To run the espresso tests: # Test setup ## 1) Build the binary first packages/apps/Contacts/androidtest/mm ## 2) Install the test apk on target device adb install -r $OUT/target/product/[device]/data/app/ContactsAndroidTests/ContactsAndroidTests.apk ## 3) Install an InCall plugin, its dependency app and sign in. It is recommended to use a test version of InCall plugin that supports the ACTION "" to help with the plugin state automation. test1 ~ test6 uses this ACTION to automate the plugin authentication state # Execute InCallMetricsContactTest (all Contact UI related) tests * test1: CONTACTS_MANUAL_MERGED * test2: CONTACTS_AUTO_MERGED * test3: INVITES_SENT * test4: DIRECTORY_SEARCH (from Contacts card) * test5: INAPP_NUDGE_CONTACTS_LOGIN * test6: DIRECTORY_SEARCH (from Contacts plugin tab) * test7: INAPP_NUDGE_CONTACTS_TAB_LOGIN (precondition: hard signed out) * test8: INAPP_NUDGE_CONTACTS_INSTALL (precondition: uninstall dependency) adb shell am instrument -w -e class \ ## Note. It's best to run test cases individually since they have preconditions such as the auth state needs to be signed in/signed out, or plugin state needs to be ENABLED or HIDDEN (eg. test1 in InCallMetricsContactTest) adb shell am instrument -w -e class \ # Execute InCallMetricsSendTest (auto generate metrics and send) tests adb shell am instrument -w -e class \