path: root/src/com
diff options
authorBijan Amirzada <>2014-06-20 15:21:06 -0700
committerWebTech Code Review <code-review@localhost>2014-06-25 14:51:03 -0700
commit87756c1ef981513002860da183cd13713f029bd9 (patch)
tree1166fe8e0954d9af0455a76d65b2c4b3802fae49 /src/com
parent3bbb3a48cb71a80e3cc061faf68505521df09e24 (diff)
Copied Browser class from Frameworks
Change-Id: I8422340567c90fb3c90348063e496205fd9542fc
Diffstat (limited to 'src/com')
1 files changed, 659 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/com/android/browser/platformsupport/ b/src/com/android/browser/platformsupport/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a34d9c35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/com/android/browser/platformsupport/
@@ -0,0 +1,659 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package android.provider;
+import android.content.ContentResolver;
+import android.content.ContentUris;
+import android.content.ContentValues;
+import android.content.Context;
+import android.content.Intent;
+import android.database.Cursor;
+import android.database.DatabaseUtils;
+import android.provider.BrowserContract.Bookmarks;
+import android.provider.BrowserContract.Combined;
+import android.provider.BrowserContract.History;
+import android.provider.BrowserContract.Searches;
+import android.util.Log;
+import android.webkit.WebIconDatabase;
+public class Browser {
+ private static final String LOGTAG = "browser";
+ /**
+ * A table containing both bookmarks and history items. The columns of the table are defined in
+ * {@link BookmarkColumns}. Reading this table requires the
+ * {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS} permission and writing to it
+ * requires the {@link android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS} permission.
+ */
+ public static final Uri BOOKMARKS_URI = Uri.parse("content://browser/bookmarks");
+ /**
+ * The name of extra data when starting Browser with ACTION_VIEW or
+ * ACTION_SEARCH intent.
+ * <p>
+ * The value should be an integer between 0 and 1000. If not set or set to
+ * 0, the Browser will use default. If set to 100, the Browser will start
+ * with 100%.
+ */
+ public static final String INITIAL_ZOOM_LEVEL = "browser.initialZoomLevel";
+ /**
+ * The name of the extra data when starting the Browser from another
+ * application.
+ * <p>
+ * The value is a unique identification string that will be used to
+ * identify the calling application. The Browser will attempt to reuse the
+ * same window each time the application launches the Browser with the same
+ * identifier.
+ */
+ public static final String EXTRA_APPLICATION_ID = "";
+ /**
+ * The name of the extra data in the VIEW intent. The data are key/value
+ * pairs in the format of Bundle. They will be sent in the HTTP request
+ * headers for the provided url. The keys can't be the standard HTTP headers
+ * as they are set by the WebView. The url's schema must be http(s).
+ * <p>
+ */
+ public static final String EXTRA_HEADERS = "";
+ /* if you change column order you must also change indices
+ below */
+ public static final String[] HISTORY_PROJECTION = new String[] {
+ BookmarkColumns._ID, // 0
+ BookmarkColumns.URL, // 1
+ BookmarkColumns.VISITS, // 2
+ BookmarkColumns.DATE, // 3
+ BookmarkColumns.BOOKMARK, // 4
+ BookmarkColumns.TITLE, // 5
+ BookmarkColumns.FAVICON, // 6
+ BookmarkColumns.THUMBNAIL, // 7
+ BookmarkColumns.TOUCH_ICON, // 8
+ BookmarkColumns.USER_ENTERED, // 9
+ };
+ /* these indices dependent on HISTORY_PROJECTION */
+ public static final int HISTORY_PROJECTION_ID_INDEX = 0;
+ public static final int HISTORY_PROJECTION_URL_INDEX = 1;
+ public static final int HISTORY_PROJECTION_VISITS_INDEX = 2;
+ public static final int HISTORY_PROJECTION_DATE_INDEX = 3;
+ public static final int HISTORY_PROJECTION_BOOKMARK_INDEX = 4;
+ public static final int HISTORY_PROJECTION_TITLE_INDEX = 5;
+ public static final int HISTORY_PROJECTION_FAVICON_INDEX = 6;
+ /**
+ * @hide
+ */
+ public static final int HISTORY_PROJECTION_THUMBNAIL_INDEX = 7;
+ /**
+ * @hide
+ */
+ public static final int HISTORY_PROJECTION_TOUCH_ICON_INDEX = 8;
+ /* columns needed to determine whether to truncate history */
+ public static final String[] TRUNCATE_HISTORY_PROJECTION = new String[] {
+ BookmarkColumns._ID,
+ BookmarkColumns.DATE,
+ };
+ public static final int TRUNCATE_HISTORY_PROJECTION_ID_INDEX = 0;
+ /* truncate this many history items at a time */
+ public static final int TRUNCATE_N_OLDEST = 5;
+ /**
+ * A table containing a log of browser searches. The columns of the table are defined in
+ * {@link SearchColumns}. Reading this table requires the
+ * {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS} permission and writing to it
+ * requires the {@link android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS} permission.
