path: root/res/values-zh-rCN/qcomstrings.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'res/values-zh-rCN/qcomstrings.xml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 150 deletions
diff --git a/res/values-zh-rCN/qcomstrings.xml b/res/values-zh-rCN/qcomstrings.xml
index 007c52659..1750501dd 100644
--- a/res/values-zh-rCN/qcomstrings.xml
+++ b/res/values-zh-rCN/qcomstrings.xml
@@ -21,137 +21,74 @@
limitations under the License.
- <!-- Video quality setting entry. Videos will be recorded in VGA quality. [CHAR LIMIT=24] -->
- <!-- Video quality setting entry. Videos will be recorded in CIF quality. [CHAR LIMIT=24] -->
- <!-- Video quality setting entry. Videos will be recorded in QVGA quality. [CHAR LIMIT=24] -->
- <!-- Video quality setting entry. Videos will be recorded in QCIF quality. [CHAR LIMIT=24] -->
- <!-- Settings screen, Power Mode title -->
<string name="pref_camera_powermode_title">电源模式</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, Power mode dialog radio button choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_powermode_entry_lp">低耗电</string>
<string name="pref_camera_powermode_entry_np">正常耗电</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, Power mode dialog radio button choices -->
- <!-- Default Power mode.. -->
- <!-- Default auto exposure setting. Do not translate. -->
- <!-- Settings screen, Select auto exposure title -->
<string name="pref_camera_autoexposure_title">自动曝光</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, auto exposure dialog radio button choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_autoexposure_entry_frameaverage">平均帧</string>
<string name="pref_camera_autoexposure_entry_centerweighted">中心测光</string>
<string name="pref_camera_autoexposure_entry_spotmetering">点测光</string>
- <!-- Auto exposure entry values. Do not translate. -->
- <!-- Settings screen, Video encoder title -->
<string name="pref_camera_videoencoder_title">视频编码器</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, Video encoder dialog radio button choices -->
- <!-- Default video encoder setting. A numerical value. -->
- <!-- Settings screen, Video encoder dialog title -->
<string name="pref_camera_videoencoder_dialogtitle">视频编码器</string>
- <!-- Default audio encoder setting. A numerical value. -->
- <!-- Settings screen, Audio encoder title -->
<string name="pref_camera_audioencoder_title">音频编码器</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, Audio encoder dialog radio button choices -->
- <!-- Default Skin Tone Enhancement setting. Do not translate. -->
- <!-- Settings screen, Select Skin Tone Enhancement title -->
<string name="pref_camera_skinToneEnhancement_title">皮肤色调增强</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, Skin Tone Enhancement radio button choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_skinToneEnhancement_entry_enable">启用</string>
<string name="pref_camera_skinToneEnhancement_entry_disable">禁用</string>
- <!-- Skin Tone Enhancement entry values. Do not translate. -->
- <!-- Settings screen, setting title text for ZSL-->
<string name="pref_camera_zsl_title">零快门延迟</string>
- <!-- Default selectable zone af setting. Do not translate. -->
- <!-- Settings screen, Selectable zone af title -->
<string name="pref_camera_selectablezoneaf_title">自动对焦区域</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, Selectable Zone Af dialog radio button choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_selectablezoneaf_entry_auto">自动</string>
<string name="pref_camera_selectablezoneaf_entry_spotmetering">点测光</string>
<string name="pref_camera_selectablezoneaf_entry_centerweighted">中心测光</string>
<string name="pref_camera_selectablezoneaf_entry_frameaverage">平均帧</string>
- <!-- Auto exposure entry values. Do not translate. -->
- <!-- Settings screen, Selectable advanced features title -->
