path: root/res/values-ko
diff options
authorMichael W <>2017-03-02 15:45:39 +0100
committerMichael W <>2017-03-02 14:57:39 +0000
commitcccbfcd722e02ebe4e6401488980966616d468e1 (patch)
treed13f07a3f41dba29566329d9c9e83689e5e37220 /res/values-ko
parent774797c77645f6abe4856a7fa49ac6d0fae17dba (diff)
Automatic translation import
Change-Id: I99f4c26862ac9af014a2020ee326b62196d54696
Diffstat (limited to 'res/values-ko')
4 files changed, 152 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/res/values-ko/camera2arrays.xml b/res/values-ko/camera2arrays.xml
index c5b0b7a8f..ff514c275 100644
--- a/res/values-ko/camera2arrays.xml
+++ b/res/values-ko/camera2arrays.xml
@@ -28,6 +28,23 @@
+ <string-array name="pref_camera2_mono_only_entries">
+ <item>켜짐</item>
+ <item>꺼짐</item>
+ </string-array>
+ <string-array name="pref_camera2_initial_camera_entries">
+ <item>바이엘</item>
+ <item>흑백</item>
+ <item>전면</item>
+ </string-array>
+ <string-array name="pref_camera2_makeup_entries">
+ <item>켜짐</item>
+ <item>꺼짐</item>
+ </string-array>
+ <string-array name="pref_camera2_trackingfocus_entries">
+ <item>켜짐</item>
+ <item>꺼짐</item>
+ </string-array>
<!-- Refer to CONTROL_SCENE_MODE of Camera2 API for values
-1 refers to ones not supported in Camera2 API
0 is special case added for auto (meaning off)
diff --git a/res/values-ko/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-ko/cm_strings.xml
index b6229cfcc..c19dd47b1 100644
--- a/res/values-ko/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ko/cm_strings.xml
@@ -18,10 +18,12 @@
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- common aspect ratios -->
<!-- aspect ratio greater than 16:9, so "widescreen" or "cinematic" -->
+ <string name="pref_camera_aspectratio_wide">와이드</string>
<!-- format for entries in the picture size menu. Parameter one is aspect ratio
parameter two is size in megapixels, e.g. "(4:3) 12.1 megapixels"
NOTE: for Chinese (zh) and Korean (ko) the pixel number (parameter two)
will be multiplied by 100 as those languages want to count by ten thousands -->
+ <string name="pref_camera_megapixel_format">(%1$s) %2$1.1f만 화소</string>
<!-- Settings screen, scene mode -->
<string name="pref_camera_scenemode_entry_antimotionblur">모션 블러 감소</string>
<string name="pref_camera_scenemode_entry_aqua">아쿠아</string>
@@ -101,4 +103,6 @@
<string name="pref_camera_shutter_speed_title">셔터 속도</string>
<string name="auto_hdr_enabled">자동 HDR 사용</string>
<!-- Advanced options -->
+ <string name="developer_menu_enabled">고급 카메라 옵션이 활성화되었습니다</string>
+ <string name="developer_menu_disabled">고급 카메라 옵션이 비활성화되었습니다</string>
diff --git a/res/values-ko/qcomstrings.xml b/res/values-ko/qcomstrings.xml
index 28057c41d..feb442563 100644
--- a/res/values-ko/qcomstrings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ko/qcomstrings.xml
@@ -26,7 +26,10 @@
<!-- Video quality setting entry. Videos will be recorded in QVGA quality. [CHAR LIMIT=24] -->
<!-- Video quality setting entry. Videos will be recorded in QCIF quality. [CHAR LIMIT=24] -->
<!-- Settings screen, Power Mode title -->
+ <string name="pref_camera_powermode_title">전력 모드</string>
<!-- Settings screen, Power mode dialog radio button choices -->
+ <string name="pref_camera_powermode_entry_lp">저전력</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_powermode_entry_np">일반 전력</string>
<!-- Settings screen, Power mode dialog radio button choices -->
<!-- Default Power mode.. -->
<!-- Default auto exposure setting. Do not translate. -->
@@ -52,6 +55,8 @@
<!-- Settings screen, Select Skin Tone Enhancement title -->
<string name="pref_camera_skinToneEnhancement_title">피부 색 개선</string>
<!-- Settings screen, Skin Tone Enhancement radio button choices -->
+ <string name="pref_camera_skinToneEnhancement_entry_enable">사용</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_skinToneEnhancement_entry_disable">사용 안 함</string>
