path: root/src/com/android/messaging/datamodel/data/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/com/android/messaging/datamodel/data/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 917 deletions
diff --git a/src/com/android/messaging/datamodel/data/ b/src/com/android/messaging/datamodel/data/
deleted file mode 100644
index 19e1b97..0000000
--- a/src/com/android/messaging/datamodel/data/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,917 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import android.database.Cursor;
-import android.provider.BaseColumns;
-import android.provider.ContactsContract;
-import android.text.TextUtils;
-import android.text.format.DateUtils;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
- * Class representing a message within a conversation sequence. The message parts
- * are available via the getParts() method.
- *
- * TODO: See if we can delegate to MessageData for the logic that this class duplicates
- * (e.g. getIsMms).
- */
-public class ConversationMessageData {
- private static final String TAG = LogUtil.BUGLE_TAG;
- private String mMessageId;
- private String mConversationId;
- private String mParticipantId;
- private int mPartsCount;
- private List<MessagePartData> mParts;
- private long mSentTimestamp;
- private long mReceivedTimestamp;
- private boolean mSeen;
- private boolean mRead;
- private int mProtocol;
- private int mStatus;
- private String mSmsMessageUri;
- private int mSmsPriority;
- private int mSmsMessageSize;
- private String mMmsSubject;
- private long mMmsExpiry;
- private int mRawTelephonyStatus;
- private String mSenderFullName;
- private String mSenderFirstName;
- private String mSenderDisplayDestination;
- private String mSenderNormalizedDestination;
- private String mSenderProfilePhotoUri;
- private long mSenderContactId;
- private String mSenderContactLookupKey;
- private String mSelfParticipantId;
- /** Are we similar enough to the previous/next messages that we can cluster them? */
- private boolean mCanClusterWithPreviousMessage;
- private boolean mCanClusterWithNextMessage;
- public ConversationMessageData() {
- }
- public void bind(final Cursor cursor) {
- mMessageId = cursor.getString(INDEX_MESSAGE_ID);
- mConversationId = cursor.getString(INDEX_CONVERSATION_ID);
- mParticipantId = cursor.getString(INDEX_PARTICIPANT_ID);
- mPartsCount = cursor.getInt(INDEX_PARTS_COUNT);
- mParts = makeParts(
- cursor.getString(INDEX_PARTS_IDS),
- cursor.getString(INDEX_PARTS_CONTENT_TYPES),
- cursor.getString(INDEX_PARTS_CONTENT_URIS),
- cursor.getString(INDEX_PARTS_WIDTHS),
- cursor.getString(INDEX_PARTS_HEIGHTS),
- cursor.getString(INDEX_PARTS_TEXTS),
- mPartsCount,
- mMessageId);
- mSentTimestamp = cursor.getLong(INDEX_SENT_TIMESTAMP);
- mReceivedTimestamp = cursor.getLong(INDEX_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMP);
- mSeen = (cursor.getInt(INDEX_SEEN) != 0);
- mRead = (cursor.getInt(INDEX_READ) != 0);
- mProtocol = cursor.getInt(INDEX_PROTOCOL);
- mStatus = cursor.getInt(INDEX_STATUS);
- mSmsMessageUri = cursor.getString(INDEX_SMS_MESSAGE_URI);
- mSmsPriority = cursor.getInt(INDEX_SMS_PRIORITY);
- mSmsMessageSize = cursor.getInt(INDEX_SMS_MESSAGE_SIZE);
- mMmsSubject = cursor.getString(INDEX_MMS_SUBJECT);
- mMmsExpiry = cursor.getLong(INDEX_MMS_EXPIRY);
- mRawTelephonyStatus = cursor.getInt(INDEX_RAW_TELEPHONY_STATUS);
- mSenderFullName = cursor.getString(INDEX_SENDER_FULL_NAME);
