/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.dialer.calllog; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.database.Cursor; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.provider.CallLog.Calls; import android.provider.ContactsContract.PhoneLookup; import android.telecomm.PhoneAccount; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewStub; import android.view.ViewTreeObserver; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.TextView; import com.android.common.widget.GroupingListAdapter; import com.android.contacts.common.ContactPhotoManager; import com.android.contacts.common.ContactPhotoManager.DefaultImageRequest; import com.android.contacts.common.util.UriUtils; import com.android.dialer.PhoneCallDetails; import com.android.dialer.PhoneCallDetailsHelper; import com.android.dialer.R; import com.android.dialer.util.DialerUtils; import com.android.dialer.util.ExpirableCache; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.Objects; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; /** * Adapter class to fill in data for the Call Log. */ public class CallLogAdapter extends GroupingListAdapter implements ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener, CallLogGroupBuilder.GroupCreator { /** The enumeration of {@link android.os.AsyncTask} objects used in this class. */ public enum Tasks { REMOVE_CALL_LOG_ENTRIES, } /** Interface used to inform a parent UI element that a list item has been expanded. */ public interface CallItemExpandedListener { /** * @param view The {@link CallLogListItemView} that represents the item that was clicked * on. */ public void onItemExpanded(CallLogListItemView view); /** * Retrieves the call log view for the specified call Id. If the view is not currently * visible, returns null. * * @param callId The call Id. * @return The call log view. */ public CallLogListItemView getViewForCallId(long callId); } /** Interface used to initiate a refresh of the content. */ public interface CallFetcher { public void fetchCalls(); } /** * Stores a phone number of a call with the country code where it originally occurred. *

* Note the country does not necessarily specifies the country of the phone number itself, but * it is the country in which the user was in when the call was placed or received. */ private static final class NumberWithCountryIso { public final String number; public final String countryIso; public NumberWithCountryIso(String number, String countryIso) { this.number = number; this.countryIso = countryIso; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == null) return false; if (!(o instanceof NumberWithCountryIso)) return false; NumberWithCountryIso other = (NumberWithCountryIso) o; return TextUtils.equals(number, other.number) && TextUtils.equals(countryIso, other.countryIso); } @Override public int hashCode() { return (number == null ? 0 : number.hashCode()) ^ (countryIso == null ? 0 : countryIso.hashCode()); } } /** The time in millis to delay starting the thread processing requests. */ private static final int START_PROCESSING_REQUESTS_DELAY_MILLIS = 1000; /** The size of the cache of contact info. */ private static final int CONTACT_INFO_CACHE_SIZE = 100; /** Constant used to indicate no row is expanded. */ private static final long NONE_EXPANDED = -1; protected final Context mContext; private final ContactInfoHelper mContactInfoHelper; private final CallFetcher mCallFetcher; private ViewTreeObserver mViewTreeObserver = null; /** * A cache of the contact details for the phone numbers in the call log. *

* The content of the cache is expired (but not purged) whenever the application comes to * the foreground. *

* The key is number with the country in which the call was placed or received. */ private ExpirableCache mContactInfoCache; /** * Tracks the call log row which was previously expanded. Used so that the closure of a * previously expanded call log entry can be animated on rebind. */ private long mPreviouslyExpanded = NONE_EXPANDED; /** * Tracks the currently expanded call log row. */ private long mCurrentlyExpanded = NONE_EXPANDED; /** * Hashmap, keyed by call Id, used to track the day group for a call. As call log entries are * put into the primary call groups in {@link com.android.dialer.calllog.CallLogGroupBuilder}, * they are also assigned a secondary "day group". This hashmap tracks the day group assigned * to all calls in the call log. This information is used to trigger the display of a day * group header above the call log entry at the start of a day group. * Note: Multiple calls are grouped into a single primary "call group" in the call log, and * the cursor used to bind rows includes all of these calls. When determining if a day group * change has occurred it is necessary to look at the last entry in the call log to determine * its day group. This hashmap provides a means of determining the previous day group without * having to reverse the cursor to the start of the previous day call log entry. */ private HashMap mDayGroups = new HashMap(); /** * A request for contact details for the given number. */ private static final class ContactInfoRequest { /** The number to look-up. */ public final String number; /** The country in which a call to or from this number was placed or received. */ public final String countryIso; /** The cached contact information stored in the call log. */ public final ContactInfo callLogInfo; public ContactInfoRequest(String number, String countryIso, ContactInfo callLogInfo) { this.number = number; this.countryIso = countryIso; this.callLogInfo = callLogInfo; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (!(obj instanceof ContactInfoRequest)) return false; ContactInfoRequest other = (ContactInfoRequest) obj; if (!TextUtils.equals(number, other.number)) return false; if (!TextUtils.equals(countryIso, other.countryIso)) return false; if (!Objects.equal(callLogInfo, other.callLogInfo)) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((callLogInfo == null) ? 0 : callLogInfo.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((countryIso == null) ? 0 : countryIso.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((number == null) ? 0 : number.hashCode()); return result; } } /** * List of requests to update contact details. *

