path: root/res/values-cy/strings.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'res/values-cy/strings.xml')
1 files changed, 286 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/res/values-cy/strings.xml b/res/values-cy/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f22d93c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/values-cy/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!--Generated by>
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
+ <string name="app_name">Gosodwr Pecyn</string>
+ <string name="next">Nesaf</string>
+ <string name="install">Gosod</string>
+ <string name="done">Iawn</string>
+ <string name="security_settings_desc">Caniatáu i\'r ap hwn:</string>
+ <string name="cancel">Diddymu</string>
+ <string name="unknown">Anhysybys</string>
+ <string name="installing">Yn gosod\u2026</string>
+ <string name="installing_app">Yn gosod <xliff:g id="package_label">%1$s</xliff:g>\u2026</string>
+ <string name="install_done">Gosodwyd yr ap.</string>
+ <!-- Message for installing a new app that requires some permissions [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <string name="install_confirm_question">Wyt ti eisiau gosod yr ap hwn?
+ Caiff mynediad at:</string>
+ <!-- Message for installing a new app that does not require permissions [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <string name="install_confirm_question_no_perms">Wyt ti eisiau gosod yr ap hwn?
+ Nid oes arno angen mynediad arbennig at unrhyw beth.</string>
+ <!-- Message for updating an existing app [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <string name="install_confirm_question_update">Wyt ti eisiau gosod diweddariad i\'r ap hwn sydd eisoes ar dy ddyfais?
+Ni chaiff dy ddata presennol ei golli.
+Caiff yr ap wedi\'i diweddaru mynediad at:</string>
+ <!-- Message for updating an existing system app [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <string name="install_confirm_question_update_system">Wyt ti eisiau gosod diweddariad i\'r ap hwn sydd wedi\'i osod gyda\'r system?
+Ni chaiff dy ddata presennol ei golli.
+Caiff yr ap wedi\'i diweddaru mynediad at:</string>
+ <!-- Message for updating an existing app, no permissions [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <string name="install_confirm_question_update_no_perms">Wyt ti eisiau gosod diweddariad i\'r ap hwn sydd eisoes ar dy ddyfais?
+Ni chaiff dy ddata presennol ei golli.
+Nid oes arno angen mynediad arbennig at unrhyw beth.</string>
+ <!-- Message for updating an existing system app, no permissions [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <string name="install_confirm_question_update_system_no_perms">Wyt ti eisiau gosod diweddariad i\'r ap hwn sydd wedi\'i osod gyda\'r system?
+Ni chaiff dy ddata presennol ei golli.
+Nid oes arno angen mynediad arbennig at unrhyw beth.</string>
+ <string name="install_failed">Ni osodwyd yr ap.</string>
+ <!-- Reason displayed when installation fails because the package was blocked
+ from being installed (e.g., device policy, verification, ...) [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
+ <string name="install_failed_blocked">Cafodd y pecyn ei rwystro rhag cael ei osod.</string>
+ <!-- Reason displayed when installation fails because the package conflicts with
+ an existing application (e.g., incompatible certificates) [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
+ <string name="install_failed_conflict">Dyw\'r ap heb ei osod am fod y pecyn yn gwrthdaro gyda phecyn sy\'n bodoli eisoes.</string>
+ <!-- Reason displayed when installation fails because the package is incompatible with
+ the current tablet (e.g., missing native code for the current ABI, newer SDK, ...) [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
+ <string name="install_failed_incompatible" product="tablet">Dyw\'r ap heb ei osod am nad yw yn gydnaws â dy lechen.</string>
+ <!-- Reason displayed when installation fails because the package is incompatible with
+ the current TV (e.g., missing native code for the current ABI, newer SDK, ...) [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
+ <string name="install_failed_incompatible" product="tv">Dyw\'r ap heb ei osod am nad yw yn gydnaws â dy deledu.</string>
+ <!-- Reason displayed when installation fails because the package is incompatible with
+ the current phone (e.g., missing native code for the current ABI, newer SDK, ...) [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