- mSenderFirstName = cursor.getString(INDEX_SENDER_FIRST_NAME);
- mSenderDisplayDestination = cursor.getString(INDEX_SENDER_DISPLAY_DESTINATION);
- mSenderNormalizedDestination = cursor.getString(INDEX_SENDER_NORMALIZED_DESTINATION);
- mSenderProfilePhotoUri = cursor.getString(INDEX_SENDER_PROFILE_PHOTO_URI);
- mSenderContactId = cursor.getLong(INDEX_SENDER_CONTACT_ID);
- mSenderContactLookupKey = cursor.getString(INDEX_SENDER_CONTACT_LOOKUP_KEY);
- mSelfParticipantId = cursor.getString(INDEX_SELF_PARTICIPIANT_ID);
- if (!cursor.isFirst() && cursor.moveToPrevious()) {
- mCanClusterWithPreviousMessage = canClusterWithMessage(cursor);
- cursor.moveToNext();
- } else {
- mCanClusterWithPreviousMessage = false;
- }
- if (!cursor.isLast() && cursor.moveToNext()) {
- mCanClusterWithNextMessage = canClusterWithMessage(cursor);
- cursor.moveToPrevious();
- } else {
- mCanClusterWithNextMessage = false;
- }
- }
- private boolean canClusterWithMessage(final Cursor cursor) {
- final String otherParticipantId = cursor.getString(INDEX_PARTICIPANT_ID);
- if (!TextUtils.equals(getParticipantId(), otherParticipantId)) {
- return false;
- }
- final int otherStatus = cursor.getInt(INDEX_STATUS);
- final boolean otherIsIncoming = (otherStatus >= MessageData.BUGLE_STATUS_FIRST_INCOMING);
- if (getIsIncoming() != otherIsIncoming) {
- return false;
- }
- final long otherReceivedTimestamp = cursor.getLong(INDEX_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMP);
- final long timestampDeltaMillis = Math.abs(mReceivedTimestamp - otherReceivedTimestamp);
- if (timestampDeltaMillis > DateUtils.MINUTE_IN_MILLIS) {
- return false;
- }
- final String otherSelfId = cursor.getString(INDEX_SELF_PARTICIPIANT_ID);
- if (!TextUtils.equals(getSelfParticipantId(), otherSelfId)) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- private static final Character QUOTE_CHAR = '\'';
- private static final char DIVIDER = '|';
- // statics to avoid unnecessary object allocation
- private static final StringBuilder sUnquoteStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
- private static final ArrayList<String> sUnquoteResults = new ArrayList<String>();
- // this lock is used to guard access to the above statics
- private static final Object sUnquoteLock = new Object();
- private static void addResult(final ArrayList<String> results, final StringBuilder value) {
- if (value.length() > 0) {
- results.add(value.toString());
- } else {
- results.add(EMPTY_STRING);
- }
- }
- @VisibleForTesting
- static String[] splitUnquotedString(final String inputString) {
- if (TextUtils.isEmpty(inputString)) {
- return new String[0];
- }
- return inputString.split("\\" + DIVIDER);
- }
- /**
- * Takes a group-concated and quoted string and decomposes it into its constituent
- * parts. A quoted string starts and ends with a single quote. Actual single quotes
- * within the string are escaped using a second single quote. So, for example, an
- * input string with 3 constituent parts might look like this:
- *
- * 'now is the time'|'I can''t do it'|'foo'
- *
- * This would be returned as an array of 3 strings as follows:
- * now is the time
- * I can't do it
- * foo
- *
- * This is achieved by walking through the inputString, character by character,
- * ignoring the outer quotes and the divider and replacing any pair of consecutive
- * single quotes with a single single quote.
