path: root/AndroidManifest.xml
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Added support for crop actions. Changed overflow menu to use new editor.Ruben Brunk2012-10-171-0/+7
* Add permission to GalleryProvider.Owen Lin2012-10-171-0/+4
* Remove old camera classes.Wu-cheng Li2012-10-161-17/+0
* Alias to point at CameraActivityChris Craik2012-10-111-9/+10
* Change FilterShow theme and extra remove gray lineBobby Georgescu2012-10-101-1/+1
* Change versionCode to 40001 and versionName to 1.1.40001.Wu-cheng Li2012-10-091-2/+2
* Fix the filtershow activity to portraitnicolasroard2012-10-081-1/+2
* Implements image sharingnicolasroard2012-10-021-0/+12
* Use an actionbarnicolasroard2012-09-271-1/+1
* Add the intent filter to start the new editornicolasroard2012-09-271-16/+19
* Initial import of the new image editornicolasroard2012-09-261-0/+15
* Remove icon attributon.Wu-cheng Li2012-09-261-3/+0
* Register secure image capture intent.Wu-cheng Li2012-09-251-0/+4
* Remove old camera activity from launcherMichael Kolb2012-09-241-6/+0
* Use a different task affinity for secure camera.Wu-cheng Li2012-09-181-3/+14
* Fix manifest to launch correct activityMichael Kolb2012-09-171-2/+2
* Update AndroidManifest for video caputure intent in the new cameraDoris Liu2012-09-161-5/+4
* Add launcher icon for old camera UIMangesh Ghiware2012-09-141-2/+7
* Handle image capture intent using new camera UI.Mangesh Ghiware2012-09-141-4/+4
* Update AndroidManifest.xmlMangesh Ghiware2012-09-141-20/+16
* Add the UI elements for video trim activity.Teng-Hui Zhu2012-09-111-0/+3
* Add attribution of icons.Wu-cheng Li2012-09-101-0/+3
* Enable new camera UIMichael Kolb2012-09-101-0/+15
* Register STILL_IMAGE_CAMERA_SECURE intent in the manifest.Wu-cheng Li2012-08-261-0/+4
* Do not use Theme.Holo and Theme.Holo.Dialog on gingerbread.Ahbong Chang2012-08-221-2/+2
* Rename ThemeCamera to Theme.Camera to be consistent.Wu-cheng Li2012-08-141-3/+3
* Change minSdkVersion to 10.Wu-cheng Li2012-08-081-1/+1
* Do not show photo editor before api level 14.Yuli Huang2012-08-071-1/+2
* Explicitly export content providersNick Kralevich2012-08-031-0/+1
* Change minSdkVersion to 11.Wu-cheng Li2012-08-011-1/+1
* Change minSdkVersion to 13.Wu-cheng Li2012-07-191-1/+1
* Make gallery/camera build in JB API level.Wu-cheng Li2012-06-291-1/+1
* Replace BroadcastReceiver.goAsync() with IntentServiceHung-ying Tyan2012-06-271-0/+1
* Use "Gallery" instead of "Photo Studio" as the label for photo editor.Chih-Chung Chang2012-05-311-1/+1
* Remove the black layer in MovieActivity.Owen Lin2012-05-161-1/+0
* Remove behind screenOrientation from camera activities.Wu-cheng Li2012-05-111-3/+0
* Add 'process' attribute for PhotoEditor.Yuli Huang2012-05-071-1/+2
* Use activity-alias to disable camera icon dynamically.Chih-Chung Chang2012-05-041-5/+12
* Use gallery icon for action bar app icon in camera.Wu-cheng Li2012-04-301-0/+1
* Support for beaming a picture.Martijn Coenen2012-04-041-0/+1
* Remove singleTask mode of panorama.Wu-cheng Li2012-03-191-6/+1
* Change panorama java package name.Pin Ting2012-03-151-1/+1
* Set task affinity for Camera activities.Chih-Chung Chang2012-03-131-0/+3
* Add DisableCameraReceiver to disable camera activities if there is no camera.Chih-Chung Chang2012-03-121-0/+6
* Merge Camera into Gallery package.Chih-Chung Chang2012-03-081-5/+69
* Make sure the backgroud is cleared in MovieActivity.Owen Lin2011-12-121-0/+1
* am 764482c4: Merge "Fix 5685925: Handle PACKAGE_CHANGED intent (when a packag...Chih-Chung Chang2011-11-301-0/+1
| * Fix 5685925: Handle PACKAGE_CHANGED intent (when a package is enabled/disabled)Chih-Chung Chang2011-11-301-0/+1
* | am 881fd799: Merge "Add application launch category." into ics-mr1Jeff Brown2011-11-291-0/+2
| * Add application launch category.Jeff Brown2011-11-281-0/+2