+ <string name="install_failed_incompatible" product="default">Dyw\'r ap heb ei osod am nad yw yn gydnaws â dy ffôn.</string>
+ <!-- Reason displayed when installation fails because the installation package itself is invalid
+ in some way (e.g., corrupt) [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
+ <string name="install_failed_invalid_apk">Dyw\'r ap heb ei osod am fod y pecyn yn ymddangos i fod yn annilys.</string>
+ <!-- Message presented when an application could not be installed on the tablet for some reason. [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
+ <string name="install_failed_msg" product="tablet">Methwyd â gosod <xliff:g id="app_name">%1$s</xliff:g> ar dy lechen.</string>
+ <!-- Message presented when an application could not be installed on the TV for some reason. [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
+ <string name="install_failed_msg" product="tv">Methwyd â gosod <xliff:g id="app_name">%1$s</xliff:g> ar dy deledu.</string>
+ <!-- Message presented when an application could not be installed on the phone for some reason. [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
+ <string name="install_failed_msg" product="default">Methwyd â gosod <xliff:g id="app_name">%1$s</xliff:g> ar dy ffôn.</string>
+ <string name="launch">Agor</string>
+ <!-- Message presented in a dialog box when the device administrator restricts the installation of apps from unknown sources. [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
+ <string name="unknown_apps_admin_dlg_text">Nid yw dy weinyddwr yn caniatáu gosod apiau o ffynonellau anhysbys</string>
+ <!-- Message presented in a dialog box when the user restriction set by the system restricts the installation of apps from unknown sources. [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
+ <string name="unknown_apps_user_restriction_dlg_text">Ni all y defnyddiwr hwn osod apiau anhysbys</string>
+ <!-- Message presented in a dialog box when the user restriction set by the system restricts the installation of apps. [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
+ <string name="install_apps_user_restriction_dlg_text">Nid yw\'r defnyddiwr hwn yn cael gosod apiau</string>
+ <string name="ok">Iawn</string>
+ <string name="settings">Gosodiadau</string>
+ <string name="manage_applications">Rheoli apiau</string>
+ <string name="dlg_app_replacement_title">Newid yr ap?</string>
+ <string name="dlg_app_replacement_statement">Bydd yr ap rwyt yn ei osod yn cymryd lle ap arall.\n\nBydd dy holl ddata defnyddiwr yn cael ei gadw.</string>
+ <!-- Dialog attributes when replacing system app -->
+ <string name="dlg_sys_app_replacement_statement">Ap system yw hwn.\n\nBydd dy holl ddata defnyddiwr yn cael ei gadw.</string>
+ <string name="out_of_space_dlg_title">Dim digon o le</string>
+ <string name="out_of_space_dlg_text">Methwyd â gosod <xliff:g id="app_name">%1$s</xliff:g>. Rhyddha ychydig o le storio a rhoi cynnig arall arni.</string>
+ <!-- strings related to uninstall activity -->
+ <string name="dlg_ok">Iawn</string>
+ <string name="app_not_found_dlg_title">Ni chanfuwyd yr ap</string>
+ <string name="app_not_found_dlg_text">Ni chanfuwyd yr ap yn y rhestr o apiau wedi\'u gosod.</string>
+ <string name="user_is_not_allowed_dlg_title">Ni chaniateir</string>
+ <string name="user_is_not_allowed_dlg_text">Dyw\'r defnyddiwr cyfredol ddim yn cael cyflawni\'r dadosod hwn.</string>
+ <string name="generic_error_dlg_title">Gwall</string>
+ <string name="generic_error_dlg_text">Nid oedd yn bosib dadosod yr ap.</string>
+ <string name="uninstall_application_title">Dadosod yr ap</string>
+ <string name="uninstall_update_title">Dadosod y diweddariad</string>
+ <string name="uninstall_activity_text">Mae <xliff:g id="activity_name">%1$s</xliff:g> yn rhan o\'r ap hwn:</string>
+ <string name="uninstall_application_text">Wyt ti eisiau dadosod yr ap hwn?</string>
+ <string name="uninstall_application_text_all_users">Wyt ti eisiau dadosod yr ap hwn ar gyfer <b>pob</b> defnyddiwr? Caiff yr ap a\'i holl ddata ei ddileu ar gyfer <b>pob</b> defnyddiwr ar y ddyfais.</string>
+ <string name="uninstall_application_text_user">Wyt ti eisiau dadosod yr ap hwn ar gyfer y defnyddiwr <xliff:g id="username">%1$s</xliff:g>?</string>
+ <string name="uninstall_update_text">Disodli\'r ap hwn gyda\'r fersiwn o\'r ffatri? Caiff yr holl ddata ei golli.</string>
+ <string name="uninstall_update_text_multiuser">Disodli\'r ap hwn gyda\'r fersiwn o\'r ffatri? Caiff yr holl ddata ei golli. Mae hyn yn effeithio ar holl ddefnyddwyr y ddyfais hon, gan gynnwys y rhai gyda phroffiliau gwaith.</string>