- *
- * @param inputString
- * @return array of constituent strings
- */
- @VisibleForTesting
- static String[] splitQuotedString(final String inputString) {
- if (TextUtils.isEmpty(inputString)) {
- return new String[0];
- }
- // this method can be called from multiple threads but it uses a static
- // string builder
- synchronized (sUnquoteLock) {
- final int length = inputString.length();
- final ArrayList<String> results = sUnquoteResults;
- results.clear();
- int characterPos = -1;
- while (++characterPos < length) {
- final char mustBeQuote = inputString.charAt(characterPos);
- Assert.isTrue(QUOTE_CHAR == mustBeQuote);
- while (++characterPos < length) {
- final char currentChar = inputString.charAt(characterPos);
- if (currentChar == QUOTE_CHAR) {
- final char peekAhead = characterPos < length - 1
- ? inputString.charAt(characterPos + 1) : 0;
- if (peekAhead == QUOTE_CHAR) {
- characterPos += 1; // skip the second quote
- } else {
- addResult(results, sUnquoteStringBuilder);
- sUnquoteStringBuilder.setLength(0);
- Assert.isTrue((peekAhead == DIVIDER) || (peekAhead == (char) 0));
- characterPos += 1; // skip the divider
- break;
- }
- }
- sUnquoteStringBuilder.append(currentChar);
- }
- }
- return results.toArray(new String[results.size()]);
- }
- }
- static MessagePartData makePartData(
- final String partId,
- final String contentType,
- final String contentUriString,
- final String contentWidth,
- final String contentHeight,
- final String text,
- final String messageId) {
- if (ContentType.isTextType(contentType)) {
- final MessagePartData textPart = MessagePartData.createTextMessagePart(text);
- textPart.updatePartId(partId);
- textPart.updateMessageId(messageId);
- return textPart;
- } else {
- final Uri contentUri = Uri.parse(contentUriString);
- final int width = Integer.parseInt(contentWidth);
- final int height = Integer.parseInt(contentHeight);
- final MessagePartData attachmentPart = MessagePartData.createMediaMessagePart(
- contentType, contentUri, width, height);
- attachmentPart.updatePartId(partId);
- attachmentPart.updateMessageId(messageId);
- return attachmentPart;
- }
- }
- @VisibleForTesting
- static List<MessagePartData> makeParts(
- final String rawIds,
- final String rawContentTypes,
- final String rawContentUris,
- final String rawWidths,
- final String rawHeights,
- final String rawTexts,
- final int partsCount,
- final String messageId) {
- final List<MessagePartData> parts = new LinkedList<MessagePartData>();
- if (partsCount == 1) {
- parts.add(makePartData(
- rawIds,
- rawContentTypes,
- rawContentUris,
- rawWidths,
- rawHeights,
- rawTexts,
- messageId));
- } else {
- unpackMessageParts(
- parts,
- splitUnquotedString(rawIds),
- splitQuotedString(rawContentTypes),
- splitQuotedString(rawContentUris),
- splitUnquotedString(rawWidths),
- splitUnquotedString(rawHeights),
- splitQuotedString(rawTexts),
- partsCount,
- messageId);
- }
- return parts;
- }
- @VisibleForTesting
- static void unpackMessageParts(
- final List<MessagePartData> parts,
- final String[] ids,
- final String[] contentTypes,
- final String[] contentUris,
- final String[] contentWidths,
- final String[] contentHeights,
- final String[] texts,
- final int partsCount,
- final String messageId) {
- Assert.equals(partsCount, ids.length);
- Assert.equals(partsCount, contentTypes.length);
- Assert.equals(partsCount, contentUris.length);
- Assert.equals(partsCount, contentWidths.length);
- Assert.equals(partsCount, contentHeights.length);
- Assert.equals(partsCount, texts.length);
- for (int i = 0; i < partsCount; i++) {
- parts.add(makePartData(
- ids[i],
- contentTypes[i],
- contentUris[i],
- contentWidths[i],
- contentHeights[i],
- texts[i],
- messageId));
- }
- if (parts.size() != partsCount) {
