path: root/jni_mosaic/feature_stab/src/dbreg/vp_motionmodel.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'jni_mosaic/feature_stab/src/dbreg/vp_motionmodel.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 377 deletions
diff --git a/jni_mosaic/feature_stab/src/dbreg/vp_motionmodel.c b/jni_mosaic/feature_stab/src/dbreg/vp_motionmodel.c
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index 1f6af15bd..000000000
--- a/jni_mosaic/feature_stab/src/dbreg/vp_motionmodel.c
+++ /dev/null
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- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#sourcefile vpmotion/vp_motionmodel.c
-#category motion-model
-* Copyright 1998 Sarnoff Corporation
-* All Rights Reserved
-* Modification History
-* Date: 02/14/98
-* Author: supuns
-* Shop Order: 17xxx
-* @(#) $Id: vp_motionmodel.c,v 1.4 2011/06/17 14:04:33 mbansal Exp $
-* ===================================================================
-* Include Files
-#include <string.h> /* memmove */
-#include <math.h>
-#include "vp_motionmodel.h"
-/* Static Functions */
-double Det3(double m[3][3])
- double result;
- result =
- m[0][0]*m[1][1]*m[2][2] + m[0][1]*m[1][2]*m[2][0] +
- m[0][2]*m[1][0]*m[2][1] - m[0][2]*m[1][1]*m[2][0] -
- m[0][0]*m[1][2]*m[2][1] - m[0][1]*m[1][0]*m[2][2];
- return(result);
-typedef double MATRIX[4][4];
-double Det4(MATRIX m)
- /* ==> This is a poor implementation of determinant.
- Writing the formula out in closed form is unnecessarily complicated
- and mistakes are easy to make. */
- double result;
- result=
- m[0][3] *m[1][2] *m[2][1] *m[3][0] - m[0][2] *m[1][3] *m[2][1] *m[3][0] - m[0][3] *m[1][1] *m[2][2] *m[3][0] +
- m[0][1] *m[1][3] *m[2][2] *m[3][0] + m[0][2] *m[1][1] *m[2][3] *m[3][0] - m[0][1] *m[1][2] *m[2][3] *m[3][0] - m[0][3] *m[1][2] *m[2][0] *m[3][1] +
- m[0][2] *m[1][3] *m[2][0] *m[3][1] + m[0][3] *m[1][0] *m[2][2] *m[3][1] - m[0][0] *m[1][3] *m[2][2] *m[3][1] - m[0][2] *m[1][0] *m[2][3] *m[3][1] +
- m[0][0] *m[1][2] *m[2][3] *m[3][1] + m[0][3] *m[1][1] *m[2][0] *m[3][2] - m[0][1] *m[1][3] *m[2][0] *m[3][2] - m[0][3] *m[1][0] *m[2][1] *m[3][2] +
- m[0][0] *m[1][3] *m[2][1] *m[3][2] + m[0][1] *m[1][0] *m[2][3] *m[3][2] - m[0][0] *m[1][1] *m[2][3] *m[3][2] - m[0][2] *m[1][1] *m[2][0] *m[3][3] +
- m[0][1] *m[1][2] *m[2][0] *m[3][3] + m[0][2] *m[1][0] *m[2][1] *m[3][3] - m[0][0] *m[1][2] *m[2][1] *m[3][3] - m[0][1] *m[1][0] *m[2][2] *m[3][3] +
- m[0][0] *m[1][1] *m[2][2] *m[3][3];
- /*
- m[0][0]*m[1][1]*m[2][2]*m[3][3]-m[0][1]*m[1][0]*m[2][2]*m[3][3]+
- m[0][1]*m[1][2]*m[2][0]*m[3][3]-m[0][2]*m[1][1]*m[2][0]*m[3][3]+
- m[0][2]*m[1][0]*m[2][1]*m[3][3]-m[0][0]*m[1][2]*m[2][1]*m[3][3]+
- m[0][0]*m[1][2]*m[2][3]*m[3][1]-m[0][2]*m[1][0]*m[2][3]*m[3][1]+
- m[0][2]*m[1][3]*m[2][0]*m[3][1]-m[0][3]*m[1][2]*m[2][0]*m[3][1]+
- m[0][3]*m[1][0]*m[2][2]*m[3][1]-m[0][0]*m[1][3]*m[2][2]*m[3][1]+
- m[0][0]*m[1][3]*m[2][1]*m[3][2]-m[0][3]*m[1][0]*m[2][3]*m[3][2]+
- m[0][1]*m[1][0]*m[2][3]*m[3][2]-m[0][0]*m[1][1]*m[2][0]*m[3][2]+
- m[0][3]*m[1][1]*m[2][0]*m[3][2]-m[0][1]*m[1][3]*m[2][1]*m[3][2]+
- m[0][1]*m[1][3]*m[2][2]*m[3][0]-m[0][3]*m[1][1]*m[2][2]*m[3][0]+
- m[0][2]*m[1][1]*m[2][3]*m[3][0]-m[0][1]*m[1][2]*m[2][3]*m[3][0]+
- m[0][3]*m[1][2]*m[2][1]*m[3][0]-m[0][2]*m[1][3]*m[2][1]*m[3][0];
- */
- return(result);
-int inv4Mat(const VP_MOTION* in, VP_MOTION* out)
- /* ==> This is a poor implementation of inversion. The determinant
- method is O(N^4), i.e. unnecessarily slow, and not numerically accurate.
