diff options
authorAngus Kong <>2013-08-10 01:13:10 +0000
committerAndroid (Google) Code Review <>2013-08-10 01:13:10 +0000
commitce0879836ae753cdda3cf45f2b0eb050f27f8258 (patch)
parent81c5992f805517b6dd8937d4ff6b11724b23c228 (diff)
parentb50b5cbfbc0a67db6fc43373363b10381c9c61a3 (diff)
Merge "Clean up Gallery codes." into gb-ub-photos-carlsbad
-rw-r--r--src/com/android/camera/app/ (renamed from src/com/android/camera/support/app/
-rw-r--r--src/com/android/camera/app/ (renamed from src/com/android/camera/support/ui/
-rw-r--r--src/com/android/camera/util/ (renamed from src/com/android/camera/support/util/
-rw-r--r--src/com/android/camera/util/ (renamed from gallerycommon/src/com/android/gallery3d/common/
-rw-r--r--src/com/android/camera/util/ (renamed from src/com/android/camera/
-rw-r--r--src/com/android/camera/util/ (renamed from src/com/android/camera/support/util/
82 files changed, 234 insertions, 8647 deletions
diff --git a/AndroidManifest.xml b/AndroidManifest.xml
index 57209ee90..cd18989b4 100644
--- a/AndroidManifest.xml
+++ b/AndroidManifest.xml
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
@@ -101,4 +103,4 @@
<service android:name="" />
-</manifest> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gallerycommon/src/com/android/gallery3d/common/ b/gallerycommon/src/com/android/gallery3d/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index b70c4d365..000000000
--- a/gallerycommon/src/com/android/gallery3d/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import android.os.AsyncTask;
-import android.os.Build;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
- * Helper class to execute an AsyncTask in parallel if SDK version is 11 or newer.
- */
-public class AsyncTaskUtil {
- private static Method sMethodExecuteOnExecutor;
- private static Executor sExecutor;
- static {
- if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11) {
- try {
- sExecutor = (Executor) AsyncTask.class.getField("THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR")
- .get(null);
- sMethodExecuteOnExecutor = AsyncTask.class.getMethod(
- "executeOnExecutor", Executor.class, Object[].class);
- } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- }
- public static <Param> void executeInParallel(AsyncTask<Param, ?, ?> task, Param... params) {
- if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 11) {
- task.execute(params);
- } else {
- try {
- sMethodExecuteOnExecutor.invoke(task, sExecutor, params);
- } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- }
- private AsyncTaskUtil() {
- }
diff --git a/gallerycommon/src/com/android/gallery3d/common/ b/gallerycommon/src/com/android/gallery3d/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index a671ed2b9..000000000
--- a/gallerycommon/src/com/android/gallery3d/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import android.os.Build;
-import android.util.FloatMath;
-import android.util.Log;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-public class BitmapUtils {
- private static final String TAG = "BitmapUtils";
- private static final int DEFAULT_JPEG_QUALITY = 90;
- public static final int UNCONSTRAINED = -1;
- private BitmapUtils(){}
- /*
- * Compute the sample size as a function of minSideLength
- * and maxNumOfPixels.
- * minSideLength is used to specify that minimal width or height of a
- * bitmap.
- * maxNumOfPixels is used to specify the maximal size in pixels that is
- * tolerable in terms of memory usage.
- *
- * The function returns a sample size based on the constraints.
- * Both size and minSideLength can be passed in as UNCONSTRAINED,
- * which indicates no care of the corresponding constraint.
- * The functions prefers returning a sample size that
- * generates a smaller bitmap, unless minSideLength = UNCONSTRAINED.
- *
- * Also, the function rounds up the sample size to a power of 2 or multiple
- * of 8 because BitmapFactory only honors sample size this way.
- * For example, BitmapFactory downsamples an image by 2 even though the
- * request is 3. So we round up the sample size to avoid OOM.
- */
- public static int computeSampleSize(int width, int height,
- int minSideLength, int maxNumOfPixels) {
- int initialSize = computeInitialSampleSize(
- width, height, minSideLength, maxNumOfPixels);
- return initialSize <= 8
- ? Utils.nextPowerOf2(initialSize)
- : (initialSize + 7) / 8 * 8;
- }
- private static int computeInitialSampleSize(int w, int h,
- int minSideLength, int maxNumOfPixels) {
- if (maxNumOfPixels == UNCONSTRAINED
- && minSideLength == UNCONSTRAINED) return 1;
- int lowerBound = (maxNumOfPixels == UNCONSTRAINED) ? 1 :
- (int) FloatMath.ceil(FloatMath.sqrt((float) (w * h) / maxNumOfPixels));
- if (minSideLength == UNCONSTRAINED) {
- return lowerBound;
- } else {
- int sampleSize = Math.min(w / minSideLength, h / minSideLength);
- return Math.max(sampleSize, lowerBound);
- }
- }
- // This computes a sample size which makes the longer side at least
- // minSideLength long. If that's not possible, return 1.
- public static int computeSampleSizeLarger(int w, int h,
- int minSideLength) {
- int initialSize = Math.max(w / minSideLength, h / minSideLength);
- if (initialSize <= 1) return 1;
- return initialSize <= 8
- ? Utils.prevPowerOf2(initialSize)
- : initialSize / 8 * 8;
- }
- // Find the min x that 1 / x >= scale
- public static int computeSampleSizeLarger(float scale) {
- int initialSize = (int) FloatMath.floor(1f / scale);
- if (initialSize <= 1) return 1;
- return initialSize <= 8
- ? Utils.prevPowerOf2(initialSize)
- : initialSize / 8 * 8;
- }
- // Find the max x that 1 / x <= scale.
- public static int computeSampleSize(float scale) {
- Utils.assertTrue(scale > 0);
- int initialSize = Math.max(1, (int) FloatMath.ceil(1 / scale));
- return initialSize <= 8
- ? Utils.nextPowerOf2(initialSize)
- : (initialSize + 7) / 8 * 8;
- }
- public static Bitmap resizeBitmapByScale(
- Bitmap bitmap, float scale, boolean recycle) {
- int width = Math.round(bitmap.getWidth() * scale);
- int height = Math.round(bitmap.getHeight() * scale);
- if (width == bitmap.getWidth()
- && height == bitmap.getHeight()) return bitmap;
- Bitmap target = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, getConfig(bitmap));
- Canvas canvas = new Canvas(target);
- canvas.scale(scale, scale);
- Paint paint = new Paint(Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG | Paint.DITHER_FLAG);
- canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, paint);
- if (recycle) bitmap.recycle();
- return target;
- }
- private static Bitmap.Config getConfig(Bitmap bitmap) {
- Bitmap.Config config = bitmap.getConfig();
- if (config == null) {
- config = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888;
- }
- return config;
- }
- public static Bitmap resizeDownBySideLength(
- Bitmap bitmap, int maxLength, boolean recycle) {
- int srcWidth = bitmap.getWidth();
- int srcHeight = bitmap.getHeight();
- float scale = Math.min(
- (float) maxLength / srcWidth, (float) maxLength / srcHeight);
- if (scale >= 1.0f) return bitmap;
- return resizeBitmapByScale(bitmap, scale, recycle);
- }
- public static Bitmap resizeAndCropCenter(Bitmap bitmap, int size, boolean recycle) {
- int w = bitmap.getWidth();
- int h = bitmap.getHeight();
- if (w == size && h == size) return bitmap;
- // scale the image so that the shorter side equals to the target;
- // the longer side will be center-cropped.
- float scale = (float) size / Math.min(w, h);
- Bitmap target = Bitmap.createBitmap(size, size, getConfig(bitmap));
- int width = Math.round(scale * bitmap.getWidth());
- int height = Math.round(scale * bitmap.getHeight());
- Canvas canvas = new Canvas(target);
- canvas.translate((size - width) / 2f, (size - height) / 2f);
- canvas.scale(scale, scale);
- Paint paint = new Paint(Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG | Paint.DITHER_FLAG);
- canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, paint);
- if (recycle) bitmap.recycle();
- return target;
- }
- public static void recycleSilently(Bitmap bitmap) {
- if (bitmap == null) return;
- try {
- bitmap.recycle();
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- Log.w(TAG, "unable recycle bitmap", t);
- }
- }
- public static Bitmap rotateBitmap(Bitmap source, int rotation, boolean recycle) {
- if (rotation == 0) return source;
- int w = source.getWidth();
- int h = source.getHeight();
- Matrix m = new Matrix();
- m.postRotate(rotation);
- Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(source, 0, 0, w, h, m, true);
- if (recycle) source.recycle();
- return bitmap;
- }
- public static Bitmap createVideoThumbnail(String filePath) {
- // MediaMetadataRetriever is available on API Level 8
- // but is hidden until API Level 10
- Class<?> clazz = null;
- Object instance = null;
- try {
- clazz = Class.forName("");
- instance = clazz.newInstance();
- Method method = clazz.getMethod("setDataSource", String.class);
- method.invoke(instance, filePath);
- // The method name changes between API Level 9 and 10.
- if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= 9) {
- return (Bitmap) clazz.getMethod("captureFrame").invoke(instance);
- } else {
- byte[] data = (byte[]) clazz.getMethod("getEmbeddedPicture").invoke(instance);
- if (data != null) {
- Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.length);
- if (bitmap != null) return bitmap;
- }
- return (Bitmap) clazz.getMethod("getFrameAtTime").invoke(instance);
- }
- } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
- // Assume this is a corrupt video file
- } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
- // Assume this is a corrupt video file.
- } catch (InstantiationException e) {
- Log.e(TAG, "createVideoThumbnail", e);
- } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
- Log.e(TAG, "createVideoThumbnail", e);
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- Log.e(TAG, "createVideoThumbnail", e);
- } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
- Log.e(TAG, "createVideoThumbnail", e);
- } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
- Log.e(TAG, "createVideoThumbnail", e);
- } finally {
- try {
- if (instance != null) {
- clazz.getMethod("release").invoke(instance);
- }
- } catch (Exception ignored) {
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- public static byte[] compressToBytes(Bitmap bitmap) {
- return compressToBytes(bitmap, DEFAULT_JPEG_QUALITY);
- }
- public static byte[] compressToBytes(Bitmap bitmap, int quality) {
- ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(65536);
- bitmap.compress(CompressFormat.JPEG, quality, baos);
- return baos.toByteArray();
- }
- public static boolean isSupportedByRegionDecoder(String mimeType) {
- if (mimeType == null) return false;
- mimeType = mimeType.toLowerCase();
- return mimeType.startsWith("image/") &&
- (!mimeType.equals("image/gif") && !mimeType.endsWith("bmp"));
- }
- public static boolean isRotationSupported(String mimeType) {
- if (mimeType == null) return false;
- mimeType = mimeType.toLowerCase();
- return mimeType.equals("image/jpeg");
- }
diff --git a/gallerycommon/src/com/android/gallery3d/common/ b/gallerycommon/src/com/android/gallery3d/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c131e591..000000000
--- a/gallerycommon/src/com/android/gallery3d/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,668 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-// This is an on-disk cache which maps a 64-bits key to a byte array.
-// It consists of three files: one index file and two data files. One of the
-// data files is "active", and the other is "inactive". New entries are
-// appended into the active region until it reaches the size limit. At that
-// point the active file and the inactive file are swapped, and the new active
-// file is truncated to empty (and the index for that file is also cleared).
-// The index is a hash table with linear probing. When the load factor reaches
-// 0.5, it does the same thing like when the size limit is reached.
-// The index file format: (all numbers are stored in little-endian)
-// [0] Magic number: 0xB3273030
-// [4] MaxEntries: Max number of hash entries per region.
-// [8] MaxBytes: Max number of data bytes per region (including header).
-// [12] ActiveRegion: The active growing region: 0 or 1.
-// [16] ActiveEntries: The number of hash entries used in the active region.
-// [20] ActiveBytes: The number of data bytes used in the active region.
-// [24] Version number.
-// [28] Checksum of [0..28).
-// [32] Hash entries for region 0. The size is X = (12 * MaxEntries bytes).
-// [32 + X] Hash entries for region 1. The size is also X.
-// Each hash entry is 12 bytes: 8 bytes key and 4 bytes offset into the data
-// file. The offset is 0 when the slot is free. Note that 0 is a valid value
-// for key. The keys are used directly as index into a hash table, so they
-// should be suitably distributed.
-// Each data file stores data for one region. The data file is concatenated
-// blobs followed by the magic number 0xBD248510.
-// The blob format:
-// [0] Key of this blob
-// [8] Checksum of this blob
-// [12] Offset of this blob
-// [16] Length of this blob (not including header)
-// [20] Blob
-// Below are the interface for BlobCache. The instance of this class does not
-// support concurrent use by multiple threads.
-// public BlobCache(String path, int maxEntries, int maxBytes, boolean reset) throws IOException;
-// public void insert(long key, byte[] data) throws IOException;
-// public byte[] lookup(long key) throws IOException;
-// public void lookup(LookupRequest req) throws IOException;
-// public void close();
-// public void syncIndex();
-// public void syncAll();
-// public static void deleteFiles(String path);
-import android.util.Log;
-import java.nio.ByteOrder;
-import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer;
-import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-public class BlobCache implements Closeable {
- private static final String TAG = "BlobCache";
- private static final int MAGIC_INDEX_FILE = 0xB3273030;
- private static final int MAGIC_DATA_FILE = 0xBD248510;
- // index header offset
- private static final int IH_MAGIC = 0;
- private static final int IH_MAX_ENTRIES = 4;
- private static final int IH_MAX_BYTES = 8;
- private static final int IH_ACTIVE_REGION = 12;
- private static final int IH_ACTIVE_ENTRIES = 16;
- private static final int IH_ACTIVE_BYTES = 20;
- private static final int IH_VERSION = 24;
- private static final int IH_CHECKSUM = 28;
- private static final int INDEX_HEADER_SIZE = 32;
- private static final int DATA_HEADER_SIZE = 4;
- // blob header offset
- private static final int BH_KEY = 0;
- private static final int BH_CHECKSUM = 8;
- private static final int BH_OFFSET = 12;
- private static final int BH_LENGTH = 16;
- private static final int BLOB_HEADER_SIZE = 20;
- private RandomAccessFile mIndexFile;
- private RandomAccessFile mDataFile0;
- private RandomAccessFile mDataFile1;
- private FileChannel mIndexChannel;
- private MappedByteBuffer mIndexBuffer;
- private int mMaxEntries;
- private int mMaxBytes;
- private int mActiveRegion;
- private int mActiveEntries;
- private int mActiveBytes;
- private int mVersion;
- private RandomAccessFile mActiveDataFile;
- private RandomAccessFile mInactiveDataFile;
- private int mActiveHashStart;
- private int mInactiveHashStart;
- private byte[] mIndexHeader = new byte[INDEX_HEADER_SIZE];
- private byte[] mBlobHeader = new byte[BLOB_HEADER_SIZE];
- private Adler32 mAdler32 = new Adler32();
- // Creates the cache. Three files will be created:
- // path + ".idx", path + ".0", and path + ".1"
- // The ".0" file and the ".1" file each stores data for a region. Each of
- // them can grow to the size specified by maxBytes. The maxEntries parameter
- // specifies the maximum number of entries each region can have. If the
- // "reset" parameter is true, the cache will be cleared before use.
- public BlobCache(String path, int maxEntries, int maxBytes, boolean reset)
- throws IOException {
- this(path, maxEntries, maxBytes, reset, 0);
- }
- public BlobCache(String path, int maxEntries, int maxBytes, boolean reset,
- int version) throws IOException {
- mIndexFile = new RandomAccessFile(path + ".idx", "rw");
- mDataFile0 = new RandomAccessFile(path + ".0", "rw");
- mDataFile1 = new RandomAccessFile(path + ".1", "rw");
- mVersion = version;
- if (!reset && loadIndex()) {
- return;
- }
- resetCache(maxEntries, maxBytes);
- if (!loadIndex()) {
- closeAll();
- throw new IOException("unable to load index");
- }
- }
- // Delete the files associated with the given path previously created
- // by the BlobCache constructor.
- public static void deleteFiles(String path) {
- deleteFileSilently(path + ".idx");
- deleteFileSilently(path + ".0");
- deleteFileSilently(path + ".1");
- }
- private static void deleteFileSilently(String path) {
- try {
- new File(path).delete();
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- // ignore;
- }
- }
- // Close the cache. All resources are released. No other method should be
- // called after this is called.
- @Override
- public void close() {
- syncAll();
- closeAll();
- }
- private void closeAll() {
- closeSilently(mIndexChannel);
- closeSilently(mIndexFile);
- closeSilently(mDataFile0);
- closeSilently(mDataFile1);
- }
- // Returns true if loading index is successful. After this method is called,
- // mIndexHeader and index header in file should be kept sync.
- private boolean loadIndex() {
- try {
- byte[] buf = mIndexHeader;
- if ( != INDEX_HEADER_SIZE) {
- Log.w(TAG, "cannot read header");
- return false;
- }
- if (readInt(buf, IH_MAGIC) != MAGIC_INDEX_FILE) {
- Log.w(TAG, "cannot read header magic");
- return false;
- }
- if (readInt(buf, IH_VERSION) != mVersion) {
- Log.w(TAG, "version mismatch");
- return false;
- }
- mMaxEntries = readInt(buf, IH_MAX_ENTRIES);
- mMaxBytes = readInt(buf, IH_MAX_BYTES);
- mActiveRegion = readInt(buf, IH_ACTIVE_REGION);
- mActiveEntries = readInt(buf, IH_ACTIVE_ENTRIES);
- mActiveBytes = readInt(buf, IH_ACTIVE_BYTES);
- int sum = readInt(buf, IH_CHECKSUM);
- if (checkSum(buf, 0, IH_CHECKSUM) != sum) {
- Log.w(TAG, "header checksum does not match");
- return false;
- }
- // Sanity check
- if (mMaxEntries <= 0) {
- Log.w(TAG, "invalid max entries");
- return false;
- }
- if (mMaxBytes <= 0) {
- Log.w(TAG, "invalid max bytes");
- return false;
- }
- if (mActiveRegion != 0 && mActiveRegion != 1) {
- Log.w(TAG, "invalid active region");
- return false;
- }
- if (mActiveEntries < 0 || mActiveEntries > mMaxEntries) {
- Log.w(TAG, "invalid active entries");
- return false;
- }
- if (mActiveBytes < DATA_HEADER_SIZE || mActiveBytes > mMaxBytes) {
- Log.w(TAG, "invalid active bytes");
- return false;
- }
- if (mIndexFile.length() !=
- INDEX_HEADER_SIZE + mMaxEntries * 12 * 2) {
- Log.w(TAG, "invalid index file length");
- return false;
- }
- // Make sure data file has magic
- byte[] magic = new byte[4];
- if ( != 4) {
- Log.w(TAG, "cannot read data file magic");
- return false;
- }
- if (readInt(magic, 0) != MAGIC_DATA_FILE) {
- Log.w(TAG, "invalid data file magic");
- return false;
- }
- if ( != 4) {
- Log.w(TAG, "cannot read data file magic");
- return false;
- }
- if (readInt(magic, 0) != MAGIC_DATA_FILE) {
- Log.w(TAG, "invalid data file magic");
- return false;
- }
- // Map index file to memory
- mIndexChannel = mIndexFile.getChannel();
- mIndexBuffer =,
- 0, mIndexFile.length());
- mIndexBuffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
- setActiveVariables();
- return true;
- } catch (IOException ex) {
- Log.e(TAG, "loadIndex failed.", ex);
- return false;
- }
- }
- private void setActiveVariables() throws IOException {
- mActiveDataFile = (mActiveRegion == 0) ? mDataFile0 : mDataFile1;
- mInactiveDataFile = (mActiveRegion == 1) ? mDataFile0 : mDataFile1;
- mActiveDataFile.setLength(mActiveBytes);
- mActiveHashStart = INDEX_HEADER_SIZE;
- mInactiveHashStart = INDEX_HEADER_SIZE;
- if (mActiveRegion == 0) {
- mInactiveHashStart += mMaxEntries * 12;
- } else {
- mActiveHashStart += mMaxEntries * 12;
- }
- }
- private void resetCache(int maxEntries, int maxBytes) throws IOException {
- mIndexFile.setLength(0); // truncate to zero the index
- mIndexFile.setLength(INDEX_HEADER_SIZE + maxEntries * 12 * 2);
- byte[] buf = mIndexHeader;
- writeInt(buf, IH_MAGIC, MAGIC_INDEX_FILE);
- writeInt(buf, IH_MAX_ENTRIES, maxEntries);
- writeInt(buf, IH_MAX_BYTES, maxBytes);
- writeInt(buf, IH_ACTIVE_REGION, 0);
- writeInt(buf, IH_ACTIVE_ENTRIES, 0);
- writeInt(buf, IH_VERSION, mVersion);
- writeInt(buf, IH_CHECKSUM, checkSum(buf, 0, IH_CHECKSUM));
- mIndexFile.write(buf);
- // This is only needed if setLength does not zero the extended part.
- // writeZero(mIndexFile, maxEntries * 12 * 2);
- mDataFile0.setLength(0);
- mDataFile1.setLength(0);
- writeInt(buf, 0, MAGIC_DATA_FILE);
- mDataFile0.write(buf, 0, 4);
- mDataFile1.write(buf, 0, 4);
- }
- // Flip the active region and the inactive region.
- private void flipRegion() throws IOException {
- mActiveRegion = 1 - mActiveRegion;
- mActiveEntries = 0;
- mActiveBytes = DATA_HEADER_SIZE;
- writeInt(mIndexHeader, IH_ACTIVE_REGION, mActiveRegion);
- writeInt(mIndexHeader, IH_ACTIVE_ENTRIES, mActiveEntries);
- writeInt(mIndexHeader, IH_ACTIVE_BYTES, mActiveBytes);
- updateIndexHeader();
- setActiveVariables();
- clearHash(mActiveHashStart);
- syncIndex();
- }
- // Sync mIndexHeader to the index file.
- private void updateIndexHeader() {
- writeInt(mIndexHeader, IH_CHECKSUM,
- checkSum(mIndexHeader, 0, IH_CHECKSUM));
- mIndexBuffer.position(0);
- mIndexBuffer.put(mIndexHeader);
- }
- // Clear the hash table starting from the specified offset.
- private void clearHash(int hashStart) {
- byte[] zero = new byte[1024];
- mIndexBuffer.position(hashStart);
- for (int count = mMaxEntries * 12; count > 0;) {
- int todo = Math.min(count, 1024);
- mIndexBuffer.put(zero, 0, todo);
- count -= todo;
- }
- }
- // Inserts a (key, data) pair into the cache.
- public void insert(long key, byte[] data) throws IOException {
- if (DATA_HEADER_SIZE + BLOB_HEADER_SIZE + data.length > mMaxBytes) {
- throw new RuntimeException("blob is too large!");
- }
- if (mActiveBytes + BLOB_HEADER_SIZE + data.length > mMaxBytes
- || mActiveEntries * 2 >= mMaxEntries) {
- flipRegion();
- }
- if (!lookupInternal(key, mActiveHashStart)) {
- // If we don't have an existing entry with the same key, increase
- // the entry count.
- mActiveEntries++;
- writeInt(mIndexHeader, IH_ACTIVE_ENTRIES, mActiveEntries);
- }
- insertInternal(key, data, data.length);
- updateIndexHeader();
- }
- public void clearEntry(long key) throws IOException {
- if (!lookupInternal(key, mActiveHashStart)) {
- return; // Nothing to clear
- }
- byte[] header = mBlobHeader;
- Arrays.fill(header, (byte) 0);
- mActiveDataFile.write(header);
- }
- // Appends the data to the active file. It also updates the hash entry.
- // The proper hash entry (suitable for insertion or replacement) must be
- // pointed by mSlotOffset.
- private void insertInternal(long key, byte[] data, int length)
- throws IOException {
- byte[] header = mBlobHeader;
- int sum = checkSum(data);
- writeLong(header, BH_KEY, key);
- writeInt(header, BH_CHECKSUM, sum);
- writeInt(header, BH_OFFSET, mActiveBytes);
- writeInt(header, BH_LENGTH, length);
- mActiveDataFile.write(header);
- mActiveDataFile.write(data, 0, length);
- mIndexBuffer.putLong(mSlotOffset, key);
- mIndexBuffer.putInt(mSlotOffset + 8, mActiveBytes);
- mActiveBytes += BLOB_HEADER_SIZE + length;
- writeInt(mIndexHeader, IH_ACTIVE_BYTES, mActiveBytes);
- }
- public static class LookupRequest {
- public long key; // input: the key to find
- public byte[] buffer; // input/output: the buffer to store the blob
- public int length; // output: the length of the blob
- }
- // This method is for one-off lookup. For repeated lookup, use the version
- // accepting LookupRequest to avoid repeated memory allocation.
- private LookupRequest mLookupRequest = new LookupRequest();
- public byte[] lookup(long key) throws IOException {
- mLookupRequest.key = key;
- mLookupRequest.buffer = null;
- if (lookup(mLookupRequest)) {
- return mLookupRequest.buffer;
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- // Returns true if the associated blob for the given key is available.
- // The blob is stored in the buffer pointed by req.buffer, and the length
- // is in stored in the req.length variable.
- //
- // The user can input a non-null value in req.buffer, and this method will
- // try to use that buffer. If that buffer is not large enough, this method
- // will allocate a new buffer and assign it to req.buffer.
- //
- // This method tries not to throw IOException even if the data file is
- // corrupted, but it can still throw IOException if things get strange.
- public boolean lookup(LookupRequest req) throws IOException {
- // Look up in the active region first.
- if (lookupInternal(req.key, mActiveHashStart)) {
- if (getBlob(mActiveDataFile, mFileOffset, req)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- // We want to copy the data from the inactive file to the active file
- // if it's available. So we keep the offset of the hash entry so we can
- // avoid looking it up again.
- int insertOffset = mSlotOffset;
- // Look up in the inactive region.
- if (lookupInternal(req.key, mInactiveHashStart)) {
- if (getBlob(mInactiveDataFile, mFileOffset, req)) {
- // If we don't have enough space to insert this blob into
- // the active file, just return it.
- if (mActiveBytes + BLOB_HEADER_SIZE + req.length > mMaxBytes
- || mActiveEntries * 2 >= mMaxEntries) {
- return true;
- }
- // Otherwise copy it over.
- mSlotOffset = insertOffset;
- try {
- insertInternal(req.key, req.buffer, req.length);
- mActiveEntries++;
- writeInt(mIndexHeader, IH_ACTIVE_ENTRIES, mActiveEntries);
- updateIndexHeader();
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- Log.e(TAG, "cannot copy over");
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- // Copies the blob for the specified offset in the specified file to
- // req.buffer. If req.buffer is null or too small, allocate a buffer and
- // assign it to req.buffer.
- // Returns false if the blob is not available (either the index file is
- // not sync with the data file, or one of them is corrupted). The length
- // of the blob is stored in the req.length variable.
- private boolean getBlob(RandomAccessFile file, int offset,
- LookupRequest req) throws IOException {
- byte[] header = mBlobHeader;
- long oldPosition = file.getFilePointer();
- try {
- if ( != BLOB_HEADER_SIZE) {
- Log.w(TAG, "cannot read blob header");
- return false;
- }
- long blobKey = readLong(header, BH_KEY);
- if (blobKey == 0) {
- return false; // This entry has been cleared.
- }
- if (blobKey != req.key) {
- Log.w(TAG, "blob key does not match: " + blobKey);
- return false;
- }
- int sum = readInt(header, BH_CHECKSUM);
- int blobOffset = readInt(header, BH_OFFSET);
- if (blobOffset != offset) {
- Log.w(TAG, "blob offset does not match: " + blobOffset);
- return false;
- }
- int length = readInt(header, BH_LENGTH);
- if (length < 0 || length > mMaxBytes - offset - BLOB_HEADER_SIZE) {
- Log.w(TAG, "invalid blob length: " + length);
- return false;
- }
- if (req.buffer == null || req.buffer.length < length) {
- req.buffer = new byte[length];
- }
- byte[] blob = req.buffer;
- req.length = length;
- if (, 0, length) != length) {
- Log.w(TAG, "cannot read blob data");
- return false;
- }
- if (checkSum(blob, 0, length) != sum) {
- Log.w(TAG, "blob checksum does not match: " + sum);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- Log.e(TAG, "getBlob failed.", t);
- return false;
- } finally {
- }
- }
- // Tries to look up a key in the specified hash region.
- // Returns true if the lookup is successful.
- // The slot offset in the index file is saved in mSlotOffset. If the lookup
- // is successful, it's the slot found. Otherwise it's the slot suitable for
- // insertion.
- // If the lookup is successful, the file offset is also saved in
- // mFileOffset.
- private int mSlotOffset;
- private int mFileOffset;
- private boolean lookupInternal(long key, int hashStart) {
- int slot = (int) (key % mMaxEntries);
- if (slot < 0) slot += mMaxEntries;
- int slotBegin = slot;
- while (true) {
- int offset = hashStart + slot * 12;
- long candidateKey = mIndexBuffer.getLong(offset);
- int candidateOffset = mIndexBuffer.getInt(offset + 8);
- if (candidateOffset == 0) {
- mSlotOffset = offset;
- return false;
- } else if (candidateKey == key) {
- mSlotOffset = offset;
- mFileOffset = candidateOffset;
- return true;
- } else {
- if (++slot >= mMaxEntries) {
- slot = 0;
- }
- if (slot == slotBegin) {
- Log.w(TAG, "corrupted index: clear the slot.");
- mIndexBuffer.putInt(hashStart + slot * 12 + 8, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public void syncIndex() {
- try {
- mIndexBuffer.force();
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- Log.w(TAG, "sync index failed", t);
- }
- }
- public void syncAll() {
- syncIndex();
- try {
- mDataFile0.getFD().sync();
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- Log.w(TAG, "sync data file 0 failed", t);
- }
- try {
- mDataFile1.getFD().sync();
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- Log.w(TAG, "sync data file 1 failed", t);
- }
- }
- // This is for testing only.
- //
- // Returns the active count (mActiveEntries). This also verifies that
- // the active count matches matches what's inside the hash region.
- int getActiveCount() {
- int count = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < mMaxEntries; i++) {
- int offset = mActiveHashStart + i * 12;
- long candidateKey = mIndexBuffer.getLong(offset);
- int candidateOffset = mIndexBuffer.getInt(offset + 8);
- if (candidateOffset != 0) ++count;
- }
- if (count == mActiveEntries) {
- return count;
- } else {
- Log.e(TAG, "wrong active count: " + mActiveEntries + " vs " + count);
- return -1; // signal failure.
- }
- }
- int checkSum(byte[] data) {
- mAdler32.reset();
- mAdler32.update(data);
- return (int) mAdler32.getValue();
- }
- int checkSum(byte[] data, int offset, int nbytes) {
- mAdler32.reset();
- mAdler32.update(data, offset, nbytes);
- return (int) mAdler32.getValue();
- }
- static void closeSilently(Closeable c) {
- if (c == null) return;
- try {
- c.close();
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- // do nothing
- }
- }
- static int readInt(byte[] buf, int offset) {
- return (buf[offset] & 0xff)
- | ((buf[offset + 1] & 0xff) << 8)
- | ((buf[offset + 2] & 0xff) << 16)
- | ((buf[offset + 3] & 0xff) << 24);
- }
- static long readLong(byte[] buf, int offset) {
- long result = buf[offset + 7] & 0xff;
- for (int i = 6; i >= 0; i--) {
- result = (result << 8) | (buf[offset + i] & 0xff);
- }
- return result;
- }
- static void writeInt(byte[] buf, int offset, int value) {
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- buf[offset + i] = (byte) (value & 0xff);
- value >>= 8;
- }
- }
- static void writeLong(byte[] buf, int offset, long value) {
- for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- buf[offset + i] = (byte) (value & 0xff);
- value >>= 8;
- }
- }
diff --git a/gallerycommon/src/com/android/gallery3d/common/ b/gallerycommon/src/com/android/gallery3d/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f1644e65..000000000
--- a/gallerycommon/src/com/android/gallery3d/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
-import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
-import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
-import java.lang.annotation.Target;
-public abstract class Entry {
- public static final String[] ID_PROJECTION = { "_id" };
- public static interface Columns {
- public static final String ID = "_id";
- }
- // The primary key of the entry.
- @Column("_id")
- public long id = 0;
- @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
- @Target(ElementType.TYPE)
- public @interface Table {
- String value();
- }
- @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
- @Target(ElementType.FIELD)
- public @interface Column {
- String value();
- boolean indexed() default false;
- boolean fullText() default false;
- String defaultValue() default "";
- boolean unique() default false;
- }
- public void clear() {
- id = 0;
- }
diff --git a/gallerycommon/src/com/android/gallery3d/common/ b/gallerycommon/src/com/android/gallery3d/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bf7e431c..000000000
--- a/gallerycommon/src/com/android/gallery3d/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,542 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import android.content.ContentValues;
-import android.database.Cursor;
-import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
-import android.text.TextUtils;
-import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement;
-import java.lang.reflect.Field;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-public final class EntrySchema {
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- private static final String TAG = "EntrySchema";
- public static final int TYPE_STRING = 0;
- public static final int TYPE_BOOLEAN = 1;
- public static final int TYPE_SHORT = 2;
- public static final int TYPE_INT = 3;
- public static final int TYPE_LONG = 4;
- public static final int TYPE_FLOAT = 5;
- public static final int TYPE_DOUBLE = 6;
- public static final int TYPE_BLOB = 7;
- private static final String SQLITE_TYPES[] = {
- private static final String FULL_TEXT_INDEX_SUFFIX = "_fulltext";
- private final String mTableName;
- private final ColumnInfo[] mColumnInfo;
- private final String[] mProjection;
- private final boolean mHasFullTextIndex;
- public EntrySchema(Class<? extends Entry> clazz) {
- // Get table and column metadata from reflection.
- ColumnInfo[] columns = parseColumnInfo(clazz);
- mTableName = parseTableName(clazz);
- mColumnInfo = columns;
- // Cache the list of projection columns and check for full-text columns.