+ <!-- Label for the notification channel containing notifications for current uninstall operations [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <string name="uninstalling_notification_channel">Yn dadosod</string>
+ <!-- Label for the notification channel containing notifications for failed uninstall operations [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <string name="uninstall_failure_notification_channel">Methwyd dadosod</string>
+ <string name="uninstalling">Yn dadosod\u2026</string>
+ <string name="uninstalling_app">Yn dadosod <xliff:g id="package_label">%1$s</xliff:g>\u2026</string>
+ <string name="uninstall_done">Wedi cwblhau dadosod.</string>
+ <string name="uninstall_done_app">Wedi dadosod <xliff:g id="package_label">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="uninstall_failed">Dadosod aflwyddiannus.</string>
+ <string name="uninstall_failed_app">Wedi dadosod <xliff:g id="package_label">%1$s</xliff:g> yn llwyddiannus.</string>
+ <!-- String presented to the user when uninstalling a package failed because the target package
+ is a current device administrator [CHAR LIMIT=80] -->
+ <string name="uninstall_failed_device_policy_manager">Methu â dadosod ap gweithredol gweinyddu\'r ddyfais</string>
+ <!-- String presented to the user when uninstalling a package failed because the target package
+ is a current device administrator for some user [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
+ <string name="uninstall_failed_device_policy_manager_of_user">Methu â dadosod ap gweithredol gweinyddu\'r ddyfais ar gyfer <xliff:g id="username">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- String presented to the admin user when uninstalling a package for all users failed
+ because a profile owner has marked the target package as not able to be uninstalled
+ [CHAR LIMIT=120] -->
+ <string name="uninstall_all_blocked_profile_owner">Mae angen yr ap hwn ar rai defnyddwyr neu broffiliau ac mi gafodd ei ddadosod i eraill.</string>
+ <!-- String presented to the user when uninstalling a package failed because a profile owner
+ has marked the target package as not able to be uninstalled [CHAR LIMIT=120] -->
+ <string name="uninstall_blocked_profile_owner">Mae ar dy broffil angen yr ap hwn ac nid yw\'n bosib ei dynnu.</string>
+ <!-- String presented to the user when uninstalling a package failed because a device owner
+ has marked the the target package as not able to be uninstalled [CHAR LIMIT=80] -->
+ <string name="uninstall_blocked_device_owner">Mae gweinyddwr dy ddyfais yn mynnu bod angen yr ap hwn felly ni ellir ei ddadosod.</string>
+ <!-- String on a button that leads to the "device admin apps" configuration setting where a
+ user will be able to disable the device admin app in order to uninstall
+ it. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
+ <string name="manage_device_administrators">Rheoli apiau gweinyddu\'r ddyfais</string>
+ <!-- String on a button that leads to the "Users" page in Settings where a
+ user will be able to remove the secondary user(s) in order to uninstall
+ the app. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
+ <string name="manage_users">Rheoli defnyddwyr</string>
+ <string name="uninstall_failed_msg">Methwyd â gosod <xliff:g id="app_name">%1$s</xliff:g>.</string>
+ <!-- Dialog attributes to indicate parse errors -->
+ <string name="Parse_error_dlg_text">Roedd problem wrth dosrannu\'r pecyn.</string>
+ <!-- Tab label for new permissions being added to an existing app [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
+ <string name="newPerms">Newydd</string>
+ <!-- Tab label for all permissions of an app being installed [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
+ <string name="allPerms">Y Cwbl</string>
+ <!-- Tab label for permissions related to user privacy [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
+ <string name="privacyPerms">Preifatrwydd</string>
+ <!-- Tab label for permissions related to device behavior [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
+ <string name="devicePerms">Mynediad Dyfais</string>
+ <!-- Body text for new tab when there are no new permissions [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <string name="no_new_perms">Nid oes ar y diweddariad hwn angen unrhyw ganiatâd newydd.</string>
+ <string name="grant_confirm_question">Wyt ti am roi\'r caniatâd a ganlyn?
