path: root/res/values-lb/strings.xml
diff options
authorMichael Bestas <>2019-03-11 00:21:37 +0200
committerMichael Bestas <>2019-03-11 00:21:37 +0200
commita3cf37a1aaf135796224c94378dcfd91fb054121 (patch)
treebd2b0b75f9f0ff0e5a63f9922a4c730944ab53f7 /res/values-lb/strings.xml
parentbff4ffc4361630fa10613cd919a3979b2d959f0f (diff)
Automatic translation import
Change-Id: I6bdafeef2e38c8d502d203bceffc75c8c8db4bf1
Diffstat (limited to 'res/values-lb/strings.xml')
1 files changed, 223 insertions, 513 deletions
diff --git a/res/values-lb/strings.xml b/res/values-lb/strings.xml
index ece550c14..edbeb6d72 100644
--- a/res/values-lb/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-lb/strings.xml
@@ -15,517 +15,227 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <!-- Names of packages and authorities that are common to all apps
- and read from resources -->
- <!-- Permissions label for reading attachments -->
- <string name="permission_read_attachment_label">E-Mail-Unhäng liesen</string>
- <!-- Permissions description for reading attachments -->
- <string name="permission_read_attachment_desc">Erlaabt der App, E-Mail-Unhäng ze liesen.</string>
- <!-- Permissions label for accessing the main provider -->
- <string name="permission_access_provider_label">Op Date vum E-Mail-Provider zougräifen</string>
- <!-- Permissions description for accessing the main provider -->
- <string name="permission_access_provider_desc">Erlaabt der App, op deng E-Mail-Datebank zouzegräifen, inklusiv empfaange Messagen, geschéckt Messagen, Benotzernimm a Passwierder.</string>
- <!-- Name of application on Home screen -->
- <string name="app_name">E-Mail</string>
- <!-- Actions will be used as buttons and in menu items -->
- <!-- Menu item used to create a new quick response [CHAR_LIMIT=16] -->
- <string name="create_action">Nei erstellen</string>
- <!-- Message informing user when a list that would contain quick responses
- is empty [CHAR_LIMIT=80] -->
- <string name="quick_responses_empty_view">Keng séier Äntwerten.</string>
- <!-- Menu item -->
- <string name="account_settings_action">Kontenastellungen</string>
- <!-- The next set of strings are used in local display and may be localized. -->
- <!-- In the UI, the inbox will be displayed with this name -->
- <string name="mailbox_name_display_inbox">Agank</string>
- <!-- In the UI, the outbox will be displayed with this name -->
- <string name="mailbox_name_display_outbox">Ausgank</string>
- <!-- In the UI, the drafts will be displayed with this name -->
- <string name="mailbox_name_display_drafts">Brouillonen</string>
- <!-- In the UI, the trash will be displayed with this name -->
- <string name="mailbox_name_display_trash">Poubelle</string>
- <!-- In the UI, the sent will be displayed with this name -->
- <string name="mailbox_name_display_sent">Geschéckt</string>
- <!-- In the UI, the junk will be displayed with this name -->
- <string name="mailbox_name_display_junk">Knascht</string>
- <!-- In the UI, the starred will be displayed with this name -->
- <string name="mailbox_name_display_starred">Markéiert</string>
- <!-- In the UI, the unread will be displayed with this name [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
- <string name="mailbox_name_display_unread">Ongelies</string>
- <!-- Title of debug screen -->
- <string name="debug_title">Debuggen</string>
- <!-- Do Not Translate. Checkbox label, shown only on debug screen -->
- <!-- Do Not Translate. Checkbox label, shown only on debug screen -->
- <!-- Do Not Translate. Checkbox label, shown only on debug screen -->
- <!-- Do Not Translate. Button label, shown only on debug screen -->
- <!-- Do Not Translate. Button label. Shown only on debug screen -->
- <!-- Do Not Translate. Checkbox label, shown on debug screen. -->
- <!-- Do Not Translate. Checkbox label, shown on debug screen. -->
- <!-- Label shown in the account selector to select "Combined view", which contains
- Combined Inbox, Combined Outbox, etc. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="mailbox_list_account_selector_combined_view">Kombinéiert Usiicht</string>
- <!-- Header for forwarded original messages -->
- <string name="message_compose_fwd_header_fmt">\n\n-------- Original-Message --------\nSujet: <xliff:g id="subject">%1$s</xliff:g>\nVun: <xliff:g id="sender">%2$s</xliff:g>\nUn: <xliff:g id="to">%3$s</xliff:g>\nCC: <xliff:g id="cc">%4$s</xliff:g>\n\n</string>
- <!-- Title for dialog containing list of quick responses that user may insert
- into message body. [CHAR_LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="message_compose_insert_quick_response_list_title">Séier Äntwert asetzen</string>
- <!-- Menu item for inserting quick responses into email compose activity. [CHAR_LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="message_compose_insert_quick_response_menu_title">Séier Äntwert asetzen</string>
- <!-- Toast upon using "send" when one or more attachments will need to be background loaded
- [CHAR LIMIT=none]-->
- <string name="message_view_attachment_background_load">Een oder méi Unhäng an dengem weidergeleete Message gi virum Verschécken erofgelueden.</string>
- <!-- String used in place of a message that could not be properly decoded (e.g. bad base64
- data was received.) [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="message_decode_error">Et gouf e Feeler beim decodéiere vum Message.</string>
- <!-- Notification ticker when a forwarded attachment couldn't be sent [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="forward_download_failed_ticker">Kann een oder méi Unhäng net weiderleeden.</string>
- <!-- Notification title when a forwarded attachment couldn't be sent [CHAR LIMIT=30]-->
- <string name="forward_download_failed_title">Unhang net weidergeleet</string>
- <!-- Notification ticker when email account authentication fails [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="login_failed_ticker">Alogge mat <xliff:g id="account_name">%s</xliff:g> feelgeschloen.</string>
- <!-- Notification title when email account authentication fails [CHAR LIMIT=30]-->
- <string name="login_failed_title">Alogge war net méiglech</string>
- <!-- Title of screen when setting up new email account [CHAR LIMIT=45] -->
- <string name="account_setup_basics_title">Kontenariichtung</string>
- <!-- Title of screen when trying to get oauth authentication -->
- <string name="oauth_authentication_title">Autoriséierung gëtt ugefrot</string>
- <!-- Title of screen to choose with authentication to use -->
- <string name="sign_in_title">Aloggen</string>
- <!-- Warning if there is a problem authenticating with oauth -->
- <string name="oauth_error_description">Kann net authentifizéieren</string>
- <!-- Warning label displayed when the email address or password are incorrect -->
- <string name="password_warning_label">E-Mail-Adress oder Passwuert sinn inkorrekt</string>
- <!-- Label displayed to confirm what email address we are trying to validate -->
- <string name="email_confirmation_label">E-Mail-Adress:</string>
- <!-- Headline of screen when setting up new email account (large text over divider)
- [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="account_setup_basics_headline">E-Mail-Kont</string>
- <!-- On "Set up email" screen, enthusiastic welcome message. -->
- <string name="accounts_welcome">Du kanns däi Kont a just e puer Schrëtter astellen.</string>
- <!-- On "Set up email" screen, hint for account email address text field -->
- <string name="account_setup_basics_email_label">E-Mail-Adress</string>
- <!-- Label between OAuth and password authentication, indicating the user must do one or the other [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="or_label">ODER</string>
- <!-- Label for signing in with Google using OAuth -->
- <string name="sign_in_with_google">Mat Google aloggen</string>
- <!-- On "Set up email" screen, hint for account email password text field, should be uppercase where applicable -->
- <string name="account_setup_basics_password_label">PASSWUERT</string>
- <!-- hint for account email password text field -->
- <string name="password_hint">Passwuert</string>
- <!-- On the "Setup up email" screen, label indicating what service we are signed in with [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="signed_in_with_service_label">Ageloggt mat %s</string>
- <!-- Label for the authentication section, should be uppercase where applicable [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="authentication_label">AUTHENTIFIZÉIERUNG</string>
- <!-- Label for the add authentication icon [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="add_authentication_label">Authentifizéierung dobäisetzen</string>
- <!-- Label for the add authentication icon [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="clear_authentication_label">Authentifizéierung ewechhuelen</string>
- <!-- Button name on "Set up email" screen, with action underlined using html [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="account_setup_basics_manual_setup_action">Manuell Konfiguratioun</string>
- <!-- Toast when we can't build a URI from the given email & password -->
- <!-- Note, the error message in the toast is purposefully vague, because I *don't* know