- String[] projection = {};
- boolean hasFullTextIndex = false;
- if (columns != null) {
- projection = new String[columns.length];
- for (int i = 0; i != columns.length; ++i) {
- ColumnInfo column = columns[i];
- projection[i] =;
- if (column.fullText) {
- hasFullTextIndex = true;
- }
- }
- }
- mProjection = projection;
- mHasFullTextIndex = hasFullTextIndex;
- }
- public String getTableName() {
- return mTableName;
- }
- public ColumnInfo[] getColumnInfo() {
- return mColumnInfo;
- }
- public String[] getProjection() {
- return mProjection;
- }
- public int getColumnIndex(String columnName) {
- for (ColumnInfo column : mColumnInfo) {
- if ( {
- return column.projectionIndex;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- public ColumnInfo getColumn(String columnName) {
- int index = getColumnIndex(columnName);
- return (index < 0) ? null : mColumnInfo[index];
- }
- private void logExecSql(SQLiteDatabase db, String sql) {
- db.execSQL(sql);
- }
- public <T extends Entry> T cursorToObject(Cursor cursor, T object) {
- try {
- for (ColumnInfo column : mColumnInfo) {
- int columnIndex = column.projectionIndex;
- Field field = column.field;
- switch (column.type) {
- field.set(object, cursor.isNull(columnIndex)
- ? null
- : cursor.getString(columnIndex));
- break;
- field.setBoolean(object, cursor.getShort(columnIndex) == 1);
- break;
- case TYPE_SHORT:
- field.setShort(object, cursor.getShort(columnIndex));
- break;
- case TYPE_INT:
- field.setInt(object, cursor.getInt(columnIndex));
- break;
- case TYPE_LONG:
- field.setLong(object, cursor.getLong(columnIndex));
- break;
- case TYPE_FLOAT:
- field.setFloat(object, cursor.getFloat(columnIndex));
- break;
- field.setDouble(object, cursor.getDouble(columnIndex));
- break;
- case TYPE_BLOB:
- field.set(object, cursor.isNull(columnIndex)
- ? null
- : cursor.getBlob(columnIndex));
- break;
- }
- }
- return object;
- } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- private void setIfNotNull(Field field, Object object, Object value)
- throws IllegalAccessException {
- if (value != null) field.set(object, value);
- }
- /**
- * Converts the ContentValues to the object. The ContentValues may not
- * contain values for all the fields in the object.
- */
- public <T extends Entry> T valuesToObject(ContentValues values, T object) {
- try {
- for (ColumnInfo column : mColumnInfo) {
- String columnName =;
- Field field = column.field;
- switch (column.type) {
- setIfNotNull(field, object, values.getAsString(columnName));
- break;
- setIfNotNull(field, object, values.getAsBoolean(columnName));
- break;
- case TYPE_SHORT:
- setIfNotNull(field, object, values.getAsShort(columnName));
- break;
- case TYPE_INT:
- setIfNotNull(field, object, values.getAsInteger(columnName));
- break;
- case TYPE_LONG:
- setIfNotNull(field, object, values.getAsLong(columnName));
- break;
- case TYPE_FLOAT:
- setIfNotNull(field, object, values.getAsFloat(columnName));
- break;
- setIfNotNull(field, object, values.getAsDouble(columnName));
- break;
- case TYPE_BLOB:
- setIfNotNull(field, object, values.getAsByteArray(columnName));
- break;
- }
- }
- return object;
- } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- public void objectToValues(Entry object, ContentValues values) {
- try {
- for (ColumnInfo column : mColumnInfo) {
- String columnName =;
- Field field = column.field;
- switch (column.type) {
- values.put(columnName, (String) field.get(object));
- break;
- values.put(columnName, field.getBoolean(object));
- break;
- case TYPE_SHORT:
- values.put(columnName, field.getShort(object));
- break;
- case TYPE_INT:
- values.put(columnName, field.getInt(object));
- break;
- case TYPE_LONG:
- values.put(columnName, field.getLong(object));
- break;
- case TYPE_FLOAT:
- values.put(columnName, field.getFloat(object));
- break;
- values.put(columnName, field.getDouble(object));
- break;
- case TYPE_BLOB:
- values.put(columnName, (byte[]) field.get(object));
- break;
- }
- }
- } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- public String toDebugString(Entry entry) {
- try {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- sb.append("ID=").append(;
- for (ColumnInfo column : mColumnInfo) {
- String columnName =;
- Field field = column.field;
- Object value = field.get(entry);
- sb.append(" ").append(columnName).append("=")
- .append((value == null) ? "null" : value.toString());
- }
- return sb.toString();
- } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- public String toDebugString(Entry entry, String... columnNames) {
- try {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- sb.append("ID=").append(;
- for (String columnName : columnNames) {
- ColumnInfo column = getColumn(columnName);
- Field field = column.field;
- Object value = field.get(entry);
- sb.append(" ").append(columnName).append("=")
- .append((value == null) ? "null" : value.toString());
- }
- return sb.toString();
- } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- public Cursor queryAll(SQLiteDatabase db) {
- return db.query(mTableName, mProjection, null, null, null, null, null);
- }
- public boolean queryWithId(SQLiteDatabase db, long id, Entry entry) {
- Cursor cursor = db.query(mTableName, mProjection, "_id=?",
- new String[] {Long.toString(id)}, null, null, null);
- boolean success = false;
- if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
- cursorToObject(cursor, entry);
- success = true;
- }
- cursor.close();
- return success;
- }
- public long insertOrReplace(SQLiteDatabase db, Entry entry) {
- ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
- objectToValues(entry, values);
- if ( == 0) {
- values.remove("_id");
- }
- long id = db.replace(mTableName, "_id", values);
- = id;
- return id;
- }
- public boolean deleteWithId(SQLiteDatabase db, long id) {
- return db.delete(mTableName, "_id=?", new String[] { Long.toString(id) }) == 1;
- }
- public void createTables(SQLiteDatabase db) {
- // Wrapped class must have a @Table.Definition.
- String tableName = mTableName;
- Utils.assertTrue(tableName != null);
- // Add the CREATE TABLE statement for the main table.
- StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("CREATE TABLE ");
- sql.append(tableName);
- StringBuilder unique = new StringBuilder();
- for (ColumnInfo column : mColumnInfo) {
- if (!column.isId()) {
- sql.append(',');
- sql.append(;
- sql.append(' ');
- sql.append(SQLITE_TYPES[column.type]);
- if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(column.defaultValue)) {
- sql.append(" DEFAULT ");
- sql.append(column.defaultValue);
- }
- if (column.unique) {
- if (unique.length() == 0) {
- unique.append(;
- } else {
- unique.append(',').append(;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (unique.length() > 0) {
- sql.append(",UNIQUE(").append(unique).append(')');
- }
- sql.append(");");
- logExecSql(db, sql.toString());
- sql.setLength(0);
- // Create indexes for all indexed columns.
- for (ColumnInfo column : mColumnInfo) {
- // Create an index on the indexed columns.
- if (column.indexed) {
- sql.append("CREATE INDEX ");
- sql.append(tableName);
- sql.append("_index_");
- sql.append(;
- sql.append(" ON ");
- sql.append(tableName);
- sql.append(" (");
- sql.append(;
- sql.append(");");
- logExecSql(db, sql.toString());
- sql.setLength(0);
- }
- }
- if (mHasFullTextIndex) {
- // Add an FTS virtual table if using full-text search.
- String ftsTableName = tableName + FULL_TEXT_INDEX_SUFFIX;
- sql.append("CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE ");
- sql.append(ftsTableName);
- sql.append(" USING FTS3 (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY");
- for (ColumnInfo column : mColumnInfo) {
- if (column.fullText) {
- // Add the column to the FTS table.
- String columnName =;
- sql.append(',');
- sql.append(columnName);
- sql.append(" TEXT");
- }
- }
- sql.append(");");
- logExecSql(db, sql.toString());
- sql.setLength(0);
- // Build an insert statement that will automatically keep the FTS
- // table in sync.
- StringBuilder insertSql = new StringBuilder("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ");
- insertSql.append(ftsTableName);
- insertSql.append(" (_id");
- for (ColumnInfo column : mColumnInfo) {
- if (column.fullText) {
- insertSql.append(',');
- insertSql.append(;
- }
- }
- insertSql.append(") VALUES (new._id");
- for (ColumnInfo column : mColumnInfo) {
- if (column.fullText) {
- insertSql.append(",new.");
- insertSql.append(;
- }
- }
- insertSql.append(");");
- String insertSqlString = insertSql.toString();
- // Add an insert trigger.
- sql.append("CREATE TRIGGER ");
- sql.append(tableName);
- sql.append("_insert_trigger AFTER INSERT ON ");
- sql.append(tableName);
- sql.append(" FOR EACH ROW BEGIN ");
- sql.append(insertSqlString);
- sql.append("END;");
- logExecSql(db, sql.toString());
- sql.setLength(0);
- // Add an update trigger.
- sql.append("CREATE TRIGGER ");
- sql.append(tableName);
- sql.append("_update_trigger AFTER UPDATE ON ");
- sql.append(tableName);
- sql.append(" FOR EACH ROW BEGIN ");
- sql.append(insertSqlString);
- sql.append("END;");
- logExecSql(db, sql.toString());
- sql.setLength(0);
- // Add a delete trigger.
- sql.append("CREATE TRIGGER ");
- sql.append(tableName);
- sql.append("_delete_trigger AFTER DELETE ON ");
- sql.append(tableName);
- sql.append(ftsTableName);
- sql.append(" WHERE _id = old._id; END;");
- logExecSql(db, sql.toString());
- sql.setLength(0);
- }
- }
- public void dropTables(SQLiteDatabase db) {
- String tableName = mTableName;
- StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ");
- sql.append(tableName);
- sql.append(';');
- logExecSql(db, sql.toString());
- sql.setLength(0);
- if (mHasFullTextIndex) {
- sql.append("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ");
- sql.append(tableName);
- sql.append(';');
- logExecSql(db, sql.toString());
- }
- }
- public void deleteAll(SQLiteDatabase db) {
- StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("DELETE FROM ");
- sql.append(mTableName);
- sql.append(";");
- logExecSql(db, sql.toString());
- }
- private String parseTableName(Class<? extends Object> clazz) {
- // Check for a table annotation.
- Entry.Table table = clazz.getAnnotation(Entry.Table.class);
- if (table == null) {
- return null;
- }
- // Return the table name.
- return table.value();
- }
- private ColumnInfo[] parseColumnInfo(Class<? extends Object> clazz) {
- ArrayList<ColumnInfo> columns = new ArrayList<ColumnInfo>();
- while (clazz != null) {
- parseColumnInfo(clazz, columns);
- clazz = clazz.getSuperclass();
- }
- // Return a list.
- ColumnInfo[] columnList = new ColumnInfo[columns.size()];
- columns.toArray(columnList);
- return columnList;
- }
- private void parseColumnInfo(Class<? extends Object> clazz, ArrayList<ColumnInfo> columns) {
- // Gather metadata from each annotated field.
- Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); // including non-public fields
- for (int i = 0; i != fields.length; ++i) {
- // Get column metadata from the annotation.
- Field field = fields[i];
- Entry.Column info = ((AnnotatedElement) field).getAnnotation(Entry.Column.class);
- if (info == null) continue;
- // Determine the field type.
- int type;
- Class<?> fieldType = field.getType();
- if (fieldType == String.class) {
- type = TYPE_STRING;
- } else if (fieldType == boolean.class) {
- type = TYPE_BOOLEAN;
- } else if (fieldType == short.class) {
- type = TYPE_SHORT;
- } else if (fieldType == int.class) {
- type = TYPE_INT;
- } else if (fieldType == long.class) {
- type = TYPE_LONG;
- } else if (fieldType == float.class) {
- type = TYPE_FLOAT;
- } else if (fieldType == double.class) {
- type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
- } else if (fieldType == byte[].class) {
- type = TYPE_BLOB;
- } else {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Unsupported field type for column: " + fieldType.getName());
- }
- // Add the column to the array.
- int index = columns.size();
- columns.add(new ColumnInfo(info.value(), type, info.indexed(), info.unique(),
- info.fullText(), info.defaultValue(), field, index));
- }
- }
- public static final class ColumnInfo {
- private static final String ID_KEY = "_id";
- public final String name;
- public final int type;
- public final boolean indexed;
- public final boolean unique;
- public final boolean fullText;
- public final String defaultValue;
- public final Field field;
- public final int projectionIndex;
- public ColumnInfo(String name, int type, boolean indexed, boolean unique,
- boolean fullText, String defaultValue, Field field, int projectionIndex) {
- = name.toLowerCase();
- this.type = type;
- this.indexed = indexed;
- this.unique = unique;
- this.fullText = fullText;
- this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
- this.field = field;
- this.projectionIndex = projectionIndex;
- field.setAccessible(true); // in order to set non-public fields
- }
- public boolean isId() {
- return ID_KEY.equals(name);
- }
- }
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- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import android.content.ContentValues;
-import android.content.Context;
-import android.database.Cursor;
-import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
-import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper;
-import android.util.Log;
-public class FileCache implements Closeable {
- private static final int LRU_CAPACITY = 4;
- private static final int MAX_DELETE_COUNT = 16;
- private static final String TAG = "FileCache";
- private static final String TABLE_NAME = FileEntry.SCHEMA.getTableName();
- private static final String FILE_PREFIX = "download";
- private static final String FILE_POSTFIX = ".tmp";
- private static final String QUERY_WHERE =
- FileEntry.Columns.HASH_CODE + "=? AND " + FileEntry.Columns.CONTENT_URL + "=?";
- private static final String ID_WHERE = FileEntry.Columns.ID + "=?";
- private static final String[] PROJECTION_SIZE_SUM =
- {String.format("sum(%s)", FileEntry.Columns.SIZE)};
- private static final String FREESPACE_PROJECTION[] = {
- FileEntry.Columns.ID, FileEntry.Columns.FILENAME,
- FileEntry.Columns.CONTENT_URL, FileEntry.Columns.SIZE};
- private static final String FREESPACE_ORDER_BY =
- String.format("%s ASC", FileEntry.Columns.LAST_ACCESS);
- private final LruCache<String, CacheEntry> mEntryMap =
- new LruCache<String, CacheEntry>(LRU_CAPACITY);
- private File mRootDir;
- private long mCapacity;
- private boolean mInitialized = false;
- private long mTotalBytes;
- private DatabaseHelper mDbHelper;
- public static final class CacheEntry {
- private long id;
- public String contentUrl;
- public File cacheFile;
- private CacheEntry(long id, String contentUrl, File cacheFile) {
- = id;
- this.contentUrl = contentUrl;
- this.cacheFile = cacheFile;
- }
- }
- public static void deleteFiles(Context context, File rootDir, String dbName) {
- try {
- context.getDatabasePath(dbName).delete();
- File[] files = rootDir.listFiles();
- if (files == null) return;
- for (File file : rootDir.listFiles()) {
- String name = file.getName();
- if (file.isFile() && name.startsWith(FILE_PREFIX)
- && name.endsWith(FILE_POSTFIX)) file.delete();
- }
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- Log.w(TAG, "cannot reset database", t);
- }
- }
- public FileCache(Context context, File rootDir, String dbName, long capacity) {
- mRootDir = Utils.checkNotNull(rootDir);
- mCapacity = capacity;
- mDbHelper = new DatabaseHelper(context, dbName);
- }
- @Override
- public void close() {
- mDbHelper.close();
- }
- public void store(String downloadUrl, File file) {
- if (!mInitialized) initialize();
- Utils.assertTrue(file.getParentFile().equals(mRootDir));
- FileEntry entry = new FileEntry();
- entry.hashCode = Utils.crc64Long(downloadUrl);
- entry.contentUrl = downloadUrl;
- entry.filename = file.getName();
- entry.size = file.length();
- entry.lastAccess = System.currentTimeMillis();
- if (entry.size >= mCapacity) {
- file.delete();
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("file too large: " + entry.size);
- }
- synchronized (this) {
- FileEntry original = queryDatabase(downloadUrl);
- if (original != null) {
- file.delete();
- entry.filename = original.filename;
- entry.size = original.size;
- } else {
- mTotalBytes += entry.size;
- }
- FileEntry.SCHEMA.insertOrReplace(
- mDbHelper.getWritableDatabase(), entry);
- if (mTotalBytes > mCapacity) freeSomeSpaceIfNeed(MAX_DELETE_COUNT);
- }
- }
- public CacheEntry lookup(String downloadUrl) {
- if (!mInitialized) initialize();
- CacheEntry entry;
- synchronized (mEntryMap) {
- entry = mEntryMap.get(downloadUrl);
- }
- if (entry != null) {
- synchronized (this) {
- updateLastAccess(;
- }
- return entry;
- }
- synchronized (this) {
- FileEntry file = queryDatabase(downloadUrl);
- if (file == null) return null;
- entry = new CacheEntry(
-, downloadUrl, new File(mRootDir, file.filename));
- if (!entry.cacheFile.isFile()) { // file has been removed
- try {
- mDbHelper.getWritableDatabase().delete(
- TABLE_NAME, ID_WHERE, new String[] {String.valueOf(});
- mTotalBytes -= file.size;
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- Log.w(TAG, "cannot delete entry: " + file.filename, t);
- }
- return null;
- }
- synchronized (mEntryMap) {
- mEntryMap.put(downloadUrl, entry);
- }
- return entry;
- }
- }
- private FileEntry queryDatabase(String downloadUrl) {
- long hash = Utils.crc64Long(downloadUrl);
- String whereArgs[] = new String[] {String.valueOf(hash), downloadUrl};
- Cursor cursor = mDbHelper.getReadableDatabase().query(TABLE_NAME,
- FileEntry.SCHEMA.getProjection(),
- QUERY_WHERE, whereArgs, null, null, null);
- try {
- if (!cursor.moveToNext()) return null;
- FileEntry entry = new FileEntry();
- FileEntry.SCHEMA.cursorToObject(cursor, entry);
- updateLastAccess(;
- return entry;
- } finally {
- cursor.close();
- }
- }
- private void updateLastAccess(long id) {
- ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
- values.put(FileEntry.Columns.LAST_ACCESS, System.currentTimeMillis());
- mDbHelper.getWritableDatabase().update(TABLE_NAME,
- values, ID_WHERE, new String[] {String.valueOf(id)});
- }
- public File createFile() throws IOException {
- return File.createTempFile(FILE_PREFIX, FILE_POSTFIX, mRootDir);
- }
- private synchronized void initialize() {
- if (mInitialized) return;
- if (!mRootDir.isDirectory()) {
- mRootDir.mkdirs();
- if (!mRootDir.isDirectory()) {
- throw new RuntimeException("cannot create: " + mRootDir.getAbsolutePath());
- }
- }
- Cursor cursor = mDbHelper.getReadableDatabase().query(
- null, null, null, null, null);
- try {
- if (cursor.moveToNext()) mTotalBytes = cursor.getLong(0);
- } finally {
- cursor.close();
- }
- if (mTotalBytes > mCapacity) freeSomeSpaceIfNeed(MAX_DELETE_COUNT);
- // Mark initialized when everything above went through. If an exception was thrown,
- // initialize() will be retried later.
- mInitialized = true;
- }
- private void freeSomeSpaceIfNeed(int maxDeleteFileCount) {
- Cursor cursor = mDbHelper.getReadableDatabase().query(
- null, null, null, null, FREESPACE_ORDER_BY);
- try {
- while (maxDeleteFileCount > 0
- && mTotalBytes > mCapacity && cursor.moveToNext()) {
- long id = cursor.getLong(0);
- String path = cursor.getString(1);
- String url = cursor.getString(2);
- long size = cursor.getLong(3);
- synchronized (mEntryMap) {
- // if some one still uses it
- if (mEntryMap.containsKey(url)) continue;
- }
- --maxDeleteFileCount;
- if (new File(mRootDir, path).delete()) {
- mTotalBytes -= size;
- mDbHelper.getWritableDatabase().delete(TABLE_NAME,
- ID_WHERE, new String[]{String.valueOf(id)});
- } else {
- Log.w(TAG, "unable to delete file: " + path);
- }
- }
- } finally {
- cursor.close();
- }
- }
- @Table("files")
- private static class FileEntry extends Entry {
- public static final EntrySchema SCHEMA = new EntrySchema(FileEntry.class);
- public interface Columns extends Entry.Columns {
- public static final String HASH_CODE = "hash_code";
- public static final String CONTENT_URL = "content_url";
- public static final String FILENAME = "filename";
- public static final String SIZE = "size";
- public static final String LAST_ACCESS = "last_access";
- }
- @Column(value = Columns.HASH_CODE, indexed = true)
- public long hashCode;
- @Column(Columns.CONTENT_URL)
- public String contentUrl;
- @Column(Columns.FILENAME)
- public String filename;
- @Column(Columns.SIZE)
- public long size;
- @Column(value = Columns.LAST_ACCESS, indexed = true)
- public long lastAccess;
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- return new StringBuilder()
- .append("hash_code: ").append(hashCode).append(", ")
- .append("content_url").append(contentUrl).append(", ")
- .append("last_access").append(lastAccess).append(", ")
- .append("filename").append(filename).toString();
- }
- }
- private final class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
- public static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;
- public DatabaseHelper(Context context, String dbName) {
- super(context, dbName, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
- }
- @Override
- public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
- FileEntry.SCHEMA.createTables(db);
- // delete old files
- for (File file : mRootDir.listFiles()) {
- if (!file.delete()) {
- Log.w(TAG, "fail to remove: " + file.getAbsolutePath());
- }
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
- //reset everything
- FileEntry.SCHEMA.dropTables(db);
- onCreate(db);
- }
- }
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- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * MD5-based digest Wrapper.
- */
-public class Fingerprint {
- // Instance of the MessageDigest using our specified digest algorithm.
- private static final MessageDigest DIGESTER;
- /**
- * Name of the digest algorithm we use in {@link}
- */
- private static final String DIGEST_MD5 = "md5";
- // Version 1 streamId prefix.
- // Hard coded stream id length limit is 40-chars. Don't ask!
- private static final String STREAM_ID_CS_PREFIX = "cs_01_";
- // 16 bytes for 128-bit fingerprint
- private static final int FINGERPRINT_BYTE_LENGTH;
- // length of prefix + 32 hex chars for 128-bit fingerprint
- private static final int STREAM_ID_CS_01_LENGTH;
- static {
- try {
- DIGESTER = MessageDigest.getInstance(DIGEST_MD5);
- } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
- // can't continue, but really shouldn't happen
- throw new IllegalStateException(e);
- }
- }
- // md5 digest bytes.
- private final byte[] mMd5Digest;
- /**
- * Creates a new Fingerprint.
- */
- public Fingerprint(byte[] bytes) {
- if ((bytes == null) || (bytes.length != FINGERPRINT_BYTE_LENGTH)) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException();
- }
- mMd5Digest = bytes;
- }
- /**
- * Creates a Fingerprint based on the contents of a file.
- *
- * Note that this will close() stream after calculating the digest.
- * @param byteCount length of original data will be stored at byteCount[0] as a side product
- * of the fingerprint calculation
- */
- public static Fingerprint fromInputStream(InputStream stream, long[] byteCount)
- throws IOException {
- DigestInputStream in = null;
- long count = 0;
- try {
- in = new DigestInputStream(stream, DIGESTER);
- byte[] bytes = new byte[8192];
- while (true) {
- // scan through file to compute a fingerprint.
- int n =;
- if (n < 0) break;
- count += n;
- }
- } finally {
- if (in != null) in.close();
- }
- if ((byteCount != null) && (byteCount.length > 0)) byteCount[0] = count;
- return new Fingerprint(in.getMessageDigest().digest());
- }
- /**
- * Decodes a string stream id to a 128-bit fingerprint.
- */
- public static Fingerprint fromStreamId(String streamId) {
- if ((streamId == null)
- || !streamId.startsWith(STREAM_ID_CS_PREFIX)
- || (streamId.length() != STREAM_ID_CS_01_LENGTH)) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad streamId: " + streamId);
- }
- // decode the hex bytes of the fingerprint portion
- byte[] bytes = new byte[FINGERPRINT_BYTE_LENGTH];
- int byteIdx = 0;
- for (int idx = STREAM_ID_CS_PREFIX.length(); idx < STREAM_ID_CS_01_LENGTH;
- idx += 2) {
- int value = (toDigit(streamId, idx) << 4) | toDigit(streamId, idx + 1);
- bytes[byteIdx++] = (byte) (value & 0xff);
- }
- return new Fingerprint(bytes);
- }
- /**
- * Scans a list of strings for a valid streamId.
- *
- * @param streamIdList list of stream id's to be scanned
- * @return valid fingerprint or null if it can't be found
- */
- public static Fingerprint extractFingerprint(List<String> streamIdList) {
- for (String streamId : streamIdList) {
- if (streamId.startsWith(STREAM_ID_CS_PREFIX)) {
- return fromStreamId(streamId);
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Encodes a 128-bit fingerprint as a string stream id.
- *
- * Stream id string is limited to 40 characters, which could be digits, lower case ASCII and
- * underscores.
- */
- public String toStreamId() {
- StringBuilder streamId = new StringBuilder(STREAM_ID_CS_PREFIX);
- appendHexFingerprint(streamId, mMd5Digest);
- return streamId.toString();
- }
- public byte[] getBytes() {
- return mMd5Digest;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean equals(Object obj) {
- if (this == obj) return true;
- if (!(obj instanceof Fingerprint)) return false;
- Fingerprint other = (Fingerprint) obj;
- return Arrays.equals(mMd5Digest, other.mMd5Digest);
- }
- public boolean equals(byte[] md5Digest) {
- return Arrays.equals(mMd5Digest, md5Digest);
- }
- @Override
- public int hashCode() {
- return Arrays.hashCode(mMd5Digest);
- }
- // Utility methods.
- private static int toDigit(String streamId, int index) {
- int digit = Character.digit(streamId.charAt(index), 16);
- if (digit < 0) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal hex digit in " + streamId);
- }
- return digit;
- }
- private static void appendHexFingerprint(StringBuilder sb, byte[] bytes) {
- for (int idx = 0; idx < FINGERPRINT_BYTE_LENGTH; idx++) {
- int value = bytes[idx];
- sb.append(Integer.toHexString((value >> 4) & 0x0f));
- sb.append(Integer.toHexString(value& 0x0f));
- }
- }
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- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import android.content.Context;
-import android.os.Build;
-import org.apache.http.HttpVersion;
-import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
-import org.apache.http.conn.params.ConnManagerParams;
-import org.apache.http.params.CoreProtocolPNames;
-import org.apache.http.params.HttpParams;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
- * Constructs {@link HttpClient} instances and isolates client code from API
- * level differences.
- */
-public final class HttpClientFactory {
- // TODO: migrate GDataClient to use this util method instead of apache's
- // DefaultHttpClient.
- /**
- * Creates an HttpClient with the userAgent string constructed from the
- * package name contained in the context.
- * @return the client
- */
- public static HttpClient newHttpClient(Context context) {
- return HttpClientFactory.newHttpClient(getUserAgent(context));
- }
- /**
- * Creates an HttpClient with the specified userAgent string.
- * @param userAgent the userAgent string
- * @return the client
- */
- public static HttpClient newHttpClient(String userAgent) {
- // AndroidHttpClient is available on all platform releases,
- // but is hidden until API Level 8
- try {
- Class<?> clazz = Class.forName("");
- Method newInstance = clazz.getMethod("newInstance", String.class);
- Object instance = newInstance.invoke(null, userAgent);
- HttpClient client = (HttpClient) instance;
- // ensure we default to HTTP 1.1
- HttpParams params = client.getParams();
- params.setParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.PROTOCOL_VERSION, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1);
- // AndroidHttpClient sets these two parameters thusly by default:
- // HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(params, 60 * 1000);
- // HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(params, 60 * 1000);
- // however it doesn't set this one...
- ConnManagerParams.setTimeout(params, 60 * 1000);
- return client;
- } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Closes an HttpClient.
- */
- public static void close(HttpClient client) {
- // AndroidHttpClient is available on all platform releases,
- // but is hidden until API Level 8
- try {
- Class<?> clazz = client.getClass();
- Method method = clazz.getMethod("close", (Class<?>[]) null);
- method.invoke(client, (Object[]) null);
- } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- private static String sUserAgent = null;
- private static String getUserAgent(Context context) {
- if (sUserAgent == null) {
- PackageInfo pi;
- try {
- pi = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(
- context.getPackageName(), 0);
- } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
- throw new IllegalStateException("getPackageInfo failed");
- }
- sUserAgent = String.format("%s/%s; %s/%s/%s/%s; %s/%s/%s",
- pi.packageName,
- pi.versionName,
- Build.BRAND,
- Build.DEVICE,
- Build.MODEL,
- Build.ID,
- }
- return sUserAgent;
- }
- private HttpClientFactory() {
- }
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- * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
-import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
- * An LRU cache which stores recently inserted entries and all entries ever
- * inserted which still has a strong reference elsewhere.
- */
-public class LruCache<K, V> {
- private final HashMap<K, V> mLruMap;
- private final HashMap<K, Entry<K, V>> mWeakMap =
- new HashMap<K, Entry<K, V>>();
- private ReferenceQueue<V> mQueue = new ReferenceQueue<V>();
- @SuppressWarnings("serial")
- public LruCache(final int capacity) {
- mLruMap = new LinkedHashMap<K, V>(16, 0.75f, true) {
- @Override
- protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<K, V> eldest) {
- return size() > capacity;
- }
- };
- }
- private static class Entry<K, V> extends WeakReference<V> {
- K mKey;
- public Entry(K key, V value, ReferenceQueue<V> queue) {
- super(value, queue);
- mKey = key;
- }
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- private void cleanUpWeakMap() {
- Entry<K, V> entry = (Entry<K, V>) mQueue.poll();
- while (entry != null) {
- mWeakMap.remove(entry.mKey);
- entry = (Entry<K, V>) mQueue.poll();
- }
- }
- public synchronized boolean containsKey(K key) {
- cleanUpWeakMap();
- return mWeakMap.containsKey(key);
- }
- public synchronized V put(K key, V value) {
- cleanUpWeakMap();
- mLruMap.put(key, value);
- Entry<K, V> entry = mWeakMap.put(
- key, new Entry<K, V>(key, value, mQueue));
- return entry == null ? null : entry.get();
- }
- public synchronized V get(K key) {
- cleanUpWeakMap();
- V value = mLruMap.get(key);
- if (value != null) return value;
- Entry<K, V> entry = mWeakMap.get(key);
- return entry == null ? null : entry.get();
- }
- public synchronized void clear() {
- mLruMap.clear();
- mWeakMap.clear();
- mQueue = new ReferenceQueue<V>();
- }
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- * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import android.content.Context;
-import android.hardware.SensorManager;
-import android.util.FloatMath;
-import android.util.Log;
-import android.view.ViewConfiguration;
-import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils;
-import android.view.animation.Interpolator;
- * This class encapsulates scrolling with the ability to overshoot the bounds
- * of a scrolling operation. This class is a drop-in replacement for
- * {@link android.widget.Scroller} in most cases.
- */
-public class OverScroller {
- private int mMode;
- private final SplineOverScroller mScrollerX;
- private final SplineOverScroller mScrollerY;
- private Interpolator mInterpolator;
- private final boolean mFlywheel;
- private static final int DEFAULT_DURATION = 250;
- private static final int SCROLL_MODE = 0;
- private static final int FLING_MODE = 1;
- /**
- * Creates an OverScroller with a viscous fluid scroll interpolator and flywheel.
- * @param context
- */
- public OverScroller(Context context) {
- this(context, null);
- }
- /**
- * Creates an OverScroller with flywheel enabled.
- * @param context The context of this application.
- * @param interpolator The scroll interpolator. If null, a default (viscous) interpolator will
- * be used.
- */
- public OverScroller(Context context, Interpolator interpolator) {
- this(context, interpolator, true);
- }
- /**
- * Creates an OverScroller.
- * @param context The context of this application.
- * @param interpolator The scroll interpolator. If null, a default (viscous) interpolator will
- * be used.
- * @param flywheel If true, successive fling motions will keep on increasing scroll speed.
- * @hide
- */
- public OverScroller(Context context, Interpolator interpolator, boolean flywheel) {
- mInterpolator = interpolator;
- mFlywheel = flywheel;
- mScrollerX = new SplineOverScroller();
- mScrollerY = new SplineOverScroller();
- SplineOverScroller.initFromContext(context);
- }
- /**
- * Creates an OverScroller with flywheel enabled.
- * @param context The context of this application.
- * @param interpolator The scroll interpolator. If null, a default (viscous) interpolator will
- * be used.
- * @param bounceCoefficientX A value between 0 and 1 that will determine the proportion of the
- * velocity which is preserved in the bounce when the horizontal edge is reached. A null value
- * means no bounce. This behavior is no longer supported and this coefficient has no effect.
- * @param bounceCoefficientY Same as bounceCoefficientX but for the vertical direction. This
- * behavior is no longer supported and this coefficient has no effect.
- * !deprecated Use {!link #OverScroller(Context, Interpolator, boolean)} instead.
- */
- public OverScroller(Context context, Interpolator interpolator,
- float bounceCoefficientX, float bounceCoefficientY) {
- this(context, interpolator, true);
- }
- /**
- * Creates an OverScroller.
- * @param context The context of this application.
- * @param interpolator The scroll interpolator. If null, a default (viscous) interpolator will
- * be used.
- * @param bounceCoefficientX A value between 0 and 1 that will determine the proportion of the
- * velocity which is preserved in the bounce when the horizontal edge is reached. A null value
- * means no bounce. This behavior is no longer supported and this coefficient has no effect.
- * @param bounceCoefficientY Same as bounceCoefficientX but for the vertical direction. This
- * behavior is no longer supported and this coefficient has no effect.
- * @param flywheel If true, successive fling motions will keep on increasing scroll speed.
- * !deprecated Use {!link OverScroller(Context, Interpolator, boolean)} instead.
- */
- public OverScroller(Context context, Interpolator interpolator,
- float bounceCoefficientX, float bounceCoefficientY, boolean flywheel) {
- this(context, interpolator, flywheel);
- }
- void setInterpolator(Interpolator interpolator) {
- mInterpolator = interpolator;
- }
- /**
- * The amount of friction applied to flings. The default value
- * is {@link ViewConfiguration#getScrollFriction}.
- *
- * @param friction A scalar dimension-less value representing the coefficient of
- * friction.
- */
- public final void setFriction(float friction) {
- mScrollerX.setFriction(friction);
- mScrollerY.setFriction(friction);
- }
- /**
- *
- * Returns whether the scroller has finished scrolling.
- *
- * @return True if the scroller has finished scrolling, false otherwise.
- */
- public final boolean isFinished() {
- return mScrollerX.mFinished && mScrollerY.mFinished;
- }
- /**
- * Force the finished field to a particular value. Contrary to
- * {@link #abortAnimation()}, forcing the animation to finished
- * does NOT cause the scroller to move to the final x and y
- * position.
