/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.packageinstaller.permission.ui.handheld; import static com.android.packageinstaller.permission.utils.Utils.DEFAULT_MAX_LABEL_SIZE_PX; import static com.android.packageinstaller.permission.utils.Utils.getRequestMessage; import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.SOURCE; import android.app.AlertDialog; import android.app.Dialog; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.UserHandle; import android.text.BidiFormatter; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.Switch; import androidx.annotation.IntDef; import androidx.annotation.LayoutRes; import androidx.fragment.app.DialogFragment; import androidx.fragment.app.Fragment; import androidx.preference.PreferenceFragmentCompat; import androidx.preference.PreferenceViewHolder; import com.android.packageinstaller.permission.model.AppPermissionGroup; import com.android.packageinstaller.permission.model.Permission; import com.android.packageinstaller.permission.utils.LocationUtils; import com.android.packageinstaller.permission.utils.Utils; import com.android.permissioncontroller.R; import com.android.settingslib.RestrictedLockUtils; import com.android.settingslib.RestrictedLockUtils.EnforcedAdmin; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.util.List; /** * A preference for representing a permission group requested by an app. */ class PermissionPreference extends MultiTargetSwitchPreference { @Retention(SOURCE) @IntDef(value = {CHANGE_FOREGROUND, CHANGE_BACKGROUND}, flag = true) @interface ChangeTarget {} static final int CHANGE_FOREGROUND = 1; static final int CHANGE_BACKGROUND = 2; static final int CHANGE_BOTH = CHANGE_FOREGROUND | CHANGE_BACKGROUND; private final AppPermissionGroup mGroup; private final PreferenceFragmentCompat mFragment; private final PermissionPreferenceChangeListener mCallBacks; private final @LayoutRes int mOriginalWidgetLayoutRes; private final int mIconSize; /** Callbacks for the permission to the fragment showing a list of permissions */ interface PermissionPreferenceChangeListener { /** * Checks if the user has to confirm a revocation of a permission granted by default. * * @return {@code true} iff the user has to confirm it */ boolean shouldConfirmDefaultPermissionRevoke(); /** * Notify the listener that the user confirmed that she/he wants to revoke permissions that * were granted by default. */ void hasConfirmDefaultPermissionRevoke(); /** * Notify the listener that this preference has changed. * * @param key The key uniquely identifying this preference */ void onPreferenceChanged(String key); } /** * Callbacks from dialogs to the fragment. These callbacks are supposed to directly cycle back * to the permission tha created the dialog. */ interface PermissionPreferenceOwnerFragment { /** * The {@link DefaultDenyDialog} can only interact with the fragment, not the preference * that created it. Hence this call goes to the fragment, which then finds the preference an * calls {@link #onDenyAnyWay(int)}. * * @param key Key uniquely identifying the preference that created the default deny dialog * @param changeTarget Whether background or foreground permissions should be changed * * @see #showDefaultDenyDialog(int) */ void onDenyAnyWay(String key, @ChangeTarget int changeTarget); /** * The {@link BackgroundAccessChooser} can only interact with the fragment, not the * preference that created it. Hence this call goes to the fragment, which then finds the * preference an calls {@link #onBackgroundAccessChosen(int)}}. * * @param key Key uniquely identifying the preference that created the background access * chooser * @param chosenItem The index of the item selected by the user. * * @see #showBackgroundChooserDialog() */ void onBackgroundAccessChosen(String key, int chosenItem); } PermissionPreference(PreferenceFragmentCompat fragment, AppPermissionGroup group, PermissionPreferenceChangeListener callbacks, int iconSize) { super(fragment.getPreferenceManager().getContext()); mFragment = fragment; mGroup = group; mCallBacks = callbacks; mOriginalWidgetLayoutRes = getWidgetLayoutResource(); mIconSize = iconSize; setPersistent(false); updateUi(); } /** * Are any permissions of this group fixed by the system, i.e. not changeable by the user. * * @return {@code true} iff any permission is fixed */ private boolean isSystemFixed() { return mGroup.isSystemFixed(); } /** * Is any foreground permissions of this group fixed by the policy, i.e. not changeable by the * user. * * @return {@code true} iff any foreground permission is fixed */ private boolean isForegroundPolicyFixed() { return