- exactly what's wrong. -->
- <string name="account_setup_username_password_toast">Gëff eng gëlteg E-Mail-Adress an e gëltegt Passwuert an.</string>
- <!-- Title of dialog shown when a duplicate account is created -->
- <string name="account_duplicate_dlg_title">Kont duplizéieren</string>
- <!-- Message of dialog shown when a duplicate account is created. The display name of
- the duplicate account is displayed. -->
- <string name="account_duplicate_dlg_message_fmt">Du benotz dëse Benotzernumm scho fir de Kont \"<xliff:g id="duplicate">%s</xliff:g>\".</string>
- <!-- On check-settings screen, this is the initially-displayed message. -->
- <string name="account_setup_check_settings_retr_info_msg">Kontendate ginn ausgelies\u2026</string>
- <!-- Appears on screen while system is checking incoming server settings -->
- <string name="account_setup_check_settings_check_incoming_msg">D\'Serverastellunge gi validéiert\u2026</string>
- <!-- Appears on screen while system is checking outgoing server settings -->
- <string name="account_setup_check_settings_check_outgoing_msg">D\'SMTP-Astellunge gi validéiert\u2026</string>
- <!-- Appears on screen while system is creating the account -->
- <string name="account_setup_creating_account_msg">Kont gëtt erstallt\u2026</string>
- <!-- Headline text that appears on "Confirm account type" screen [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="account_setup_ab_headline">Kontentyp bestätegen</string>
- <!-- Explanatory text that appears on the "Confirm account type" screen [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="account_setup_ab_instructions_format">Du hues uginn datt <xliff:g id="email">%1$s</xliff:g> <xliff:g id="userProtocol">%2$s</xliff:g> benotzt, mä de Kont kéint <xliff:g id="providerProtocol">%3$s</xliff:g> benotzen</string>
- <!-- Text that appears on "Set up email" screen after successfully setting up an account
- [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="account_setup_names_headline">Däi Kont ass konfiguréiert an d\'Emaile sinn ënnerwee!</string>
- <!-- On "Set up email" screen, label of text field -->
- <string name="account_setup_names_account_name_label">Gëff dësem Kont en Numm (optional)</string>
- <!-- On "Set up email" screen, label of text field -->
- <string name="account_setup_names_user_name_label">Däin Numm (gëtt op erausgoend Messagen ugewisen)</string>
- <!-- Headline for the the account type selector (IMAP or POP3 or EAS) [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="account_setup_account_type_headline">Kontentyp</string>
- <!-- "Add new email account" screen, text that appears on screen -->
- <string name="account_setup_account_type_instructions">Ëm wéi en Typ Kont handelt et sech?</string>
- <!-- "Incoming server settings" screen, headline (text over divider) [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="account_setup_incoming_headline">Astellunge fir den erakommende Server</string>
- <!-- "Incoming server settings" screen, label for text field, should be uppercase where applicable -->
- <string name="account_setup_incoming_username_label">BENOTZERNUMM</string>
- <!-- "Incoming server settings" screen, label for text field, should be uppercase where applicable -->
- <string name="account_setup_incoming_password_label">PASSWUERT</string>
- <!-- "Incoming server settings" screen, label for text field -->
- <string name="account_setup_password_subheading">Passwuert</string>
- <!-- "Incoming server settings" screen, label for text field, should be uppercase where applicable -->
- <string name="account_setup_incoming_server_label">SERVER</string>
- <!-- "Incoming server settings" screen, label for text field, should be uppercase where applicable -->
- <string name="account_setup_incoming_port_label">PORT</string>
- <!-- "Incoming server settings" screen, label for pop-up menu, should be uppercase where applicable -->
- <string name="account_setup_incoming_security_label">SÉCHERHEETSTYP</string>
- <!-- "Incoming server settings" screen, option for "Security type" pop-up menu indicating
- the desire for an unencrypted session -->
- <string name="account_setup_incoming_security_none_label">Keen</string>
- <!-- "Incoming server settings" screen, option for "Security type" pop-up menu indicating
- the desire for an encrypted session on the selected port, accepting all SSL certificates -->
- <string name="account_setup_incoming_security_ssl_trust_certificates_label">
- SSL/TLS (All Zertifikater acceptéieren)</string>
- <!-- "Incoming server settings" screen, option for "Security type" pop-up menu indicating
- the desire for an encrypted session on the selected port, including SSL certificate
- checks -->
- <string name="account_setup_incoming_security_ssl_label">SSL/TLS</string>
- <!-- "Incoming server settings" screen, option for "Security type" pop-up menu indicating
- the desire for an encrypted session overlaid on a plain text session using the selected
- port, accepting all SSL certificates -->
- <string name="account_setup_incoming_security_tls_trust_certificates_label">
- STARTTLS (all Zertifikater acceptéieren)</string>
- <!-- "Incoming server settings" screen, option for "Security type" pop-up menu indicating
- the desire for an encrypted session overlaid on a plain text session on the selected
- port, including SSL certificate checks -->
- <string name="account_setup_incoming_security_tls_label">STARTTLS</string>
- <!-- "Incoming server settings" screen, label for pop-up menu -->
- <string name="account_setup_incoming_delete_policy_label">E-Mail vum Server läschen</string>
- <!-- "Incoming server settings" screen, options in pop-up menu for Delete email from server: -->
- <!-- "Incoming server settings" screen, options in pop-up menu for Delete email from server: -->
- <string name="account_setup_incoming_delete_policy_never_label">Ni</string>
- <!-- "Incoming server settings" screen, options in pop-up menu for Delete email from server: -->
- <string name="account_setup_incoming_delete_policy_delete_label">Wann ech aus dem Agank läschen</string>
- <!-- "Incoming server settings" screen, label for setting IMAP path prefix: -->
- <string name="account_setup_incoming_imap_path_prefix_label">Prefix vum IMAP-Path</string>
- <!-- "Incoming server settings" screen, hint for setting IMAP path prefix: -->
- <string name="account_setup_incoming_imap_path_prefix_hint">Optional</string>
- <!-- "Outgoing server settings" screen, headline (text over divider) [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="account_setup_outgoing_headline">Astellunge fir den erausgoende Server</string>
- <!-- On "Outgoing server settings" screen, label for text field, should be uppercase where applicable -->
- <string name="account_setup_outgoing_smtp_server_label">SMTP-SERVER</string>
- <!-- On "Outgoing server settings" screen, label for text field, should be uppercase where applicable -->
- <string name="account_setup_outgoing_port_label">PORT</string>
- <!-- On "Outgoing server settings" screen, label for pop-up menu, should be uppercase where applicable -->
- <string name="account_setup_outgoing_security_label">SÉCHERHEETSTYP</string>
- <!-- On "Outgoing server settings" screen, label for check box, should be uppercase where applicable -->
- <string name="account_setup_outgoing_require_login_label">Alogge verlaangen</string>
- <!-- On "Outgoing server settings" screen, label for text field, should be uppercase where applicable-->
- <string name="account_setup_outgoing_username_label">BENOTZERNUMM</string>
- <!-- On "Exchange" setup screen, a heading title for the current client certificate, should be uppercase where applicable [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="account_setup_exchange_certificate_title">CLIENT-ZERTIFIKAT</string>
- <!-- On "Exchange" setup screen, a button label to include a client certificate [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
- <string name="account_setup_exchange_select_certificate">Auswielen</string>
- <!-- On "Exchange" setup screen, a button label to include a client certificate [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
- <string name="account_setup_exchange_use_certificate">Clientszertifikat benotzen</string>
- <!-- On "Exchange" setup screen, a button label to remove the currently used client certificate [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
- <string name="account_setup_exchange_remove_certificate">Ewechhuelen</string>
- <!-- On "Exchange" setup screen, placeholder text to indicate no client
- certificate is used [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="account_setup_exchange_no_certificate">Keen</string>
- <!-- On "Exchange" setup screen, the exchange device-id label, should be uppercase where applicable [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="account_setup_exchange_device_id_label">ID VUM MOBILEN APPARAT</string>
- <!-- In Account setup options screen, Activity headline [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="account_setup_options_headline">Kontenoptiounen</string>
- <!-- In Account setup options screen, label for email check frequency selector -->
- <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_label">Sync-Frequenz:</string>
