path: root/res/values-lb/strings.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'res/values-lb/strings.xml')
1 files changed, 759 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/res/values-lb/strings.xml b/res/values-lb/strings.xml
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/values-lb/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,759 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!--Generated by>
+<!-- Copyright (c) 2014, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ Not a Contribution.
+ Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- Label shown on launcher icon -->
+ <!-- Label for the this application displayed on-screen when this application must be represented to the user. -->
+ <string name="app_label">Auer</string>
+ <!-- Title for AlarmClock activity -->
+ <!-- Label for the Alarms activity displayed on-screen when that activity must be represented to the user. -->
+ <string name="alarm_list_title">Weckeren</string>
+ <!-- Menu item on Alarm Clock screen: Add alarm -->
+ <string name="add_alarm">Wecker dobäisetzen</string>
+ <!-- Menu item on Alarm Clock screen: Desk clock -->
+ <string name="menu_desk_clock">Dësch-Auer</string>
+ <!-- Menu item on Alarm Clock screen: Edit alarm -->
+ <string name="menu_edit_alarm">Wecker änneren</string>
+ <!-- Context Menu Item on Alarm Settings screen: Delete alarm -->
+ <string name="delete_alarm">Wecker läschen</string>
+ <!-- Context Menu Item on Alarm Settings screen: Enable alarm -->
+ <string name="enable_alarm">Wecker uschalten</string>
+ <!-- Context Menu Item on Alarm Settings screen: Disable alarm -->
+ <string name="disable_alarm">Wecker ausschalten</string>
+ <!-- Delete alarm confirmation dialog message. -->
+ <string name="delete_alarm_confirm">Dëse Wecker läschen?</string>
+ <!-- Menu item on Alarm Clock screen: Show clock -->
+ <string name="show_clock">Auer uweisen</string>
+ <!-- Menu item on Alarm Clock screen: Hide clock -->
+ <string name="hide_clock">Auer verstoppen</string>
+ <!-- Setting label on Set alarm screen: Label -->
+ <string name="label">Beschreiwung</string>
+ <!-- Content description for alarm on/off switch in On state -->
+ <!-- Content description for alarm on/off switch in Off state -->
+ <string name="off_switch">Aus</string>
+ <!-- Default label to display for an alarm -->
+ <string name="default_label">Wecker</string>
+ <!-- Preference category on Alarm Settings screen: Set alarm -->
+ <!-- Also label for the old Alarms dialog activity displayed on-screen when that activity must be represented to the user. -->
+ <string name="set_alarm">Wecker setzen</string>
+ <!-- Setting labels on Set alarm screen: Vibration on or off -->
+ <string name="alarm_vibrate">Vibréieren</string>
+ <!-- Setting labels on Set alarm screen: Repeat -->
+ <string name="alarm_repeat">Widderhuelen</string>
+ <!-- Setting labels on Set alarm screen: Select alarm ringtone -->
+ <string name="alert">Weckerschelltoun</string>
+ <!-- Title of default ringtone played when a timer expires. -->
+ <!-- Title of silent ringtone played when a timer expires. -->
+ <string name="silent_timer_ringtone_title">Roueg</string>
+ <!-- Label on expanded alarm edit view. -->
+ <string name="ringtone">Schelltoun</string>
+ <!-- Setting labels on Set alarm screen: Set time -->
+ <string name="time">Zäit</string>
+ <!-- Label shown when user is setting up non-repeating alarm for tomorrow [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
+ <string name="alarm_tomorrow">Muer</string>
+ <!-- Label shown when user is setting up non-repeating alarm for later today [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
+ <string name="alarm_today">Haut</string>
+ <!-- The text shown above the clock when alarm is alerting [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
+ <string name="alarm_alert_wake_up">Gëff waakreg\u0021</string>
+ <!-- The text shown as an option to dismiss an alerting alarm [CHAR LIMIT=5] -->
+ <string name="alarm_alert_off_action_text">Aus</string>
+ <!-- Button labels on the alarm dialog: Dismiss -->
+ <string name="alarm_alert_dismiss_text">Verwerfen</string>
+ <!-- Button labels on the pre-dismiss alarm notifications: Dismiss now -->
+ <string name="alarm_alert_dismiss_now_text">Elo verwerfen</string>
+ <!-- Alarm Alert screen: this message is shown after an alarm rung
+ unattended for a number of minutes. It tells the user that
+ the alarm has been silenced.-->
+ <string name="alarm_missed_title">Verpasste Wecker</string>
+ <string name="alarm_missed_text"><xliff:g id="alarm_time">%s</xliff:g> - <xliff:g id="alarm_label">%s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- The text shown after user snoozed an alerting alarm. The text will be shown