mGroup.isPolicyFixed(); } /** * Is any background permissions of this group fixed by the policy, i.e. not changeable by the * user. * * @return {@code true} iff any background permission is fixed */ private boolean isBackgroundPolicyFixed() { return mGroup.getBackgroundPermissions() != null && mGroup.getBackgroundPermissions().isPolicyFixed(); } /** * Are there permissions fixed, so that the user cannot change the preference at all? * * @return {@code true} iff the permissions of this group are fixed */ private boolean isPolicyFullyFixed() { return isForegroundPolicyFixed() && (mGroup.getBackgroundPermissions() == null || isBackgroundPolicyFixed()); } /** * Is the foreground part of this group disabled. If the foreground is disabled, there is no * need to possible grant background access. * * @return {@code true} iff the permissions of this group are fixed */ private boolean isForegroundDisabledByPolicy() { return isForegroundPolicyFixed() && !mGroup.areRuntimePermissionsGranted(); } /** * Get the app that acts as admin for this profile. * * @return The admin or {@code null} if there is no admin. */ private EnforcedAdmin getAdmin() { return RestrictedLockUtils.getProfileOrDeviceOwner(getContext(), mGroup.getUser()); } /** * Update the preference after the state might have changed. */ void updateUi() { boolean arePermissionsIndividuallyControlled = Utils.areGroupPermissionsIndividuallyControlled(getContext(), mGroup.getName()); EnforcedAdmin admin = getAdmin(); // Reset ui state setEnabled(true); setWidgetLayoutResource(mOriginalWidgetLayoutRes); setOnPreferenceClickListener(null); setSwitchOnClickListener(null); setSummary(null); setChecked(mGroup.areRuntimePermissionsGranted()); if (isSystemFixed() || isPolicyFullyFixed() || isForegroundDisabledByPolicy()) { if (admin != null) { setWidgetLayoutResource(R.layout.restricted_icon); setOnPreferenceClickListener((v) -> { RestrictedLockUtils.sendShowAdminSupportDetailsIntent(getContext(), admin); return true; }); } else { setEnabled(false); } updateSummaryForFixedByPolicyPermissionGroup(); } else if (arePermissionsIndividuallyControlled) { setOnPreferenceClickListener((pref) -> { showAllPermissions(mGroup.getName()); return false; }); setSwitchOnClickListener(v -> { Switch switchView = (Switch) v; requestChange(switchView.isChecked(), CHANGE_BOTH); // Update UI as the switch widget might be in wrong state updateUi(); }); updateSummaryForIndividuallyControlledPermissionGroup(); } else { if (mGroup.hasPermissionWithBackgroundMode()) { if (mGroup.getBackgroundPermissions() == null) { // The group has background permissions but the app did not request any. I.e. // The app can only switch between 'never" and "only in foreground". setOnPreferenceChangeListener((pref, newValue) -> requestChange((Boolean) newValue, CHANGE_FOREGROUND)); updateSummaryForPermissionGroupWithBackgroundPermission(); } else { if (isBackgroundPolicyFixed()) { setOnPreferenceChangeListener((pref, newValue) -> requestChange((Boolean) newValue, CHANGE_FOREGROUND)); updateSummaryForFixedByPolicyPermissionGroup(); } else if (isForegroundPolicyFixed()) { setOnPreferenceChangeListener((pref, newValue) -> requestChange((Boolean) newValue, CHANGE_BACKGROUND)); updateSummaryForFixedByPolicyPermissionGroup(); } else { updateSummaryForPermissionGroupWithBackgroundPermission(); setOnPreferenceClickListener((pref) -> { showBackgroundChooserDialog(); return true; }); setSwitchOnClickListener(v -> { Switch switchView = (Switch) v; if (switchView.isChecked()) { showBackgroundChooserDialog(); } else { requestChange(false, CHANGE_BOTH); } // Update UI as the switch widget might be in wrong state updateUi(); }); } } } else { setOnPreferenceChangeListener((pref, newValue) -> requestChange((Boolean) newValue, CHANGE_BOTH)); } } } /** * Update the summary in the case the permission group has individually controlled permissions. */ private void updateSummaryForIndividuallyControlledPermissionGroup() { int revokedCount = 0; List permissions = mGroup.getPermissions(); final int permissionCount = permissions.size(); for (int i = 0; i < permissionCount; i++) { Permission permission = permissions.get(i); if (!permission.isGrantedIncludingAppOp()) { revokedCount++; } } final int resId; if (revokedCount == 0) { resId = R.string.permission_revoked_none; } else if (revokedCount == permissionCount) { resId = R.string.permission_revoked_all; } else { resId = R.string.permission_revoked_count; } String summary = getContext().getString(resId, revokedCount); setSummary(summary); } /** * Update the summary of a permission group that has background permission. * *