+ */
+ public static final Uri SEARCHES_URI = Uri.parse("content://browser/searches");
+ /**
+ * A projection of {@link #SEARCHES_URI} that contains {@link SearchColumns#_ID},
+ * {@link SearchColumns#SEARCH}, and {@link SearchColumns#DATE}.
+ */
+ public static final String[] SEARCHES_PROJECTION = new String[] {
+ // if you change column order you must also change indices below
+ SearchColumns._ID, // 0
+ SearchColumns.SEARCH, // 1
+ SearchColumns.DATE, // 2
+ };
+ /* these indices dependent on SEARCHES_PROJECTION */
+ public static final int SEARCHES_PROJECTION_SEARCH_INDEX = 1;
+ public static final int SEARCHES_PROJECTION_DATE_INDEX = 2;
+ /* Set a cap on the count of history items in the history/bookmark
+ table, to prevent db and layout operations from dragging to a
+ crawl. Revisit this cap when/if db/layout performance
+ improvements are made. Note: this does not affect bookmark
+ entries -- if the user wants more bookmarks than the cap, they
+ get them. */
+ private static final int MAX_HISTORY_COUNT = 250;
+ /**
+ * Open an activity to save a bookmark. Launch with a title
+ * and/or a url, both of which can be edited by the user before saving.
+ *
+ * @param c Context used to launch the activity to add a bookmark.
+ * @param title Title for the bookmark. Can be null or empty string.
+ * @param url Url for the bookmark. Can be null or empty string.
+ */
+ public static final void saveBookmark(Context c,
+ String title,
+ String url) {
+ Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_INSERT, Browser.BOOKMARKS_URI);
+ i.putExtra("title", title);
+ i.putExtra("url", url);
+ c.startActivity(i);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Boolean extra passed along with an Intent to a browser, specifying that
+ * a new tab be created. Overrides EXTRA_APPLICATION_ID; if both are set,
+ * a new tab will be used, rather than using the same one.
+ */
+ public static final String EXTRA_CREATE_NEW_TAB = "create_new_tab";
+ /**
+ * Stores a Bitmap extra in an {@link Intent} representing the screenshot of
+ * a page to share. When receiving an {@link Intent#ACTION_SEND} from the
+ * Browser, use this to access the screenshot.
+ * @hide
+ */
+ public final static String EXTRA_SHARE_SCREENSHOT = "share_screenshot";
+ /**
+ * Stores a Bitmap extra in an {@link Intent} representing the favicon of a
+ * page to share. When receiving an {@link Intent#ACTION_SEND} from the
+ * Browser, use this to access the favicon.
+ * @hide
+ */
+ public final static String EXTRA_SHARE_FAVICON = "share_favicon";
+ /**
+ * Sends the given string using an Intent with {@link Intent#ACTION_SEND} and a mime type
+ * of text/plain. The string is put into {@link Intent#EXTRA_TEXT}.
+ *
+ * @param context the context used to start the activity
+ * @param string the string to send
+ */
+ public static final void sendString(Context context, String string) {
+ sendString(context, string, context.getString(;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Find an application to handle the given string and, if found, invoke
+ * it with the given string as a parameter.
+ * @param c Context used to launch the new activity.
+ * @param stringToSend The string to be handled.
+ * @param chooserDialogTitle The title of the dialog that allows the user
+ * to select between multiple applications that are all capable of handling
+ * the string.
+ * @hide pending API council approval
+ */
+ public static final void sendString(Context c,
+ String stringToSend,
+ String chooserDialogTitle) {
+ Intent send = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
+ send.setType("text/plain");
+ send.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, stringToSend);
+ try {
+ Intent i = Intent.createChooser(send, chooserDialogTitle);
+ // In case this is called from outside an Activity
+ i.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
+ c.startActivity(i);
+ } catch(android.content.ActivityNotFoundException ex) {
+ // if no app handles it, do nothing
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return a cursor pointing to a list of all the bookmarks. The cursor will have a single
+ * column, {@link BookmarkColumns#URL}.
+ * <p>
+ * Requires {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS}
+ *
+ * @param cr The ContentResolver used to access the database.
