path: root/res/values-eu-rES/strings.xml
diff options
authorMichael Bestas <>2016-03-05 00:20:05 +0200
committerMichael Bestas <>2016-03-05 00:20:05 +0200
commite783496c1ef455a2d976f326d404e9f0e2e50cbd (patch)
tree46b02865261ba10c5f6d4cd7b607bb173b983ce2 /res/values-eu-rES/strings.xml
parent999362513572e79d3be971a8ba4a214a18b0485b (diff)
Automatic translation import
Change-Id: I11e58d2823fe001e1bba61bccae1e7fb654bdb5d
Diffstat (limited to 'res/values-eu-rES/strings.xml')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/res/values-eu-rES/strings.xml b/res/values-eu-rES/strings.xml
index ed7026db4..f598e78ba 100644
--- a/res/values-eu-rES/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-eu-rES/strings.xml
@@ -15,12 +15,20 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
+ <!-- The name of the Android Camera application. [CHAR LIMIT=16] -->
<string name="app_name">Kamera</string>
+ <!-- The label for the Video Camera activity. [CHAR LIMIT=16] -->
<string name="video_camera_label">Bideo kamera</string>
+ <!-- Used to format short video duration in Details dialog. minutes:seconds e.g. 00:30 -->
<string name="details_ms">%1$02d:%2$02d</string>
+ <!-- Used to format video duration in Details dialog. hours:minutes:seconds e.g. 0:21:30 -->
<string name="details_hms">%1$d:%2$02d:%3$02d</string>
+ <!-- Displayed in the title of the dialog for things to do with a picture
+ that is to be "set as" (e.g. set as contact photo or set as wallpaper) -->
<string name="set_image">Ezarri irudia honela</string>
+ <!-- Details dialog "OK" button. Dismisses dialog. -->
<string name="delete">Ezabatu</string>
+ <!-- String Delete the selected media item(s) [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<plurals name="delete_selection">
<item quantity="one">Ezabatu hautatutako elementua?</item>
<item quantity="other">Ezabatu hautatutako elementuak?</item>
@@ -28,246 +36,491 @@
<string name="share">Partekatu</string>
<string name="share_panorama">Partekatu panorama</string>
<string name="share_as_photo">Partekatu argazki gisa</string>
+ <!-- The label shown after an image is deleted [CHAR LIMIT=16] -->
<string name="deleted">Ezabatuta</string>
+ <!-- The label on the button which when clicked will undo a deletion of image [CHAR LIMIT=16]-->
<string name="undo">DESEGIN</string>
<string name="details">Xehetasunak</string>
<string name="close">Itxi</string>
+ <!-- String indicating how many media item(s) is(are) selected
+ eg. 1 selected [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<plurals name="number_of_items_selected">
<item quantity="one">%1$d hautatuta</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d hautatuta</item>
+ <!-- String indicating how many media album(s) is(are) selected
+ eg. 1 selected [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<plurals name="number_of_albums_selected">
<item quantity="one">%1$d hautatuta</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d hautatuta</item>
+ <!-- String indicating how many media group(s) is(are) selected
+ eg. 1 selected [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<plurals name="number_of_groups_selected">
<item quantity="one">%1$d hautatuta</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d hautatuta</item>
+ <!-- String indicating timestamp of photo or video -->
<string name="show_on_map">Erakutsi mapan</string>
<string name="rotate_left">Biratu ezkerrera</string>
<string name="rotate_right">Biratu eskuinera</string>
+ <!-- String used as a menu label. The user can choose to edit the image
+ [CHAR_LIMIT=20]-->
<string name="edit">Editatu</string>
+ <!-- The title of the menu item to let user crop the image. [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
<string name="crop_action">Moztu</string>
+ <!-- The title of the menu item to let user trim the video. [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
<string name="trim_action">Ebaki</string>
+ <!-- The title of the menu item to let user set the image as background etc. [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
<string name="set_as">Ezarri honela:</string>
+ <!-- String indicating an error when playing the video. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="video_err">Ezin da bideoa erreproduzitu.</string>
+ <!-- Toast message shown when the cropped image has been saved in the
+ %s folder (string: folder_download) [CHAR LIMIT=50]-->
<string name="crop_saved">
Moztutako irudia hemen gorde da <xliff:g id="folder_name">%s</xliff:g>.</string>
+ <!-- Text indicating the title of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="title">Izenburua</string>
+ <!-- Text indicating the description of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="description">Deskribapena</string>
+ <!-- Text indicating the creation time of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="time">Ordua</string>