<string name="pref_camera_advanced_features_title">高级功能</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, Selectable Zone Af dialog radio button choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_advanced_feature_entry_none">无</string>
<string name="pref_camera_advanced_feature_entry_multi_touch_focus">多点触摸对焦</string>
- <!-- Auto exposure entry values. Do not translate. -->
- <!-- Manual exposure control entry values -->
<string name="pref_camera_manual_exp_title">手动曝光</string>
<string name="pref_camera_manual_exp_entry_ISO_priority">ISO 优先</string>
<string name="pref_camera_manual_exp_entry_exptime_priority">曝光时间优先</string>
<string name="pref_camera_manual_exp_entry_user_setting">用户设置</string>
<string name="pref_camera_manual_exp_entry_gains_priority">增益优先级</string>
<string name="pref_camera_manual_exp_entry_off">关闭</string>
- <!-- Manual white balance entry values -->
<string name="pref_camera_manual_wb_title">手动白平衡</string>
<string name="pref_camera_manual_wb_entry_color_temperature">色温</string>
<string name="pref_camera_manual_wb_entry_rbgb_gains">RBGB 增益</string>
<string name="pref_camera_manual_wb_entry_off">关闭</string>
- <!-- Manual Focus entry values -->
<string name="pref_camera_manual_focus_title">手动对焦</string>
<string name="pref_camera_manual_focus_entry_scale_mode">比例模式</string>
<string name="pref_camera_manual_focus_entry_diopter_mode">屈光模式</string>
<string name="pref_camera_manual_focus_entry_off">关闭</string>
- <!-- Instant Capture entry -->
<string name="pref_camera_instant_capture_title">即时捕获</string>
<string name="pref_camera_instant_capture_entry_aggressive_aec">主动 AEC</string>
<string name="pref_camera_instant_capture_entry_fast_aec">快速 AEC</string>
<string name="pref_camera_instant_capture_entry_disable">禁用</string>
- <!-- Instant Capture entry values -->
- <!-- Settings screen, ZSL location dialog choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_zsl_entry_off">关闭</string>
<string name="pref_camera_zsl_entry_on">开启</string>
- <!-- The message is shown in toast when HDR or scene mode is enabled -->
<string name="hdr_enable_message">由于 HDR 已启用,仅能使用自动场景模式</string>
<string name="scene_enable_message">HDR 不支持自动场景以外的模式</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, Video HDR location dialog choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_video_hdr_entry_off">关闭</string>
<string name="pref_camera_video_hdr_entry_on">开启</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, CDS location dialog choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_cds_entry_off">关闭</string>
<string name="pref_camera_cds_entry_on">开启</string>
<string name="pref_camera_cds_entry_auto">自动</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, video CDS location dialog choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_video_cds_entry_off">关闭</string>
<string name="pref_camera_video_cds_entry_on">开启</string>
<string name="pref_camera_video_cds_entry_auto">自动</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, TNR location dialog choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_tnr_entry_disable">禁用</string>
<string name="pref_camera_tnr_entry_enable">启用</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, TNR location dialog choices -->
- <!-- Settings screen, video TNR location dialog choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_video_tnr_entry_disable">禁用</string>
<string name="pref_camera_video_tnr_entry_enable">启用</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, video TNR location dialog choices -->
- <!-- Settings screen, setting title text for Video HDR-->
<string name="pref_camera_video_hdr_title">视频 HDR</string>
- <!-- Settings menu, setting title text for cds mode-->
<string name="pref_camera_cds_title">CDS 模式</string>
- <!-- Settings menu, setting title text for video cds mode-->
<string name="pref_camera_video_cds_title">视频 CDS 模式</string>
- <!-- Default cds mode setting-->
- <!-- Default video cds mode setting-->
- <!-- Settings menu, setting title text for tnr mode-->
