/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.gallery3d.data; import android.net.Uri; public abstract class MediaObject { @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final String TAG = "MediaObject"; public static final long INVALID_DATA_VERSION = -1; // These are the bits returned from getSupportedOperations(): public static final int SUPPORT_DELETE = 1 << 0; public static final int SUPPORT_ROTATE = 1 << 1; public static final int SUPPORT_SHARE = 1 << 2; public static final int SUPPORT_CROP = 1 << 3; public static final int SUPPORT_SHOW_ON_MAP = 1 << 4; public static final int SUPPORT_SETAS = 1 << 5; public static final int SUPPORT_FULL_IMAGE = 1 << 6; public static final int SUPPORT_PLAY = 1 << 7; public static final int SUPPORT_CACHE = 1 << 8; public static final int SUPPORT_EDIT = 1 << 9; public static final int SUPPORT_INFO = 1 << 10; public static final int SUPPORT_TRIM = 1 << 11; public static final int SUPPORT_UNLOCK = 1 << 12; public static final int SUPPORT_BACK = 1 << 13; public static final int SUPPORT_ACTION = 1 << 14; public static final int SUPPORT_CAMERA_SHORTCUT = 1 << 15; public static final int SUPPORT_MUTE = 1 << 16; public static final int SUPPORT_PRINT = 1 << 17; public static final int SUPPORT_DRM_INFO = 1 << 18; public static final int SUPPORT_ALL = 0xffffffff; // These are the bits returned from getMediaType(): public static final int MEDIA_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 1; public static final int MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE = 2; public static final int MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO = 4; public static final int MEDIA_TYPE_DRM_VIDEO = 5; public static final int MEDIA_TYPE_DRM_IMAGE = 6; public static final int MEDIA_TYPE_ALL = MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE | MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO; //TYPE for Timeline Title public static final int MEDIA_TYPE_TIMELINE_TITLE= 7; public static final String MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE_STRING = "image"; public static final String MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO_STRING = "video"; public static final String MEDIA_TYPE_ALL_STRING = "all"; // These are flags for cache() and return values for getCacheFlag(): public static final int CACHE_FLAG_NO = 0; public static final int CACHE_FLAG_SCREENNAIL = 1; public static final int CACHE_FLAG_FULL = 2; // These are return values for getCacheStatus(): public static final int CACHE_STATUS_NOT_CACHED = 0; public static final int CACHE_STATUS_CACHING = 1; public static final int CACHE_STATUS_CACHED_SCREENNAIL = 2; public static final int CACHE_STATUS_CACHED_FULL = 3; private static long sVersionSerial = 0; protected long mDataVersion; protected final Path mPath; public interface PanoramaSupportCallback { void panoramaInfoAvailable(MediaObject mediaObject, boolean isPanorama, boolean isPanorama360); } public MediaObject(Path path, long version) { path.setObject(this); mPath = path; mDataVersion = version; } public MediaObject(Path path) { mPath = path; } public Path getPath() { return mPath; } public int getSupportedOperations() { return 0; } public void getPanoramaSupport(PanoramaSupportCallback callback) { callback.panoramaInfoAvailable(this, false, false); } public void clearCachedPanoramaSupport() { } public void delete() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public void rotate(int degrees) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public Uri getContentUri() { String className = getClass().getName(); Log.e(TAG, "Class " + className + "should implement getContentUri."); Log.e(TAG, "The object was created from path: " + getPath()); throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public Uri getPlayUri() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public int getMediaType() { return MEDIA_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } public MediaDetails getDetails() { MediaDetails details = new MediaDetails(); return details; } public long getDataVersion() { return mDataVersion; } public int getCacheFlag() { return CACHE_FLAG_NO; } public int getCacheStatus() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public long getCacheSize() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public void cache(int flag) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public static synchronized long nextVersionNumber() { return ++MediaObject.sVersionSerial; } public static int getTypeFromString(String s) { if (MEDIA_TYPE_ALL_STRING.equals(s)) return MediaObject.MEDIA_TYPE_ALL; if (MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE_STRING.equals(s)) return MediaObject.MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE; if (MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO_STRING.equals(s)) return MediaObject.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO; throw new IllegalArgumentException(s); } public static String getTypeString(int type) { switch (type) { case MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE: return MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE_STRING; case MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO: return MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO_STRING; case MEDIA_TYPE_ALL: return MEDIA_TYPE_ALL_STRING; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } /** Some Media Item is not selectable such as Title item in TimeLine. */ public boolean isSelectable() { if (getMediaType() == MediaObject.MEDIA_TYPE_TIMELINE_TITLE) { return false; } return true; } }