+ Caiff mynediad at:</string>
+ <!-- Title for the dialog button to deny a permission grant. -->
+ <string name="grant_dialog_button_deny">Gwrthod</string>
+ <!-- Title for the dialog button to get more info about a permission. -->
+ <string name="grant_dialog_button_more_info">Rhagor o wybodaeth</string>
+ <!-- Title for the dialog button to deny a permission grant despite a warning of implications. -->
+ <string name="grant_dialog_button_deny_anyway">Gwrthod beth bynnag</string>
+ <!-- Template for the current permission from the total number of permissions. -->
+ <string name="current_permission_template"> <xliff:g id="current_permission_index" example="1">%1$s</xliff:g> o
+ <xliff:g id="permission_count" example="2">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- Template for the warning message when an app requests a permission. -->
+ <string name="permission_warning_template">Caniatáu i &lt;b&gt;<xliff:g id="app_name" example="Gmail">%1$s</xliff:g>&lt;/b&gt; <xliff:g id="action" example="do something">%2$s</xliff:g>?</string>
+ <!-- Template for the message how many permissions are disabled. -->
+ <string name="permission_revoked_count"><xliff:g id="count" example="2">%1$d</xliff:g> wedi\'u hanalluogi</string>
+ <!-- Message that all permissions are disabled. -->
+ <string name="permission_revoked_all">y cwbl wedi\'u hanalluogi</string>
+ <!-- Message that no permissions are disabled. -->
+ <string name="permission_revoked_none">dim wedi\'u analluogi</string>
+ <!-- Permissions -->
+ <!-- Title for the dialog button to allow a permission grant. -->
+ <string name="grant_dialog_button_allow">Caniatáu</string>
+ <!-- Title of an application permission, listed so the user can choose whether they want
+ to allow the application to do this. -->
+ <!-- Description of an application permission, listed so the user can choose whether
+ they want to allow the application to do this. -->
+ <!-- Breadcrumb for page of managing application permissions [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
+ <string name="app_permissions_breadcrumb">Apiau</string>
+ <!-- Title for page of managing application permissions -->
+ <string name="app_permissions">Caniatâd yr ap</string>
+ <!-- Checkbox that allows user to not be questioned about this permission
+ request again -->
+ <string name="never_ask_again">Peidio â gofyn eto</string>
+ <!-- Label when app requests no permissions -->
+ <string name="no_permissions">Dim caniatâd</string>
+ <!-- Label for button that leads to more permissions [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <string name="additional_permissions">Caniatâd ychwanegol</string>
+ <!-- Accessibility label for button opening the app-info when clicked [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
+ <!-- Description of how many more permissions to view on next page [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <plurals name="additional_permissions_more">
+ <item quantity="zero"><xliff:g id="count" example="2">%1$d</xliff:g> mwy</item>
+ <item quantity="one"><xliff:g id="count" example="2">%1$d</xliff:g> arall</item>
+ <item quantity="two"><xliff:g id="count" example="2">%1$d</xliff:g> yn rhagor</item>
+ <item quantity="few"><xliff:g id="count" example="2">%1$d</xliff:g> yn rhagor</item>
+ <item quantity="many"><xliff:g id="count" example="2">%1$d</xliff:g> yn rhagor</item>
+ <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="count" example="2">%1$d</xliff:g> yn rhagor</item>
+ </plurals>
+ <!-- Warning for turning off permissions on older apps -->
+ <string name="old_sdk_deny_warning">Cafodd yr ap hwn ei ddylunio ar gyfer fersiwn gynharach o Android. Gall gwrthod caniatâd achosi iddo beidio â gweithio fel y disgwyl.</string>
+ <!-- The default description of a permission, i.e. what it does. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <string name="default_permission_description">perfformio gweithred anhysbys</string>
+ <!-- Summary of number of apps currently granted a single permission [CHAR LIMIT=45] -->