<!-- Skin Tone Enhancement entry values. Do not translate. -->
<!-- Settings screen, setting title text for ZSL-->
<string name="pref_camera_zsl_title">제로 셔터 랙</string>
@@ -87,21 +92,35 @@
<string name="pref_camera_manual_focus_entry_diopter_mode">디옵터 모드</string>
<string name="pref_camera_manual_focus_entry_off">끄기</string>
<!-- Instant Capture entry -->
+ <string name="pref_camera_instant_capture_title" translatable="true">순간 캡처</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_instant_capture_entry_aggressive_aec" translatable="true">적극적 자동 노출 제어(AEC)</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_instant_capture_entry_fast_aec" translatable="true">빠른 자동 노출 제어(AEC)</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_instant_capture_entry_disable" translatable="true">사용 안 함</string>
<!-- Instant Capture entry values -->
<!-- Settings screen, ZSL location dialog choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_zsl_entry_off">끄기</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_zsl_entry_on">켜짐</string>
<!-- The message is shown in toast when HDR or scene mode is enabled -->
+ <string name="hdr_enable_message">HDR이 켜져 있을 때에는 자동 모드만 사용할 수 있습니다</string>
+ <string name="scene_enable_message">HDR은 자동을 제외한 장면 모드를 지원하지 않습니다</string>
<!-- Settings screen, Video HDR location dialog choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_video_hdr_entry_off">끄기</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_video_hdr_entry_on">켜짐</string>
<!-- Settings screen, CDS location dialog choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_cds_entry_off">끄기</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_cds_entry_on">켜짐</string>
<string name="pref_camera_cds_entry_auto">자동</string>
<!-- Settings screen, video CDS location dialog choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_video_cds_entry_off">끄기</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_video_cds_entry_on">켜짐</string>
<string name="pref_camera_video_cds_entry_auto">자동</string>
<!-- Settings screen, TNR location dialog choices -->
+ <string name="pref_camera_tnr_entry_disable">사용 안 함</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_tnr_entry_enable">사용</string>
<!-- Settings screen, TNR location dialog choices -->
<!-- Settings screen, video TNR location dialog choices -->
+ <string name="pref_camera_video_tnr_entry_disable">사용 안 함</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_video_tnr_entry_enable">사용</string>
<!-- Settings screen, video TNR location dialog choices -->
<!-- Settings screen, setting title text for Video HDR-->
<string name="pref_camera_video_hdr_title">비디오 HDR</string>
@@ -122,15 +141,25 @@
<string name="pref_camera_facedetection_title">얼굴 인식</string>
<!-- Settings menu, Face Detection choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_facedetection_entry_off">끄기</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_facedetection_entry_on">켜짐</string>
<!-- Default Selfie Flash setting. -->
<!-- Settings screen, Selfie Flash Detection -->
<string name="pref_selfie_flash_title">셀카 조명</string>
<!-- Settings menu, Selfie Flash choices -->
<string name="pref_selfie_flash_entry_off">끄기</string>
+ <string name="pref_selfie_flash_entry_on">켜짐</string>
<!-- Default redeye reduction setting. -->
<!-- Settings screen, Select Redeye Reduction -->
<string name="pref_camera_redeyereduction_title">적목현상 제거</string>
<!-- Settings menu, redeye reduction choices -->
+ <string name="pref_camera_redeyereduction_entry_enable">사용</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_redeyereduction_entry_disable">사용 안 함</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_selfiemirror_title" translatable="true">셀카 뒤집기</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_selfiemirror_entry_enable">사용</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_selfiemirror_entry_disable">사용 안 함</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_shuttersound_title" translatable="true">촬영음</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_shuttersound_entry_enable">사용</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_shuttersound_entry_disable">사용 안 함</string>
