/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The CyanogenMod Project (DvTonder) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.cyanogenmod.lockclock.misc; import android.text.format.DateUtils; public class Constants { public static final boolean DEBUG = false; public static final String PREF_NAME = "LockClock"; // Widget Settings public static final String CLOCK_DIGITAL = "clock_digital"; public static final String CLOCK_FONT = "clock_font"; public static final String CLOCK_FONT_MINUTES = "clock_font_minutes"; public static final String CLOCK_FONT_DATE = "clock_font_date"; public static final String CLOCK_SHOW_ALARM = "clock_show_alarm"; public static final String CLOCK_FONT_COLOR = "clock_font_color"; public static final String CLOCK_ALARM_FONT_COLOR = "clock_alarm_font_color"; public static final String CLOCK_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "clock_background_color"; public static final String CLOCK_BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENCY = "clock_background_transparency"; public static final String CLOCK_AM_PM_INDICATOR = "clock_am_pm_indicator"; public static final String SHOW_WEATHER = "show_weather"; public static final String WEATHER_SOURCE = "weather_source"; public static final String WEATHER_USE_CUSTOM_LOCATION = "weather_use_custom_location"; public static final String WEATHER_CUSTOM_LOCATION_ID = "weather_custom_location_id"; public static final String WEATHER_CUSTOM_LOCATION_CITY = "weather_custom_location_city"; public static final String WEATHER_SHOW_LOCATION = "weather_show_location"; public static final String WEATHER_SHOW_TIMESTAMP = "weather_show_timestamp"; public static final String WEATHER_USE_METRIC = "weather_use_metric"; public static final String WEATHER_INVERT_LOWHIGH = "weather_invert_lowhigh"; public static final String WEATHER_REFRESH_INTERVAL = "weather_refresh_interval"; public static final String WEATHER_LOCATION_ID = "weather_woeid"; public static final String WEATHER_SHOW_WHEN_MINIMIZED = "weather_show_when_minimized"; public static final String WEATHER_FONT_COLOR = "weather_font_color"; public static final String WEATHER_TIMESTAMP_FONT_COLOR = "weather_timestamp_font_color"; public static final String WEATHER_ICONS = "weather_icons"; public static final String MONOCHROME = "mono"; public static final String COLOR_STD = "color"; public static final String SHOW_CALENDAR = "show_calendar"; public static final String CALENDAR_LIST = "calendar_list"; public static final String CALENDAR_LOOKAHEAD = "calendar_lookahead"; public static final String CALENDAR_REMINDERS_ONLY = "calendar_reminders_only"; public static final String CALENDAR_HIDE_ALLDAY = "calendar_hide_allday"; public static final String CALENDAR_ICON="calendar_icon"; public static final String CALENDAR_SHOW_LOCATION = "calendar_show_location"; public static final String CALENDAR_SHOW_DESCRIPTION = "calendar_show_description"; public static final String CALENDAR_FONT_COLOR = "calendar_font_color"; public static final String CALENDAR_DETAILS_FONT_COLOR = "calendar_details_font_color"; public static final String CALENDAR_HIGHLIGHT_UPCOMING_EVENTS = "calendar_highlight_upcoming_events"; public static final String CALENDAR_UPCOMING_EVENTS_BOLD = "calendar_highlight_upcoming_events_bold"; public static final String CALENDAR_UPCOMING_EVENTS_FONT_COLOR = "calendar_highlight_upcoming_events_font_color"; public static final String CALENDAR_UPCOMING_EVENTS_DETAILS_FONT_COLOR = "calendar_highlight_upcoming_events_details_font_color"; // other shared pref entries public static final String WEATHER_LAST_UPDATE = "last_weather_update"; public static final String WEATHER_DATA = "weather_data"; // First run is used to hide the initial no-weather message for a better OOBE public static final String WEATHER_FIRST_UPDATE = "weather_first_update"; public static final int MAX_CALENDAR_ITEMS = 30; public static final long CALENDAR_UPCOMING_EVENTS_FROM_HOUR = 20L; public static final int CALENDAR_FORMAT_TIME = DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_TIME | DateUtils.FORMAT_NO_NOON | DateUtils.FORMAT_NO_MIDNIGHT; public static final int CALENDAR_FORMAT_ABBREV_DATE = DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_WEEKDAY | DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_ALL | DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE; public static final int CALENDAR_FORMAT_ABBREV_DATETIME = CALENDAR_FORMAT_ABBREV_DATE | CALENDAR_FORMAT_TIME; public static final int CALENDAR_FORMAT_ALLDAY = CALENDAR_FORMAT_ABBREV_DATE; public static final int CALENDAR_FORMAT_TODAY = CALENDAR_FORMAT_TIME; public static final int CALENDAR_FORMAT_FUTURE = CALENDAR_FORMAT_ABBREV_DATETIME; public static final String DEFAULT_LIGHT_COLOR = "#ffffffff"; public static final String DEFAULT_DARK_COLOR = "#80ffffff"; public static final String DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "#00000000"; public static final int DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENCY = 0; // Intent actions public static final String ACTION_SHOW_FORECAST = "com.cyanogenmod.lockclock.action.SHOW_FORECAST"; }