+ <string name="app_permissions_group_summary">Caniateir <xliff:g id="count" example="10">%1$d</xliff:g> o <xliff:g id="count" example="10">%2$d</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] Menu for manage permissions to control whether system apps are shown -->
+ <string name="menu_show_system">Dangos apiau system</string>
+ <!-- [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] Menu for manage permissions to control whether system apps are hidden -->
+ <string name="menu_hide_system">Cuddio apiau system</string>
+ <!-- [CHAR LIMIT=30] Title for page managing what apps have a permission granted -->
+ <string name="permission_title">Caniatâd <xliff:g id="permission" example="Camera">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] Label when no apps requesting this permission -->
+ <string name="no_apps">Dim apiau</string>
+ <!-- [CHAR LIMIT=30] Title of button that leads to location settings -->
+ <string name="location_settings">Gosodiadau Lleoliad</string>
+ <!-- [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] Warning about how this app cannot have location permission disabled -->
+ <string name="location_warning">Mae <xliff:g id="app_name" example="Package Installer">%1$s</xliff:g> yn ddarparwr gwasanaethau lleoliad ar gyfer y ddyfais hon. Gellir addasu mynediad lleoliad yng ngosodiadau lleoliad.</string>
+ <!-- [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] Warning message when turning off permission for system apps -->
+ <string name="system_warning">Os wyt yn gwrthod y caniatâd hwn, bydd rhai nodweddion sylfaenol dy ddyfais yn methu â gweithio fel y bwriedir.</string>
+ <!-- [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] Summary of a permission switch when it's enforced by policy -->
+ <string name="permission_summary_enforced_by_policy">Gorfodwyd fel polisi</string>
+ <!-- Text displayed until loading is done -->
+ <string name="loading">Yn llwytho\u2026</string>
+ <!-- [CHAR LIMIT=45] Title of all permissions settings -->
+ <string name="all_permissions">Pob caniatâd</string>
+ <!-- [CHAR LIMIT=45] Group of permissions granted to app automatically when installed. -->
+ <string name="other_permissions">Galluoedd eraill yr ap</string>
+ <!-- Title of the permission dialog for accessibility purposes- spoken to the user. [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
+ <string name="permission_request_title">Cais caniatâd</string>
+ <!-- Title for the dialog that warns the user they need to turn off screen overlays
+ before permissions can be changed. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <string name="screen_overlay_title">Canfuwyd troslun sgrin</string>
+ <!-- Message for the dialog that warns the user they need to turn off screen overlays
+ before permissions can be changed. The "Settings > Apps" conveys to the user to
+ go to Settings and click on apps, this may need updates in RTL languages. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <string name="screen_overlay_message">I newid y gosodiad caniatâd hwn, rhaid yn gyntaf diffodd y troslun sgrin yn Gosodiadau \u003e Apiau</string>
+ <!-- Button for the dialog that warns the user they need to turn off screen overlays
+ before permissions can be changed. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <string name="screen_overlay_button">Agor gosodiadau</string>
+ <!-- Title of dialog telling users that Install/Uninstall action is not supported on Android Wear. -->
+ <string name="wear_not_allowed_dlg_title">Android Wear</string>
+ <!-- Title of dialog telling users that Install/Uninstall action is not supported on Android Wear. -->
+ <string name="wear_not_allowed_dlg_text">Gosod/dadosod gweithredoedd na sy\'n gydnaws â Wear.</string>
+ <!-- Review of runtime permissions for legacy apps -->
+ <!-- Template for the warning title when an updated app's requested permissions are reviewed. -->
+ <string name="permission_review_warning_title_template_update">Cafodd <xliff:g id="app_name" example="Gmail">%1$s</xliff:g> ei ddiweddaru.