<!-- Default mce setting. Do not translate. -->
<!-- The message is shown in toast when the app encounters an unsupported selection for HFR/HSR mode -->
<string name="error_app_unsupported_hfr_selection">비디오 안정화 모드, 시간 경과 모드와 HDR 모드에서는 고속 카메라/슬로우 모션이 지원되지 않습니다.</string>
@@ -145,14 +174,20 @@
<!-- The message is shown in dialog when the app encounters an unsupported video resolution-->
<string name="error_app_unsupported">이 코덱에서는 지원되지 않는 비디오 해상도입니다</string>
<!-- The message is shown in dialog when the app encounters an unsupported video profile-->
+ <string name="error_app_unsupported_profile">지원되지 않는 영상 프로필</string>
<!--The message is shown in dialog when the raw snapshot is selected in zsl mode-->
<string name="error_app_unsupported_raw">RAW 사진 포맷은 제로 셔터 렉 모드에서 지원되지 않습니다. JPEG를 선택하세요</string>
<!-- Settings screen, AE bracketing and HDR location dialog choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_ae_bracket_hdr_entry_ae_bracket">자동 노출 브래킷</string>
<string name="pref_camera_ae_bracket_hdr_title">자동 노출 브래킷</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_ae_bracket_hdr_entry_on">켜짐</string>
+ <string name="err_app_unsupport_ae_bracket_code">자동 노출(AE) 브라케팅은 아직 지원하지 않습니다</string>
<!-- The messsage shown if user selects a snapshot resolution lower than the current video size. -->
+ <string name="snapshot_lower_than_video">비디오 스냅샷 해상도가 영상의 해상도보다 낮아 해상도를 영상에 맞춥니다. 해상도를 현재 영상 해상도와 같거나 높게 선택해주세요.</string>
<!-- The messsage shown if user selects a snapshot resolution in low power mode. -->
+ <string name="snapshotsize_low_powermode">이미지 해상도 변경은 저전력 모드에서 지원되지 않으며, 비디오 스냅샷 해상도로 촬영됩니다. 이미지 해상도를 변경하려면 일반 전력 모드를 선택해주세요.</string>
<!-- The messsage shown if user tries to take snapshot during D1/QCIF resolution. -->
+ <string name="snapshot_qcif_and_d1">이 해상도에서는 비디오 스냅샷 크기만 지원됩니다.</string>
<!-- Default hfr setting. Do not translate. -->
<!-- Settings screen, Select hfr title -->
<string name="pref_camera_hfr_title">슬로우 모션</string>
@@ -165,21 +200,27 @@
<string name="pref_camera_hfr_entry_hsr_60">60 FPS 고속 카메라</string>
<string name="pref_camera_hfr_entry_hsr_90">90 FPS 고속 카메라</string>
<string name="pref_camera_hfr_entry_hsr_120">120 FPS 고속 카메라</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_hfr_entry_hsr_240">240 FPS 고속 카메라</string>
<!-- HFR entry values. Do not translate. -->
<!-- Default noise reduction setting. Do not translate. -->
<!-- Settings screen, Select See More title -->
+ <string name="pref_camera_noise_reduction_title">노이즈 감소</string>
<!-- Settings screen, see more radio button choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_noise_reduction_entry_off">끄기</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_noise_reduction_entry_fast">빠르게</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_noise_reduction_entry_high_quality">높은 품질</string>
<!-- see more entry values. Do not translate. -->
<!-- Default see more setting. Do not translate. -->
<!-- Settings screen, Select See More title -->
<!-- Settings screen, see more radio button choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_see_more_entry_off">끄기</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_see_more_entry_on">켜짐</string>
<!-- see more entry values. Do not translate. -->
<!-- Denoise Settings screen, setting title text -->
<string name="pref_camera_denoise_title">노이즈 감쇄</string>
<!-- Denoise Settings screen, Record location dialog choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_denoise_entry_off">끄기</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_denoise_entry_on">켜짐</string>