+ together with the number of minutes in two separate lines. For example:
+ Snoozed
+ 10 min
+ -->
+ <string name="alarm_alert_snoozed_text">Genäipt</string>
+ <!-- The text shown after user snoozed an alerting alarm. The text will be shown
+ together with the word 'Snoozed' in two separate lines or example:
+ Snoozed
+ 10 min
+ -->
+ <plurals name="alarm_alert_snooze_duration">
+ <!-- Duration for one minute -->
+ <item quantity="one">1 Min.</item>
+ <!-- Duration for more than one minute -->
+ <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="number" example="7">%d</xliff:g> Min.</item>
+ </plurals>
+ <!-- The text shown after user dismissed an alerting alarm [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
+ <string name="alarm_alert_off_text">Wecker aus</string>
+ <!-- Button labels on the alarm dialog: Snooze -->
+ <string name="alarm_alert_snooze_text">Näipen</string>
+ <!-- Toast that appears after Alarm is snoozed from the Alarm
+ dialog. Says the alarm will snooze for xxx minutes. -->
+ <plurals name="alarm_alert_snooze_set">
+ <!-- Duration for one minute -->
+ <item quantity="one">Näipe fir 1 Minutt.</item>
+ <!-- Duration for more than one minute -->
+ <item quantity="other">Näipe fir <xliff:g id="minutes">%d</xliff:g> Minutten.</item>
+ </plurals>
+ <!-- Text to appear inside a notification while an alarm is snoozing. -->
+ <string name="alarm_alert_snooze_until">Näipe bis <xliff:g id="time">%s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- Text to appear in the notification title while an alarm is about to go off. -->
+ <string name="alarm_alert_predismiss_title">Nächste Wecker</string>
+ <!-- Text to appear in when trying to view a missed alarm that has been deleted -->
+ <string name="missed_alarm_has_been_deleted">Däi verpasste Wecker gouf geläscht</string>
+ <!-- 0: nothing
+ 1: days
+ 2: hours
+ 3: days hours
+ 4: minutes
+ 5: days minutes
+ 6: hours minutes
+ 7: days hours minutes
+ -->
+ <skip></skip>
+ <!-- Timer notification: how long from now until timer goes off. -->
+ <string name="timer_notifications_less_min">Manner wéi eng Minutt iwwreg</string>
+ <string name="timer_notifications_hours_minutes"><xliff:g id="HOURS" example="2 hours">%1$s</xliff:g> <xliff:g id="MINUTES" example="2 minutes">%2$s</xliff:g> iwwreg</string>
+ <!--
+ Verb inflection to use for single time units remaining
+ Ex. "1 minute remaining"
+ -->
+ <!--
+ Verb inflection to use for multiple time units remaining
+ Ex. "2 minutes remaining"
+ -->
+ <!-- Alarm confirmation toast: Describes how long from now until alarm fires -->
+ <string-array name="alarm_set">
+ <item>Wecker gesat fir manner wéi 1 Minutt vun elo un.</item>
+ <item>Wecker gesat fir <xliff:g id="DAYS" example="2 days">%1$s</xliff:g> vun elo un.</item>
+ <item>Wecker gesat fir <xliff:g id="HOURS" example="2 hours">%2$s</xliff:g> vun elo un.</item>
+ <item>Wecker gesat fir <xliff:g id="DAYS" example="2 days">%1$s</xliff:g> a(n) <xliff:g id="HOURS" example="2 hours">%2$s</xliff:g> vun elo un.</item>
+ <item>Wecker gesat fir <xliff:g id="MINUTES" example="2 minutes">%3$s</xliff:g> vun elo un.</item>
+ <item>Wecker gesat fir <xliff:g id="DAYS" example="2 days">%1$s</xliff:g> a(n) <xliff:g id="MINUTES" example="2 minutes">%3$s</xliff:g> vun elo un.</item>
+ <item>Wecker gesat fir <xliff:g id="HOURS" example="2 hours">%2$s</xliff:g> a(n) <xliff:g id="MINUTES" example="2 minutes">%3$s</xliff:g> vun elo un.</item>
+ <item>Wecker gesat fir <xliff:g id="DAYS" example="2 days">%1$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="HOURS" example="2 hours">%2$s</xliff:g> a(n) <xliff:g id="MINUTES" example="2 minutes">%3$s</xliff:g> vun elo un.</item>
+ </string-array>
+ <!-- Alarm confirmation toast: days -->
+ <!-- Alarm confirmation toast and timer notification: hours -->
+ <!-- Alarm confirmation toast and timer notification: minutes -->
+ <!-- Repeat options that appear under an alarm on main Alarm Clock
+ screen to identify repetition schedule: special case for when
+ the alarm is set to repeat every day -->
+ <string name="every_day">All Dag</string>
+ <!-- Repeat options that appear under an alarm on main Alarm Clock
+ screen to identify repetition schedule: concatenate days with
+ this character, i.e. "Mon, Tue, Wed" -->
+ <string name="day_concat">", "</string>
+ <!-- Appears at the top of the Clock Picker screen: Tell user to
+ select a clock to display -->
+ <string name="clock_instructions">Eng Auer auswielen</string>
+ <!-- Label for analog clock gadget displayed on-screen when that gadget is represented to the user. -->
+ <string name="analog_gadget">Analogauer</string>