+Caniatáu i <xliff:g id="app_name" example="Gmail">%1$s</xliff:g> gael mynediad i\'r canlynol?</string>
+ <!-- Template for the screen title when app permissions are reviewed on install. -->
+ <string name="permission_review_title_template_install">Dewisa pa bethau mae &lt;b&gt;<xliff:g id="app_name" example="Gmail">%1$s</xliff:g>&lt;/b&gt; yn cael mynediad iddynt</string>
+ <!-- Template for the screen title when app permissions are reviewed on update. -->
+ <string name="permission_review_title_template_update">Cafodd &lt;b&gt;<xliff:g id="app_name" example="Gmail">%1$s</xliff:g>&lt;/b&gt; ei ddiweddaru.
+Dewisa pa bethau i roi mynediad iddynt gan yr ap hwn.</string>
+ <!-- Title for the dialog button to cancel the detailed permission review. -->
+ <string name="review_button_cancel">Diddymu</string>
+ <!-- Title for the dialog button to continue accepting the detailed permission review. -->
+ <string name="review_button_continue">Parhau</string>
+ <!-- Title for the category listing the new permissions used by an app. -->
+ <string name="new_permissions_category">Caniatâd newydd</string>
+ <!-- Title for the category listing the current permissions used by an app. -->
+ <string name="current_permissions_category">Caniatâd cyfredol</string>
+ <!-- Message that the app to be installed is being staged -->
+ <string name="message_staging">Ap camau cadw&#8230;</string>
+ <!-- Placeholder for an app name when it is unknown -->
+ <string name="app_name_unknown">Anhysybys</string>
+ <!-- Help URL, application permissions [DO NOT TRANSLATE] -->
+ <!-- Text to show in warning dialog on the tablet when the app source is not trusted [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <string name="untrusted_external_source_warning" product="tablet">I ddiogelu dy ddata, dyw\'r llechen hon heb ei chaniatáu i osod apiau o ffynonellau anhysbys.</string>
+ <!-- Text to show in warning dialog on the tv when the app source is not trusted [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <string name="untrusted_external_source_warning" product="tv">I ddiogelu dy ddata, dyw\'r teledu hwn heb ei chaniatáu i osod apiau o ffynonellau anhysbys.</string>
+ <!-- Text to show in warning dialog on the phone when the app source is not trusted [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <string name="untrusted_external_source_warning" product="default">I ddiogelu dy ddata, dyw\'r ffôn hwn heb ei chaniatáu i osod apiau o ffynonellau anhysbys.</string>
+ <!-- Text to show in warning dialog on the phone when the app source cannot be identified [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <string name="anonymous_source_warning" product="default">Mae dy ffôn a dy ddata personol yn llai diogel rhag ymosodiad gan apiau anhysbys. Wrth osod yr ap hwn, rwyt yn cytuno dy fod yn gyfrifol am unrhyw niwed i dy ddyfais neu golled data gall ddigwydd o ganlyniad i\'w defnyddio. </string>
+ <!-- Text to show in warning dialog on the tablet when the app source cannot be identified [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <string name="anonymous_source_warning" product="tablet">Mae dy lechen a dy ddata personol yn llai diogel rhag ymosodiad gan apiau anhysbys. Wrth osod yr ap hwn, rwyt yn cytuno dy fod yn gyfrifol am unrhyw niwed i dy ddyfais neu golled data gall ddigwydd o ganlyniad i\'w defnyddio. </string>
+ <!-- Text to show in warning dialog on the tv when the app source cannot be identified [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <string name="anonymous_source_warning" product="tv">Mae dy deledu a dy ddata personol yn llai diogel rhag ymosodiad gan apiau anhysbys. Wrth osod yr ap hwn, rwyt yn cytuno dy fod yn gyfrifol am unrhyw niwed i dy ddyfais neu golled data gall ddigwydd o ganlyniad i\'w defnyddio. </string>
+ <!-- Label for button to continue install of an app whose source cannot be identified [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <string name="anonymous_source_continue">Parhau</string>
+ <!-- Label for button to open manage external sources settings [CHAR LIMIT=45] -->
+ <string name="external_sources_settings">Gosodiadau</string>
+ <!-- Label for the notification channel containing notifications for embedded app operations [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <string name="wear_app_channel">Gosod/dadosod apiau Wear</string>