This does not apply to permission groups that are fixed by policy

*/ private void updateSummaryForPermissionGroupWithBackgroundPermission() { AppPermissionGroup backgroundGroup = mGroup.getBackgroundPermissions(); if (mGroup.areRuntimePermissionsGranted()) { if (backgroundGroup == null) { setSummary(R.string.permission_access_only_foreground); } else { if (backgroundGroup.areRuntimePermissionsGranted()) { setSummary(R.string.permission_access_always); } else { setSummary(R.string.permission_access_only_foreground); } } } else { setSummary(R.string.permission_access_never); } } /** * Update the summary of a permission group that is at least partially fixed by policy. */ private void updateSummaryForFixedByPolicyPermissionGroup() { EnforcedAdmin admin = getAdmin(); AppPermissionGroup backgroundGroup = mGroup.getBackgroundPermissions(); boolean hasAdmin = admin != null; if (isSystemFixed()) { // Permission is fully controlled by the system and cannot be switched setSummary(R.string.permission_summary_enabled_system_fixed); } else if (isForegroundDisabledByPolicy()) { // Permission is fully controlled by policy and cannot be switched if (hasAdmin) { setSummary(R.string.disabled_by_admin); } else { // Disabled state will be displayed by switch, so no need to add text for that setSummary(R.string.permission_summary_enforced_by_policy); } } else if (isPolicyFullyFixed()) { // Permission is fully controlled by policy and cannot be switched if (backgroundGroup == null) { if (hasAdmin) { setSummary(R.string.enabled_by_admin); } else { // Enabled state will be displayed by switch, so no need to add text for // that setSummary(R.string.permission_summary_enforced_by_policy); } } else { if (backgroundGroup.areRuntimePermissionsGranted()) { if (hasAdmin) { setSummary(R.string.enabled_by_admin); } else { // Enabled state will be displayed by switch, so no need to add text for // that setSummary(R.string.permission_summary_enforced_by_policy); } } else { if (hasAdmin) { setSummary( R.string.permission_summary_enabled_by_admin_foreground_only); } else { setSummary( R.string.permission_summary_enabled_by_policy_foreground_only); } } } } else { // Part of the permission group can still be switched if (isBackgroundPolicyFixed()) { if (backgroundGroup.areRuntimePermissionsGranted()) { if (hasAdmin) { setSummary(R.string.permission_summary_enabled_by_admin_background_only); } else { setSummary(R.string.permission_summary_enabled_by_policy_background_only); } } else { if (hasAdmin) { setSummary(R.string.permission_summary_disabled_by_admin_background_only); } else { setSummary(R.string.permission_summary_disabled_by_policy_background_only); } } } else if (isForegroundPolicyFixed()) { if (hasAdmin) { setSummary(R.string.permission_summary_enabled_by_admin_foreground_only); } else { setSummary(R.string.permission_summary_enabled_by_policy_foreground_only); } } } } /** * Show all individual permissions in this group in a new fragment. */ private void showAllPermissions(String filterGroup) { Fragment frag = AllAppPermissionsFragment.newInstance(mGroup.getApp().packageName, filterGroup, UserHandle.getUserHandleForUid(mGroup.getApp().applicationInfo.uid)); mFragment.getFragmentManager().beginTransaction() .replace(android.R.id.content, frag) .addToBackStack("AllPerms") .commit(); } /** * Get the label of the app the permission group belongs to. (App permission groups are all * permissions of a group an app has requested.) * * @return The label of the app */ private String getAppLabel() { return BidiFormatter.getInstance().unicodeWrap( mGroup.getApp().applicationInfo.loadSafeLabel(getContext().getPackageManager(), DEFAULT_MAX_LABEL_SIZE_PX, TextUtils.SAFE_STRING_FLAG_TRIM | TextUtils.SAFE_STRING_FLAG_FIRST_LINE) .toString()); } @Override public void onBindViewHolder(PreferenceViewHolder holder) { if (mIconSize > 0) { ImageView icon = ((ImageView) holder.findViewById(android.R.id.icon)); icon.setMaxWidth(mIconSize); icon.setMaxHeight(mIconSize); } super.onBindViewHolder(holder); } /** * Request to grant/revoke permissions group. * *

