/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.dialer.calllog; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.provider.CallLog.Calls; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import com.android.contacts.common.CallUtil; import com.android.dialer.PhoneCallDetails; import com.android.dialer.PhoneCallDetailsHelper; import com.android.dialer.R; /** * Helper class to fill in the views of a call log entry. */ /* package */class CallLogListItemHelper { private static final String TAG = "CallLogListItemHelper"; /** Helper for populating the details of a phone call. */ private final PhoneCallDetailsHelper mPhoneCallDetailsHelper; /** Helper for handling phone numbers. */ private final PhoneNumberDisplayHelper mPhoneNumberHelper; /** Resources to look up strings. */ private final Resources mResources; /** * Creates a new helper instance. * * @param phoneCallDetailsHelper used to set the details of a phone call * @param phoneNumberHelper used to process phone number */ public CallLogListItemHelper(PhoneCallDetailsHelper phoneCallDetailsHelper, PhoneNumberDisplayHelper phoneNumberHelper, Resources resources) { mPhoneCallDetailsHelper = phoneCallDetailsHelper; mPhoneNumberHelper = phoneNumberHelper; mResources = resources; } /** * Sets the name, label, and number for a contact. * * @param context The application context. * @param views the views to populate * @param details the details of a phone call needed to fill in the data */ public void setPhoneCallDetails( Context context, CallLogListItemViews views, PhoneCallDetails details) { mPhoneCallDetailsHelper.setPhoneCallDetails(views.phoneCallDetailsViews, details); // Set the accessibility text for the contact badge views.quickContactView.setContentDescription(getContactBadgeDescription(details)); // Set the primary action accessibility description views.primaryActionView.setContentDescription(getCallDescription(context, details)); // Cache name or number of caller. Used when setting the content descriptions of buttons // when the actions ViewStub is inflated. views.nameOrNumber = this.getNameOrNumber(details); } /** * Sets the accessibility descriptions for the action buttons in the action button ViewStub. * * @param views The views associated with the current call log entry. */ public void setActionContentDescriptions(CallLogListItemViews views) { if (views.nameOrNumber == null) { Log.e(TAG, "setActionContentDescriptions; name or number is null."); } // Calling expandTemplate with a null parameter will cause a NullPointerException. // Although we don't expect a null name or number, it is best to protect against it. CharSequence nameOrNumber = views.nameOrNumber == null ? "" : views.nameOrNumber; views.callBackButtonView.setContentDescription( mResources.getString(R.string.description_call_back_action, nameOrNumber)); views.videoCallButtonView.setContentDescription( mResources.getString(R.string.description_video_call_action, nameOrNumber)); views.voicemailButtonView.setContentDescription( mResources.getString(R.string.description_voicemail_action, nameOrNumber)); views.detailsButtonView.setContentDescription( mResources.getString(R.string.description_details_action, nameOrNumber)); } /** * Returns the accessibility description for the contact badge for a call log entry. * * @param details Details of call. * @return Accessibility description. */ private CharSequence getContactBadgeDescription(PhoneCallDetails details) { return mResources.getString(R.string.description_contact_details, getNameOrNumber(details)); } /** * Returns the accessibility description of the "return call/call" action for a call log * entry. * Accessibility text is a combination of: * {Voicemail Prefix}. {Number of Calls}. {Caller information}. * If most recent call is a voicemail, {Voicemail Prefix} is "New Voicemail.", otherwise "". * * If more than one call for the caller, {Number of Calls} is: * "{number of calls} calls.", otherwise "". * * The {Caller Information} references the most recent call associated with the caller. * For incoming calls: * If missed call: Missed call from {Name/Number} {Call Type} {Call Time}. * If answered call: Answered call from {Name/Number} {Call Type} {Call Time}. * * For outgoing calls: * If outgoing: Call to {Name/Number] {Call Type} {Call Time}. * * Where: * {Name/Number} is the name or number of the caller (as shown in call log). * {Call type} is the contact phone number type (eg mobile) or location. * {Call Time} is the time since the last call for the contact occurred. * * Examples: * 3 calls. New Voicemail. Missed call from Joe Smith mobile 2 hours ago. * 2 calls. Answered call from John Doe mobile. Last called 1 hour ago. * * @param context The application context. * @param details Details of call. * @return Return call action description. */ public CharSequence getCallDescription(Context context, PhoneCallDetails details) { int lastCallType = getLastCallType(details.callTypes); boolean isVoiceMail = lastCallType == Calls.VOICEMAIL_TYPE; // Get the name or number of the caller. final CharSequence nameOrNumber = getNameOrNumber(details); // Get the call type or location of the caller; null if not applicable final CharSequence typeOrLocation = mPhoneCallDetailsHelper.getCallTypeOrLocation(details); // Get the time/date of the call final CharSequence timeOfCall = mPhoneCallDetailsHelper.getCallDate(details); StringBuilder callDescription = new StringBuilder(); // Prepend the voicemail indication. if (isVoiceMail) { callDescription.append(mResources.getString(R.string.description_new_voicemail)); } // Add number of calls if more than one. if (details.callTypes.length > 1) { callDescription.append(mResources.getString(R.string.description_num_calls, details.callTypes.length)); } // If call had video capabilities, add the "Video Call" string. if ((details.features & Calls.FEATURES_VIDEO) == Calls.FEATURES_VIDEO && CallUtil.isVideoEnabled(context)) { callDescription.append(mResources.getString(R.string.description_video_call)); } int stringID = getCallDescriptionStringID(details); // Use chosen string resource to build up the message. callDescription.append(mResources.getString(stringID, nameOrNumber, // If no type or location can be determined, sub in empty string. typeOrLocation == null ? "" : typeOrLocation, timeOfCall)); return callDescription; } /** * Determine the appropriate string ID to describe a call for accessibility purposes. * * @param details Call details. * @return String resource ID to use. */ public int getCallDescriptionStringID(PhoneCallDetails details) { int lastCallType = getLastCallType(details.callTypes); int stringID; if (lastCallType == Calls.VOICEMAIL_TYPE || lastCallType == Calls.MISSED_TYPE) { //Message: Missed call from , , . stringID = R.string.description_incoming_missed_call; } else if (lastCallType == Calls.INCOMING_TYPE) { //Message: Answered call from , , . stringID = R.string.description_incoming_answered_call; } else { //Message: Call to , , . stringID = R.string.description_outgoing_call; } return stringID; } /** * Determine the call type for the most recent call. * @param callTypes Call types to check. * @return Call type. */ private int getLastCallType(int[] callTypes) { if (callTypes.length > 0) { return callTypes[0]; } else { return Calls.MISSED_TYPE; } } /** * Return the name or number of the caller specified by the details. * @param details Call details * @return the name (if known) of the caller, otherwise the formatted number. */ private CharSequence getNameOrNumber(PhoneCallDetails details) { final CharSequence recipient; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(details.name)) { recipient = details.name; } else { recipient = mPhoneNumberHelper.getDisplayNumber(details.accountId, details.number, details.numberPresentation, details.formattedNumber); } return recipient; } }