-, "Only unpacked " + parts.size() + " parts from message (id="
- + messageId + "), expected " + partsCount + " parts");
- }
- }
- public final String getMessageId() {
- return mMessageId;
- }
- public final String getConversationId() {
- return mConversationId;
- }
- public final String getParticipantId() {
- return mParticipantId;
- }
- public List<MessagePartData> getParts() {
- return mParts;
- }
- public boolean hasText() {
- for (final MessagePartData part : mParts) {
- if (part.isText()) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Get a concatenation of all text parts
- *
- * @return the text that is a concatenation of all text parts
- */
- public String getText() {
- // This is optimized for single text part case, which is the majority
- // For single text part, we just return the part without creating the StringBuilder
- String firstTextPart = null;
- boolean foundText = false;
- // For multiple text parts, we need the StringBuilder and the separator for concatenation
- StringBuilder sb = null;
- String separator = null;
- for (final MessagePartData part : mParts) {
- if (part.isText()) {
- if (!foundText) {
- // First text part
- firstTextPart = part.getText();
- foundText = true;
- } else {
- // Second and beyond
- if (sb == null) {
- // Need the StringBuilder and the separator starting from 2nd text part
- sb = new StringBuilder();
- if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(firstTextPart)) {
- sb.append(firstTextPart);
- }
- separator = BugleGservices.get().getString(
- }
- final String partText = part.getText();
- if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(partText)) {
- if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(separator) && sb.length() > 0) {
- sb.append(separator);
- }
- sb.append(partText);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (sb == null) {
- // Only one text part
- return firstTextPart;
- } else {
- // More than one
- return sb.toString();
- }
- }
- public boolean hasAttachments() {
- for (final MessagePartData part : mParts) {
- if (part.isAttachment()) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- public List<MessagePartData> getAttachments() {
- return getAttachments(null);
- }
- public List<MessagePartData> getAttachments(final Predicate<MessagePartData> filter) {
- if (mParts.isEmpty()) {
- return Collections.emptyList();
- }
- final List<MessagePartData> attachmentParts = new LinkedList<>();
- for (final MessagePartData part : mParts) {
- if (part.isAttachment()) {
- if (filter == null || filter.apply(part)) {
- attachmentParts.add(part);
- }
- }
- }
- return attachmentParts;
- }
- public final long getSentTimeStamp() {
- return mSentTimestamp;
- }
- public final long getReceivedTimeStamp() {
- return mReceivedTimestamp;
- }
- public final String getFormattedReceivedTimeStamp() {
- return Dates.getMessageTimeString(mReceivedTimestamp).toString();
- }
- public final boolean getIsSeen() {
- return mSeen;
- }
- public final boolean getIsRead() {
- return mRead;
- }
- public final boolean getIsMms() {
- return (mProtocol == MessageData.PROTOCOL_MMS ||
- }
- public final boolean getIsMmsNotification() {
- return (mProtocol == MessageData.PROTOCOL_MMS_PUSH_NOTIFICATION);
- }
- public final boolean getIsSms() {
- return mProtocol == (MessageData.PROTOCOL_SMS);
- }
- final int getProtocol() {
- return mProtocol;
- }
- public final int getStatus() {
- return mStatus;
- }
- public final String getSmsMessageUri() {
- return mSmsMessageUri;
- }
- public final int getSmsPriority() {
- return mSmsPriority;
- }
- public final int getSmsMessageSize() {
- return mSmsMessageSize;
- }
- public final String getMmsSubject() {
- return mMmsSubject;
- }
- public final long getMmsExpiry() {
- return mMmsExpiry;
- }
- public final int getRawTelephonyStatus() {
- return mRawTelephonyStatus;
