/* * Copyright (c) 2015, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * Not a Contribution. * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.bluetooth.mapapi; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.net.Uri; import com.android.bluetooth.mapapi.BluetoothMapContract.MessageColumns; import com.android.bluetooth.mapapi.BluetoothMapContract.EmailMessageColumns; import com.android.bluetooth.mapapi.BluetoothMapContract.FolderColumns; /** * This class defines the minimum sets of data needed for a client to * implement to claim support for the Bluetooth Message Access Profile. * Access to three data sets are needed: * * * To enable that the Bluetooth Message Access Server can detect the content provider implementing * this interface, the {@code provider} tag for the Bluetooth related content provider must * have an intent-filter like the following in the manifest: *
<provider  android:authorities="[PROVIDER AUTHORITY]"
 *   ...
 *      <intent-filter>
           <action android:name="android.content.action.BLEUETOOT_MAP_PROVIDER" />
 *   ...
 *   </provider>
 * [PROVIDER AUTHORITY] shall be the providers authority value which implements this
 * contract. Only a single authority shall be used. The android.permission.BLUETOOTH_MAP
 * permission is needed for the provider.
public final class BluetoothMapEmailContract {
     * Constructor - should not be used
    private BluetoothMapEmailContract(){
      /* class should not be instantiated */

    public static final String EMAIL_AUTHORITY = "com.android.email.provider";
    public static final String ACTION_CHECK_MAIL =
    public static final String EXTRA_ACCOUNT = "org.codeaurora.email.intent.extra.ACCOUNT";
    public static final String ACTION_DELETE_MESSAGE =
    public static final String ACTION_MOVE_MESSAGE =
    public static final String ACTION_MESSAGE_READ =
    public static final String ACTION_SEND_PENDING_MAIL =
    public static final String EXTRA_MESSAGE_ID = "org.codeaurora.email.intent.extra.MESSAGE_ID";
    public static final String EXTRA_MESSAGE_INFO =

     * Build URI representing the given Accounts data-set in a
     * Bluetooth provider. When queried, the direct URI for the account
     * with the given accountID is returned.
    public static Uri buildEmailAccountUri(String authority) {
        return new Uri.Builder().scheme(ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT)

     * Build URI representing the given Accounts data-set in a
     * Bluetooth provider. When queried, the direct URI for the account
     * with the given accountID is returned.
    public static Uri buildEmailAccountUriWithId(String authority, String accountId) {
        return new Uri.Builder().scheme(ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT)

     * Build URI representing the entire Message table in a
     * Bluetooth provider.
    public static Uri buildEmailMessageUri(String authority) {
        return new Uri.Builder().scheme(ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT)

     * Build URI representing the entire Message table in a
     * Bluetooth provider.
    public static Uri buildEmailMessageUri(String authority, String accountId) {
        return new Uri.Builder().scheme(ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT)

     * Build URI representing the entire email Attachment table in a
     * Bluetooth provider.
    public static Uri buildEmailAttachmentUri(String authority) {
        return new Uri.Builder().scheme(ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT)
     * Build URI representing the entire MessageBody table in a
     * Bluetooth provider.
    public static Uri buildEmailMessageBodyUri(String authority) {
        return new Uri.Builder().scheme(ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT)
     * Build URI representing the given Message data-set in a
     * Bluetooth provider. When queried, the direct URI for the folder
     * with the given accountID is returned.
    public static Uri buildMailboxUri(String authority) {
        return new Uri.Builder().scheme(ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT)

     *  @hide
    public static final String EMAIL_TABLE_ACCOUNT  = "account";
    public static final String EMAIL_TABLE_MESSAGE  = "message";
    public static final String EMAIL_TABLE_ATTACHMENT = "attachment";
    public static final String EMAIL_TABLE_MSGBODY = "body";
    public static final String EMAIL_TABLE_MAILBOX  = "mailbox";