<!-- Default iso setting. Do not translate. -->
<!-- Settings screen, Select Iso title -->
<string name="pref_camera_iso_title">ISO</string>
@@ -201,13 +242,14 @@
<string name="pref_camera_antibanding_entry_2">60 Hz (미국)</string>
<string name="pref_camera_antibanding_entry_3">자동</string>
<!-- Default color effect setting. -->
+ <string name="pref_camera_filter_mode_entry_on">켜짐</string>
<string name="pref_camera_filter_mode_entry_off">끄기</string>
<!-- Settings screen, Select Color effect title -->
<string name="pref_camera_coloreffect_title">색상 효과</string>
<string name="pref_camera_filter_mode_title">색상 효과</string>
<!-- Settings screen, Color effect dialog radio button choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_coloreffect_entry_none">없음</string>
- <string name="pref_camera_coloreffect_entry_mono">모노</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_coloreffect_entry_mono">흑백</string>
<string name="pref_camera_coloreffect_entry_sepia">세피아</string>
<string name="pref_camera_coloreffect_entry_negative">네거티브</string>
<!-- Color effect that overexposes and reverses some of the tones. -->
@@ -224,14 +266,17 @@
<string name="pref_camera_coloreffect_entry_greentint">초록색</string>
<!-- Settings screen, Touch AF/AEC dialog radio button choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_touchafaec_entry_off">끄기</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_touchafaec_entry_on">켜짐</string>
<!-- Select IS title -->
<string name="pref_camera_dis_title">비디오 안정화</string>
<!-- DIS choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_dis_entry_off">끄기</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_dis_entry_on">켜짐</string>
<!-- Select Face Recognition title -->
<string name="pref_camera_facerc_title">얼굴 인식</string>
<!-- Face Recognition choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_facerc_entry_off">끄기</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_facerc_entry_on">켜짐</string>
<!-- Settings screen, Multiple levels entries -->
<string name="pref_camera_sharpness_entry_level0">레벨 0</string>
<string name="pref_camera_sharpness_entry_level1">레벨 1</string>
@@ -282,10 +327,15 @@
<!-- Settings screen, Picture quality title -->
<string name="pref_camera_jpegquality_title">사진 품질</string>
<!-- Settings screen, Picture quality dialog radio button choices -->
+ <string name="pref_camera_jpegquality_entry_0">낮음</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_jpegquality_entry_1">표준</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_jpegquality_entry_2">높음</string>
<!-- Default auto histogram setting. Do not translate. -->
<!-- Settings screen, Select Histogram title -->
<string name="pref_camera_histogram_title">히스토그램</string>
<!-- Settings screen, Histogram radio button choices -->
+ <string name="pref_camera_histogram_entry_enable">사용</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_histogram_entry_disable">사용 안 함</string>
<!-- Histogram entry values. Do not translate. -->
<!-- Default auto scene detection setting. -->
<!-- Settings screen, Select Auto Scene Detection -->
@@ -293,7 +343,9 @@
<!-- Settings menu, auto scene detection choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_scenedetect_entry_off">끄기</string>
<!-- Scene detection set to on - supports backlight and snow cloudy detection. -->
+ <string name="pref_camera_scenedetect_entry_on">켜짐</string>
<!-- Toast showing error if invalid size selected for time lapse [CHAR LIMIT=65] -->
+ <string name="time_lapse_error">타임랩스 촬영에서 사용할 수 없는 영상 해상도입니다.</string>
<!-- longshot value -->
<string name="pref_camera_longshot_title">연속 촬영</string>
<string name="msg_cancel_longshot_for_limited_memory">메모리가 부족하므로 연속 촬영을 취소합니다</string>
@@ -302,6 +354,8 @@
<!-- Settings screen, setting title text for Auto HDR-->