- <!-- In Account setup options & Account Settings screens, label for email check frequency option -->
- <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_never">Ni</string>
- <!-- In Account setup options & Account Settings screens, label for email check frequency option -->
- <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_push">Automatesch (Push)</string>
- <!-- In Account setup options & Account Settings screens, email check frequency option -->
- <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_5min">All 5 Minutten</string>
- <!-- In Account setup options & Account Settings screens, email check frequency option -->
- <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_10min">All 10 Minutten</string>
- <!-- In Account setup options & Account Settings screens, email check frequency option -->
- <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_15min">All 15 Minutten</string>
- <!-- In Account setup options & Account Settings screens, email check frequency option -->
- <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_30min">All 30 Minutten</string>
- <!-- In Account setup options & Account Settings screens, email check frequency option -->
- <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_1hour">All Stonn</string>
- <!-- In Account setup options & Account Settings screens, check box for new-mail notification -->
- <string name="account_setup_options_notify_label">Bei neien E-Mailen notifiéieren</string>
- <!-- In Account setup options screen, optional check box to also sync contacts -->
- <string name="account_setup_options_sync_contacts_label">Kontakter fir dëse Kont synchroniséieren</string>
- <!-- In Account setup options screen, optional check box to also sync contacts -->
- <string name="account_setup_options_sync_calendar_label">Kalenner fir dëse Kont synchroniséieren</string>
- <!-- In Account setup options screen, check box to sync email -->
- <string name="account_setup_options_sync_email_label">E-Maile vun dësem Kont synchroniséieren</string>
- <!-- In Account setup options screen, check box to auto-download attachments [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="account_setup_options_background_attachments_label">Unhäng bei aktiver WLAN-Connectioun automatesch eroflueden</string>
- <!-- Dialog title when "setup" could not finish -->
- <string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_title">Konnt net ofschléissen</string>
- <!-- In Account setup options screen, label for email lookback selector -->
- <string name="account_setup_options_mail_window_label">Synchroniséier E-Maile vun:</string>
- <!-- In account setup options & account settings screens (exchange), sync window length; this
- implies loading a 'reasonable' number of messages [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="account_setup_options_mail_window_auto">Automatesch</string>
- <!-- A sync window length setting (i.e. load messages this far back) [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="account_setup_options_mail_window_1day">Leschten Dag</string>
- <!-- A sync window length setting (i.e. load messages this far back) [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="account_setup_options_mail_window_3days">Lescht dräi Deeg</string>
- <!-- A sync window length setting (i.e. load messages this far back) [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="account_setup_options_mail_window_1week">Lescht Woch</string>
- <!-- A sync window length setting (i.e. load messages this far back) [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="account_setup_options_mail_window_2weeks">Lescht zwou Wochen</string>
- <!-- A sync window length setting (i.e. load messages this far back) [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="account_setup_options_mail_window_1month">Leschte Mount</string>
- <!-- A sync window length setting (i.e. load messages this far back) [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="account_setup_options_mail_window_all">All</string>
- <!-- Per-mailbox sync window setting. This means "use the account's sync window setting" [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="account_setup_options_mail_window_default">Standardwäerter fir dëse Kont benotzen</string>
- <!-- "Setup could not finish" dialog text; e.g., Username or password incorrect -->
- <string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_auth_message">De Benotzernumm oder d\'Passwuert sinn net korrekt.</string>
- <!-- Account setup autodiscover auth failure dialog title. This is shown when autodiscover hits
- an "access denied" server error, which could imply incorrect username/password or that no
- autodiscover service has been configured for the domain [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="account_setup_autodiscover_dlg_authfail_title">Problem mat der Konfiguratioun vum Kont</string>
- <!-- Account setup autodiscover auth failure dialog message. This is shown when autodiscover hits
- an "access denied" server error, which could imply incorrect username/password or that no
- autodiscover service has been configured for the domain [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="account_setup_autodiscover_dlg_authfail_message">Bestäteg datt de Benotzernumm, d\'Passwuert an d\'Kontenastellunge korrekt sinn.</string>
- <!-- An error message presented to the user when the server's identity
- cannot be established or trusted [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_certificate_message">Ka keng sécher Connectioun mam Server hierstellen.</string>
- <!-- An error message presented to the user when the server's identity
- cannot be established or trusted [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_certificate_message_fmt">Ka keng sécher Connectioun mam Server hierstellen.\n(<xliff:g id="error">%s</xliff:g>)</string>
- <!-- An error message presented to the user when the server requires a
- client certificate to connect [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="account_setup_failed_certificate_required">E Clientszertifikat ass néideg. Wëlls du däi Clientszertifikat fir d\'Connectioun mam Server benotzen?</string>
- <!-- An error message presented to the user when the certificate they
- specified for connecting to a server is inaccessible [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="account_setup_failed_certificate_inaccessible">Den Zertifikat ass ongëlteg oder net accessibel.</string>
- <!-- Dialog text for ambiguous setup failure; server error/bad credentials [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="account_setup_failed_check_credentials_message">De Server huet mat engem Feeler geäntwert. Kontrolléier däi Benotzernumm a Passwuert, a probéier nees.</string>
- <!-- "Setup could not finish" dialog text; e.g., Cannot connect to server -->
- <string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_server_message">Kann net mam Server connectéieren.</string>
- <!-- "Setup could not finish" dialog text; e.g., Cannot connect to server\n(Connection timed out) -->
- <string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_server_message_fmt">Kann net mam Server connectéieren.\n(<xliff:g id="error">%s</xliff:g>)</string>
- <!-- Additional diagnostic text when TLS was required but the server doesn't support it -->
- <string name="account_setup_failed_tls_required">TLS ass néideg mä gëtt net vum Server ënnerstëtzt.</string>
- <!-- Additional diagnostic text when server does not support any of our authentication methods -->
- <string name="account_setup_failed_auth_required">Keng vun den Authentifizéierungsmethode gëtt vum Server ënnerstëtzt.</string>
- <!-- Additional diagnostic text when server connection failed due to security error -->
- <string name="account_setup_failed_security">Kann d\'Connectioun mam Server wéinst engem Sécherheetsfeeler net opmaachen.</string>
- <!-- Additional diagnostic text when server connection failed due to io error (connection) -->
- <string name="account_setup_failed_ioerror">Kann d\'Connectioun mam Server net opmaachen.</string>
- <!-- Additional diagnostic text when server connection failed due to our inability to support a
- required EAS protocol version [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="account_setup_failed_protocol_unsupported">Du hues eng ongëlteg Serveradress aginn, oder de Server verlaangt eng Protokollversioun déi d\'E-Mail-App net ënnerstëtzt.</string>
- <!-- Additional diagnostic text when server access was denied; the user should contact the
- administrator of the server for more information [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="account_setup_failed_access_denied">Du hues keng Berechtegung fir mat dësem Server ze synchroniséieren. Kontaktéier däi Serveradministrator fir méi Informatiounen.</string>
- <!-- Dialog title when validation requires security provisioning (e.g. support
- for device lock PIN, or remote wipe.) and we ask the user permission before continuing -->
- <string name="account_setup_security_required_title">Sécherheetsverwaltung op Distanz</string>
- <!-- Additional diagnostic text when validation requires security provisioning (e.g. support
- for device lock PIN, or remote wipe.) and we ask the user permission before continuing.