<string name="pref_camera_tnr_title">TNR 模式</string>
- <!-- Settings menu, setting title text for video tnr mode-->
<string name="pref_camera_video_tnr_title">视频 TNR 模式</string>
- <!-- Default tnr mode setting-->
- <!-- Default video tnr mode setting-->
- <!-- Default face detection setting. -->
- <!-- Settings screen, Select Face Detection -->
<string name="pref_camera_facedetection_title">人脸检测</string>
- <!-- Settings menu, Face Detection choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_facedetection_entry_off">关闭</string>
<string name="pref_camera_facedetection_entry_on">开启</string>
- <!-- Default Selfie Flash setting. -->
- <!-- Settings screen, Selfie Flash Detection -->
<string name="pref_selfie_flash_title">自拍闪光灯</string>
- <!-- Settings menu, Selfie Flash choices -->
<string name="pref_selfie_flash_entry_off">关闭</string>
<string name="pref_selfie_flash_entry_on">开启</string>
- <!-- Default redeye reduction setting. -->
- <!-- Settings screen, Select Redeye Reduction -->
<string name="pref_camera_redeyereduction_title">红眼消除</string>
- <!-- Settings menu, redeye reduction choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_redeyereduction_entry_enable">启用</string>
<string name="pref_camera_redeyereduction_entry_disable">禁用</string>
<string name="pref_camera_selfiemirror_title">自拍镜</string>
@@ -160,37 +97,22 @@
<string name="pref_camera_shuttersound_title">快门声音</string>
<string name="pref_camera_shuttersound_entry_enable">已启用</string>
<string name="pref_camera_shuttersound_entry_disable">已禁用</string>
- <!-- The message is shown in toast when the app encounters an unsupported selection for HFR/HSR mode -->
<string name="error_app_unsupported_hfr_selection">稳定化 / 延时 / HDR 不支持高帧率拍摄。</string>
- <!-- The message is shown in dialog when the app encounters an unsupported resolution for HFR mode -->
<string name="error_app_unsupported_hfr">所选的视频大小不支持慢动作模式。选择一个较低的视频大小</string>
- <!-- The message is shown in toast when the app encounters an unsupported resolution for DIS mode -->
<string name="error_app_unsupported_dis">所选的视频大小不支持稳定化。选择一个较低的视频大小</string>
- <!-- The message is shown in dialog when the app encounters an unsupported resolution for HSR mode -->
<string name="error_app_unsupported_hsr">所选的视频大小不支持高速模式。选择一个较低的视频大小</string>
- <!-- The message is shown in dialog when the app encounters an unsupported video codec for HFR mode -->
<string name="error_app_unsupported_hfr_codec">开启高帧率时仅支持 H264 视频编码</string>
- <!-- The message is shown in dialog when the app encounters an unsupported video resolution-->
<string name="error_app_unsupported">视频大小不支持此编码器类型</string>
- <!-- The message is shown in dialog when the app encounters an unsupported video profile-->
<string name="error_app_unsupported_profile">不支持的视频情景模式</string>
- <!--The message is shown in dialog when the raw snapshot is selected in zsl mode-->
<string name="error_app_unsupported_raw">零快门延迟模式不支持 Raw 格式的图片。请选择 JPEG 格式</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, AE bracketing and HDR location dialog choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_ae_bracket_hdr_entry_ae_bracket">自动包围曝光</string>
<string name="pref_camera_ae_bracket_hdr_title">自动包围曝光</string>
<string name="pref_camera_ae_bracket_hdr_entry_on">开启</string>
<string name="err_app_unsupport_ae_bracket_code">不支持自动包围曝光</string>
- <!-- The messsage shown if user selects a snapshot resolution lower than the current video size. -->
<string name="snapshot_lower_than_video">视频快照的大小低于视频的大小,以视频大小为上限。请选择高于或等于当前视频大小的分辨率。</string>
- <!-- The messsage shown if user selects a snapshot resolution in low power mode. -->
<string name="snapshotsize_low_powermode">不支持在低功耗模式下改变图片大小,将捕获视频大小的快照。请选择正常功耗模式以允许改变图片大小。</string>
- <!-- The messsage shown if user tries to take snapshot during D1/QCIF resolution. -->
<string name="snapshot_qcif_and_d1">此分辨率只支持视频尺寸的快照。</string>
- <!-- Default hfr setting. Do not translate. -->