+ <!-- Help activity name -->
+ <string name="help">Hëllef</string>
+ <!-- Settings activity name -->
+ <!-- Label for the Settings activity displayed on-screen when that activity must be represented to the user. -->
+ <string name="settings">Astellungen</string>
+ <!-- Setting title for changing the snooze duration. -->
+ <string name="snooze_duration_title">Näipdauer</string>
+ <plurals name="snooze_picker_label">
+ <!-- Duration for one minute -->
+ <item quantity="one">Minutt</item>
+ <!-- Duration for more than one minute -->
+ <item quantity="other">Minutten</item>
+ </plurals>
+ <!-- Setting title for changing the crescendo duration. -->
+ <!-- Summary value for changing the crescendo duration to 0. -->
+ <string name="no_crescendo_duration">Aus</string>
+ <!-- Summary value for changing the crescendo duration. -->
+ <!-- Setting label when changing the crescendo duration. -->
+ <string name="crescendo_picker_label">Sekonnen</string>
+ <!-- Auto silence preference title -->
+ <string name="auto_silence_title">Roueg no</string>
+ <!-- Auto silence summary string set based on the preference value. -->
+ <!-- Auto silence summary when turned off -->
+ <string name="auto_silence_never">Ni</string>
+ <!-- Entries listed in the ListPreference when invoking the auto silence
+ preference. -->
+ <string-array name="auto_silence_entries">
+ <item>1 Minutt</item>
+ <item>5 Minutten</item>
+ <item>10 Minutten</item>
+ <item>15 Minutten</item>
+ <item>20 Minutten</item>
+ <item>25 Minutten</item>
+ <item>Ni</item>
+ </string-array>
+ <!-- Values that are retrieved from the ListPreference. These must match
+ the auto_silence_entries above. -->
+ <!-- Week start day preference title. -->
+ <!-- Entries listed in ListPreference for start day. -->
+ <!-- Values for ListPreference for start day of week. -->
+ <!-- Done button when editing an alarm. -->
+ <string name="done">Fäerdeg</string>
+ <!-- Revert button when editing an alarm. -->
+ <string name="revert">Zrécksetzen</string>
+ <!-- Delete button when editing an alarm. -->
+ <string name="delete">Läschen</string>
+ <!-- Setting title for changing the alarm volume. -->
+ <string name="alarm_volume_title">Weckerlautstäerkt</string>
+ <!-- Title for the silent ringtone. -->
+ <string name="silent_ringtone_title">Roueg</string>
+ <!-- Title for ringtones that cannot be located by uri. -->
+ <!-- Text to display in the small text of the notification -->
+ <string name="alarm_notify_text">Näipen oder Wecker verwerfen.</string>
+ <!-- Text to display in the notification ticker and label -->
+ <string name="alarm_notify_snooze_label"><xliff:g id="label">%s</xliff:g> (genäipt)</string>
+ <!-- Text to display in the notification when the alarm has been snoozed -->
+ <string name="alarm_notify_snooze_text">Wecker gesat fir <xliff:g id="time">%s</xliff:g>. Drécke fir ofzebriechen.</string>
+ <!-- Title of the setting to change hardware button behavior. This string
+ should be changed for each piece of hardware. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
+ <string name="volume_button_setting_title">Lautstäerktknäppercher</string>
+ <!-- Title of the setting default alarm tone -->
+ <!-- Dialog title of the volume and power setting. -->
+ <string name="volume_button_dialog_title">Knäppercherseffekt</string>
+ <!-- Entries listed in the setting for the side-button action. -->
+ <string-array name="volume_button_setting_entries">
+ <item>Näipen</item>
+ <item>Verwerfen</item>
+ <item>Näischt maachen</item>
+ </string-array>
+ <!-- Values for the side-button setting. -->
+ <!-- Title of the ringtone setting. -->
+ <string name="default_ringtone_setting_title">Als Standard-Schelltoun setzen</string>
+ <!-- Accessibility labels for Clock activity buttons -->
+ <skip></skip>
+ <string name="alarm_button_description">Weckeren</string>
+ <string name="gallery_button_description">Galerie</string>
+ <string name="music_button_description">Musek</string>
+ <string name="nightmode_button_description">Dimmen</string>
+ <string name="home_button_description">Startsäit-Knäppchen</string>
+ <string name="desk_clock_button_description">Auerenusiicht</string>
+ <!-- Accessibility labels for alarm buttons -->
+ <string name="label_description">Beschreiwung</string>
+ <string name="ringtone_description">Schelltoun</string>
+ <!-- What to show the user if the weather widget exists but fails to
+ respond. This is a sign of an error; if the weather widget is not
+ present on the device, we show nothing at all. -->
+ <string name="weather_fetch_failure">Wiederinformatioun momentan net disponibel.</string>
+ <!-- A description for the DeskClock alarm sound playback service.