+ */
+ public static final Cursor getAllBookmarks(ContentResolver cr) throws
+ IllegalStateException {
+ return cr.query(Bookmarks.CONTENT_URI,
+ new String[] { Bookmarks.URL },
+ Bookmarks.IS_FOLDER + " = 0", null, null);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return a cursor pointing to a list of all visited site urls. The cursor will
+ * have a single column, {@link BookmarkColumns#URL}.
+ * <p>
+ * Requires {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS}
+ *
+ * @param cr The ContentResolver used to access the database.
+ */
+ public static final Cursor getAllVisitedUrls(ContentResolver cr) throws
+ IllegalStateException {
+ return cr.query(Combined.CONTENT_URI,
+ new String[] { Combined.URL }, null, null,
+ Combined.DATE_CREATED + " ASC");
+ }
+ private static final void addOrUrlEquals(StringBuilder sb) {
+ sb.append(" OR " + BookmarkColumns.URL + " = ");
+ }
+ private static final Cursor getVisitedLike(ContentResolver cr, String url) {
+ boolean secure = false;
+ String compareString = url;
+ if (compareString.startsWith("http://")) {
+ compareString = compareString.substring(7);
+ } else if (compareString.startsWith("https://")) {
+ compareString = compareString.substring(8);
+ secure = true;
+ }
+ if (compareString.startsWith("www.")) {
+ compareString = compareString.substring(4);
+ }
+ StringBuilder whereClause = null;
+ if (secure) {
+ whereClause = new StringBuilder(Bookmarks.URL + " = ");
+ DatabaseUtils.appendEscapedSQLString(whereClause,
+ "https://" + compareString);
+ addOrUrlEquals(whereClause);
+ DatabaseUtils.appendEscapedSQLString(whereClause,
+ "https://www." + compareString);
+ } else {
+ whereClause = new StringBuilder(Bookmarks.URL + " = ");
+ DatabaseUtils.appendEscapedSQLString(whereClause,
+ compareString);
+ addOrUrlEquals(whereClause);
+ String wwwString = "www." + compareString;
+ DatabaseUtils.appendEscapedSQLString(whereClause,
+ wwwString);
+ addOrUrlEquals(whereClause);
+ DatabaseUtils.appendEscapedSQLString(whereClause,
+ "http://" + compareString);
+ addOrUrlEquals(whereClause);
+ DatabaseUtils.appendEscapedSQLString(whereClause,
+ "http://" + wwwString);
+ }
+ return cr.query(History.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { History._ID, History.VISITS },
+ whereClause.toString(), null, null);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the visited history to acknowledge that a site has been
+ * visited.
+ * Requires {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS}
+ * Requires {@link android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS}
+ * @param cr The ContentResolver used to access the database.
+ * @param url The site being visited.
+ * @param real If true, this is an actual visit, and should add to the
+ * number of visits. If false, the user entered it manually.
+ */
+ public static final void updateVisitedHistory(ContentResolver cr,
+ String url, boolean real) {
+ long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ Cursor c = null;
+ try {
+ c = getVisitedLike(cr, url);
+ /* We should only get one answer that is exactly the same. */
+ if (c.moveToFirst()) {
+ ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
+ if (real) {
+ values.put(History.VISITS, c.getInt(1) + 1);
+ } else {
+ values.put(History.USER_ENTERED, 1);
+ }
+ values.put(History.DATE_LAST_VISITED, now);
+ cr.update(ContentUris.withAppendedId(History.CONTENT_URI, c.getLong(0)),
+ values, null, null);
+ } else {
+ truncateHistory(cr);
+ ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
+ int visits;
+ int user_entered;
+ if (real) {
+ visits = 1;
+ user_entered = 0;
+ } else {
+ visits = 0;
+ user_entered = 1;
+ }
+ values.put(History.URL, url);
+ values.put(History.VISITS, visits);
+ values.put(History.DATE_LAST_VISITED, now);
+ values.put(History.TITLE, url);
+ values.put(History.DATE_CREATED, 0);
+ values.put(History.USER_ENTERED, user_entered);
+ cr.insert(History.CONTENT_URI, values);
+ }
+ } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
+ Log.e(LOGTAG, "updateVisitedHistory", e);
+ } finally {
+ if (c != null) c.close();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns all the URLs in the history.
+ * Requires {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS}
+ * @param cr The ContentResolver used to access the database.