<string name="pref_camera_auto_hdr_title">자동 HDR</string>
<!-- Settings screen, Auto HDR location dialog choices -->
+ <string name="pref_camera_auto_hdr_entry_enable">사용</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_auto_hdr_entry_disable">사용 안 함</string>
<!-- toast message for storage location switch -->
<string name="on_switch_save_path_to_sdcard">내부 저장공간이 충분하지 않습니다. 저장소를 SD 카드로 변경하세요</string>
<!-- Settings screen, Selectable HDR mode title -->
@@ -319,6 +373,7 @@
<!--Settings screen, video rotation title-->
<string name="pref_camera_video_rotation_title">비디오 회전</string>
<!--Menu, video rotation label-->
+ <string name="pref_camera_video_rotation_label">영상 회전</string>
<!-- Settings screen, Video rotation dialog radio button choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_video_rotation_entry_0">0도</string>
<string name="pref_camera_video_rotation_entry_90">90도</string>
@@ -332,13 +387,69 @@
<string name="advance_feature_enable_msg">연속 촬영은 고급 기능이 켜져있을 때 지원하지 않습니다</string>
<!-- The alas of CameraActivity for gesture operation -->
<string name="camera_gesture_title">카메라 실행</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_tsmakeup_title">미화</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_tsmakeup_entry_on">켜짐</string>
<string name="pref_camera_tsmakeup_entry_off">끄기</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_tsmakeup_entry_low">낮음</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_tsmakeup_entry_mid">중간</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_tsmakeup_entry_high">높음</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_tsmakeup_custom">사용자 지정</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_tsmakeup_level_whiten">밝게</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_tsmakeup_level_clean">부드럽게</string>
+ <string name="text_tsmakeup_alert_title">경고</string>
+ <string name="text_tsmakeup_alert_msg">미화 기능을 사용하기 위해서는 먼저 얼굴 인식 기능을 켜야 합니다. 계속하시겠습니까?</string>
+ <string name="text_tsmakeup_alert_continue">계속</string>
+ <string name="text_tsmakeup_alert_quit">취소</string>
+ <string name="text_tsmakeup_beautify_toast">피부 보정</string>
<string name="all_in_focus">올 인 포커스</string>
<string name="refocus_toast">이전 사진의 초점을 다시 맞추려면 여기를 탭하세요</string>
+ <string name="refocus_prompt_message">UbiFocus를 사용하면 촬영 버튼을 누를 때마다 5장의 사진을 찍습니다. 5장의 사진은 1장의 사진으로 묶여 모든 곳에 초점을 맞춥니다. 사진 촬영 후에 다시 초점을 맞출 수 있습니다.</string>
+ <string name="camera_thermal_shutdown">휴대전화 과열로 카메라 앱을 종료합니다.</string>
+ <string name="camera_server_died">미디어 서버가 작동하지 않아 카메라 앱을 종료합니다.</string>
+ <string name="camera_unknown_error">알 수 없는 오류로 카메라 앱을 종료합니다.</string>
+ <string name="mute_button_desc">음소거 버튼</string>
<!-- Help menu strings -->
+ <string name="help_menu_ok">확인</string>
+ <string name="help_menu_scene_mode_1">더 나은 사진을 위해</string>
+ <string name="help_menu_scene_mode_2">장면 모드를</string>
+ <string name="help_menu_scene_mode_3">선택하세요</string>
+ <string name="help_menu_color_filter_1">더 나은 사진을</string>
+ <string name="help_menu_color_filter_2">위해</string>
+ <string name="help_menu_color_filter_3">색상 필터를</string>
+ <string name="help_menu_color_filter_4">적용하세요</string>
+ <string name="help_menu_beautify_1">피부 보정 기능을</string>
+ <string name="help_menu_beautify_2">사용하여</string>
+ <string name="help_menu_beautify_3">인물 사진을 향상하세요</string>
+ <string name="help_menu_switcher_1">카메라, 비디오, 파노라마 간에</string>
+ <string name="help_menu_switcher_2">촬영 모드를</string>
+ <string name="help_menu_switcher_3">변경하세요</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera2_camera2_title">Camera2 모드</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera2_camera2_entry_enable">사용</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera2_camera2_entry_disable">사용 안 함</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera2_mono_only_title">흑백만 사용</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera2_mono_preview_title">흑백으로 미리보기</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera2_mono_preview_entry_on">켜짐</string>