+ <string name="alarm_klaxon_service_desc">Tounservice fir d\'Weckeren.</string>
+ <!-- String displayed as the alert summary while loading the alert name from
+ the media player. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <string name="loading_ringtone">Schelltoun gëtt gelueden\u2026</string>
+ <!-- A description for the DeskClock timer sound playback service.
+ <string name="timer_ring_service_desc">Tounservicer fir d\'Sandaueren.</string>
+ <!-- Label on the main screen control used to set alarm [CHAR LIMIT=30]-->
+ <string name="control_set_alarm">Wecker setzen</string>
+ <!-- ActionBar strings -->
+ <!-- Describes the purpose of the tab button which which switches the activity to the Alarm page -->
+ <string name="menu_alarm">Wecker</string>
+ <!-- Describes the purpose of the tab button which which switches the activity to the Timer page -->
+ <string name="menu_timer">Sandauer</string>
+ <!-- Describes the purpose of the tab button which which switches the activity to the Clock page -->
+ <string name="menu_clock">Auer</string>
+ <!-- Describes the purpose of the tab button which which switches the activity to the Stopwatch page -->
+ <string name="menu_stopwatch">Stoppauer</string>
+ <!-- Clock view buttons strings-->
+ <!-- Describes the purpose of the button to start the activity to add/edit/delete alarms -->
+ <string name="button_alarms">Wecker dobäisetzen</string>
+ <!-- Describes the purpose of the button which provides a list of cities for the world clock settings -->
+ <string name="button_cities">Stied</string>
+ <!-- Describes the purpose of the button which pops up a menu of setting choices -->
+ <string name="button_menu">Méi Optiounen</string>
+ <!-- Menu item on most screens to get to more settings -->
+ <string name="menu_item_settings">Astellungen</string>
+ <!-- Menu item on most screens to get to the help information -->
+ <string name="menu_item_help">Hëllef</string>
+ <!-- Menu item on clock screen to add world city. -->
+ <!-- Menu item on clock screen to enter night mode. -->
+ <string name="menu_item_night_mode">Nuetsmodus</string>
+ <!-- Menu item on Cities screen to sort by GMT offset -->
+ <string name="menu_item_sort_by_gmt_offset">No Zäit zortéieren</string>
+ <!-- Menu item on Cities screen to sort by alphabetical order -->
+ <string name="menu_item_sort_by_name">No Numm zortéieren</string>
+ <!-- Label for selected cities in Cities list view -->
+ <string name="selected_cities_label">Ausgewielt Stied</string>
+ <!-- Stopwatch and Timer shared strings -->
+ <!-- Describes the purpose of the button to resume running timer. [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
+ <string name="sw_resume_button">Weider</string>
+ <!--
+ Describes the purpose of the button
+ for stopwatch: return stopwatch to zero and remove the lap times.
+ for timer: return timer to originally set duration.
+ -->
+ <string name="sw_reset_button">Zrécksetzen</string>
+ <!-- Stopwatch strings -->
+ <!-- Describes the purpose of the button to begin running a stopwatch -->
+ <string name="sw_start_button">Start</string>
+ <!-- Describes the purpose of the button to pause a stopwatch. -->
+ <!-- Describes the purpose of the button to record current the stopwatch value into the collection of lap times. -->
+ <string name="sw_lap_button">Ronn</string>
+ <!-- Describes the purpose of the button to share the stopwatch value.
