diff options
authorMichael W <>2018-06-10 16:05:18 +0200
committerMichael W <>2018-06-10 20:46:15 +0200
commit39c55c71f0e0d85cf448b44e8d695e66b2c7316c (patch)
parent4a2e07a249ef10f5d685aa1c13b6a22dfc197bc7 (diff)
Automatic translation import
Change-Id: I78ce85706ffa6cac7f514548873cb67b94a77dc8
5 files changed, 50 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/InCallUI/res/values-in/cm_strings.xml b/InCallUI/res/values-in/cm_strings.xml
index 9b9215e11..f3b1957b3 100644
--- a/InCallUI/res/values-in/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/InCallUI/res/values-in/cm_strings.xml
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
provider (e.g. MSIM) -->
<string name="card_title_active_via_template"><xliff:g id="status" example="Call on hold">%1$s</xliff:g> (melalui <xliff:g id="provider_name">%2$s</xliff:g>)</string>
<!-- In-call screen: status label for a call that is held remotely -->
+ <string name="card_title_waiting_call">Panggilan tunggu</string>
<string name="call_recording_failed_message">Gagal memulai perekaman panggilan</string>
<string name="call_recording_file_location">Rekaman panggilan disimpan ke <xliff:g id="filename">%s</xliff:g></string>
<string name="onscreenCallRecordText">Rekam panggilan</string>
diff --git a/InCallUI/res/values-in/qtistrings.xml b/InCallUI/res/values-in/qtistrings.xml
index b0f310cdc..d3d4c9610 100644
--- a/InCallUI/res/values-in/qtistrings.xml
+++ b/InCallUI/res/values-in/qtistrings.xml
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
<string name="lte_data_usage_label">Penggunaan data LTE: <xliff:g id="usage">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- In-call screen: Modify Call Options for IMS call -->
<string name="modify_call_option_title">Pilih jenis panggilan</string>
+ <string name="modify_call_option_voice">Suara saja</string>
<!-- Modify call error cause -->
<!-- Description of the call transfer related strings [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<!-- Text for the onscreen "blind transfer" button -->
@@ -93,17 +94,22 @@
<!-- Title displayed in the overlay for incoming conference calls which include the name of the provider.
[CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
<!-- Message indicating call failed due to low battery -->
+ <string name="call_failed_due_to_low_battery">Panggilan gagal karena daya baterai lemah</string>
<!-- VoWifi call quality indicators -->
<!-- Title for low battery alert dialogue -->
<string name="low_battery">Peringatan Baterai Lemah</string>
<!-- Message text of the low battery alert dialog in cases video call doesn't have downgrade capabilities -->
+ <string name="low_battery_hangup_msg">Apakah anda ingin mengakhiri panggilan?</string>
<!-- Message text of the low battery alert dialog for MO/MT video calls -->
<!-- No option of the low battery alert dialog for MO/MT Video calls -->
<!-- International prefix source-->
<!-- International prefix converted value-->
<string name="video_call">Panggilan Video</string>
+ <string name="video_call_cannot_upgrade">Tidak dapat menerima panggilan video saat ini</string>
<!-- Pop up menu options for picture mode -->
+ <string name="video_call_picture_mode_menu_title">Pilih modus gambar</string>
<string name="video_call_picture_mode_preview_video">Pratinjau kamera</string>
+ <string name="video_call_picture_mode_incoming_video">Video masuk</string>
<string name="video_call_picture_mode_cancel_option">Batal</string>
<string name="video_call_picture_mode_save_option">Simpan</string>
diff --git a/InCallUI/res/values-ja/qtistrings.xml b/InCallUI/res/values-ja/qtistrings.xml
index e444b4084..6521b1805 100644
--- a/InCallUI/res/values-ja/qtistrings.xml
+++ b/InCallUI/res/values-ja/qtistrings.xml
@@ -123,25 +123,34 @@
<!-- In-call screen: status label for an incoming conference call [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
<string name="card_title_incoming_conf_call">着信電話会議</string>
<!-- In-call screen: status label for an incoming video conference call [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
+ <string name="card_title_incoming_video_conf_call">ビデオ会議の着信</string>
<!-- The "label" of the in-call Notification for an incoming conference ringing call. [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
<string name="notification_incoming_conf_call">着信電話会議</string>
<!-- Title displayed in the overlay for incoming conference calls which include the name of the provider.
[CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
+ <string name="incoming_conf_via_template"><xliff:g id="provider_name">%s</xliff:g>を介した電話会議の着信</string>
<!-- Message indicating call failed due to low battery -->
<string name="call_failed_due_to_low_battery">電池の残量が少なくなっているため、通話できませんでした。</string>
<!-- VoWifi call quality indicators -->
+ <string name="vowifi_call_quality_good">良好な音声品質</string>
+ <string name="vowifi_call_quality_fair">普通の音声品質</string>
+ <string name="vowifi_call_quality_poor">貧弱な音声品質</string>
<!-- Title for low battery alert dialogue -->
<string name="low_battery">電池残量低下の警告</string>
<!-- Message text of the low battery alert dialog in cases video call doesn't have downgrade capabilities -->
+ <string name="low_battery_hangup_msg">電話を切りますか?</string>
<!-- Message text of the low battery alert dialog for MO/MT video calls -->
<string name="low_battery_msg">バッテリー残量が15%以下です。ビデオ通話のままにするか音声通話に変更するか選んでください</string>
<!-- No option of the low battery alert dialog for MO/MT Video calls -->
+ <string name="low_battery_convert">変換</string>
<!-- International prefix source-->
<!-- International prefix converted value-->
<string name="video_call">ビデオ通話</string>
+ <string name="video_call_cannot_upgrade">現在はビデオ通話の着信に応答できません</string>
<!-- Pop up menu options for picture mode -->
<string name="video_call_picture_mode_menu_title">画像モードを選択</string>
<string name="video_call_picture_mode_preview_video">カメラのプレビュー</string>
+ <string name="video_call_picture_mode_incoming_video">ビデオ通話の着信</string>
<string name="video_call_picture_mode_cancel_option">キャンセル</string>
<string name="video_call_picture_mode_save_option">保存</string>
diff --git a/InCallUI/res/values-uk/qtistrings.xml b/InCallUI/res/values-uk/qtistrings.xml
index 61550b367..abe299047 100644
--- a/InCallUI/res/values-uk/qtistrings.xml
+++ b/InCallUI/res/values-uk/qtistrings.xml
@@ -32,37 +32,68 @@
<!-- The xml contains Qti specific resource strings neede for any value added features. -->
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- Call substate label -->
+ <string name="call_substate_label"><xliff:g id="id">%1$s</xliff:g>: Стан виклику:\u000a <xliff:g id="state" example="Resumed">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Call substate label for call resumed -->
+ <string name="call_substate_call_resumed">Відновлено</string>
<!-- Call substate label for call connected suspended (audio) -->
+ <string name="call_substate_connected_suspended_audio">Підключено, але аудіо призупинено</string>
<!-- Call substate label for call connected suspended (video) -->
+ <string name="call_substate_connected_suspended_video">Підключено, але відео призупинено</string>
<!-- Call substate label for avp retry -->
+ <string name="call_substate_avp_retry">Визначення якості відео\u2026</string>
<!-- Video quality changed message -->
+ <string name="video_quality_changed"><xliff:g id="id">%1$s</xliff:g>: Якість відео змінено на <xliff:g id="quality" example="high">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Video quality High -->
+ <string name="video_quality_high">висока</string>
<!-- Video quality Medium -->
+ <string name="video_quality_medium">середня</string>
<!-- Video quality Low -->
+ <string name="video_quality_low">низька</string>
<!-- Video quality Unknown -->
+ <string name="video_quality_unknown">невідомо</string>
<!-- Message indicating that Video Started flowing for IMS-VT calls -->
+ <string name="player_started">Відтворення розпочато</string>
<!-- Message indicating that Video Stopped flowing for IMS-VT calls -->
+ <string name="player_stopped">Відтворення зупинено</string>
<!-- Message indicating that camera failure has occurred for the selected camera and
as result camera is not ready -->
+ <string name="camera_not_ready">Камера не готова</string>
<!-- Message indicating that camera is ready/available -->
+ <string name="camera_ready">Камера готова</string>
<!-- Message indicating unknown call session event -->
+ <string name="unknown_call_session_event">Невідома подія сеансу виклику</string>
<!-- Message indicating data usage -->