- The real complexity of inversion is O(N^3), and is best done using
- LU decomposition. */
- MATRIX inmat,outmat;
- int i, j, k, l, m, n,ntemp;
- double mat[3][3], indet, temp;
- /* check for non-empty structures structure */
- if (((VP_MOTION *) NULL == in) || ((VP_MOTION *) NULL == out)) {
- return 1;
- }
- for(k=0,i=0;i<4;i++)
- for(j=0;j<4;j++,k++)
- inmat[i][j]=(double)in->par[k];
- indet = Det4(inmat);
- if (indet==0) return(-1);
- for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
- for (j=0;j<4;j++) {
- m = 0;
- for (k=0;k<4;k++) {
- if (i != k) {
- n = 0;
- for (l=0;l<4;l++)
- if (j != l) {
- mat[m][n] = inmat[k][l];
- n++;
- }
- m++;
- }
- }
- temp = -1.;
- ntemp = (i +j ) %2;
- if( ntemp == 0) temp = 1.;
- outmat[j][i] = temp * Det3(mat)/indet;
- }
- }
- for(k=0,i=0;i<4;i++)
- for(j=0;j<4;j++,k++)
- out->par[k]=(VP_PAR)outmat[i][j]; /*lint !e771*/
- return(0);
-* ===================================================================
-* Public Functions
- * ===================================================================
-#fn vp_invert_motion
-#ft invert a motion
- Bool
- vp_invert_motion(const VP_MOTION* in,VP_MOTION* out)
- This inverts the motion given in 'in'.
- All motion models upto VP_MOTION_SEMI_PROJ_3D are supported.
- It is assumed that the all 16 parameters are properly
- initialized although you may not be using them. You could
- use the VP_KEEP_ macro's defined in vp_motionmodel.h to set
- the un-initialized parameters. This uses a 4x4 matrix invertion
- function internally.
- It is SAFE to pass the same pointer as both the 'in' and 'out'
- parameters.
- in - input motion
- out - output inverted motion. If singular matrix uninitialized.
- if MWW(in) is non-zero it is also normalized.
- FALSE - matrix is singular or motion model not supported
- TRUE - otherwise
- None
-int vp_invert_motion(const VP_MOTION* in,VP_MOTION* out)
- int refid;
- /* check for non-empty structures structure */
- if (((VP_MOTION *) NULL == in) || ((VP_MOTION *) NULL == out)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (in->type>VP_MOTION_SEMI_PROJ_3D) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (inv4Mat(in,out)<0)
- return FALSE;
- /*VP_NORMALIZE(*out);*/
- out->type = in->type;
- refid=in->refid;
- out->refid=in->insid;
- out->insid=refid;
- return TRUE;
-* ===================================================================
-#fn vp_cascade_motion
-#ft Cascade two motion transforms
- Bool
- vp_cascade_motion(const VP_MOTION* InAB,const VP_MOTION* InBC,VP_MOTION* OutAC)
- Given Motion Transforms A->B and B->C, this function will
- generate a New Motion that describes the transformation
- from A->C.
- More specifically, OutAC = InBC * InAC.
- This function works ok if InAB,InBC and OutAC are the same pointer.
