path: root/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml
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Diffstat (limited to 'res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml')
1 files changed, 196 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml b/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c480d0d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!--Generated by>
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
+ <!--
+ This is the short description of a permission associated with the
+ Bluetooth Share Manager. It is displayed as part of the description of
+ any application that was granted that permission. This specific
+ permission controls access to the Bluetooth Share Manager by
+ applications that initiate Bluetooth share.
+ -->
+ <string name="permlab_bluetoothShareManager">Accesu al alministrador de descargues</string>
+ <!--
+ This is the long description of a permission associated with the
+ Android Download Manager. It is displayed as part of the description
+ of any application that was granted that permission. This specific
+ permission controls access to the Download Manager by applications
+ that initiate downloads.
+ -->
+ <string name="permdesc_bluetoothShareManager">Permite que l\'aplicación acceda al alministrador BluetoothShare y lu use pa tresferir ficheros.</string>
+ <string name="permlab_bluetoothWhitelist">Accesu de preseos Bluetooth autorizaos</string>
+ <string name="permdesc_bluetoothWhitelist">Permíte-y a l’aplicación autorizar temporalmente un preséu Bluetooth pa poder unviar ficheros a esti preséu ensin la confirmación del usuariu.</string>
+ <!-- string showed on "Share picutre via" dialog -->
+ <string name="bt_share_picker_label">Bluetooth</string>
+ <!-- string for "unknown device" -->
+ <string name="unknown_device">Preséu desconocíu</string>
+ <!-- string for "unknown" phone number" -->
+ <string name="unknownNumber">Desconocíu</string>
+ <!-- string for "the title of airplane mode error" -->
+ <string name="airplane_error_title">Mou avión</string>
+ <!-- string for "error message in airplane mode" -->
+ <string name="airplane_error_msg">Nun pues usar el Bluetooth nel mou avión.</string>
+ <!-- Activate Bluetooth Confirmation Dialog -->
+ <!--Title -->
+ <!--Line 1 -->
+ <string name="bt_enable_line1">Pa utilizar los servicios de Bluetooth, primero tienes d\'activar la función Bluetooth.</string>
+ <!--Line 2 -->
+ <string name="bt_enable_line2">¿Quies activar la función Bluetooth agora?</string>
+ <!-- Label for a cancel button. -->
+ <string name="bt_enable_cancel">Encaboxar</string>
+ <!-- Label for a confirm button.-->
+ <string name="bt_enable_ok">Activar</string>
+ <!-- Bluetooth File Transfer Acceptance Dialog -->
+ <!--Title -->
+ <string name="incoming_file_confirm_title">Tresferencia de ficheros</string>
+ <!--content -->
+ <string name="incoming_file_confirm_content">Aceutar ficheru entrante? </string>
+ <!-- Label for a cancel button. -->
+ <string name="incoming_file_confirm_cancel">Refugar</string>
+ <!-- Label for a confirm button.-->
+ <string name="incoming_file_confirm_ok">Aceutar</string>
+ <!-- Label for timeout OK button.-->
+ <string name="incoming_file_confirm_timeout_ok">Aceutar</string>
+ <!-- content for timeout-->
+ <string name="incoming_file_confirm_timeout_content">Escosó\'l tiempu p\'aceutar el ficheru entrante de \"<xliff:g id="SENDER">%1$s</xliff:g>\".</string>
+ <!-- Bluetooth File Transfer Acceptance Notification item -->
+ <string name="incoming_file_confirm_Notification_title">Bluetooth: ficheru entrante</string>
+ <string name="incoming_file_confirm_Notification_caption">¿Quies recibir esti ficheru?</string>
+ <string name="incoming_file_toast_msg">Otru preséu quier unviate un ficheru. Confirma que quies recibilu.</string>
+ <!-- Inbound File Transfer Progress Notification item -->
+ <!-- label for the notification item of receiving file -->
+ <string name="notification_receiving">Bluetooth: recibiendo <xliff:g id="FILE">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- label for the notification item of received file -->