- [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="account_setup_security_policies_required_fmt">De Server <xliff:g id="server">%s</xliff:g> verlaangt datt s du him erlaabs op Distanz eng Rei Sécherheetsfunktiounen op dengem Android-Apparat ze kontrolléieren. Wëlls du dëse Kont fäerdeg astellen?</string>
- <!-- Additional diagnostic text when validation failed due to required provisioning not
- being supported [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="account_setup_failed_security_policies_unsupported">De Server verlaangt Sécherheetsfunktiounen déi däin Android-Apparat net ënnerstëtzt, dorënner: <xliff:g id="error">%s</xliff:g></string>
- <!-- Warning given to users when they request disabling device administration (i.e. that their
- administered accounts will be deleted) [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="disable_admin_warning">WARNUNG: Wann s du d\'Berechtegung vun der E-Mail-App fir d\'Verwaltung vum Apparat desaktivéiers, ginn all d\'E-Mail-Konten déi dës Berechtegung brauche geläscht - mat allen E-Mailen, Kontakter, Rendezvousen an aneren Daten.</string>
- <!-- Dialog shown when the account requires some amount of device security provisioning,
- just before jumping into system settings such as Device Policy grant, PIN/password,
- or encryption setup. [CHAR_LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="account_security_dialog_title">Sécherheetsaktualiséierung</string>
- <!-- Additional diagnostic text when the account requires some amount of device security
- provisioning, just before jumping into system settings such as Device Policy grant,
- PIN/password, or encryption setup. [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="account_security_dialog_content_fmt">De Kont <xliff:g id="account">%s</xliff:g> verlaangt datt s de deng Sécherheetsastellungen aktualiséiers.</string>
- <!-- Notification ticker when device security required (note: unused in Holo XL) -->
- <string name="security_unsupported_ticker_fmt">De Kont \"<xliff:g id="account">%s</xliff:g>\" ka wéinst Sécherheetsufuerderungen net synchroniséiert ginn.</string>
- <!-- Notification ticker when device security required (note: unused in Holo XL) -->
- <string name="security_needed_ticker_fmt">De Kont \"<xliff:g id="account">%s</xliff:g>\" verlaangt Ännerungen un de Sécherheetsastellungen.</string>
- <!-- Notification ticker when device security required (note: unused in Holo XL) -->
- <string name="security_changed_ticker_fmt">De Kont \"<xliff:g id="account">%s</xliff:g>\" huet seng Sécherheetsastellunge geännert; keng Benotzeraktioun néideg.</string>
- <!-- Notification content title when device security required [CHAR_LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="security_notification_content_update_title">Sécherheetsaktualiséierung néideg</string>
- <!-- Notification content title when device security policies have changed [CHAR_LIMIT=36] -->
- <string name="security_notification_content_change_title">D\'Sécherheetsrichtlinne goufe geännert</string>
- <!-- Notification content title when device security policies cannot be met [CHAR_LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="security_notification_content_unsupported_title">Richtlinnen net z\'erfëllen</string>
- <!-- Title of the activity that dispatches changes to device security. Not normally seen. -->
- <string name="account_security_title">Sécherheet vum Apparat</string>
- <!-- Additional diagnostic text when the email app asserts control of the phone.
- [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="account_security_policy_explanation_fmt">De Server <xliff:g id="server">%s</xliff:g> verlaangt datt s du him erlaabs op Distanz eng Rei Sécherheetsfunktiounen op dengem Android-Apparat ze kontrolléieren.</string>
- <!-- "Setup could not finish" dialog action button -->
- <string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_edit_details_action">Detailer änneren</string>
- <!-- Notification ticker when device password is getting ready to expire [CHAR_LIMIT=80] -->
- <string name="password_expire_warning_ticker_fmt">\"<xliff:g id="account">%s</xliff:g>\" verlaangt datt s du de PIN oder d\'Passwuert fir däi Spärschierm änners.</string>
- <!-- Notification content title when device password is getting ready to expire
- [CHAR_LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="password_expire_warning_content_title">D\'Spärschierm-Passwuert leeft of</string>
- <!-- Notification ticker when device password has expired [CHAR_LIMIT=80] -->
- <string name="password_expired_ticker">Däi Spärschierm-PIN oder -Passwuert ass ofgelaf.</string>
- <!-- Notification content title when device password has expired [CHAR_LIMIT=28] -->
- <string name="password_expired_content_title">Passwuert vum Spärschierm ofgelaf</string>
- <!-- Dialog title if device pin/password is going to expire soon. [CHAR_LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="password_expire_warning_dialog_title">D\'Spärschierm-Passwuert leeft of</string>
- <!-- Dialog content device pin/password is going to expire soon. [CHAR_LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="password_expire_warning_dialog_content_fmt">Du muss däi Spärschierm-PIN oder -Passwuert geschwënn änneren, oder d\'Date fir <xliff:g id="account">%s</xliff:g> gi geläscht. Wëlls du et elo änneren?</string>
- <!-- Dialog title if device pin/password has already expired. [CHAR_LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="password_expired_dialog_title">Passwuert vum Spärschierm ofgelaf</string>
- <!-- Dialog content device pin/password has already expired. [CHAR_LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="password_expired_dialog_content_fmt">D\'Date fir <xliff:g id="account">%s</xliff:g> gi vum Apparat geläscht. Du kanns s\'erëmhierstellen andeem s du däi Spärschierm-PIN oder -Passwuert änners. Wëlls du en/et elo änneren?</string>
- <!-- On AccountSettingsXL, dialog text if you try to exit in/out/eas fragment (server settings)
- without checking/saving [CHAR LIMIT=none]-->
- <string name="account_settings_exit_server_settings">Ongespäichert Ännerunge verwerfen?</string>
- <!-- On Settings screen, setting option name -->
- <!-- Title of account preference for downloading attachments in background [CHAR LIMIT=32] -->
- <string name="account_settings_background_attachments_label">Unhäng eroflueden</string>
- <!-- Summary of account preference for downloading attachments in background [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
- <string name="account_settings_background_attachments_summary">Unhäng fir rezent Messagë bei aktiver WLAN-Connectioun automatesch eroflueden</string>
- <string name="account_settings_notify_label">E-Mail-Notifikatiounen</string>
- <!-- On Settings screen, summary line when called via AccountManager for Exchange accounts
- [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="account_settings_summary">Synchroniséierungsfrequenz, Notifikatiounen, etc.</string>
- <!-- On Settings screen, setting summary text -->
- <string name="account_settings_notify_summary">Eng Notifikatioun schécke wann E-Mailen ukommen</string>
- <!-- On Settings screen, setting option name and title of dialog box that opens -->
- <string name="account_settings_mail_check_frequency_label">Sync-Frequenz</string>
- <!-- On Settings screen, setting option name -->
- <string name="account_settings_incoming_label">Erakommend Astellungen</string>
- <!-- On Settings screen, setting option summary [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
- <string name="account_settings_incoming_summary">Benotzernumm, Passwuert an aner erakommend Serverastellungen</string>
- <!-- On Settings screen, setting option name -->
- <string name="account_settings_outgoing_label">Erausgoend Astellungen</string>
- <!-- On Settings screen, setting option summary [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
- <string name="account_settings_outgoing_summary">Benotzernumm, Passwuert an aner erausgoend Serverastellungen</string>
- <!-- On Settings screen, setting option name -->
- <string name="account_settings_enforced_label">Richtlinnen erzwongen</string>
- <!-- On Settings screen, setting option summary [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
- <string name="account_settings_enforced_summary">Keen</string>
- <!-- On Settings screen, setting option name -->
- <string name="account_settings_unsupported_label">Net ënnerstëtzt Richtlinnen</string>
- <!-- On Settings screen, setting option summary [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
