package; import java.util.*; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.content.Context; import android.location.Location; import; import android.util.Log; import; import com.cyanogenmod.lockclock.R; public class OpenWeatherMapProvider implements WeatherProvider { private static final String TAG = "OpenWeatherMapProvider"; private static final int FORECAST_DAYS = 5; private static final String SELECTION_LOCATION = "lat=%f&lon=%f"; private static final String SELECTION_ID = "id=%s"; private static final String APP_ID = "e2b075d68c39dc43e16995653fcd6fd0"; private static final String URL_LOCATION = "" + APP_ID; private static final String URL_WEATHER = "" + APP_ID; private static final String URL_FORECAST = "" + "%s&mode=json&units=%s&lang=%s&cnt=" + FORECAST_DAYS + "&appid=" + APP_ID; private Context mContext; public OpenWeatherMapProvider(Context context) { mContext = context; } @Override public int getNameResourceId() { return R.string.weather_source_openweathermap; } @Override public List getLocations(String input) { String url = String.format(URL_LOCATION, Uri.encode(input), getLanguageCode()); String response = HttpRetriever.retrieve(url); if (response == null) { return null; } if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Log.v(TAG, "URL = " + url + " returning a response of " + response); } try { JSONArray jsonResults = new JSONObject(response).getJSONArray("list"); ArrayList results = new ArrayList(); int count = jsonResults.length(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { JSONObject result = jsonResults.getJSONObject(i); LocationResult location = new LocationResult(); = result.getString("id"); = result.getString("name"); location.countryId = result.getJSONObject("sys").getString("country"); results.add(location); } return results; } catch (JSONException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Received malformed location data (input=" + input + ")", e); } return null; } public WeatherInfo getWeatherInfo(String id, String localizedCityName, boolean metric) { String selection = String.format(Locale.US, SELECTION_ID, id); return handleWeatherRequest(selection, localizedCityName, metric); } public WeatherInfo getWeatherInfo(Location location, boolean metric) { String selection = String.format(Locale.US, SELECTION_LOCATION, location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude()); return handleWeatherRequest(selection, null, metric); } private WeatherInfo handleWeatherRequest(String selection, String localizedCityName, boolean metric) { String units = metric ? "metric" : "imperial"; String locale = getLanguageCode(); String conditionUrl = String.format(Locale.US, URL_WEATHER, selection, units, locale); String conditionResponse = HttpRetriever.retrieve(conditionUrl); if (conditionResponse == null) { return null; } String forecastUrl = String.format(Locale.US, URL_FORECAST, selection, units, locale); String forecastResponse = HttpRetriever.retrieve(forecastUrl); if (forecastResponse == null) { return null; } if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Log.v(TAG, "URL = " + conditionUrl + " returning a response of " + conditionResponse); } try { JSONObject conditions = new JSONObject(conditionResponse); JSONObject weather = conditions.getJSONArray("weather").getJSONObject(0); JSONObject conditionData = conditions.getJSONObject("main"); JSONObject windData = conditions.getJSONObject("wind"); ArrayList forecasts = parseForecasts(new JSONObject(forecastResponse).getJSONArray("list"), metric); int speedUnitResId = metric ? R.string.weather_kph : R.string.weather_mph; if (localizedCityName == null) { localizedCityName = conditions.getString("name"); } WeatherInfo w = new WeatherInfo(mContext, conditions.getString("id"), localizedCityName, /* condition */ weather.getString("main"), /* conditionCode */ mapConditionIconToCode( weather.getString("icon"), weather.getInt("id")), /* temperature */ sanitizeTemperature(conditionData.getDouble("temp"), metric), /* tempUnit */ metric ? "C" : "F", /* humidity */ (float) conditionData.getDouble("humidity"), /* wind */ (float) windData.getDouble("speed"), /* windDir */ windData.getInt("deg"), /* speedUnit */ mContext.getString(speedUnitResId), forecasts, System.currentTimeMillis()); Log.d(TAG, "Weather updated: " + w); return w; } catch (JSONException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Received malformed weather data (selection = " + selection + ", lang = " + locale + ")", e); } return null; } private ArrayList parseForecasts(JSONArray forecasts, boolean metric) throws JSONException { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); int count = forecasts.length(); if (count == 0) { throw new JSONException("Empty forecasts array"); } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { JSONObject forecast = forecasts.getJSONObject(i); JSONObject temperature = forecast.getJSONObject("temp"); JSONObject data = forecast.getJSONArray("weather").getJSONObject(0); DayForecast item = new DayForecast( /* low */ sanitizeTemperature(temperature.getDouble("min"), metric), /* high */ sanitizeTemperature(temperature.getDouble("max"), metric), /* condition */ data.getString("main"), /* conditionCode */ mapConditionIconToCode( data.getString("icon"), data.getInt("id"))); result.add(item); } return result; } // OpenWeatherMap sometimes returns temperatures in Kelvin even if we ask it // for deg C or deg F. Detect this and convert accordingly. private static float sanitizeTemperature(double value, boolean metric) { // threshold chosen to work for both C and F. 170 deg F is hotter // than the hottest place on earth. if (value > 170) { // K -> deg C value -= 273.15; if (!metric) { // deg C -> deg F value = (value * 1.8) + 32; } } return (float) value; } private static final HashMap ICON_MAPPING = new HashMap(); static { ICON_MAPPING.put("01d", 32); ICON_MAPPING.put("01n", 31); ICON_MAPPING.put("02d", 30); ICON_MAPPING.put("02n", 29); ICON_MAPPING.put("03d", 26); ICON_MAPPING.put("03n", 26); ICON_MAPPING.put("04d", 28); ICON_MAPPING.put("04n", 27); ICON_MAPPING.put("09d", 12); ICON_MAPPING.put("09n", 11); ICON_MAPPING.put("10d", 40); ICON_MAPPING.put("10n", 45); ICON_MAPPING.put("11d", 4); ICON_MAPPING.put("11n", 4); ICON_MAPPING.put("13d", 16); ICON_MAPPING.put("13n", 16); ICON_MAPPING.put("50d", 21); ICON_MAPPING.put("50n", 20); } private int mapConditionIconToCode(String icon, int conditionId) { // First, use condition ID for specific cases switch (conditionId) { // Thunderstorms case 202: // thunderstorm with heavy rain case 232: // thunderstorm with heavy drizzle case 211: // thunderstorm return 4; case 212: // heavy thunderstorm return 3; case 221: // ragged thunderstorm case 231: // thunderstorm with drizzle case 201: // thunderstorm with rain return 38; case 230: // thunderstorm with light drizzle case 200: // thunderstorm with light rain case 210: // light thunderstorm return 37; // Drizzle case 300: // light intensity drizzle case 301: // drizzle case 302: // heavy intensity drizzle case 310: // light intensity drizzle rain case 311: // drizzle rain case 312: // heavy intensity drizzle rain case 313: // shower rain and drizzle case 314: // heavy shower rain and drizzle case 321: // shower drizzle return 9; // Rain case 500: // light rain case 501: // moderate rain case 520: // light intensity shower rain case 521: // shower rain case 531: // ragged shower rain return 11; case 502: // heavy intensity rain case 503: // very heavy rain case 504: // extreme rain case 522: // heavy intensity shower rain return 12; case 511: // freezing rain return 10; // Snow case 600: case 620: return 14; // light snow case 601: case 621: return 16; // snow case 602: case 622: return 41; // heavy snow case 611: case 612: return 18; // sleet case 615: case 616: return 5; // rain and snow // Atmosphere case 741: // fog return 20; case 711: // smoke case 762: // volcanic ash return 22; case 701: // mist case 721: // haze return 21; case 731: // sand/dust whirls case 751: // sand case 761: // dust return 19; case 771: // squalls return 23; case 781: // tornado return 0; // Extreme case 900: return 0; // tornado case 901: return 1; // tropical storm case 902: return 2; // hurricane case 903: return 25; // cold case 904: return 36; // hot case 905: return 24; // windy case 906: return 17; // hail } // Not yet handled - Use generic icon mapping Integer condition = ICON_MAPPING.get(icon); if (condition != null) { return condition; } return -1; } private static final HashMap LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING = new HashMap(); static { LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING.put("bg-", "bg"); LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING.put("de-", "de"); LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING.put("es-", "sp"); LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING.put("fi-", "fi"); LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING.put("fr-", "fr"); LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING.put("it-", "it"); LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING.put("nl-", "nl"); LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING.put("pl-", "pl"); LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING.put("pt-", "pt"); LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING.put("ro-", "ro"); LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING.put("ru-", "ru"); LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING.put("se-", "se"); LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING.put("tr-", "tr"); LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING.put("uk-", "ua"); LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING.put("zh-CN", "zh_cn"); LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING.put("zh-TW", "zh_tw"); } private String getLanguageCode() { Locale locale = mContext.getResources().getConfiguration().locale; String selector = locale.getLanguage() + "-" + locale.getCountry(); for (Map.Entry entry : LANGUAGE_CODE_MAPPING.entrySet()) { if (selector.startsWith(entry.getKey())) { return entry.getValue(); } } return "en"; } }