- *
- * @param finished The new finished value.
- */
- public final void forceFinished(boolean finished) {
- mScrollerX.mFinished = mScrollerY.mFinished = finished;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the current X offset in the scroll.
- *
- * @return The new X offset as an absolute distance from the origin.
- */
- public final int getCurrX() {
- return mScrollerX.mCurrentPosition;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the current Y offset in the scroll.
- *
- * @return The new Y offset as an absolute distance from the origin.
- */
- public final int getCurrY() {
- return mScrollerY.mCurrentPosition;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the absolute value of the current velocity.
- *
- * @return The original velocity less the deceleration, norm of the X and Y velocity vector.
- */
- public float getCurrVelocity() {
- float squaredNorm = mScrollerX.mCurrVelocity * mScrollerX.mCurrVelocity;
- squaredNorm += mScrollerY.mCurrVelocity * mScrollerY.mCurrVelocity;
- return FloatMath.sqrt(squaredNorm);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the start X offset in the scroll.
- *
- * @return The start X offset as an absolute distance from the origin.
- */
- public final int getStartX() {
- return mScrollerX.mStart;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the start Y offset in the scroll.
- *
- * @return The start Y offset as an absolute distance from the origin.
- */
- public final int getStartY() {
- return mScrollerY.mStart;
- }
- /**
- * Returns where the scroll will end. Valid only for "fling" scrolls.
- *
- * @return The final X offset as an absolute distance from the origin.
- */
- public final int getFinalX() {
- return mScrollerX.mFinal;
- }
- /**
- * Returns where the scroll will end. Valid only for "fling" scrolls.
- *
- * @return The final Y offset as an absolute distance from the origin.
- */
- public final int getFinalY() {
- return mScrollerY.mFinal;
- }
- /**
- * Returns how long the scroll event will take, in milliseconds.
- *
- * @return The duration of the scroll in milliseconds.
- *
- * @hide Pending removal once nothing depends on it
- * @deprecated OverScrollers don't necessarily have a fixed duration.
- * This function will lie to the best of its ability.
- */
- @Deprecated
- public final int getDuration() {
- return Math.max(mScrollerX.mDuration, mScrollerY.mDuration);
- }
- /**
- * Extend the scroll animation. This allows a running animation to scroll
- * further and longer, when used with {@link #setFinalX(int)} or {@link #setFinalY(int)}.
- *
- * @param extend Additional time to scroll in milliseconds.
- * @see #setFinalX(int)
- * @see #setFinalY(int)
- *
- * @hide Pending removal once nothing depends on it
- * @deprecated OverScrollers don't necessarily have a fixed duration.
- * Instead of setting a new final position and extending
- * the duration of an existing scroll, use startScroll
- * to begin a new animation.
- */
- @Deprecated
- public void extendDuration(int extend) {
- mScrollerX.extendDuration(extend);
- mScrollerY.extendDuration(extend);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the final position (X) for this scroller.
- *
- * @param newX The new X offset as an absolute distance from the origin.
- * @see #extendDuration(int)
- * @see #setFinalY(int)
- *
- * @hide Pending removal once nothing depends on it
- * @deprecated OverScroller's final position may change during an animation.
- * Instead of setting a new final position and extending
- * the duration of an existing scroll, use startScroll
- * to begin a new animation.
- */
- @Deprecated
- public void setFinalX(int newX) {
- mScrollerX.setFinalPosition(newX);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the final position (Y) for this scroller.
- *
- * @param newY The new Y offset as an absolute distance from the origin.
- * @see #extendDuration(int)
- * @see #setFinalX(int)
- *
- * @hide Pending removal once nothing depends on it
- * @deprecated OverScroller's final position may change during an animation.
- * Instead of setting a new final position and extending
- * the duration of an existing scroll, use startScroll
- * to begin a new animation.
- */
- @Deprecated
- public void setFinalY(int newY) {
- mScrollerY.setFinalPosition(newY);
- }
- /**
- * Call this when you want to know the new location. If it returns true, the
- * animation is not yet finished.
- */
- public boolean computeScrollOffset() {
- if (isFinished()) {
- return false;
- }
- switch (mMode) {
- long time = AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis();
- // Any scroller can be used for time, since they were started
- // together in scroll mode. We use X here.
- final long elapsedTime = time - mScrollerX.mStartTime;
- final int duration = mScrollerX.mDuration;
- if (elapsedTime < duration) {
- float q = (float) (elapsedTime) / duration;
- if (mInterpolator == null) {
- q = Scroller.viscousFluid(q);
- } else {
- q = mInterpolator.getInterpolation(q);
- }
- mScrollerX.updateScroll(q);
- mScrollerY.updateScroll(q);
- } else {
- abortAnimation();
- }
- break;
- case FLING_MODE:
- if (!mScrollerX.mFinished) {
- if (!mScrollerX.update()) {
- if (!mScrollerX.continueWhenFinished()) {
- mScrollerX.finish();
- }
- }
- }
- if (!mScrollerY.mFinished) {
- if (!mScrollerY.update()) {
- if (!mScrollerY.continueWhenFinished()) {
- mScrollerY.finish();
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Start scrolling by providing a starting point and the distance to travel.
- * The scroll will use the default value of 250 milliseconds for the
- * duration.
- *
- * @param startX Starting horizontal scroll offset in pixels. Positive
- * numbers will scroll the content to the left.
- * @param startY Starting vertical scroll offset in pixels. Positive numbers
- * will scroll the content up.
- * @param dx Horizontal distance to travel. Positive numbers will scroll the
- * content to the left.
- * @param dy Vertical distance to travel. Positive numbers will scroll the
- * content up.
- */
- public void startScroll(int startX, int startY, int dx, int dy) {
- startScroll(startX, startY, dx, dy, DEFAULT_DURATION);
- }
- /**
- * Start scrolling by providing a starting point and the distance to travel.
- *
- * @param startX Starting horizontal scroll offset in pixels. Positive
- * numbers will scroll the content to the left.
- * @param startY Starting vertical scroll offset in pixels. Positive numbers
- * will scroll the content up.
- * @param dx Horizontal distance to travel. Positive numbers will scroll the
- * content to the left.
- * @param dy Vertical distance to travel. Positive numbers will scroll the
- * content up.
- * @param duration Duration of the scroll in milliseconds.
- */
- public void startScroll(int startX, int startY, int dx, int dy, int duration) {
- mMode = SCROLL_MODE;
- mScrollerX.startScroll(startX, dx, duration);
- mScrollerY.startScroll(startY, dy, duration);
- }
- /**
- * Call this when you want to 'spring back' into a valid coordinate range.
- *
- * @param startX Starting X coordinate
- * @param startY Starting Y coordinate
- * @param minX Minimum valid X value
- * @param maxX Maximum valid X value
- * @param minY Minimum valid Y value
- * @param maxY Minimum valid Y value
- * @return true if a springback was initiated, false if startX and startY were
- * already within the valid range.
- */
- public boolean springBack(int startX, int startY, int minX, int maxX, int minY, int maxY) {
- mMode = FLING_MODE;
- // Make sure both methods are called.
- final boolean spingbackX = mScrollerX.springback(startX, minX, maxX);
- final boolean spingbackY = mScrollerY.springback(startY, minY, maxY);
- return spingbackX || spingbackY;
- }
- public void fling(int startX, int startY, int velocityX, int velocityY,
- int minX, int maxX, int minY, int maxY) {
- fling(startX, startY, velocityX, velocityY, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, 0, 0);
- }
- /**
- * Start scrolling based on a fling gesture. The distance traveled will
- * depend on the initial velocity of the fling.
- *
- * @param startX Starting point of the scroll (X)
- * @param startY Starting point of the scroll (Y)
- * @param velocityX Initial velocity of the fling (X) measured in pixels per
- * second.
- * @param velocityY Initial velocity of the fling (Y) measured in pixels per
- * second
- * @param minX Minimum X value. The scroller will not scroll past this point
- * unless overX > 0. If overfling is allowed, it will use minX as
- * a springback boundary.
- * @param maxX Maximum X value. The scroller will not scroll past this point
- * unless overX > 0. If overfling is allowed, it will use maxX as
- * a springback boundary.
- * @param minY Minimum Y value. The scroller will not scroll past this point
- * unless overY > 0. If overfling is allowed, it will use minY as
- * a springback boundary.
- * @param maxY Maximum Y value. The scroller will not scroll past this point
- * unless overY > 0. If overfling is allowed, it will use maxY as
- * a springback boundary.
- * @param overX Overfling range. If > 0, horizontal overfling in either
- * direction will be possible.
- * @param overY Overfling range. If > 0, vertical overfling in either
- * direction will be possible.
- */
- public void fling(int startX, int startY, int velocityX, int velocityY,
- int minX, int maxX, int minY, int maxY, int overX, int overY) {
- // Continue a scroll or fling in progress
- if (mFlywheel && !isFinished()) {
- float oldVelocityX = mScrollerX.mCurrVelocity;
- float oldVelocityY = mScrollerY.mCurrVelocity;
- if (Math.signum(velocityX) == Math.signum(oldVelocityX) &&
- Math.signum(velocityY) == Math.signum(oldVelocityY)) {
- velocityX += oldVelocityX;
- velocityY += oldVelocityY;
- }
- }
- mMode = FLING_MODE;
- mScrollerX.fling(startX, velocityX, minX, maxX, overX);
- mScrollerY.fling(startY, velocityY, minY, maxY, overY);
- }
- /**
- * Notify the scroller that we've reached a horizontal boundary.
- * Normally the information to handle this will already be known
- * when the animation is started, such as in a call to one of the
- * fling functions. However there are cases where this cannot be known
- * in advance. This function will transition the current motion and
- * animate from startX to finalX as appropriate.
- *
- * @param startX Starting/current X position
- * @param finalX Desired final X position
- * @param overX Magnitude of overscroll allowed. This should be the maximum
- * desired distance from finalX. Absolute value - must be positive.
- */
- public void notifyHorizontalEdgeReached(int startX, int finalX, int overX) {
- mScrollerX.notifyEdgeReached(startX, finalX, overX);
- }
- /**
- * Notify the scroller that we've reached a vertical boundary.
- * Normally the information to handle this will already be known
- * when the animation is started, such as in a call to one of the
- * fling functions. However there are cases where this cannot be known
- * in advance. This function will animate a parabolic motion from
- * startY to finalY.
- *
- * @param startY Starting/current Y position
- * @param finalY Desired final Y position
- * @param overY Magnitude of overscroll allowed. This should be the maximum
- * desired distance from finalY. Absolute value - must be positive.
- */
- public void notifyVerticalEdgeReached(int startY, int finalY, int overY) {
- mScrollerY.notifyEdgeReached(startY, finalY, overY);
- }
- /**
- * Returns whether the current Scroller is currently returning to a valid position.
- * Valid bounds were provided by the
- * {@link #fling(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)} method.
- *
- * One should check this value before calling
- * {@link #startScroll(int, int, int, int)} as the interpolation currently in progress
- * to restore a valid position will then be stopped. The caller has to take into account
- * the fact that the started scroll will start from an overscrolled position.
- *
- * @return true when the current position is overscrolled and in the process of
- * interpolating back to a valid value.
- */
- public boolean isOverScrolled() {
- return ((!mScrollerX.mFinished &&
- mScrollerX.mState != SplineOverScroller.SPLINE) ||
- (!mScrollerY.mFinished &&
- mScrollerY.mState != SplineOverScroller.SPLINE));
- }
- /**
- * Stops the animation. Contrary to {@link #forceFinished(boolean)},
- * aborting the animating causes the scroller to move to the final x and y
- * positions.
- *
- * @see #forceFinished(boolean)
- */
- public void abortAnimation() {
- mScrollerX.finish();
- mScrollerY.finish();
- }
- /**
- * Returns the time elapsed since the beginning of the scrolling.
- *
- * @return The elapsed time in milliseconds.
- *
- * @hide
- */
- public int timePassed() {
- final long time = AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis();
- final long startTime = Math.min(mScrollerX.mStartTime, mScrollerY.mStartTime);
- return (int) (time - startTime);
- }
- /**
- * @hide
- */
- public boolean isScrollingInDirection(float xvel, float yvel) {
- final int dx = mScrollerX.mFinal - mScrollerX.mStart;
- final int dy = mScrollerY.mFinal - mScrollerY.mStart;
- return !isFinished() && Math.signum(xvel) == Math.signum(dx) &&
- Math.signum(yvel) == Math.signum(dy);
- }
- static class SplineOverScroller {
- // Initial position
- private int mStart;
- // Current position
- private int mCurrentPosition;
- // Final position
- private int mFinal;
- // Initial velocity
- private int mVelocity;
- // Current velocity
- private float mCurrVelocity;
- // Constant current deceleration
- private float mDeceleration;
- // Animation starting time, in system milliseconds
- private long mStartTime;
- // Animation duration, in milliseconds
- private int mDuration;
- // Duration to complete spline component of animation
- private int mSplineDuration;
- // Distance to travel along spline animation
- private int mSplineDistance;
- // Whether the animation is currently in progress
- private boolean mFinished;
- // The allowed overshot distance before boundary is reached.
- private int mOver;
- // Fling friction
- private float mFlingFriction = ViewConfiguration.getScrollFriction();
- // Current state of the animation.
- private int mState = SPLINE;
- // Constant gravity value, used in the deceleration phase.
- private static final float GRAVITY = 2000.0f;
- // A device specific coefficient adjusted to physical values.
- private static float PHYSICAL_COEF;
- private static float DECELERATION_RATE = (float) (Math.log(0.78) / Math.log(0.9));
- private static final float INFLEXION = 0.35f; // Tension lines cross at (INFLEXION, 1)
- private static final float START_TENSION = 0.5f;
- private static final float END_TENSION = 1.0f;
- private static final float P1 = START_TENSION * INFLEXION;
- private static final float P2 = 1.0f - END_TENSION * (1.0f - INFLEXION);
- private static final int NB_SAMPLES = 100;
- private static final float[] SPLINE_POSITION = new float[NB_SAMPLES + 1];
- private static final float[] SPLINE_TIME = new float[NB_SAMPLES + 1];
- private static final int SPLINE = 0;
- private static final int CUBIC = 1;
- private static final int BALLISTIC = 2;
- static {
- float x_min = 0.0f;
- float y_min = 0.0f;
- for (int i = 0; i < NB_SAMPLES; i++) {
- final float alpha = (float) i / NB_SAMPLES;
- float x_max = 1.0f;
- float x, tx, coef;
- while (true) {
- x = x_min + (x_max - x_min) / 2.0f;
- coef = 3.0f * x * (1.0f - x);
- tx = coef * ((1.0f - x) * P1 + x * P2) + x * x * x;
- if (Math.abs(tx - alpha) < 1E-5) break;
- if (tx > alpha) x_max = x;
- else x_min = x;
- }
- SPLINE_POSITION[i] = coef * ((1.0f - x) * START_TENSION + x) + x * x * x;
- float y_max = 1.0f;
- float y, dy;
- while (true) {
- y = y_min + (y_max - y_min) / 2.0f;
- coef = 3.0f * y * (1.0f - y);
- dy = coef * ((1.0f - y) * START_TENSION + y) + y * y * y;
- if (Math.abs(dy - alpha) < 1E-5) break;
- if (dy > alpha) y_max = y;
- else y_min = y;
- }
- SPLINE_TIME[i] = coef * ((1.0f - y) * P1 + y * P2) + y * y * y;
- }
- }
- static void initFromContext(Context context) {
- final float ppi = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density * 160.0f;
- PHYSICAL_COEF = SensorManager.GRAVITY_EARTH // g (m/s^2)
- * 39.37f // inch/meter
- * ppi
- * 0.84f; // look and feel tuning
- }
- void setFriction(float friction) {
- mFlingFriction = friction;
- }
- SplineOverScroller() {
- mFinished = true;
- }
- void updateScroll(float q) {
- mCurrentPosition = mStart + Math.round(q * (mFinal - mStart));
- }
- /*
- * Get a signed deceleration that will reduce the velocity.
- */
- static private float getDeceleration(int velocity) {
- return velocity > 0 ? -GRAVITY : GRAVITY;
- }
- /*
- * Modifies mDuration to the duration it takes to get from start to newFinal using the
- * spline interpolation. The previous duration was needed to get to oldFinal.
- */
- private void adjustDuration(int start, int oldFinal, int newFinal) {
- final int oldDistance = oldFinal - start;
- final int newDistance = newFinal - start;
- final float x = Math.abs((float) newDistance / oldDistance);
- final int index = (int) (NB_SAMPLES * x);
- if (index < NB_SAMPLES) {
- final float x_inf = (float) index / NB_SAMPLES;
- final float x_sup = (float) (index + 1) / NB_SAMPLES;
- final float t_inf = SPLINE_TIME[index];
- final float t_sup = SPLINE_TIME[index + 1];
- final float timeCoef = t_inf + (x - x_inf) / (x_sup - x_inf) * (t_sup - t_inf);
- mDuration *= timeCoef;
- }
- }
- void startScroll(int start, int distance, int duration) {
- mFinished = false;
- mStart = start;
- mFinal = start + distance;
- mStartTime = AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis();
- mDuration = duration;
- // Unused
- mDeceleration = 0.0f;
- mVelocity = 0;
- }
- void finish() {
- mCurrentPosition = mFinal;
- // Not reset since WebView relies on this value for fast fling.
- // TODO: restore when WebView uses the fast fling implemented in this class.
- // mCurrVelocity = 0.0f;
- mFinished = true;
- }
- void setFinalPosition(int position) {
- mFinal = position;
- mFinished = false;
- }
- void extendDuration(int extend) {
- final long time = AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis();
- final int elapsedTime = (int) (time - mStartTime);
- mDuration = elapsedTime + extend;
- mFinished = false;
- }
- boolean springback(int start, int min, int max) {
- mFinished = true;
- mStart = mFinal = start;
- mVelocity = 0;
- mStartTime = AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis();
- mDuration = 0;
- if (start < min) {
- startSpringback(start, min, 0);
- } else if (start > max) {
- startSpringback(start, max, 0);
- }
- return !mFinished;
- }
- private void startSpringback(int start, int end, int velocity) {
- // mStartTime has been set
- mFinished = false;
- mState = CUBIC;
- mStart = start;
- mFinal = end;
- final int delta = start - end;
- mDeceleration = getDeceleration(delta);
- // TODO take velocity into account
- mVelocity = -delta; // only sign is used
- mOver = Math.abs(delta);
- mDuration = (int) (1000.0 * Math.sqrt(-2.0 * delta / mDeceleration));
- }
- void fling(int start, int velocity, int min, int max, int over) {
- mOver = over;
- mFinished = false;
- mCurrVelocity = mVelocity = velocity;
- mDuration = mSplineDuration = 0;
- mStartTime = AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis();
- mCurrentPosition = mStart = start;
- if (start > max || start < min) {
- startAfterEdge(start, min, max, velocity);
- return;
- }
- mState = SPLINE;
- double totalDistance = 0.0;
- if (velocity != 0) {
- mDuration = mSplineDuration = getSplineFlingDuration(velocity);
- totalDistance = getSplineFlingDistance(velocity);
- }
- mSplineDistance = (int) (totalDistance * Math.signum(velocity));
- mFinal = start + mSplineDistance;
- // Clamp to a valid final position
- if (mFinal < min) {
- adjustDuration(mStart, mFinal, min);
- mFinal = min;
- }
- if (mFinal > max) {
- adjustDuration(mStart, mFinal, max);
- mFinal = max;
- }
- }
- private double getSplineDeceleration(int velocity) {
- return Math.log(INFLEXION * Math.abs(velocity) / (mFlingFriction * PHYSICAL_COEF));
- }
- private double getSplineFlingDistance(int velocity) {
- final double l = getSplineDeceleration(velocity);
- final double decelMinusOne = DECELERATION_RATE - 1.0;
- return mFlingFriction * PHYSICAL_COEF * Math.exp(DECELERATION_RATE / decelMinusOne * l);
- }
- /* Returns the duration, expressed in milliseconds */
- private int getSplineFlingDuration(int velocity) {
- final double l = getSplineDeceleration(velocity);
- final double decelMinusOne = DECELERATION_RATE - 1.0;
- return (int) (1000.0 * Math.exp(l / decelMinusOne));
- }
- private void fitOnBounceCurve(int start, int end, int velocity) {
- // Simulate a bounce that started from edge
- final float durationToApex = - velocity / mDeceleration;
- final float distanceToApex = velocity * velocity / 2.0f / Math.abs(mDeceleration);
- final float distanceToEdge = Math.abs(end - start);
- final float totalDuration = (float) Math.sqrt(
- 2.0 * (distanceToApex + distanceToEdge) / Math.abs(mDeceleration));
- mStartTime -= (int) (1000.0f * (totalDuration - durationToApex));
- mStart = end;
- mVelocity = (int) (- mDeceleration * totalDuration);
- }
- private void startBounceAfterEdge(int start, int end, int velocity) {
- mDeceleration = getDeceleration(velocity == 0 ? start - end : velocity);
- fitOnBounceCurve(start, end, velocity);
- onEdgeReached();
- }
- private void startAfterEdge(int start, int min, int max, int velocity) {
- if (start > min && start < max) {
- Log.e("OverScroller", "startAfterEdge called from a valid position");
- mFinished = true;
- return;
- }
- final boolean positive = start > max;
- final int edge = positive ? max : min;
- final int overDistance = start - edge;
- boolean keepIncreasing = overDistance * velocity >= 0;
- if (keepIncreasing) {
- // Will result in a bounce or a to_boundary depending on velocity.
- startBounceAfterEdge(start, edge, velocity);
- } else {
- final double totalDistance = getSplineFlingDistance(velocity);
- if (totalDistance > Math.abs(overDistance)) {
- fling(start, velocity, positive ? min : start, positive ? start : max, mOver);
- } else {
- startSpringback(start, edge, velocity);
- }
- }
- }
- void notifyEdgeReached(int start, int end, int over) {
- // mState is used to detect successive notifications
- if (mState == SPLINE) {
- mOver = over;
- mStartTime = AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis();
- // We were in fling/scroll mode before: current velocity is such that distance to
- // edge is increasing. This ensures that startAfterEdge will not start a new fling.
- startAfterEdge(start, end, end, (int) mCurrVelocity);
- }
- }
- private void onEdgeReached() {
- // mStart, mVelocity and mStartTime were adjusted to their values when edge was reached.
- float distance = mVelocity * mVelocity / (2.0f * Math.abs(mDeceleration));
- final float sign = Math.signum(mVelocity);
- if (distance > mOver) {
- // Default deceleration is not sufficient to slow us down before boundary
- mDeceleration = - sign * mVelocity * mVelocity / (2.0f * mOver);
- distance = mOver;
- }
- mOver = (int) distance;
- mState = BALLISTIC;
- mFinal = mStart + (int) (mVelocity > 0 ? distance : -distance);
- mDuration = - (int) (1000.0f * mVelocity / mDeceleration);
- }
- boolean continueWhenFinished() {
- switch (mState) {
- case SPLINE:
- // Duration from start to null velocity
- if (mDuration < mSplineDuration) {
- // If the animation was clamped, we reached the edge
- mStart = mFinal;
- // TODO Better compute speed when edge was reached
- mVelocity = (int) mCurrVelocity;
- mDeceleration = getDeceleration(mVelocity);
- mStartTime += mDuration;
- onEdgeReached();
- } else {
- // Normal stop, no need to continue
- return false;
- }
- break;
- mStartTime += mDuration;
- startSpringback(mFinal, mStart, 0);
- break;
- case CUBIC:
- return false;
- }
- update();
- return true;
- }
- /*
- * Update the current position and velocity for current time. Returns
- * true if update has been done and false if animation duration has been
- * reached.
- */
- boolean update() {
- final long time = AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis();
- final long currentTime = time - mStartTime;
- if (currentTime > mDuration) {
- return false;
- }
- double distance = 0.0;
- switch (mState) {
- case SPLINE: {
- final float t = (float) currentTime / mSplineDuration;
- final int index = (int) (NB_SAMPLES * t);
- float distanceCoef = 1.f;
- float velocityCoef = 0.f;
- if (index < NB_SAMPLES) {
- final float t_inf = (float) index / NB_SAMPLES;
- final float t_sup = (float) (index + 1) / NB_SAMPLES;
- final float d_inf = SPLINE_POSITION[index];
- final float d_sup = SPLINE_POSITION[index + 1];
- velocityCoef = (d_sup - d_inf) / (t_sup - t_inf);
- distanceCoef = d_inf + (t - t_inf) * velocityCoef;
- }
- distance = distanceCoef * mSplineDistance;
- mCurrVelocity = velocityCoef * mSplineDistance / mSplineDuration * 1000.0f;
- break;
- }
- case BALLISTIC: {
- final float t = currentTime / 1000.0f;
- mCurrVelocity = mVelocity + mDeceleration * t;
- distance = mVelocity * t + mDeceleration * t * t / 2.0f;
- break;
- }
- case CUBIC: {
- final float t = (float) (currentTime) / mDuration;
- final float t2 = t * t;
- final float sign = Math.signum(mVelocity);
- distance = sign * mOver * (3.0f * t2 - 2.0f * t * t2);
- mCurrVelocity = sign * mOver * 6.0f * (- t + t2);
- break;
- }
- }
- mCurrentPosition = mStart + (int) Math.round(distance);
- return true;
- }
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 6cefd6fb0..000000000
--- a/gallerycommon/src/com/android/gallery3d/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,507 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import android.content.Context;
-import android.hardware.SensorManager;
-import android.os.Build;
-import android.util.FloatMath;
-import android.view.ViewConfiguration;
-import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils;
-import android.view.animation.Interpolator;
- * This class encapsulates scrolling. The duration of the scroll
- * can be passed in the constructor and specifies the maximum time that
- * the scrolling animation should take. Past this time, the scrolling is
- * automatically moved to its final stage and computeScrollOffset()
- * will always return false to indicate that scrolling is over.
- */
-public class Scroller {
- private int mMode;
- private int mStartX;
- private int mStartY;
- private int mFinalX;
- private int mFinalY;
- private int mMinX;
- private int mMaxX;
- private int mMinY;
- private int mMaxY;
- private int mCurrX;
- private int mCurrY;
- private long mStartTime;
- private int mDuration;
- private float mDurationReciprocal;
- private float mDeltaX;
- private float mDeltaY;
- private boolean mFinished;
- private Interpolator mInterpolator;
- private boolean mFlywheel;
- private float mVelocity;
- private static final int DEFAULT_DURATION = 250;
- private static final int SCROLL_MODE = 0;
- private static final int FLING_MODE = 1;
- private static float DECELERATION_RATE = (float) (Math.log(0.75) / Math.log(0.9));
- private static float ALPHA = 800; // pixels / seconds
- private static float START_TENSION = 0.4f; // Tension at start: (0.4 * total T, 1.0 * Distance)
- private static float END_TENSION = 1.0f - START_TENSION;
- private static final int NB_SAMPLES = 100;
- private static final float[] SPLINE = new float[NB_SAMPLES + 1];
- private float mDeceleration;
- private final float mPpi;
- static {
- float x_min = 0.0f;
- for (int i = 0; i <= NB_SAMPLES; i++) {
- final float t = (float) i / NB_SAMPLES;
- float x_max = 1.0f;
- float x, tx, coef;
- while (true) {
- x = x_min + (x_max - x_min) / 2.0f;
- coef = 3.0f * x * (1.0f - x);
- tx = coef * ((1.0f - x) * START_TENSION + x * END_TENSION) + x * x * x;
- if (Math.abs(tx - t) < 1E-5) break;
- if (tx > t) x_max = x;
- else x_min = x;
- }
- final float d = coef + x * x * x;
- SPLINE[i] = d;
- }
- // This controls the viscous fluid effect (how much of it)
- sViscousFluidScale = 8.0f;
- // must be set to 1.0 (used in viscousFluid())
- sViscousFluidNormalize = 1.0f;
- sViscousFluidNormalize = 1.0f / viscousFluid(1.0f);
- }
- private static float sViscousFluidScale;
- private static float sViscousFluidNormalize;
- /**
- * Create a Scroller with the default duration and interpolator.
- */
- public Scroller(Context context) {
- this(context, null);
- }
- /**
- * Create a Scroller with the specified interpolator. If the interpolator is
- * null, the default (viscous) interpolator will be used. "Flywheel" behavior will
- * be in effect for apps targeting Honeycomb or newer.
- */
- public Scroller(Context context, Interpolator interpolator) {
- this(context, interpolator,
- context.getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB);
- }
- /**
- * Create a Scroller with the specified interpolator. If the interpolator is
- * null, the default (viscous) interpolator will be used. Specify whether or
- * not to support progressive "flywheel" behavior in flinging.
- */
- public Scroller(Context context, Interpolator interpolator, boolean flywheel) {
- mFinished = true;
- mInterpolator = interpolator;
- mPpi = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density * 160.0f;
- mDeceleration = computeDeceleration(ViewConfiguration.getScrollFriction());
- mFlywheel = flywheel;
- }
- /**
- * The amount of friction applied to flings. The default value
- * is {@link ViewConfiguration#getScrollFriction}.
- *
- * @param friction A scalar dimension-less value representing the coefficient of
- * friction.
- */
- public final void setFriction(float friction) {
- mDeceleration = computeDeceleration(friction);
- }
- private float computeDeceleration(float friction) {
- return SensorManager.GRAVITY_EARTH // g (m/s^2)
- * 39.37f // inch/meter
- * mPpi // pixels per inch
- * friction;
- }
- /**
- *
- * Returns whether the scroller has finished scrolling.
- *
- * @return True if the scroller has finished scrolling, false otherwise.
- */
- public final boolean isFinished() {
- return mFinished;
- }
- /**
- * Force the finished field to a particular value.
- *
- * @param finished The new finished value.
- */
- public final void forceFinished(boolean finished) {
- mFinished = finished;
- }
- /**
- * Returns how long the scroll event will take, in milliseconds.
- *
- * @return The duration of the scroll in milliseconds.
- */
- public final int getDuration() {
- return mDuration;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the current X offset in the scroll.
- *
- * @return The new X offset as an absolute distance from the origin.
- */
- public final int getCurrX() {
- return mCurrX;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the current Y offset in the scroll.
- *
- * @return The new Y offset as an absolute distance from the origin.
- */
- public final int getCurrY() {
- return mCurrY;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the current velocity.
- *
- * @return The original velocity less the deceleration. Result may be
- * negative.
- */
- public float getCurrVelocity() {
- return mVelocity - mDeceleration * timePassed() / 2000.0f;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the start X offset in the scroll.
- *
- * @return The start X offset as an absolute distance from the origin.
- */
- public final int getStartX() {
- return mStartX;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the start Y offset in the scroll.
- *
- * @return The start Y offset as an absolute distance from the origin.
- */
- public final int getStartY() {
- return mStartY;
- }
- /**
- * Returns where the scroll will end. Valid only for "fling" scrolls.
- *
- * @return The final X offset as an absolute distance from the origin.
- */
- public final int getFinalX() {
- return mFinalX;
- }
- /**
- * Returns where the scroll will end. Valid only for "fling" scrolls.
- *
- * @return The final Y offset as an absolute distance from the origin.
- */
- public final int getFinalY() {
- return mFinalY;
- }
- /**
- * Call this when you want to know the new location. If it returns true,
- * the animation is not yet finished. loc will be altered to provide the
- * new location.
- */
- public boolean computeScrollOffset() {
- if (mFinished) {
- return false;
- }
- int timePassed = (int)(AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis() - mStartTime);
- if (timePassed < mDuration) {
- switch (mMode) {
- float x = timePassed * mDurationReciprocal;
- if (mInterpolator == null)
- x = viscousFluid(x);
- else
- x = mInterpolator.getInterpolation(x);
- mCurrX = mStartX + Math.round(x * mDeltaX);
- mCurrY = mStartY + Math.round(x * mDeltaY);
- break;
- case FLING_MODE:
- final float t = (float) timePassed / mDuration;
- final int index = (int) (NB_SAMPLES * t);
- final float t_inf = (float) index / NB_SAMPLES;
- final float t_sup = (float) (index + 1) / NB_SAMPLES;
- final float d_inf = SPLINE[index];
- final float d_sup = SPLINE[index + 1];
- final float distanceCoef = d_inf + (t - t_inf) / (t_sup - t_inf) * (d_sup - d_inf);
- mCurrX = mStartX + Math.round(distanceCoef * (mFinalX - mStartX));
- // Pin to mMinX <= mCurrX <= mMaxX
- mCurrX = Math.min(mCurrX, mMaxX);
- mCurrX = Math.max(mCurrX, mMinX);
- mCurrY = mStartY + Math.round(distanceCoef * (mFinalY - mStartY));
- // Pin to mMinY <= mCurrY <= mMaxY
- mCurrY = Math.min(mCurrY, mMaxY);
- mCurrY = Math.max(mCurrY, mMinY);
- if (mCurrX == mFinalX && mCurrY == mFinalY) {
- mFinished = true;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- else {
- mCurrX = mFinalX;
- mCurrY = mFinalY;
- mFinished = true;
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Start scrolling by providing a starting point and the distance to travel.
- * The scroll will use the default value of 250 milliseconds for the
- * duration.
- *
- * @param startX Starting horizontal scroll offset in pixels. Positive
- * numbers will scroll the content to the left.
- * @param startY Starting vertical scroll offset in pixels. Positive numbers
- * will scroll the content up.
- * @param dx Horizontal distance to travel. Positive numbers will scroll the
- * content to the left.
- * @param dy Vertical distance to travel. Positive numbers will scroll the
- * content up.
- */
- public void startScroll(int startX, int startY, int dx, int dy) {
- startScroll(startX, startY, dx, dy, DEFAULT_DURATION);
- }
- /**
- * Start scrolling by providing a starting point and the distance to travel.
- *
- * @param startX Starting horizontal scroll offset in pixels. Positive
- * numbers will scroll the content to the left.
- * @param startY Starting vertical scroll offset in pixels. Positive numbers
- * will scroll the content up.
- * @param dx Horizontal distance to travel. Positive numbers will scroll the
- * content to the left.
- * @param dy Vertical distance to travel. Positive numbers will scroll the
- * content up.
- * @param duration Duration of the scroll in milliseconds.
