/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // Modified example based on mp4parser google code open source project. // http://code.google.com/p/mp4parser/source/browse/trunk/examples/src/main/java/com/googlecode/mp4parser/ShortenExample.java package com.android.gallery3d.app; import android.media.MediaCodec.BufferInfo; import android.media.MediaExtractor; import android.media.MediaFormat; import android.media.MediaMetadataRetriever; import android.media.MediaMuxer; import android.util.Log; import com.android.gallery3d.common.ApiHelper; import com.android.gallery3d.util.SaveVideoFileInfo; import com.coremedia.iso.IsoFile; import com.coremedia.iso.boxes.TimeToSampleBox; import com.googlecode.mp4parser.authoring.Movie; import com.googlecode.mp4parser.authoring.Track; import com.googlecode.mp4parser.authoring.builder.DefaultMp4Builder; import com.googlecode.mp4parser.authoring.container.mp4.MovieCreator; import com.googlecode.mp4parser.authoring.tracks.CroppedTrack; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.RandomAccessFile; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; public class VideoUtils { private static final String LOGTAG = "VideoUtils"; private static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 1 * 1024 * 1024; /** * Remove the sound track. */ public static void startMute(String filePath, SaveVideoFileInfo dstFileInfo) throws IOException { if (ApiHelper.HAS_MEDIA_MUXER) { genVideoUsingMuxer(filePath, dstFileInfo.mFile.getPath(), -1, -1, false, true); } else { startMuteUsingMp4Parser(filePath, dstFileInfo); } } /** * Shortens/Crops tracks */ public static void startTrim(File src, File dst, int startMs, int endMs) throws IOException { if (ApiHelper.HAS_MEDIA_MUXER) { genVideoUsingMuxer(src.getPath(), dst.getPath(), startMs, endMs, true, true); } else { trimUsingMp4Parser(src, dst, startMs, endMs); } } private static void startMuteUsingMp4Parser(String filePath, SaveVideoFileInfo dstFileInfo) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { File dst = dstFileInfo.mFile; File src = new File(filePath); RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile(src, "r"); Movie movie = MovieCreator.build(randomAccessFile.getChannel()); // remove all tracks we will create new tracks from the old List tracks = movie.getTracks(); movie.setTracks(new LinkedList()); for (Track track : tracks) { if (track.getHandler().equals("vide")) { movie.addTrack(track); } } writeMovieIntoFile(dst, movie); randomAccessFile.close(); } private static void writeMovieIntoFile(File dst, Movie movie) throws IOException { if (!dst.exists()) { dst.createNewFile(); } IsoFile out = new DefaultMp4Builder().build(movie); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(dst); FileChannel fc = fos.getChannel(); out.getBox(fc); // This one build up the memory. fc.close(); fos.close(); } /** * @param srcPath the path of source video file. * @param dstPath the path of destination video file. * @param startMs starting time in milliseconds for trimming. Set to * negative if starting from beginning. * @param endMs end time for trimming in milliseconds. Set to negative if * no trimming at the end. * @param useAudio true if keep the audio track from the source. * @param useVideo true if keep the video track from the source. * @throws IOException */ private static void genVideoUsingMuxer(String srcPath, String dstPath, int startMs, int endMs, boolean useAudio, boolean useVideo) throws IOException { // Set up MediaExtractor to read from the source. MediaExtractor extractor = new MediaExtractor(); extractor.setDataSource(srcPath); int trackCount = extractor.getTrackCount(); // Set up MediaMuxer for the destination. MediaMuxer muxer; muxer = new MediaMuxer(dstPath, MediaMuxer.OutputFormat.MUXER_OUTPUT_MPEG_4); // Set up the tracks and retrieve the max buffer size for selected // tracks. HashMap indexMap = new HashMap(trackCount); int bufferSize = -1; for (int i = 0; i < trackCount; i++) { MediaFormat format = extractor.getTrackFormat(i); String mime = format.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME); boolean selectCurrentTrack = false; if (mime.startsWith("audio/") && useAudio) { selectCurrentTrack = true; } else if (mime.startsWith("video/") && useVideo) { selectCurrentTrack = true; } if (selectCurrentTrack) { extractor.selectTrack(i); try { int dstIndex = muxer.addTrack(format); indexMap.put(i, dstIndex); if (format.containsKey(MediaFormat.KEY_MAX_INPUT_SIZE)) { int newSize = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_MAX_INPUT_SIZE); bufferSize = newSize > bufferSize ? newSize : bufferSize; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.e(LOGTAG, "Unsupported format '" + mime + "'"); throw new IOException("Muxer does not support " + mime); } } } if (bufferSize < 0) { bufferSize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE; } // Set up the orientation and starting time for extractor. MediaMetadataRetriever retrieverSrc = new