- }
- public final String getSelfParticipantId() {
- return mSelfParticipantId;
- }
- public boolean getIsIncoming() {
- return (mStatus >= MessageData.BUGLE_STATUS_FIRST_INCOMING);
- }
- public boolean hasIncomingErrorStatus() {
- }
- public boolean getIsSendComplete() {
- return mStatus == MessageData.BUGLE_STATUS_OUTGOING_COMPLETE;
- }
- public String getSenderFullName() {
- return mSenderFullName;
- }
- public String getSenderFirstName() {
- return mSenderFirstName;
- }
- public String getSenderDisplayDestination() {
- return mSenderDisplayDestination;
- }
- public String getSenderNormalizedDestination() {
- return mSenderNormalizedDestination;
- }
- public Uri getSenderProfilePhotoUri() {
- return mSenderProfilePhotoUri == null ? null : Uri.parse(mSenderProfilePhotoUri);
- }
- public long getSenderContactId() {
- return mSenderContactId;
- }
- public String getSenderDisplayName() {
- if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mSenderFullName)) {
- return mSenderFullName;
- }
- if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mSenderFirstName)) {
- return mSenderFirstName;
- }
- return mSenderDisplayDestination;
- }
- public String getSenderContactLookupKey() {
- return mSenderContactLookupKey;
- }
- public boolean getShowDownloadMessage() {
- return MessageData.getShowDownloadMessage(mStatus);
- }
- public boolean getShowResendMessage() {
- return MessageData.getShowResendMessage(mStatus);
- }
- public boolean getCanForwardMessage() {
- // Even for outgoing messages, we only allow forwarding if the message has finished sending
- // as media often has issues when send isn't complete
- return (mStatus == MessageData.BUGLE_STATUS_OUTGOING_COMPLETE ||
- }
- public boolean getCanCopyMessageToClipboard() {
- return (hasText() &&
- (!getIsIncoming() || mStatus == MessageData.BUGLE_STATUS_INCOMING_COMPLETE));
- }
- public boolean getOneClickResendMessage() {
- return MessageData.getOneClickResendMessage(mStatus, mRawTelephonyStatus);
- }
- /**
- * Get sender's lookup uri.
- * This method doesn't support corp contacts.
- *
- * @return Lookup uri of sender's contact
- */
- public Uri getSenderContactLookupUri() {
- if (mSenderContactId > ParticipantData.PARTICIPANT_CONTACT_ID_NOT_RESOLVED
- && !TextUtils.isEmpty(mSenderContactLookupKey)) {
- return ContactsContract.Contacts.getLookupUri(mSenderContactId,
- mSenderContactLookupKey);
- }
- return null;
- }
- public boolean getCanClusterWithPreviousMessage() {
- return mCanClusterWithPreviousMessage;
- }
- public boolean getCanClusterWithNextMessage() {
- return mCanClusterWithNextMessage;
- }
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- return MessageData.toString(mMessageId, mParts);
- }
- // Data definitions
- public static final String getConversationMessagesQuerySql() {
- + " AND "
- // Inject the conversation id
- + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + "." + MessageColumns.CONVERSATION_ID + "=?)"
- }
- static final String getConversationMessageIdsQuerySql() {
- + " AND "
- // Inject the conversation id
- + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + "." + MessageColumns.CONVERSATION_ID + "=?)"
- }
- public static final String getNotificationQuerySql() {
- + " AND "
- + "(" + DatabaseHelper.MessageColumns.STATUS + " in ("
- + " AND "
- + DatabaseHelper.MessageColumns.SEEN + " = 0)"
- + ")"
- }
- public static final String getWearableQuerySql() {
- + " AND "
- + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + "." + MessageColumns.CONVERSATION_ID + "=?"
- + " AND "
- + DatabaseHelper.MessageColumns.STATUS + " IN ("
- + ")"
- }
- /*
- * Generate a sqlite snippet to call the quote function on the columnName argument.
- * The columnName doesn't strictly have to be a column name (e.g. it could be an
- * expression).