- <!-- Settings screen, Select hfr title -->
<string name="pref_camera_hfr_title">高帧率录制</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, hfr radio button choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_hfr_entry_off">关闭</string>
<string name="pref_camera_hfr_entry_2x">60 FPS 慢动作</string>
<string name="pref_camera_hfr_entry_3x">90 FPS 慢动作</string>
@@ -202,30 +124,16 @@
<string name="pref_camera_hfr_entry_hsr_120">120 FPS 高速</string>
<string name="pref_camera_hfr_entry_hsr_240">高速 240 帧/秒</string>
<string name="pref_camera_hfr_entry_hsr_480">高速 480 FPS</string>
- <!-- HFR entry values. Do not translate. -->
- <!-- Default noise reduction setting. Do not translate. -->
- <!-- Settings screen, Select See More title -->
<string name="pref_camera_noise_reduction_title">降噪</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, see more radio button choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_noise_reduction_entry_off">关闭</string>
<string name="pref_camera_noise_reduction_entry_fast">快速</string>
<string name="pref_camera_noise_reduction_entry_high_quality">高质量</string>
- <!-- see more entry values. Do not translate. -->
- <!-- Default see more setting. Do not translate. -->
- <!-- Settings screen, Select See More title -->
- <!-- Settings screen, see more radio button choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_see_more_entry_off">关闭</string>
<string name="pref_camera_see_more_entry_on">开启</string>
- <!-- see more entry values. Do not translate. -->
- <!-- Denoise Settings screen, setting title text -->
<string name="pref_camera_denoise_title">降噪</string>
- <!-- Denoise Settings screen, Record location dialog choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_denoise_entry_off">关闭</string>
<string name="pref_camera_denoise_entry_on">开启</string>
- <!-- Default iso setting. Do not translate. -->
- <!-- Settings screen, Select Iso title -->
<string name="pref_camera_iso_title">ISO</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, ISO dialog radio button choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_iso_entry_auto">自动</string>
<string name="pref_camera_iso_entry_isodeblur">自动 (HJR)</string>
<string name="pref_camera_iso_entry_iso50">ISO50</string>
@@ -255,26 +163,18 @@
<string name="pref_camera_iso_entry_iso3200">ISO3200</string>
<string name="pref_camera_iso_entry_iso6400">ISO6400</string>
<string name="pref_camera_iso_entry_iso12800">ISO12800</string>
- <!-- ISO entry values. Do not translate. -->
- <!-- Settings screen, Anti Banding title -->
<string name="pref_camera_antibanding_title">抗条纹</string>
- <!-- Default Anti Banding setting. -->
- <!-- Settings screen, Anti Banding entries -->
<string name="pref_camera_antibanding_entry_0">自动</string>
<string name="pref_camera_antibanding_entry_1">50 Hz (欧洲)</string>
<string name="pref_camera_antibanding_entry_2">60 Hz (美国)</string>
- <!-- Default color effect setting. -->
<string name="pref_camera_filter_mode_entry_on">开启</string>
<string name="pref_camera_filter_mode_entry_off">关闭</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, Select Color effect title -->
<string name="pref_camera_coloreffect_title">色彩效果</string>
<string name="pref_camera_filter_mode_title">色彩效果</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, Color effect dialog radio button choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_coloreffect_entry_none">无</string>
<string name="pref_camera_coloreffect_entry_mono">黑白</string>
<string name="pref_camera_coloreffect_entry_sepia">棕褐色</string>
<string name="pref_camera_coloreffect_entry_negative">负片</string>
- <!-- Color effect that overexposes and reverses some of the tones. -->
<string name="pref_camera_coloreffect_entry_solarize">过度曝光</string>
<string name="pref_camera_coloreffect_entry_posterize">色调分离</string>
<string name="pref_camera_coloreffect_entry_aqua">水底</string>
@@ -286,17 +186,12 @@