MediaMetadataRetriever(); retrieverSrc.setDataSource(srcPath); String degreesString = retrieverSrc.extractMetadata( MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_ROTATION); if (degreesString != null) { int degrees = Integer.parseInt(degreesString); if (degrees >= 0) { muxer.setOrientationHint(degrees); } } if (startMs > 0) { extractor.seekTo(startMs * 1000, MediaExtractor.SEEK_TO_CLOSEST_SYNC); } // Copy the samples from MediaExtractor to MediaMuxer. We will loop // for copying each sample and stop when we get to the end of the source // file or exceed the end time of the trimming. int offset = 0; int trackIndex = -1; ByteBuffer dstBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(bufferSize); BufferInfo bufferInfo = new BufferInfo(); try { muxer.start(); while (true) { bufferInfo.offset = offset; bufferInfo.size = extractor.readSampleData(dstBuf, offset); if (bufferInfo.size < 0) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "Saw input EOS."); bufferInfo.size = 0; break; } else { bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs = extractor.getSampleTime(); if (endMs > 0 && bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs > (endMs * 1000)) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "The current sample is over the trim end time."); break; } else { bufferInfo.flags = extractor.getSampleFlags(); trackIndex = extractor.getSampleTrackIndex(); muxer.writeSampleData(indexMap.get(trackIndex), dstBuf, bufferInfo); extractor.advance(); } } } muxer.stop(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // Swallow the exception due to malformed source. Log.w(LOGTAG, "The source video file is malformed"); File f = new File(dstPath); if (f.exists()) { f.delete(); } throw e; } finally { muxer.release(); } return; } private static void trimUsingMp4Parser(File src, File dst, int startMs, int endMs) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile(src, "r"); Movie movie = MovieCreator.build(randomAccessFile.getChannel()); // remove all tracks we will create new tracks from the old List tracks = movie.getTracks(); movie.setTracks(new LinkedList()); double startTime = startMs / 1000; double endTime = endMs / 1000; boolean timeCorrected = false; // Here we try to find a track that has sync samples. Since we can only // start decoding at such a sample we SHOULD make sure that the start of // the new fragment is exactly such a frame. for (Track track : tracks) { if (track.getSyncSamples() != null && track.getSyncSamples().length > 0) { if (timeCorrected) { // This exception here could be a false positive in case we // have multiple tracks with sync samples at exactly the // same positions. E.g. a single movie containing multiple // qualities of the same video (Microsoft Smooth Streaming // file) throw new RuntimeException( "The startTime has already been corrected by" + " another track with SyncSample. Not Supported."); } startTime = correctTimeToSyncSample(track, startTime, false); endTime = correctTimeToSyncSample(track, endTime, true); timeCorrected = true; } } for (Track track : tracks) { long currentSample = 0; double currentTime = 0; long startSample = -1; long endSample = -1; for (int i = 0; i < track.getDecodingTimeEntries().size(); i++) { TimeToSampleBox.Entry entry = track.getDecodingTimeEntries().get(i); for (int j = 0; j < entry.getCount(); j++) { // entry.getDelta() is the amount of time the current sample // covers. if (currentTime <= startTime) { // current sample is still before the new starttime startSample = currentSample; } if (currentTime <= endTime) { // current sample is after the new start time and still // before the new endtime endSample = currentSample; } else { // current sample is after the end of the cropped video break; } currentTime += (double) entry.getDelta() / (double) track.getTrackMetaData().getTimescale(); currentSample++; } } movie.addTrack(new CroppedTrack(track, startSample, endSample)); } writeMovieIntoFile(dst, movie); randomAccessFile.close(); } private static double correctTimeToSyncSample(Track track, double cutHere, boolean next) { double[] timeOfSyncSamples = new double[track.getSyncSamples().length]; long currentSample = 0; double currentTime = 0; for (int i = 0; i < track.getDecodingTimeEntries().size(); i++) { TimeToSampleBox.Entry entry = track.getDecodingTimeEntries().get(i); for (int j = 0; j < entry.getCount(); j++) { if (Arrays.binarySearch(track.getSyncSamples(), currentSample + 1) >= 0) { // samples always start with 1 but we start with zero // therefore +1 timeOfSyncSamples[Arrays.binarySearch( track.getSyncSamples(), currentSample + 1)] = currentTime; } currentTime += (double) entry.getDelta() / (double) track.getTrackMetaData().getTimescale(); currentSample++; } } double previous = 0; for (double timeOfSyncSample : timeOfSyncSamples) { if (timeOfSyncSample > cutHere) { if (next) { return timeOfSyncSample; } else { return previous; } } previous = timeOfSyncSample; } return timeOfSyncSamples[timeOfSyncSamples.length - 1]; } }