+ <!-- Text indicating the location of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="location">Kokalekua</string>
+ <!-- Text indicating the path of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="path">Bidea</string>
+ <!-- Text indicating the width of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="width">Zabalera</string>
+ <!-- Text indicating the height of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="height">Altuera</string>
+ <!-- Text indicating the orientation of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="orientation">Orientazioa</string>
+ <!-- Text indicating the duration of a video item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=18] -->
<string name="duration">Iraupena</string>
+ <!-- Text indicating the mime type of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="mimetype">MIME mota</string>
+ <!-- Text indicating the file size of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="file_size">Fitxategiaren tamaina</string>
+ <!-- Text indicating the maker of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="maker">Egilea</string>
+ <!-- Text indicating the model of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="model">Modeloa</string>
+ <!-- Text indicating flash info of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="flash">Flasha</string>
+ <!-- Text indicating aperture of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="aperture">Irekiera</string>
+ <!-- Text indicating the focal length of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="focal_length">Foku luzera</string>
+ <!-- Text indicating the white balance of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=18] -->
<string name="white_balance">Zurien balantzea</string>
+ <!-- Text indicating the exposure time of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="exposure_time">Esposizio denbora</string>
+ <!-- Text indicating the ISO speed rating of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="iso">ISO</string>
+ <!-- String indicating the time units in seconds. [CHAR LIMIT=8] -->
+ <!-- String indicating the length units in milli-meters. [CHAR LIMIT=8] -->
<string name="unit_mm">mm</string>
+ <!-- String indicating how camera shooting feature is used. [CHAR LIMIT=12] -->
<string name="manual">Eskuz</string>
+ <!-- String indicating how camera shooting feature is used. [CHAR LIMIT=12 -->
<string name="auto">Automatikoa</string>
+ <!-- String indicating camera flash is fired. [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="flash_on">Flasha jaurti da</string>
+ <!-- String indicating camera flash is not used. [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="flash_off">Flashik gabe</string>
+ <!-- String indicating image width or height is unknown. [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="unknown">Ezezaguna</string>
+ <!-- Toast message shown after we try to make a local album available offline
+ [CHAR LIMIT=150] -->
<string name="try_to_set_local_album_available_offline">
Elementua gailuan gorde da eta konexiorik gabe erabili daiteke.</string>
+ <!-- The content of a dialog showing trimming in progress. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="please_wait">Itxaron mesedez</string>
+ <!-- Text to show with progress bar while stitching a photo sphere. 'Photo sphere' is a product name. [CHAR LIMIT=35]-->
<string name="rendering_photo_sphere">Argazki esferikoa errendatzen</string>
+ <!-- title for the dialog showing the error of camera hardware -->
<string name="camera_error_title">Kamera errorea</string>
+ <!-- message for the dialog showing the error of camera hardware -->
<string name="cannot_connect_camera">Ezin da kamera atzitu.</string>
+ <!-- message for the dialog showing the camera is disabled because of security policies. Camera cannot be used. -->
<string name="camera_disabled">Kamera ezgaitu da segurtasun politikei jarraituz.</string>
+ <!-- alert to the user to wait for some operation to complete -->
<string name="wait">Itxaron mesedez\u2026</string>
+ <!-- alert to the user that an SD card must be installed before using the camera -->
<string name="no_storage" product="default">Sartu SD txartel bat kamera erabili baino lehen.</string>
+ <!-- alert to the user that the SD card is being disk-checked -->
<string name="preparing_sd" product="default">SD txartela prestatzen\u2026</string>
+ <!-- alert to the user that the camera fails to read or write the SD card. -->
<string name="access_sd_fail" product="default">Ezin izan da SD txartela atzitu.</string>
+ <!-- A label that overlays on top of the preview frame to indicate the camcorder is in time lapse mode [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
<string name="time_lapse_title">Time lapse grabaketa</string>
+ <!-- Screen display message during image capture to indicate that the capture is in progress, like during HDR+. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="capturing">Atzematen</string>