+ <string name="wlan_data_usage_label">Використання даних Wi-Fi: <xliff:g id="usage">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="lte_data_usage_label">Використання даних 4G: <xliff:g id="usage">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- In-call screen: Modify Call Options for IMS call -->
+ <string name="modify_call_option_title">Вибір типу виклику</string>
+ <string name="modify_call_option_vt">Відеодзвінок</string>
+ <string name="modify_call_option_vt_tx">Передача відео</string>
+ <string name="modify_call_option_vt_rx">Прийом відео</string>
+ <string name="modify_call_option_voice">Тільки передача голосу</string>
<!-- Modify call error cause -->
+ <string name="modify_call_failed_due_to_low_battery">Не вдалося змінити виклик через низький заряд батареї.</string>
<!-- Description of the call transfer related strings [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <string name="qti_ims_transfer_num_error">Номер не задано. Вкажіть номер у налаштуваннях IMS і повторіть спробу.</string>
+ <string name="qti_ims_transfer_request_error">Не вдалося виконати запит на установку переадресації.</string>
+ <string name="qti_ims_transfer_request_success">Запит на установку переадресації виконано.</string>
<!-- Text for the onscreen "blind transfer" button -->
<!-- Text for the onscreen "assured transfer" button -->
<!-- Text for the onscreen "consultative transfer" button -->
<!-- Message indicating video calls not allowed if user enabled TTY Mode -->
<!-- Description of the deflect target in the Slide unlock screen. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <string name="qti_description_target_deflect">Відхилити</string>
<!-- Message indicating call failed due to handover not feasible -->
<!-- Text for the onscreen "Add Participant" button -->
+ <string name="onscreenAddParticipant">Додати учасника</string>
<!-- Title of the IMS to CS redial dialog -->
+ <string name="cs_redial_option">Параметри повторного дзвінка</string>
<!-- Message text of the IMS to CS redial dialog -->
<!-- Session modify cause unspecified -->
<!-- Session modify cause code upgrade local request -->
+ <string name="session_modify_cause_upgrade_local_request">Виклик оновлено за запитом користувача</string>
<!-- Session modify cause code upgrade remote request -->
+ <string name="session_modify_cause_upgrade_remote_request">Виклик оновлено за запитом віддаленого користувача</string>
<!-- Session modify cause code downgrade local request -->
<!-- Session modify cause code downgrade remote request -->
<!-- Session modify cause code downgrade rtp timeout -->
@@ -73,7 +104,9 @@
<!-- Session modify cause code downgrade lipsync -->
<!-- Session modify cause code downgrade generic error -->
<!-- In-call screen: status label for an incoming conference call [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
+ <string name="card_title_incoming_conf_call">Вхідний конференц-виклик</string>
<!-- In-call screen: status label for an incoming video conference call [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
+ <string name="card_title_incoming_video_conf_call">Вхідна відеоконференція</string>
<!-- The "label" of the in-call Notification for an incoming conference ringing call. [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
<!-- Title displayed in the overlay for incoming conference calls which include the name of the provider.
[CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
diff --git a/res/values-cs/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-cs/cm_strings.xml
index ccc99c5ae..0ce6bdcf5 100644
--- a/res/values-cs/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-cs/cm_strings.xml
@@ -148,4 +148,5 @@
<!-- Title for missed wifi video call in call details screen [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
<string name="type_missed_video_wifi">Zmeškaný Wi-Fi video hovor</string>
<!-- Disclaimer -->
+ <string name="lookup_disclaimer">Vyhledávání může odesílat dotazy přes zabezpečený protokol (https) na vzdálené webové stránky pro získání informací. Dotaz může obsahovat telefonní číslo druhé strany nebo vyhledávací dotaz</string>