path: root/jni/feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_utilities_poly.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'jni/feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_utilities_poly.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 235 deletions
diff --git a/jni/feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_utilities_poly.cpp b/jni/feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_utilities_poly.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 013ac726e..000000000
--- a/jni/feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_utilities_poly.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
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- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-/* $Id: db_utilities_poly.cpp,v 1.2 2010/09/03 12:00:10 bsouthall Exp $ */
-#include "db_utilities_poly.h"
-#include "db_utilities.h"
-* Lean and mean begins here *
-void db_SolveCubic(double *roots,int *nr_roots,double a,double b,double c,double d)
- double bp,bp2,cp,dp,q,r,srq;
- double r2_min_q3,theta,bp_through3,theta_through3;
- double cos_theta_through3,sin_theta_through3,min2_cos_theta_plu,min2_cos_theta_min;
- double si_r_srq,A;
- /*For nondegenerate cubics with three roots
- [24 mult 9 add 2sqrt 1acos 1cos=33flops 4func]
- For nondegenerate cubics with one root
- [16 mult 6 add 1sqrt 1qbrt=24flops 3func]*/
- if(a==0.0) db_SolveQuadratic(roots,nr_roots,b,c,d);
- else
- {
- bp=b/a;
- bp2=bp*bp;
- cp=c/a;
- dp=d/a;
- q=(bp2-3.0*cp)/9.0;
- r=(2.0*bp2*bp-9.0*bp*cp+27.0*dp)/54.0;
- r2_min_q3=r*r-q*q*q;
- if(r2_min_q3<0.0)
- {
- *nr_roots=3;
- /*q has to be > 0*/
- srq=sqrt(q);
- theta=acos(db_maxd(-1.0,db_mind(1.0,r/(q*srq))));
- bp_through3=bp/3.0;
- theta_through3=theta/3.0;
- cos_theta_through3=cos(theta_through3);
- sin_theta_through3=sqrt(db_maxd(0.0,1.0-cos_theta_through3*cos_theta_through3));
- /*cos(theta_through3+2*pi/3)=cos_theta_through3*cos(2*pi/3)-sin_theta_through3*sin(2*pi/3)
- = -0.5*cos_theta_through3-sqrt(3)/2.0*sin_theta_through3
- = -0.5*(cos_theta_through3+sqrt(3)*sin_theta_through3)*/
- min2_cos_theta_plu=cos_theta_through3+DB_SQRT3*sin_theta_through3;
- min2_cos_theta_min=cos_theta_through3-DB_SQRT3*sin_theta_through3;
- roots[0]= -2.0*srq*cos_theta_through3-bp_through3;
- roots[1]=srq*min2_cos_theta_plu-bp_through3;
- roots[2]=srq*min2_cos_theta_min-bp_through3;
- }
- else if(r2_min_q3>0.0)
- {
- *nr_roots=1;
- A= -db_sign(r)*db_CubRoot(db_absd(r)+sqrt(r2_min_q3));
- bp_through3=bp/3.0;
- if(A!=0.0) roots[0]=A+q/A-bp_through3;
- else roots[0]= -bp_through3;
- }
- else
- {
- *nr_roots=2;
- bp_through3=bp/3.0;
- /*q has to be >= 0*/
- si_r_srq=db_sign(r)*sqrt(q);
- /*Single root*/
- roots[0]= -2.0*si_r_srq-bp_through3;
- /*Double root*/
- roots[1]=si_r_srq-bp_through3;
- }
- }
-void db_SolveQuartic(double *roots,int *nr_roots,double a,double b,double c,double d,double e)
- /*Normalized coefficients*/
- double c0,c1,c2,c3;
- /*Temporary coefficients*/