+ <!-- Settings screen, camera selection dialog title. Users can select a camera from the phone (front-facing or back-facing). [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="pref_camera_id_title">Hautatu kamera</string>
+ <!-- In select camera setting, back facing camera. [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="pref_camera_id_entry_back">Atzera</string>
+ <!-- In select camera setting, front-facing camera. [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="pref_camera_id_entry_front">Aurrekoa</string>
+ <!-- Settings screen, setting title text -->
<string name="pref_camera_recordlocation_title">Gorde kokalekua</string>
+ <!-- Label for record location preference [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="pref_camera_location_label">KOKALEKUA</string>
+ <!-- Title for countdown timer on camera settings screen [CHAR LIMIT=30]-->
<string name="pref_camera_timer_title">Atzera-kontagailua</string>
+ <!-- Entry for countdown timer setting. e.g. 1 second, 10 seconds, etc. [CHAR LIMIT=30]-->
<plurals name="pref_camera_timer_entry">
<item quantity="one">Segundo 1</item>
<item quantity="other">%d segundo</item>
+ <!-- Text followed by a checkbox to turn on/off sound effects during the countdown. [CHAR LIMIT = 24]-->
<string name="pref_camera_timer_sound_title">Soinua egin atzera-kontaketan</string>
+ <!-- Entry of a on/off setting. The setting is turned off. [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
<string name="setting_off">Ez</string>
+ <!-- Entry of a on/off setting. The setting is turned on. [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
<string name="setting_on">Bai</string>
+ <!-- The value of a camera preference indicating the setting is off. -->
+ <!-- The value of a camera preference indicating the setting is on. -->
+ <!-- The Video quality settings in preference [CHAR LIMIT=21] -->
<string name="pref_video_quality_title">Bideo kalitatea</string>
+ <!-- The default quality value is NULL -->
+ <!-- Video quality setting entry.
+ Videos will be recorded in 4k DCI quality. [CHAR LIMIT=24] -->
+ <!-- Video quality setting entry.
+ Videos will be recorded in 4k UHD quality. [CHAR LIMIT=24] -->
+ <!-- Video quality setting entry. Videos will be recorded in 1080p quality. [CHAR LIMIT=24] -->
+ <!-- Video quality setting entry. Videos will be recorded in 720p quality. [CHAR LIMIT=24] -->
+ <!-- Video quality setting entry. Videos will be recorded in 480p quality. [CHAR LIMIT=24] -->
+ <!-- Describes the preference dialog for choosing interval between frame capture for
+ time lapse recording. Appears at top of the dialog. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_title">Time lapse</string>
+ <!-- Settings screen, Camera setting category title -->
<string name="pref_camera_settings_category">Kameraren ezarpenak</string>
+ <!-- Settings screen, Camcorder setting category title -->
<string name="pref_camcorder_settings_category">Bideo kameraren ezarpenak</string>
+ <!-- Settings screen, Picture size title -->
<string name="pref_camera_picturesize_title">Argazkiaren tamaina</string>
+ <!-- Settings screen, Focus mode title -->
<string name="pref_camera_focusmode_title">Foku modua</string>
+ <!-- Settings screen, Focus mode dialog radio button choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_focusmode_entry_auto">Automatikoa</string>
+ <!-- A setting that lets the camera focus into infinity. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="pref_camera_focusmode_entry_infinity">Infinitoa</string>
+ <!-- A setting that lets the camera operate in macro focus mode for nearby objects. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="pref_camera_focusmode_entry_macro">Makro</string>
+ <!-- Menu, focus mode labels [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="pref_camera_focusmode_label_auto">AUTOMATIKOA</string>
<string name="pref_camera_focusmode_label_infinity">INFINITOA</string>
<string name="pref_camera_focusmode_label_macro">MAKRO</string>
+ <!-- Default flash mode setting.-->
+ <!-- Value for flash off setting-->
+ <!-- Settings screen, Flash mode title -->
<string name="pref_camera_flashmode_title">Flash modua</string>
+ <!-- flash label [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="pref_camera_flashmode_label">FLASH MODUA</string>
+ <!-- Settings screen, Flash mode 'auto'. [CHAR LIMIT=12] -->
<string name="pref_camera_flashmode_entry_auto">Automatikoa</string>
+ <!-- Settings screen, Flash mode 'alway on'. [CHAR LIMIT=12] -->
<string name="pref_camera_flashmode_entry_on">Bai</string>
+ <!-- Settings screen, Flash mode 'always off'. [CHAR LIMIT=12] -->
<string name="pref_camera_flashmode_entry_off">Ez</string>
+ <!-- Menu, flash mode labels [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="pref_camera_flashmode_label_auto">FLASH AUTOMATIKOA</string>