+ <string name="notification_received">Compartir con Bluetooth: <xliff:g id="FILE">%1$s</xliff:g> recibíu</string>
+ <!-- label for the notification item of failed receiving file -->
+ <string name="notification_received_fail">Bluetooth: <xliff:g id="FILE">%1$s</xliff:g> non recibíu</string>
+ <!-- Outbound File Transfer Progress Notification item -->
+ <!-- label for the notification item of sending file -->
+ <string name="notification_sending">Bluetooth: unviando <xliff:g id="FILE">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- label for the notification item of sent file -->
+ <string name="notification_sent">Bluetooth: <xliff:g id="FILE">%1$s</xliff:g> unviáu</string>
+ <!-- label for the notification item of sent file -status -->
+ <string name="notification_sent_complete">100% completáu</string>
+ <!-- label for the notification item of failed sending file -->
+ <string name="notification_sent_fail">Bluetooth: ficheru <xliff:g id="FILE">%1$s</xliff:g> non unviáu</string>
+ <!-- Bluetooth Download Progress Dialog -->
+ <!--Title -->
+ <string name="download_title">Tresferencia de ficheros</string>
+ <!--Line 1 -->
+ <string name="download_line1">De: \"<xliff:g id="SENDER">%1$s</xliff:g>\"</string>
+ <!--Line 2 -->
+ <string name="download_line2">Ficheru: <xliff:g id="FILE">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!--Line 3 -->
+ <string name="download_line3">Tamañu de ficheru: <xliff:g id="SIZE">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!--Line 4 -->
+ <string name="download_line5">Recibiendo ficheru…</string>
+ <!-- Label for a cancel button. -->
+ <string name="download_cancel">Detener</string>
+ <!-- Label for a hide button.-->
+ <string name="download_ok">Anubrir</string>
+ <!--Line 1 -->
+ <string name="incoming_line1">De</string>
+ <!--Line 2 -->
+ <string name="incoming_line2">Nome de ficheru</string>
+ <!--Line 3 -->
+ <string name="incoming_line3">Tamañu</string>
+ <!-- Bluetooth failed Download Dialog -->
+ <!--Line 1 -->
+ <string name="download_fail_line1">Ficheru non recibíu</string>
+ <!--Line 2 -->
+ <string name="download_fail_line2">Ficheru: <xliff:g id="FILE">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!--Line 3 -->
+ <string name="download_fail_line3">Motivu: <xliff:g id="REASON">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- Label for ok button.-->
+ <string name="download_fail_ok">Aceutar</string>
+ <!-- Bluetooth Successful Download Dialog -->
+ <!--Line 4 in "Bluetooth Download Progress Dialog" -->
+ <string name="download_succ_line5">Ficheru recibíu</string>
+ <!-- Label for a OK button.-->
+ <string name="download_succ_ok">Abrir</string>
+ <!-- Bluetooth Upload Progress Dialog -->
+ <string name="upload_line1">Pa: \"<xliff:g id="RECIPIENT">%1$s</xliff:g>\"</string>
+ <string name="upload_line3">Triba de ficheru: <xliff:g id="TYPE">%1$s</xliff:g> (<xliff:g id="SIZE">%2$s</xliff:g>)</string>
+ <string name="upload_line5">Unviando ficheru…</string>
+ <!-- Bluetooth Successful Upload Progress Dialog -->
+ <!--Line 4 -->
+ <string name="upload_succ_line5">Ficheru unviáu</string>
+ <!-- Label for a confirm button.-->
+ <string name="upload_succ_ok">Aceutar</string>
+ <!-- Bluetooth Failed Upload File Transfer Dialog -->
+ <string name="upload_fail_line1">Nun s\'unvió\'l ficheru a \"<xliff:g id="RECIPIENT">%1$s</xliff:g>\".</string>
+ <string name="upload_fail_line1_2">Ficheru: <xliff:g id="FILE">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- Label for a try again button.-->
+ <string name="upload_fail_ok">Volver a intentalo</string>
+ <!-- Label for a cancel button.-->
+ <string name="upload_fail_cancel">Zarrar</string>
+ <!-- Bluetooth error dialog -->
+ <string name="bt_error_btn_ok">Aceutar</string>
+ <string name="unknown_file">Ficheru desconocíu</string>
+ <string name="unknown_file_desc">Nun hai nenguna aplicación que pueda procesar esta triba de ficheru. \n</string>
+ <string name="not_exist_file">Nun hai ficheros.</string>
+ <string name="not_exist_file_desc">El ficheru nun esiste. \n</string>