- <string name="account_settings_unsupported_summary">Keen</string>
- <!-- On Settings screen, label for button that attempts to sync the account -->
- <string name="account_settings_retry_label">Sync versichen</string>
- <!-- On Settings screen, summmary for button that attempts to sync an account [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
- <string name="account_settings_retry_summary">Hei drécke fir de Kont ze synchroniséieren</string>
- <!-- On Settings screen, setting option name -->
- <string name="account_settings_description_label">Kontennumm</string>
- <!-- On Settings screen, setting option name -->
- <string name="account_settings_name_label">Däin Numm</string>
- <!-- On Settings screen, setting option name. Allows user to modify saved quick responses
- for insertion in message body. [CHAR_LIMIT=24]-->
- <string name="account_settings_edit_quick_responses_label">Séier Äntwerten</string>
- <!-- On Settings screen, setting option summary [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
- <string name="account_settings_edit_quick_responses_summary">Text änneren deen s de beim Schreiwen dacks an E-Mailen asetz</string>
- <!-- On Settings screen, section heading -->
- <string name="account_settings_notifications">Notifikatiounsastellungen</string>
- <!-- On Settings screen, section heading for data usage [CHAR LIMIT=70] -->
- <string name="account_settings_data_usage">Dateverbrauch</string>
- <!-- On Settings screen, section heading -->
- <string name="account_settings_policies">Sécherheetsrichtlinnen</string>
- <string name="system_folders_title">Systemdossieren</string>
- <string name="system_folders_trash_title">Poubellesdossier</string>
- <string name="system_folders_trash_summary">Wiel de Poubellesdossier vun dengem Server aus</string>
- <string name="system_folders_trash_dlg">Wiel de Poubellesdossier vun dengem Server aus</string>
- <string name="system_folders_sent_title">Dossier \"Verschéckt Elementer\"</string>
- <string name="system_folders_sent_summary">Dossier \"Verschéckt Elementer\" vum Server auswielen</string>
- <string name="system_folders_sent_dlg">Dossier \"Verschéckt Elementer\" vum Server auswielen</string>
- <!-- On settings screen, dialog heading informing user to create or edit a quick response -->
- <string name="edit_quick_response_dialog">Séier Äntwert</string>
- <!-- On settings screen, edit quick response dialog's "save" button -->
- <string name="save_action">Späicheren</string>
- <!-- On settings screen, sync contacts check box label [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
- <string name="account_settings_sync_contacts_enable">Kontakter synchroniséieren</string>
- <!-- On settings screen, sync contacts summary text [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
- <string name="account_settings_sync_contacts_summary">Kontakter fir dëse Kont synchroniséieren</string>
- <!-- On settings screen, sync calendar check box label [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
- <string name="account_settings_sync_calendar_enable">Kalenner synchroniséieren</string>
- <!-- On settings screen, sync calendar summary text [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="account_settings_sync_calendar_summary">Kalenner-Rendezvouse fir dëse Kont synchroniséieren</string>
- <!-- On settings screen, sync email check box label [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
- <string name="account_settings_sync_email_enable">E-Mail synchroniséieren</string>
- <!-- On settings screen, sync email summary text [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
- <string name="account_settings_sync_email_summary">E-Maile vum Kont synchroniséieren</string>
- <!-- On Settings screen, vibrate pop-up menu label -->
- <string name="label_notification_vibrate_title">Vibréieren</string>
- <!-- On Settings screen, setting option name -->
- <string name="account_settings_ringtone">Schelltoun auswielen</string>
- <!-- On Settings screen, section heading -->
- <string name="account_settings_servers">Serverastellungen</string>
- <!-- Mailbox settings activity title [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="mailbox_settings_activity_title">Sync-Optiounen</string>
- <!-- Mailbox settings activity title, with the target folder name [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="mailbox_settings_activity_title_with_mailbox">Synchroniséierungsoptiounen (<xliff:g id="mailboxx_name" example="Family">%s</xliff:g>)</string>
- <!-- On mailbox settings screen: Whether to sync this mailbox when the account syncs. -->
- <string name="mailbox_settings_sync_enabled_label">Dësen Dossier synchroniséieren</string>
- <!-- On mailbox settings screen: Explanatory text for what it means to "sync this folder". -->
- <string name="mailbox_settings_sync_enabled_summary">Bei enger aktiver Connectioun ginn d\'Messagen erofgelueden</string>
- <!-- On mailbox settings screen: Mailbox sync window (the number of days to synchronize email for) setting label [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="mailbox_settings_mailbox_sync_window_label">Deeg fir déi synchroniséiert soll ginn</string>
- <!-- Message that appears when adding a T-Online account -->
- <string name="provider_note_t_online">Stell op der T-Online-Internetsäit e Passwuert fir POP3-Zougank an, ier s de den E-Mail-Kont erstells.</string>
- <!-- Short name of Microsoft Exchange account type; used by AccountManager -->
- <!-- Long name of Microsoft Exchange account type; used by AccountManager -->
- <string name="exchange_name_alternate">Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync</string>
- <!-- Message that appears if the AccountManager cannot create the system Account -->
- <string name="system_account_create_failed">Konnt de Kont net erstellen. Probéier nees.</string>
- <!-- Strings that support the DeviceAdmin / DevicePolicyManager API -->
- <!-- Name of the DeviceAdmin (seen in settings & in user confirmation screen) -->
- <string name="device_admin_label">E-Mail</string>
- <!-- Long-form description of the DeviceAdmin (2nd line in settings & in user conf. screen) -->
- <string name="device_admin_description">Aktivéiert serverspezifesch Sécherheetsrichtlinnen</string>
- <!-- A policy disallowing the user of the device's camera [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="policy_dont_allow_camera">D\'Benotzung vun der Kamera net erlaben</string>
- <!-- A policy requiring a device lock screen password [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="policy_require_password">Passwuert vum Apparat erfuerderlech</string>
- <!-- A policy disallowing the reuse of recent passwords [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="policy_password_history">Asaz vun de leschte Passwierder aschränken</string>
- <!-- A policy that forces a password to expire after a set period of time [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="policy_password_expiration">Oflaf vun de Passwierder erfuerderlech</string>
- <!-- A policy requiring a maximum amount of time the device can sit idle before the lock screen
- is activated [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="policy_screen_timeout">Schiermspär bei inaktivem Apparat </string>
- <!-- A policy limiting the number of old calendar events synced [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="policy_calendar_age">D\'Rendezvouse limitéieren déi synchroniséiert ginn</string>
- <!-- A policy limiting the number of emails synced [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="policy_email_age">D\'Emaile limitéieren déi synchroniséiert ginn</string>
- <!-- The four strings below represent "quick responses" which the user can insert into a
- message being composed with just a couple of taps. These four responses MUST be defined,
- but need not include a string (i.e. they are optional). Further, the responses can be
- customized as necessary by the translator, in case one or more of these is inappropriate in
- a particular locale or if there are better options available. -->
- <!-- A "quick response", i.e. a quick reply to a received mail [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="quick_1">Merci!</string>
- <!-- A "quick response", i.e. a quick reply to a received mail [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="quick_2">Kléngt gutt fir mech!</string>
- <!-- A "quick response", i.e. a quick reply to a received mail [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="quick_3">Ech liesen dat méi spéit a kommen op dech zréck.</string>