Does not handle: *


Does handle: *

* * @param requestGrant If this group should be granted * @param changeTarget Which permission group (foreground/background/both) should be changed * @return If the request was processed. */ private boolean requestChange(boolean requestGrant, @ChangeTarget int changeTarget) { if (LocationUtils.isLocationGroupAndProvider(getContext(), mGroup.getName(), mGroup.getApp().packageName)) { LocationUtils.showLocationDialog(getContext(), getAppLabel()); return false; } if (requestGrant) { mCallBacks.onPreferenceChanged(getKey()); if ((changeTarget & CHANGE_FOREGROUND) != 0) { mGroup.grantRuntimePermissions(false); } if ((changeTarget & CHANGE_BACKGROUND) != 0) { if (mGroup.getBackgroundPermissions() != null) { mGroup.getBackgroundPermissions().grantRuntimePermissions(false); } } } else { boolean requestToRevokeGrantedByDefault = false; if ((changeTarget & CHANGE_FOREGROUND) != 0) { requestToRevokeGrantedByDefault = mGroup.hasGrantedByDefaultPermission(); } if ((changeTarget & CHANGE_BACKGROUND) != 0) { if (mGroup.getBackgroundPermissions() != null) { requestToRevokeGrantedByDefault |= mGroup.getBackgroundPermissions().hasGrantedByDefaultPermission(); } } if ((requestToRevokeGrantedByDefault || !mGroup.doesSupportRuntimePermissions()) && mCallBacks.shouldConfirmDefaultPermissionRevoke()) { showDefaultDenyDialog(changeTarget); return false; } else { mCallBacks.onPreferenceChanged(getKey()); if ((changeTarget & CHANGE_FOREGROUND) != 0) { mGroup.revokeRuntimePermissions(false); } if ((changeTarget & CHANGE_BACKGROUND) != 0) { if (mGroup.getBackgroundPermissions() != null) { mGroup.getBackgroundPermissions().revokeRuntimePermissions(false); } } } } updateUi(); return true; } /** * Show a dialog that warns the user that she/he is about to revoke permissions that were * granted by default. * *

The order of operation to revoke a permission granted by default is: *

  1. {@code showDefaultDenyDialog}
  2. *
  3. {@link DefaultDenyDialog#onCreateDialog}
  4. *
  5. {@link PermissionPreferenceOwnerFragment#onDenyAnyWay}
  6. *
  7. {@link PermissionPreference#onDenyAnyWay}
  8. *
* * @param changeTarget Whether background or foreground should be changed */ private void showDefaultDenyDialog(@ChangeTarget int changeTarget) { if (!mFragment.isResumed()) { return; } Bundle args = new Bundle(); boolean showGrantedByDefaultWarning = false; if ((changeTarget & CHANGE_FOREGROUND) != 0) { showGrantedByDefaultWarning = mGroup.hasGrantedByDefaultPermission(); } if ((changeTarget & CHANGE_BACKGROUND) != 0) { if (mGroup.getBackgroundPermissions() != null) { showGrantedByDefaultWarning |= mGroup.getBackgroundPermissions().hasGrantedByDefaultPermission(); } } args.putInt(DefaultDenyDialog.MSG, showGrantedByDefaultWarning ? R.string.system_warning : R.string.old_sdk_deny_warning); args.putString(DefaultDenyDialog.KEY, getKey()); args.putInt(DefaultDenyDialog.CHANGE_TARGET, changeTarget); DefaultDenyDialog deaultDenyDialog = new DefaultDenyDialog(); deaultDenyDialog.setArguments(args); deaultDenyDialog.show(mFragment.getChildFragmentManager().beginTransaction(), "denyDefault"); } /** * Show a dialog that asks the user if foreground/background/none access should be enabled. * *