+ Also used as title for chooser when sharing stopwatch results. -->
+ <string name="sw_share_button">Deelen</string>
+ <!-- Abbreviation for temporal hours [CHAR LIMIT=1] -->
+ <string name="hours_label">St</string>
+ <!-- Abbreviation for temporal minutes [CHAR LIMIT=1] -->
+ <string name="minutes_label">M</string>
+ <!-- Abbreviation for temporal seconds [CHAR LIMIT=1] -->
+ <string name="seconds_label">S</string>
+ <!-- Accessibility strings -->
+ <string name="hours_label_description">Stonnen</string>
+ <string name="minutes_label_description">Minutten</string>
+ <string name="seconds_label_description">Sekonnen</string>
+ <string name="zero">0</string>
+ <!-- Stopwatch share strings -->
+ <!-- Sentence within the message created to share the total time recorded within the stopwatch -->
+ <string name="sw_share_main">Meng Zäit ass <xliff:g id="time">%s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- Header within the message created to share a list of lap times (a new line is appended to this) -->
+ <string name="sw_share_laps">Ronnenzäiten:</string>
+ <!-- Label to enumerate the number of laps in the notification the user has counted -->
+ <string name="sw_notification_lap_number"><xliff:g id="number">%d</xliff:g>. Ronn</string>
+ <!-- Stopwatch accessibility strings -->
+ <plurals name="Nhours_description">
+ <!-- 1 hour -->
+ <item quantity="one">1 Stonn</item>
+ <!-- more -->
+ <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="number" example="7">%d</xliff:g> Stonnen</item>
+ </plurals>
+ <plurals name="Nminutes_description">
+ <!-- 1 minute -->
+ <item quantity="one">1 Minutt</item>
+ <!-- more -->
+ <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="number" example="7">%d</xliff:g> Minutten</item>
+ </plurals>
+ <plurals name="Nseconds_description">
+ <!-- 1 second -->
+ <item quantity="one">1 Sekonn</item>
+ <!-- more -->
+ <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="number" example="7">%d</xliff:g> Sekonnen</item>
+ </plurals>
+ <!-- timer strings -->
+ <!-- Describes the purpose of the button to add a new timer -->
+ <string name="timer_add_timer">Sandauer dobäisetzen</string>
+ <!-- Describes the purpose of the button to begin or continue running a timer -->
+ <string name="timer_start">Start</string>
+ <!-- Describes the purpose of the button to delete a timer. -->
+ <string name="timer_delete">Läschen</string>
+ <!-- Talkback description for deleting a number. -->
+ <!-- Describes the purpose of the button increase the remaining time on a timer by one minute. -->
+ <string name="timer_plus_one">Eng Minutt méi</string>
+ <!-- Like "timer_plus_one", but with 'minute' abbreviated for the notification. -->
+ <string name="timer_plus_1_min">Eng Min. méi</string>
+ <!-- Describes the purpose of the button to stop the timer. -->
+ <string name="timer_stop">Stopp</string>
+ <!-- Describes the purpose of the button to stop all currently firing timers. [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
+ <!-- Describes the purpose of the button to return the timer to it's original starting value. -->
+ <string name="timer_reset">Zrécksetzen</string>
+ <!-- Describes the purpose of the button to discard the current dialog values. Will also close the dialog if other time's exist -->
+ <string name="timer_cancel">Ofbriechen</string>
+ <!-- Accessibility announcement when a timer is canceled. -->
+ <!-- Notification content shown when a timer has completed and has no more time remaining -->
+ <string name="timer_times_up">D\'Zäit ass eriwwer</string>
+ <!--
+ Notification content shown when multiple timers have completed and have no more time
+ remaining. Arg is the number of timers. [CHAR LIMIT=25]
+ -->
+ <!-- Label associated with a notification for a Timer -->
+ <string name="timer_notification_label">Sandauer</string>
+ <!-- Toast content shown when user attempts to create a new timer when there are already 4 timers -->
+ <string name="timers_max_count_reached">Maximal 4 Sandaueren</string>
+ <!-- Describes the purpose of the notification button to pause the timer. [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
+ <!-- Describes the purpose of the notification button to reset all running timers. [CHAR LIMIT=31] -->
+ <!-- Jocular content that user may append when sharing the lap times -->
+ <string-array name="sw_share_strings" translatable="true">
+ <item>Du bass verdäiwelt séier.</item>
+ <item>Genéiss d\'Friichte vun denger Aarbecht.</item>
+ <item>Androide si bekannt fir séier ze sinn, awer net sou séier wéi s du!</item>
+ <item>Puh!</item>
+ <item>L33t-Zäiten.</item>
+ <item>Wahnsinnsgeschwindegkeet.</item>
+ <item>Let\'s do the time warp again.</item>
+ <item>Just a jump to the left.</item>
+ <item>Dir schéngt den Hënner ze brennen.</item>
+ <item>Photonevitess.</item>
+ </string-array>
+ <!-- Title with the clock on the main page displaying the user's regular timezone (shows when automatic_home_clock enabled) -->
+ <string name="home_label">Doheem</string>
+ <!-- Label for the Cities activity displayed on-screen when that activity must be represented to the user. -->
+ <string name="cities_activity_title">Stied</string>
+ <!-- Settings strings -->
+ <!-- Header in the preferences settings for the section pertaining to clocks on the main fragment -->
+ <string name="clock_settings">Auer</string>
+ <!-- Header for a Clock Dream Setting referring to choosing analog or digital style -->
+ <string name="clock_style">Stil</string>
+ <!-- Title for preference to change date & time -->
+ <!-- Entries listed in the ListPreference when invoking the clock style
+ preference. -->
+ <string-array name="clock_style_entries">
+ <item>Analog</item>
+ <item>Digital</item>
+ </string-array>
+ <!-- Values that are retrieved from the ListPreference. These must match
+ the clock_style_entries above. -->
+ <!-- Title for an option that will automatically show a clock representing the user's regular timezone on the main fragment whenever the user leaves their regular timezone-->
+ <string name="automatic_home_clock">Automatesch Heemechtsauer</string>
+ <!-- Describes the functionality provided by the automatic_home_clock option -->
+ <string name="automatic_home_clock_summary">Beim Reesen an engem Gebitt wou d\'Zäit anescht ass, eng Auer fir d\'Zäit doheem dobäisetzen</string>
+ <!-- Title in the preferences change the time zone for the user's home -->
+ <string name="home_time_zone">Heemechtszäitzon</string>
+ <!-- Title in a list dialog box to pick a time zone for the user's home -->
+ <string name="home_time_zone_title">Heemechtszäitzon</string>
+ <!-- Textual content of the button to discard the current dialog values and close the dialog -->
+ <string name="time_picker_cancel">Ofbriechen</string>
+ <!-- Textual content of the button to update an alarm with the current dialog values -->
+ <string name="time_picker_set">OK</string>
+ <string name="time_picker_time_seperator">:</string>
+ <!-- place holder for am/pm label when it is not set -->
+ <string name="time_picker_ampm_label">--</string>
+ <!-- add 00 as minutes to the time when pressing this button -->
+ <string name="time_picker_00_label">:00</string>
+ <!-- add 30 as minutes to the time when pressing this button -->
+ <string name="time_picker_30_label">:30</string>
+ <!--
+ Accessibility string read when a city checkbox is checked.