<string name="pref_camera_flashmode_label_on">FLASH BAI</string>
<string name="pref_camera_flashmode_label_off">FLASH EZ</string>
+ <!-- Default videocamera flash mode setting.-->
+ <!-- Default white balance setting. -->
+ <!-- Settings screen, white balance title -->
<string name="pref_camera_whitebalance_title">Zurien balantzea</string>
+ <!-- Menu, white balance label -->
<string name="pref_camera_whitebalance_label">ZURIEN BALANTZEA</string>
+ <!-- Settings screen, White balance dialog radio button choices -->
<string name="pref_camera_whitebalance_entry_auto">Automatikoa</string>
<string name="pref_camera_whitebalance_entry_incandescent">Goritasun lanpara</string>
<string name="pref_camera_whitebalance_entry_daylight">Egun argia</string>
<string name="pref_camera_whitebalance_entry_fluorescent">Fluoreszentea</string>
<string name="pref_camera_whitebalance_entry_cloudy">Lainotsua</string>
+ <!-- Menu, White balance labels [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="pref_camera_whitebalance_label_auto">AUTOMATIKOA</string>
<string name="pref_camera_whitebalance_label_incandescent">GORITASUN LANPARA</string>
<string name="pref_camera_whitebalance_label_daylight">EGUN ARGIA</string>
<string name="pref_camera_whitebalance_label_fluorescent">FLUORESZENTEA</string>
<string name="pref_camera_whitebalance_label_cloudy">LAINOTSUA</string>
+ <!-- Default scene mode setting. -->
+ <!-- Settings screen, Select Scene mode -->
<string name="pref_camera_scenemode_title">Eszena modua</string>
+ <!-- Settings menu, scene mode choices [CHAR LIMIT=16] -->
<string name="pref_camera_scenemode_entry_auto">Automatikoa</string>
+ <!-- Scene mode that uses HDR plus (better HDR) [CHAR LIMIT=16] -->
<string name="pref_camera_scenemode_entry_hdr_plus">HDR+</string>
+ <!-- Scene mode that uses HDR (high dynamic range) [CHAR LIMIT=16] -->
<string name="pref_camera_scenemode_entry_hdr">HDR</string>
+ <!-- Scene mode to turn on HDR (better high dynamic range) [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="pref_camera_scenemode_entry_turn_hdr_plus_on">HDR+ BAI</string>
+ <!-- Scene mode to turn off HDR (better high dynamic range) [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="pref_camera_scenemode_entry_turn_hdr_plus_off">HDR+ EZ</string>
+ <!-- Scene mode to turn on HDR (high dynamic range) [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="pref_camera_scenemode_entry_turn_hdr_on">HDR BAI</string>
+ <!-- Scene mode to turn off HDR (high dynamic range) [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="pref_camera_scenemode_entry_turn_hdr_off">HDR EZ</string>
+ <!-- Scene mode that takes an image quickly with little motion blur. [CHAR LIMIT=16] -->
<string name="pref_camera_scenemode_entry_action">Ekintza</string>
+ <!-- Scene mode that takes long exposures to capture night scenes without flash. [CHAR LIMIT=16] -->
<string name="pref_camera_scenemode_entry_night">Gaua</string>
+ <!-- Scene mode optimized for taking images in the sunset. [CHAR LIMIT=16] -->
<string name="pref_camera_scenemode_entry_sunset">Ilunabarra</string>
+ <!-- Scene mode optimized for taking indoor low-lights pictures. [CHAR LIMIT=16] -->
<string name="pref_camera_scenemode_entry_party">Jaia</string>
+ <!-- Settings menu, scene mode labels [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="pref_camera_scenemode_label_auto">BATEZ</string>
+ <!-- Scene mode that takes an image quickly with little motion blur. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="pref_camera_scenemode_label_action">EKINTZA</string>
+ <!-- Scene mode that takes long exposures to capture night scenes without flash. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="pref_camera_scenemode_label_night">GAUA</string>
+ <!-- Scene mode optimized for taking images in the sunset. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="pref_camera_scenemode_label_sunset">ILUNABARRA</string>
+ <!-- Scene mode optimized for taking indoor low-lights pictures. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="pref_camera_scenemode_label_party">JAIA</string>
+ <!-- Settings menu countdown timer off [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="pref_camera_countdown_label_off">ATZERA KONTAGAILUA EZ</string>
+ <!-- Settings menu countdown timer 1 second [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="pref_camera_countdown_label_one">SEGUNDO 1</string>
+ <!-- Settings menu countdown timer 3 seconds [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="pref_camera_countdown_label_three">3 SEGUNDO</string>
+ <!-- Settings menu countdown timer 10 seconds [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="pref_camera_countdown_label_ten">10 SEGUNDO</string>
+ <!-- Settings menu countdown timer 15 seconds [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="pref_camera_countdown_label_fifteen">15 SEGUNDO</string>