- */
- public void startScroll(int startX, int startY, int dx, int dy, int duration) {
- mMode = SCROLL_MODE;
- mFinished = false;
- mDuration = duration;
- mStartTime = AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis();
- mStartX = startX;
- mStartY = startY;
- mFinalX = startX + dx;
- mFinalY = startY + dy;
- mDeltaX = dx;
- mDeltaY = dy;
- mDurationReciprocal = 1.0f / mDuration;
- }
- /**
- * Start scrolling based on a fling gesture. The distance travelled will
- * depend on the initial velocity of the fling.
- *
- * @param startX Starting point of the scroll (X)
- * @param startY Starting point of the scroll (Y)
- * @param velocityX Initial velocity of the fling (X) measured in pixels per
- * second.
- * @param velocityY Initial velocity of the fling (Y) measured in pixels per
- * second
- * @param minX Minimum X value. The scroller will not scroll past this
- * point.
- * @param maxX Maximum X value. The scroller will not scroll past this
- * point.
- * @param minY Minimum Y value. The scroller will not scroll past this
- * point.
- * @param maxY Maximum Y value. The scroller will not scroll past this
- * point.
- */
- public void fling(int startX, int startY, int velocityX, int velocityY,
- int minX, int maxX, int minY, int maxY) {
- // Continue a scroll or fling in progress
- if (mFlywheel && !mFinished) {
- float oldVel = getCurrVelocity();
- float dx = mFinalX - mStartX;
- float dy = mFinalY - mStartY;
- float hyp = FloatMath.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
- float ndx = dx / hyp;
- float ndy = dy / hyp;
- float oldVelocityX = ndx * oldVel;
- float oldVelocityY = ndy * oldVel;
- if (Math.signum(velocityX) == Math.signum(oldVelocityX) &&
- Math.signum(velocityY) == Math.signum(oldVelocityY)) {
- velocityX += oldVelocityX;
- velocityY += oldVelocityY;
- }
- }
- mMode = FLING_MODE;
- mFinished = false;
- float velocity = FloatMath.sqrt(velocityX * velocityX + velocityY * velocityY);
- mVelocity = velocity;
- final double l = Math.log(START_TENSION * velocity / ALPHA);
- mDuration = (int) (1000.0 * Math.exp(l / (DECELERATION_RATE - 1.0)));
- mStartTime = AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis();
- mStartX = startX;
- mStartY = startY;
- float coeffX = velocity == 0 ? 1.0f : velocityX / velocity;
- float coeffY = velocity == 0 ? 1.0f : velocityY / velocity;
- int totalDistance =
- (int) (ALPHA * Math.exp(DECELERATION_RATE / (DECELERATION_RATE - 1.0) * l));
- mMinX = minX;
- mMaxX = maxX;
- mMinY = minY;
- mMaxY = maxY;
- mFinalX = startX + Math.round(totalDistance * coeffX);
- // Pin to mMinX <= mFinalX <= mMaxX
- mFinalX = Math.min(mFinalX, mMaxX);
- mFinalX = Math.max(mFinalX, mMinX);
- mFinalY = startY + Math.round(totalDistance * coeffY);
- // Pin to mMinY <= mFinalY <= mMaxY
- mFinalY = Math.min(mFinalY, mMaxY);
- mFinalY = Math.max(mFinalY, mMinY);
- }
- static float viscousFluid(float x)
- {
- x *= sViscousFluidScale;
- if (x < 1.0f) {
- x -= (1.0f - (float)Math.exp(-x));
- } else {
- float start = 0.36787944117f; // 1/e == exp(-1)
- x = 1.0f - (float)Math.exp(1.0f - x);
- x = start + x * (1.0f - start);
- }
- x *= sViscousFluidNormalize;
- return x;
- }
- /**
- * Stops the animation. Contrary to {@link #forceFinished(boolean)},
- * aborting the animating cause the scroller to move to the final x and y
- * position
- *
- * @see #forceFinished(boolean)
- */
- public void abortAnimation() {
- mCurrX = mFinalX;
- mCurrY = mFinalY;
- mFinished = true;
- }
- /**
- * Extend the scroll animation. This allows a running animation to scroll
- * further and longer, when used with {@link #setFinalX(int)} or {@link #setFinalY(int)}.
- *
- * @param extend Additional time to scroll in milliseconds.
- * @see #setFinalX(int)
- * @see #setFinalY(int)
- */
- public void extendDuration(int extend) {
- int passed = timePassed();
- mDuration = passed + extend;
- mDurationReciprocal = 1.0f / mDuration;
- mFinished = false;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the time elapsed since the beginning of the scrolling.
- *
- * @return The elapsed time in milliseconds.
- */
- public int timePassed() {
- return (int)(AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis() - mStartTime);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the final position (X) for this scroller.
- *
- * @param newX The new X offset as an absolute distance from the origin.
- * @see #extendDuration(int)
- * @see #setFinalY(int)
- */
- public void setFinalX(int newX) {
- mFinalX = newX;
- mDeltaX = mFinalX - mStartX;
- mFinished = false;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the final position (Y) for this scroller.
- *
- * @param newY The new Y offset as an absolute distance from the origin.
- * @see #extendDuration(int)
- * @see #setFinalX(int)
- */
- public void setFinalY(int newY) {
- mFinalY = newY;
- mDeltaY = mFinalY - mStartY;
- mFinished = false;
- }
- /**
- * @hide
- */
- public boolean isScrollingInDirection(float xvel, float yvel) {
- return !mFinished && Math.signum(xvel) == Math.signum(mFinalX - mStartX) &&
- Math.signum(yvel) == Math.signum(mFinalY - mStartY);
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 614a081c8..000000000
--- a/gallerycommon/src/com/android/gallery3d/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import android.content.Context;
-import android.database.Cursor;
-import android.os.Build;
-import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
-import android.text.TextUtils;
-import android.util.Log;
-public class Utils {
- private static final String TAG = "Utils";
- private static final String DEBUG_TAG = "GalleryDebug";
- private static final long POLY64REV = 0x95AC9329AC4BC9B5L;
- private static final long INITIALCRC = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL;
- private static long[] sCrcTable = new long[256];
- private static final boolean IS_DEBUG_BUILD =
- Build.TYPE.equals("eng") || Build.TYPE.equals("userdebug");
- private static final String MASK_STRING = "********************************";
- // Throws AssertionError if the input is false.
- public static void assertTrue(boolean cond) {
- if (!cond) {
- throw new AssertionError();
- }
- }
- // Throws AssertionError with the message. We had a method having the form
- // assertTrue(boolean cond, String message, Object ... args);
- // However a call to that method will cause memory allocation even if the
- // condition is false (due to autoboxing generated by "Object ... args"),
- // so we don't use that anymore.
- public static void fail(String message, Object ... args) {
- throw new AssertionError(
- args.length == 0 ? message : String.format(message, args));
- }
- // Throws NullPointerException if the input is null.
- public static <T> T checkNotNull(T object) {
- if (object == null) throw new NullPointerException();
- return object;
- }
- // Returns true if two input Object are both null or equal
- // to each other.
- public static boolean equals(Object a, Object b) {
- return (a == b) || (a == null ? false : a.equals(b));
- }
- // Returns the next power of two.
- // Returns the input if it is already power of 2.
- // Throws IllegalArgumentException if the input is <= 0 or
- // the answer overflows.
- public static int nextPowerOf2(int n) {
- if (n <= 0 || n > (1 << 30)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("n is invalid: " + n);
- n -= 1;
- n |= n >> 16;
- n |= n >> 8;
- n |= n >> 4;
- n |= n >> 2;
- n |= n >> 1;
- return n + 1;
- }
- // Returns the previous power of two.
- // Returns the input if it is already power of 2.
- // Throws IllegalArgumentException if the input is <= 0
- public static int prevPowerOf2(int n) {
- if (n <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
- return Integer.highestOneBit(n);
- }
- // Returns the input value x clamped to the range [min, max].
- public static int clamp(int x, int min, int max) {
- if (x > max) return max;
- if (x < min) return min;
- return x;
- }
- // Returns the input value x clamped to the range [min, max].
- public static float clamp(float x, float min, float max) {
- if (x > max) return max;
- if (x < min) return min;
- return x;
- }
- // Returns the input value x clamped to the range [min, max].
- public static long clamp(long x, long min, long max) {
- if (x > max) return max;
- if (x < min) return min;
- return x;
- }
- public static boolean isOpaque(int color) {
- return color >>> 24 == 0xFF;
- }
- public static void swap(int[] array, int i, int j) {
- int temp = array[i];
- array[i] = array[j];
- array[j] = temp;
- }
- /**
- * A function thats returns a 64-bit crc for string
- *
- * @param in input string
- * @return a 64-bit crc value
- */
- public static final long crc64Long(String in) {
- if (in == null || in.length() == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- return crc64Long(getBytes(in));
- }
- static {
- //
- long part;
- for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
- part = i;
- for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
- long x = ((int) part & 1) != 0 ? POLY64REV : 0;
- part = (part >> 1) ^ x;
- }
- sCrcTable[i] = part;
- }
- }
- public static final long crc64Long(byte[] buffer) {
- long crc = INITIALCRC;
- for (int k = 0, n = buffer.length; k < n; ++k) {
- crc = sCrcTable[(((int) crc) ^ buffer[k]) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8);
- }
- return crc;
- }
- public static byte[] getBytes(String in) {
- byte[] result = new byte[in.length() * 2];
- int output = 0;
- for (char ch : in.toCharArray()) {
- result[output++] = (byte) (ch & 0xFF);
- result[output++] = (byte) (ch >> 8);
- }
- return result;
- }
- public static void closeSilently(Closeable c) {
- if (c == null) return;
- try {
- c.close();
- } catch (IOException t) {
- Log.w(TAG, "close fail ", t);
- }
- }
- public static int compare(long a, long b) {
- return a < b ? -1 : a == b ? 0 : 1;
- }
- public static int ceilLog2(float value) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
- if ((1 << i) >= value) break;
- }
- return i;
- }
- public static int floorLog2(float value) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
- if ((1 << i) > value) break;
- }
- return i - 1;
- }
- public static void closeSilently(ParcelFileDescriptor fd) {
- try {
- if (fd != null) fd.close();
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- Log.w(TAG, "fail to close", t);
- }
- }
- public static void closeSilently(Cursor cursor) {
- try {
- if (cursor != null) cursor.close();
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- Log.w(TAG, "fail to close", t);
- }
- }
- public static float interpolateAngle(
- float source, float target, float progress) {
- // interpolate the angle from source to target
- // We make the difference in the range of [-179, 180], this is the
- // shortest path to change source to target.
- float diff = target - source;
- if (diff < 0) diff += 360f;
- if (diff > 180) diff -= 360f;
- float result = source + diff * progress;
- return result < 0 ? result + 360f : result;
- }
- public static float interpolateScale(
- float source, float target, float progress) {
- return source + progress * (target - source);
- }
- public static String ensureNotNull(String value) {
- return value == null ? "" : value;
- }
- public static float parseFloatSafely(String content, float defaultValue) {
- if (content == null) return defaultValue;
- try {
- return Float.parseFloat(content);
- } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
- return defaultValue;
- }
- }
- public static int parseIntSafely(String content, int defaultValue) {
- if (content == null) return defaultValue;
- try {
- return Integer.parseInt(content);
- } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
- return defaultValue;
- }
- }
- public static boolean isNullOrEmpty(String exifMake) {
- return TextUtils.isEmpty(exifMake);
- }
- public static void waitWithoutInterrupt(Object object) {
- try {
- object.wait();
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- Log.w(TAG, "unexpected interrupt: " + object);
- }
- }
- public static boolean handleInterrruptedException(Throwable e) {
- // A helper to deal with the interrupt exception
- // If an interrupt detected, we will setup the bit again.
- if (e instanceof InterruptedIOException
- || e instanceof InterruptedException) {
- Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * @return String with special XML characters escaped.
- */
- public static String escapeXml(String s) {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- for (int i = 0, len = s.length(); i < len; ++i) {
- char c = s.charAt(i);
- switch (c) {
- case '<': sb.append("&lt;"); break;
- case '>': sb.append("&gt;"); break;
- case '\"': sb.append("&quot;"); break;
- case '\'': sb.append("&#039;"); break;
- case '&': sb.append("&amp;"); break;
- default: sb.append(c);
- }
- }
- return sb.toString();
- }
- public static String getUserAgent(Context context) {
- PackageInfo packageInfo;
- try {
- packageInfo = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0);
- } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
- throw new IllegalStateException("getPackageInfo failed");
- }
- return String.format("%s/%s; %s/%s/%s/%s; %s/%s/%s",
- packageInfo.packageName,
- packageInfo.versionName,
- Build.BRAND,
- Build.DEVICE,
- Build.MODEL,
- Build.ID,
- }
- public static String[] copyOf(String[] source, int newSize) {
- String[] result = new String[newSize];
- newSize = Math.min(source.length, newSize);
- System.arraycopy(source, 0, result, 0, newSize);
- return result;
- }
- // Mask information for debugging only. It returns <code>info.toString()</code> directly
- // for debugging build (i.e., 'eng' and 'userdebug') and returns a mask ("****")
- // in release build to protect the information (e.g. for privacy issue).
- public static String maskDebugInfo(Object info) {
- if (info == null) return null;
- String s = info.toString();
- int length = Math.min(s.length(), MASK_STRING.length());
- return IS_DEBUG_BUILD ? s : MASK_STRING.substring(0, length);
- }
- // This method should be ONLY used for debugging.
- public static void debug(String message, Object ... args) {
- Log.v(DEBUG_TAG, String.format(message, args));
- }
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- * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-public class JPEGInputStream extends FilterInputStream {
- private long JNIPointer = 0; // Used by JNI code. Don't touch.
- private boolean mValidConfig = false;
- private boolean mConfigChanged = false;
- private int mFormat = -1;
- private byte[] mTmpBuffer = new byte[1];
- private int mWidth = 0;
- private int mHeight = 0;
- public JPEGInputStream(InputStream in) {
- super(in);
- }
- public JPEGInputStream(InputStream in, int format) {
- super(in);
- setConfig(format);
- }
- public boolean setConfig(int format) {
- // Make sure format is valid
- switch (format) {
- case JpegConfig.FORMAT_GRAYSCALE:
- case JpegConfig.FORMAT_RGB:
- case JpegConfig.FORMAT_ABGR:
- case JpegConfig.FORMAT_RGBA:
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- mFormat = format;
- mValidConfig = true;
- mConfigChanged = true;
- return true;
- }
- public Point getDimensions() throws IOException {
- if (mValidConfig) {
- applyConfigChange();
- return new Point(mWidth, mHeight);
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public int available() {
- return 0; // TODO
- }
- @Override
- public void close() throws IOException {
- cleanup();
- super.close();
- }
- @Override
- public synchronized void mark(int readlimit) {
- // Do nothing
- }
- @Override
- public boolean markSupported() {
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public int read() throws IOException {
- read(mTmpBuffer, 0, 1);
- return 0xFF & mTmpBuffer[0];
- }
- @Override
- public int read(byte[] buffer) throws IOException {
- return read(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
- }
- @Override
- public int read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) throws IOException {
- if (offset < 0 || count < 0 || (offset + count) > buffer.length) {
- throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(String.format(
- " buffer length %d, offset %d, length %d",
- buffer.length, offset, count));
- }
- if (!mValidConfig) {
- return 0;
- }
- applyConfigChange();
- int flag = JpegConfig.J_ERROR_FATAL;
- try {
- flag = readDecodedBytes(buffer, offset, count);
- } finally {
- if (flag < 0) {
- cleanup();
- }
- }
- if (flag < 0) {
- switch (flag) {
- case JpegConfig.J_DONE:
- return -1; // Returns -1 after reading EOS.
- default:
- throw new IOException("Error reading jpeg stream");
- }
- }
- return flag;
- }
- @Override
- public synchronized void reset() throws IOException {
- throw new IOException("Reset not supported.");
- }
- @Override
- public long skip(long byteCount) throws IOException {
- if (byteCount <= 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- // Shorten skip to a reasonable amount
- int flag = skipDecodedBytes((int) (0x7FFFFFFF & byteCount));
- if (flag < 0) {
- switch (flag) {
- case JpegConfig.J_DONE:
- return 0; // Returns 0 after reading EOS.
- default:
- throw new IOException("Error skipping jpeg stream");
- }
- }
- return flag;
- }
- @Override
- protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
- try {
- cleanup();
- } finally {
- super.finalize();
- }
- }
- private void applyConfigChange() throws IOException {
- if (mConfigChanged) {
- cleanup();
- Point dimens = new Point(0, 0);
- int flag = setup(dimens, in, mFormat);
- switch(flag) {
- case JpegConfig.J_SUCCESS:
- break; // allow setup to continue
- case JpegConfig.J_ERROR_BAD_ARGS:
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad arguments to read");
- default:
- throw new IOException("Error to reading jpeg headers.");
- }
- mWidth = dimens.x;
- mHeight = dimens.y;
- mConfigChanged = false;
- }
- }
- native private int setup(Point dimens, InputStream in, int format);
- native private void cleanup();
- native private int readDecodedBytes( byte[] inBuffer, int offset, int inCount);
- native private int skipDecodedBytes(int bytes);
- static {
- System.loadLibrary("jni_jpegstream");
- }
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- * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-public class JPEGOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream {
- private long JNIPointer = 0; // Used by JNI code. Don't touch.
- private byte[] mTmpBuffer = new byte[1];
- private int mWidth = 0;
- private int mHeight = 0;
- private int mQuality = 0;
- private int mFormat = -1;
- private boolean mValidConfig = false;
- private boolean mConfigChanged = false;
- public JPEGOutputStream(OutputStream out) {
- super(out);
- }
- public JPEGOutputStream(OutputStream out, int width, int height, int quality,
- int format) {
- super(out);
- setConfig(width, height, quality, format);
- }
- public boolean setConfig(int width, int height, int quality, int format) {
- // Clamp quality to range (0, 100]
- quality = Math.max(Math.min(quality, 100), 1);
- // Make sure format is valid
- switch (format) {
- case JpegConfig.FORMAT_GRAYSCALE:
- case JpegConfig.FORMAT_RGB:
- case JpegConfig.FORMAT_ABGR:
- case JpegConfig.FORMAT_RGBA:
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- // If valid, set configuration
- if (width > 0 && height > 0) {
- mWidth = width;
- mHeight = height;
- mFormat = format;
- mQuality = quality;
- mValidConfig = true;
- mConfigChanged = true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- return mValidConfig;
- }
- @Override
- public void close() throws IOException {
- cleanup();
- super.close();
- }
- @Override
- public void write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws IOException {
- if (offset < 0 || length < 0 || (offset + length) > buffer.length) {
- throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(String.format(
- " buffer length %d, offset %d, length %d",
- buffer.length, offset, length));
- }
- if (!mValidConfig) {
- return;
- }
- if (mConfigChanged) {
- cleanup();
- int flag = setup(out, mWidth, mHeight, mFormat, mQuality);
- switch(flag) {
- case JpegConfig.J_SUCCESS:
- break; // allow setup to continue
- case JpegConfig.J_ERROR_BAD_ARGS:
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad arguments to write");
- default:
- throw new IOException("Error to writing jpeg headers.");
- }
- mConfigChanged = false;
- }
- int returnCode = JpegConfig.J_ERROR_FATAL;
- try {
- returnCode = writeInputBytes(buffer, offset, length);
- } finally {
- if (returnCode < 0) {
- cleanup();
- }
- }
- if (returnCode < 0) {
- throw new IOException("Error writing jpeg stream");
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void write(byte[] buffer) throws IOException {
- write(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
- }
- @Override
- public void write(int oneByte) throws IOException {
- mTmpBuffer[0] = (byte) oneByte;
- write(mTmpBuffer);
- }
- @Override
- protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
- try {
- cleanup();
- } finally {
- super.finalize();
- }
- }
- native private int setup(OutputStream out, int width, int height, int format, int quality);
- native private void cleanup();
- native private int writeInputBytes(byte[] inBuffer, int offset, int inCount);
- static {
- System.loadLibrary("jni_jpegstream");
- }
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- * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-public interface JpegConfig {
- // Pixel formats
- public static final int FORMAT_GRAYSCALE = 0x001; // 1 byte/pixel
- public static final int FORMAT_RGB = 0x003; // 3 bytes/pixel RGBRGBRGBRGB...
- public static final int FORMAT_RGBA = 0x004; // 4 bytes/pixel RGBARGBARGBARGBA...
- public static final int FORMAT_ABGR = 0x104; // 4 bytes/pixel ABGRABGRABGR...
- // Jni error codes
- static final int J_SUCCESS = 0;
- static final int J_ERROR_FATAL = -1;
- static final int J_ERROR_BAD_ARGS = -2;
- static final int J_EXCEPTION = -3;
- static final int J_DONE = -4;
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- * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import java.nio.ByteOrder;
-public class StreamUtils {
- private StreamUtils() {
- }
- /**
- * Copies the input byte array into the output int array with the given
- * endianness. If input is not a multiple of 4, ignores the last 1-3 bytes
- * and returns true.
- */
- public static boolean byteToIntArray(int[] output, byte[] input, ByteOrder endianness) {
- int length = input.length - (input.length % 4);
- if (output.length * 4 < length) {
- throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Output array is too short to hold input");
- }
- if (endianness == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) {
- for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < output.length; i++, j += 4) {
- output[i] = ((input[j] & 0xFF) << 24) | ((input[j + 1] & 0xFF) << 16)
- | ((input[j + 2] & 0xFF) << 8) | ((input[j + 3] & 0xFF));
- }
- } else {
- for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < output.length; i++, j += 4) {
- output[i] = ((input[j + 3] & 0xFF) << 24) | ((input[j + 2] & 0xFF) << 16)
- | ((input[j + 1] & 0xFF) << 8) | ((input[j] & 0xFF));
- }
- }
- return input.length % 4 != 0;
- }
- public static int[] byteToIntArray(byte[] input, ByteOrder endianness) {
- int[] output = new int[input.length / 4];
- byteToIntArray(output, input, endianness);
- return output;
- }
- /**
- * Uses native endianness.
- */
- public static int[] byteToIntArray(byte[] input) {
- return byteToIntArray(input, ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
- }
- /**
- * Returns the number of bytes in a pixel for a given format defined in
- * JpegConfig.
- */
- public static int pixelSize(int format) {
- switch (format) {
- case JpegConfig.FORMAT_ABGR:
- case JpegConfig.FORMAT_RGBA:
- return 4;
- case JpegConfig.FORMAT_RGB:
- return 3;
- case JpegConfig.FORMAT_GRAYSCALE:
- return 1;
- default:
- return -1;
- }
- }
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- * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-// This Future differs from the java.util.concurrent.Future in these aspects:
-// - Once cancel() is called, isCancelled() always returns true. It is a sticky
-// flag used to communicate to the implementation. The implmentation may
-// ignore that flag. Regardless whether the Future is cancelled, a return
-// value will be provided to get(). The implementation may choose to return
-// null if it finds the Future is cancelled.
-// - get() does not throw exceptions.
-public interface Future<T> {
- public void cancel();
- public boolean isCancelled();
- public boolean isDone();
- public T get();
- public void waitDone();
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- * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-public interface FutureListener<T> {
- public void onFutureDone(Future<T> future);
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- * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import android.os.Process;
-import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
- * A thread factory that creates threads with a given thread priority.
- */
-public class PriorityThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory {
- private final int mPriority;
- private final AtomicInteger mNumber = new AtomicInteger();
- private final String mName;
- public PriorityThreadFactory(String name, int priority) {
- mName = name;
- mPriority = priority;
- }
- @Override
- public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
- return new Thread(r, mName + '-' + mNumber.getAndIncrement()) {
- @Override
- public void run() {
- Process.setThreadPriority(mPriority);
- }
- };
- }
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--- a/gallerycommon/src/com/android/gallery3d/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import android.util.Log;
-import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
-import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
-import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
-public class ThreadPool {
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- private static final String TAG = "ThreadPool";
- private static final int CORE_POOL_SIZE = 4;
- private static final int MAX_POOL_SIZE = 8;
- private static final int KEEP_ALIVE_TIME = 10; // 10 seconds
- // Resource type
- public static final int MODE_NONE = 0;
- public static final int MODE_CPU = 1;
- public static final int MODE_NETWORK = 2;
- public static final JobContext JOB_CONTEXT_STUB = new JobContextStub();
- ResourceCounter mCpuCounter = new ResourceCounter(2);
- ResourceCounter mNetworkCounter = new ResourceCounter(2);
- // A Job is like a Callable, but it has an addition JobContext parameter.
- public interface Job<T> {
- public T run(JobContext jc);
- }
- public interface JobContext {
- boolean isCancelled();
- void setCancelListener(CancelListener listener);
- boolean setMode(int mode);
- }
- private static class JobContextStub implements JobContext {
- @Override
- public boolean isCancelled() {
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public void setCancelListener(CancelListener listener) {
- }
- @Override
- public boolean setMode(int mode) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- public interface CancelListener {
- public void onCancel();
- }
- private static class ResourceCounter {
- public int value;
- public ResourceCounter(int v) {
- value = v;
- }
- }
- private final Executor mExecutor;
- public ThreadPool() {
- }
- public ThreadPool(int initPoolSize, int maxPoolSize) {
- mExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(
- initPoolSize, maxPoolSize, KEEP_ALIVE_TIME,
- TimeUnit.SECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(),
- new PriorityThreadFactory("thread-pool",
- android.os.Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND));
- }
- // Submit a job to the thread pool. The listener will be called when the
- // job is finished (or cancelled).
- public <T> Future<T> submit(Job<T> job, FutureListener<T> listener) {
- Worker<T> w = new Worker<T>(job, listener);
- mExecutor.execute(w);
- return w;
- }
- public <T> Future<T> submit(Job<T> job) {
- return submit(job, null);
- }
- private class Worker<T> implements Runnable, Future<T>, JobContext {
- @SuppressWarnings("hiding")
- private static final String TAG = "Worker";
- private Job<T> mJob;
- private FutureListener<T> mListener;
- private CancelListener mCancelListener;
- private ResourceCounter mWaitOnResource;
- private volatile boolean mIsCancelled;
- private boolean mIsDone;
- private T mResult;
- private int mMode;
- public Worker(Job<T> job, FutureListener<T> listener) {
- mJob = job;
- mListener = listener;
- }
- // This is called by a thread in the thread pool.
- @Override
- public void run() {
- T result = null;
- // A job is in CPU mode by default. setMode returns false
- // if the job is cancelled.
- if (setMode(MODE_CPU)) {
- try {
- result =;
- } catch (Throwable ex) {
- Log.w(TAG, "Exception in running a job", ex);
- }
- }
- synchronized(this) {
- setMode(MODE_NONE);
- mResult = result;
- mIsDone = true;
- notifyAll();
- }
- if (mListener != null) mListener.onFutureDone(this);
- }
- // Below are the methods for Future.
- @Override
- public synchronized void cancel() {
- if (mIsCancelled) return;
- mIsCancelled = true;
- if (mWaitOnResource != null) {
- synchronized (mWaitOnResource) {
- mWaitOnResource.notifyAll();
- }
- }
- if (mCancelListener != null) {
- mCancelListener.onCancel();
- }
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isCancelled() {
- return mIsCancelled;
- }
- @Override
- public synchronized boolean isDone() {
- return mIsDone;
- }
- @Override
- public synchronized T get() {
- while (!mIsDone) {
- try {
- wait();
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- Log.w(TAG, "ingore exception", ex);
- // ignore.
- }
- }
- return mResult;
- }
- @Override
- public void waitDone() {
- get();
- }
- // Below are the methods for JobContext (only called from the
- // thread running the job)
- @Override
- public synchronized void setCancelListener(CancelListener listener) {
- mCancelListener = listener;
- if (mIsCancelled && mCancelListener != null) {
- mCancelListener.onCancel();
- }
- }
- @Override
- public boolean setMode(int mode) {
- // Release old resource
- ResourceCounter rc = modeToCounter(mMode);
- if (rc != null) releaseResource(rc);
- mMode = MODE_NONE;
- // Acquire new resource
- rc = modeToCounter(mode);
- if (rc != null) {
- if (!acquireResource(rc)) {
- return false;
- }
- mMode = mode;
- }
- return true;
- }
- private ResourceCounter modeToCounter(int mode) {
- if (mode == MODE_CPU) {
- return mCpuCounter;
- } else if (mode == MODE_NETWORK) {
- return mNetworkCounter;
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private boolean acquireResource(ResourceCounter counter) {
- while (true) {
- synchronized (this) {
- if (mIsCancelled) {
- mWaitOnResource = null;
- return false;
- }
- mWaitOnResource = counter;
- }
- synchronized (counter) {
- if (counter.value > 0) {
- counter.value--;
- break;
- } else {
- try {
- counter.wait();
- } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
- // ignore.
- }
- }
- }
- }
- synchronized (this) {
- mWaitOnResource = null;
- }
- return true;
- }
- private void releaseResource(ResourceCounter counter) {
- synchronized (counter) {
- counter.value++;
- counter.notifyAll();
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/proguard.flags b/proguard.flags
index 39e43cbae..198df7556 100644
--- a/proguard.flags
+++ b/proguard.flags
@@ -1,14 +1,6 @@
# Disable the warnings of using dynamic method call in common library.
-# Keep all classes extended from
-# Since we annotate on the fields and use reflection to create SQL
-# according to those field.
--keep class * extends {
-$Column <fields>;
# ctors of subclasses of CameraPreference are called with Java reflection.
-keep class * extends {
@@ -40,9 +32,6 @@
# Disable the warnings of using dynamic method calls in EffectsRecorder
--keep class** { *; }
# For unit testing:
# - Required for running exif tests on userdebug
@@ -53,21 +42,3 @@
*** closeSilently(...);
-# - Required for running blobcache tests on userdebug
--keep class { *; }
-# - Required for running glcanvas tests on userdebug
--keep class { *; }
--keep class { *; }
--keep class { *; }
--keep class { *; }
--keep class { *; }
--keepclassmembers class {
- *** toArray(...);
--keep class { *; }
-# - Required for running jpeg stream tests on userdebug
--keep class { *; }
--keep class { *; }
--keep class { *; }
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ b/src/com/android/camera/
index 667630609..00fe905a9 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-import static;
+import static;
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import android.os.Message;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.SurfaceHolder;
* A class to implement {@link CameraManager} of the Android camera framework.
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ b/src/com/android/camera/
index 508dfea34..ae2f34562 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/
@@ -50,10 +50,11 @@ import;
@@ -280,10 +281,10 @@ public class CameraActivity extends Activity
ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
String mimeType = cr.getType(uri);
if (mimeType.startsWith("video/")) {
- sendBroadcast(new Intent(Util.ACTION_NEW_VIDEO, uri));
+ sendBroadcast(new Intent(CameraUtil.ACTION_NEW_VIDEO, uri));
mDataAdapter.addNewVideo(cr, uri);
} else if (mimeType.startsWith("image/")) {
- Util.broadcastNewPicture(this, uri);
+ CameraUtil.broadcastNewPicture(this, uri);
mDataAdapter.addNewPhoto(cr, uri);
} else if (mimeType.startsWith("application/stitching-preview")) {
mDataAdapter.addNewPhoto(cr, uri);
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ b/src/com/android/camera/
index d913df709..0ffc73663 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-import static;
+import static;
import android.hardware.Camera.CameraInfo;
import android.hardware.Camera.Parameters;
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ b/src/com/android/camera/
index fd9b2ced3..4a8057d3f 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import android.hardware.Camera.Parameters;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.view.SurfaceHolder;
* An interface which provides possible camera device operations.
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ b/src/com/android/camera/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fe2c067a..000000000
--- a/src/com/android/camera/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
-import android.annotation.TargetApi;
-import android.content.Context;
-import android.opengl.Matrix;
-import android.util.Log;
- * This is a ScreenNail which can display camera's preview.
- */
-public class CameraScreenNail extends SurfaceTextureScreenNail {
- private static final String TAG = "CAM_ScreenNail";
- private static final int ANIM_NONE = 0;
- // Capture animation is about to start.
- private static final int ANIM_CAPTURE_START = 1;
- // Capture animation is running.
- private static final int ANIM_CAPTURE_RUNNING = 2;
- // Switch camera animation needs to copy texture.
- private static final int ANIM_SWITCH_COPY_TEXTURE = 3;
- // Switch camera animation shows the initial feedback by darkening the
- // preview.
- private static final int ANIM_SWITCH_DARK_PREVIEW = 4;
- // Switch camera animation is waiting for the first frame.
- private static final int ANIM_SWITCH_WAITING_FIRST_FRAME = 5;
- // Switch camera animation is about to start.
- private static final int ANIM_SWITCH_START = 6;
- // Switch camera animation is running.
- private static final int ANIM_SWITCH_RUNNING = 7;
- private boolean mVisible;
- // True if first onFrameAvailable has been called. If screen nail is drawn
- // too early, it will be all white.
- private boolean mFirstFrameArrived;
- private Listener mListener;
- private final float[] mTextureTransformMatrix = new float[16];
- // Animation.
- private CaptureAnimManager mCaptureAnimManager;
- private SwitchAnimManager mSwitchAnimManager = new SwitchAnimManager();
- private int mAnimState = ANIM_NONE;
- private RawTexture mAnimTexture;
- // Some methods are called by GL thread and some are called by main thread.
- // This protects mAnimState, mVisible, and surface texture. This also makes
- // sure some code are atomic. For example, requestRender and setting
- // mAnimState.
- private Object mLock = new Object();
- private OnFrameDrawnListener mOneTimeFrameDrawnListener;
- private int mRenderWidth;
- private int mRenderHeight;
- // This represents the scaled, uncropped size of the texture
- // Needed for FaceView
- private int mUncroppedRenderWidth;
- private int mUncroppedRenderHeight;
- private float mScaleX = 1f, mScaleY = 1f;
- private boolean mFullScreen;
- private boolean mEnableAspectRatioClamping = false;
- private boolean mAcquireTexture = false;
- private final DrawClient mDefaultDraw = new DrawClient() {
- @Override
- public void onDraw(GLCanvas canvas, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
- CameraScreenNail.super.draw(canvas, x, y, width, height);
- }
- @Override
- public boolean requiresSurfaceTexture() {
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public RawTexture copyToTexture(GLCanvas c, RawTexture texture, int w, int h) {
- // We shouldn't be here since requireSurfaceTexture() returns true.