<string name="pref_camera_coloreffect_entry_redtint">红色调</string>
<string name="pref_camera_coloreffect_entry_bluetint">蓝色调</string>
<string name="pref_camera_coloreffect_entry_greentint">绿色调</string>
- <!-- Select IS title -->
<string name="pref_camera_dis_title">视频防抖</string>
- <!-- DIS choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_dis_entry_off">关闭</string>
<string name="pref_camera_dis_entry_on">开启</string>
- <!-- Select Face Recognition title -->
<string name="pref_camera_facerc_title">人脸识别</string>
- <!-- Face Recognition choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_facerc_entry_off">关闭</string>
<string name="pref_camera_facerc_entry_on">开启</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, Multiple levels entries -->
<string name="pref_camera_sharpness_entry_level0">0 级</string>
<string name="pref_camera_sharpness_entry_level1">1 级</string>
<string name="pref_camera_sharpness_entry_level2">2 级 (默认)</string>
@@ -304,7 +199,6 @@
<string name="pref_camera_sharpness_entry_level4">4 级</string>
<string name="pref_camera_sharpness_entry_level5">5 级</string>
<string name="pref_camera_sharpness_entry_level6">6 级</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, Multiple levels entries -->
<string name="pref_camera_contrast_entry_level0">0 级</string>
<string name="pref_camera_contrast_entry_level1">1 级</string>
<string name="pref_camera_contrast_entry_level2">2 级</string>
@@ -316,7 +210,6 @@
<string name="pref_camera_contrast_entry_level8">8 级</string>
<string name="pref_camera_contrast_entry_level9">9 级</string>
<string name="pref_camera_contrast_entry_level10">10 级</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, Multiple levels entries -->
<string name="pref_camera_saturation_entry_level0">0 级</string>
<string name="pref_camera_saturation_entry_level1">1 级</string>
<string name="pref_camera_saturation_entry_level2">2 级</string>
@@ -328,79 +221,40 @@
<string name="pref_camera_saturation_entry_level8">8 级</string>
<string name="pref_camera_saturation_entry_level9">9 级</string>
<string name="pref_camera_saturation_entry_level10">10 级</string>
- <!-- Default sharpness setting. Do not translate. -->
- <!-- Settings screen, Select sharpness title -->
<string name="pref_camera_sharpness_title">锐度</string>
- <!-- Default contrast setting. Do not translate. -->
- <!-- Settings screen, Select contrast title -->
<string name="pref_camera_contrast_title">对比度</string>
- <!-- Default saturation setting. Do not translate. -->
- <!-- Settings screen, Select saturation title -->
<string name="pref_camera_saturation_title">饱和度</string>
- <!-- Default picture quality setting. See
- pref_camera_jpegquality_entryvalues for possible values -->
- <!-- Default Picture format setting. Do not translate. -->
- <!-- Settings screen, Select Picture format title -->
<string name="pref_camera_picture_format_title">图片格式</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, picture format dialog radio button choices -->
- <!-- Picture format entry values. Do not translate. -->
- <!-- Settings screen, Picture quality title -->
<string name="pref_camera_jpegquality_title">图片质量</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, Picture quality dialog radio button choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_jpegquality_entry_0">低</string>
<string name="pref_camera_jpegquality_entry_1">标准</string>
<string name="pref_camera_jpegquality_entry_2">高</string>
- <!-- Default auto histogram setting. Do not translate. -->
- <!-- Settings screen, Select Histogram title -->
<string name="pref_camera_histogram_title">直方图</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, Histogram radio button choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_histogram_entry_enable">启用</string>
<string name="pref_camera_histogram_entry_disable">禁用</string>
- <!-- Histogram entry values. Do not translate. -->
- <!-- Default auto scene detection setting. -->