- InAB - First Motion Transform
- InBC - Second Motion Tranform
- OutAC - Cascaded Motion
- FALSE - motion model not supported
- TRUE - otherwise
- None
-int vp_cascade_motion(const VP_MOTION* InA, const VP_MOTION* InB,VP_MOTION* Out)
- /* ==> This is a poor implementation of matrix multiplication.
- Writing the formula out in closed form is unnecessarily complicated
- and mistakes are easy to make. */
- VP_PAR mxx,mxy,mxz,mxw;
- VP_PAR myx,myy,myz,myw;
- VP_PAR mzx,mzy,mzz,mzw;
- VP_PAR mwx,mwy,mwz,mww;
- /* check for non-empty structures structure */
- if (((VP_MOTION *) NULL == InA) || ((VP_MOTION *) NULL == InB) ||
- ((VP_MOTION *) NULL == Out)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (InA->type>VP_MOTION_PROJ_3D) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (InB->type>VP_MOTION_PROJ_3D) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- mxx = MXX(*InB)*MXX(*InA)+MXY(*InB)*MYX(*InA)+MXZ(*InB)*MZX(*InA)+MXW(*InB)*MWX(*InA);
- mxy = MXX(*InB)*MXY(*InA)+MXY(*InB)*MYY(*InA)+MXZ(*InB)*MZY(*InA)+MXW(*InB)*MWY(*InA);
- mxz = MXX(*InB)*MXZ(*InA)+MXY(*InB)*MYZ(*InA)+MXZ(*InB)*MZZ(*InA)+MXW(*InB)*MWZ(*InA);
- mxw = MXX(*InB)*MXW(*InA)+MXY(*InB)*MYW(*InA)+MXZ(*InB)*MZW(*InA)+MXW(*InB)*MWW(*InA);
- myx = MYX(*InB)*MXX(*InA)+MYY(*InB)*MYX(*InA)+MYZ(*InB)*MZX(*InA)+MYW(*InB)*MWX(*InA);
- myy = MYX(*InB)*MXY(*InA)+MYY(*InB)*MYY(*InA)+MYZ(*InB)*MZY(*InA)+MYW(*InB)*MWY(*InA);
- myz = MYX(*InB)*MXZ(*InA)+MYY(*InB)*MYZ(*InA)+MYZ(*InB)*MZZ(*InA)+MYW(*InB)*MWZ(*InA);
- myw = MYX(*InB)*MXW(*InA)+MYY(*InB)*MYW(*InA)+MYZ(*InB)*MZW(*InA)+MYW(*InB)*MWW(*InA);
- mzx = MZX(*InB)*MXX(*InA)+MZY(*InB)*MYX(*InA)+MZZ(*InB)*MZX(*InA)+MZW(*InB)*MWX(*InA);
- mzy = MZX(*InB)*MXY(*InA)+MZY(*InB)*MYY(*InA)+MZZ(*InB)*MZY(*InA)+MZW(*InB)*MWY(*InA);
- mzz = MZX(*InB)*MXZ(*InA)+MZY(*InB)*MYZ(*InA)+MZZ(*InB)*MZZ(*InA)+MZW(*InB)*MWZ(*InA);
- mzw = MZX(*InB)*MXW(*InA)+MZY(*InB)*MYW(*InA)+MZZ(*InB)*MZW(*InA)+MZW(*InB)*MWW(*InA);
- mwx = MWX(*InB)*MXX(*InA)+MWY(*InB)*MYX(*InA)+MWZ(*InB)*MZX(*InA)+MWW(*InB)*MWX(*InA);
- mwy = MWX(*InB)*MXY(*InA)+MWY(*InB)*MYY(*InA)+MWZ(*InB)*MZY(*InA)+MWW(*InB)*MWY(*InA);
- mwz = MWX(*InB)*MXZ(*InA)+MWY(*InB)*MYZ(*InA)+MWZ(*InB)*MZZ(*InA)+MWW(*InB)*MWZ(*InA);
- mww = MWX(*InB)*MXW(*InA)+MWY(*InB)*MYW(*InA)+MWZ(*InB)*MZW(*InA)+MWW(*InB)*MWW(*InA);
- MXX(*Out)=mxx; MXY(*Out)=mxy; MXZ(*Out)=mxz; MXW(*Out)=mxw;
- MYX(*Out)=myx; MYY(*Out)=myy; MYZ(*Out)=myz; MYW(*Out)=myw;
- MZX(*Out)=mzx; MZY(*Out)=mzy; MZZ(*Out)=mzz; MZW(*Out)=mzw;
- MWX(*Out)=mwx; MWY(*Out)=mwy; MWZ(*Out)=mwz; MWW(*Out)=mww;
- /* VP_NORMALIZE(*Out); */
- Out->type= (InA->type > InB->type) ? InA->type : InB->type;
- Out->refid=InA->refid;
- Out->insid=InB->insid;
- return TRUE;
-* ===================================================================
-#fn vp_copy_motion
-#ft Copies the source motion to the destination motion.