- */
- private static String quote(final String columnName) {
- return "quote(" + columnName + ")";
- }
- private static String makeGroupConcatString(final String column) {
- return "group_concat(" + column + ", '" + DIVIDER + "')";
- }
- private static String makeIfNullString(final String column) {
- return "ifnull(" + column + "," + "''" + ")";
- }
- private static String makePartsTableColumnString(final String column) {
- return DatabaseHelper.PARTS_TABLE + '.' + column;
- }
- private static String makeCaseWhenString(final String column,
- final boolean quote,
- final String asColumn) {
- final String fullColumn = makeIfNullString(makePartsTableColumnString(column));
- final String groupConcatTerm = quote
- ? makeGroupConcatString(quote(fullColumn))
- : makeGroupConcatString(fullColumn);
- return "CASE WHEN (" + CONVERSATION_MESSAGE_VIEW_PARTS_COUNT + ">1) THEN " + groupConcatTerm
- + " ELSE " + makePartsTableColumnString(column) + " END AS " + asColumn;
- }
- private static final String CONVERSATION_MESSAGE_VIEW_PARTS_COUNT =
- "count(" + DatabaseHelper.PARTS_TABLE + '.' + PartColumns._ID + ")";
- private static final String EMPTY_STRING = "";
- DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns._ID
- + " as " + ConversationMessageViewColumns._ID + ", "
- + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.CONVERSATION_ID
- + " as " + ConversationMessageViewColumns.CONVERSATION_ID + ", "
- + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.SENDER_PARTICIPANT_ID
- + " as " + ConversationMessageViewColumns.PARTICIPANT_ID + ", "
- + makeCaseWhenString(PartColumns._ID, false,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.PARTS_IDS) + ", "
- + makeCaseWhenString(PartColumns.CONTENT_TYPE, true,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.PARTS_CONTENT_TYPES) + ", "
- + makeCaseWhenString(PartColumns.CONTENT_URI, true,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.PARTS_CONTENT_URIS) + ", "
- + makeCaseWhenString(PartColumns.WIDTH, false,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.PARTS_WIDTHS) + ", "
- + makeCaseWhenString(PartColumns.HEIGHT, false,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.PARTS_HEIGHTS) + ", "
- + makeCaseWhenString(PartColumns.TEXT, true,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.PARTS_TEXTS) + ", "
- + " as " + ConversationMessageViewColumns.PARTS_COUNT + ", "
- + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.SENT_TIMESTAMP
- + " as " + ConversationMessageViewColumns.SENT_TIMESTAMP + ", "
- + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.RECEIVED_TIMESTAMP
- + " as " + ConversationMessageViewColumns.RECEIVED_TIMESTAMP + ", "
- + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.SEEN
- + " as " + ConversationMessageViewColumns.SEEN + ", "
- + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.READ
- + " as " + ConversationMessageViewColumns.READ + ", "
- + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.PROTOCOL
- + " as " + ConversationMessageViewColumns.PROTOCOL + ", "
- + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.STATUS
- + " as " + ConversationMessageViewColumns.STATUS + ", "
- + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.SMS_MESSAGE_URI
- + " as " + ConversationMessageViewColumns.SMS_MESSAGE_URI + ", "
- + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.SMS_PRIORITY
- + " as " + ConversationMessageViewColumns.SMS_PRIORITY + ", "
- + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.SMS_MESSAGE_SIZE
- + " as " + ConversationMessageViewColumns.SMS_MESSAGE_SIZE + ", "
- + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.MMS_SUBJECT
- + " as " + ConversationMessageViewColumns.MMS_SUBJECT + ", "
- + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.MMS_EXPIRY
- + " as " + ConversationMessageViewColumns.MMS_EXPIRY + ", "
- + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.RAW_TELEPHONY_STATUS
- + " as " + ConversationMessageViewColumns.RAW_TELEPHONY_STATUS + ", "
- + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.SELF_PARTICIPANT_ID
- + " as " + ConversationMessageViewColumns.SELF_PARTICIPANT_ID + ", "
- + DatabaseHelper.PARTICIPANTS_TABLE + '.' + ParticipantColumns.FULL_NAME
- + " as " + ConversationMessageViewColumns.SENDER_FULL_NAME + ", "
- + DatabaseHelper.PARTICIPANTS_TABLE + '.' + ParticipantColumns.FIRST_NAME
- + " as " + ConversationMessageViewColumns.SENDER_FIRST_NAME + ", "