+ Ex. "Ann Arbor checked"
+ -->
+ <!--
+ Accessibility string read when a city checkbox is unchecked.
+ Ex. "Ann Arbor unchecked"
+ -->
+ <!-- Choices for timezones, must be kept in sync with timezone_values. CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
+ <string-array name="timezone_labels">
+ <item>"Marshallinselen"</item>
+ <item>"Midwayinselen"</item>
+ <item>"Hawaii"</item>
+ <item>"Alaska"</item>
+ <item>"Pacific Standard Time (PST)"</item>
+ <item>"Tijuana"</item>
+ <item>"Arizona"</item>
+ <item>"Chihuahua"</item>
+ <item>"Mountain Standard Time (MST)"</item>
+ <item>"Zentralamerika"</item>
+ <item>"Central Standard Time (CST)"</item>
+ <item>"Mexiko-Stad"</item>
+ <item>"Saskatchewan"</item>
+ <item>"Bogotá"</item>
+ <item>"Eastern Standard Time (EST)"</item>
+ <item>"Venezuela"</item>
+ <item>"Atlantic Standard Time (EST, Barbados)"</item>
+ <item>"Atlantic Standard Time (EST, Kanada)"</item>
+ <item>"Manaus"</item>
+ <item>"Santiago de Chile"</item>
+ <item>"Neifundland"</item>
+ <item>"Brasília"</item>
+ <item>"Buenos Aires"</item>
+ <item>"Grönland"</item>
+ <item>"Montevideo"</item>
+ <item>"Mëttelatlantik"</item>
+ <item>"Azoren"</item>
+ <item>"Kap Verde"</item>
+ <item>"Casablanca"</item>
+ <item>"London, Dublin"</item>
+ <item>"Amsterdam, Berlin"</item>
+ <item>"Belgrad"</item>
+ <item>"Bréissel"</item>
+ <item>"Sarajevo"</item>
+ <item>"Windhoek"</item>
+ <item>"Westafrikanesch Zäit"</item>
+ <item>"Amman, Jordanien"</item>
+ <item>"Athen, Istanbul"</item>
+ <item>"Beirut, Libanon"</item>
+ <item>"Kairo"</item>
+ <item>"Helsinki"</item>
+ <item>"Jerusalem"</item>
+ <item>"Minsk"</item>
+ <item>"Harare"</item>
+ <item>"Bagdad"</item>
+ <item>"Moskau"</item>
+ <item>"Kuwait"</item>
+ <item>"Nairobi"</item>
+ <item>"Teheran"</item>
+ <item>"Baku"</item>
+ <item>"Tiflis"</item>
+ <item>"Eriwan"</item>
+ <item>"Dubai"</item>
+ <item>"Kabul"</item>
+ <item>"Islamabad, Karachi"</item>
+ <item>"Ural'sk"</item>
+ <item>"Jekaterinbuerg"</item>
+ <item>"Kolkata"</item>
+ <item>"Sri Lanka"</item>
+ <item>"Kathmandu"</item>
+ <item>"Astana"</item>
+ <item>"Rangun"</item>
+ <item>"Krasnojarsk"</item>
+ <item>"Bangkok"</item>
+ <item>"Beijing"</item>
+ <item>"Hong Kong"</item>
+ <item>"Irkutsk"</item>
+ <item>"Kuala Lumpur"</item>
+ <item>"Perth"</item>
+ <item>"Taipeh"</item>
+ <item>"Seoul"</item>
+ <item>"Tokio, Osaka"</item>
+ <item>"Jakutsk"</item>
+ <item>"Adelaide"</item>
+ <item>"Darwin"</item>
+ <item>"Brisbane"</item>
+ <item>"Hobart"</item>
+ <item>"Sidney, Canberra"</item>
+ <item>"Wladiwostok"</item>
+ <item>"Guam"</item>
+ <item>"Magadan"</item>
+ <item>"Auckland"</item>
+ <item>"Fidschi"</item>
+ <item>"Tonga"</item>
+ <item>"Jakarta"</item>
+ </string-array>
+ <!-- Choices for timezones, must be kept in sync with timezone_values. -->
+ <!-- Header in the preferences settings for the section pertaining to alarms -->
+ <string name="alarm_settings">Weckeren</string>
+ <!-- Describes the service that processes actions originating from timer notifications. -->
+ <!-- Describes the service that processes actions originating from stopwatch notifications. -->
+ <!-- Description for the paused stop watch -->
+ <!-- Text instruction for dismiss alarm on alarm lock screen. The dismiss button will still
+ be on the right even on RTL languages so please do not reverse this during
+ translation. -->
+ <string name="description_direction_right">No riets wësche fir ze verwerfen</string>
+ <!-- Text instruction for snooze alarm on alarm lock screen. The snooze button will still
+ be on the left even on RTL languages so please do not reverse this during
+ translation. -->
+ <string name="description_direction_left">No lénks wësche fir ze näipen</string>
+ <!-- Text instruction for alarm icon on alarm lock screen. The snooze button will still
+ be on the left even on RTL languages so please do not reverse this during
+ translation. -->
+ <!-- Header in the preferences settings for the section pertaining to timers. -->
+ <!-- Description for timer ringtone setting. -->
+ <!-- Description when timer is stopped. -->
+ <string name="timer_stopped">Sandauer gestoppt</string>
+ <!-- Notification title when timer is paused. [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
+ <!-- Notification title when multiple timers are paused. [CHAR LIMIT = 30] -->
+ <!-- Notification text when multiple timers are paused. -->
