1"; final int CAMERA_SAVEPATH_SDCARD_IDX = 1; final int CAMERA_SAVEPATH_PHONE_IDX = 0; ListPreference savePath = group.findPreference(KEY_CAMERA_SAVEPATH); SharedPreferences pref = group.getSharedPreferences(); String savePathValue = null; if (pref != null) { savePathValue = pref.getString(KEY_CAMERA_SAVEPATH, CAMERA_SAVEPATH_SDCARD); } if (savePath != null && CAMERA_SAVEPATH_SDCARD.equals(savePathValue)) { // If sdCard is present, set sdCard as default save path. // Only for the first time when camera start. if (SDCard.instance().isWriteable()) { Log.d(TAG, "set Sdcard as save path."); savePath.setValueIndex(CAMERA_SAVEPATH_SDCARD_IDX); } else { Log.d(TAG, "set Phone as save path when sdCard is unavailable."); savePath.setValueIndex(CAMERA_SAVEPATH_PHONE_IDX); } } } qcomInitPreferences(group); } private void buildExposureCompensation( PreferenceGroup group, IconListPreference exposure) { int max = mParameters.getMaxExposureCompensation(); int min = mParameters.getMinExposureCompensation(); if (max == 0 && min == 0) { removePreference(group, exposure.getKey()); return; } float step = mParameters.getExposureCompensationStep(); // show only integer values for exposure compensation int maxValue = Math.min(3, (int) Math.floor(max * step)); int minValue = Math.max(-3, (int) Math.ceil(min * step)); String explabel = mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_exposure_label); CharSequence entries[] = new CharSequence[maxValue - minValue + 1]; CharSequence entryValues[] = new CharSequence[maxValue - minValue + 1]; CharSequence labels[] = new CharSequence[maxValue - minValue + 1]; int[] icons = new int[maxValue - minValue + 1]; TypedArray iconIds = mContext.getResources().obtainTypedArray( R.array.pref_camera_exposure_icons); for (int i = minValue; i <= maxValue; ++i) { entryValues[i - minValue] = Integer.toString(Math.round(i / step)); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (i > 0) builder.append('+'); entries[i - minValue] = builder.append(i).toString(); labels[i - minValue] = explabel + " " + builder.toString(); icons[i - minValue] = iconIds.getResourceId(3 + i, 0); } exposure.setUseSingleIcon(true); exposure.setEntries(entries); exposure.setLabels(labels); exposure.setEntryValues(entryValues); } private void buildCameraId( PreferenceGroup group, IconListPreference preference) { int numOfCameras = mCameraInfo.length; if (numOfCameras < 2) { removePreference(group, preference.getKey()); return; } CharSequence[] entryValues = new CharSequence[numOfCameras]; for (int i = 0; i < numOfCameras; ++i) { entryValues[i] = "" + i; } preference.setEntryValues(entryValues); } private static boolean removePreference(PreferenceGroup group, String key) { for (int i = 0, n = group.size(); i < n; i++) { CameraPreference child = group.get(i); if (child instanceof PreferenceGroup) { if (removePreference((PreferenceGroup) child, key)) { return true; } } if (child instanceof ListPreference && ((ListPreference) child).getKey().equals(key)) { group.removePreference(i); return true; } } return false; } private void filterUnsupportedOptions(PreferenceGroup group, ListPreference pref, List supported) { // Remove the preference if the parameter is not supported or there is // only one options for the settings. if (supported == null || supported.size() <= 1) { removePreference(group, pref.getKey()); return; } pref.filterUnsupported(supported); if (pref.getEntries().length <= 1) { removePreference(group, pref.getKey()); return; } resetIfInvalid(pref); } private void filterSimilarPictureSize(PreferenceGroup group, ListPreference pref) { pref.filterDuplicated(); if (pref.getEntries().length <= 1) { removePreference(group, pref.getKey()); return; } resetIfInvalid(pref); } private void resetIfInvalid(ListPreference pref) { // Set the value to the first entry if it is invalid. String value = pref.getValue(); if (pref.findIndexOfValue(value) == NOT_FOUND) { pref.setValueIndex(0); } } private static List sizeListToStringList(List sizes) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); for (Size size : sizes) { list.add(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%dx%d", size.width, size.height)); } return list; } public static void upgradeLocalPreferences(SharedPreferences pref) { int version; try { version = pref.getInt(KEY_LOCAL_VERSION, 0); } catch (Exception ex) { version = 0; } if (version == CURRENT_LOCAL_VERSION) return; SharedPreferences.Editor editor = pref.edit(); if (version == 1) { // We use numbers to represent the quality now. The quality definition is identical to // that of CamcorderProfile.java. editor.remove("pref_video_quality_key"); } editor.putInt(KEY_LOCAL_VERSION, CURRENT_LOCAL_VERSION); editor.apply(); } public static void upgradeGlobalPreferences(SharedPreferences pref, Context context) { upgradeOldVersion(pref, context); upgradeCameraId(pref); } private static void upgradeOldVersion(SharedPreferences pref, Context context) { int version; try { version = pref.getInt(KEY_VERSION, 0); } catch (Exception ex) { version = 0; } if (version == CURRENT_VERSION) return; SharedPreferences.Editor editor = pref.edit(); if (version == 0) { // We won't use the preference which change in version 1. // So, just upgrade to version 1 directly version = 1; } if (version == 1) { // Change jpeg quality {65,75,85} to {normal,fine,superfine} String quality = pref.getString(KEY_JPEG_QUALITY, "85"); if (quality.equals("65")) { quality = "normal"; } else if (quality.equals("75")) { quality = "fine"; } else { quality = context.getString(R.string.pref_camera_jpegquality_default); } editor.putString(KEY_JPEG_QUALITY, quality); version = 2; } if (version == 2) { editor.putString(KEY_RECORD_LOCATION, pref.getBoolean(KEY_RECORD_LOCATION, false) ? RecordLocationPreference.VALUE_ON : RecordLocationPreference.VALUE_NONE); version = 3; } if (version == 3) { // Just use video quality to replace it and // ignore the current settings. editor.remove("pref_camera_videoquality_key"); version = 4; } if (version == 4) { // Just upgrade to version 5 directly version = 5; } if (version == 5) { // Change jpeg quality {normal,fine,superfine} back to {65,75,85} String quality = pref.getString(KEY_JPEG_QUALITY, "superfine"); if (quality.equals("normal")) { quality = "65"; } else if (quality.equals("fine")) { quality = "75"; } else { quality = context.getString(R.string.pref_camera_jpegquality_default); } editor.putString(KEY_JPEG_QUALITY, quality); } editor.putInt(KEY_VERSION, CURRENT_VERSION); editor.apply(); } private static void upgradeCameraId(SharedPreferences pref) { // The id stored in the preference may be out of range if we are running // inside the emulator and a webcam is removed. // Note: This method accesses the global preferences directly, not the // combo preferences. int cameraId = readPreferredCameraId(pref); if (cameraId == 0) return; // fast path int n = CameraHolder.instance().getNumberOfCameras(); if (cameraId < 0 || cameraId >= n) { cameraId = 0; } writePreferredCameraId(pref, cameraId); } public static int readPreferredCameraId(SharedPreferences pref) { String rearCameraId = Integer.toString( CameraHolder.instance().getBackCameraId()); return Integer.parseInt(pref.getString(KEY_CAMERA_ID, rearCameraId)); } public static void writePreferredCameraId(SharedPreferences pref, int cameraId) { Editor editor = pref.edit(); editor.putString(KEY_CAMERA_ID, Integer.toString(cameraId)); editor.apply(); } public static int readExposure(ComboPreferences preferences) { String exposure = preferences.getString( CameraSettings.KEY_EXPOSURE, EXPOSURE_DEFAULT_VALUE); try { return Integer.parseInt(exposure); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.e(TAG, "Invalid exposure: " + exposure); } return 0; } public static void restorePreferences(Context