* Each request is made of a phone number to look up, and the contact info currently stored in * the call log for this number. *

* The requests are added when displaying the contacts and are processed by a background * thread. */ private final LinkedList mRequests; private boolean mLoading = true; private static final int REDRAW = 1; private static final int START_THREAD = 2; private QueryThread mCallerIdThread; /** Instance of helper class for managing views. */ private final CallLogListItemHelper mCallLogViewsHelper; /** Helper to set up contact photos. */ private final ContactPhotoManager mContactPhotoManager; /** Helper to parse and process phone numbers. */ private PhoneNumberDisplayHelper mPhoneNumberHelper; /** Helper to group call log entries. */ private final CallLogGroupBuilder mCallLogGroupBuilder; private CallItemExpandedListener mCallItemExpandedListener; /** Can be set to true by tests to disable processing of requests. */ private volatile boolean mRequestProcessingDisabled = false; private boolean mIsCallLog = true; private int mNumMissedCalls = 0; private int mNumMissedCallsShown = 0; private View mBadgeContainer; private ImageView mBadgeImageView; private TextView mBadgeText; private int mCallLogBackgroundColor; private int mExpandedBackgroundColor; private float mExpandedTranslationZ; /** Listener for the primary or secondary actions in the list. * Primary opens the call details. * Secondary calls or plays. **/ private final View.OnClickListener mActionListener = new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { startActivityForAction(view); } }; /** * The onClickListener used to expand or collapse the action buttons section for a call log * entry. */ private final View.OnClickListener mExpandCollapseListener = new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { final CallLogListItemView callLogItem = (CallLogListItemView) v.getParent().getParent(); final CallLogListItemViews views = (CallLogListItemViews) callLogItem.getTag(); // Hide or show the actions view. boolean expanded = toggleExpansion(views.rowId); // Trigger loading of the viewstub and visual expand or collapse. expandOrCollapseActions(callLogItem, expanded); // Animate the expansion or collapse. if (mCallItemExpandedListener != null) { mCallItemExpandedListener.onItemExpanded(callLogItem); // Animate the collapse of the previous item if it is still visible on screen. if (mPreviouslyExpanded != NONE_EXPANDED) { CallLogListItemView previousItem = mCallItemExpandedListener.getViewForCallId( mPreviouslyExpanded); if (previousItem != null) { expandOrCollapseActions(previousItem, false); mCallItemExpandedListener.onItemExpanded(previousItem); } mPreviouslyExpanded = NONE_EXPANDED; } } } }; private void startActivityForAction(View view) { final IntentProvider intentProvider = (IntentProvider) view.getTag(); if (intentProvider != null) { final Intent intent = intentProvider.getIntent(mContext); // See IntentProvider.getCallDetailIntentProvider() for why this may be null. if (intent != null) { DialerUtils.startActivityWithErrorToast(mContext, intent); } } } @Override public boolean onPreDraw() { // We only wanted to listen for the first draw (and this is it). unregisterPreDrawListener(); // Only schedule a thread-creation message if the thread hasn't been // created yet. This is purely an optimization, to queue fewer messages. if (mCallerIdThread == null) { mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(START_THREAD, START_PROCESSING_REQUESTS_DELAY_MILLIS); } return true; } private Handler mHandler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case REDRAW: notifyDataSetChanged(); break; case START_THREAD: startRequestProcessing(); break; } } }; public CallLogAdapter(Context context, CallFetcher callFetcher, ContactInfoHelper contactInfoHelper, CallItemExpandedListener callItemExpandedListener, boolean isCallLog) { super(context); mContext = context; mCallFetcher = callFetcher; mContactInfoHelper = contactInfoHelper; mIsCallLog = isCallLog; mCallItemExpandedListener = callItemExpandedListener; mContactInfoCache = ExpirableCache.create(CONTACT_INFO_CACHE_SIZE); mRequests = new LinkedList(); Resources resources = mContext.getResources(); CallTypeHelper callTypeHelper = new CallTypeHelper(resources); mCallLogBackgroundColor = resources.getColor(R.color.background_dialer_list_items); mExpandedBackgroundColor = resources.getColor(R.color.call_log_expanded_background_color); mExpandedTranslationZ = resources.getDimension(R.dimen.call_log_expanded_translation_z); mContactPhotoManager = ContactPhotoManager.getInstance(mContext); mPhoneNumberHelper = new PhoneNumberDisplayHelper(resources); PhoneCallDetailsHelper phoneCallDetailsHelper = new PhoneCallDetailsHelper( resources, callTypeHelper, new PhoneNumberUtilsWrapper()); mCallLogViewsHelper = new CallLogListItemHelper( phoneCallDetailsHelper, mPhoneNumberHelper, resources); mCallLogGroupBuilder = new CallLogGroupBuilder(this); } /** * Requery on background thread when {@link Cursor} changes. */ @Override protected void onContentChanged() { mCallFetcher.fetchCalls(); } public void setLoading(boolean loading) { mLoading = loading; } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { if (mLoading) { // We don't want the empty state to show when loading. return false; } else { return super.isEmpty(); } } /** * Starts a background thread to process contact-lookup requests, unless one * has already been started. */ private synchronized void startRequestProcessing() { // For unit-testing. if (mRequestProcessingDisabled) return; // Idempotence... if a thread is already started, don't start another. if (mCallerIdThread != null) return; mCallerIdThread = new QueryThread(); mCallerIdThread.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); mCallerIdThread.start(); } /** * Stops the background thread that processes updates and cancels any * pending requests to start it. */ public synchronized void stopRequestProcessing() { // Remove any pending requests to start the processing thread. mHandler.removeMessages(START_THREAD); if (mCallerIdThread != null) { // Stop the thread; we are finished with it. mCallerIdThread.stopProcessing(); mCallerIdThread.interrupt(); mCallerIdThread = null; } } /** * Stop receiving onPreDraw() notifications. */ private void unregisterPreDrawListener() { if (mViewTreeObserver != null && mViewTreeObserver.isAlive()) { mViewTreeObserver.removeOnPreDrawListener(this); } mViewTreeObserver = null; } public void invalidateCache() { mContactInfoCache.expireAll(); // Restart the request-processing thread after the next draw. stopRequestProcessing(); unregisterPreDrawListener(); } /** * Enqueues a request to look up the contact details for the given phone number. *

* It also provides the current contact info stored in the call log for this number. *

* If the {@code immediate} parameter is true, it will start immediately the thread that looks * up the contact information (if it has not been already started). Otherwise, it will be * started with a delay. See {@link #START_PROCESSING_REQUESTS_DELAY_MILLIS}. */ protected void enqueueRequest(String number, String countryIso, ContactInfo callLogInfo, boolean immediate) { ContactInfoRequest request = new ContactInfoRequest(number, countryIso, callLogInfo); synchronized (mRequests) { if (!mRequests.contains(request)) { mRequests.add(request); mRequests.notifyAll(); } } if (immediate) startRequestProcessing(); } /** * Queries the appropriate content provider for the contact associated with the number. *

* Upon completion it also updates the cache in the call log, if it is different from * {@code callLogInfo}. *

* The number might be either a SIP address or a phone number. *

* It returns true if it updated the content of the cache and we should therefore tell the * view to update its content. */ private boolean queryContactInfo(String number, String countryIso, ContactInfo callLogInfo) { final ContactInfo info = mContactInfoHelper.lookupNumber(number, countryIso); if (info == null) { // The lookup failed, just return without requesting to update the view. return false; } // Check the existing entry in the cache: only if it has changed we should update the // view. NumberWithCountryIso numberCountryIso = new NumberWithCountryIso(number, countryIso); ContactInfo existingInfo = mContactInfoCache.getPossiblyExpired(numberCountryIso); final boolean isRemoteSource = info.sourceType != 0; // Don't force redraw if existing info in the cache is equal to {@link ContactInfo#EMPTY} // to avoid updating the data set for every new row that is scrolled into view. // see (https://googleplex-android-review.git.corp.google.com/#/c/166680/) // Exception: Photo uris for contacts from remote sources are not cached in the call log // cache, so we have to force a redraw for these contacts regardless. boolean updated = (existingInfo != ContactInfo.EMPTY || isRemoteSource) && !info.equals(existingInfo); // Store the data in the cache so that the UI thread can use to display it. Store it // even if it has not changed so that it is marked as not expired. mContactInfoCache.put(numberCountryIso, info); // Update the call log even if the cache it is up-to-date: it is possible that the cache // contains the value from a different call log entry. updateCallLogContactInfoCache(number, countryIso, info, callLogInfo); return updated; } /* * Handles requests for contact name and number type. */ private class QueryThread extends Thread { private volatile boolean mDone = false; public QueryThread() { super("CallLogAdapter.QueryThread"); } public void stopProcessing() { mDone = true; } @Override public void run() { boolean needRedraw = false; while (true) { // Check if thread is finished, and if so return immediately. if (mDone) return; // Obtain next request, if any is available. // Keep synchronized section small. ContactInfoRequest req = null; synchronized (mRequests) { if (!mRequests.isEmpty()) { req = mRequests.removeFirst(); } } if (req != null) { // Process the request. If the lookup succeeds, schedule a // redraw. needRedraw |= queryContactInfo(req.number, req.countryIso, req.callLogInfo); } else { // Throttle redraw rate by only sending them when there are // more requests. if (needRedraw) { needRedraw = false; mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(REDRAW); } // Wait until another request is