- double c3through2,c3through4,c3c3through4_min_c2,min4_c0;
- double lz,ms,ns,mn,m,n,lz_through2;
- /*Cubic polynomial roots, nr of roots and coefficients*/
- double c_roots[3];
- int nr_c_roots;
- double k0,k1;
- /*nr additional roots from second quadratic*/
- int addroots;
- /*For nondegenerate quartics
- [16mult 11add 2sqrt 1cubic 2quadratic=74flops 8funcs]*/
- if(a==0.0) db_SolveCubic(roots,nr_roots,b,c,d,e);
- else if(e==0.0)
- {
- db_SolveCubic(roots,nr_roots,a,b,c,d);
- roots[*nr_roots]=0.0;
- *nr_roots+=1;
- }
- else
- {
- /*Compute normalized coefficients*/
- c3=b/a;
- c2=c/a;
- c1=d/a;
- c0=e/a;
- /*Compute temporary coefficients*/
- c3through2=c3/2.0;
- c3through4=c3/4.0;
- c3c3through4_min_c2=c3*c3through4-c2;
- min4_c0= -4.0*c0;
- /*Compute coefficients of cubic*/
- k0=min4_c0*c3c3through4_min_c2-c1*c1;
- k1=c1*c3+min4_c0;
- /*k2= -c2*/
- /*k3=1.0*/
- /*Solve it for roots*/
- db_SolveCubic(c_roots,&nr_c_roots,1.0,-c2,k1,k0);
- if(nr_c_roots>0)
- {
- lz=c_roots[0];
- lz_through2=lz/2.0;
- ms=lz+c3c3through4_min_c2;
- ns=lz_through2*lz_through2-c0;
- mn=lz*c3through4-c1/2.0;
- if((ms>=0.0)&&(ns>=0.0))
- {
- m=sqrt(ms);
- n=sqrt(ns)*db_sign(mn);
- db_SolveQuadratic(roots,nr_roots,
- 1.0,c3through2+m,lz_through2+n);
- db_SolveQuadratic(&roots[*nr_roots],&addroots,
- 1.0,c3through2-m,lz_through2-n);
- *nr_roots+=addroots;
- }
- else *nr_roots=0;
- }
- else *nr_roots=0;
- }
-void db_SolveQuarticForced(double *roots,int *nr_roots,double a,double b,double c,double d,double e)
- /*Normalized coefficients*/
- double c0,c1,c2,c3;
- /*Temporary coefficients*/
- double c3through2,c3through4,c3c3through4_min_c2,min4_c0;
- double lz,ms,ns,mn,m,n,lz_through2;
- /*Cubic polynomial roots, nr of roots and coefficients*/
- double c_roots[3];
- int nr_c_roots;
- double k0,k1;
- /*nr additional roots from second quadratic*/
- int addroots;
- /*For nondegenerate quartics
- [16mult 11add 2sqrt 1cubic 2quadratic=74flops 8funcs]*/
- if(a==0.0) db_SolveCubic(roots,nr_roots,b,c,d,e);
- else if(e==0.0)
- {
- db_SolveCubic(roots,nr_roots,a,b,c,d);
- roots[*nr_roots]=0.0;
- *nr_roots+=1;
- }
- else
- {
- /*Compute normalized coefficients*/
- c3=b/a;
- c2=c/a;
- c1=d/a;
- c0=e/a;
- /*Compute temporary coefficients*/
- c3through2=c3/2.0;
- c3through4=c3/4.0;
- c3c3through4_min_c2=c3*c3through4-c2;
- min4_c0= -4.0*c0;
- /*Compute coefficients of cubic*/
- k0=min4_c0*c3c3through4_min_c2-c1*c1;
- k1=c1*c3+min4_c0;
- /*k2= -c2*/
- /*k3=1.0*/
- /*Solve it for roots*/
- db_SolveCubic(c_roots,&nr_c_roots,1.0,-c2,k1,k0);
- if(nr_c_roots>0)
- {
- lz=c_roots[0];
- lz_through2=lz/2.0;
- ms=lz+c3c3through4_min_c2;
- ns=lz_through2*lz_through2-c0;
- mn=lz*c3through4-c1/2.0;
- if(ms<0.0) ms=0.0;
- if(ns<0.0) ns=0.0;
- m=sqrt(ms);
- n=sqrt(ns)*db_sign(mn);
- db_SolveQuadratic(roots,nr_roots,
- 1.0,c3through2+m,lz_through2+n);
- db_SolveQuadratic(&roots[*nr_roots],&addroots,
- 1.0,c3through2-m,lz_through2-n);
- *nr_roots+=addroots;
- }
- else *nr_roots=0;
- }