context, ComboPreferences preferences, Parameters parameters) { int currentCameraId = readPreferredCameraId(preferences); // Clear the preferences of both cameras. int backCameraId = CameraHolder.instance().getBackCameraId(); if (backCameraId != -1) { preferences.setLocalId(context, backCameraId); Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.clear(); editor.apply(); } int frontCameraId = CameraHolder.instance().getFrontCameraId(); if (frontCameraId != -1) { preferences.setLocalId(context, frontCameraId); Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.clear(); editor.apply(); } // Switch back to the preferences of the current camera. Otherwise, // we may write the preference to wrong camera later. preferences.setLocalId(context, currentCameraId); upgradeGlobalPreferences(preferences.getGlobal(), context); upgradeLocalPreferences(preferences.getLocal()); // Write back the current camera id because parameters are related to // the camera. Otherwise, we may switch to the front camera but the // initial picture size is that of the back camera. initialCameraPictureSize(context, parameters); writePreferredCameraId(preferences, currentCameraId); } public static List getSupportedHighFrameRateModes(Parameters params) { ArrayList supported = new ArrayList(); List supportedModes = params.getSupportedVideoHighFrameRateModes(); String hsr = params.get(KEY_VIDEO_HSR); if (supportedModes == null) { return null; } for (String highFrameRateMode : supportedModes) { if (highFrameRateMode.equals("off")) { supported.add(highFrameRateMode); } else { supported.add("hfr" + highFrameRateMode); if (hsr != null) { supported.add("hsr" + highFrameRateMode); } } } return supported; } public static ArrayList getSupportedVideoQualities(int cameraId, Parameters parameters) { ArrayList supported = new ArrayList(); List supportedVideoSizes = parameters.getSupportedVideoSizes(); List temp; if (supportedVideoSizes == null) { // video-size not specified in parameter list, // assume all profiles in media_profiles are supported. temp = new ArrayList(); temp.add("4096x2160"); temp.add("3840x2160"); temp.add("1920x1080"); temp.add("1280x720"); temp.add("720x480"); temp.add("640x480"); temp.add("352x288"); temp.add("320x240"); temp.add("176x144"); } else { temp = sizeListToStringList(supportedVideoSizes); } for (String videoSize : temp) { if (VIDEO_QUALITY_TABLE.containsKey(videoSize)) { int profile = VIDEO_QUALITY_TABLE.get(videoSize); if (CamcorderProfile.hasProfile(cameraId, profile)) { supported.add(videoSize); } } } return supported; } public static boolean isInternalPreviewSupported(Parameters params) { boolean ret = false; if (null != params) { String val = params.get(KEY_INTERNAL_PREVIEW_RESTART); if ((null != val) && (TRUE.equals(val))) { ret = true; } } return ret; } public static boolean isLongshotSupported(Parameters params) { boolean ret = false; if (null != params) { String val = params.get(KEY_QC_LONGSHOT_SUPPORTED); if ((null != val) && (TRUE.equals(val))) { ret = true; } } return ret; } public static boolean isZSLHDRSupported(Parameters params) { boolean ret = false; if (null != params) { String val = params.get(KEY_QC_ZSL_HDR_SUPPORTED); if ((null != val) && (TRUE.equals(val))) { ret = true; } } return ret; } public static List getSupportedManualExposureModes(Parameters params) { String str = params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_MANUAL_EXPOSURE_MODES); if (str == null) { return null; } return split(str); } public static List getSupportedManualFocusModes(Parameters params) { String str = params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_MANUAL_FOCUS_MODES); if (str == null) { return null; } return split(str); } public static List getSupportedManualWBModes(Parameters params) { String str = params.get(KEY_QC_SUPPORTED_MANUAL_WB_MODES); if (str == null) { return null; } return split(str); } }