+ <string name="all_timers_stopped_notif">Dréck fir deng Sandaueren ze gesinn</string>
+ <!-- Notification title when at least one timer, of those in use, is counting down. -->
+ <string name="timers_in_use"><xliff:g id="number" example="7">%d</xliff:g> Sandaueren</string>
+ <!-- Notification text when at least one timer, of those in use, is counting down. -->
+ <string name="next_timer_notif">Nächst Sandauer: <xliff:g id="time_remaining" example="2 minutes remaining">%s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- screensaver settings strings -->
+ <!-- Label for the screen saver activity displayed on-screen when that activity must be represented to the user. -->
+ <string name="screensaver_settings">Dramastellungen</string>
+ <!-- Title for check box to pick intensity of display diminuation during dream mode -->
+ <string name="night_mode_title">Nuetsmodus</string>
+ <!-- Describes intensity of display diminuation during dream mode -->
+ <string name="night_mode_summary">Ganz ofgedonkelte Schierm (fir däischter Raim)</string>
+ <!-- Description of the down caret in the alarm alert screen to expand the alarm content to edit perspective. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <string name="expand_alarm">Wecker opklappen</string>
+ <!-- Description of the up caret in the alarm alert screen to collapse the alarm content to summary perspective. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <string name="collapse_alarm">Wecker zesummeklappen</string>
+ <!-- Description of the button to undo change to alarm -->
+ <string name="alarm_undo">réckgängeg maachen</string>
+ <!-- Toast content when an alarm was deleted -->
+ <!-- Select the source of the alarm -->
+ <!-- Select the ringtone as alarm -->
+ <string name="alarm_select_ringtone">Schelltoun</string>
+ <!-- Select the alarm from external device -->
+ <string name="alarm_select_external">Musek</string>
+ <!-- Ok for selection -->
+ <string name="alarm_select_ok">OK</string>
+ <!-- Cancel for selection -->
+ <string name="alarm_select_cancel">Ofbriechen</string>
+ <!-- slash between date and next alarm in the clock -->
+ <string name="slash"> / </string>
+ <!-- slash between date and next alarm in the clock -->
+ <string name="world_day_of_week_label"> / <xliff:g id="label">%s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- Description of field showing the next alarm time in the clock page, for accessibility. -->
+ <string name="next_alarm_description">Nächste Wecker: <xliff:g id="alarm_time" example="Wed 8:00am">%s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- Displays the number of alarms selected from the list of alarms. -->
+ <string name="alarms_selected"><xliff:g id="alarms">%d</xliff:g> ausgewielt</string>
+ <!-- message used by the talkback accessibility app to say that something was deleted -->
+ <string name="deleted_message">Geläscht</string>
+ <!-- Alarm deletion confirmation message-->
+ <plurals name="alarm_delete_confirmation">
+ <!-- Confirmation for one alarm -->
+ <item quantity="one">Den ausgewielte Wecker läschen?</item>
+ <!-- Confirmation more than one alarm -->
+ <item quantity="other">Déi ausgewielt Weckere läschen?</item>
+ </plurals>
+ <!-- Timer deletion confirmation -->
+ <string name="timer_delete_confirmation">Dës Sandauer läschen?</string>
+ <!-- world clock deletion confirmation -->
+ <string name="city_delete_confirmation">Dës Stad läschen?</string>
+ <!-- Label for digital clock gadget displayed on-screen when that gadget is represented to the user. -->
+ <string name="digital_gadget">Digitalauer</string>
+ <!-- format strings for clocks -->
+ <!-- Font size for AM/PM should match widget_label_font_size -->
+ <!-- Font size for AM/PM should match bottom_text_size -->
+ <!-- Font size for AM/PM should match label_font_size -->
+ <!-- Font size for AM/PM should match alarm_label_size -->
+ <!-- String for no alarms -->
+ <string name="no_alarms">Keng Weckeren</string>
+ <!-- String for no alarms set [CHAR LIMIT=24] -->
+ <string name="no_alarms_set">Keng Weckeren definéiert</string>
+ <!-- String for no enabled alarms in timeline view [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
+ <string name="no_upcoming_alarms">KENG WECKERE GEPLANGT</string>
+ <!-- String that represents that invalid time for an alarm was specified, e.g. 23:00am
+ or 27:68pm.