The order of operation to grant foreground/background/none access is: *

  1. {@code showBackgroundChooserDialog}
  2. *
  3. {@link BackgroundAccessChooser#onCreateDialog}
  4. *
  5. {@link PermissionPreferenceOwnerFragment#onBackgroundAccessChosen}
  6. *
  7. {@link PermissionPreference#onBackgroundAccessChosen}
  8. *
*/ private void showBackgroundChooserDialog() { if (!mFragment.isResumed()) { return; } if (LocationUtils.isLocationGroupAndProvider(getContext(), mGroup.getName(), mGroup.getApp().packageName)) { LocationUtils.showLocationDialog(getContext(), getAppLabel()); return; } Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putCharSequence(BackgroundAccessChooser.TITLE, getRequestMessage(getAppLabel(), mGroup, getContext(), mGroup.getRequest())); args.putString(BackgroundAccessChooser.KEY, getKey()); if (mGroup.areRuntimePermissionsGranted()) { if (mGroup.getBackgroundPermissions().areRuntimePermissionsGranted()) { args.putInt(BackgroundAccessChooser.SELECTION, BackgroundAccessChooser.ALWAYS_OPTION); } else { args.putInt(BackgroundAccessChooser.SELECTION, BackgroundAccessChooser.FOREGROUND_ONLY_OPTION); } } else { args.putInt(BackgroundAccessChooser.SELECTION, BackgroundAccessChooser.NEVER_OPTION); } BackgroundAccessChooser chooserDialog = new BackgroundAccessChooser(); chooserDialog.setArguments(args); chooserDialog.show(mFragment.getChildFragmentManager().beginTransaction(), "backgroundChooser"); } /** * Once we user has confirmed that he/she wants to revoke a permission that was granted by * default, actually revoke the permissions. * * @see #showDefaultDenyDialog(int) */ void onDenyAnyWay(@ChangeTarget int changeTarget) { mCallBacks.onPreferenceChanged(getKey()); boolean hasDefaultPermissions = false; if ((changeTarget & CHANGE_FOREGROUND) != 0) { mGroup.revokeRuntimePermissions(false); hasDefaultPermissions = mGroup.hasGrantedByDefaultPermission(); } if ((changeTarget & CHANGE_BACKGROUND) != 0) { if (mGroup.getBackgroundPermissions() != null) { mGroup.getBackgroundPermissions().revokeRuntimePermissions(false); hasDefaultPermissions |= mGroup.getBackgroundPermissions().hasGrantedByDefaultPermission(); } } if (hasDefaultPermissions || !mGroup.doesSupportRuntimePermissions()) { mCallBacks.hasConfirmDefaultPermissionRevoke(); } updateUi(); } /** * Process the return from a {@link BackgroundAccessChooser} dialog. * *

These dialog are started when the user want to grant a permission group that has * background permissions. * * @param choosenItem The item that the user chose */ void onBackgroundAccessChosen(int choosenItem) { AppPermissionGroup backgroundGroup = mGroup.getBackgroundPermissions(); switch (choosenItem) { case BackgroundAccessChooser.ALWAYS_OPTION: requestChange(true, CHANGE_BOTH); break; case BackgroundAccessChooser.FOREGROUND_ONLY_OPTION: if (backgroundGroup.areRuntimePermissionsGranted()) { requestChange(false, CHANGE_BACKGROUND); } requestChange(true, CHANGE_FOREGROUND); break; case BackgroundAccessChooser.NEVER_OPTION: if (mGroup.areRuntimePermissionsGranted() || mGroup.getBackgroundPermissions().areRuntimePermissionsGranted()) { requestChange(false, CHANGE_BOTH); } break; } } /** * A dialog warning the user that she/he is about to deny a permission that was granted by * default. * * @see #showDefaultDenyDialog(int) */ public static class DefaultDenyDialog extends DialogFragment { private static final String MSG = DefaultDenyDialog.class.getName() + ".arg.msg"; private static final String CHANGE_TARGET = DefaultDenyDialog.class.getName() + ".arg.changeTarget"; private static final String KEY = DefaultDenyDialog.class.getName() + ".arg.key"; @Override public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) { AlertDialog.Builder b = new AlertDialog.Builder(getContext()) .setMessage(getArguments().getInt(MSG)) .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, null) .setPositiveButton(R.string.grant_dialog_button_deny_anyway, (DialogInterface dialog, int which) -> ( (PermissionPreferenceOwnerFragment) getParentFragment()) .onDenyAnyWay(getArguments().getString(KEY), getArguments().getInt(CHANGE_TARGET))); return b.create(); } } /** * If a permission group has background permission this chooser is used to let the user * choose how the permission group should be granted. * * @see #showBackgroundChooserDialog() */ public static class BackgroundAccessChooser extends DialogFragment { private static final String TITLE = BackgroundAccessChooser.class.getName() + ".arg.title"; private static final String KEY = BackgroundAccessChooser.class.getName() + ".arg.key"; private static final String SELECTION = BackgroundAccessChooser.class.getName() + ".arg.selection"; // Needs to match the entries in R.array.background_access_chooser_dialog_choices static final int ALWAYS_OPTION = 0; static final int FOREGROUND_ONLY_OPTION = 1; static final int NEVER_OPTION = 2; @Override public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) { AlertDialog.Builder b = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity()) .setTitle(getArguments().getCharSequence(TITLE)) .setSingleChoiceItems(R.array.background_access_chooser_dialog_choices, getArguments().getInt(SELECTION), (dialog, which) -> { dismissAllowingStateLoss(); ((PermissionPreferenceOwnerFragment) getParentFragment()) .onBackgroundAccessChosen(getArguments().getString(KEY), which); } ); return b.create(); } } }