available, or until this // thread is no longer needed (as indicated by being // interrupted). try { synchronized (mRequests) { mRequests.wait(1000); } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { // Ignore, and attempt to continue processing requests. } } } } } @Override protected void addGroups(Cursor cursor) { mCallLogGroupBuilder.addGroups(cursor); } @Override protected View newStandAloneView(Context context, ViewGroup parent) { return newChildView(context, parent); } @Override protected View newGroupView(Context context, ViewGroup parent) { return newChildView(context, parent); } @Override protected View newChildView(Context context, ViewGroup parent) { LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.call_log_list_item, parent, false); // Get the views to bind to and cache them. CallLogListItemViews views = CallLogListItemViews.fromView(view); view.setTag(views); // Set text height to false on the TextViews so they don't have extra padding. views.phoneCallDetailsViews.nameView.setElegantTextHeight(false); views.phoneCallDetailsViews.callLocationAndDate.setElegantTextHeight(false); return view; } @Override protected void bindStandAloneView(View view, Context context, Cursor cursor) { bindView(view, cursor, 1); } @Override protected void bindChildView(View view, Context context, Cursor cursor) { bindView(view, cursor, 1); } @Override protected void bindGroupView(View view, Context context, Cursor cursor, int groupSize, boolean expanded) { bindView(view, cursor, groupSize); } private void findAndCacheViews(View view) { } /** * Binds the views in the entry to the data in the call log. * * @param view the view corresponding to this entry * @param c the cursor pointing to the entry in the call log * @param count the number of entries in the current item, greater than 1 if it is a group */ private void bindView(View view, Cursor c, int count) { final CallLogListItemView callLogItemView = (CallLogListItemView) view; final CallLogListItemViews views = (CallLogListItemViews) view.getTag(); // Default case: an item in the call log. views.primaryActionView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); final String number = c.getString(CallLogQuery.NUMBER); final int numberPresentation = c.getInt(CallLogQuery.NUMBER_PRESENTATION); final long date = c.getLong(CallLogQuery.DATE); final long duration = c.getLong(CallLogQuery.DURATION); final int callType = c.getInt(CallLogQuery.CALL_TYPE); final PhoneAccount account = getAccount(c); final Drawable accountIcon = account != null? account.getIcon(mContext) : null; final String countryIso = c.getString(CallLogQuery.COUNTRY_ISO); final long rowId = c.getLong(CallLogQuery.ID); views.rowId = rowId; // For entries in the call log, check if the day group has changed and display a header // if necessary. if (mIsCallLog) { int currentGroup = getDayGroupForCall(rowId); int previousGroup = getPreviousDayGroup(c); if (currentGroup != previousGroup) { views.dayGroupHeader.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); views.dayGroupHeader.setText(getGroupDescription(currentGroup)); } else { views.dayGroupHeader.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } else { views.dayGroupHeader.setVisibility(View.GONE); } // Store some values used when the actions ViewStub is inflated on expansion of the actions // section. views.number = number; views.numberPresentation = numberPresentation; views.callType = callType; views.mAccount = account; views.voicemailUri = c.getString(CallLogQuery.VOICEMAIL_URI); // Stash away the Ids of the calls so that we can support deleting a row in the call log. views.callIds = getCallIds(c, count); final ContactInfo cachedContactInfo = getContactInfoFromCallLog(c); final boolean isVoicemailNumber = PhoneNumberUtilsWrapper.INSTANCE.isVoicemailNumber(number); // Where binding and not in the call log, use default behaviour of invoking a call when // tapping the primary view. if (!mIsCallLog) { views.primaryActionView.setOnClickListener(this.mActionListener); // Set return call intent, otherwise null. if (PhoneNumberUtilsWrapper.canPlaceCallsTo(number, numberPresentation)) { // Sets the primary action to call the number. views.primaryActionView.setTag(IntentProvider.getReturnCallIntentProvider(number, account)); } else { // Number is not callable, so hide button. views.primaryActionView.setTag(null); } } else { // In the call log, expand/collapse an actions section for the call log entry when // the primary view is tapped. views.primaryActionView.setOnClickListener(this.mExpandCollapseListener); // Note: Binding of the action buttons is done as required in configureActionViews // when the user expands the actions ViewStub. } // Restore expansion state of the row on rebind. Inflate the actions ViewStub if required, // and set its visibility state accordingly. expandOrCollapseActions(callLogItemView, isExpanded(rowId)); // Lookup contacts with this number NumberWithCountryIso numberCountryIso = new NumberWithCountryIso(number, countryIso); ExpirableCache.CachedValue cachedInfo = mContactInfoCache.getCachedValue(numberCountryIso); ContactInfo info = cachedInfo == null ? null : cachedInfo.getValue(); if (!PhoneNumberUtilsWrapper.canPlaceCallsTo(number, numberPresentation) || isVoicemailNumber) { // If this is a number that cannot be dialed, there is no point in looking up a contact // for it. info = ContactInfo.EMPTY; } else if (cachedInfo == null) { mContactInfoCache.put(numberCountryIso, ContactInfo.EMPTY); // Use the cached contact info from the call log. info = cachedContactInfo; // The db request should happen on a non-UI thread. // Request the contact details immediately since they are currently missing. enqueueRequest(number, countryIso, cachedContactInfo, true); // We will format the phone number when we make the background request. } else { if (cachedInfo.isExpired()) { // The contact info is no longer up to date, we should request it. However, we // do not need to request them immediately. enqueueRequest(number, countryIso, cachedContactInfo, false); } else if (!callLogInfoMatches(cachedContactInfo, info)) { // The call log information does not match the one we have, look it up again. // We could simply update the call log directly, but that needs to be done in a // background thread, so it is easier to simply request a new lookup, which will, as // a side-effect, update the call log. enqueueRequest(number, countryIso, cachedContactInfo, false); } if (info == ContactInfo.EMPTY) { // Use the cached contact info from the call log. info = cachedContactInfo; } } final Uri lookupUri = info.lookupUri; final String name = info.name; final int ntype = info.type; final String label = info.label; final long photoId = info.photoId; final Uri photoUri = info.photoUri; CharSequence formattedNumber = info.formattedNumber; final int[] callTypes = getCallTypes(c, count); final String geocode = c.getString(CallLogQuery.GEOCODED_LOCATION); final int sourceType = info.sourceType; final PhoneCallDetails details; if (TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) { details = new PhoneCallDetails(number, numberPresentation, formattedNumber, countryIso, geocode, callTypes, date, duration, accountIcon); } else { details = new PhoneCallDetails(number, numberPresentation, formattedNumber, countryIso, geocode, callTypes, date, duration, name, ntype, label, lookupUri, photoUri, sourceType, accountIcon); } mCallLogViewsHelper.setPhoneCallDetails(views, details); int contactType = ContactPhotoManager.TYPE_DEFAULT; if (isVoicemailNumber) { contactType = ContactPhotoManager.TYPE_VOICEMAIL; } else if (mContactInfoHelper.isBusiness(info.sourceType)) { contactType = ContactPhotoManager.TYPE_BUSINESS; } String lookupKey = lookupUri == null ? null : ContactInfoHelper.getLookupKeyFromUri(lookupUri); String nameForDefaultImage = null; if (TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) { nameForDefaultImage = mPhoneNumberHelper.getDisplayNumber(details.number, details.numberPresentation, details.formattedNumber).toString(); } else { nameForDefaultImage = name; } if (photoId == 0 && photoUri != null) { setPhoto(views, photoUri, lookupUri, nameForDefaultImage, lookupKey, contactType); } else { setPhoto(views, photoId, lookupUri, nameForDefaultImage, lookupKey, contactType); } // Listen for the first draw if (mViewTreeObserver == null) { mViewTreeObserver = view.getViewTreeObserver(); mViewTreeObserver.addOnPreDrawListener(this); } bindBadge(view, info, details, callType); } /** * Retrieves the day group of the previous call in the call log. Used to determine if the day * group has changed and to trigger display of the day group text. * * @param cursor The call log cursor. * @return The previous day group, or DAY_GROUP_NONE if this is the first call. */ private int getPreviousDayGroup(Cursor cursor) { // We want to restore the position in the cursor at the end. int startingPosition = cursor.getPosition(); int dayGroup = CallLogGroupBuilder.DAY_GROUP_NONE; if (cursor.moveToPrevious()) { long previousRowId = cursor.getLong(CallLogQuery.ID); dayGroup = getDayGroupForCall(previousRowId); } cursor.moveToPosition(startingPosition); return dayGroup; } /** * Given a call Id, look up the day group that the call belongs to. The day group data is * populated in {@link com.android.dialer.calllog.CallLogGroupBuilder}. * * @param callId The call to retrieve the day group for. * @return The day group for the call. */ private int getDayGroupForCall(long callId) { if (mDayGroups.containsKey(callId)) { return mDayGroups.get(callId); } return CallLogGroupBuilder.DAY_GROUP_NONE; } /** * Determines if a call log row with the given Id is expanded. * @param rowId The row Id of the call. * @return True if the row should be expanded. */ private boolean isExpanded(long rowId) { return mCurrentlyExpanded == rowId; } /** * Toggles the expansion state tracked for the call log row identified by rowId and returns * the new expansion state. Assumes that only a single call log row will be expanded at any * one point and tracks the current and previous expanded item. * * @param rowId The row Id associated with the call log row to expand/collapse. * @return True where the row is now expanded, false otherwise. */ private boolean toggleExpansion(long rowId) { if (rowId == mCurrentlyExpanded) { // Collapsing currently expanded row. mPreviouslyExpanded = NONE_EXPANDED; mCurrentlyExpanded = NONE_EXPANDED; return false; } else { // Expanding a row (collapsing current expanded one). mPreviouslyExpanded = mCurrentlyExpanded; mCurrentlyExpanded = rowId; return true; } } /** * Expands or collapses the view containing the CALLBACK, VOICEMAIL and DETAILS action buttons. * * @param callLogItem The call log entry parent view. * @param isExpanded The new expansion state of the view. */ private void expandOrCollapseActions(CallLogListItemView callLogItem, boolean isExpanded) { final CallLogListItemViews views = (CallLogListItemViews)callLogItem.getTag(); if (isExpanded) { // Inflate the view stub if necessary, and wire up the event