- + DatabaseHelper.PARTICIPANTS_TABLE + '.' + ParticipantColumns.DISPLAY_DESTINATION
- + " as " + ConversationMessageViewColumns.SENDER_DISPLAY_DESTINATION + ", "
- + DatabaseHelper.PARTICIPANTS_TABLE + '.' + ParticipantColumns.NORMALIZED_DESTINATION
- + " as " + ConversationMessageViewColumns.SENDER_NORMALIZED_DESTINATION + ", "
- + DatabaseHelper.PARTICIPANTS_TABLE + '.' + ParticipantColumns.PROFILE_PHOTO_URI
- + " as " + ConversationMessageViewColumns.SENDER_PROFILE_PHOTO_URI + ", "
- + DatabaseHelper.PARTICIPANTS_TABLE + '.' + ParticipantColumns.CONTACT_ID
- + " as " + ConversationMessageViewColumns.SENDER_CONTACT_ID + ", "
- + DatabaseHelper.PARTICIPANTS_TABLE + '.' + ParticipantColumns.LOOKUP_KEY
- + " as " + ConversationMessageViewColumns.SENDER_CONTACT_LOOKUP_KEY + " ";
- " FROM " + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE
- + " LEFT JOIN " + DatabaseHelper.PARTS_TABLE
- + " ON (" + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + "." + MessageColumns._ID
- + "=" + DatabaseHelper.PARTS_TABLE + "." + PartColumns.MESSAGE_ID + ") "
- + " ON (" + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.SENDER_PARTICIPANT_ID
- + '=' + DatabaseHelper.PARTICIPANTS_TABLE + '.' + ParticipantColumns._ID + ")"
- // Exclude draft messages from main view
- + " WHERE (" + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + "." + MessageColumns.STATUS
- + " <> " + MessageData.BUGLE_STATUS_OUTGOING_DRAFT;
- // This query is mostly static, except for the injection of conversation id. This is for
- // performance reasons, to ensure that the query uses indices and does not trigger full scans
- // of the messages table. See b/17160946 for more details.
- private static final String CONVERSATION_MESSAGES_QUERY_SQL = "SELECT "
- DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns._ID
- + " as " + ConversationMessageViewColumns._ID + " ";
- private static final String CONVERSATION_MESSAGES_IDS_QUERY_SQL = "SELECT "
- // Note that we sort DESC and ConversationData reverses the cursor. This is a performance
- // issue (improvement) for large cursors.
- private static final String CONVERSATION_MESSAGES_QUERY_SQL_GROUP_BY =
- " GROUP BY " + DatabaseHelper.PARTS_TABLE + '.' + PartColumns.MESSAGE_ID
- + " ORDER BY "
- + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.RECEIVED_TIMESTAMP + " DESC";
- private static final String NOTIFICATION_QUERY_SQL_GROUP_BY =
- " GROUP BY " + DatabaseHelper.PARTS_TABLE + '.' + PartColumns.MESSAGE_ID
- + " ORDER BY "
- + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.RECEIVED_TIMESTAMP + " DESC";
- interface ConversationMessageViewColumns extends BaseColumns {
- static final String _ID = MessageColumns._ID;
- static final String CONVERSATION_ID = MessageColumns.CONVERSATION_ID;
- static final String PARTICIPANT_ID = MessageColumns.SENDER_PARTICIPANT_ID;
- static final String PARTS_COUNT = "parts_count";
- static final String SENT_TIMESTAMP = MessageColumns.SENT_TIMESTAMP;
- static final String RECEIVED_TIMESTAMP = MessageColumns.RECEIVED_TIMESTAMP;
- static final String SEEN = MessageColumns.SEEN;
- static final String READ = MessageColumns.READ;
- static final String PROTOCOL = MessageColumns.PROTOCOL;
- static final String STATUS = MessageColumns.STATUS;
- static final String SMS_MESSAGE_URI = MessageColumns.SMS_MESSAGE_URI;
- static final String SMS_PRIORITY = MessageColumns.SMS_PRIORITY;
- static final String SMS_MESSAGE_SIZE = MessageColumns.SMS_MESSAGE_SIZE;
- static final String MMS_SUBJECT = MessageColumns.MMS_SUBJECT;
- static final String MMS_EXPIRY = MessageColumns.MMS_EXPIRY;
- static final String RAW_TELEPHONY_STATUS = MessageColumns.RAW_TELEPHONY_STATUS;
- static final String SELF_PARTICIPANT_ID = MessageColumns.SELF_PARTICIPANT_ID;
- static final String SENDER_FULL_NAME = ParticipantColumns.FULL_NAME;
- static final String SENDER_FIRST_NAME = ParticipantColumns.FIRST_NAME;
- static final String SENDER_DISPLAY_DESTINATION = ParticipantColumns.DISPLAY_DESTINATION;
- static final String SENDER_PROFILE_PHOTO_URI = ParticipantColumns.PROFILE_PHOTO_URI;
- static final String SENDER_CONTACT_ID = ParticipantColumns.CONTACT_ID;
- static final String SENDER_CONTACT_LOOKUP_KEY = ParticipantColumns.LOOKUP_KEY;
- static final String PARTS_IDS = "parts_ids";
- static final String PARTS_CONTENT_TYPES = "parts_content_types";
- static final String PARTS_CONTENT_URIS = "parts_content_uris";
- static final String PARTS_WIDTHS = "parts_widths";