+ <!-- Toast after trying to select a setting that is not allowed to change in scene mode [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="not_selectable_in_scene_mode">Ezin da hautatu eszena moduan.</string>
+ <!-- Exposure settings in preference -->
<string name="pref_exposure_title">Esposizioa</string>
+ <!-- menu label exposure compensation [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="pref_exposure_label">ESPOSIZIOA</string>
+ <!-- Default HDR entry value -->
+ <!-- Default HDR+ entry value -->
+ <!-- HDR label ON [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
<string name="pref_camera_hdr_label">HDR</string>
+ <!-- switch camera label back [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
<string name="pref_camera_id_label_back">AURREKO KAMERA</string>
+ <!-- switch camera label front [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
<string name="pref_camera_id_label_front">ATZEKO KAMERA</string>
+ <!-- Dialog "OK" button. Dismisses dialog. -->
<string name="dialog_ok">ADOS</string>
+ <!-- Low-memory dialog message [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="spaceIsLow_content" product="default">SD txartela lekurik gabe geratzen ari da. Aldatu kalitate ezarpenak edo fitxategiren bat ezabatu.</string>
+ <!-- Camera format string for new image files. Passed to java.text.SimpleDateFormat. -->
+ <!-- Video Camera format string for new video files. Passed to java.text.SimpleDateFormat. -->
+ <!-- Filename prefix for panorama output. -->
+ <!-- The message shown when video record reaches size limit. -->
<string name="video_reach_size_limit">Tamaina mugara heldu da.</string>
+ <!-- The text shown when the panorama panning speed is to fast [CHAR LIMIT=16] -->
<string name="pano_too_fast_prompt">Azkarregi</string>
+ <!-- The text shown in the progress dialog when panorama preview is generating in the background [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="pano_dialog_prepare_preview">Panorama prestatzen</string>
+ <!-- The text shown in the dialog when panorama saving failed [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
<string name="pano_dialog_panorama_failed">Ezin izan da panorama gorde.</string>
+ <!-- The text shown on the dialog title in the dialogs for Panorama [CHAR LIMIT=12] -->
<string name="pano_dialog_title">Panorama</string>
+ <!-- The text shown on the top-left corner of the screen to indicate the capturing is on going [CHAR LIMIT=27] -->
<string name="pano_capture_indication">Panorama atzematen</string>
+ <!-- The text shown in the progress dialog when waiting for previous panorama finishing [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
<string name="pano_dialog_waiting_previous">Aurreko panoramaren zai</string>
+ <!-- The text shown on the bottom-left corner of the screen to indicate that the saving is in process [CHAR LIMIT=13] -->
<string name="pano_review_saving_indication_str">Gordetzen\u2026</string>
+ <!-- The text shown on the screen to indicate that the panorama is rendering [CHAR LIMIT=27] -->
<string name="pano_review_rendering">Panorama errendatzen</string>
+ <!-- Toast telling users tapping on the viewfinder will trigger autofocus [CHAR LIMIT=28] -->
<string name="tap_to_focus">Sakatu fokuratzeko.</string>
+ <!-- Default effect setting that clears the effect. -->
+ <!-- Title of video effect setting popup window -->
<string name="pref_video_effect_title">Efektuak</string>
+ <!-- Effect setting item that clear the effect. [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="effect_none">Bat ere ez</string>
+ <!-- Effect setting item that squeezes the face. [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="effect_goofy_face_squeeze">Zanpatu</string>
+ <!-- Effect setting item that makes eyes big. [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="effect_goofy_face_big_eyes">Begi handiak</string>
+ <!-- Effect setting item that makes mouth big. [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="effect_goofy_face_big_mouth">Aho handia</string>
+ <!-- Effect setting item that makes mouth small. [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="effect_goofy_face_small_mouth">Aho txikia</string>
+ <!-- Effect setting item that makes nose big. [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="effect_goofy_face_big_nose">Sudur handia</string>
+ <!-- Effect setting item that makes eyes small. [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="effect_goofy_face_small_eyes">Begi txikiak</string>
+ <!-- Effect setting item that replaces background with Android in Space. [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="effect_backdropper_space">Espazioan</string>
+ <!-- Effect setting item that replaces background with a sunset. [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="effect_backdropper_sunset">Ilunabarra</string>
+ <!-- Effect setting item that replaces background with video from gallery. [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="effect_backdropper_gallery">Zure bideoa</string>