- return null;
- }
- };
- private DrawClient mDraw = mDefaultDraw;
- private float mAlpha = 1f;
- private Runnable mOnFrameDrawnListener;
- public interface Listener {
- void requestRender();
- // Preview has been copied to a texture.
- void onPreviewTextureCopied();
- void onCaptureTextureCopied();
- }
- public interface OnFrameDrawnListener {
- void onFrameDrawn(CameraScreenNail c);
- }
- public interface DrawClient {
- void onDraw(GLCanvas canvas, int x, int y, int width, int height);
- boolean requiresSurfaceTexture();
- // The client should implement this if requiresSurfaceTexture() is false;
- RawTexture copyToTexture(GLCanvas c, RawTexture texture, int width, int height);
- }
- public CameraScreenNail(Listener listener, Context ctx) {
- mListener = listener;
- mCaptureAnimManager = new CaptureAnimManager(ctx);
- }
- public void setFullScreen(boolean full) {
- synchronized (mLock) {
- mFullScreen = full;
- }
- }
- /**
- * returns the uncropped, but scaled, width of the rendered texture
- */
- public int getUncroppedRenderWidth() {
- return mUncroppedRenderWidth;
- }
- /**
- * returns the uncropped, but scaled, width of the rendered texture
- */
- public int getUncroppedRenderHeight() {
- return mUncroppedRenderHeight;
- }
- @Override
- public int getWidth() {
- return mEnableAspectRatioClamping ? mRenderWidth : getTextureWidth();
- }
- @Override
- public int getHeight() {
- return mEnableAspectRatioClamping ? mRenderHeight : getTextureHeight();
- }
- private int getTextureWidth() {
- return super.getWidth();
- }
- private int getTextureHeight() {
- return super.getHeight();
- }
- @Override
- public void setSize(int w, int h) {
- super.setSize(w, h);
- mEnableAspectRatioClamping = false;
- if (mRenderWidth == 0) {
- mRenderWidth = w;
- mRenderHeight = h;
- }
- updateRenderSize();
- }
- /**
- * Tells the ScreenNail to override the default aspect ratio scaling
- * and instead perform custom scaling to basically do a centerCrop instead
- * of the default centerInside
- *
- * Note that calls to setSize will disable this
- */
- public void enableAspectRatioClamping() {
- mEnableAspectRatioClamping = true;
- updateRenderSize();
- }
- private void setPreviewLayoutSize(int w, int h) {
- Log.i(TAG, "preview layout size: "+w+"/"+h);
- mRenderWidth = w;
- mRenderHeight = h;
- updateRenderSize();
- }
- private void updateRenderSize() {
- if (!mEnableAspectRatioClamping) {
- mScaleX = mScaleY = 1f;
- mUncroppedRenderWidth = getTextureWidth();
- mUncroppedRenderHeight = getTextureHeight();
- Log.i(TAG, "aspect ratio clamping disabled");
- return;
- }
- float aspectRatio;
- if (getTextureWidth() > getTextureHeight()) {
- aspectRatio = (float) getTextureWidth() / (float) getTextureHeight();
- } else {
- aspectRatio = (float) getTextureHeight() / (float) getTextureWidth();
- }
- float scaledTextureWidth, scaledTextureHeight;
- if (mRenderWidth > mRenderHeight) {
- scaledTextureWidth = Math.max(mRenderWidth,
- (int) (mRenderHeight * aspectRatio));
- scaledTextureHeight = Math.max(mRenderHeight,
- (int)(mRenderWidth / aspectRatio));
- } else {
- scaledTextureWidth = Math.max(mRenderWidth,
- (int) (mRenderHeight / aspectRatio));
- scaledTextureHeight = Math.max(mRenderHeight,
- (int) (mRenderWidth * aspectRatio));
- }
- mScaleX = mRenderWidth / scaledTextureWidth;
- mScaleY = mRenderHeight / scaledTextureHeight;
- mUncroppedRenderWidth = Math.round(scaledTextureWidth);
- mUncroppedRenderHeight = Math.round(scaledTextureHeight);
- Log.i(TAG, "aspect ratio clamping enabled, surfaceTexture scale: " + mScaleX + ", " + mScaleY);
- }
- public void acquireSurfaceTexture() {
- synchronized (mLock) {
- mFirstFrameArrived = false;
- mAnimTexture = new RawTexture(getTextureWidth(), getTextureHeight(), true);
- mAcquireTexture = true;
- }
- mListener.requestRender();
- }
- @Override
- public void releaseSurfaceTexture() {
- synchronized (mLock) {
- if (mAcquireTexture) {
- mAcquireTexture = false;
- mLock.notifyAll();
- } else {
- if (super.getSurfaceTexture() != null) {
- super.releaseSurfaceTexture();
- }
- mAnimState = ANIM_NONE; // stop the animation
- }
- }
- }
- public void copyTexture() {
- synchronized (mLock) {
- mListener.requestRender();
- }
- }
- public void animateSwitchCamera() {
- Log.v(TAG, "animateSwitchCamera");
- synchronized (mLock) {
- if (mAnimState == ANIM_SWITCH_DARK_PREVIEW) {
- // Do not request render here because camera has been just
- // started. We do not want to draw black frames.
- }
- }
- }
- public void animateCapture(int displayRotation) {
- synchronized (mLock) {
- mCaptureAnimManager.setOrientation(displayRotation);
- mCaptureAnimManager.animateFlashAndSlide();
- mListener.requestRender();
- }
- }
- public RawTexture getAnimationTexture() {
- return mAnimTexture;
- }
- public void animateFlash(int displayRotation) {
- synchronized (mLock) {
- mCaptureAnimManager.setOrientation(displayRotation);
- mCaptureAnimManager.animateFlash();
- mListener.requestRender();
- }
- }
- public void animateSlide() {
- synchronized (mLock) {
- mCaptureAnimManager.animateSlide();
- mListener.requestRender();
- }
- }
- private void callbackIfNeeded() {
- if (mOneTimeFrameDrawnListener != null) {
- mOneTimeFrameDrawnListener.onFrameDrawn(this);
- mOneTimeFrameDrawnListener = null;
- }
- }
- @Override
- protected void updateTransformMatrix(float[] matrix) {
- super.updateTransformMatrix(matrix);
- Matrix.translateM(matrix, 0, .5f, .5f, 0);
- Matrix.scaleM(matrix, 0, mScaleX, mScaleY, 1f);
- Matrix.translateM(matrix, 0, -.5f, -.5f, 0);
- }
- @SuppressLint("WrongCall")
- public void directDraw(GLCanvas canvas, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
- DrawClient draw;
- synchronized (mLock) {
- draw = mDraw;
- }
- // TODO: Should this call draw or onDraw?
- draw.onDraw(canvas, x, y, width, height);
- }
- public void setDraw(DrawClient draw) {
- synchronized (mLock) {
- if (draw == null) {
- mDraw = mDefaultDraw;
- } else {
- mDraw = draw;
- }
- }
- mListener.requestRender();
- }
- @Override
- public void draw(GLCanvas canvas, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
- synchronized (mLock) {
- allocateTextureIfRequested(canvas);
- if (!mVisible) mVisible = true;
- SurfaceTexture surfaceTexture = getSurfaceTexture();
- if (mDraw.requiresSurfaceTexture() && (surfaceTexture == null || !mFirstFrameArrived)) {
- return;
- }
- if (mOnFrameDrawnListener != null) {
- mOnFrameDrawnListener = null;
- }
- float oldAlpha = canvas.getAlpha();
- canvas.setAlpha(mAlpha);
- switch (mAnimState) {
- case ANIM_NONE:
- directDraw(canvas, x, y, width, height);
- break;
- copyPreviewTexture(canvas);
- mSwitchAnimManager.setReviewDrawingSize(width, height);
- mListener.onPreviewTextureCopied();
- // The texture is ready. Fall through to draw darkened
- // preview.
- // Consume the frame. If the buffers are full,
- // onFrameAvailable will not be called. Animation state
- // relies on onFrameAvailable.
- surfaceTexture.updateTexImage();
- mSwitchAnimManager.drawDarkPreview(canvas, x, y, width,
- height, mAnimTexture);
- break;
- mSwitchAnimManager.startAnimation();
- break;
- copyPreviewTexture(canvas);
- mListener.onCaptureTextureCopied();
- mCaptureAnimManager.startAnimation();
- break;
- }
- if (mAnimState == ANIM_CAPTURE_RUNNING || mAnimState == ANIM_SWITCH_RUNNING) {
- boolean drawn;
- if (mAnimState == ANIM_CAPTURE_RUNNING) {
- if (!mFullScreen) {
- // Skip the animation if no longer in full screen mode
- drawn = false;
- } else {
- drawn = mCaptureAnimManager.drawAnimation(canvas, this, mAnimTexture,
- x, y, width, height);
- }
- } else {
- drawn = mSwitchAnimManager.drawAnimation(canvas, x, y,
- width, height, this, mAnimTexture);
- }
- if (drawn) {
- mListener.requestRender();
- } else {
- // Continue to the normal draw procedure if the animation is
- // not drawn.
- mAnimState = ANIM_NONE;
- directDraw(canvas, x, y, width, height);
- }
- }
- canvas.setAlpha(oldAlpha);
- callbackIfNeeded();
- } // mLock
- }
- private void copyPreviewTexture(GLCanvas canvas) {
- if (!mDraw.requiresSurfaceTexture()) {
- mAnimTexture = mDraw.copyToTexture(
- canvas, mAnimTexture, getTextureWidth(), getTextureHeight());
- } else {
- int width = mAnimTexture.getWidth();
- int height = mAnimTexture.getHeight();
- canvas.beginRenderTarget(mAnimTexture);
- // Flip preview texture vertically. OpenGL uses bottom left point
- // as the origin (0, 0).
- canvas.translate(0, height);
- canvas.scale(1, -1, 1);
- getSurfaceTexture().getTransformMatrix(mTextureTransformMatrix);
- updateTransformMatrix(mTextureTransformMatrix);
- canvas.drawTexture(mExtTexture, mTextureTransformMatrix, 0, 0, width, height);
- canvas.endRenderTarget();
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void noDraw() {
- synchronized (mLock) {
- mVisible = false;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void recycle() {
- synchronized (mLock) {
- mVisible = false;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void onFrameAvailable(SurfaceTexture surfaceTexture) {
- synchronized (mLock) {
- if (getSurfaceTexture() != surfaceTexture) {
- return;
- }
- mFirstFrameArrived = true;
- if (mVisible) {
- }
- // We need to ask for re-render if the SurfaceTexture receives a new
- // frame.
- mListener.requestRender();
- }
- }
- }
- // We need to keep track of the size of preview frame on the screen because
- // it's needed when we do switch-camera animation. See comments in
- // This is based on the natural orientation, not the
- // view system orientation.
- public void setPreviewFrameLayoutSize(int width, int height) {
- synchronized (mLock) {
- mSwitchAnimManager.setPreviewFrameLayoutSize(width, height);
- setPreviewLayoutSize(width, height);
- }
- }
- public void setOneTimeOnFrameDrawnListener(OnFrameDrawnListener l) {
- synchronized (mLock) {
- mFirstFrameArrived = false;
- mOneTimeFrameDrawnListener = l;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public SurfaceTexture getSurfaceTexture() {
- synchronized (mLock) {
- SurfaceTexture surfaceTexture = super.getSurfaceTexture();
- if (surfaceTexture == null && mAcquireTexture) {
- try {
- mLock.wait();
- surfaceTexture = super.getSurfaceTexture();
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- Log.w(TAG, "unexpected interruption");
- }
- }
- return surfaceTexture;
- }
- }
- private void allocateTextureIfRequested(GLCanvas canvas) {
- synchronized (mLock) {
- if (mAcquireTexture) {
- super.acquireSurfaceTexture(canvas);
- mAcquireTexture = false;
- mLock.notifyAll();
- }
- }
- }
- public void setOnFrameDrawnOneShot(Runnable run) {
- synchronized (mLock) {
- mOnFrameDrawnListener = run;
- }
- }
- public float getAlpha() {
- synchronized (mLock) {
- return mAlpha;
- }
- }
- public void setAlpha(float alpha) {
- synchronized (mLock) {
- mAlpha = alpha;
- mListener.requestRender();
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ b/src/com/android/camera/
index 9e01d5c9b..791a4f719 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/
@@ -29,8 +29,9 @@ import;
import android.util.FloatMath;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
@@ -197,7 +198,7 @@ public class CameraSettings {
flashMode, mParameters.getSupportedFlashModes());
if (focusMode != null) {
- if (!Util.isFocusAreaSupported(mParameters)) {
+ if (!CameraUtil.isFocusAreaSupported(mParameters)) {
focusMode, mParameters.getSupportedFocusModes());
} else {
@@ -228,7 +229,7 @@ public class CameraSettings {
if (cameraHdr != null && (!ApiHelper.HAS_CAMERA_HDR
- || !Util.isCameraHdrSupported(mParameters))) {
+ || !CameraUtil.isCameraHdrSupported(mParameters))) {
removePreference(group, cameraHdr.getKey());
@@ -553,8 +554,8 @@ public class CameraSettings {
boolean backdropperSupported =
EffectsRecorder.isEffectSupported(EffectsRecorder.EFFECT_BACKDROPPER) &&
- Util.isAutoExposureLockSupported(mParameters) &&
- Util.isAutoWhiteBalanceLockSupported(mParameters);
+ CameraUtil.isAutoExposureLockSupported(mParameters) &&
+ CameraUtil.isAutoWhiteBalanceLockSupported(mParameters);
ArrayList<String> supported = new ArrayList<String>();
for (CharSequence value : values) {
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ b/src/com/android/camera/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3510d7528..000000000
--- a/src/com/android/camera/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import android.content.Context;
-import android.content.res.Resources;
-import android.os.SystemClock;
-import android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator;
-import android.view.animation.Interpolator;
- * Class to handle the capture animation.
- */
-public class CaptureAnimManager {
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- private static final String TAG = "CAM_Capture";
- // times mark endpoint of animation phase
- private static final int TIME_FLASH = 200;
- private static final int TIME_HOLD = 400;
- private static final int TIME_SLIDE = 800;
- private static final int TIME_HOLD2 = 3300;
- private static final int TIME_SLIDE2 = 4100;
- private static final int ANIM_BOTH = 0;
- private static final int ANIM_FLASH = 1;
- private static final int ANIM_SLIDE = 2;
- private static final int ANIM_HOLD2 = 3;
- private static final int ANIM_SLIDE2 = 4;
- private final Interpolator mSlideInterpolator = new DecelerateInterpolator();
- private volatile int mAnimOrientation; // Could be 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees.
- private long mAnimStartTime; // milliseconds.
- private float mX; // The center of the whole view including preview and review.
- private float mY;
- private int mDrawWidth;
- private int mDrawHeight;
- private int mAnimType;
- private int mHoldX;
- private int mHoldY;
- private int mHoldW;
- private int mHoldH;
- private int mOffset;
- private int mMarginRight;
- private int mMarginTop;
- private int mSize;
- private Resources mResources;
- private NinePatchTexture mBorder;
- private int mShadowSize;
- public static int getAnimationDuration() {
- return TIME_SLIDE2;
- }
- /* preview: camera preview view.
- * review: view of picture just taken.
- */
- public CaptureAnimManager(Context ctx) {
- mBorder = new NinePatchTexture(ctx, R.drawable.capture_thumbnail_shadow);
- mResources = ctx.getResources();
- }
- public void setOrientation(int displayRotation) {
- mAnimOrientation = (360 - displayRotation) % 360;
- }
- public void animateSlide() {
- if (mAnimType != ANIM_FLASH) {
- return;
- }
- mAnimType = ANIM_SLIDE;
- mAnimStartTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
- }
- public void animateFlash() {
- mAnimType = ANIM_FLASH;
- }
- public void animateFlashAndSlide() {
- mAnimType = ANIM_BOTH;
- }
- public void startAnimation() {
- mAnimStartTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
- }
- private void setAnimationGeometry(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
- mMarginRight = mResources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.capture_margin_right);
- mMarginTop = mResources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.capture_margin_top);
- mSize = mResources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.capture_size);
- mShadowSize = mResources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.capture_border);
- mOffset = mMarginRight + mSize;
- // Set the views to the initial positions.
- mDrawWidth = w;
- mDrawHeight = h;
- mX = x;
- mY = y;
- mHoldW = mSize;
- mHoldH = mSize;
- switch (mAnimOrientation) {
- case 0: // Preview is on the left.
- mHoldX = x + w - mMarginRight - mSize;
- mHoldY = y + mMarginTop;
- break;
- case 90: // Preview is below.
- mHoldX = x + mMarginTop;
- mHoldY = y + mMarginRight;
- break;
- case 180: // Preview on the right.
- mHoldX = x + mMarginRight;
- mHoldY = y + h - mMarginTop - mSize;
- break;
- case 270: // Preview is above.
- mHoldX = x + w - mMarginTop - mSize;
- mHoldY = y + h - mMarginRight - mSize;
- break;
- }
- }
- // Returns true if the animation has been drawn.
- public boolean drawAnimation(GLCanvas canvas, CameraScreenNail preview,
- RawTexture review, int lx, int ly, int lw, int lh) {
- setAnimationGeometry(lx, ly, lw, lh);
- long timeDiff = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - mAnimStartTime;
- // Check if the animation is over
- if (mAnimType == ANIM_SLIDE && timeDiff > TIME_SLIDE2 - TIME_HOLD) return false;
- if (mAnimType == ANIM_BOTH && timeDiff > TIME_SLIDE2) return false;
- // determine phase and time in phase
- int animStep = mAnimType;
- if (mAnimType == ANIM_SLIDE) {
- timeDiff += TIME_HOLD;
- }
- if (mAnimType == ANIM_SLIDE || mAnimType == ANIM_BOTH) {
- if (timeDiff < TIME_HOLD) {
- animStep = ANIM_FLASH;
- } else if (timeDiff < TIME_SLIDE) {
- animStep = ANIM_SLIDE;
- timeDiff -= TIME_HOLD;
- } else if (timeDiff < TIME_HOLD2) {
- animStep = ANIM_HOLD2;
- timeDiff -= TIME_SLIDE;
- } else {
- // SLIDE2
- animStep = ANIM_SLIDE2;
- timeDiff -= TIME_HOLD2;
- }
- }
- if (animStep == ANIM_FLASH) {
- review.draw(canvas, (int) mX, (int) mY, mDrawWidth, mDrawHeight);
- if (timeDiff < TIME_FLASH) {
- float f = 0.3f - 0.3f * timeDiff / TIME_FLASH;
- int color = Color.argb((int) (255 * f), 255, 255, 255);
- canvas.fillRect(mX, mY, mDrawWidth, mDrawHeight, color);
- }
- } else if (animStep == ANIM_SLIDE) {
- float fraction = mSlideInterpolator.getInterpolation((float) (timeDiff) / (TIME_SLIDE - TIME_HOLD));
- float x = mX;
- float y = mY;
- float w = 0;
- float h = 0;
- x = interpolate(mX, mHoldX, fraction);
- y = interpolate(mY, mHoldY, fraction);
- w = interpolate(mDrawWidth, mHoldW, fraction);
- h = interpolate(mDrawHeight, mHoldH, fraction);
- preview.directDraw(canvas, (int) mX, (int) mY, mDrawWidth, mDrawHeight);
- review.draw(canvas, (int) x, (int) y, (int) w, (int) h);
- } else if (animStep == ANIM_HOLD2) {
- preview.directDraw(canvas, (int) mX, (int) mY, mDrawWidth, mDrawHeight);
- review.draw(canvas, mHoldX, mHoldY, mHoldW, mHoldH);
- mBorder.draw(canvas, (int) mHoldX - mShadowSize, (int) mHoldY - mShadowSize,
- (int) mHoldW + 2 * mShadowSize, (int) mHoldH + 2 * mShadowSize);
- } else if (animStep == ANIM_SLIDE2) {
- float fraction = (float)(timeDiff) / (TIME_SLIDE2 - TIME_HOLD2);
- float x = mHoldX;
- float y = mHoldY;
- float d = mOffset * fraction;
- switch (mAnimOrientation) {
- case 0:
- x = mHoldX + d;
- break;
- case 180:
- x = mHoldX - d;
- break;
- case 90:
- y = mHoldY - d;
- break;
- case 270:
- y = mHoldY + d;
- break;
- }
- preview.directDraw(canvas, (int) mX, (int) mY, mDrawWidth, mDrawHeight);
- mBorder.draw(canvas, (int) x - mShadowSize, (int) y - mShadowSize,
- (int) mHoldW + 2 * mShadowSize, (int) mHoldH + 2 * mShadowSize);
- review.draw(canvas, (int) x, (int) y, mHoldW, mHoldH);
- }
- return true;
- }
- private static float interpolate(float start, float end, float fraction) {
- return start + (end - start) * fraction;
- }
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ b/src/com/android/camera/
index 901226364..151441ef9 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/
@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.util.Log;
@@ -1056,8 +1057,8 @@ public class EffectsRecorder {
return false;
Camera.Parameters params = mCameraDevice.getParameters();
- if (Util.isAutoExposureLockSupported(params) &&
- Util.isAutoWhiteBalanceLockSupported(params)) {
+ if (CameraUtil.isAutoExposureLockSupported(params) &&
+ CameraUtil.isAutoWhiteBalanceLockSupported(params)) {
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ b/src/com/android/camera/
index 7a9e1dd6d..d3215e7a6 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.Message;
import android.util.Log;
/* A class that handles everything about focus in still picture mode.
* This also handles the metering area because it is the same as focus area.
@@ -151,10 +152,10 @@ public class FocusOverlayManager {
// camera is open.
if (parameters == null) return;
mParameters = parameters;
- mFocusAreaSupported = Util.isFocusAreaSupported(parameters);
- mMeteringAreaSupported = Util.isMeteringAreaSupported(parameters);
- mLockAeAwbNeeded = (Util.isAutoExposureLockSupported(mParameters) ||
- Util.isAutoWhiteBalanceLockSupported(mParameters));
+ mFocusAreaSupported = CameraUtil.isFocusAreaSupported(parameters);
+ mMeteringAreaSupported = CameraUtil.isMeteringAreaSupported(parameters);
+ mLockAeAwbNeeded = (CameraUtil.isAutoExposureLockSupported(mParameters) ||
+ CameraUtil.isAutoWhiteBalanceLockSupported(mParameters));
public void setPreviewSize(int previewWidth, int previewHeight) {
@@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ public class FocusOverlayManager {
private void setMatrix() {
if (mPreviewWidth != 0 && mPreviewHeight != 0) {
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
- Util.prepareMatrix(matrix, mMirror, mDisplayOrientation,
+ CameraUtil.prepareMatrix(matrix, mMirror, mDisplayOrientation,
mPreviewWidth, mPreviewHeight);
// In face detection, the matrix converts the driver coordinates to UI
// coordinates. In tap focus, the inverted matrix converts the UI
@@ -440,17 +441,17 @@ public class FocusOverlayManager {
if (mFocusMode == null) {
for (int i = 0; i < mDefaultFocusModes.length; i++) {
String mode = mDefaultFocusModes[i];
- if (Util.isSupported(mode, supportedFocusModes)) {
+ if (CameraUtil.isSupported(mode, supportedFocusModes)) {
mFocusMode = mode;
- if (!Util.isSupported(mFocusMode, supportedFocusModes)) {
+ if (!CameraUtil.isSupported(mFocusMode, supportedFocusModes)) {
// For some reasons, the driver does not support the current
// focus mode. Fall back to auto.
- if (Util.isSupported(Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_AUTO,
+ if (CameraUtil.isSupported(Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_AUTO,
mParameters.getSupportedFocusModes())) {
mFocusMode = Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_AUTO;
} else {
@@ -484,7 +485,7 @@ public class FocusOverlayManager {
} else if (mState == STATE_FOCUSING || mState == STATE_FOCUSING_SNAP_ON_FINISH) {
} else {
- if (Util.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_PICTURE.equals(mFocusMode)) {
+ if (CameraUtil.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_PICTURE.equals(mFocusMode)) {
// TODO: check HAL behavior and decide if this can be removed.
} else if (mState == STATE_SUCCESS) {
@@ -513,12 +514,12 @@ public class FocusOverlayManager {
private void calculateTapArea(int x, int y, float areaMultiple, Rect rect) {
int areaSize = (int) (Math.min(mPreviewWidth, mPreviewHeight) * areaMultiple / 20);
- int left = Util.clamp(x - areaSize, 0, mPreviewWidth - 2 * areaSize);
- int top = Util.clamp(y - areaSize, 0, mPreviewHeight - 2 * areaSize);
+ int left = CameraUtil.clamp(x - areaSize, 0, mPreviewWidth - 2 * areaSize);
+ int top = CameraUtil.clamp(y - areaSize, 0, mPreviewHeight - 2 * areaSize);
RectF rectF = new RectF(left, top, left + 2 * areaSize, top + 2 * areaSize);
- Util.rectFToRect(rectF, rect);
+ CameraUtil.rectFToRect(rectF, rect);
/* package */ int getFocusState() {
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ b/src/com/android/camera/
index f593b35e5..34040d79b 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.TypedValue;
@@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ public class ListPreference extends CameraPreference {
TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(
attrs, R.styleable.ListPreference, 0, 0);
- mKey = Util.checkNotNull(
+ mKey = CameraUtil.checkNotNull(
// We allow the defaultValue attribute to be a string or an array of
@@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ public class ListPreference extends CameraPreference {
public int findIndexOfValue(String value) {
for (int i = 0, n = mEntryValues.length; i < n; ++i) {
- if (Util.equals(mEntryValues[i], value)) return i;
+ if (CameraUtil.equals(mEntryValues[i], value)) return i;
return -1;
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ b/src/com/android/camera/
index 5c96592fe..8d68320bf 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/
@@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ import;
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ public class PhotoModule
// We need to check whether the activity is paused before long
// operations to ensure that onPause() can be done ASAP.
if (mCancelled) return;
- mCameraDevice = Util.openCamera(mActivity, mCameraId);
+ mCameraDevice = CameraUtil.openCamera(mActivity, mCameraId);
mParameters = mCameraDevice.getParameters();
// Wait until all the initialization needed by startPreview are
// done.
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ public class PhotoModule
// down and camera app is opened. Rotation animation will
// take some time and the rotation value we have got may be
// wrong. Framework does not have a callback for this now.
- if (Util.getDisplayRotation(mActivity) != mDisplayRotation) {
+ if (CameraUtil.getDisplayRotation(mActivity) != mDisplayRotation) {
if (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - mOnResumeTime < 5000) {
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ public class PhotoModule
mCameraStartUpThread = null;
mOpenCameraFail = true;
- Util.showErrorAndFinish(mActivity,
+ CameraUtil.showErrorAndFinish(mActivity,
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ public class PhotoModule
mCameraStartUpThread = null;
mCameraDisabled = true;
- Util.showErrorAndFinish(mActivity,
+ CameraUtil.showErrorAndFinish(mActivity,
@@ -495,13 +495,13 @@ public class PhotoModule
mPreferences.setLocalId(mActivity, mCameraId);
try {
- mCameraDevice = Util.openCamera(mActivity, mCameraId);
+ mCameraDevice = CameraUtil.openCamera(mActivity, mCameraId);
mParameters = mCameraDevice.getParameters();
} catch (CameraHardwareException e) {
- Util.showErrorAndFinish(mActivity, R.string.cannot_connect_camera);
+ CameraUtil.showErrorAndFinish(mActivity, R.string.cannot_connect_camera);
} catch (CameraDisabledException e) {
- Util.showErrorAndFinish(mActivity, R.string.camera_disabled);
+ CameraUtil.showErrorAndFinish(mActivity, R.string.camera_disabled);
@@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ public class PhotoModule
// Animate capture with real jpeg data instead of a preview frame.
- if (mSceneMode == Util.SCENE_MODE_HDR) {
+ if (mSceneMode == CameraUtil.SCENE_MODE_HDR) {
@@ -860,7 +860,7 @@ public class PhotoModule
public void nameNewImage(ContentResolver resolver, long date) {
NamedEntity r = new NamedEntity();
- r.title = Util.createJpegName(date);
+ r.title = CameraUtil.createJpegName(date); = date;
@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@ public class PhotoModule
mPostViewPictureCallbackTime = 0;
mJpegImageData = null;
- final boolean animateBefore = (mSceneMode == Util.SCENE_MODE_HDR);
+ final boolean animateBefore = (mSceneMode == CameraUtil.SCENE_MODE_HDR);
if (animateBefore) {
@@ -939,10 +939,10 @@ public class PhotoModule
} else {
orientation = mOrientation;
- mJpegRotation = Util.getJpegRotation(mCameraId, orientation);
+ mJpegRotation = CameraUtil.getJpegRotation(mCameraId, orientation);
Location loc = mLocationManager.getCurrentLocation();
- Util.setGpsParameters(mParameters, loc);
+ CameraUtil.setGpsParameters(mParameters, loc);
@@ -965,7 +965,7 @@ public class PhotoModule
private int getPreferredCameraId(ComboPreferences preferences) {
- int intentCameraId = Util.getCameraFacingIntentExtras(mActivity);
+ int intentCameraId = CameraUtil.getCameraFacingIntentExtras(mActivity);
if (intentCameraId != -1) {
// Testing purpose. Launch a specific camera through the intent
// extras.
@@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ public class PhotoModule
// the camera then point the camera to floor or sky, we still have
// the correct orientation.
if (orientation == OrientationEventListener.ORIENTATION_UNKNOWN) return;
- mOrientation = Util.roundOrientation(orientation, mOrientation);
+ mOrientation = CameraUtil.roundOrientation(orientation, mOrientation);
// Show the toast after getting the first orientation changed.
if (mHandler.hasMessages(SHOW_TAP_TO_FOCUS_TOAST)) {
@@ -1062,13 +1062,13 @@ public class PhotoModule
} catch (IOException ex) {
// ignore exception
} finally {
- Util.closeSilently(outputStream);
+ CameraUtil.closeSilently(outputStream);
} else {
ExifInterface exif = Exif.getExif(data);
int orientation = Exif.getOrientation(exif);
- Bitmap bitmap = Util.makeBitmap(data, 50 * 1024);
- bitmap = Util.rotate(bitmap, orientation);
+ Bitmap bitmap = CameraUtil.makeBitmap(data, 50 * 1024);
+ bitmap = CameraUtil.rotate(bitmap, orientation);
new Intent("inline-data").putExtra("data", bitmap));
@@ -1093,7 +1093,7 @@ public class PhotoModule
} finally {
- Util.closeSilently(tempStream);
+ CameraUtil.closeSilently(tempStream);
Bundle newExtras = new Bundle();
@@ -1103,10 +1103,10 @@ public class PhotoModule
if (mSaveUri != null) {
newExtras.putParcelable(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, mSaveUri);
} else {
- newExtras.putBoolean(CropExtras.KEY_RETURN_DATA, true);
+ newExtras.putBoolean(CameraUtil.KEY_RETURN_DATA, true);
if (mActivity.isSecureCamera()) {
- newExtras.putBoolean(CropExtras.KEY_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED, true);
+ newExtras.putBoolean(CameraUtil.KEY_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED, true);
// TODO: Share this constant.
@@ -1154,7 +1154,7 @@ public class PhotoModule
Log.v(TAG, "onShutterButtonClick: mCameraState=" + mCameraState);
- if (mSceneMode == Util.SCENE_MODE_HDR) {
+ if (mSceneMode == CameraUtil.SCENE_MODE_HDR) {
@@ -1355,7 +1355,7 @@ public class PhotoModule
public void updateCameraOrientation() {
- if (mDisplayRotation != Util.getDisplayRotation(mActivity)) {
+ if (mDisplayRotation != CameraUtil.getDisplayRotation(mActivity)) {
@@ -1490,8 +1490,8 @@ public class PhotoModule
private void setDisplayOrientation() {
- mDisplayRotation = Util.getDisplayRotation(mActivity);
- mDisplayOrientation = Util.getDisplayOrientation(mDisplayRotation, mCameraId);
+ mDisplayRotation = CameraUtil.getDisplayRotation(mActivity);
+ mDisplayOrientation = CameraUtil.getDisplayOrientation(mDisplayRotation, mCameraId);
mCameraDisplayOrientation = mDisplayOrientation;
if (mFocusManager != null) {
@@ -1526,7 +1526,7 @@ public class PhotoModule
if (!mSnapshotOnIdle) {
// If the focus mode is continuous autofocus, call cancelAutoFocus to
// resume it because it may have been paused by autoFocus call.
- if (Util.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_PICTURE.equals(mFocusManager.getFocusMode())) {
+ if (CameraUtil.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_PICTURE.equals(mFocusManager.getFocusMode())) {
mFocusManager.setAeAwbLock(false); // Unlock AE and AWB.
@@ -1563,14 +1563,14 @@ public class PhotoModule
private void updateCameraParametersInitialize() {
// Reset preview frame rate to the maximum because it may be lowered by
// video camera application.
- int[] fpsRange = Util.getMaxPreviewFpsRange(mParameters);
+ int[] fpsRange = CameraUtil.getMaxPreviewFpsRange(mParameters);
if (fpsRange.length > 0) {
- mParameters.set(Util.RECORDING_HINT, Util.FALSE);
+ mParameters.set(CameraUtil.RECORDING_HINT, CameraUtil.FALSE);
// Disable video stabilization. Convenience methods not available in API
// level <= 14
@@ -1637,7 +1637,7 @@ public class PhotoModule
// Set a preview size that is closest to the viewfinder height and has
// the right aspect ratio.