+ * @hide pending API council approval
+ */
+ public static final String[] getVisitedHistory(ContentResolver cr) {
+ Cursor c = null;
+ String[] str = null;
+ try {
+ String[] projection = new String[] {
+ History.URL,
+ };
+ c = cr.query(History.CONTENT_URI, projection, History.VISITS + " > 0", null, null);
+ if (c == null) return new String[0];
+ str = new String[c.getCount()];
+ int i = 0;
+ while (c.moveToNext()) {
+ str[i] = c.getString(0);
+ i++;
+ }
+ } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
+ Log.e(LOGTAG, "getVisitedHistory", e);
+ str = new String[0];
+ } finally {
+ if (c != null) c.close();
+ }
+ return str;
+ }
+ /**
+ * If there are more than MAX_HISTORY_COUNT non-bookmark history
+ * items in the bookmark/history table, delete TRUNCATE_N_OLDEST
+ * of them. This is used to keep our history table to a
+ * reasonable size. Note: it does not prune bookmarks. If the
+ * user wants 1000 bookmarks, the user gets 1000 bookmarks.
+ * Requires {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS}
+ * Requires {@link android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS}
+ *
+ * @param cr The ContentResolver used to access the database.
+ */
+ public static final void truncateHistory(ContentResolver cr) {
+ // TODO make a single request to the provider to do this in a single transaction
+ Cursor cursor = null;
+ try {
+ // Select non-bookmark history, ordered by date
+ cursor = cr.query(History.CONTENT_URI,
+ new String[] { History._ID, History.URL, History.DATE_LAST_VISITED },
+ null, null, History.DATE_LAST_VISITED + " ASC");
+ if (cursor.moveToFirst() && cursor.getCount() >= MAX_HISTORY_COUNT) {
+ final WebIconDatabase iconDb = WebIconDatabase.getInstance();
+ /* eliminate oldest history items */
+ for (int i = 0; i < TRUNCATE_N_OLDEST; i++) {
+ cr.delete(ContentUris.withAppendedId(History.CONTENT_URI, cursor.getLong(0)),
+ null, null);
+ iconDb.releaseIconForPageUrl(cursor.getString(1));
+ if (!cursor.moveToNext()) break;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
+ Log.e(LOGTAG, "truncateHistory", e);
+ } finally {
+ if (cursor != null) cursor.close();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns whether there is any history to clear.
+ * Requires {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS}
+ * @param cr The ContentResolver used to access the database.
+ * @return boolean True if the history can be cleared.
+ */
+ public static final boolean canClearHistory(ContentResolver cr) {
+ Cursor cursor = null;
+ boolean ret = false;
+ try {
+ cursor = cr.query(History.CONTENT_URI,
+ new String [] { History._ID, History.VISITS },
+ null, null, null);
+ ret = cursor.getCount() > 0;
+ } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
+ Log.e(LOGTAG, "canClearHistory", e);
+ } finally {
+ if (cursor != null) cursor.close();
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Delete all entries from the bookmarks/history table which are
+ * not bookmarks. Also set all visited bookmarks to unvisited.
+ * Requires {@link android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS}
+ * @param cr The ContentResolver used to access the database.
+ */
+ public static final void clearHistory(ContentResolver cr) {
+ deleteHistoryWhere(cr, null);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper function to delete all history items and release the icons for them in the
+ * {@link WebIconDatabase}.
+ *
+ * Requires {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS}
+ * Requires {@link android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS}
+ *
+ * @param cr The ContentResolver used to access the database.
+ * @param whereClause String to limit the items affected.
+ * null means all items.
+ */
+ private static final void deleteHistoryWhere(ContentResolver cr, String whereClause) {
+ Cursor cursor = null;
+ try {
+ cursor = cr.query(History.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { History.URL }, whereClause,
+ null, null);
+ if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
+ final WebIconDatabase iconDb = WebIconDatabase.getInstance();
+ do {
+ // Delete favicons
+ // TODO don't release if the URL is bookmarked
+ iconDb.releaseIconForPageUrl(cursor.getString(0));
+ } while (cursor.moveToNext());
+ cr.delete(History.CONTENT_URI, whereClause, null);
+ }
+ } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
+ Log.e(LOGTAG, "deleteHistoryWhere", e);
+ return;
+ } finally {
+ if (cursor != null) cursor.close();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Delete all history items from begin to end.
+ * Requires {@link android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS}
+ * @param cr The ContentResolver used to access the database.
+ * @param begin First date to remove. If -1, all dates before end.
+ * Inclusive.
+ * @param end Last date to remove. If -1, all dates after begin.
+ * Non-inclusive.