+ <!-- Toast telling users tapping on the viewfinder will take a picture [CHAR LIMIT=54] -->
<string name="video_snapshot_hint">Sakatu argazkia ateratzeko grabatzen den bitartean.</string>
+ <!-- Announcement telling users video recording has just started [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="video_recording_started">Bideo grabazioa hasi da.</string>
+ <!-- Announcement telling users video recording has just stopped [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="video_recording_stopped">Bideo grabazioa gelditu da.</string>
+ <!-- A button in effect setting popup to clear the effect. [CHAR LIMIT=26] -->
<string name="clear_effects">Garbitu efektuak</string>
+ <!-- Title of category for silly face effects. [CHAR LIMIT=26] -->
<string name="effect_silly_faces">AURPEGI TUNTUNAK</string>
+ <!-- Title of category for background replacement effects. [CHAR LIMIT=26] -->
<string name="effect_background">ATZEALDEA</string>
+ <!-- The shutter button. [CHAR LIMIT = NONE] -->
<string name="accessibility_shutter_button">Obturadorea</string>
+ <!-- The menu button. [CHAR LIMIT = NONE] -->
<string name="accessibility_menu_button">Menu botoia</string>
+ <!-- The mode picker to switch between camera, video and panorama. [CHAR LIMIT = NONE] -->
<string name="accessibility_mode_picker">Kamera, bideo, edo panorama hautatzailea</string>
+ <!-- The check box in camera settings, such as store location. [CHAR LIMIT = NONE] -->
<string name="accessibility_check_box">%1$s kontrol-kaukia</string>
+ <!-- The button to switch to Camera mode. [CHAR LIMIT = NONE] -->
<string name="accessibility_switch_to_camera">Aldatu argazkira</string>
+ <!-- The button to switch to Video mode. [CHAR LIMIT = NONE] -->
<string name="accessibility_switch_to_video">Aldatu bideora</string>
+ <!-- The button to switch to Panorama mode. [CHAR LIMIT = NONE] -->
<string name="accessibility_switch_to_panorama">Aldatu panoramara</string>
+ <!-- The button to switch to the Photo Sphere mode. [CHAR LIMIT = NONE] -->
<string name="accessibility_switch_to_photo_sphere">Aldatu argazki esferikora</string>
+ <!-- The button to switch to the high quality mode. [CHAR LIMIT = NONE] -->
<string name="accessibility_switch_to_gcam">Aldatu kalitate altura</string>
+ <!-- The button in review mode indicating that the photo taking, video recording, and panorama saving session should be canceled [CHAR LIMIT = NONE] -->
<string name="accessibility_review_cancel">Berrikusketa utzi</string>
+ <!-- The button in review mode indicating that the taken photo/video is OK to be attached/uploaded [CHAR LIMIT = NONE] -->
<string name="accessibility_review_ok">Berrikusketa eginda</string>
+ <!-- button in review mode indicate the user want to retake another photo/video for attachment [
<string name="accessibility_review_retake">Berrikusketa berriz atera</string>
+ <!-- Default text for a button that can be toggled on and off. -->
<string name="capital_on">BAI</string>
+ <!-- Default text for a button that can be toggled on and off. -->
<string name="capital_off">EZ</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_off">Ez</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_500">0,5 segundo</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_1000">Segundo 1</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_1500">1,5 segundo</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_2000">2 segundo</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_2500">2,5 segundo</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_3000">3 segundo</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_4000">4 segundo</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_5000">5 segundo</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_6000">6 segundo</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_10000">10 segundo</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_12000">12 segundo</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_15000">15 segundo</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_24000">24 segundo</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_30000">0,5 minutu</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_60000">minutu 1</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_90000">1,5 minutu</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_120000">2 minutu</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_150000">2,5 minutu</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_180000">3 minutu</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_240000">4 minutu</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_300000">5 minutu</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_360000">6 minutu</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_600000">10 minutu</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_720000">12 