- static final String PARTS_HEIGHTS = "parts_heights";
- static final String PARTS_TEXTS = "parts_texts";
- }
- private static int sIndexIncrementer = 0;
- private static final int INDEX_MESSAGE_ID = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_CONVERSATION_ID = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_PARTICIPANT_ID = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_PARTS_IDS = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_PARTS_CONTENT_TYPES = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_PARTS_CONTENT_URIS = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_PARTS_WIDTHS = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_PARTS_HEIGHTS = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_PARTS_TEXTS = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_PARTS_COUNT = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_SENT_TIMESTAMP = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMP = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_SEEN = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_READ = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_PROTOCOL = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_STATUS = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_SMS_MESSAGE_URI = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_SMS_PRIORITY = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_SMS_MESSAGE_SIZE = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_MMS_SUBJECT = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_MMS_EXPIRY = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_RAW_TELEPHONY_STATUS = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_SELF_PARTICIPIANT_ID = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_SENDER_FULL_NAME = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_SENDER_FIRST_NAME = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_SENDER_DISPLAY_DESTINATION = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_SENDER_NORMALIZED_DESTINATION = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_SENDER_PROFILE_PHOTO_URI = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_SENDER_CONTACT_ID = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static final int INDEX_SENDER_CONTACT_LOOKUP_KEY = sIndexIncrementer++;
- private static String[] sProjection = {
- ConversationMessageViewColumns._ID,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.CONVERSATION_ID,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.PARTICIPANT_ID,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.PARTS_IDS,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.PARTS_CONTENT_TYPES,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.PARTS_CONTENT_URIS,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.PARTS_WIDTHS,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.PARTS_HEIGHTS,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.PARTS_TEXTS,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.PARTS_COUNT,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.SENT_TIMESTAMP,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.RECEIVED_TIMESTAMP,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.SEEN,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.READ,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.PROTOCOL,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.STATUS,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.SMS_MESSAGE_URI,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.SMS_PRIORITY,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.SMS_MESSAGE_SIZE,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.MMS_SUBJECT,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.MMS_EXPIRY,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.RAW_TELEPHONY_STATUS,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.SELF_PARTICIPANT_ID,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.SENDER_FULL_NAME,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.SENDER_FIRST_NAME,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.SENDER_DISPLAY_DESTINATION,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.SENDER_NORMALIZED_DESTINATION,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.SENDER_PROFILE_PHOTO_URI,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.SENDER_CONTACT_ID,
- ConversationMessageViewColumns.SENDER_CONTACT_LOOKUP_KEY,
- };
- public static String[] getProjection() {
- return sProjection;
- }