handlers. inflateActionViewStub(callLogItem); views.actionsView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); views.actionsView.setAlpha(1.0f); views.callLogEntryView.setBackgroundColor(mExpandedBackgroundColor); callLogItem.setTranslationZ(mExpandedTranslationZ); // Attempt to give accessibility focus to one of the action buttons. // This ensures that a user realizes the expansion occurred. // NOTE(tgunn): requestAccessibilityFocus returns true if the requested // focus was successful. The first successful focus will satisfy the OR // block and block further attempts to set focus. boolean focused = views.callBackButtonView.requestAccessibilityFocus() || views.voicemailButtonView.requestAccessibilityFocus() || views.detailsButtonView.requestAccessibilityFocus(); } else { // When recycling a view, it is possible the actionsView ViewStub was previously // inflated so we should hide it in this case. if (views.actionsView != null) { views.actionsView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } views.callLogEntryView.setBackgroundColor(mCallLogBackgroundColor); callLogItem.setTranslationZ(0); } } /** * Configures the action buttons in the expandable actions ViewStub. The ViewStub is not * inflated during initial binding, so click handlers, tags and accessibility text must be set * here, if necessary. * * @param callLogItem The call log list item view. */ private void inflateActionViewStub(View callLogItem) { final CallLogListItemViews views = (CallLogListItemViews)callLogItem.getTag(); ViewStub stub = (ViewStub)callLogItem.findViewById(R.id.call_log_entry_actions_stub); if (stub != null) { views.actionsView = stub.inflate(); } if (views.callBackButtonView == null) { views.callBackButtonView = (TextView)views.actionsView.findViewById( R.id.call_back_action); } if (views.voicemailButtonView == null) { views.voicemailButtonView = (TextView)views.actionsView.findViewById( R.id.voicemail_action); } if (views.detailsButtonView == null) { views.detailsButtonView = (TextView)views.actionsView.findViewById(R.id.details_action); } bindActionButtons(views); } /*** * Binds click handlers and intents to the voicemail, details and callback action buttons. * * @param views The call log item views. */ private void bindActionButtons(CallLogListItemViews views) { // Set return call intent, otherwise null. if (PhoneNumberUtilsWrapper.canPlaceCallsTo(views.number, views.numberPresentation)) { // Sets the primary action to call the number. views.callBackButtonView.setTag( IntentProvider.getReturnCallIntentProvider(views.number, views.mAccount)); views.callBackButtonView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); views.callBackButtonView.setOnClickListener(mActionListener); } else { // Number is not callable, so hide button. views.callBackButtonView.setTag(null); views.callBackButtonView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } // For voicemail calls, show the "VOICEMAIL" action button; hide otherwise. if (views.callType == Calls.VOICEMAIL_TYPE) { views.voicemailButtonView.setOnClickListener(mActionListener); views.voicemailButtonView.setTag( IntentProvider.getPlayVoicemailIntentProvider( views.rowId, views.voicemailUri)); views.voicemailButtonView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); views.detailsButtonView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } else { views.voicemailButtonView.setTag(null); views.voicemailButtonView.setVisibility(View.GONE); views.detailsButtonView.setOnClickListener(mActionListener); views.detailsButtonView.setTag( IntentProvider.getCallDetailIntentProvider( views.rowId, views.callIds, null) ); } mCallLogViewsHelper.setActionContentDescriptions(views); } protected void bindBadge(View view, ContactInfo info, PhoneCallDetails details, int callType) { // Do not show badge in call log. if (!mIsCallLog) { final int numMissed = getNumMissedCalls(callType); final ViewStub stub = (ViewStub) view.findViewById(R.id.link_stub); if (shouldShowBadge(numMissed, info, details)) { // Do not process if the data has not changed (optimization since bind view is // called multiple times due to contact lookup). if (numMissed == mNumMissedCallsShown) { return; } // stub will be null if it was already inflated. if (stub != null) { final View inflated = stub.inflate(); inflated.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mBadgeContainer = inflated.findViewById(R.id.badge_link_container); mBadgeImageView = (ImageView) inflated.findViewById(R.id.badge_image); mBadgeText = (TextView) inflated.findViewById(R.id.badge_text); } mBadgeContainer.setOnClickListener(getBadgeClickListener()); mBadgeImageView.setImageResource(getBadgeImageResId()); mBadgeText.setText(getBadgeText(numMissed)); mNumMissedCallsShown = numMissed; } else { // Hide badge if it was previously shown. if (stub == null) { final View container = view.findViewById(R.id.badge_container); if (container != null) { container.