/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.gallery3d.ui; import com.android.gallery3d.R; import com.android.gallery3d.app.GalleryActivity; import com.android.gallery3d.common.Utils; import com.android.gallery3d.data.MediaItem; import com.android.gallery3d.data.MediaSet; import com.android.gallery3d.data.Path; import com.android.gallery3d.ui.AlbumSetView.AlbumSetItem; import com.android.gallery3d.util.Future; import com.android.gallery3d.util.FutureListener; import com.android.gallery3d.util.GalleryUtils; import com.android.gallery3d.util.MediaSetUtils; import com.android.gallery3d.util.ThreadPool; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.Color; import android.os.Message; public class AlbumSetSlidingWindow implements AlbumSetView.ModelListener { private static final String TAG = "GallerySlidingWindow"; private static final int MSG_LOAD_BITMAP_DONE = 0; private static final int PLACEHOLDER_COLOR = 0xFF222222; public static interface Listener { public void onSizeChanged(int size); public void onContentInvalidated(); public void onWindowContentChanged( int slot, AlbumSetItem old, AlbumSetItem update); } private final AlbumSetView.Model mSource; private int mSize; private AlbumSetView.LabelSpec mLabelSpec; private int mContentStart = 0; private int mContentEnd = 0; private int mActiveStart = 0; private int mActiveEnd = 0; private Listener mListener; private final MyAlbumSetItem mData[]; private SelectionDrawer mSelectionDrawer; private final ColorTexture mWaitLoadingTexture; private SynchronizedHandler mHandler; private ThreadPool mThreadPool; private int mActiveRequestCount = 0; private String mLoadingLabel; private boolean mIsActive = false; private static class MyAlbumSetItem extends AlbumSetItem { public Path setPath; public int sourceType; public int cacheFlag; public int cacheStatus; } public AlbumSetSlidingWindow(GalleryActivity activity, AlbumSetView.LabelSpec labelSpec, SelectionDrawer drawer, AlbumSetView.Model source, int cacheSize) { source.setModelListener(this); mLabelSpec = labelSpec; mLoadingLabel = activity.getAndroidContext().getString(R.string.loading); mSource = source; mSelectionDrawer = drawer; mData = new MyAlbumSetItem[cacheSize]; mSize = source.size(); mWaitLoadingTexture = new ColorTexture(PLACEHOLDER_COLOR); mWaitLoadingTexture.setSize(1, 1); mHandler = new SynchronizedHandler(activity.getGLRoot()) { @Override public void handleMessage(Message message) { Utils.assertTrue(message.what == MSG_LOAD_BITMAP_DONE); ((GalleryDisplayItem) message.obj).onLoadBitmapDone(); } }; mThreadPool = activity.getThreadPool(); } public void setSelectionDrawer(SelectionDrawer drawer) { mSelectionDrawer = drawer; } public void setListener(Listener listener) { mListener = listener; } public AlbumSetItem get(int slotIndex) { Utils.assertTrue(isActiveSlot(slotIndex), "invalid slot: %s outsides (%s, %s)", slotIndex, mActiveStart, mActiveEnd); return mData[slotIndex % mData.length]; } public int size() { return mSize; } public boolean isActiveSlot(int slotIndex) { return slotIndex >= mActiveStart && slotIndex < mActiveEnd; } private void setContentWindow(int contentStart, int contentEnd) { if (contentStart == mContentStart && contentEnd == mContentEnd) return; if (contentStart >= mContentEnd || mContentStart >= contentEnd) { for (int i = mContentStart, n = mContentEnd; i < n; ++i) { freeSlotContent(i); } mSource.setActiveWindow(contentStart, contentEnd); for (int i = contentStart; i < contentEnd; ++i) { prepareSlotContent(i); } } else { for (int i = mContentStart; i < contentStart; ++i) { freeSlotContent(i); } for (int i = contentEnd, n = mContentEnd; i < n; ++i) { freeSlotContent(i); } mSource.setActiveWindow(contentStart, contentEnd); for (int i = contentStart, n = mContentStart; i < n; ++i) { prepareSlotContent(i); } for (int i = mContentEnd; i < contentEnd; ++i) { prepareSlotContent(i); } } mContentStart = contentStart; mContentEnd = contentEnd; } public void setActiveWindow(int start, int end) { Utils.assertTrue( start <= end && end - start <= mData.length && end <= mSize, "start = %s, end = %s, length = %s, size = %s", start, end, mData.length, mSize); AlbumSetItem data[] = mData; mActiveStart = start; mActiveEnd = end; // If no data is visible, keep the cache content if (start == end) return; int contentStart = Utils.clamp((start + end) / 2 - data.length / 2, 0, Math.max(0, mSize - data.length)); int contentEnd = Math.min(contentStart + data.length, mSize); setContentWindow(contentStart, contentEnd); if (mIsActive) updateAllImageRequests(); } // We would like to request non active slots in the following order: // Order: 8 6 4 2 1 3 5 7 // |---------|---------------|---------| // |<- active ->| // |<-------- cached range ----------->| private void requestNonactiveImages() { int range = Math.max( mContentEnd - mActiveEnd, mActiveStart - mContentStart); for (int i = 0 ;i < range; ++i) { requestImagesInSlot(mActiveEnd + i); requestImagesInSlot(mActiveStart - 1 - i); } } private void cancelNonactiveImages() { int range = Math.max( mContentEnd - mActiveEnd, mActiveStart - mContentStart); for (int i = 0 ;i < range; ++i) { cancelImagesInSlot(mActiveEnd + i); cancelImagesInSlot(mActiveStart - 1 - i); } } private void requestImagesInSlot(int slotIndex) { if (slotIndex < mContentStart || slotIndex >= mContentEnd) return; AlbumSetItem items = mData[slotIndex % mData.length]; for (DisplayItem item : items.covers) { ((GalleryDisplayItem) item).requestImage(); } } private void cancelImagesInSlot(int slotIndex) { if (slotIndex < mContentStart || slotIndex >= mContentEnd) return; AlbumSetItem items = mData[slotIndex % mData.length]; for (DisplayItem item : items.covers) { ((GalleryDisplayItem) item).cancelImageRequest(); } } private void freeSlotContent(int slotIndex) { AlbumSetItem data[] = mData; int index = slotIndex % data.length; AlbumSetItem original = data[index]; if (original != null) { data[index] = null; for (DisplayItem item : original.covers) { ((GalleryDisplayItem) item).recycle(); } } } private long getMediaSetDataVersion(MediaSet set) { return set == null ? MediaSet.INVALID_DATA_VERSION : set.getDataVersion(); } private void prepareSlotContent(int slotIndex) { MediaSet set = mSource.getMediaSet(slotIndex); MyAlbumSetItem item = new MyAlbumSetItem(); MediaItem[] coverItems = mSource.getCoverItems(slotIndex); item.covers = new GalleryDisplayItem[coverItems.length]; item.sourceType = identifySourceType(set); item.cacheFlag = identifyCacheFlag(set); item.cacheStatus = identifyCacheStatus(set); item.setPath = set == null ? null : set.getPath(); for (int i = 0; i < coverItems.length; ++i) { item.covers[i] = new GalleryDisplayItem(slotIndex, i, coverItems[i]); } item.labelItem = new LabelDisplayItem(slotIndex); item.setDataVersion = getMediaSetDataVersion(set); mData[slotIndex % mData.length] = item; } private boolean isCoverItemsChanged(int slotIndex) { AlbumSetItem original = mData[slotIndex % mData.length]; if (original == null) return true; MediaItem[] coverItems = mSource.getCoverItems(slotIndex); if (original.covers.length != coverItems.length) return true; for (int i = 0, n = coverItems.length; i < n; ++i) { GalleryDisplayItem g = (GalleryDisplayItem) original.covers[i]; if (g.mDataVersion != coverItems[i].getDataVersion()) return true; } return false; } private void updateSlotContent(final int slotIndex) { MyAlbumSetItem data[] = mData; int pos = slotIndex % data.length; MyAlbumSetItem original = data[pos]; if (!isCoverItemsChanged(slotIndex)) { MediaSet set = mSource.getMediaSet(slotIndex); original.sourceType = identifySourceType(set); original.cacheFlag = identifyCacheFlag(set); original.cacheStatus = identifyCacheStatus(set); original.setPath = set == null ? null : set.getPath(); ((LabelDisplayItem) original.labelItem).updateContent(); if (mListener != null) mListener.onContentInvalidated(); return; } prepareSlotContent(slotIndex); AlbumSetItem update = data[pos]; if (mListener != null && isActiveSlot(slotIndex)) { mListener.onWindowContentChanged(slotIndex, original, update); } if (original != null) { for (DisplayItem item : original.covers) { ((GalleryDisplayItem) item).recycle(); } } } private void notifySlotChanged(int slotIndex) { // If the updated content is not cached, ignore it if (slotIndex < mContentStart || slotIndex >= mContentEnd) { Log.w(TAG, String.format( "invalid update: %s is outside (%s, %s)", slotIndex, mContentStart, mContentEnd) ); return; } updateSlotContent(slotIndex); boolean isActiveSlot = isActiveSlot(slotIndex); if (mActiveRequestCount == 0 || isActiveSlot) { for (DisplayItem item : mData[slotIndex % mData.length].covers) { GalleryDisplayItem galleryItem = (GalleryDisplayItem) item; galleryItem.requestImage(); if (isActiveSlot && galleryItem.isRequestInProgress()) { ++mActiveRequestCount; } } } } private void updateAllImageRequests() { mActiveRequestCount = 0; for (int i = mActiveStart, n = mActiveEnd; i < n; ++i) { for (DisplayItem item : mData[i % mData.length].covers) { GalleryDisplayItem coverItem = (GalleryDisplayItem) item; coverItem.requestImage(); if (coverItem.isRequestInProgress()) ++mActiveRequestCount; } } if (mActiveRequestCount == 0) { requestNonactiveImages(); } else { cancelNonactiveImages(); } } private class GalleryDisplayItem extends AbstractDisplayItem implements FutureListener { private Future mFuture; private final int mSlotIndex; private final int mCoverIndex; private final int mMediaType; private Texture mContent; private final long mDataVersion; private boolean mIsPanorama; private boolean mWaitLoadingDisplayed; public GalleryDisplayItem(int slotIndex, int coverIndex, MediaItem item) { super(item); mSlotIndex = slotIndex; mCoverIndex = coverIndex; mMediaType = item.getMediaType(); mDataVersion = item.getDataVersion(); mIsPanorama = GalleryUtils.isPanorama(item); updateContent(mWaitLoadingTexture); } @Override protected void onBitmapAvailable(Bitmap bitmap) { if (isActiveSlot(mSlotIndex)) { --mActiveRequestCount; if (mActiveRequestCount == 0) requestNonactiveImages(); } if (bitmap != null) { BitmapTexture texture = new BitmapTexture(bitmap, true); texture.setThrottled(true); if (mWaitLoadingDisplayed) { updateContent(new FadeInTexture(PLACEHOLDER_COLOR, texture)); } else { updateContent(texture); } if (mListener != null) mListener.onContentInvalidated(); } } private void updateContent(Texture content) { mContent = content; } @Override public int render(GLCanvas canvas, int pass) { // Fit the content into the box int width = mContent.getWidth(); int height = mContent.getHeight(); float scalex = mBoxWidth / (float) width; float scaley = mBoxHeight / (float) height; float scale = Math.min(scalex, scaley); width = (int) Math.floor(width * scale); height = (int) Math.floor(height * scale); // Now draw it int sourceType = SelectionDrawer.DATASOURCE_TYPE_NOT_CATEGORIZED; int cacheFlag = MediaSet.CACHE_FLAG_NO; int cacheStatus = MediaSet.CACHE_STATUS_NOT_CACHED; MyAlbumSetItem set = mData[mSlotIndex % mData.length]; Path path = set.setPath; if (mCoverIndex == 0) { sourceType = set.sourceType; cacheFlag = set.cacheFlag; cacheStatus = set.cacheStatus; } mSelectionDrawer.draw(canvas, mContent, width, height, getRotation(), path, sourceType, mMediaType, mIsPanorama, mLabelSpec.labelBackgroundHeight, cacheFlag == MediaSet.CACHE_FLAG_FULL, (cacheFlag == MediaSet.CACHE_FLAG_FULL) && (cacheStatus != MediaSet.CACHE_STATUS_CACHED_FULL)); if (mContent == mWaitLoadingTexture) { mWaitLoadingDisplayed = true; } if ((mContent instanceof FadeInTexture) && ((FadeInTexture) mContent).isAnimating()) { return RENDER_MORE_FRAME; } else { return 0; } } @Override public void startLoadBitmap() { mFuture = mThreadPool.submit(mMediaItem.requestImage( MediaItem.TYPE_MICROTHUMBNAIL), this); } @Override public void cancelLoadBitmap() { mFuture.cancel(); } @Override public void onFutureDone(Future future) { mHandler.sendMessage(mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_LOAD_BITMAP_DONE, this)); } private void onLoadBitmapDone() { Future future = mFuture; mFuture = null; updateImage(future.get(), future.isCancelled()); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("GalleryDisplayItem(%s, %s)", mSlotIndex, mCoverIndex); } } private static int identifySourceType(MediaSet set) { if (set == null) { return SelectionDrawer.DATASOURCE_TYPE_NOT_CATEGORIZED; } Path path = set.getPath(); if (MediaSetUtils.isCameraSource(path)) { return SelectionDrawer.DATASOURCE_TYPE_CAMERA; } int type = SelectionDrawer.DATASOURCE_TYPE_NOT_CATEGORIZED; String prefix = path.getPrefix(); if (prefix.equals("picasa")) { type = SelectionDrawer.DATASOURCE_TYPE_PICASA; } else if (prefix.equals("local") || prefix.equals("merge")) { type = SelectionDrawer.DATASOURCE_TYPE_LOCAL; } else if (prefix.equals("mtp")) { type = SelectionDrawer.DATASOURCE_TYPE_MTP; } return type; } private static int identifyCacheFlag(MediaSet set) { if (set == null || (set.getSupportedOperations() & MediaSet.SUPPORT_CACHE) == 0) { return MediaSet.CACHE_FLAG_NO; } return set.getCacheFlag(); } private static int identifyCacheStatus(MediaSet set) { if (set == null || (set.getSupportedOperations() & MediaSet.SUPPORT_CACHE) == 0) { return MediaSet.CACHE_STATUS_NOT_CACHED; } return set.getCacheStatus(); } private class LabelDisplayItem extends DisplayItem { private static final int FONT_COLOR_TITLE = Color.WHITE; private static final int FONT_COLOR_COUNT = 0x80FFFFFF; // 50% white private StringTexture mTextureTitle; private StringTexture mTextureCount; private String mTitle; private String mCount; private int mLastWidth; private final int mSlotIndex; private boolean mHasIcon; public LabelDisplayItem(int slotIndex) { mSlotIndex = slotIndex; } public boolean updateContent() { String title = mLoadingLabel; String count = ""; MediaSet set = mSource.getMediaSet(mSlotIndex); if (set != null) { title = Utils.ensureNotNull(set.getName()); count = "" + set.getTotalMediaItemCount(); } if (Utils.equals(title, mTitle) && Utils.equals(count, mCount) && Utils.equals(mBoxWidth, mLastWidth)) { return false; } mTitle = title; mCount = count; mLastWidth = mBoxWidth; mHasIcon = (identifySourceType(set) != SelectionDrawer.DATASOURCE_TYPE_NOT_CATEGORIZED); AlbumSetView.LabelSpec s = mLabelSpec; mTextureTitle = StringTexture.newInstance( title, s.titleFontSize, FONT_COLOR_TITLE, mBoxWidth - s.leftMargin, false); mTextureCount = StringTexture.newInstance( count, s.countFontSize, FONT_COLOR_COUNT, mBoxWidth - s.leftMargin, true); return true; } @Override public int render(GLCanvas canvas, int pass) { if (mBoxWidth != mLastWidth) { updateContent(); } AlbumSetView.LabelSpec s = mLabelSpec; int x = -mBoxWidth / 2; int y = (mBoxHeight + 1) / 2 - s.labelBackgroundHeight; y += s.titleOffset; mTextureTitle.draw(canvas, x + s.leftMargin, y); y += s.titleFontSize + s.countOffset; x += mHasIcon ? s.iconSize : s.leftMargin; mTextureCount.draw(canvas, x, y); return 0; } @Override public long getIdentity() { return System.identityHashCode(this); } } public void onSizeChanged(int size) { if (mSize != size) { mSize = size; if (mListener != null && mIsActive) mListener.onSizeChanged(mSize); } } public void onWindowContentChanged(int index) { if (!mIsActive) { // paused, ignore slot changed event return; } notifySlotChanged(index); } public void pause() { mIsActive = false; for (int i = mContentStart, n = mContentEnd; i < n; ++i) { freeSlotContent(i); } } public void resume() { mIsActive = true; for (int i = mContentStart, n = mContentEnd; i < n; ++i) { prepareSlotContent(i); } updateAllImageRequests(); } }