- <!-- A "quick response", i.e. a quick reply to a received mail [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="quick_4">Looss eis e Rendezvous festleeë fir dat ze diskutéieren.</string>
- <!-- This is shown when a user responds to a meeting invitation [CHAR LIMIT=none]-->
- <string name="confirm_response">Äntwert gëtt geschéckt&#8230;</string>
- <!-- Used by AccountManager -->
- <!-- Account type name as used by AccountManager UI (IMAP is not translatable) [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="imap_name">Privat (IMAP)</string>
- <!-- Account type name as used by AccountManager UI (POP3 is not translatable) [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="pop3_name">Privat (POP3)</string>
- <!-- Displayed when the user must pick his server's trash folder from a list [CHAR LIMIT 30]-->
- <string name="trash_folder_selection_title">Wiel de Poubellesdossier fir <xliff:g id="account">%s</xliff:g> aus</string>
- <!-- Displayed when the user must pick his server's sent items folder from a list [CHAR LIMIT 30]-->
- <string name="sent_folder_selection_title">Dossier \"Verschéckt Elementer\" vum Server fir <xliff:g id="ACCOUNT">%s</xliff:g> auswielen</string>
- <string name="account_waiting_for_folders_msg">D\'Lëscht vun den Dossiere gëtt gelueden&#8230;</string>
- <!-- Feedback uri to be used when feedback is enabled -->
- <!-- Content Provider Authority for Eml Attachments -->
- <!-- Provider name for widgets -->
- <!-- This message indicates no quick responses exist to choose from -->
- <string name="no_quick_responses">Keng disponibel</string>
- <!-- Activity name of the compose activity that should be reconciled -->
- <!-- Gmail name for redirecting during account setup -->
- <string name="gmail_name">Gmail</string>
- <!-- Name for preference entry which leads to the per-folder sync settings activity -->
- <string name="folder_sync_settings_pref_title">Synchroniséierungsastellunge vum Dossier</string>
- <!-- In Account setup options & Account Settings screens, Email sync size option. -->
- <!--Delete email account -->
- <!-- Customize Email account's signature -->
- <!-- string to show Email signature with brand -->
+ <string name="permission_read_attachment_label">E-Mail-Unhäng liesen</string>
+ <string name="permission_read_attachment_desc">Erlaabt der App, E-Mail-Unhäng ze liesen.</string>
+ <string name="permission_access_provider_label">Op Date vum E-Mail-Provider zougräifen</string>
+ <string name="permission_access_provider_desc">Erlaabt der App, op deng E-Mail-Datebank zouzegräifen, inklusiv empfaange Messagen, geschéckt Messagen, Benotzernimm a Passwierder.</string>
+ <string name="app_name">E-Mail</string>
+ <string name="create_action">Nei erstellen</string>
+ <string name="quick_responses_empty_view">Keng séier Äntwerten.</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_action">Kontenastellungen</string>
+ <string name="mailbox_name_display_inbox">Agank</string>
+ <string name="mailbox_name_display_outbox">Ausgank</string>
+ <string name="mailbox_name_display_drafts">Brouillonen</string>
+ <string name="mailbox_name_display_trash">Poubelle</string>
+ <string name="mailbox_name_display_sent">Geschéckt</string>
+ <string name="mailbox_name_display_junk">Knascht</string>
+ <string name="mailbox_name_display_starred">Markéiert</string>
+ <string name="mailbox_name_display_unread">Ongelies</string>
+ <string name="debug_title">Debuggen</string>
+ <string name="mailbox_list_account_selector_combined_view">Kombinéiert Usiicht</string>
+ <string name="message_compose_fwd_header_fmt">\n\n-------- Original-Message --------\nSujet: <xliff:g id="subject">%1$s</xliff:g>\nVun: <xliff:g id="sender">%2$s</xliff:g>\nUn: <xliff:g id="to">%3$s</xliff:g>\nCC: <xliff:g id="cc">%4$s</xliff:g>\n\n</string>
+ <string name="message_compose_insert_quick_response_list_title">Séier Äntwert asetzen</string>
+ <string name="message_compose_insert_quick_response_menu_title">Séier Äntwert asetzen</string>
+ <string name="message_view_attachment_background_load">Een oder méi Unhäng an dengem weidergeleete Message gi virum Verschécken erofgelueden.</string>
+ <string name="message_decode_error">Et gouf e Feeler beim decodéiere vum Message.</string>
+ <string name="forward_download_failed_ticker">Kann een oder méi Unhäng net weiderleeden.</string>
+ <string name="forward_download_failed_title">Unhang net weidergeleet</string>
+ <string name="login_failed_ticker">Alogge mat <xliff:g id="account_name">%s</xliff:g> feelgeschloen.</string>
+ <string name="login_failed_title">Alogge war net méiglech</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_basics_title">Kontenariichtung</string>
+ <string name="oauth_authentication_title">Autoriséierung gëtt ugefrot</string>
+ <string name="sign_in_title">Aloggen</string>
+ <string name="oauth_error_description">Kann net authentifizéieren</string>
+ <string name="password_warning_label">E-Mail-Adress oder Passwuert sinn inkorrekt</string>
+ <string name="email_confirmation_label">E-Mail-Adress:</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_basics_headline">E-Mail-Kont</string>
+ <string name="accounts_welcome">Du kanns däi Kont a just e puer Schrëtter astellen.</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_basics_email_label">E-Mail-Adress</string>
+ <string name="or_label">ODER</string>
+ <string name="sign_in_with_google">Mat Google aloggen</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_basics_password_label">PASSWUERT</string>
+ <string name="password_hint">Passwuert</string>
+ <string name="signed_in_with_service_label">Ageloggt mat %s</string>
+ <string name="authentication_label">AUTHENTIFIZÉIERUNG</string>
+ <string name="add_authentication_label">Authentifizéierung dobäisetzen</string>
+ <string name="clear_authentication_label">Authentifizéierung ewechhuelen</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_basics_manual_setup_action">Manuell Konfiguratioun</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_username_password_toast">Gëff eng gëlteg E-Mail-Adress an e gëltegt Passwuert an.</string>
+ <string name="account_duplicate_dlg_title">Kont duplizéieren</string>
+ <string name="account_duplicate_dlg_message_fmt">Du benotz dëse Benotzernumm scho fir de Kont \"<xliff:g id="duplicate">%s</xliff:g>\".</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_check_settings_retr_info_msg">Kontendate ginn ausgelies\u2026</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_check_settings_check_incoming_msg">D\'Serverastellunge gi validéiert\u2026</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_check_settings_check_outgoing_msg">D\'SMTP-Astellunge gi validéiert\u2026</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_creating_account_msg">Kont gëtt erstallt\u2026</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_ab_headline">Kontentyp bestätegen</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_ab_instructions_format">Du hues uginn datt <xliff:g id="email">%1$s</xliff:g> <xliff:g id="userProtocol">%2$s</xliff:g> benotzt, mä de Kont kéint <xliff:g id="providerProtocol">%3$s</xliff:g> benotzen</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_names_headline">Däi Kont ass konfiguréiert an d\'Emaile sinn ënnerwee!</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_names_account_name_label">Gëff dësem Kont en Numm (optional)</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_names_user_name_label">Däin Numm (gëtt op erausgoend Messagen ugewisen)</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_account_type_headline">Kontentyp</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_account_type_instructions">Ëm wéi en Typ Kont handelt et sech?