     * Mandatory folders for the Bluetooth message access profile.
     * The email client shall at least implement the following root folders.
     * E.g. as a mapping for them such that the naming will match the underlying
     * matching folder ID's.
    public static final String FOLDER_NAME_INBOX   = "INBOX";
    public static final String FOLDER_NAME_SENT    = "SENT";
    public static final String FOLDER_NAME_OUTBOX  = "OUTBOX";
    public static final String FOLDER_NAME_DRAFT   = "DRAFT";
    public static final String FOLDER_NAME_DRAFTS  = "DRAFTS";
    public static final String FOLDER_NAME_DELETED = "DELETED";
    public static final String FOLDER_NAME_OTHER   = "OTHER";

     * Folder IDs to be used with Instant Messaging virtual folders
    public static final long FOLDER_ID_OTHER      = 0;
    public static final long FOLDER_ID_INBOX      = 1;
    public static final long FOLDER_ID_SENT       = 2;
    public static final long FOLDER_ID_DRAFT      = 3;
    public static final long FOLDER_ID_OUTBOX     = 4;
    public static final long FOLDER_ID_DELETED    = 5;

    // Types of mailboxes. From EmailContent.java
    // inbox
    public static final int TYPE_INBOX = 0;
    // draft
    public static final int TYPE_DRAFT = 3;
    // outbox
    public static final int TYPE_OUTBOX = 4;
    // sent
    public static final int TYPE_SENT = 5;
    // deleted
    public static final int TYPE_DELETED = 6;
    // Values used in mFlagLoaded
    public static final int FLAG_LOADED_COMPLETE = 1;

    public interface EmailBodyColumns {
        // Foreign key to the message corresponding to this body
        public static final String MESSAGE_KEY = "messageKey";
        // The html content itself, not returned on query
        public static final String HTML_CONTENT = "htmlContent";
        // The html content URI, for ContentResolver#openFileDescriptor()
        public static final String HTML_CONTENT_URI = "htmlContentUri";
        // The plain text content itself, not returned on query
        public static final String TEXT_CONTENT = "textContent";
       // The text content URI, for ContentResolver#openFileDescriptor()
       public static final String TEXT_CONTENT_URI = "textContentUri";
       // Replied-to or forwarded body (in html form)

    public interface ExtEmailMessageColumns extends EmailMessageColumns {
        public static final String RECORD_ID = "_id";
        public static final String DISPLAY_NAME = "displayName";
        public static final String EMAIL_ADDRESS = "emailAddress";
        public static final String ACCOUNT_KEY = "accountKey";
        public static final String IS_DEFAULT = "isDefault";
        public static final String MAILBOX_KEY = "mailboxKey";
        // The time (millis) as shown to the user in a message list [INDEX]
        public static final String TIMESTAMP = "timeStamp";
        public static final String EMAIL_SERVICE_NAME = "EMAIL Message Access";
         * Message Read flag

Type: INTEGER (boolean) unread = 0, read = 1

* read/write */ public static final String EMAIL_FLAG_READ = "flagRead"; /** The overall size in bytes of the message including any attachments. * This value is informative only and should be the size an email client * would display as size for the message. *