+ First %d represents hour, second %d represents minutes, %s represents am/pm,
+ If no am/pm is passed in (e.g. the locale uses 24h time) only hour and minute are printed.
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that no alarm has been specified for a requested hour:minutes.
+ This happens when a user sends a voice command 'dismiss my alarm at 3:00pm' but they have no
+ alarms specified for that time. %s represents the time of the alarm.
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user doesn't have any alarms scheduled. This happens when
+ a user sends a voice command 'dismiss next alarm' or 'dismiss all of my alarms' but they have
+ no alarms scheduled in the app.
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user specified that they want to select an alarm to
+ dismiss by specifying a 'label' but they didn't specify any labels.
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that no alarm has been specified for a requested label.
+ This happens when a user sends a voice command 'dismiss my alarm with label pick up kids'
+ but they have no alarms with that label.
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user has sent a voice command 'stop the stopwatch' or
+ 'lap the stopwatch' when the stopwatch wasn't running so the command wasn't executed.
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user has successfully sent a voice command pausing
+ the stopwatch.
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user has successfully sent a voice command resetting
+ the stopwatch.
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user has successfully sent a voice command lapping
+ the stopwatch.
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user has successfully sent a voice command starting
+ the stopwatch.
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user has sent a voice command 'dismiss my alarm at 3pm' when
+ there was no alarm scheduled for that time (they might have had an alarm for 3pm on the list
+ but it was disabled).
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user has dismissed an alarm through a voice action.
+ %s represents alarm time, e.g. 14:20
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user has dismissed an alarm through a voice action.
+ %s represents alarm time, e.g. 14:20
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user attempted to control a timer with a voice action when
+ no timers are defined.
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user attempted to control a timer with a voice action when
+ more than one timer is defined.
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user attempted to control a timer with a voice action but
+ the timer could not be located.
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user has successfully created a timer through a voice action.
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user has successfully reset a timer through a voice action.
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user has successfully reset a timer through a voice action
+ that was marked as deleteAfterUse and was thus deleted instead.
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user has successfully started a timer through a voice action.
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user attempted to start a timer through a voice action
+ but specified invalid length.
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user attempted to add or delete a world clock through
+ a voice action
+ but they didn't specify a city so no world clock was selected.
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user attempted to add or delete a world clock through
+ a voice action
+ but the city they specified wasn't listed in the database.
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user attempted to add a world clock through a voice action
+ but the city they specified is already added to the list.
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user successfully added a world clock through a
+ voice action
+ %s represents the name of the city they added.
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user successfully deleted a world clock through
+ a voice action
+ %s represents the name of the city they deleted.
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user attempted to dismiss an alarm that is more than
+ 24 hours away
+ %s represents the time of the alarm (e.g. 15:39)
+ -->
+ <!-- String that shows up in the action bar for the Picker Activity
+ where a use gets to pick which alarm to dismiss
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that further action is needed from the user in case their
+ voice command was ambiguous or there are more than 1 alarms that match their request.
+ The user needs to choose an alarm they want to dismiss through the UI
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user doesn't have any alarms firing at the moment.
+ -->
+ <!-- String that represents that the user has snoozed an alarm through a voice action for 10
+ minutes.
+ %s represents alarm time, e.g. 14:20
+ -->
+ <!-- Setting title for the flip action setting. -->
+ <!-- Setting summary for the flip action setting. -->
+ <!-- Setting title for the shake action setting. -->
+ <!-- Setting summary for the shake action setting. -->
+ <!-- Summary texts for shake and flip actions -->
+ <!-- Label on expanded alarm edit view indicating the ringtone is custom. -->
+ <!-- Ringtone selection default" -->
+ <!--used for prompt to user storage permission status-->