</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_incoming_headline">Astellunge fir den erakommende Server</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_incoming_username_label">BENOTZERNUMM</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_incoming_password_label">PASSWUERT</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_password_subheading">Passwuert</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_incoming_server_label">SERVER</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_incoming_port_label">PORT</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_incoming_security_label">SÉCHERHEETSTYP</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_incoming_security_none_label">Keen</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_incoming_security_ssl_trust_certificates_label"> SSL/TLS (All Zertifikater acceptéieren)</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_incoming_security_ssl_label">SSL/TLS</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_incoming_security_tls_trust_certificates_label"> STARTTLS (all Zertifikater acceptéieren)</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_incoming_security_tls_label">STARTTLS</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_incoming_delete_policy_label">E-Mail vum Server läschen</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_incoming_delete_policy_never_label">Ni</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_incoming_delete_policy_delete_label">Wann ech aus dem Agank läschen</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_incoming_imap_path_prefix_label">Prefix vum IMAP-Path</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_incoming_imap_path_prefix_hint">Optional</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_outgoing_headline">Astellunge fir den erausgoende Server</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_outgoing_smtp_server_label">SMTP-SERVER</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_outgoing_port_label">PORT</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_outgoing_security_label">SÉCHERHEETSTYP</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_outgoing_require_login_label">Alogge verlaangen</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_outgoing_username_label">BENOTZERNUMM</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_exchange_certificate_title">CLIENT-ZERTIFIKAT</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_exchange_select_certificate">Auswielen</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_exchange_use_certificate">Clientszertifikat benotzen</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_exchange_remove_certificate">Ewechhuelen</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_exchange_no_certificate">Keen</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_exchange_device_id_label">ID VUM MOBILEN APPARAT</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_options_headline">Kontenoptiounen</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_label">Sync-Frequenz:</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_never">Ni</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_push">Automatesch (Push)</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_5min">All 5 Minutten</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_10min">All 10 Minutten</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_15min">All 15 Minutten</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_30min">All 30 Minutten</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_1hour">All Stonn</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_options_notify_label">Bei neien E-Mailen notifiéieren</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_options_sync_contacts_label">Kontakter fir dëse Kont synchroniséieren</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_options_sync_calendar_label">Kalenner fir dëse Kont synchroniséieren</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_options_sync_email_label">E-Maile vun dësem Kont synchroniséieren</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_options_background_attachments_label">Unhäng bei aktiver WLAN-Connectioun automatesch eroflueden</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_title">Konnt net ofschléissen</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_options_mail_window_label">Synchroniséier E-Maile vun:</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_options_mail_window_auto">Automatesch</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_options_mail_window_1day">Leschten Dag</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_options_mail_window_3days">Lescht dräi Deeg</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_options_mail_window_1week">Lescht Woch</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_options_mail_window_2weeks">Lescht zwou Wochen</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_options_mail_window_1month">Leschte Mount</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_options_mail_window_all">All</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_options_mail_window_default">Standardwäerter fir dëse Kont benotzen</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_auth_message">De Benotzernumm oder d\'Passwuert sinn net korrekt.</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_autodiscover_dlg_authfail_title">Problem mat der Konfiguratioun vum Kont</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_autodiscover_dlg_authfail_message">Bestäteg datt de Benotzernumm, d\'Passwuert an d\'Kontenastellunge korrekt sinn.</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_certificate_message">Ka keng sécher Connectioun mam Server hierstellen.</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_certificate_message_fmt">Ka keng sécher Connectioun mam Server hierstellen.\n(<xliff:g id="error">%s</xliff:g>)</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_failed_certificate_required">E Clientszertifikat ass néideg. Wëlls du däi Clientszertifikat fir d\'Connectioun mam Server benotzen?</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_failed_certificate_inaccessible">Den Zertifikat ass ongëlteg oder net accessibel.</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_failed_check_credentials_message">De Server huet mat engem Feeler geäntwert. Kontrolléier däi Benotzernumm a Passwuert, a probéier nees.</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_server_message">Kann net mam Server connectéieren.</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_server_message_fmt">Kann net mam Server connectéieren.\n(<xliff:g id="error">%s</xliff:g>)</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_failed_tls_required">TLS ass néideg mä gëtt net vum Server ënnerstëtzt.</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_failed_auth_required">Keng vun den Authentifizéierungsmethode gëtt vum Server ënnerstëtzt.</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_failed_security">Kann d\'Connectioun mam Server wéinst engem Sécherheetsfeeler net opmaachen.</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_failed_ioerror">Kann d\'Connectioun mam Server net opmaachen.</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_failed_protocol_unsupported">Du hues eng ongëlteg Serveradress aginn, oder de Server verlaangt eng Protokollversioun déi d\'E-Mail-App net ënnerstëtzt.</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_failed_access_denied">Du hues keng Berechtegung fir mat dësem Server ze synchroniséieren. Kontaktéier däi Serveradministrator fir méi Informatiounen.</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_security_required_title">Sécherheetsverwaltung op Distanz</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_security_policies_required_fmt">De Server <xliff:g id="server">%s</xliff:g> verlaangt datt s du him erlaabs op Distanz eng Rei Sécherheetsfunktiounen op dengem Android-Apparat ze kontrolléieren. Wëlls du dëse Kont fäerdeg astellen?</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_failed_security_policies_unsupported">De Server verlaangt Sécherheetsfunktiounen déi däin Android-Apparat net ënnerstëtzt, dorënner: <xliff:g id="error">%s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="disable_admin_warning">WARNUNG: Wann s du d\'Berechtegung vun der E-Mail-App fir d\'Verwaltung vum Apparat desaktivéiers, ginn all d\'E-Mail-Konten déi dës Berechtegung brauche geläscht - mat allen E-Mailen, Kontakter, Rendezvousen an aneren Daten.</string>
+ <string name="account_security_dialog_title">Sécherheetsaktualiséierung</string>
+ <string name="account_security_dialog_content_fmt">De Kont <xliff:g id="account">%s</xliff:g> verlaangt datt s de deng Sécherheetsastellungen aktualiséiers.</string>
+ <string name="security_unsupported_ticker_fmt">De Kont \"<xliff:g id="account">%s</xliff:g>\" ka wéinst Sécherheetsufuerderungen net synchroniséiert ginn.</string>
+ <string name="security_needed_ticker_fmt">De Kont \"<xliff:g id="account">%s</xliff:g>\" verlaangt Ännerungen un de Sécherheetsastellungen.</string>
+ <string name="security_changed_ticker_fmt">De Kont \"<xliff:g id="account">%s</xliff:g>\" huet seng Sécherheetsastellunge geännert; keng Benotzeraktioun néideg.</string>
+ <string name="security_notification_content_update_title">Sécherheetsaktualiséierung néideg</string>