List<Size> sizes = mParameters.getSupportedPreviewSizes();
- Size optimalSize = Util.getOptimalPreviewSize(mActivity, sizes,
+ Size optimalSize = CameraUtil.getOptimalPreviewSize(mActivity, sizes,
(double) size.width / size.height);
Size original = mParameters.getPreviewSize();
if (!original.equals(optimalSize)) {
@@ -1661,13 +1661,13 @@ public class PhotoModule
String hdr = mPreferences.getString(CameraSettings.KEY_CAMERA_HDR,
if (mActivity.getString(R.string.setting_on_value).equals(hdr)) {
- mSceneMode = Util.SCENE_MODE_HDR;
+ mSceneMode = CameraUtil.SCENE_MODE_HDR;
} else {
mSceneMode = mPreferences.getString(
- if (Util.isSupported(mSceneMode, mParameters.getSupportedSceneModes())) {
+ if (CameraUtil.isSupported(mSceneMode, mParameters.getSupportedSceneModes())) {
if (!mParameters.getSceneMode().equals(mSceneMode)) {
@@ -1708,7 +1708,7 @@ public class PhotoModule
List<String> supportedFlash = mParameters.getSupportedFlashModes();
- if (Util.isSupported(flashMode, supportedFlash)) {
+ if (CameraUtil.isSupported(flashMode, supportedFlash)) {
} else {
flashMode = mParameters.getFlashMode();
@@ -1722,7 +1722,7 @@ public class PhotoModule
String whiteBalance = mPreferences.getString(
- if (Util.isSupported(whiteBalance,
+ if (CameraUtil.isSupported(whiteBalance,
mParameters.getSupportedWhiteBalance())) {
} else {
@@ -1746,7 +1746,7 @@ public class PhotoModule
private void updateAutoFocusMoveCallback() {
- if (mParameters.getFocusMode().equals(Util.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_PICTURE)) {
+ if (mParameters.getFocusMode().equals(CameraUtil.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_PICTURE)) {
(CameraManager.CameraAFMoveCallback) mAutoFocusMoveCallback);
} else {
@@ -1885,12 +1885,12 @@ public class PhotoModule
private void initializeCapabilities() {
mInitialParams = mCameraDevice.getParameters();
- mFocusAreaSupported = Util.isFocusAreaSupported(mInitialParams);
- mMeteringAreaSupported = Util.isMeteringAreaSupported(mInitialParams);
- mAeLockSupported = Util.isAutoExposureLockSupported(mInitialParams);
- mAwbLockSupported = Util.isAutoWhiteBalanceLockSupported(mInitialParams);
+ mFocusAreaSupported = CameraUtil.isFocusAreaSupported(mInitialParams);
+ mMeteringAreaSupported = CameraUtil.isMeteringAreaSupported(mInitialParams);
+ mAeLockSupported = CameraUtil.isAutoExposureLockSupported(mInitialParams);
+ mAwbLockSupported = CameraUtil.isAutoWhiteBalanceLockSupported(mInitialParams);
mContinousFocusSupported = mInitialParams.getSupportedFocusModes().contains(
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ b/src/com/android/camera/
index a1de60af2..f5748ba3d 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/
@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@
-import java.util.List;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
@@ -47,6 +45,7 @@ import android.widget.Toast;
@@ -60,8 +59,10 @@ import;
+import java.util.List;
public class PhotoUI implements PieListener,
@@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ public class PhotoUI implements PieListener,
// Full-screen screennail
int w = width;
int h = height;
- if (Util.getDisplayRotation(mActivity) % 180 != 0) {
+ if (CameraUtil.getDisplayRotation(mActivity) % 180 != 0) {
w = height;
h = width;
@@ -168,7 +169,7 @@ public class PhotoUI implements PieListener,
protected Bitmap doInBackground(Integer... params) {
// Decode image in background.
- return Util.downSample(mData, DOWN_SAMPLE_FACTOR);
+ return CameraUtil.downSample(mData, DOWN_SAMPLE_FACTOR);
@@ -238,7 +239,7 @@ public class PhotoUI implements PieListener,
private void setTransformMatrix(int width, int height) {
mMatrix = mTextureView.getTransform(mMatrix);
- int orientation = Util.getDisplayRotation(mActivity);
+ int orientation = CameraUtil.getDisplayRotation(mActivity);
float scaleX = 1f, scaleY = 1f;
float scaledTextureWidth, scaledTextureHeight;
if (width > height) {
@@ -620,18 +621,18 @@ public class PhotoUI implements PieListener,
protected void showPostCaptureAlert() {
- Util.fadeIn(mReviewDoneButton);
+ CameraUtil.fadeIn(mReviewDoneButton);
- Util.fadeIn(mReviewRetakeButton);
+ CameraUtil.fadeIn(mReviewRetakeButton);
protected void hidePostCaptureAlert() {
- Util.fadeOut(mReviewDoneButton);
+ CameraUtil.fadeOut(mReviewDoneButton);
- Util.fadeOut(mReviewRetakeButton);
+ CameraUtil.fadeOut(mReviewRetakeButton);
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ b/src/com/android/camera/
index cc2d28099..2bdace69c 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/
@@ -21,9 +21,10 @@ import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.RelativeLayout;
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ public class PreviewFrameLayout extends RelativeLayout implements LayoutChangeNo
public void fadeOutBorder() {
- Util.fadeOut(mBorder);
+ CameraUtil.fadeOut(mBorder);
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ b/src/com/android/camera/
deleted file mode 100644
index 45163f196..000000000
--- a/src/com/android/camera/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import android.view.LayoutInflater;
-import android.view.View;
-import android.view.ViewGroup;
-import android.view.animation.Animation;
-import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils;
-import android.widget.Button;
-import android.widget.ProgressBar;
-import android.widget.TextView;
-public class RotateDialogController implements Rotatable {
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- private static final String TAG = "RotateDialogController";
- private static final long ANIM_DURATION = 150; // millis
- private Activity mActivity;
- private int mLayoutResourceID;
- private View mDialogRootLayout;
- private RotateLayout mRotateDialog;
- private View mRotateDialogTitleLayout;
- private View mRotateDialogButtonLayout;
- private TextView mRotateDialogTitle;
- private ProgressBar mRotateDialogSpinner;
- private TextView mRotateDialogText;
- private TextView mRotateDialogButton1;
- private TextView mRotateDialogButton2;
- private Animation mFadeInAnim, mFadeOutAnim;
- public RotateDialogController(Activity a, int layoutResource) {
- mActivity = a;
- mLayoutResourceID = layoutResource;
- }
- private void inflateDialogLayout() {
- if (mDialogRootLayout == null) {
- ViewGroup layoutRoot = (ViewGroup) mActivity.getWindow().getDecorView();
- LayoutInflater inflater = mActivity.getLayoutInflater();
- View v = inflater.inflate(mLayoutResourceID, layoutRoot);
- mDialogRootLayout = v.findViewById(;
- mRotateDialog = (RotateLayout) v.findViewById(;
- mRotateDialogTitleLayout = v.findViewById(;
- mRotateDialogButtonLayout = v.findViewById(;
- mRotateDialogTitle = (TextView) v.findViewById(;
- mRotateDialogSpinner = (ProgressBar) v.findViewById(;
- mRotateDialogText = (TextView) v.findViewById(;
- mRotateDialogButton1 = (Button) v.findViewById(;
- mRotateDialogButton2 = (Button) v.findViewById(;
- mFadeInAnim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(
- mActivity, android.R.anim.fade_in);
- mFadeOutAnim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(
- mActivity, android.R.anim.fade_out);
- mFadeInAnim.setDuration(ANIM_DURATION);
- mFadeOutAnim.setDuration(ANIM_DURATION);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void setOrientation(int orientation, boolean animation) {
- inflateDialogLayout();
- mRotateDialog.setOrientation(orientation, animation);
- }
- public void resetRotateDialog() {
- inflateDialogLayout();
- mRotateDialogTitleLayout.setVisibility(View.GONE);
- mRotateDialogSpinner.setVisibility(View.GONE);
- mRotateDialogButton1.setVisibility(View.GONE);
- mRotateDialogButton2.setVisibility(View.GONE);
- mRotateDialogButtonLayout.setVisibility(View.GONE);
- }
- private void fadeOutDialog() {
- mDialogRootLayout.startAnimation(mFadeOutAnim);
- mDialogRootLayout.setVisibility(View.GONE);
- }
- private void fadeInDialog() {
- mDialogRootLayout.startAnimation(mFadeInAnim);
- mDialogRootLayout.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
- }
- public void dismissDialog() {
- if (mDialogRootLayout != null && mDialogRootLayout.getVisibility() != View.GONE) {
- fadeOutDialog();
- }
- }
- public void showAlertDialog(String title, String msg, String button1Text,
- final Runnable r1, String button2Text, final Runnable r2) {
- resetRotateDialog();
- if (title != null) {
- mRotateDialogTitle.setText(title);
- mRotateDialogTitleLayout.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
- }
- mRotateDialogText.setText(msg);
- if (button1Text != null) {
- mRotateDialogButton1.setText(button1Text);
- mRotateDialogButton1.setContentDescription(button1Text);
- mRotateDialogButton1.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
- mRotateDialogButton1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
- @Override
- public void onClick(View v) {
- if (r1 != null);
- dismissDialog();
- }
- });
- mRotateDialogButtonLayout.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
- }
- if (button2Text != null) {
- mRotateDialogButton2.setText(button2Text);
- mRotateDialogButton2.setContentDescription(button2Text);
- mRotateDialogButton2.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
- mRotateDialogButton2.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
- @Override
- public void onClick(View v) {
- if (r2 != null);
- dismissDialog();
- }
- });
- mRotateDialogButtonLayout.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
- }
- fadeInDialog();
- }
- public void showWaitingDialog(String msg) {
- resetRotateDialog();
- mRotateDialogText.setText(msg);
- mRotateDialogSpinner.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
- fadeInDialog();
- }
- public int getVisibility() {
- if (mDialogRootLayout != null) {
- return mDialogRootLayout.getVisibility();
- }
- return View.INVISIBLE;
- }
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ b/src/com/android/camera/
index b5cfeddaa..f981bd238 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import;
import android.util.Log;
* This class controls the sound playback according to the API level.
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ b/src/com/android/camera/
deleted file mode 100644
index 91ac35c31..000000000
--- a/src/com/android/camera/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-public class StaticBitmapScreenNail extends BitmapScreenNail {
- public StaticBitmapScreenNail(Bitmap bitmap) {
- super(bitmap);
- }
- @Override
- public void recycle() {
- // Always keep the bitmap in memory.
- }
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ b/src/com/android/camera/
index 4e5a7dd0e..aa2a9721b 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import android.provider.MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns;
import android.provider.MediaStore.MediaColumns;
import android.util.Log;
public class Storage {
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ b/src/com/android/camera/
deleted file mode 100644
index 20a4bfd97..000000000
--- a/src/com/android/camera/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import android.os.SystemClock;
-import android.util.Log;
- * Class to handle the animation when switching between back and front cameras.
- * An image of the previous camera zooms in and fades out. The preview of the
- * new camera zooms in and fades in. The image of the previous camera is called
- * review in this class.
- */
-public class SwitchAnimManager {
- private static final String TAG = "SwitchAnimManager";
- // The amount of change for zooming in and out.
- private static final float ZOOM_DELTA_PREVIEW = 0.2f;
- private static final float ZOOM_DELTA_REVIEW = 0.5f;
- private static final float ANIMATION_DURATION = 400; // ms
- public static final float INITIAL_DARKEN_ALPHA = 0.8f;
- private long mAnimStartTime; // milliseconds.
- // The drawing width and height of the review image. This is saved when the
- // texture is copied.
- private int mReviewDrawingWidth;
- private int mReviewDrawingHeight;
- // The maximum width of the camera screen nail width from onDraw. We need to
- // know how much the preview is scaled and scale the review the same amount.
- // For example, the preview is not full screen in film strip mode.
- private int mPreviewFrameLayoutWidth;
- public SwitchAnimManager() {
- }
- public void setReviewDrawingSize(int width, int height) {
- mReviewDrawingWidth = width;
- mReviewDrawingHeight = height;
- }
- // width: the width of PreviewFrameLayout view.
- // height: the height of PreviewFrameLayout view. Not used. Kept for
- // consistency.
- public void setPreviewFrameLayoutSize(int width, int height) {
- mPreviewFrameLayoutWidth = width;
- }
- // w and h: the rectangle area where the animation takes place.
- public void startAnimation() {
- mAnimStartTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
- }
- // Returns true if the animation has been drawn.
- // preview: camera preview view.
- // review: snapshot of the preview before switching the camera.
- public boolean drawAnimation(GLCanvas canvas, int x, int y, int width,
- int height, CameraScreenNail preview, RawTexture review) {
- long timeDiff = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - mAnimStartTime;
- if (timeDiff > ANIMATION_DURATION) return false;
- float fraction = timeDiff / ANIMATION_DURATION;
- // Calculate the position and the size of the preview.
- float centerX = x + width / 2f;
- float centerY = y + height / 2f;
- float previewAnimScale = 1 - ZOOM_DELTA_PREVIEW * (1 - fraction);
- float previewWidth = width * previewAnimScale;
- float previewHeight = height * previewAnimScale;
- int previewX = Math.round(centerX - previewWidth / 2);
- int previewY = Math.round(centerY - previewHeight / 2);
- // Calculate the position and the size of the review.
- float reviewAnimScale = 1 + ZOOM_DELTA_REVIEW * fraction;
- // Calculate how much preview is scaled.
- // The scaling is done by PhotoView in Gallery so we don't have the
- // scaling information but only the width and the height passed to this
- // method. The inference of the scale ratio is done by matching the
- // current width and the original width we have at first when the camera
- // layout is inflated.
- float scaleRatio = 1;
- if (mPreviewFrameLayoutWidth != 0) {
- scaleRatio = (float) width / mPreviewFrameLayoutWidth;
- } else {
- Log.e(TAG, "mPreviewFrameLayoutWidth is 0.");
- }
- float reviewWidth = mReviewDrawingWidth * reviewAnimScale * scaleRatio;
- float reviewHeight = mReviewDrawingHeight * reviewAnimScale * scaleRatio;
- int reviewX = Math.round(centerX - reviewWidth / 2);
- int reviewY = Math.round(centerY - reviewHeight / 2);
- // Draw the preview.
- float alpha = canvas.getAlpha();
- canvas.setAlpha(fraction); // fade in
- preview.directDraw(canvas, previewX, previewY, Math.round(previewWidth),
- Math.round(previewHeight));
- // Draw the review.
- canvas.setAlpha((1f - fraction) * INITIAL_DARKEN_ALPHA); // fade out
- review.draw(canvas, reviewX, reviewY, Math.round(reviewWidth),
- Math.round(reviewHeight));
- canvas.setAlpha(alpha);
- return true;
- }
- public boolean drawDarkPreview(GLCanvas canvas, int x, int y, int width,
- int height, RawTexture review) {
- // Calculate the position and the size.
- float centerX = x + width / 2f;
- float centerY = y + height / 2f;
- float scaleRatio = 1;
- if (mPreviewFrameLayoutWidth != 0) {
- scaleRatio = (float) width / mPreviewFrameLayoutWidth;
- } else {
- Log.e(TAG, "mPreviewFrameLayoutWidth is 0.");
- }
- float reviewWidth = mReviewDrawingWidth * scaleRatio;
- float reviewHeight = mReviewDrawingHeight * scaleRatio;
- int reviewX = Math.round(centerX - reviewWidth / 2);
- int reviewY = Math.round(centerY - reviewHeight / 2);
- // Draw the review.
- float alpha = canvas.getAlpha();
- canvas.setAlpha(INITIAL_DARKEN_ALPHA);
- review.draw(canvas, reviewX, reviewY, Math.round(reviewWidth),
- Math.round(reviewHeight));
- canvas.setAlpha(alpha);
- return true;
- }
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ b/src/com/android/camera/
index 80bbbca37..90915334e 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/
@@ -16,13 +16,6 @@
-import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException;
@@ -63,15 +56,23 @@ import android.widget.Toast;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
public class VideoModule implements CameraModule,
@@ -223,7 +224,7 @@ public class VideoModule implements CameraModule,
private void openCamera() {
try {
if (mCameraDevice == null) {
- mCameraDevice = Util.openCamera(mActivity, mCameraId);
+ mCameraDevice = CameraUtil.openCamera(mActivity, mCameraId);
mParameters = mCameraDevice.getParameters();
} catch (CameraHardwareException e) {
@@ -261,7 +262,7 @@ public class VideoModule implements CameraModule,
// down and camera app is opened. Rotation animation will
// take some time and the rotation value we have got may be
// wrong. Framework does not have a callback for this now.
- if ((Util.getDisplayRotation(mActivity) != mDisplayRotation)
+ if ((CameraUtil.getDisplayRotation(mActivity) != mDisplayRotation)
&& !mMediaRecorderRecording && !mSwitchingCamera) {
@@ -321,7 +322,7 @@ public class VideoModule implements CameraModule,
private int getPreferredCameraId(ComboPreferences preferences) {
- int intentCameraId = Util.getCameraFacingIntentExtras(mActivity);
+ int intentCameraId = CameraUtil.getCameraFacingIntentExtras(mActivity);
if (intentCameraId != -1) {
// Testing purpose. Launch a specific camera through the intent
// extras.
@@ -370,10 +371,10 @@ public class VideoModule implements CameraModule,
try {
if (mOpenCameraFail) {
- Util.showErrorAndFinish(mActivity, R.string.cannot_connect_camera);
+ CameraUtil.showErrorAndFinish(mActivity, R.string.cannot_connect_camera);
} else if (mCameraDisabled) {
- Util.showErrorAndFinish(mActivity, R.string.camera_disabled);
+ CameraUtil.showErrorAndFinish(mActivity, R.string.camera_disabled);
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
@@ -424,10 +425,10 @@ public class VideoModule implements CameraModule,
// Set rotation and gps data.
- int rotation = Util.getJpegRotation(mCameraId, mOrientation);
+ int rotation = CameraUtil.getJpegRotation(mCameraId, mOrientation);
Location loc = mLocationManager.getCurrentLocation();
- Util.setGpsParameters(mParameters, loc);
+ CameraUtil.setGpsParameters(mParameters, loc);
Log.v(TAG, "Video snapshot start");
@@ -466,7 +467,7 @@ public class VideoModule implements CameraModule,
// the camera then point the camera to floor or sky, we still have
// the correct orientation.
if (orientation == OrientationEventListener.ORIENTATION_UNKNOWN) return;
- int newOrientation = Util.roundOrientation(orientation, mOrientation);
+ int newOrientation = CameraUtil.roundOrientation(orientation, mOrientation);
if (mOrientation != newOrientation) {
mOrientation = newOrientation;
@@ -668,7 +669,7 @@ public class VideoModule implements CameraModule,
- Size optimalSize = Util.getOptimalPreviewSize(mActivity, sizes,
+ Size optimalSize = CameraUtil.getOptimalPreviewSize(mActivity, sizes,
(double) mProfile.videoFrameWidth / mProfile.videoFrameHeight);
mDesiredPreviewWidth = optimalSize.width;
mDesiredPreviewHeight = optimalSize.height;
@@ -716,11 +717,11 @@ public class VideoModule implements CameraModule,
if (mOpenCameraFail) {
- Util.showErrorAndFinish(mActivity,
+ CameraUtil.showErrorAndFinish(mActivity,
} else if (mCameraDisabled) {
- Util.showErrorAndFinish(mActivity, R.string.camera_disabled);
+ CameraUtil.showErrorAndFinish(mActivity, R.string.camera_disabled);
@@ -753,8 +754,8 @@ public class VideoModule implements CameraModule,
private void setDisplayOrientation() {
- mDisplayRotation = Util.getDisplayRotation(mActivity);
- mCameraDisplayOrientation = Util.getDisplayOrientation(mDisplayRotation, mCameraId);
+ mDisplayRotation = CameraUtil.getDisplayRotation(mActivity);
+ mCameraDisplayOrientation = CameraUtil.getDisplayOrientation(mDisplayRotation, mCameraId);
// Change the camera display orientation
if (mCameraDevice != null) {
@@ -764,7 +765,7 @@ public class VideoModule implements CameraModule,
public void updateCameraOrientation() {
if (mMediaRecorderRecording) return;
- if (mDisplayRotation != Util.getDisplayRotation(mActivity)) {
+ if (mDisplayRotation != CameraUtil.getDisplayRotation(mActivity)) {
@@ -819,9 +820,9 @@ public class VideoModule implements CameraModule,
throw new RuntimeException("startPreview failed", ex);
} finally {
if (mOpenCameraFail) {
- Util.showErrorAndFinish(mActivity, R.string.cannot_connect_camera);
+ CameraUtil.showErrorAndFinish(mActivity, R.string.cannot_connect_camera);
} else if (mCameraDisabled) {
- Util.showErrorAndFinish(mActivity, R.string.camera_disabled);
+ CameraUtil.showErrorAndFinish(mActivity, R.string.camera_disabled);
@@ -1048,7 +1049,7 @@ public class VideoModule implements CameraModule,
// SurfaceView we will have to take everything into account so the
// display rotation is considered.
- Util.getDisplayOrientation(mDisplayRotation, mCameraId));
+ CameraUtil.getDisplayOrientation(mDisplayRotation, mCameraId));
mPreviewing = true;
@@ -1496,7 +1497,7 @@ public class VideoModule implements CameraModule,
// it to match the UI orientation (and mirror if it is front-facing camera).
CameraInfo[] info = CameraHolder.instance().getCameraInfo();
boolean mirror = (info[mCameraId].facing == CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT);
- bitmap = Util.rotateAndMirror(bitmap, 0, mirror);
+ bitmap = CameraUtil.rotateAndMirror(bitmap, 0, mirror);
return bitmap;
@@ -1730,7 +1731,7 @@ public class VideoModule implements CameraModule,
private void setCameraParameters() {
mParameters.setPreviewSize(mDesiredPreviewWidth, mDesiredPreviewHeight);
- int[] fpsRange = Util.getMaxPreviewFpsRange(mParameters);
+ int[] fpsRange = CameraUtil.getMaxPreviewFpsRange(mParameters);
if (fpsRange.length > 0) {
@@ -1784,7 +1785,7 @@ public class VideoModule implements CameraModule,
- mParameters.set(Util.RECORDING_HINT, Util.TRUE);
+ mParameters.set(CameraUtil.RECORDING_HINT, CameraUtil.TRUE);
// Enable video stabilization. Convenience methods not available in API
// level <= 14
@@ -1798,7 +1799,7 @@ public class VideoModule implements CameraModule,
// There we determine the preview size based on the picture size, but
// here we determine the picture size based on the preview size.
List<Size> supported = mParameters.getSupportedPictureSizes();
- Size optimalSize = Util.getOptimalVideoSnapshotPictureSize(supported,
+ Size optimalSize = CameraUtil.getOptimalVideoSnapshotPictureSize(supported,
(double) mDesiredPreviewWidth / mDesiredPreviewHeight);
Size original = mParameters.getPictureSize();
if (!original.equals(optimalSize)) {
@@ -2058,7 +2059,7 @@ public class VideoModule implements CameraModule,
private void initializeVideoSnapshot() {
if (mParameters == null) return;
- if (Util.isVideoSnapshotSupported(mParameters) && !mIsVideoCaptureIntent) {
+ if (CameraUtil.isVideoSnapshotSupported(mParameters) && !mIsVideoCaptureIntent) {
// Show the tap to focus toast if this is the first start.
if (mPreferences.getBoolean(
CameraSettings.KEY_VIDEO_FIRST_USE_HINT_SHOWN, true)) {
@@ -2070,7 +2071,7 @@ public class VideoModule implements CameraModule,
void showVideoSnapshotUI(boolean enabled) {
if (mParameters == null) return;
- if (Util.isVideoSnapshotSupported(mParameters) && !mIsVideoCaptureIntent) {
+ if (CameraUtil.isVideoSnapshotSupported(mParameters) && !mIsVideoCaptureIntent) {
if (enabled) {
} else {
@@ -2121,7 +2122,7 @@ public class VideoModule implements CameraModule,
private void storeImage(final byte[] data, Location loc) {
long dateTaken = System.currentTimeMillis();
- String title = Util.createJpegName(dateTaken);
+ String title = CameraUtil.createJpegName(dateTaken);
ExifInterface exif = Exif.getExif(data);
int orientation = Exif.getOrientation(exif);
Size s = mParameters.getPictureSize();
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ b/src/com/android/camera/
index ee49277dc..5c7eca214 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/
@@ -53,8 +53,9 @@ import;
public class VideoUI implements PieRenderer.PieListener,
@@ -87,7 +88,6 @@ public class VideoUI implements PieRenderer.PieListener,
private View mMenuButton;
private OnScreenIndicators mOnScreenIndicators;
private RotateLayout mRecordingTimeRect;
- private final Object mLock = new Object();
private SurfaceTexture mSurfaceTexture;
private VideoController mController;
private int mZoomMax;
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ public class VideoUI implements PieRenderer.PieListener,
// Full-screen screennail
int w = width;
int h = height;
- if (Util.getDisplayRotation(mActivity) % 180 != 0) {
+ if (CameraUtil.getDisplayRotation(mActivity) % 180 != 0) {
w = height;
h = width;
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ public class VideoUI implements PieRenderer.PieListener,
private void setTransformMatrix(int width, int height) {
mMatrix = mTextureView.getTransform(mMatrix);
- int orientation = Util.getDisplayRotation(mActivity);
+ int orientation = CameraUtil.getDisplayRotation(mActivity);
float scaleX = 1f, scaleY = 1f;
float scaledTextureWidth, scaledTextureHeight;
if (width > height) {
@@ -569,9 +569,9 @@ public class VideoUI implements PieRenderer.PieListener,
public void showReviewControls() {
- Util.fadeOut(mShutterButton);
- Util.fadeIn(mReviewDoneButton);
- Util.fadeIn(mReviewPlayButton);
+ CameraUtil.fadeOut(mShutterButton);
+ CameraUtil.fadeIn(mReviewDoneButton);
+ CameraUtil.fadeIn(mReviewPlayButton);
@@ -582,9 +582,9 @@ public class VideoUI implements PieRenderer.PieListener,
- Util.fadeOut(mReviewDoneButton);
- Util.fadeOut(mReviewPlayButton);
- Util.fadeIn(mShutterButton);
+ CameraUtil.fadeOut(mReviewDoneButton);
+ CameraUtil.fadeOut(mReviewPlayButton);
+ CameraUtil.fadeIn(mShutterButton);
private void setShowMenu(boolean show) {
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/app/ b/src/com/android/camera/app/
index a72581531..e4da41461 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/app/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/app/
@@ -16,28 +16,15 @@
-import android.content.Context;
-public class CameraApp extends Application {
- private StitchingProgressManager mStitchingProgressManager;
+public class CameraApp extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
- Util.initialize(this);
- mStitchingProgressManager = PhotoSphereHelper.createStitchingManagerInstance(this);
- }
- public Context getAndroidContext() {
- return this;
- }
- public StitchingProgressManager getStitchingProgressManager() {
- return mStitchingProgressManager;
+ CameraUtil.initialize(this);
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/support/app/ b/src/com/android/camera/app/
index 850d46591..412be3024 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/support/app/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/app/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ import android.util.Log;
import android.view.OrientationEventListener;
import android.view.Surface;
public class OrientationManager implements OrientationSource {
private static final String TAG = "OrientationManager";
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/support/ui/ b/src/com/android/camera/app/
index a2841eec4..57dcfeb40 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/support/ui/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/app/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
public interface OrientationSource {
public int getDisplayRotation();
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/data/ b/src/com/android/camera/data/
index d80862cad..cd568239d 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/data/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/data/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;
import android.widget.ImageView;
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ public abstract class LocalMediaData implements LocalData {
icon.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
- Util.playVideo(ctx, mPlayUri, title);
+ CameraUtil.playVideo(ctx, mPlayUri, title);
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/support/app/ b/src/com/android/camera/support/app/
deleted file mode 100644
index f67fb3963..000000000
--- a/src/com/android/camera/support/app/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-public interface StitchingChangeListener {
- public void onStitchingQueued(Uri uri);
- public void onStitchingResult(Uri uri);
- public void onStitchingProgress(Uri uri, int progress);
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index e6c1f5fb6..000000000
--- a/src/com/android/camera/support/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-import android.content.ComponentName;
-import android.hardware.Camera;
-import android.os.Build;
-import android.provider.MediaStore.MediaColumns;
-import android.view.View;
-import android.view.WindowManager;
-import java.lang.reflect.Field;
-public class ApiHelper {
- public static interface VERSION_CODES {
- // These value are copied from Build.VERSION_CODES
- public static final int GINGERBREAD_MR1 = 10;
- public static final int HONEYCOMB = 11;
- public static final int HONEYCOMB_MR1 = 12;
- public static final int HONEYCOMB_MR2 = 13;
- public static final int ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH = 14;
- public static final int ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH_MR1 = 15;
- public static final int JELLY_BEAN = 16;
- public static final int JELLY_BEAN_MR1 = 17;
- public static final int JELLY_BEAN_MR2 = 18;
- }
- public static final boolean AT_LEAST_16 = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16;
- public static final boolean USE_888_PIXEL_FORMAT =
- public static final boolean ENABLE_PHOTO_EDITOR =
- public static final boolean HAS_VIEW_SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE =
- hasField(View.class, "SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE");
- public static final boolean HAS_VIEW_SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION =
- hasField(View.class, "SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION");
- public static final boolean HAS_MEDIA_COLUMNS_WIDTH_AND_HEIGHT =
- hasField(MediaColumns.class, "WIDTH");
- public static final boolean HAS_REUSING_BITMAP_IN_BITMAP_REGION_DECODER =
- public static final boolean HAS_REUSING_BITMAP_IN_BITMAP_FACTORY =
- public static final boolean HAS_SET_BEAM_PUSH_URIS =
- public static final boolean HAS_SET_DEFALT_BUFFER_SIZE = hasMethod(
- "", "setDefaultBufferSize",
- int.class, int.class);
- public static final boolean HAS_RELEASE_SURFACE_TEXTURE = hasMethod(
- "", "release");
- public static final boolean HAS_SURFACE_TEXTURE =
- public static final boolean HAS_MTP =
- public static final boolean HAS_AUTO_FOCUS_MOVE_CALLBACK =
- public static final boolean HAS_REMOTE_VIEWS_SERVICE =
- public static final boolean HAS_INTENT_EXTRA_LOCAL_ONLY =
- public static final boolean HAS_SET_SYSTEM_UI_VISIBILITY =
- hasMethod(View.class, "setSystemUiVisibility", int.class);
- public static final boolean HAS_FACE_DETECTION;
- static {
- boolean hasFaceDetection = false;
- try {
- Class<?> listenerClass = Class.forName(
- "android.hardware.Camera$FaceDetectionListener");
- hasFaceDetection =
- hasMethod(Camera.class, "setFaceDetectionListener", listenerClass) &&
- hasMethod(Camera.class, "startFaceDetection") &&
- hasMethod(Camera.class, "stopFaceDetection") &&
- hasMethod(Camera.Parameters.class, "getMaxNumDetectedFaces");
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- }
- HAS_FACE_DETECTION = hasFaceDetection;
- }
- public static final boolean HAS_GET_CAMERA_DISABLED =
- hasMethod(DevicePolicyManager.class, "getCameraDisabled", ComponentName.class);
- public static final boolean HAS_MEDIA_ACTION_SOUND =
- public static final boolean HAS_TIME_LAPSE_RECORDING =
- public static final boolean HAS_ZOOM_WHEN_RECORDING =
- public static final boolean HAS_CAMERA_FOCUS_AREA =
- public static final boolean HAS_CAMERA_METERING_AREA =
- public static final boolean HAS_MOTION_EVENT_TRANSFORM =
- public static final boolean HAS_EFFECTS_RECORDING = false;
- // "Background" filter does not have "context" input port in jelly bean.
- public static final boolean HAS_EFFECTS_RECORDING_CONTEXT_INPUT =
- public static final boolean HAS_GET_SUPPORTED_VIDEO_SIZE =
- public static final boolean HAS_SET_ICON_ATTRIBUTE =
- public static final boolean HAS_MEDIA_PROVIDER_FILES_TABLE =
- public static final boolean HAS_SURFACE_TEXTURE_RECORDING =
- public static final boolean HAS_ACTION_BAR =
- // Ex: View.setTranslationX.
- public static final boolean HAS_VIEW_TRANSFORM_PROPERTIES =
- public static final boolean HAS_CAMERA_HDR =
- public static final boolean HAS_OPTIONS_IN_MUTABLE =
- public static final boolean CAN_START_PREVIEW_IN_JPEG_CALLBACK =
- public static final boolean HAS_VIEW_PROPERTY_ANIMATOR =
- public static final boolean HAS_POST_ON_ANIMATION =
- public static final boolean HAS_ANNOUNCE_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY =
- public static final boolean HAS_OBJECT_ANIMATION =
- public static final boolean HAS_GLES20_REQUIRED =
- public static final boolean HAS_ROTATION_ANIMATION =
- hasField(WindowManager.LayoutParams.class, "rotationAnimation");
- public static final boolean HAS_ORIENTATION_LOCK =
- public static final boolean HAS_CANCELLATION_SIGNAL =
- public static final boolean HAS_MEDIA_MUXER =
- public static final boolean HAS_DISPLAY_LISTENER =
- public static int getIntFieldIfExists(Class<?> klass, String fieldName,
- Class<?> obj, int defaultVal) {
- try {
- Field f = klass.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
- return f.getInt(obj);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- return defaultVal;
- }
- }
- private static boolean hasField(Class<?> klass, String fieldName) {
- try {
- klass.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
- return true;
- } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- private static boolean hasMethod(String className, String methodName,
- Class<?>... parameterTypes) {
- try {
- Class<?> klass = Class.forName(className);
- klass.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, parameterTypes);
- return true;
- } catch (Throwable th) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- private static boolean hasMethod(
- Class<?> klass, String methodName, Class<?> ... paramTypes) {
- try {
- klass.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, paramTypes);
- return true;
- } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
- return false;
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/support/common/ b/src/com/android/camera/support/common/
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index f36d6adcd..000000000
--- a/src/com/android/camera/support/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-import android.content.Context;
-import android.database.Cursor;
-import android.os.Build;
-import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
-import android.text.TextUtils;
-import android.util.Log;
-public class Utils {
- private static final String TAG = "Utils";
- private static final String DEBUG_TAG = "GalleryDebug";
- private static final long POLY64REV = 0x95AC9329AC4BC9B5L;
- private static final long INITIALCRC = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL;
- private static long[] sCrcTable = new long[256];
- private static final boolean IS_DEBUG_BUILD =
- Build.TYPE.equals("eng") || Build.TYPE.equals("userdebug");
- private static final String MASK_STRING = "********************************";
- // Throws AssertionError if the input is false.
- public static void assertTrue(boolean cond) {
- if (!cond) {
- throw new AssertionError();
- }
- }
- // Throws AssertionError with the message. We had a method having the form
- // assertTrue(boolean cond, String message, Object ... args);
- // However a call to that method will cause memory allocation even if the
- // condition is false (due to autoboxing generated by "Object ... args"),
- // so we don't use that anymore.
- public static void fail(String message, Object ... args) {
- throw new AssertionError(
- args.length == 0 ? message : String.format(message, args));
- }
- // Throws NullPointerException if the input is null.