minutu</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_900000">15 minutu</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_1440000">24 minutu</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_1800000">0,5 ordu</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_3600000">ordu 1</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_5400000">1,5 ordu</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_7200000">2 ordu</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_9000000">2,5 ordu</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_10800000">3 ordu</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_14400000">4 ordu</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_18000000">5 ordu</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_21600000">6 ordu</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_36000000">10 ordu</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_43200000">12 ordu</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_54000000">15 ordu</string>
+ <!-- Text to indicate time lapse recording frame interval [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_86400000">24 ordu</string>
+ <!-- Seconds: a unit of time for time lapse intervals. [CHAR LIMIT = 20] -->
<string name="time_lapse_seconds">segundo</string>
+ <!-- Minutes: a unit of time for time lapse intervals. [CHAR LIMIT = 20] -->
<string name="time_lapse_minutes">minutu</string>
+ <!-- Hours: a unit of time for time lapse intervals. [CHAR LIMIT = 20] -->
<string name="time_lapse_hours">ordu</string>
+ <!-- The button to confirm time-lapse setting changes. [CHAR LIMIT = 20] -->
<string name="time_lapse_interval_set">Eginda</string>
+ <!-- Title in time interval picker for setting time interval. [CHAR LIMIT = 30]-->
<string name="set_time_interval">Ezarri denbora bitartea</string>
+ <!-- Help text that is shown when the time lapse feature is turned off. [CHAR LIMIT = 180]-->
<string name="set_time_interval_help">Time lapse ezaugarria itzalita dago. Piztu ezazu denbora tarte bat ezartzeko.</string>
+ <!-- Title in timer setting for setting the duration for the countdown timer. [CHAR LIMIT = 50]-->
<string name="set_duration">Ezarri iraupena segundotan</string>
+ <!-- On-screen hint during timer countdown for taking a photo. [CHAR LIMIT = 60]-->
<string name="count_down_title_text">Atzera kontatzen argazkia ateratzeko</string>
+ <!-- Title for first run dialog asking if the user wants to remember photo locations [CHAR LIMIT = 50] -->
<string name="remember_location_title">Gogoratu argazkien kokalekuak?</string>
+ <!-- Message for first run dialog asking if the user wants to remember photo locations [CHAR LIMIT = None] -->
<string name="remember_location_prompt">Etiketatu zure argazki eta bideoak ateratako lekuen kokalekuekin.\n\nBeste aplikazioek informazio hau irakurri dezakete gordetako irudiekin batera.</string>
+ <!-- Negative answer for first run dialog asking if the user wants to remember photo locations [CHAR LIMIT = 20] -->
<string name="remember_location_no">Ez, eskerrik asko</string>
+ <!-- Positive answer for first run dialog asking if the user wants to remember photo locations [CHAR LIMIT = 20] -->
<string name="remember_location_yes">Bai</string>
+ <!-- Camera menu labels -->
+ <!-- more options label [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="camera_menu_more_label">AUKERA GEHIAGO</string>
+ <!-- settings label [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
<string name="camera_menu_settings_label">EZARPENAK</string>
+ <!-- Tiny Planet -->
+ <!-- Button to press for creating a tiny planet image. [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="create_tiny_planet">Sortu planetatxoa</string>
+ <!-- Message shown while a tiny planet image is being saved. [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
<string name="saving_tiny_planet">Planetatxoa gordetzen &#8230;</string>
+ <!-- Label above a slider that let's the user set the zoom of a tiny planet image. [CHAR LIMIT = 15] -->
<string name="tiny_planet_zoom">Zoom</string>
+ <!-- Label above a slider that let's the user set the rotation of a tiny planet image. [CHAR LIMIT = 15] -->
<string name="tiny_planet_rotate">Biratu</string>
+ <!-- Crop -->
+ <!-- Label for the save button in the crop activity action bar [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="crop_save">Gorde</string>
+ <!-- String shown when we cannot load the image when starting the activity [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="cannot_load_image">Ezin da irudia kargatu!</string>
+ <!-- Label for album filmstrip button -->
<string name="switch_photo_filmstrip">Zinema banda ikespegia</string>
+ <!-- String shown when setting the homepage wallpaper in the background [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="setting_wallpaper">Horma-papera ezartzen</string>