+ */
+ public static final void deleteHistoryTimeFrame(ContentResolver cr,
+ long begin, long end) {
+ String whereClause;
+ String date = BookmarkColumns.DATE;
+ if (-1 == begin) {
+ if (-1 == end) {
+ clearHistory(cr);
+ return;
+ }
+ whereClause = date + " < " + Long.toString(end);
+ } else if (-1 == end) {
+ whereClause = date + " >= " + Long.toString(begin);
+ } else {
+ whereClause = date + " >= " + Long.toString(begin) + " AND " + date
+ + " < " + Long.toString(end);
+ }
+ deleteHistoryWhere(cr, whereClause);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove a specific url from the history database.
+ * Requires {@link android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS}
+ * @param cr The ContentResolver used to access the database.
+ * @param url url to remove.
+ */
+ public static final void deleteFromHistory(ContentResolver cr,
+ String url) {
+ cr.delete(History.CONTENT_URI, History.URL + "=?", new String[] { url });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add a search string to the searches database.
+ * Requires {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS}
+ * Requires {@link android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS}
+ * @param cr The ContentResolver used to access the database.
+ * @param search The string to add to the searches database.
+ */
+ public static final void addSearchUrl(ContentResolver cr, String search) {
+ // The content provider will take care of updating existing searches instead of duplicating
+ ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
+ values.put(Searches.SEARCH, search);
+ values.put(Searches.DATE, System.currentTimeMillis());
+ cr.insert(Searches.CONTENT_URI, values);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove all searches from the search database.
+ * Requires {@link android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS}
+ * @param cr The ContentResolver used to access the database.
+ */
+ public static final void clearSearches(ContentResolver cr) {
+ // FIXME: Should this clear the urls to which these searches lead?
+ // (i.e. remove blah blah blah)
+ try {
+ cr.delete(Searches.CONTENT_URI, null, null);
+ } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
+ Log.e(LOGTAG, "clearSearches", e);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Request all icons from the database. This call must either be called
+ * in the main thread or have had Looper.prepare() invoked in the calling
+ * thread.
+ * Requires {@link android.Manifest.permission#READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS}
+ * @param cr The ContentResolver used to access the database.
+ * @param where Clause to be used to limit the query from the database.
+ * Must be an allowable string to be passed into a database query.
+ * @param listener IconListener that gets the icons once they are
+ * retrieved.
+ */
+ public static final void requestAllIcons(ContentResolver cr, String where,
+ WebIconDatabase.IconListener listener) {
+ WebIconDatabase.getInstance().bulkRequestIconForPageUrl(cr, where, listener);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Column definitions for the mixed bookmark and history items available
+ * at {@link #BOOKMARKS_URI}.
+ */
+ public static class BookmarkColumns implements BaseColumns {
+ /**
+ * The URL of the bookmark or history item.
+ * <p>Type: TEXT (URL)</p>
+ */
+ public static final String URL = "url";
+ /**
+ * The number of time the item has been visited.
+ * <p>Type: NUMBER</p>
+ */
+ public static final String VISITS = "visits";
+ /**
+ * The date the item was last visited, in milliseconds since the epoch.
+ * <p>Type: NUMBER (date in milliseconds since January 1, 1970)</p>
+ */
+ public static final String DATE = "date";
+ /**
+ * Flag indicating that an item is a bookmark. A value of 1 indicates a bookmark, a value
+ * of 0 indicates a history item.
+ * <p>Type: INTEGER (boolean)</p>
+ */
+ public static final String BOOKMARK = "bookmark";
+ /**
+ * The user visible title of the bookmark or history item.
+ * <p>Type: TEXT</p>
+ */
+ public static final String TITLE = "title";
+ /**
+ * The date the item created, in milliseconds since the epoch.
+ * <p>Type: NUMBER (date in milliseconds since January 1, 1970)</p>
+ */
+ public static final String CREATED = "created";
+ /**
+ * The favicon of the bookmark. Must decode via {@link BitmapFactory#decodeByteArray}.
+ * <p>Type: BLOB (image)</p>
+ */
+ public static final String FAVICON = "favicon";
+ /**
+ * @hide
+ */
+ public static final String THUMBNAIL = "thumbnail";
+ /**
+ * @hide
+ */
+ public static final String TOUCH_ICON = "touch_icon";
+ /**
+ * @hide
+ */
+ public static final String USER_ENTERED = "user_entered";
+ }
+ /**
+ * Column definitions for the search history table, available at {@link #SEARCHES_URI}.
+ */
+ public static class SearchColumns implements BaseColumns {
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Not used.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public static final String URL = "url";
+ /**
+ * The user entered search term.
+ */
+ public static final String SEARCH = "search";
+ /**
+ * The date the search was performed, in milliseconds since the epoch.
+ * <p>Type: NUMBER (date in milliseconds since January 1, 1970)</p>
+ */
+ public static final String DATE = "date";
+ }