- public static <T> T checkNotNull(T object) {
- if (object == null) throw new NullPointerException();
- return object;
- }
- // Returns true if two input Object are both null or equal
- // to each other.
- public static boolean equals(Object a, Object b) {
- return (a == b) || (a == null ? false : a.equals(b));
- }
- // Returns the next power of two.
- // Returns the input if it is already power of 2.
- // Throws IllegalArgumentException if the input is <= 0 or
- // the answer overflows.
- public static int nextPowerOf2(int n) {
- if (n <= 0 || n > (1 << 30)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("n is invalid: " + n);
- n -= 1;
- n |= n >> 16;
- n |= n >> 8;
- n |= n >> 4;
- n |= n >> 2;
- n |= n >> 1;
- return n + 1;
- }
- // Returns the previous power of two.
- // Returns the input if it is already power of 2.
- // Throws IllegalArgumentException if the input is <= 0
- public static int prevPowerOf2(int n) {
- if (n <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
- return Integer.highestOneBit(n);
- }
- // Returns the input value x clamped to the range [min, max].
- public static int clamp(int x, int min, int max) {
- if (x > max) return max;
- if (x < min) return min;
- return x;
- }
- // Returns the input value x clamped to the range [min, max].
- public static float clamp(float x, float min, float max) {
- if (x > max) return max;
- if (x < min) return min;
- return x;
- }
- // Returns the input value x clamped to the range [min, max].
- public static long clamp(long x, long min, long max) {
- if (x > max) return max;
- if (x < min) return min;
- return x;
- }
- public static boolean isOpaque(int color) {
- return color >>> 24 == 0xFF;
- }
- public static void swap(int[] array, int i, int j) {
- int temp = array[i];
- array[i] = array[j];
- array[j] = temp;
- }
- /**
- * A function thats returns a 64-bit crc for string
- *
- * @param in input string
- * @return a 64-bit crc value
- */
- public static final long crc64Long(String in) {
- if (in == null || in.length() == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- return crc64Long(getBytes(in));
- }
- static {
- //
- long part;
- for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
- part = i;
- for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
- long x = ((int) part & 1) != 0 ? POLY64REV : 0;
- part = (part >> 1) ^ x;
- }
- sCrcTable[i] = part;
- }
- }
- public static final long crc64Long(byte[] buffer) {
- long crc = INITIALCRC;
- for (int k = 0, n = buffer.length; k < n; ++k) {
- crc = sCrcTable[(((int) crc) ^ buffer[k]) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8);
- }
- return crc;
- }
- public static byte[] getBytes(String in) {
- byte[] result = new byte[in.length() * 2];
- int output = 0;
- for (char ch : in.toCharArray()) {
- result[output++] = (byte) (ch & 0xFF);
- result[output++] = (byte) (ch >> 8);
- }
- return result;
- }
- public static void closeSilently(Closeable c) {
- if (c == null) return;
- try {
- c.close();
- } catch (IOException t) {
- Log.w(TAG, "close fail ", t);
- }
- }
- public static int compare(long a, long b) {
- return a < b ? -1 : a == b ? 0 : 1;
- }
- public static int ceilLog2(float value) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
- if ((1 << i) >= value) break;
- }
- return i;
- }
- public static int floorLog2(float value) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
- if ((1 << i) > value) break;
- }
- return i - 1;
- }
- public static void closeSilently(ParcelFileDescriptor fd) {
- try {
- if (fd != null) fd.close();
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- Log.w(TAG, "fail to close", t);
- }
- }
- public static void closeSilently(Cursor cursor) {
- try {
- if (cursor != null) cursor.close();
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- Log.w(TAG, "fail to close", t);
- }
- }
- public static float interpolateAngle(
- float source, float target, float progress) {
- // interpolate the angle from source to target
- // We make the difference in the range of [-179, 180], this is the
- // shortest path to change source to target.
- float diff = target - source;
- if (diff < 0) diff += 360f;
- if (diff > 180) diff -= 360f;
- float result = source + diff * progress;
- return result < 0 ? result + 360f : result;
- }
- public static float interpolateScale(
- float source, float target, float progress) {
- return source + progress * (target - source);
- }
- public static String ensureNotNull(String value) {
- return value == null ? "" : value;
- }
- public static float parseFloatSafely(String content, float defaultValue) {
- if (content == null) return defaultValue;
- try {
- return Float.parseFloat(content);
- } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
- return defaultValue;
- }
- }
- public static int parseIntSafely(String content, int defaultValue) {
- if (content == null) return defaultValue;
- try {
- return Integer.parseInt(content);
- } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
- return defaultValue;
- }
- }
- public static boolean isNullOrEmpty(String exifMake) {
- return TextUtils.isEmpty(exifMake);
- }
- public static void waitWithoutInterrupt(Object object) {
- try {
- object.wait();
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- Log.w(TAG, "unexpected interrupt: " + object);
- }
- }
- public static boolean handleInterrruptedException(Throwable e) {
- // A helper to deal with the interrupt exception
- // If an interrupt detected, we will setup the bit again.
- if (e instanceof InterruptedIOException
- || e instanceof InterruptedException) {
- Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * @return String with special XML characters escaped.
- */
- public static String escapeXml(String s) {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- for (int i = 0, len = s.length(); i < len; ++i) {
- char c = s.charAt(i);
- switch (c) {
- case '<': sb.append("&lt;"); break;
- case '>': sb.append("&gt;"); break;
- case '\"': sb.append("&quot;"); break;
- case '\'': sb.append("&#039;"); break;
- case '&': sb.append("&amp;"); break;
- default: sb.append(c);
- }
- }
- return sb.toString();
- }
- public static String getUserAgent(Context context) {
- PackageInfo packageInfo;
- try {
- packageInfo = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0);
- } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
- throw new IllegalStateException("getPackageInfo failed");
- }
- return String.format("%s/%s; %s/%s/%s/%s; %s/%s/%s",
- packageInfo.packageName,
- packageInfo.versionName,
- Build.BRAND,
- Build.DEVICE,
- Build.MODEL,
- Build.ID,
- }
- public static String[] copyOf(String[] source, int newSize) {
- String[] result = new String[newSize];
- newSize = Math.min(source.length, newSize);
- System.arraycopy(source, 0, result, 0, newSize);
- return result;
- }
- // Mask information for debugging only. It returns <code>info.toString()</code> directly
- // for debugging build (i.e., 'eng' and 'userdebug') and returns a mask ("****")
- // in release build to protect the information (e.g. for privacy issue).
- public static String maskDebugInfo(Object info) {
- if (info == null) return null;
- String s = info.toString();
- int length = Math.min(s.length(), MASK_STRING.length());
- return IS_DEBUG_BUILD ? s : MASK_STRING.substring(0, length);
- }
- // This method should be ONLY used for debugging.
- public static void debug(String message, Object ... args) {
- Log.v(DEBUG_TAG, String.format(message, args));
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/support/filtershow/crop/ b/src/com/android/camera/support/filtershow/crop/
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index 6250a3573..000000000
--- a/src/com/android/camera/support/filtershow/crop/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-public class CropExtras {
- public static final String KEY_CROPPED_RECT = "cropped-rect";
- public static final String KEY_OUTPUT_X = "outputX";
- public static final String KEY_OUTPUT_Y = "outputY";
- public static final String KEY_SCALE = "scale";
- public static final String KEY_SCALE_UP_IF_NEEDED = "scaleUpIfNeeded";
- public static final String KEY_ASPECT_X = "aspectX";
- public static final String KEY_ASPECT_Y = "aspectY";
- public static final String KEY_SET_AS_WALLPAPER = "set-as-wallpaper";
- public static final String KEY_RETURN_DATA = "return-data";
- public static final String KEY_DATA = "data";
- public static final String KEY_SPOTLIGHT_X = "spotlightX";
- public static final String KEY_SPOTLIGHT_Y = "spotlightY";
- public static final String KEY_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED = "showWhenLocked";
- public static final String KEY_OUTPUT_FORMAT = "outputFormat";
- private int mOutputX = 0;
- private int mOutputY = 0;
- private boolean mScaleUp = true;
- private int mAspectX = 0;
- private int mAspectY = 0;
- private boolean mSetAsWallpaper = false;
- private boolean mReturnData = false;
- private Uri mExtraOutput = null;
- private String mOutputFormat = null;
- private boolean mShowWhenLocked = false;
- private float mSpotlightX = 0;
- private float mSpotlightY = 0;
- public CropExtras(int outputX, int outputY, boolean scaleUp, int aspectX, int aspectY,
- boolean setAsWallpaper, boolean returnData, Uri extraOutput, String outputFormat,
- boolean showWhenLocked, float spotlightX, float spotlightY) {
- mOutputX = outputX;
- mOutputY = outputY;
- mScaleUp = scaleUp;
- mAspectX = aspectX;
- mAspectY = aspectY;
- mSetAsWallpaper = setAsWallpaper;
- mReturnData = returnData;
- mExtraOutput = extraOutput;
- mOutputFormat = outputFormat;
- mShowWhenLocked = showWhenLocked;
- mSpotlightX = spotlightX;
- mSpotlightY = spotlightY;
- }
- public CropExtras(CropExtras c) {
- this(c.mOutputX, c.mOutputY, c.mScaleUp, c.mAspectX, c.mAspectY, c.mSetAsWallpaper,
- c.mReturnData, c.mExtraOutput, c.mOutputFormat, c.mShowWhenLocked,
- c.mSpotlightX, c.mSpotlightY);
- }
- public int getOutputX() {
- return mOutputX;
- }
- public int getOutputY() {
- return mOutputY;
- }
- public boolean getScaleUp() {
- return mScaleUp;
- }
- public int getAspectX() {
- return mAspectX;
- }
- public int getAspectY() {
- return mAspectY;
- }
- public boolean getSetAsWallpaper() {
- return mSetAsWallpaper;
- }
- public boolean getReturnData() {
- return mReturnData;
- }
- public Uri getExtraOutput() {
- return mExtraOutput;
- }
- public String getOutputFormat() {
- return mOutputFormat;
- }
- public boolean getShowWhenLocked() {
- return mShowWhenLocked;
- }
- public float getSpotlightX() {
- return mSpotlightX;
- }
- public float getSpotlightY() {
- return mSpotlightY;
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
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index 39cc519c2..000000000
--- a/src/com/android/camera/support/glrenderer/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-import java.util.WeakHashMap;
-import android.util.Log;
-// BasicTexture is a Texture corresponds to a real GL texture.
-// The state of a BasicTexture indicates whether its data is loaded to GL memory.
-// If a BasicTexture is loaded into GL memory, it has a GL texture id.
-public abstract class BasicTexture implements Texture {
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- private static final String TAG = "BasicTexture";
- protected static final int UNSPECIFIED = -1;
- protected static final int STATE_UNLOADED = 0;
- protected static final int STATE_LOADED = 1;
- protected static final int STATE_ERROR = -1;
- // Log a warning if a texture is larger along a dimension
- private static final int MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 4096;
- protected int mId = -1;
- protected int mState;
- protected int mWidth = UNSPECIFIED;
- protected int mHeight = UNSPECIFIED;
- protected int mTextureWidth;
- protected int mTextureHeight;
- private boolean mHasBorder;
- protected GLCanvas mCanvasRef = null;
- private static WeakHashMap<BasicTexture, Object> sAllTextures
- = new WeakHashMap<BasicTexture, Object>();
- private static ThreadLocal sInFinalizer = new ThreadLocal();
- protected BasicTexture(GLCanvas canvas, int id, int state) {
- setAssociatedCanvas(canvas);
- mId = id;
- mState = state;
- synchronized (sAllTextures) {
- sAllTextures.put(this, null);
- }
- }
- protected BasicTexture() {
- this(null, 0, STATE_UNLOADED);
- }
- protected void setAssociatedCanvas(GLCanvas canvas) {
- mCanvasRef = canvas;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the content size of this texture. In OpenGL, the actual texture
- * size must be of power of 2, the size of the content may be smaller.
- */
- public void setSize(int width, int height) {
- mWidth = width;
- mHeight = height;
- mTextureWidth = width > 0 ? Utils.nextPowerOf2(width) : 0;
- mTextureHeight = height > 0 ? Utils.nextPowerOf2(height) : 0;
- if (mTextureWidth > MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE || mTextureHeight > MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE) {
- Log.w(TAG, String.format("texture is too large: %d x %d",
- mTextureWidth, mTextureHeight), new Exception());
- }
- }
- public boolean isFlippedVertically() {
- return false;
- }
- public int getId() {
- return mId;
- }
- @Override
- public int getWidth() {
- return mWidth;
- }
- @Override
- public int getHeight() {
- return mHeight;
- }
- // Returns the width rounded to the next power of 2.
- public int getTextureWidth() {
- return mTextureWidth;
- }
- // Returns the height rounded to the next power of 2.
- public int getTextureHeight() {
- return mTextureHeight;
- }
- // Returns true if the texture has one pixel transparent border around the
- // actual content. This is used to avoid jigged edges.
- //
- // The jigged edges appear because we use GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE for texture wrap
- // mode (GL_CLAMP is not available in OpenGL ES), so a pixel partially
- // covered by the texture will use the color of the edge texel. If we add
- // the transparent border, the color of the edge texel will be mixed with
- // appropriate amount of transparent.
- //
- // Currently our background is black, so we can draw the thumbnails without
- // enabling blending.
- public boolean hasBorder() {
- return mHasBorder;
- }
- protected void setBorder(boolean hasBorder) {
- mHasBorder = hasBorder;
- }
- @Override
- public void draw(GLCanvas canvas, int x, int y) {
- canvas.drawTexture(this, x, y, getWidth(), getHeight());
- }
- @Override
- public void draw(GLCanvas canvas, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
- canvas.drawTexture(this, x, y, w, h);
- }
- // onBind is called before GLCanvas binds this texture.
- // It should make sure the data is uploaded to GL memory.
- abstract protected boolean onBind(GLCanvas canvas);
- // Returns the GL texture target for this texture (e.g. GL_TEXTURE_2D).
- abstract protected int getTarget();
- public boolean isLoaded() {
- return mState == STATE_LOADED;
- }
- // recycle() is called when the texture will never be used again,
- // so it can free all resources.
- public void recycle() {
- freeResource();
- }
- // yield() is called when the texture will not be used temporarily,
- // so it can free some resources.
- // The default implementation unloads the texture from GL memory, so
- // the subclass should make sure it can reload the texture to GL memory
- // later, or it will have to override this method.
- public void yield() {
- freeResource();
- }
- private void freeResource() {
- GLCanvas canvas = mCanvasRef;
- if (canvas != null && mId != -1) {
- canvas.unloadTexture(this);
- mId = -1; // Don't free it again.
- }
- setAssociatedCanvas(null);
- }
- @Override
- protected void finalize() {
- sInFinalizer.set(BasicTexture.class);
- recycle();
- sInFinalizer.set(null);
- }
- // This is for deciding if we can call Bitmap's recycle().
- // We cannot call Bitmap's recycle() in finalizer because at that point
- // the finalizer of Bitmap may already be called so recycle() will crash.
- public static boolean inFinalizer() {
- return sInFinalizer.get() != null;
- }
- public static void yieldAllTextures() {
- synchronized (sAllTextures) {
- for (BasicTexture t : sAllTextures.keySet()) {
- t.yield();
- }
- }
- }
- public static void invalidateAllTextures() {
- synchronized (sAllTextures) {
- for (BasicTexture t : sAllTextures.keySet()) {
- t.mState = STATE_UNLOADED;
- t.setAssociatedCanvas(null);
- }
- }
- }
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-import junit.framework.Assert;
-// BitmapTexture is a texture whose content is specified by a fixed Bitmap.
-// The texture does not own the Bitmap. The user should make sure the Bitmap
-// is valid during the texture's lifetime. When the texture is recycled, it
-// does not free the Bitmap.
-public class BitmapTexture extends UploadedTexture {
- protected Bitmap mContentBitmap;
- public BitmapTexture(Bitmap bitmap) {
- this(bitmap, false);
- }
- public BitmapTexture(Bitmap bitmap, boolean hasBorder) {
- super(hasBorder);
- Assert.assertTrue(bitmap != null && !bitmap.isRecycled());
- mContentBitmap = bitmap;
- }
- @Override
- protected void onFreeBitmap(Bitmap bitmap) {
- // Do nothing.
- }
- @Override
- protected Bitmap onGetBitmap() {
- return mContentBitmap;
- }
- public Bitmap getBitmap() {
- return mContentBitmap;
- }
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-//ExtTexture is a texture whose content comes from a external texture.
-//Before drawing, setSize() should be called.
-public class ExtTexture extends BasicTexture {
- private int mTarget;
- public ExtTexture(GLCanvas canvas, int target) {
- GLId glId = canvas.getGLId();
- mId = glId.generateTexture();
- mTarget = target;
- }
- private void uploadToCanvas(GLCanvas canvas) {
- canvas.setTextureParameters(this);
- setAssociatedCanvas(canvas);
- mState = STATE_LOADED;
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean onBind(GLCanvas canvas) {
- if (!isLoaded()) {
- uploadToCanvas(canvas);
- }
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public int getTarget() {
- return mTarget;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isOpaque() {
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public void yield() {
- // we cannot free the texture because we have no backup.
- }
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-import javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL11;
-// GLCanvas gives a convenient interface to draw using OpenGL.
-// When a rectangle is specified in this interface, it means the region
-// [x, x+width) * [y, y+height)
-public interface GLCanvas {
- public GLId getGLId();
- // Tells GLCanvas the size of the underlying GL surface. This should be
- // called before first drawing and when the size of GL surface is changed.
- // This is called by GLRoot and should not be called by the clients
- // who only want to draw on the GLCanvas. Both width and height must be
- // nonnegative.
- public abstract void setSize(int width, int height);
- // Clear the drawing buffers. This should only be used by GLRoot.
- public abstract void clearBuffer();
- public abstract void clearBuffer(float[] argb);
- // Sets and gets the current alpha, alpha must be in [0, 1].
- public abstract void setAlpha(float alpha);
- public abstract float getAlpha();
- // (current alpha) = (current alpha) * alpha
- public abstract void multiplyAlpha(float alpha);
- // Change the current transform matrix.
- public abstract void translate(float x, float y, float z);
- public abstract void translate(float x, float y);
- public abstract void scale(float sx, float sy, float sz);
- public abstract void rotate(float angle, float x, float y, float z);
- public abstract void multiplyMatrix(float[] mMatrix, int offset);
- // Pushes the configuration state (matrix, and alpha) onto
- // a private stack.
- public abstract void save();
- // Same as save(), but only save those specified in saveFlags.
- public abstract void save(int saveFlags);
- public static final int SAVE_FLAG_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- public static final int SAVE_FLAG_ALPHA = 0x01;
- public static final int SAVE_FLAG_MATRIX = 0x02;
- // Pops from the top of the stack as current configuration state (matrix,
- // alpha, and clip). This call balances a previous call to save(), and is
- // used to remove all modifications to the configuration state since the
- // last save call.
- public abstract void restore();
- // Draws a line using the specified paint from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2).
- // (Both end points are included).
- public abstract void drawLine(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, GLPaint paint);
- // Draws a rectangle using the specified paint from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2).
- // (Both end points are included).
- public abstract void drawRect(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, GLPaint paint);
- // Fills the specified rectangle with the specified color.
- public abstract void fillRect(float x, float y, float width, float height, int color);
- // Draws a texture to the specified rectangle.
- public abstract void drawTexture(
- BasicTexture texture, int x, int y, int width, int height);
- public abstract void drawMesh(BasicTexture tex, int x, int y, int xyBuffer,
- int uvBuffer, int indexBuffer, int indexCount);
- // Draws the source rectangle part of the texture to the target rectangle.
- public abstract void drawTexture(BasicTexture texture, RectF source, RectF target);
- // Draw a texture with a specified texture transform.
- public abstract void drawTexture(BasicTexture texture, float[] mTextureTransform,
- int x, int y, int w, int h);
- // Draw two textures to the specified rectangle. The actual texture used is
- // from * (1 - ratio) + to * ratio
- // The two textures must have the same size.
- public abstract void drawMixed(BasicTexture from, int toColor,
- float ratio, int x, int y, int w, int h);
- // Draw a region of a texture and a specified color to the specified
- // rectangle. The actual color used is from * (1 - ratio) + to * ratio.
- // The region of the texture is defined by parameter "src". The target
- // rectangle is specified by parameter "target".
- public abstract void drawMixed(BasicTexture from, int toColor,
- float ratio, RectF src, RectF target);
- // Unloads the specified texture from the canvas. The resource allocated
- // to draw the texture will be released. The specified texture will return
- // to the unloaded state. This function should be called only from
- // BasicTexture or its descendant
- public abstract boolean unloadTexture(BasicTexture texture);
- // Delete the specified buffer object, similar to unloadTexture.
- public abstract void deleteBuffer(int bufferId);
- // Delete the textures and buffers in GL side. This function should only be
- // called in the GL thread.
- public abstract void deleteRecycledResources();
- // Dump statistics information and clear the counters. For debug only.
- public abstract void dumpStatisticsAndClear();
- public abstract void beginRenderTarget(RawTexture texture);
- public abstract void endRenderTarget();
- /**
- * Sets texture parameters to use GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE for both
- * GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S and GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T. Sets texture parameters to be
- * bindTexture() must be called prior to this.
- *
- * @param texture The texture to set parameters on.
- */
- public abstract void setTextureParameters(BasicTexture texture);
- /**
- * Initializes the texture to a size by calling texImage2D on it.
- *
- * @param texture The texture to initialize the size.
- * @param format The texture format (e.g. GL_RGBA)
- * @param type The texture type (e.g. GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE)
- */
- public abstract void initializeTextureSize(BasicTexture texture, int format, int type);
- /**
- * Initializes the texture to a size by calling texImage2D on it.
- *
- * @param texture The texture to initialize the size.
- * @param bitmap The bitmap to initialize the bitmap with.
- */
- public abstract void initializeTexture(BasicTexture texture, Bitmap bitmap);
- /**
- * Calls glTexSubImage2D to upload a bitmap to the texture.
- *
- * @param texture The target texture to write to.
- * @param xOffset Specifies a texel offset in the x direction within the
- * texture array.
- * @param yOffset Specifies a texel offset in the y direction within the
- * texture array.
- * @param format The texture format (e.g. GL_RGBA)
- * @param type The texture type (e.g. GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE)
- */
- public abstract void texSubImage2D(BasicTexture texture, int xOffset, int yOffset,
- Bitmap bitmap,
- int format, int type);
- /**
- * Generates buffers and uploads the buffer data.
- *
- * @param buffer The buffer to upload
- * @return The buffer ID that was generated.
- */
- public abstract int uploadBuffer(java.nio.FloatBuffer buffer);
- /**
- * Generates buffers and uploads the element array buffer data.
- *
- * @param buffer The buffer to upload
- * @return The buffer ID that was generated.
- */
- public abstract int uploadBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer);
- /**
- * After LightCycle makes GL calls, this method is called to restore the GL
- * configuration to the one expected by GLCanvas.
- */
- public abstract void recoverFromLightCycle();
- /**
- * Gets the bounds given by x, y, width, and height as well as the internal
- * matrix state. There is no special handling for non-90-degree rotations.
- * It only considers the lower-left and upper-right corners as the bounds.
- *
- * @param bounds The output bounds to write to.
- * @param x The left side of the input rectangle.
- * @param y The bottom of the input rectangle.
- * @param width The width of the input rectangle.
- * @param height The height of the input rectangle.
- */
- public abstract void getBounds(Rect bounds, int x, int y, int width, int height);
-} \ No newline at end of file
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-import javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL11;
-import javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL11ExtensionPack;
-// This mimics corresponding GL functions.
-public interface GLId {
- public int generateTexture();
- public void glGenBuffers(int n, int[] buffers, int offset);
- public void glDeleteTextures(GL11 gl, int n, int[] textures, int offset);
- public void glDeleteBuffers(GL11 gl, int n, int[] buffers, int offset);
- public void glDeleteFramebuffers(GL11ExtensionPack gl11ep, int n, int[] buffers, int offset);
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@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-import junit.framework.Assert;
-public class GLPaint {
- private float mLineWidth = 1f;
- private int mColor = 0;
- public void setColor(int color) {
- mColor = color;
- }
- public int getColor() {
- return mColor;
- }
- public void setLineWidth(float width) {
- Assert.assertTrue(width >= 0);
- mLineWidth = width;
- }
- public float getLineWidth() {
- return mLineWidth;
- }
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-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import java.nio.ByteOrder;
-// See "frameworks/base/include/utils/ResourceTypes.h" for the format of
-// NinePatch chunk.
-class NinePatchChunk {
- public static final int NO_COLOR = 0x00000001;
- public static final int TRANSPARENT_COLOR = 0x00000000;
- public Rect mPaddings = new Rect();
- public int mDivX[];
- public int mDivY[];
- public int mColor[];
- private static void readIntArray(int[] data, ByteBuffer buffer) {
- for (int i = 0, n = data.length; i < n; ++i) {
- data[i] = buffer.getInt();
- }
- }
- private static void checkDivCount(int length) {
- if (length == 0 || (length & 0x01) != 0) {
- throw new RuntimeException("invalid nine-patch: " + length);
- }
- }
- public static NinePatchChunk deserialize(byte[] data) {
- ByteBuffer byteBuffer =
- ByteBuffer.wrap(data).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
- byte wasSerialized = byteBuffer.get();
- if (wasSerialized == 0) return null;
- NinePatchChunk chunk = new NinePatchChunk();
- chunk.mDivX = new int[byteBuffer.get()];
- chunk.mDivY = new int[byteBuffer.get()];
- chunk.mColor = new int[byteBuffer.get()];
- checkDivCount(chunk.mDivX.length);
- checkDivCount(chunk.mDivY.length);
- // skip 8 bytes
- byteBuffer.getInt();
- byteBuffer.getInt();
- chunk.mPaddings.left = byteBuffer.getInt();
- chunk.mPaddings.right = byteBuffer.getInt();
- = byteBuffer.getInt();
- chunk.mPaddings.bottom = byteBuffer.getInt();
- // skip 4 bytes
- byteBuffer.getInt();
- readIntArray(chunk.mDivX, byteBuffer);
- readIntArray(chunk.mDivY, byteBuffer);
- readIntArray(chunk.mColor, byteBuffer);
- return chunk;
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
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-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import java.nio.ByteOrder;
-import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
-import android.content.Context;
-// NinePatchTexture is a texture backed by a NinePatch resource.
-// getPaddings() returns paddings specified in the NinePatch.
-// getNinePatchChunk() returns the layout data specified in the NinePatch.
-public class NinePatchTexture extends ResourceTexture {
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- private static final String TAG = "NinePatchTexture";
- private NinePatchChunk mChunk;
- private SmallCache<NinePatchInstance> mInstanceCache
- = new SmallCache<NinePatchInstance>();
- public NinePatchTexture(Context context, int resId) {
- super(context, resId);
- }
- @Override
- protected Bitmap onGetBitmap() {
- if (mBitmap != null) return mBitmap;
- BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
- options.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888;
- Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(
- mContext.getResources(), mResId, options);
- mBitmap = bitmap;
- setSize(bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight());
- byte[] chunkData = bitmap.getNinePatchChunk();
- mChunk = chunkData == null
- ? null
- : NinePatchChunk.deserialize(bitmap.getNinePatchChunk());
- if (mChunk == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("invalid nine-patch image: " + mResId);
- }
- return bitmap;
- }
- public Rect getPaddings() {
- // get the paddings from nine patch
- if (mChunk == null) onGetBitmap();
- return mChunk.mPaddings;
- }
- public NinePatchChunk getNinePatchChunk() {
- if (mChunk == null) onGetBitmap();
- return mChunk;
- }
- // This is a simple cache for a small number of things. Linear search
- // is used because the cache is small. It also tries to remove less used
- // item when the cache is full by moving the often-used items to the front.
- private static class SmallCache<V> {
- private static final int CACHE_SIZE = 16;
- private static final int CACHE_SIZE_START_MOVE = CACHE_SIZE / 2;
- private int[] mKey = new int[CACHE_SIZE];
- private V[] mValue = (V[]) new Object[CACHE_SIZE];
- private int mCount; // number of items in this cache
- // Puts a value into the cache. If the cache is full, also returns
- // a less used item, otherwise returns null.
- public V put(int key, V value) {
- if (mCount == CACHE_SIZE) {
- V old = mValue[CACHE_SIZE - 1]; // remove the last item
- mKey[CACHE_SIZE - 1] = key;
- mValue[CACHE_SIZE - 1] = value;
- return old;
- } else {
- mKey[mCount] = key;
- mValue[mCount] = value;
- mCount++;
- return null;
- }
- }
- public V get(int key) {
- for (int i = 0; i < mCount; i++) {
- if (mKey[i] == key) {
- // Move the accessed item one position to the front, so it
- // will less likely to be removed when cache is full. Only
- // do this if the cache is starting to get full.
- if (mCount > CACHE_SIZE_START_MOVE && i > 0) {
- int tmpKey = mKey[i];
- mKey[i] = mKey[i - 1];
- mKey[i - 1] = tmpKey;
- V tmpValue = mValue[i];
- mValue[i] = mValue[i - 1];
- mValue[i - 1] = tmpValue;
- }
- return mValue[i];
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- public void clear() {
- for (int i = 0; i < mCount; i++) {
- mValue[i] = null; // make sure it's can be garbage-collected.
- }
- mCount = 0;
- }
- public int size() {
- return mCount;
- }
- public V valueAt(int i) {
- return mValue[i];
- }
- }
- private NinePatchInstance findInstance(GLCanvas canvas, int w, int h) {
- int key = w;
- key = (key << 16) | h;
- NinePatchInstance instance = mInstanceCache.get(key);
- if (instance == null) {
- instance = new NinePatchInstance(this, w, h);
- NinePatchInstance removed = mInstanceCache.put(key, instance);
- if (removed != null) {
- removed.recycle(canvas);
- }
- }
- return instance;
- }
- @Override
- public void draw(GLCanvas canvas, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
- if (!isLoaded()) {
- mInstanceCache.clear();
- }
- if (w != 0 && h != 0) {
- findInstance(canvas, w, h).draw(canvas, this, x, y);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void recycle() {
- super.recycle();
- GLCanvas canvas = mCanvasRef;
- if (canvas == null) return;
- int n = mInstanceCache.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- NinePatchInstance instance = mInstanceCache.valueAt(i);
- instance.recycle(canvas);
- }
- mInstanceCache.clear();
- }
-// This keeps data for a specialization of NinePatchTexture with the size
-// (width, height). We pre-compute the coordinates for efficiency.
-class NinePatchInstance {
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- private static final String TAG = "NinePatchInstance";
- // We need 16 vertices for a normal nine-patch image (the 4x4 vertices)
- private static final int VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE = 16 * 2;
- // We need 22 indices for a normal nine-patch image, plus 2 for each
- // transparent region. Current there are at most 1 transparent region.
- private static final int INDEX_BUFFER_SIZE = 22 + 2;
- private FloatBuffer mXyBuffer;
- private FloatBuffer mUvBuffer;
- private ByteBuffer mIndexBuffer;
- // Names for buffer names: xy, uv, index.
- private int mXyBufferName = -1;
- private int mUvBufferName;
- private int mIndexBufferName;
- private int mIdxCount;
- public NinePatchInstance(NinePatchTexture tex, int width, int height) {
- NinePatchChunk chunk = tex.getNinePatchChunk();
- if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
- throw new RuntimeException("invalid dimension");
- }
- // The code should be easily extended to handle the general cases by
- // allocating more space for buffers. But let's just handle the only
- // use case.
- if (chunk.mDivX.length != 2 || chunk.mDivY.length != 2) {
- throw new RuntimeException("unsupported nine patch");
- }
- float divX[] = new float[4];
- float divY[] = new float[4];
- float divU[] = new float[4];
- float divV[] = new float[4];
- int nx = stretch(divX, divU, chunk.mDivX, tex.getWidth(), width);
- int ny = stretch(divY, divV, chunk.mDivY, tex.getHeight(), height);
- prepareVertexData(divX, divY, divU, divV, nx, ny, chunk.mColor);
- }
- /**
- * Stretches the texture according to the nine-patch rules. It will
- * linearly distribute the strechy parts defined in the nine-patch chunk to
- * the target area.
- *
- * <pre>
- * source
- * /--------------^---------------\
- * u0 u1 u2 u3 u4 u5
- * div ---> |fffff|ssssssss|fff|ssssss|ffff| ---> u
- * | div0 div1 div2 div3 |
- * | | / / / /
- * | | / / / /
- * | | / / / /
- * |fffff|ssss|fff|sss|ffff| ---> x
- * x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
- * \----------v------------/
- * target
- *
- * f: fixed segment
- * s: stretchy segment
- * </pre>
- *
- * @param div the stretch parts defined in nine-patch chunk
- * @param source the length of the texture
- * @param target the length on the drawing plan
- * @param u output, the positions of these dividers in the texture
- * coordinate
- * @param x output, the corresponding position of these dividers on the
- * drawing plan
- * @return the number of these dividers.
- */
- private static int stretch(
- float x[], float u[], int div[], int source, int target) {
- int textureSize = Utils.nextPowerOf2(source);
- float textureBound = (float) source / textureSize;
- float stretch = 0;
- for (int i = 0, n = div.length; i < n; i += 2) {
- stretch += div[i + 1] - div[i];
- }
- float remaining = target - source + stretch;
- float lastX = 0;
- float lastU = 0;
- x[0] = 0;
- u[0] = 0;
- for (int i = 0, n = div.length; i < n; i += 2) {
- // Make the stretchy segment a little smaller to prevent sampling
- // on neighboring fixed segments.
- // fixed segment
- x[i + 1] = lastX + (div[i] - lastU) + 0.5f;
- u[i + 1] = Math.min((div[i] + 0.5f) / textureSize, textureBound);
- // stretchy segment
- float partU = div[i + 1] - div[i];
- float partX = remaining * partU / stretch;
- remaining -= partX;
- stretch -= partU;
- lastX = x[i + 1] + partX;
- lastU = div[i + 1];
- x[i + 2] = lastX - 0.5f;
- u[i + 2] = Math.min((lastU - 0.5f)/ textureSize, textureBound);
- }
- // the last fixed segment
- x[div.length + 1] = target;
- u[div.length + 1] = textureBound;
- // remove segments with length 0.