+ <string name="security_notification_content_change_title">D\'Sécherheetsrichtlinne goufe geännert</string>
+ <string name="security_notification_content_unsupported_title">Richtlinnen net z\'erfëllen</string>
+ <string name="account_security_title">Sécherheet vum Apparat</string>
+ <string name="account_security_policy_explanation_fmt">De Server <xliff:g id="server">%s</xliff:g> verlaangt datt s du him erlaabs op Distanz eng Rei Sécherheetsfunktiounen op dengem Android-Apparat ze kontrolléieren.</string>
+ <string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_edit_details_action">Detailer änneren</string>
+ <string name="password_expire_warning_ticker_fmt">\"<xliff:g id="account">%s</xliff:g>\" verlaangt datt s du de PIN oder d\'Passwuert fir däi Spärschierm änners.</string>
+ <string name="password_expire_warning_content_title">D\'Spärschierm-Passwuert leeft of</string>
+ <string name="password_expired_ticker">Däi Spärschierm-PIN oder -Passwuert ass ofgelaf.</string>
+ <string name="password_expired_content_title">Passwuert vum Spärschierm ofgelaf</string>
+ <string name="password_expire_warning_dialog_title">D\'Spärschierm-Passwuert leeft of</string>
+ <string name="password_expire_warning_dialog_content_fmt">Du muss däi Spärschierm-PIN oder -Passwuert geschwënn änneren, oder d\'Date fir <xliff:g id="account">%s</xliff:g> gi geläscht. Wëlls du et elo änneren?</string>
+ <string name="password_expired_dialog_title">Passwuert vum Spärschierm ofgelaf</string>
+ <string name="password_expired_dialog_content_fmt">D\'Date fir <xliff:g id="account">%s</xliff:g> gi vum Apparat geläscht. Du kanns s\'erëmhierstellen andeem s du däi Spärschierm-PIN oder -Passwuert änners. Wëlls du en/et elo änneren?</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_exit_server_settings">Ongespäichert Ännerunge verwerfen?</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_background_attachments_label">Unhäng eroflueden</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_background_attachments_summary">Unhäng fir rezent Messagë bei aktiver WLAN-Connectioun automatesch eroflueden</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_notify_label">E-Mail-Notifikatiounen</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_summary">Synchroniséierungsfrequenz, Notifikatiounen, etc.</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_notify_summary">Eng Notifikatioun schécke wann E-Mailen ukommen</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_mail_check_frequency_label">Sync-Frequenz</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_incoming_label">Erakommend Astellungen</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_incoming_summary">Benotzernumm, Passwuert an aner erakommend Serverastellungen</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_outgoing_label">Erausgoend Astellungen</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_outgoing_summary">Benotzernumm, Passwuert an aner erausgoend Serverastellungen</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_enforced_label">Richtlinnen erzwongen</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_enforced_summary">Keen</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_unsupported_label">Net ënnerstëtzt Richtlinnen</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_unsupported_summary">Keen</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_retry_label">Sync versichen</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_retry_summary">Hei drécke fir de Kont ze synchroniséieren</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_description_label">Kontennumm</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_name_label">Däin Numm</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_edit_quick_responses_label">Séier Äntwerten</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_edit_quick_responses_summary">Text änneren deen s de beim Schreiwen dacks an E-Mailen asetz</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_notifications">Notifikatiounsastellungen</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_data_usage">Dateverbrauch</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_policies">Sécherheetsrichtlinnen</string>
+ <string name="system_folders_title">Systemdossieren</string>
+ <string name="system_folders_trash_title">Poubellesdossier</string>
+ <string name="system_folders_trash_summary">Wiel de Poubellesdossier vun dengem Server aus</string>
+ <string name="system_folders_trash_dlg">Wiel de Poubellesdossier vun dengem Server aus</string>
+ <string name="system_folders_sent_title">Dossier \"Verschéckt Elementer\"</string>
+ <string name="system_folders_sent_summary">Dossier \"Verschéckt Elementer\" vum Server auswielen</string>
+ <string name="system_folders_sent_dlg">Dossier \"Verschéckt Elementer\" vum Server auswielen</string>
+ <string name="edit_quick_response_dialog">Séier Äntwert</string>
+ <string name="save_action">Späicheren</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_sync_contacts_enable">Kontakter synchroniséieren</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_sync_contacts_summary">Kontakter fir dëse Kont synchroniséieren</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_sync_calendar_enable">Kalenner synchroniséieren</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_sync_calendar_summary">Kalenner-Rendezvouse fir dëse Kont synchroniséieren</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_sync_email_enable">E-Mail synchroniséieren</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_sync_email_summary">E-Maile vum Kont synchroniséieren</string>
+ <string name="label_notification_vibrate_title">Vibréieren</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_ringtone">Schelltoun auswielen</string>
+ <string name="account_settings_servers">Serverastellungen</string>
+ <string name="mailbox_settings_activity_title">Sync-Optiounen</string>
+ <string name="mailbox_settings_activity_title_with_mailbox">Synchroniséierungsoptiounen (<xliff:g id="mailboxx_name" example="Family">%s</xliff:g>)</string>
+ <string name="mailbox_settings_sync_enabled_label">Dësen Dossier synchroniséieren</string>
+ <string name="mailbox_settings_sync_enabled_summary">Bei enger aktiver Connectioun ginn d\'Messagen erofgelueden</string>
+ <string name="mailbox_settings_mailbox_sync_window_label">Deeg fir déi synchroniséiert soll ginn</string>
+ <string name="provider_note_t_online">Stell op der T-Online-Internetsäit e Passwuert fir POP3-Zougank an, ier s de den E-Mail-Kont erstells.</string>
+ <string name="exchange_name_alternate">Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync</string>
+ <string name="system_account_create_failed">Konnt de Kont net erstellen. Probéier nees.</string>
+ <string name="device_admin_label">E-Mail</string>
+ <string name="device_admin_description">Aktivéiert serverspezifesch Sécherheetsrichtlinnen</string>
+ <string name="policy_dont_allow_camera">D\'Benotzung vun der Kamera net erlaben</string>
+ <string name="policy_require_password">Passwuert vum Apparat erfuerderlech</string>
+ <string name="policy_password_history">Asaz vun de leschte Passwierder aschränken</string>
+ <string name="policy_password_expiration">Oflaf vun de Passwierder erfuerderlech</string>
+ <string name="policy_screen_timeout">Schiermspär bei inaktivem Apparat </string>
+ <string name="policy_calendar_age">D\'Rendezvouse limitéieren déi synchroniséiert ginn</string>
+ <string name="policy_email_age">D\'Emaile limitéieren déi synchroniséiert ginn</string>
+ <string name="quick_1">Merci!</string>
+ <string name="quick_2">Kléngt gutt fir mech!</string>
+ <string name="quick_3">Ech liesen dat méi spéit a kommen op dech zréck.</string>
+ <string name="quick_4">Looss eis e Rendezvous festleeë fir dat ze diskutéieren.</string>
+ <string name="confirm_response">Äntwert gëtt geschéckt…</string>
+ <string name="imap_name">Privat (IMAP)</string>
+ <string name="pop3_name">Privat (POP3)</string>
+ <string name="trash_folder_selection_title">Wiel de Poubellesdossier fir <xliff:g id="account">%s</xliff:g> aus</string>
+ <string name="sent_folder_selection_title">Dossier \"Verschéckt Elementer\" vum Server fir <xliff:g id="ACCOUNT">%s</xliff:g> auswielen</string>
+ <string name="account_waiting_for_folders_msg">D\'Lëscht vun den Dossiere gëtt gelueden…</string>
+ <string name="no_quick_responses">Keng disponibel</string>
+ <string name="gmail_name">Gmail</string>
+ <string name="folder_sync_settings_pref_title">Synchroniséierungsastellunge vum Dossier</string>