- void
- vp_copy_motion (const VP_MOTION *src, VP_MOTION *dst)
- Copies the source motion to the destination motion.
- It is OK if src == dst.
- This is different from some of the other VP
- copy functions.
- src is the source motion
- dst is the destination motion
- void
-void vp_copy_motion (const VP_MOTION *src, VP_MOTION *dst)
- /* Use memmove rather than memcpy because it handles overlapping memory
- OK. */
- memmove(dst, src, sizeof(VP_MOTION));
- return;
-} /* vp_copy_motion() */
-#define VP_SQR(x) ( (x)*(x) )
-double vp_motion_cornerdiff(const VP_MOTION *mot_a, const VP_MOTION *mot_b,
- int xo, int yo, int w, int h)
- double ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2, ax3, ay3, ax4, ay4;
- double bx1, by1, bx2, by2, bx3, by3, bx4, by4;
- double err;
- /*lint -e639 -e632 -e633 */
- VP_WARP_POINT_2D(xo, yo, *mot_a, ax1, ay1);
- VP_WARP_POINT_2D(xo+w-1, yo, *mot_a, ax2, ay2);
- VP_WARP_POINT_2D(xo+w-1, yo+h-1, *mot_a, ax3, ay3);
- VP_WARP_POINT_2D(xo, yo+h-1, *mot_a, ax4, ay4);
- VP_WARP_POINT_2D(xo, yo, *mot_b, bx1, by1);
- VP_WARP_POINT_2D(xo+w-1, yo, *mot_b, bx2, by2);
- VP_WARP_POINT_2D(xo+w-1, yo+h-1, *mot_b, bx3, by3);
- VP_WARP_POINT_2D(xo, yo+h-1, *mot_b, bx4, by4);
- /*lint +e639 +e632 +e633 */
- err = 0;
- err += (VP_SQR(ax1 - bx1) + VP_SQR(ay1 - by1));
- err += (VP_SQR(ax2 - bx2) + VP_SQR(ay2 - by2));
- err += (VP_SQR(ax3 - bx3) + VP_SQR(ay3 - by3));
- err += (VP_SQR(ax4 - bx4) + VP_SQR(ay4 - by4));
- return(sqrt(err));
-int vp_zoom_motion2d(VP_MOTION* in, VP_MOTION* out,
- int n, int w, int h, double zoom)
- int ii;
- VP_PAR inv_zoom;
- VP_PAR cx, cy;
- VP_MOTION R2r,R2f;
- VP_MOTION *res;
- /* check for non-empty structures structure */
- if (((VP_MOTION *) NULL == in)||(zoom <= 0.0)||(w <= 0)||(h <= 0)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* ==> Not sure why the special case of out=NULL is necessary. Why couldn't
- the caller just pass the same pointer for both in and out? */
- res = ((VP_MOTION *) NULL == out)?in:out;
- cx = (VP_PAR) (w/2.0);
- cy = (VP_PAR) (h/2.0);
- inv_zoom = (VP_PAR)(1.0/zoom);
- MXX(R2r) = inv_zoom;
- MYY(R2r) = inv_zoom;
- MXW(R2r)=cx*(((VP_PAR)1.0) - inv_zoom);
- MYW(R2r)=cy*(((VP_PAR)1.0) - inv_zoom);
- for(ii=0;ii<n;ii++) {
- (void) vp_cascade_motion(&R2r,in+ii,&R2f);
- res[ii]=R2f;
- }
- return TRUE;
-} /* vp_zoom_motion2d() */
-/* =================================================================== */
-/* end vp_motionmodel.c */