* read-only */ public static final String EMAIL_ATTACHMENT_SIZE = "size"; public static final String FLAGS = "flags"; public static final String FLAG_LOADED = "flagLoaded"; // Boolean, no attachment = 0, attachment = 1 public static final String EMAIL_FLAG_ATTACHMENT = "flagAttachment"; // Saved draft info (reusing the never-used "clientId" column) public static final String DRAFT_INFO = "clientId"; // The message-id in the message's header public static final String MESSAGE_ID = "messageId"; // Address lists, packed with Address.pack() public static final String EMAIL_FROM_LIST = "fromList"; public static final String EMAIL_TO_LIST = "toList"; public static final String EMAIL_CC_LIST = "ccList"; public static final String EMAIL_BCC_LIST = "bccList"; public static final String EMAIL_REPLY_TO_LIST = "replyToList"; public static final String MEETING_INFO = "meetingInfo"; public static final String SNIPPET = "snippet"; public static final String PROTOCOL_SEARCH_INFO = "protocolSearchInfo"; public static final String THREAD_TOPIC = "threadTopic"; } /** * Message folder structure * MAP enforces use of a folder structure with mandatory folders: * - inbox, outbox, sent, deleted, draft * User defined folders are supported. * The folder table must provide filtering (use of WHERE clauses) of the following entries: * - account_id (linking the folder to an e-mail account) * - parent_id (linking the folders individually) * The folder table must have a folder name for each entry, and the mandatory folders * MUST exist for each account_id. The folders may be empty. * Use the FOLDER_NAME_xxx constants for the mandatory folders. Their names must * not be translated into other languages, as the folder browsing is string based, and * many Bluetooth Message Clients will use these strings to navigate to the folders. */ public interface MailBoxColumns extends FolderColumns { public static final String DISPLAY_NAME = "displayName"; public static final String SERVER_ID = "serverId"; public static final String PARENT_KEY = "parentKey"; public static final String PARENT_SERVER_ID = "parentServerId"; public static final String ACCOUNT_KEY = "accountKey"; public static final String FOLDER_TYPE = "type"; } public static final String[] BT_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT_PROJECTION = new String[] { ExtEmailMessageColumns.EMAIL_ATTACHMENT_SIZE }; public static final String[] BT_EMAIL_MESSAGE_PROJECTION = new String[] { ExtEmailMessageColumns.RECORD_ID, ExtEmailMessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY, ExtEmailMessageColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY, ExtEmailMessageColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, ExtEmailMessageColumns.TIMESTAMP, ExtEmailMessageColumns.EMAIL_FLAG_READ, MessageColumns.SUBJECT, ExtEmailMessageColumns.EMAIL_FLAG_ATTACHMENT, ExtEmailMessageColumns.FLAG_LOADED, ExtEmailMessageColumns.FLAGS, ExtEmailMessageColumns.DRAFT_INFO, ExtEmailMessageColumns.MESSAGE_ID, ExtEmailMessageColumns.EMAIL_FROM_LIST, ExtEmailMessageColumns.EMAIL_TO_LIST, ExtEmailMessageColumns.EMAIL_CC_LIST, ExtEmailMessageColumns.EMAIL_BCC_LIST, ExtEmailMessageColumns.EMAIL_REPLY_TO_LIST, ExtEmailMessageColumns.MEETING_INFO, ExtEmailMessageColumns.SNIPPET, ExtEmailMessageColumns.PROTOCOL_SEARCH_INFO, ExtEmailMessageColumns.THREAD_TOPIC }; public static final String[] BT_EMAIL_MSG_PROJECTION_SHORT = new String[] { ExtEmailMessageColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY, ExtEmailMessageColumns.RECORD_ID, ExtEmailMessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY, ExtEmailMessageColumns.EMAIL_FLAG_READ }; public static final String[] BT_EMAIL_MSG_PROJECTION_SHORT_EXT = new String[] { ExtEmailMessageColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY, ExtEmailMessageColumns.RECORD_ID, ExtEmailMessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY, ExtEmailMessageColumns.TIMESTAMP, MessageColumns.SUBJECT, ExtEmailMessageColumns.EMAIL_FROM_LIST, ExtEmailMessageColumns.EMAIL_FLAG_READ }; public static final String[] BT_EMAIL_BODY_CONTENT_PROJECTION = new String[] { MessageColumns._ID, EmailBodyColumns.MESSAGE_KEY, EmailBodyColumns.HTML_CONTENT_URI, EmailBodyColumns.TEXT_CONTENT_URI }; public static final String[] BT_EMAIL_ACCOUNT_ID_PROJECTION = new String[] { ExtEmailMessageColumns.RECORD_ID, ExtEmailMessageColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, ExtEmailMessageColumns.EMAIL_ADDRESS, ExtEmailMessageColumns.IS_DEFAULT }; /** * A projection of all the columns in the Folder table */ public static final String[] BT_FOLDER_PROJECTION = new String[] { FolderColumns._ID, FolderColumns.NAME, FolderColumns.ACCOUNT_ID, FolderColumns.PARENT_FOLDER_ID }; /** * A projection of all the columns in the Folder table */ public static final String[] BT_EMAIL_MAILBOX_PROJECTION = new String[] { FolderColumns._ID, MailBoxColumns.DISPLAY_NAME, MailBoxColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY, MailBoxColumns.SERVER_ID, MailBoxColumns.PARENT_SERVER_ID, MailBoxColumns.FOLDER_TYPE }; }