- int last = 0;
- for (int i = 1, n = div.length + 2; i < n; ++i) {
- if ((x[i] - x[last]) < 1f) continue;
- x[++last] = x[i];
- u[last] = u[i];
- }
- return last + 1;
- }
- private void prepareVertexData(float x[], float y[], float u[], float v[],
- int nx, int ny, int[] color) {
- /*
- * Given a 3x3 nine-patch image, the vertex order is defined as the
- * following graph:
- *
- * (0) (1) (2) (3)
- * | /| /| /|
- * | / | / | / |
- * (4) (5) (6) (7)
- * | \ | \ | \ |
- * | \| \| \|
- * (8) (9) (A) (B)
- * | /| /| /|
- * | / | / | / |
- * (C) (D) (E) (F)
- *
- * And we draw the triangle strip in the following index order:
- *
- * index: 04152637B6A5948C9DAEBF
- */
- int pntCount = 0;
- float xy[] = new float[VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE];
- float uv[] = new float[VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE];
- for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) {
- for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) {
- int xIndex = (pntCount++) << 1;
- int yIndex = xIndex + 1;
- xy[xIndex] = x[i];
- xy[yIndex] = y[j];
- uv[xIndex] = u[i];
- uv[yIndex] = v[j];
- }
- }
- int idxCount = 1;
- boolean isForward = false;
- byte index[] = new byte[INDEX_BUFFER_SIZE];
- for (int row = 0; row < ny - 1; row++) {
- --idxCount;
- isForward = !isForward;
- int start, end, inc;
- if (isForward) {
- start = 0;
- end = nx;
- inc = 1;
- } else {
- start = nx - 1;
- end = -1;
- inc = -1;
- }
- for (int col = start; col != end; col += inc) {
- int k = row * nx + col;
- if (col != start) {
- int colorIdx = row * (nx - 1) + col;
- if (isForward) colorIdx--;
- if (color[colorIdx] == NinePatchChunk.TRANSPARENT_COLOR) {
- index[idxCount] = index[idxCount - 1];
- ++idxCount;
- index[idxCount++] = (byte) k;
- }
- }
- index[idxCount++] = (byte) k;
- index[idxCount++] = (byte) (k + nx);
- }
- }
- mIdxCount = idxCount;
- int size = (pntCount * 2) * (Float.SIZE / Byte.SIZE);
- mXyBuffer = allocateDirectNativeOrderBuffer(size).asFloatBuffer();
- mUvBuffer = allocateDirectNativeOrderBuffer(size).asFloatBuffer();
- mIndexBuffer = allocateDirectNativeOrderBuffer(mIdxCount);
- mXyBuffer.put(xy, 0, pntCount * 2).position(0);
- mUvBuffer.put(uv, 0, pntCount * 2).position(0);
- mIndexBuffer.put(index, 0, idxCount).position(0);
- }
- private static ByteBuffer allocateDirectNativeOrderBuffer(int size) {
- return ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(size).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder());
- }
- private void prepareBuffers(GLCanvas canvas) {
- mXyBufferName = canvas.uploadBuffer(mXyBuffer);
- mUvBufferName = canvas.uploadBuffer(mUvBuffer);
- mIndexBufferName = canvas.uploadBuffer(mIndexBuffer);
- // These buffers are never used again.
- mXyBuffer = null;
- mUvBuffer = null;
- mIndexBuffer = null;
- }
- public void draw(GLCanvas canvas, NinePatchTexture tex, int x, int y) {
- if (mXyBufferName == -1) {
- prepareBuffers(canvas);
- }
- canvas.drawMesh(tex, x, y, mXyBufferName, mUvBufferName, mIndexBufferName, mIdxCount);
- }
- public void recycle(GLCanvas canvas) {
- if (mXyBuffer == null) {
- canvas.deleteBuffer(mXyBufferName);
- canvas.deleteBuffer(mUvBufferName);
- canvas.deleteBuffer(mIndexBufferName);
- mXyBufferName = -1;
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index b86282d0e..000000000
--- a/src/com/android/camera/support/glrenderer/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-import android.util.Log;
-import javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL11;
-public class RawTexture extends BasicTexture {
- private static final String TAG = "RawTexture";
- private final boolean mOpaque;
- private boolean mIsFlipped;
- public RawTexture(int width, int height, boolean opaque) {
- mOpaque = opaque;
- setSize(width, height);
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isOpaque() {
- return mOpaque;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isFlippedVertically() {
- return mIsFlipped;
- }
- public void setIsFlippedVertically(boolean isFlipped) {
- mIsFlipped = isFlipped;
- }
- protected void prepare(GLCanvas canvas) {
- GLId glId = canvas.getGLId();
- mId = glId.generateTexture();
- canvas.initializeTextureSize(this, GL11.GL_RGBA, GL11.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
- canvas.setTextureParameters(this);
- mState = STATE_LOADED;
- setAssociatedCanvas(canvas);
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean onBind(GLCanvas canvas) {
- if (isLoaded()) return true;
- Log.w(TAG, "lost the content due to context change");
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public void yield() {
- // we cannot free the texture because we have no backup.
- }
- @Override
- protected int getTarget() {
- return GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D;
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 121c184cd..000000000
--- a/src/com/android/camera/support/glrenderer/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-import android.content.Context;
-import junit.framework.Assert;
-// ResourceTexture is a texture whose Bitmap is decoded from a resource.
-// By default ResourceTexture is not opaque.
-public class ResourceTexture extends UploadedTexture {
- protected final Context mContext;
- protected final int mResId;
- public ResourceTexture(Context context, int resId) {
- Assert.assertNotNull(context);
- mContext = context;
- mResId = resId;
- setOpaque(false);
- }
- @Override
- protected Bitmap onGetBitmap() {
- BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
- options.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888;
- return BitmapFactory.decodeResource(
- mContext.getResources(), mResId, options);
- }
- @Override
- protected void onFreeBitmap(Bitmap bitmap) {
- if (!inFinalizer()) {
- bitmap.recycle();
- }
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 4d1a49d2b..000000000
--- a/src/com/android/camera/support/glrenderer/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-//Texture is a rectangular image which can be drawn on GLCanvas.
-//The isOpaque() function gives a hint about whether the texture is opaque,
-//so the drawing can be done faster.
-//This is the current texture hierarchy:
-//-- ColorTexture
-//-- FadeInTexture
-//-- BasicTexture
-// -- UploadedTexture
-// -- BitmapTexture
-// -- Tile
-// -- ResourceTexture
-// -- NinePatchTexture
-// -- CanvasTexture
-// -- StringTexture
-public interface Texture {
- public int getWidth();
- public int getHeight();
- public void draw(GLCanvas canvas, int x, int y);
- public void draw(GLCanvas canvas, int x, int y, int w, int h);
- public boolean isOpaque();
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deleted file mode 100644
index 106aa4ef3..000000000
--- a/src/com/android/camera/support/glrenderer/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-import android.opengl.GLUtils;
-import junit.framework.Assert;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL11;
-// UploadedTextures use a Bitmap for the content of the texture.
-// Subclasses should implement onGetBitmap() to provide the Bitmap and
-// implement onFreeBitmap(mBitmap) which will be called when the Bitmap
-// is not needed anymore.
-// isContentValid() is meaningful only when the isLoaded() returns true.
-// It means whether the content needs to be updated.
-// The user of this class should call recycle() when the texture is not
-// needed anymore.
-// By default an UploadedTexture is opaque (so it can be drawn faster without
-// blending). The user or subclass can override it using setOpaque().
-public abstract class UploadedTexture extends BasicTexture {
- // To prevent keeping allocation the borders, we store those used borders here.
- // Since the length will be power of two, it won't use too much memory.
- private static HashMap<BorderKey, Bitmap> sBorderLines =
- new HashMap<BorderKey, Bitmap>();
- private static BorderKey sBorderKey = new BorderKey();
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- private static final String TAG = "Texture";
- private boolean mContentValid = true;
- // indicate this textures is being uploaded in background
- private boolean mIsUploading = false;
- private boolean mOpaque = true;
- private boolean mThrottled = false;
- private static int sUploadedCount;
- private static final int UPLOAD_LIMIT = 100;
- protected Bitmap mBitmap;
- private int mBorder;
- protected UploadedTexture() {
- this(false);
- }
- protected UploadedTexture(boolean hasBorder) {
- super(null, 0, STATE_UNLOADED);
- if (hasBorder) {
- setBorder(true);
- mBorder = 1;
- }
- }
- protected void setIsUploading(boolean uploading) {
- mIsUploading = uploading;
- }
- public boolean isUploading() {
- return mIsUploading;
- }
- private static class BorderKey implements Cloneable {
- public boolean vertical;
- public Config config;
- public int length;
- @Override
- public int hashCode() {
- int x = config.hashCode() ^ length;
- return vertical ? x : -x;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean equals(Object object) {
- if (!(object instanceof BorderKey)) return false;
- BorderKey o = (BorderKey) object;
- return vertical == o.vertical
- && config == o.config && length == o.length;
- }
- @Override
- public BorderKey clone() {
- try {
- return (BorderKey) super.clone();
- } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
- throw new AssertionError(e);
- }
- }
- }
- protected void setThrottled(boolean throttled) {
- mThrottled = throttled;
- }
- private static Bitmap getBorderLine(
- boolean vertical, Config config, int length) {
- BorderKey key = sBorderKey;
- key.vertical = vertical;
- key.config = config;
- key.length = length;
- Bitmap bitmap = sBorderLines.get(key);
- if (bitmap == null) {
- bitmap = vertical
- ? Bitmap.createBitmap(1, length, config)
- : Bitmap.createBitmap(length, 1, config);
- sBorderLines.put(key.clone(), bitmap);
- }
- return bitmap;
- }
- private Bitmap getBitmap() {
- if (mBitmap == null) {
- mBitmap = onGetBitmap();
- int w = mBitmap.getWidth() + mBorder * 2;
- int h = mBitmap.getHeight() + mBorder * 2;
- if (mWidth == UNSPECIFIED) {
- setSize(w, h);
- }
- }
- return mBitmap;
- }
- private void freeBitmap() {
- Assert.assertTrue(mBitmap != null);
- onFreeBitmap(mBitmap);
- mBitmap = null;
- }
- @Override
- public int getWidth() {
- if (mWidth == UNSPECIFIED) getBitmap();
- return mWidth;
- }
- @Override
- public int getHeight() {
- if (mWidth == UNSPECIFIED) getBitmap();
- return mHeight;
- }
- protected abstract Bitmap onGetBitmap();
- protected abstract void onFreeBitmap(Bitmap bitmap);
- protected void invalidateContent() {
- if (mBitmap != null) freeBitmap();
- mContentValid = false;
- mHeight = UNSPECIFIED;
- }
- /**
- * Whether the content on GPU is valid.
- */
- public boolean isContentValid() {
- return isLoaded() && mContentValid;
- }
- /**
- * Updates the content on GPU's memory.
- * @param canvas
- */
- public void updateContent(GLCanvas canvas) {
- if (!isLoaded()) {
- if (mThrottled && ++sUploadedCount > UPLOAD_LIMIT) {
- return;
- }
- uploadToCanvas(canvas);
- } else if (!mContentValid) {
- Bitmap bitmap = getBitmap();
- int format = GLUtils.getInternalFormat(bitmap);
- int type = GLUtils.getType(bitmap);
- canvas.texSubImage2D(this, mBorder, mBorder, bitmap, format, type);
- freeBitmap();
- mContentValid = true;
- }
- }
- public static void resetUploadLimit() {
- sUploadedCount = 0;
- }
- public static boolean uploadLimitReached() {
- return sUploadedCount > UPLOAD_LIMIT;
- }
- private void uploadToCanvas(GLCanvas canvas) {
- Bitmap bitmap = getBitmap();
- if (bitmap != null) {
- try {
- int bWidth = bitmap.getWidth();
- int bHeight = bitmap.getHeight();
- int width = bWidth + mBorder * 2;
- int height = bHeight + mBorder * 2;
- int texWidth = getTextureWidth();
- int texHeight = getTextureHeight();
- Assert.assertTrue(bWidth <= texWidth && bHeight <= texHeight);
- // Upload the bitmap to a new texture.
- mId = canvas.getGLId().generateTexture();
- canvas.setTextureParameters(this);
- if (bWidth == texWidth && bHeight == texHeight) {
- canvas.initializeTexture(this, bitmap);
- } else {
- int format = GLUtils.getInternalFormat(bitmap);
- int type = GLUtils.getType(bitmap);
- Config config = bitmap.getConfig();
- canvas.initializeTextureSize(this, format, type);
- canvas.texSubImage2D(this, mBorder, mBorder, bitmap, format, type);
- if (mBorder > 0) {
- // Left border
- Bitmap line = getBorderLine(true, config, texHeight);
- canvas.texSubImage2D(this, 0, 0, line, format, type);
- // Top border
- line = getBorderLine(false, config, texWidth);
- canvas.texSubImage2D(this, 0, 0, line, format, type);
- }
- // Right border
- if (mBorder + bWidth < texWidth) {
- Bitmap line = getBorderLine(true, config, texHeight);
- canvas.texSubImage2D(this, mBorder + bWidth, 0, line, format, type);
- }
- // Bottom border
- if (mBorder + bHeight < texHeight) {
- Bitmap line = getBorderLine(false, config, texWidth);
- canvas.texSubImage2D(this, 0, mBorder + bHeight, line, format, type);
- }
- }
- } finally {
- freeBitmap();
- }
- // Update texture state.
- setAssociatedCanvas(canvas);
- mState = STATE_LOADED;
- mContentValid = true;
- } else {
- mState = STATE_ERROR;
- throw new RuntimeException("Texture load fail, no bitmap");
- }
- }
- @Override
- protected boolean onBind(GLCanvas canvas) {
- updateContent(canvas);
- return isContentValid();
- }
- @Override
- protected int getTarget() {
- return GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D;
- }
- public void setOpaque(boolean isOpaque) {
- mOpaque = isOpaque;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isOpaque() {
- return mOpaque;
- }
- @Override
- public void recycle() {
- super.recycle();
- if (mBitmap != null) freeBitmap();
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
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index a0252b9a5..000000000
--- a/src/com/android/camera/support/ui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-public class BitmapScreenNail implements ScreenNail {
- private final BitmapTexture mBitmapTexture;
- public BitmapScreenNail(Bitmap bitmap) {
- mBitmapTexture = new BitmapTexture(bitmap);
- }
- @Override
- public int getWidth() {
- return mBitmapTexture.getWidth();
- }
- @Override
- public int getHeight() {
- return mBitmapTexture.getHeight();
- }
- @Override
- public void draw(GLCanvas canvas, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
- mBitmapTexture.draw(canvas, x, y, width, height);
- }
- @Override
- public void noDraw() {
- // do nothing
- }
- @Override
- public void recycle() {
- mBitmapTexture.recycle();
- }
- @Override
- public void draw(GLCanvas canvas, RectF source, RectF dest) {
- canvas.drawTexture(mBitmapTexture, source, dest);
- }
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index 67b2f58c5..000000000
--- a/src/com/android/camera/support/ui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-public interface ScreenNail {
- public int getWidth();
- public int getHeight();
- public void draw(GLCanvas canvas, int x, int y, int width, int height);
- // We do not need to draw this ScreenNail in this frame.
- public void noDraw();
- // This ScreenNail will not be used anymore. Release related resources.
- public void recycle();
- // This is only used by TileImageView to back up the tiles not yet loaded.
- public void draw(GLCanvas canvas, RectF source, RectF dest);
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deleted file mode 100644
index d78b1ba4a..000000000
--- a/src/com/android/camera/support/ui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-import android.annotation.TargetApi;
-public abstract class SurfaceTextureScreenNail implements ScreenNail,
- SurfaceTexture.OnFrameAvailableListener {
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- private static final String TAG = "SurfaceTextureScreenNail";
- // This constant is not available in API level before 15, but it was just an
- // oversight.
- private static final int GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES = 0x8D65;
- protected ExtTexture mExtTexture;
- private SurfaceTexture mSurfaceTexture;
- private int mWidth, mHeight;
- private float[] mTransform = new float[16];
- private boolean mHasTexture = false;
- public SurfaceTextureScreenNail() {
- }
- public void acquireSurfaceTexture(GLCanvas canvas) {
- mExtTexture = new ExtTexture(canvas, GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES);
- mExtTexture.setSize(mWidth, mHeight);
- mSurfaceTexture = new SurfaceTexture(mExtTexture.getId());
- setDefaultBufferSize(mSurfaceTexture, mWidth, mHeight);
- mSurfaceTexture.setOnFrameAvailableListener(this);
- synchronized (this) {
- mHasTexture = true;
- }
- }
- private static void setDefaultBufferSize(SurfaceTexture st, int width, int height) {
- st.setDefaultBufferSize(width, height);
- }
- }
- private static void releaseSurfaceTexture(SurfaceTexture st) {
- st.setOnFrameAvailableListener(null);
- st.release();
- }
- }
- public SurfaceTexture getSurfaceTexture() {
- return mSurfaceTexture;
- }
- public void releaseSurfaceTexture() {
- synchronized (this) {
- mHasTexture = false;
- }
- mExtTexture.recycle();
- mExtTexture = null;
- releaseSurfaceTexture(mSurfaceTexture);
- mSurfaceTexture = null;
- }
- public void setSize(int width, int height) {
- mWidth = width;
- mHeight = height;
- }
- public void resizeTexture() {
- if (mExtTexture != null) {
- mExtTexture.setSize(mWidth, mHeight);
- setDefaultBufferSize(mSurfaceTexture, mWidth, mHeight);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public int getWidth() {
- return mWidth;
- }
- @Override
- public int getHeight() {
- return mHeight;
- }
- @Override
- public void draw(GLCanvas canvas, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
- synchronized (this) {
- if (!mHasTexture) return;
- mSurfaceTexture.updateTexImage();
- mSurfaceTexture.getTransformMatrix(mTransform);
- // Flip vertically.
- int cx = x + width / 2;
- int cy = y + height / 2;
- canvas.translate(cx, cy);
- canvas.scale(1, -1, 1);
- canvas.translate(-cx, -cy);
- updateTransformMatrix(mTransform);
- canvas.drawTexture(mExtTexture, mTransform, x, y, width, height);
- canvas.restore();
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void draw(GLCanvas canvas, RectF source, RectF dest) {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
- }
- protected void updateTransformMatrix(float[] matrix) {}
- @Override
- abstract public void noDraw();
- @Override
- abstract public void recycle();
- @Override
- abstract public void onFrameAvailable(SurfaceTexture surfaceTexture);
-} \ No newline at end of file
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index 5186ea24c..48f24e4f2 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/ui/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/ui/
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;
public class CameraRootView extends FrameLayout {
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ public class CameraRootView extends FrameLayout {
protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
- int rotation = Util.getDisplayRotation((Activity) getContext());
+ int rotation = CameraUtil.getDisplayRotation((Activity) getContext());
// all the layout code assumes camera device orientation to be portrait
// adjust rotation for landscape
int orientation = getResources().getConfiguration().orientation;
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ui/ b/src/com/android/camera/ui/
index 4a05622bc..eee68a58c 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/ui/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/ui/
@@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.FrameLayout.LayoutParams;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
public class CameraSwitcher extends RotateImageView
implements OnClickListener, OnTouchListener {
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ public class CameraSwitcher extends RotateImageView
private void layoutPopup() {
- int orientation = Util.getDisplayRotation((Activity) getContext());
+ int orientation = CameraUtil.getDisplayRotation((Activity) getContext());
int w = mPopup.getMeasuredWidth();
int h = mPopup.getMeasuredHeight();
if (orientation == 0) {
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ui/ b/src/com/android/camera/ui/
index d51803a83..1ee278d21 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/ui/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/ui/
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import android.widget.SimpleAdapter;
// A popup window that shows video effect setting. It has two grid view.
// One shows the goofy face effects. The other shows the background replacer
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ui/ b/src/com/android/camera/ui/
index 1a539665e..7ec9b7e54 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/ui/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/ui/
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
public class FaceView extends View
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ public class FaceView extends View
rw = rh;
rh = temp;
- Util.prepareMatrix(mMatrix, mMirror, mDisplayOrientation, rw, rh);
+ CameraUtil.prepareMatrix(mMatrix, mMirror, mDisplayOrientation, rw, rh);
int dx = (getWidth() - rw) / 2;
int dy = (getHeight() - rh) / 2;
@@ -212,9 +212,9 @@ public class FaceView extends View
// Transform the coordinates.
- if (LOGV) Util.dumpRect(mRect, "Original rect");
+ if (LOGV) CameraUtil.dumpRect(mRect, "Original rect");
- if (LOGV) Util.dumpRect(mRect, "Transformed rect");
+ if (LOGV) CameraUtil.dumpRect(mRect, "Transformed rect");
mRect.offset(dx, dy);
canvas.drawOval(mRect, mPaint);
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9a428e23c..000000000
--- a/src/com/android/camera/ui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import android.content.Context;
-import android.util.AttributeSet;
-import android.view.SurfaceHolder;
-import android.view.SurfaceView;
-import android.view.ViewGroup;
-public class PreviewSurfaceView extends SurfaceView {
- public PreviewSurfaceView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
- super(context, attrs);
- setZOrderMediaOverlay(true);
- getHolder().setType(SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS);
- }
- public void shrink() {
- setLayoutSize(1);
- }
- public void expand() {
- setLayoutSize(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);
- }
- private void setLayoutSize(int size) {
- ViewGroup.LayoutParams p = getLayoutParams();
- if (p.width != size || p.height != size) {
- p.width = size;
- p.height = size;
- setLayoutParams(p);
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ui/ b/src/com/android/camera/ui/
index 965d62a90..e9ee0f358 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/ui/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/ui/
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;
/* RotatableLayout rotates itself as well as all its children when orientation
* changes. Specifically, when going from portrait to landscape, camera
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public class RotatableLayout extends FrameLayout {
public void onAttachedToWindow() {
- mPrevRotation = Util.getDisplayRotation((Activity) getContext());
+ mPrevRotation = CameraUtil.getDisplayRotation((Activity) getContext());
// check if there is any rotation before the view is attached to window
int currentOrientation = getResources().getConfiguration().orientation;
int orientation = getUnifiedRotation();
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ public class RotatableLayout extends FrameLayout {
// all the layout code assumes camera device orientation to be portrait
// adjust rotation for landscape
int orientation = getResources().getConfiguration().orientation;
- int rotation = Util.getDisplayRotation((Activity) getContext());
+ int rotation = CameraUtil.getDisplayRotation((Activity) getContext());
int camOrientation = (rotation % 180 == 0) ? Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT
if (camOrientation != orientation) {
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public class RotatableLayout extends FrameLayout {
public void checkLayoutFlip() {
- int currentRotation = Util.getDisplayRotation((Activity) getContext());
+ int currentRotation = CameraUtil.getDisplayRotation((Activity) getContext());
if ((currentRotation - mPrevRotation + 360) % 360 == 180) {
mPrevRotation = currentRotation;
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ public class RotatableLayout extends FrameLayout {
public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration config) {
- int rotation = Util.getDisplayRotation((Activity) getContext());
+ int rotation = CameraUtil.getDisplayRotation((Activity) getContext());
int diff = (rotation - mPrevRotation + 360) % 360;
if ( diff == 0) {
// No rotation
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ui/ b/src/com/android/camera/ui/
index 5d6debb17..044da1cee 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/ui/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/ui/
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.ViewParent;
// A RotateLayout is designed to display a single item and provides the
// capabilities to rotate the item.
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ui/ b/src/com/android/camera/ui/
index 16382442e..ea1268218 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/ui/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/ui/
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.TextView;
public class RotateTextToast {
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ public class RotateTextToast {
private final Runnable mRunnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
- Util.fadeOut(mToast);
+ CameraUtil.fadeOut(mToast);
mToast = null;
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ui/ b/src/com/android/camera/ui/
index 9191242f6..4518dedf4 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/ui/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/ui/
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo;
import android.widget.CompoundButton;
* A Switch is a two-state toggle switch widget that can select between two
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/support/util/ b/src/com/android/camera/util/
index e758e2f7e..543c7ff4d 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/support/util/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/util/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import android.content.Context;
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ import android.view.View;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager;
* AccessibilityUtils provides functions needed in accessibility mode. All the functions
* in this class are made compatible with gingerbread and later API's
diff --git a/gallerycommon/src/com/android/gallery3d/common/ b/src/com/android/camera/util/
index f4de5c9ff..6cb303476 100644
--- a/gallerycommon/src/com/android/gallery3d/common/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/util/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.ComponentName;
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/ b/src/com/android/camera/util/
index 11176a79b..736235bcd 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/util/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
* limitations under the License.
@@ -61,15 +61,22 @@ import android.view.animation.AlphaAnimation;
import android.view.animation.Animation;
import android.widget.Toast;
* Collection of utility functions used in this package.
-public class Util {
+public class CameraUtil {
private static final String TAG = "Util";
+ // For creating crop intents.
+ public static final String KEY_RETURN_DATA = "return-data";
+ public static final String KEY_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED = "showWhenLocked";
// Orientation hysteresis amount used in rounding, in degrees
public static final int ORIENTATION_HYSTERESIS = 5;
@@ -138,7 +145,7 @@ public class Util {
private static float sPixelDensity = 1;
private static ImageFileNamer sImageFileNamer;
- private Util() {
+ private CameraUtil() {
public static void initialize(Context context) {
@@ -554,7 +561,7 @@ public class Util {
int cameraId = -1;
int intentCameraId =
- currentActivity.getIntent().getIntExtra(Util.EXTRAS_CAMERA_FACING, -1);
+ currentActivity.getIntent().getIntExtra(CameraUtil.EXTRAS_CAMERA_FACING, -1);
if (isFrontCameraIntent(intentCameraId)) {
// Check if the front camera exist
@@ -622,7 +629,7 @@ public class Util {
try {
- context.startActivity(new Intent(Util.REVIEW_ACTION, uri));
+ context.startActivity(new Intent(CameraUtil.REVIEW_ACTION, uri));
} catch (ActivityNotFoundException ex) {
try {
context.startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri));
diff --git a/src/com/android/camera/support/util/ b/src/com/android/camera/util/
index 2a3340e28..eabaeab3b 100644
--- a/src/com/android/camera/support/util/
+++ b/src/com/android/camera/util/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import android.annotation.TargetApi;
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ import android.util.FloatMath;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.MotionEvent.PointerCoords;
public final class MotionEventHelper {
private MotionEventHelper() {}
diff --git a/src_pd/com/android/camera/app/ b/src_pd/com/android/camera/app/
deleted file mode 100644
index a9b796ad2..000000000
--- a/src_pd/com/android/camera/app/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-import android.content.Context;
-public class StitchingProgressManager {
- public StitchingProgressManager(Context app) {
- }
- public void addChangeListener(StitchingChangeListener l) {
- }
- public void removeChangeListener(StitchingChangeListener l) {
- }
- public Integer getProgress(Uri uri) {
- return null;
- }
diff --git a/src_pd/com/android/camera/util/ b/src_pd/com/android/camera/util/
index 2b9016d72..c5379103d 100644
--- a/src_pd/com/android/camera/util/
+++ b/src_pd/com/android/camera/util/
@@ -19,11 +19,9 @@ package;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.Context;
-import android.content.Intent;
public class PhotoSphereHelper {
public static class PanoramaMetadata {
@@ -63,10 +61,6 @@ public class PhotoSphereHelper {
public static final PanoramaMetadata NOT_PANORAMA = new PanoramaMetadata(false, false);
- public static void setupCaptureIntent(Context context, Intent it, String outputDir) {
- /* Do nothing */
- }
public static boolean hasLightCycleCapture(Context context) {
return false;
@@ -79,10 +73,6 @@ public class PhotoSphereHelper {
return null;
- public static StitchingProgressManager createStitchingManagerInstance(Context context) {
- return null;
- }
* Get the file path from a Media storage URI.
diff --git a/tests_camera/src/com/android/camera/activity/ b/tests_camera/src/com/android/camera/activity/
index 27be3c7d3..4aae6b48b 100644
--- a/tests_camera/src/com/android/camera/activity/
+++ b/tests_camera/src/com/android/camera/activity/
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import android.view.View;
import static;
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ public class CameraTestCase<T extends Activity> extends ActivityInstrumentationT
} catch (IOException e) {
// ignore
} finally {
- Util.closeSilently(ins);
+ CameraUtil.closeSilently(ins);
mBlankJpeg = outputStream.toByteArray();
diff --git a/tests_camera/src/com/android/camera/unittest/ b/tests_camera/src/com/android/camera/unittest/
index 0b4fc80f6..70faa5c8d 100644
--- a/tests_camera/src/com/android/camera/unittest/
+++ b/tests_camera/src/com/android/camera/unittest/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest;
@@ -26,47 +26,47 @@ import junit.framework.TestCase;
public class CameraUnitTest extends TestCase {
public void testRoundOrientation() {
- assertEquals(0, Util.roundOrientation(0, 0));
- assertEquals(0, Util.roundOrientation(359, 0));
- assertEquals(0, Util.roundOrientation(0 + 44 + h, 0));
- assertEquals(90, Util.roundOrientation(0 + 45 + h, 0));
- assertEquals(0, Util.roundOrientation(360 - 44 - h, 0));
- assertEquals(270, Util.roundOrientation(360 - 45 - h, 0));
- assertEquals(90, Util.roundOrientation(90, 90));
- assertEquals(90, Util.roundOrientation(90 + 44 + h, 90));
- assertEquals(180, Util.roundOrientation(90 + 45 + h, 90));
- assertEquals(90, Util.roundOrientation(90 - 44 - h, 90));
- assertEquals(0, Util.roundOrientation(90 - 45 - h, 90));
- assertEquals(180, Util.roundOrientation(180, 180));
- assertEquals(180, Util.roundOrientation(180 + 44 + h, 180));
- assertEquals(270, Util.roundOrientation(180 + 45 + h, 180));
- assertEquals(180, Util.roundOrientation(180 - 44 - h, 180));
- assertEquals(90, Util.roundOrientation(180 - 45 - h, 180));
- assertEquals(270, Util.roundOrientation(270, 270));
- assertEquals(270, Util.roundOrientation(270 + 44 + h, 270));
- assertEquals(0, Util.roundOrientation(270 + 45 + h, 270));
- assertEquals(270, Util.roundOrientation(270 - 44 - h, 270));
- assertEquals(180, Util.roundOrientation(270 - 45 - h, 270));
- assertEquals(90, Util.roundOrientation(90, 0));
- assertEquals(180, Util.roundOrientation(180, 0));
- assertEquals(270, Util.roundOrientation(270, 0));
- assertEquals(0, Util.roundOrientation(0, 90));
- assertEquals(180, Util.roundOrientation(180, 90));
- assertEquals(270, Util.roundOrientation(270, 90));
- assertEquals(0, Util.roundOrientation(0, 180));
- assertEquals(90, Util.roundOrientation(90, 180));
- assertEquals(270, Util.roundOrientation(270, 180));
- assertEquals(0, Util.roundOrientation(0, 270));
- assertEquals(90, Util.roundOrientation(90, 270));
- assertEquals(180, Util.roundOrientation(180, 270));
+ assertEquals(0, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(0, 0));
+ assertEquals(0, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(359, 0));
+ assertEquals(0, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(0 + 44 + h, 0));
+ assertEquals(90, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(0 + 45 + h, 0));
+ assertEquals(0, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(360 - 44 - h, 0));
+ assertEquals(270, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(360 - 45 - h, 0));
+ assertEquals(90, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(90, 90));
+ assertEquals(90, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(90 + 44 + h, 90));
+ assertEquals(180, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(90 + 45 + h, 90));
+ assertEquals(90, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(90 - 44 - h, 90));
+ assertEquals(0, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(90 - 45 - h, 90));
+ assertEquals(180, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(180, 180));
+ assertEquals(180, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(180 + 44 + h, 180));
+ assertEquals(270, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(180 + 45 + h, 180));
+ assertEquals(180, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(180 - 44 - h, 180));
+ assertEquals(90, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(180 - 45 - h, 180));
+ assertEquals(270, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(270, 270));
+ assertEquals(270, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(270 + 44 + h, 270));
+ assertEquals(0, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(270 + 45 + h, 270));
+ assertEquals(270, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(270 - 44 - h, 270));
+ assertEquals(180, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(270 - 45 - h, 270));
+ assertEquals(90, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(90, 0));
+ assertEquals(180, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(180, 0));
+ assertEquals(270, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(270, 0));
+ assertEquals(0, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(0, 90));
+ assertEquals(180, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(180, 90));
+ assertEquals(270, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(270, 90));
+ assertEquals(0, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(0, 180));
+ assertEquals(90, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(90, 180));
+ assertEquals(270, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(270, 180));
+ assertEquals(0, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(0, 270));
+ assertEquals(90, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(90, 270));
+ assertEquals(180, CameraUtil.roundOrientation(180, 270));
public void testPrepareMatrix() {
@@ -74,25 +74,25 @@ public class CameraUnitTest extends TestCase {
float[] points;
int[] expected;
- Util.prepareMatrix(matrix, false, 0, 800, 480);
+ CameraUtil.prepareMatrix(matrix, false, 0, 800, 480);
points = new float[] {-1000, -1000, 0, 0, 1000, 1000, 0, 1000, -750, 250};
expected = new int[] {0, 0, 400, 240, 800, 480, 400, 480, 100, 300};
assertEquals(expected, points);
- Util.prepareMatrix(matrix, false, 90, 800, 480);
+ CameraUtil.prepareMatrix(matrix, false, 90, 800, 480);
points = new float[] {-1000, -1000, 0, 0, 1000, 1000, 0, 1000, -750, 250};
expected = new int[] {800, 0, 400, 240, 0, 480, 0, 240, 300, 60};
assertEquals(expected, points);
- Util.prepareMatrix(matrix, false, 180, 800, 480);
+ CameraUtil.prepareMatrix(matrix, false, 180, 800, 480);
points = new float[] {-1000, -1000, 0, 0, 1000, 1000, 0, 1000, -750, 250};
expected = new int[] {800, 480, 400, 240, 0, 0, 400, 0, 700, 180};
assertEquals(expected, points);
- Util.prepareMatrix(matrix, true, 180, 800, 480);
+ CameraUtil.prepareMatrix(matrix, true, 180, 800, 480);
points = new float[] {-1000, -1000, 0, 0, 1000, 1000, 0, 1000, -750, 250};
expected = new int[] {0, 480, 400, 240, 800, 0, 400, 0, 100, 180};