- <!-- Settings screen, Select Auto Scene Detection -->
<string name="pref_camera_scenedetect_title">自动场景检测</string>
- <!-- Settings menu, auto scene detection choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_scenedetect_entry_off">关闭</string>
- <!-- Scene detection set to on - supports backlight and snow cloudy detection. -->
<string name="pref_camera_scenedetect_entry_on">开启</string>
- <!-- Toast showing error if invalid size selected for time lapse [CHAR LIMIT=65] -->
<string name="time_lapse_error">延时摄影的视频尺寸无效。</string>
- <!-- longshot value -->
<string name="pref_camera_longshot_title">连拍</string>
<string name="msg_cancel_longshot_for_limited_memory">内存消耗殆尽,正在取消连拍模式</string>
- <!-- Toast showing non-supported functionality for flash in AE bracket -->
<string name="flash_aebracket_message">AE 曝光模式不支持使用闪光灯</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, setting title text for Auto HDR-->
<string name="pref_camera_auto_hdr_title">自动 HDR</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, Auto HDR location dialog choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_auto_hdr_entry_enable">启用</string>
<string name="pref_camera_auto_hdr_entry_disable">禁用</string>
- <!-- toast message for storage location switch -->
<string name="on_switch_save_path_to_sdcard">内部存储空间不足,已将存储位置切换到 SD 卡</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, Selectable HDR mode title -->
<string name="pref_camera_hdr_mode_title">HDR 模式</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, Selectable HDR mode radio button choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_hdr_mode_entry_sensor">传感器 HDR</string>
<string name="pref_camera_hdr_mode_entry_multi_frame">多帧 HDR</string>
- <!-- HDR mode entry values. Do not translate. -->
- <!--Default video rotation setting-->
- <!--Settings screen, video rotation title-->
<string name="pref_camera_video_rotation_title">视频旋转</string>
- <!--Menu, video rotation label-->
<string name="pref_camera_video_rotation_label">视频旋转</string>
- <!-- Settings screen, Video rotation dialog radio button choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_video_rotation_entry_0">0 度</string>
<string name="pref_camera_video_rotation_entry_90">90 度</string>
<string name="pref_camera_video_rotation_entry_180">180 度</string>
<string name="pref_camera_video_rotation_entry_270">270 度</string>
- <!-- The message is shown in toast when click showOnMap Menu and there is no map app -->
<string name="map_activity_not_found_err">找不到用于显示地点的地图应用</string>
- <!-- Continuous shot enable message -->
<string name="longshot_enable_message">在连拍模式下高级功能不被支持</string>
- <!-- Advanced features enable message -->
<string name="advance_feature_enable_msg">当高级功能启用时,连拍不被支持</string>
- <!-- The alas of CameraActivity for gesture operation -->
<string name="camera_gesture_title">启动相机</string>
<string name="pref_camera_tsmakeup_title">美化</string>
<string name="pref_camera_tsmakeup_entry_on">开启</string>
@@ -531,9 +385,7 @@
<string name="pref_camera_bokeh_mpo_entry_enable">启用</string>
<string name="pref_camera_bokeh_mpo_entry_disable">禁用</string>
<string name="pref_camera_bokeh_blur_degree_title">虚化模糊值</string>
- <!-- Default Zoom setting. -->
<string name="pref_camera_zoom_title">缩放</string>
- <!-- Settings menu, Zoom choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_zoom_entry_off">关闭</string>
<string name="pref_camera_zoom_entry_1x">1x</string>
<string name="pref_camera_zoom_entry_2x">2x</string>
@@ -561,8 +413,6 @@
<string name="pref_camera2_afmode_entry_continuous_picture">连拍图片</string>
<string name="pref_camera2_afmode_entry_edof">景深扩展</string>
<string name="pref_camera2_switch_camera_title">通过 ID 切换相机</string>
- <!-- QCFA Title -->
- <!-- QCFA choices -->
<string name="pref_camera2_switch_camera_title">通过 ID 切换相机</string>
<string name="pref_camera2_initial_camera_entry_bayer">Bayer</string>
<string name="pref_camera2_initial_camera_entry_mono">黑白</string>