diff options
authorMichael W <>2017-03-02 15:48:13 +0100
committerMichael W <>2017-03-02 15:48:13 +0100
commit564b511b07f11925e7c7de1854a0139830c95d9c (patch)
parent2062efc26c363efc168401241b031bbe5ba51c00 (diff)
Automatic translation import
Change-Id: I97678e6c629f75e80fc832ce06daa595c1f48f11
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml b/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml
index f25f83b..db4d0ca 100644
--- a/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml
@@ -15,87 +15,29 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
- <string name="app_name">Instalador de certificaos</string>
<!-- Title of the file picker screen -->
- <string name="pick_file_title">Esbillar un certificáu</string>
<!-- Title of dialog to enter password for pkcs12 -->
- <string name="pkcs12_password_dialog_title">Estrayer certificáu</string>
<!-- message in progress bar when waiting for extracting certs from a pkcs12 package -->
- <string name="extracting_pkcs12">Estrayendo\u2026</string>
<!-- Title of dialog to enter password for pkcs12 file -->
- <string name="pkcs12_file_password_dialog_title">Estrayer de %s</string>
<!-- Title of dialog to name a credential -->
- <string name="name_credential_dialog_title">Nome del certificáu</string>
<!-- Description for the credential name input box -->
- <string name="credential_name">Nome del certificáu:</string>
<!-- Title of the credential info -->
<!-- Description for the credential password input box -->
- <string name="credential_password">Escribi la contraseña pa estrayer los certificaos</string>
- <string name="credential_info">El paquete contién:</string>
- <string name="p12_description">Certificaos del almacén de claves PKCS12</string>
<!-- Item found in the PKCS12 keystore being investigated [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="one_userkey">una clave d\'usuariu</string>
<!-- Item found in the PKCS12 keystore being investigated [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="one_usercrt">un certificáu d\'usuariu</string>
<!-- Item found in the PKCS12 keystore being investigated [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="one_cacrt">un certificáu CA</string>
<!-- Item found in the PKCS12 keystore being investigated [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]-->
- <string name="n_cacrts">%d certificaos de CA</string>
- <string name="password_error">Escribi la contraseña correuta.</string>
- <string name="password_empty_error">Escribi la contraseña.</string>
- <string name="name_empty_error">Escribi un nome.</string>
- <string name="name_char_error">Escribi un nome que contenga namái lletres y númberos.</string>
- <string name="unable_to_save_cert">Nun pudo guardase\'l certificáu. L\'almacenamientu de credenciales nun ta habilitáu o nun s\'anició correcho.</string>
- <string name="cert_not_saved">Nun s\'instaló\'l certificáu.</string>
- <string name="no_cert_to_saved">Nun hai nengún certificáu qu\'instalar.</string>
- <string name="invalid_cert">El certificáu nun ye válidu.</string>
<!-- toast message -->
- <string name="cert_is_added"><xliff:g id="CREDENTIAL">%s</xliff:g> instalóse.</string>
<!-- toast message -->
- <string name="cert_too_large_error">Nun pudo instalase porque\'l tamañu del certificáu ye enforma grande.</string>
<!-- toast message -->
- <string name="cert_missing_error">Nun pudo instalase porque nun s\'atopó\'l ficheru de certificáu.</string>
<!-- toast message -->
- <string name="cert_read_error">Nun pudo instalase porque nun ye a lleese\'l ficheru de certificáu.</string>
<!-- Shown when the certificate file can't be found. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="no_cert_file_found" product="nosdcard">Nun s\'atopó nengún ficheru de certificáu nel almacenamientu USB.</string>
- <string name="no_cert_file_found" product="default">Nun s\'atopó nengún ficheru de certificáu na tarxeta SD.</string>
<!-- Shown when USB storage can't be found to look for a certificate. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="sdcard_not_present" product="nosdcard">USB non disponible</string>
- <string name="sdcard_not_present" product="default">La tarxeta SD nun ta presente.</string>
<!-- Message displayed when a user other than the owner on a multi-user system tries to
install a certificate into the certificate store. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="only_primary_user_allowed">Namái\'l propietariu d\'esti preséu pue instalar certificaos.</string>
<!-- Label for spinner that shows the possible usage for a credential. Shown when user is
installing a credential [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="credential_usage_label">Usu de credenciales:</string>
<!-- Usage type for a credential that the user is installing. The label will restrict the
type of use for that credential. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string-array name="credential_usage">
- <item>VPN y aplicaciones</item>
- <item>Wi-Fi</item>
- </string-array>
- <string name="wifi_title">Perfil Wi-Fi</string>
- <string name="wifi_detail_title">Detalles pa %s</string>
- <string name="wifi_detail_label">Detalles</string>
- <string name="wifi_install_label">Instalar</string>
<!-- Toast message to be displayed when installing Hotspot 2.0 credentials [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="wifi_installing_label">Instalando</string>
- <string name="wifi_cancel_label">Encaboxar</string>
- <string name="wifi_dismiss_label">Descartar</string>
- <string name="wifi_no_config">Nenguna</string>
- <string name="wifi_config_text">Nome: %1$s\nFQDN: %2$s\nRoaming Consortiums: %3$s\nRealm: %4$s\nMétodu d\'autenticación: EAP-%5$s\n</string>
- <string name="wifi_ttls_config_text">Nome d\'usuariu: %s\n</string>
- <string name="wifi_tls_config_text">Certificáu de veceru:\n%1$s\nClave: %2$s\n</string>
- <string name="wifi_sim_config_text">SIM: %s\n</string>
- <string name="wifi_trust_config_text">Certificáu de confianza:\n%s\n</string>
- <string name="install_done_title">Instaláronse les credenciales</string>
- <string name="install_done">Amestáronse credenciales de <xliff:g id="NAME">%1$s</xliff:g> a les redes Wi-Fi guardaes.</string>
- <string name="done_label">FECHO</string>
- <string name="wifi_installer_detail">Instala credenciales Wi-Fi pa coneutate a les redes disponibles per aciu de <xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g>.</string>
- <string name="wifi_installer_download_error">El ficheru baxáu tien problemes y nun pue instalase. Asegúrate que baxares el ficheru dende la fonte correuta.</string>
- <string name="wifi_installer_fail">Nun puen instalase les credenciales Wi-Fi. Tenta de baxar el ficheru de nueves.</string>
- <string name="wifi_installer_fail_no_wifi_title">Encaboxóse la instalación</string>
- <string name="wifi_installer_fail_title">Nun pue instalase</string>
- <string name="wifi_installer_fail_no_wifi">Prendi\'l Wi-fi y volvi tentalo.</string>