+ <!-- Bluetooth Enabling progress dialog -->
+ <string name="enabling_progress_title">Por favor, espera...</string>
+ <string name="enabling_progress_content">Activando Bluetooth...</string>
+ <!-- Bluetooth Toast Message -->
+ <string name="bt_toast_1">Va recibise\'l ficheru. Comprueba\'l progresu na barra de notificaciones.</string>
+ <string name="bt_toast_2">Nun pue recibise\'l ficheru.</string>
+ <string name="bt_toast_3">Detúvose la receición del ficheru de \"<xliff:g id="SENDER">%1$s</xliff:g>\"</string>
+ <string name="bt_toast_4">Unviando ficheru a \"<xliff:g id="RECIPIENT">%1$s</xliff:g>\"</string>
+ <string name="bt_toast_5">Unviando <xliff:g id="NUMBER">%1$s</xliff:g> ficheros a "<xliff:g id="RECIPIENT">%2$s</xliff:g>\"</string>
+ <string name="bt_toast_6">Detúvose l\'unviu del ficheru a \"<xliff:g id="RECIPIENT">%1$s</xliff:g>\"</string>
+ <!-- Bluetooth System Messages [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <string name="bt_sm_2_1" product="nosdcard">Nun hai espaciu abondu nel almacenamientu USB pa guardar el ficheru de \"<xliff:g id="SENDER">%1$s</xliff:g>\".</string>
+ <!-- Bluetooth System Messages -->
+ <string name="bt_sm_2_1" product="default">Nun hai espaciu abondu na tarxeta SD pa guardar el ficheru de \"<xliff:g id="SENDER">%1$s</xliff:g>\".</string>
+ <string name="bt_sm_2_2">Espaciu necesariu: <xliff:g id="SIZE">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="ErrorTooManyRequests">Tán procesándose munches solicitúes. Vuelvi a intentalo dempués.</string>
+ <!-- Bluetooth Transfer Failure Reason -->
+ <string name="status_pending">Entá nun s\'anició la tresferencia de ficheros.</string>
+ <string name="status_running">Tresferencia de ficheros en cursu</string>
+ <string name="status_success">La tresferencia de ficheros completóse correcho.</string>
+ <string name="status_not_accept">Conteníu non almitíu</string>
+ <string name="status_forbidden">El preséu de destín nun permite la tresferencia.</string>
+ <string name="status_canceled">Tresferencia encaboxada pol usuariu</string>
+ <string name="status_file_error">Fallu rellacionáu col almacenamientu</string>
+ <!-- Shown when USB storage cannot be found. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <string name="status_no_sd_card" product="nosdcard">Ensin almacenamientu USB</string>
+ <string name="status_no_sd_card" product="default">Nun se deteuta nenguna tarxeta SD. Inxerta una tarxeta SD y guarda los ficheros tresferíos.</string>
+ <string name="status_connection_error">Conexón incorreuta</string>
+ <string name="status_protocol_error">Nun pue procesase la solicitú correchamente.</string>
+ <string name="status_unknown_error">Fallu desconocíu</string>
+ <!-- Bluetooth OPP Live Folder -->
+ <string name="btopp_live_folder">Recibío per Bluetooth</string>
+ <!-- Bluetooth OPP Transfer History -->
+ <string name="download_success">Receición de <xliff:g id="FILE_SIZE">%1$s</xliff:g> completada</string>
+ <string name="upload_success">Unviu de <xliff:g id="FILE_SIZE">%1$s</xliff:g> completáu</string>
+ <string name="inbound_history_title">Tresferencies entrantes</string>
+ <string name="outbound_history_title">Tresferencies salientes</string>
+ <string name="no_transfers">L\'historial de tresferencies ta baleru.</string>
+ <string name="transfer_clear_dlg_msg">Van desaniciase tolos elementos de la llista.</string>
+ <string name="outbound_noti_title">Bluetooth: ficheros unviaos</string>
+ <string name="inbound_noti_title">Bluetooth: ficheros recibíos</string>
+ <string name="transfer_menu_clear_all">Desaniciar llista</string>
+ <string name="transfer_menu_open">Abrir</string>
+ <string name="transfer_menu_clear">Desaniciar de la llista</string>
+ <string name="transfer_clear_dlg_title">Desaniciar</string>
+ <!-- Do not translate. file name used for sharing. -->
+ <!-- Used to run Bluetooth.apk in another process if needed -->
+ <!-- Do not translate. android:sharedUserId string of this application. -->
+ <!-- Do not translate. android:process of this application. -->
+ <string name="bluetooth_map_settings_cancel">Encaboxar</string>