<string name="pref_camera2_mono_preview_entry_off">끄기</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera2_clearsight_entry_on">켜짐</string>
<string name="pref_camera2_clearsight_entry_off">끄기</string>
+ <string name="clearsight_capture_success">ClearSight 촬영 성공</string>
+ <string name="clearsight_capture_fail">ClearSight 촬영 실패</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera2_mpo_title">MPO 포맷</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera2_mpo_entry_on">켜짐</string>
<string name="pref_camera2_mpo_entry_off">끄기</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera2_makeup_title">메이크업</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera2_noise_reduction_title">노이즈 감소</string>
<string name="pref_camera2_noise_reduction_entry_off">끄기</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera2_noise_reduction_entry_fast">빠르게</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera2_noise_reduction_entry_high_quality">높은 품질</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera2_videosnap_title">자동 스냅샷 크기</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera2_videosnap_entry_enable">사용</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera2_videosnap_entry_disable">사용 안 함</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera2_trackingfocus_title">초점 추적</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_scenemode_entry_bestpicture">잘 찍은 사진</string>
+ <string name="bestpicture_done">완료</string>
+ <string name="bestpicture_at_least_one_picture">적어도 하나의 사진은 선택해야 합니다.</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera2_shutter_sound_entry_on">켜짐</string>
<string name="pref_camera2_shutter_sound_entry_off">끄기</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera2_shutter_sound_title">촬영음</string>
diff --git a/res/values-ko/strings.xml b/res/values-ko/strings.xml
index a146f235f..e9edcf19f 100644
--- a/res/values-ko/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ko/strings.xml
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
<!-- The title of the menu item to let user set the image as background etc. [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
<string name="set_as">다음으로 설정</string>
<!-- String indicating an error when playing the video. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="video_err">동영상을 재생할 수 없습니다.</string>
+ <string name="video_err">영상을 재생할 수 없습니다.</string>
<!-- Toast message shown when the cropped image has been saved in the
%s folder (string: folder_download) [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
<string name="crop_saved">
@@ -141,7 +141,9 @@
<!-- message for the dialog showing the camera is disabled because of security policies. Camera cannot be used. -->
<string name="camera_disabled">보안 정책으로 인해 카메라 사용이 중지되었습니다.</string>
<!-- message for the dialog showing that the app does not have sufficient permissions [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <string name="error_permissions">앱을 실행하는 데 필수적인 권한이 부여되지 않았습니다. 권한 설정을 확인해 주세요.</string>
<!-- Dialog "Dismiss" button. Closes the dialog [CHAR LIMIT=12]-->
+ <string name="dialog_dismiss">다시 묻지 않기</string>
<!-- alert to the user to wait for some operation to complete -->
<string name="wait">잠시 기다려 주세요\u2026</string>
<!-- alert to the user that an SD card must be installed before using the camera -->
@@ -161,6 +163,7 @@
<!-- In select camera setting, front-facing camera. [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="pref_camera_id_entry_front">전면</string>
<!-- Settings screen, setting title text -->
+ <string name="pref_camera_recordlocation_title">GPS 위치</string>
<!-- Label for record location preference [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="pref_camera_location_label">위치</string>