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } } } } public void setMissedCalls(Cursor data) { final int missed; if (data == null) { missed = 0; } else { missed = data.getCount(); } // Only need to update if the number of calls changed. if (missed != mNumMissedCalls) { mNumMissedCalls = missed; notifyDataSetChanged(); } } protected View.OnClickListener getBadgeClickListener() { return new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { final Intent intent = new Intent(mContext, CallLogActivity.class); mContext.startActivity(intent); } }; } /** * Get the resource id for the image to be shown for the badge. */ protected int getBadgeImageResId() { return R.drawable.ic_call_log_blue; } /** * Get the text to be shown for the badge. * * @param numMissed The number of missed calls. */ protected String getBadgeText(int numMissed) { return mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.num_missed_calls, numMissed); } /** * Whether to show the badge. * * @param numMissedCalls The number of missed calls. * @param info The contact info. * @param details The call detail. * @return {@literal true} if badge should be shown. {@literal false} otherwise. */ protected boolean shouldShowBadge(int numMissedCalls, ContactInfo info, PhoneCallDetails details) { return numMissedCalls > 0; } private int getNumMissedCalls(int callType) { if (callType == Calls.MISSED_TYPE) { // Exclude the current missed call shown in the shortcut. return mNumMissedCalls - 1; } return mNumMissedCalls; } /** Checks whether the contact info from the call log matches the one from the contacts db. */ private boolean callLogInfoMatches(ContactInfo callLogInfo, ContactInfo info) { // The call log only contains a subset of the fields in the contacts db. // Only check those. return TextUtils.equals(callLogInfo.name, info.name) && callLogInfo.type == info.type && TextUtils.equals(callLogInfo.label, info.label); } /** Stores the updated contact info in the call log if it is different from the current one. */ private void updateCallLogContactInfoCache(String number, String countryIso, ContactInfo updatedInfo, ContactInfo callLogInfo) { final ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); boolean needsUpdate = false; if (callLogInfo != null) { if (!TextUtils.equals(updatedInfo.name, callLogInfo.name)) { values.put(Calls.CACHED_NAME, updatedInfo.name); needsUpdate = true; } if (updatedInfo.type != callLogInfo.type) { values.put(Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_TYPE, updatedInfo.type); needsUpdate = true; } if (!TextUtils.equals(updatedInfo.label, callLogInfo.label)) { values.put(Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_LABEL, updatedInfo.label); needsUpdate = true; } if (!UriUtils.areEqual(updatedInfo.lookupUri, callLogInfo.lookupUri)) { values.put(Calls.CACHED_LOOKUP_URI, UriUtils.uriToString(updatedInfo.lookupUri)); needsUpdate = true; } // Only replace the normalized number if the new updated normalized number isn't empty. if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(updatedInfo.normalizedNumber) && !TextUtils.equals(updatedInfo.normalizedNumber, callLogInfo.normalizedNumber)) { values.put(Calls.CACHED_NORMALIZED_NUMBER, updatedInfo.normalizedNumber); needsUpdate = true; } if (!TextUtils.equals(updatedInfo.number, callLogInfo.number)) { values.put(Calls.CACHED_MATCHED_NUMBER, updatedInfo.number); needsUpdate = true; } if (updatedInfo.photoId != callLogInfo.photoId) { values.put(Calls.CACHED_PHOTO_ID, updatedInfo.photoId); needsUpdate = true; } if (!TextUtils.equals(updatedInfo.formattedNumber, callLogInfo.formattedNumber)) { values.put(Calls.CACHED_FORMATTED_NUMBER, updatedInfo.formattedNumber); needsUpdate = true; } } else { // No previous values, store all of them. values.put(Calls.CACHED_NAME, updatedInfo.name); values.put(Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_TYPE, updatedInfo.type); values.put(Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_LABEL, updatedInfo.label); values.put(Calls.CACHED_LOOKUP_URI, UriUtils.uriToString(updatedInfo.lookupUri)); values.put(Calls.CACHED_MATCHED_NUMBER, updatedInfo.number); values.put(Calls.CACHED_NORMALIZED_NUMBER, updatedInfo.normalizedNumber); values.put(Calls.CACHED_PHOTO_ID, updatedInfo.photoId); values.put(Calls.CACHED_FORMATTED_NUMBER, updatedInfo.formattedNumber); needsUpdate = true; } if (!needsUpdate) return; if (countryIso == null) { mContext.getContentResolver().update(Calls.CONTENT_URI_WITH_VOICEMAIL, values, Calls.NUMBER + " = ? AND " + Calls.COUNTRY_ISO + " IS NULL", new String[]{ number }); } else { mContext.getContentResolver().update(Calls.CONTENT_URI_WITH_VOICEMAIL, values, Calls.NUMBER + " = ? AND " + Calls.COUNTRY_ISO + " = ?", new String[]{ number, countryIso }); } } /** Returns the contact information as stored in the call log. */ private ContactInfo getContactInfoFromCallLog(Cursor c) { ContactInfo info = new ContactInfo(); info.lookupUri = UriUtils.parseUriOrNull(c.getString(CallLogQuery.CACHED_LOOKUP_URI)); info.name = c.getString(CallLogQuery.CACHED_NAME); info.type = c.getInt(CallLogQuery.CACHED_NUMBER_TYPE); info.label = c.getString(CallLogQuery.CACHED_NUMBER_LABEL); String matchedNumber = c.getString(CallLogQuery.CACHED_MATCHED_NUMBER); info.number = matchedNumber == null ? c.getString(CallLogQuery.NUMBER) : matchedNumber; info.normalizedNumber = c.getString(CallLogQuery.CACHED_NORMALIZED_NUMBER); info.photoId = c.getLong(CallLogQuery.CACHED_PHOTO_ID); info.photoUri = null; // We do not cache the photo URI. info.formattedNumber = c.getString(CallLogQuery.CACHED_FORMATTED_NUMBER); return info; } /** * Returns the call types for the given number of items in the cursor. *

* It uses the next {@code count} rows in the cursor to extract the types. *

