diff options
3 files changed, 31 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/res/values-da/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-da/cm_strings.xml
index 64ac4131..582cd6c8 100644
--- a/res/values-da/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-da/cm_strings.xml
@@ -42,14 +42,36 @@
<string name="recording_warning_text">Bemærk: Du er ansvarlig for at overholde alle love og regler, der gælder for brugen af optagelse af opkald og for anvendelse eller distribution af disse optagelser.</string>
<string name="onscreenTransferCall">Overfør opkald</string>
<!-- In-call screen: Video Call Options for VT or plugin handoff -->
+ <string name="video_call_option_title">Vælg videoservice</string>
+ <string name="snackbar_incall_plugin_no_invite_found">Kontakten er ikke en <xliff:g id="incall_plugin">%s</xliff:g> kontakt. Du skal tilføje personen først for at foretage videoopkald.</string>
+ <string name="snackbar_incall_plugin_contact_invite">Kontakten er ikke en <xliff:g id="incall_plugin">%s</xliff:g> kontakt. Inviter kontakten?</string>
+ <string name="snackbar_invite_action_text">INVITÉR</string>
+ <string name="caller_info_loading">Søger <xliff:g id="provider">%s</xliff:g>\u2026</string>
+ <string name="caller_info_failure"><xliff:g id="provider">%s</xliff:g> kunne ikke nås</string>
+ <string name="caller_info_no_result">Intet <xliff:g id="provider">%s</xliff:g> match fundet</string>
+ <string name="caller_info_unauthenticated"><xliff:g id="provider">%s</xliff:g> opsætning ikke færdig</string>
+ <string name="call_button_contact_unknown">Ukendt</string>
<!-- Description of the target to block a call -->
+ <string name="description_target_block">Blokér den der ringer op</string>
<!-- [CHAR LIMIT=12] -->
+ <string name="notification_action_block">Bloker</string>
<!-- text for the onscreen Note Badge in the CallButtonFragment. When clicked this button will
launch the appropriate Note taking application as configured by the user. -->
+ <string name="onscreenNoteText">Tage til efterretning</string>
<!-- Text to place in the name field of a Call DeepLink when the contact name is not known -->
+ <string name="deeplink_unknown_caller">Ukendt</string>
<!-- Description of the hold and answer target in the Slide unlock screen of Phone. [CHAR
+ <string name="description_target_answer_hold_active">Sæt nuværende opkald på hold og svar</string>
<!-- Description of the end and answer target in the Slide unlock screen of Phone. [CHAR
+ <string name="description_target_answer_end_active">Afslut nuværende opkald og svar</string>
<!-- In-call screen: display text for the target action -->
+ <string name="display_text_target_dismiss">AFVIS</string>
+ <string name="display_text_target_block">BLOKER</string>
+ <string name="display_text_target_answer">SVAR</string>
+ <string name="display_text_target_sms">HURTIG BESKED</string>
+ <string name="display_text_target_answer_and_hold_active">HOLD NUVÆRENDE OPKALD OG SVAR</string>
+ <string name="display_text_target_answer_and_end_active">AFSLUT NUVÆRENDE OPKALD OG SVAR</string>
+ <string name="onscreenModOverflowText">Flere Mods</string>
diff --git a/res/values-nb/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-nb/cm_strings.xml
index 611229d2..abf87e30 100644
--- a/res/values-nb/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-nb/cm_strings.xml
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- In-call screen: call failure reason (call denied because call barring is ON on MT side ) -->
- <string name="callFailed_incoming_cb_enabled">Alle innkommende anrop er sperret.</string>
+ <string name="callFailed_incoming_cb_enabled">Gruppen har sperret alle innkommende oppringinger.</string>
<!-- In-call screen: status label for an incoming call that is not answered and forwarded -->
<string name="callUnanswered_forwarded">Ubesvarte og videresendte anrop</string>
<!-- In-call screen: "call type" indication for a forwarded call [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
diff --git a/res/values-nl/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-nl/cm_strings.xml
index 62a11908..fe98acec 100644
--- a/res/values-nl/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-nl/cm_strings.xml
@@ -42,10 +42,15 @@
<string name="recording_warning_text">Let op: u bent zelf verantwoordelijk om de wetten, verordeningen en regels na te leven die van toepassing zijn bij het opnemen van gesprekken en het gebruik of verspreiding van zulke opnamen.</string>
<!-- In-call screen: Video Call Options for VT or plugin handoff -->
<string name="snackbar_incall_plugin_no_invite_found">Dit contact is geen <xliff:g id="incall_plugin">%s</xliff:g>-contact. U moet deze persoon eerst toevoegen om video-oproepen te maken.</string>
+ <string name="snackbar_invite_action_text">UITNODIGEN</string>
+ <string name="call_button_contact_unknown">Onbekend</string>
<!-- Description of the target to block a call -->
+ <string name="description_target_block">Beller blokkeren</string>
<!-- [CHAR LIMIT=12] -->
+ <string name="notification_action_block">Blokkeren</string>
<!-- text for the onscreen Note Badge in the CallButtonFragment. When clicked this button will
launch the appropriate Note taking application as configured by the user. -->
+ <string name="onscreenNoteText">Notitie maken</string>
<!-- Text to place in the name field of a Call DeepLink when the contact name is not known -->
<string name="deeplink_unknown_caller">Onbekend</string>
<!-- Description of the hold and answer target in the Slide unlock screen of Phone. [CHAR
@@ -53,4 +58,7 @@
<!-- Description of the end and answer target in the Slide unlock screen of Phone. [CHAR
<!-- In-call screen: display text for the target action -->
+ <string name="display_text_target_dismiss">AFWIJZEN</string>
+ <string name="display_text_target_block">BLOKKEREN</string>
+ <string name="display_text_target_answer">ANTWOORDEN</string>