<!-- Title for countdown timer on camera settings screen [CHAR LIMIT=30]-->
@@ -172,6 +175,9 @@
<!-- Text followed by a checkbox to turn on/off sound effects during the countdown. [CHAR LIMIT = 24]-->
<string name="pref_camera_timer_sound_title">카운트다운 신호음 켜기</string>
<!-- Entry of camera save path -->
+ <string name="pref_camera_savepath_title">저장소</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_savepath_entry_0">휴대전화</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_savepath_entry_1">SD 카드</string>
<!-- Entry of a on/off setting. The setting is turned off. [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
<string name="setting_off">OFF</string>
<!-- Entry of a on/off setting. The setting is turned on. [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
@@ -192,7 +198,7 @@
<!-- Video quality setting entry. Videos will be recorded in 2K quality. [CHAR LIMIT=24] -->
<!-- Describes the preference dialog for choosing interval between frame capture for
time lapse recording. Appears at top of the dialog. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_title">시간 경과</string>
+ <string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_title">타임랩스</string>
<!-- Settings screen, Camera setting category title -->
<string name="pref_camera_settings_category">카메라 설정</string>
<!-- Settings screen, Camcorder setting category title -->
@@ -292,14 +298,23 @@
<!-- Toast after trying to select a setting that is not allowed to change in scene mode [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="not_selectable_in_scene_mode">장면 모드에서 선택할 수 없습니다.</string>
<!-- Toast after enable HDR function to inform Continuous Shot has disabled -->
+ <string name="HDR_disable_continuous_shot">HDR을 사용하면 연속 촬영이 꺼집니다.</string>
<!-- Toast after enable Advanced Capture function to inform Continuous Shot has disabled -->
+ <string name="advanced_capture_disable_continuous_shot">고급 캡처 옵션을 사용하면 연속 촬영이 꺼집니다.</string>
<!-- Toast after enable 2k4k video quality to inform IS has disabled -->
+ <string name="video_quality_4k_disable_IS">4K 영상 해상도를 사용하면 이미지 안정화가 꺼집니다.</string>
<!-- Toast after 2k4k video is enabled to inform SeeMore has been disabled -->
+ <string name="video_quality_4k_disable_SeeMore">4K 영상 기능을 사용하는 동안에는 SeeMore 기능을 사용할 수 없습니다.</string>
<!-- Toast after High Quality Noise Reduction has been enabled to show CDS is disabled -->
+ <string name="disable_CDS_during_HighQualityNoiseReduction">고품질 노이즈 감소 기능을 사용하면 상관 이중 샘플링 기능(CDS)이 꺼집니다.</string>
<!-- Toast after High Quality Noise Reduction has been enabled to show TNR is disabled -->
+ <string name="disable_TNR_during_HighQualityNoiseReduction">고품질 노이즈 감소 기능을 사용하면 시간적 노이즈 감소 기능(TNR)이 꺼집니다.</string>
<!-- Toast after SeeMore has been enabled to show CDS is disabled -->
+ <string name="disable_CDS_during_SeeMore">SeeMore를 사용하면 상관 이중 샘플링 기능(CDS)이 꺼집니다.</string>
<!-- Toast after SeeMore has been enabled to show TNR is disabled -->
+ <string name="disable_TNR_during_SeeMore">SeeMore 기능을 사용하면 시간적 노이즈 감소 기능(TNR)이 꺼집니다.</string>
<!-- Toast after SeeMore has been enabled to show NR is disabled -->
+ <string name="disable_NR_during_SeeMore">SeeMore 기능을 사용하면 노이즈 감소 기능이 꺼집니다.</string>
<!-- Exposure settings in preference -->
<string name="pref_exposure_title">노출</string>
<!-- menu label exposure compensation [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
@@ -531,4 +546,6 @@ CHAR LIMIT = NONE] -->
<!-- String shown when setting the homepage wallpaper in the background [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="setting_wallpaper">배경화면 설정 중</string>
<!-- Menu, Video rotation labels [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
+ <string name="remaining_photos_format">%d 남음</string>
+ <string name="makeup_video_size_limit">메이크업은 영상 촬영 시 VGA 해상도 이하에서만 작동합니다.</string>