* It position in the cursor is unchanged by this function. */ private int[] getCallTypes(Cursor cursor, int count) { int position = cursor.getPosition(); int[] callTypes = new int[count]; for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index) { callTypes[index] = cursor.getInt(CallLogQuery.CALL_TYPE); cursor.moveToNext(); } cursor.moveToPosition(position); return callTypes; } private PhoneAccount getAccount(Cursor c) { final String component_name = c.getString(CallLogQuery.ACCOUNT_COMPONENT_NAME); final String account_id = c.getString(CallLogQuery.ACCOUNT_ID); // TODO: actually pull data from the database return null; } private void setPhoto(CallLogListItemViews views, long photoId, Uri contactUri, String displayName, String identifier, int contactType) { views.quickContactView.assignContactUri(contactUri); views.quickContactView.setOverlay(null); DefaultImageRequest request = new DefaultImageRequest(displayName, identifier, contactType, true /* isCircular */); mContactPhotoManager.loadThumbnail(views.quickContactView, photoId, false /* darkTheme */, true /* isCircular */, request); } private void setPhoto(CallLogListItemViews views, Uri photoUri, Uri contactUri, String displayName, String identifier, int contactType) { views.quickContactView.assignContactUri(contactUri); views.quickContactView.setOverlay(null); DefaultImageRequest request = new DefaultImageRequest(displayName, identifier, contactType, true /* isCircular */); mContactPhotoManager.loadDirectoryPhoto(views.quickContactView, photoUri, false /* darkTheme */, true /* isCircular */, request); } /** * Bind a call log entry view for testing purposes. Also inflates the action view stub so * unit tests can access the buttons contained within. * * @param view The current call log row. * @param context The current context. * @param cursor The cursor to bind from. */ @VisibleForTesting void bindViewForTest(View view, Context context, Cursor cursor) { bindStandAloneView(view, context, cursor); inflateActionViewStub(view); } /** * Sets whether processing of requests for contact details should be enabled. *

* This method should be called in tests to disable such processing of requests when not * needed. */ @VisibleForTesting void disableRequestProcessingForTest() { mRequestProcessingDisabled = true; } @VisibleForTesting void injectContactInfoForTest(String number, String countryIso, ContactInfo contactInfo) { NumberWithCountryIso numberCountryIso = new NumberWithCountryIso(number, countryIso); mContactInfoCache.put(numberCountryIso, contactInfo); } @Override public void addGroup(int cursorPosition, int size, boolean expanded) { super.addGroup(cursorPosition, size, expanded); } /** * Stores the day group associated with a call in the call log. * * @param rowId The row Id of the current call. * @param dayGroup The day group the call belongs in. */ @Override public void setDayGroup(long rowId, int dayGroup) { if (!mDayGroups.containsKey(rowId)) { mDayGroups.put(rowId, dayGroup); } } /** * Clears the day group associations on re-bind of the call log. */ @Override public void clearDayGroups() { mDayGroups.clear(); } /* * Get the number from the Contacts, if available, since sometimes * the number provided by caller id may not be formatted properly * depending on the carrier (roaming) in use at the time of the * incoming call. * Logic : If the caller-id number starts with a "+", use it * Else if the number in the contacts starts with a "+", use that one * Else if the number in the contacts is longer, use that one */ public String getBetterNumberFromContacts(String number, String countryIso) { String matchingNumber = null; // Look in the cache first. If it's not found then query the Phones db NumberWithCountryIso numberCountryIso = new NumberWithCountryIso(number, countryIso); ContactInfo ci = mContactInfoCache.getPossiblyExpired(numberCountryIso); if (ci != null && ci != ContactInfo.EMPTY) { matchingNumber = ci.number; } else { try { Cursor phonesCursor = mContext.getContentResolver().query( Uri.withAppendedPath(PhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI, number), PhoneQuery._PROJECTION, null, null, null); if (phonesCursor != null) { if (phonesCursor.moveToFirst()) { matchingNumber = phonesCursor.getString(PhoneQuery.MATCHED_NUMBER); } phonesCursor.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { // Use the number from the call log } } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(matchingNumber) && (matchingNumber.startsWith("+") || matchingNumber.length() > number.length())) { number = matchingNumber; } return number; } /** * Retrieves the call Ids represented by the current call log row. * * @param cursor Call log cursor to retrieve call Ids from. * @param groupSize Number of calls associated with the current call log row. * @return Array of call Ids. */ private long[] getCallIds(final Cursor cursor, final int groupSize) { // We want to restore the position in the cursor at the end. int startingPosition = cursor.getPosition(); long[] ids = new long[groupSize]; // Copy the ids of the rows in the group. for (int index = 0; index < groupSize; ++index) { ids[index] = cursor.getLong(CallLogQuery.ID); cursor.moveToNext(); } cursor.moveToPosition(startingPosition); return ids; } /** * Determines the description for a day group. * * @param group The day group to retrieve the description for. * @return The day group description. */ private CharSequence getGroupDescription(int group) { if (group == CallLogGroupBuilder.DAY_GROUP_TODAY) { return mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.call_log_header_today); } else if (group == CallLogGroupBuilder.DAY_GROUP_YESTERDAY) { return mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.call_log_header_yesterday); } else if (group == CallLogGroupBuilder.DAY_GROUP_LAST_WEEK) { return mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.call_log_header_last_week); } else { return mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.call_log_header_other); } } }