/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The CyanogenMod Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.cyanogenmod.audiofx; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import org.cyanogenmod.audiofx.eq.EqUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class Constants { // current pref version, bump to rebuild prefs public static final int CURRENT_PREFS_INT_VERSION = 2; // effect type identifiers public static final int EFFECT_TYPE_ANDROID = 1; public static final int EFFECT_TYPE_MAXXAUDIO = 2; public static final int EFFECT_TYPE_DTS = 3; // global settings public static final String AUDIOFX_GLOBAL_FILE = "global"; public static final String DEVICE_SPEAKER = "speaker"; public static final String DEVICE_HEADSET = "headset"; public static final String DEVICE_LINE_OUT = "lineout"; public static final String DEVICE_PREFIX_USB = "usb"; public static final String DEVICE_PREFIX_CAST = "wireless"; public static final String DEVICE_PREFIX_BLUETOOTH = "bluetooth"; public static final String SAVED_DEFAULTS = "saved_defaults"; public static final String AUDIOFX_GLOBAL_USE_DTS = "audiofx.global.use_dts"; public static final String AUDIOFX_GLOBAL_HAS_DTS = "audiofx.global.has_dts"; public static final String AUDIOFX_GLOBAL_ENABLE_DTS = "audiofx.global.dts.enable"; public static final String AUDIOFX_GLOBAL_HAS_MAXXAUDIO = "audiofx.global.hasmaxxaudio"; public static final String AUDIOFX_GLOBAL_HAS_BASSBOOST = "audiofx.global.hasbassboost"; public static final String AUDIOFX_GLOBAL_HAS_VIRTUALIZER = "audiofx.global.hasvirtualizer"; public static final String AUDIOFX_GLOBAL_PREFS_VERSION_INT = "audiofx.global.prefs.version"; // per-device settings public static final boolean DEVICE_DEFAULT_GLOBAL_ENABLE = false; /** * not really global enable, but really the device global enable... */ public static final String DEVICE_AUDIOFX_GLOBAL_ENABLE = "audiofx.global.enable"; public static final String DEVICE_AUDIOFX_BASS_ENABLE = "audiofx.bass.enable"; public static final String DEVICE_AUDIOFX_BASS_STRENGTH = "audiofx.bass.strength"; public static final String DEVICE_AUDIOFX_REVERB_PRESET = "audiofx.reverb.preset"; public static final String DEVICE_AUDIOFX_VIRTUALIZER_ENABLE = "audiofx.virtualizer.enable"; public static final String DEVICE_AUDIOFX_VIRTUALIZER_STRENGTH = "audiofx.virtualizer.strength"; public static final String DEVICE_AUDIOFX_TREBLE_ENABLE = "audiofx.treble.enable"; public static final String DEVICE_AUDIOFX_TREBLE_STRENGTH = "audiofx.treble.strength"; public static final String DEVICE_AUDIOFX_MAXXVOLUME_ENABLE = "audiofx.maxxvolume.enable"; public static final String DEVICE_AUDIOFX_EQ_PRESET = "audiofx.eq.preset"; public static final String DEVICE_AUDIOFX_EQ_PRESET_LEVELS = "audiofx.eq.preset.levels"; // eq public static final String EQUALIZER_NUMBER_OF_PRESETS = "equalizer.number_of_presets"; public static final String EQUALIZER_NUMBER_OF_BANDS = "equalizer.number_of_bands"; public static final String EQUALIZER_BAND_LEVEL_RANGE = "equalizer.band_level_range"; public static final String EQUALIZER_CENTER_FREQS = "equalizer.center_freqs"; public static final String EQUALIZER_PRESET = "equalizer.preset."; public static final String EQUALIZER_PRESET_NAMES = "equalizer.preset_names"; // musicfx constants public static final String MUSICFX_PREF_NAME = "musicfx"; public static final String MUSICFX_DEFAULT_PACKAGE_KEY = "defaultpanelpackage"; public static final String MUSICFX_DEFAULT_PANEL_KEY = "defaultpanelname"; public static SharedPreferences getMusicFxPrefs(Context context) { return context.getSharedPreferences(MUSICFX_PREF_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); } public static SharedPreferences getGlobalPrefs(Context context) { return context.getSharedPreferences(AUDIOFX_GLOBAL_FILE, 0); } public static List getCustomPresets(Context ctx, int bands) { ArrayList presets = new ArrayList(); final SharedPreferences presetPrefs = ctx.getSharedPreferences("custom_presets", 0); String[] presetNames = presetPrefs.getString("preset_names", "").split("\\|"); for (int i = 0; i < presetNames.length; i++) { String storedPresetString = presetPrefs.getString(presetNames[i], null); if (storedPresetString == null) { continue; } Preset.CustomPreset p = Preset.CustomPreset.fromString(storedPresetString); presets.add(p); } return presets; } public static void saveCustomPresets(Context ctx, List presets) { final SharedPreferences.Editor presetPrefs = ctx.getSharedPreferences("custom_presets", 0).edit(); presetPrefs.clear(); StringBuffer presetNames = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < presets.size(); i++) { final Preset preset = presets.get(i); if (preset instanceof Preset.CustomPreset && !(preset instanceof Preset.PermCustomPreset)) { Preset.CustomPreset p = (Preset.CustomPreset) preset; presetNames.append(p.getName()); presetNames.append("|"); presetPrefs.putString(p.getName(), p.toString()); } } if (presetNames.length() > 0) { presetNames.deleteCharAt(presetNames.length() - 1); } presetPrefs.putString("preset_names", presetNames.toString()); presetPrefs.commit(); } public static int[] getBandLevelRange(Context context) { String savedCenterFreqs = context.getSharedPreferences("global", 0).getString("equalizer.band_level_range", null); if (savedCenterFreqs == null || savedCenterFreqs.isEmpty()) { return new int[]{-1500, 1500}; } else { String[] split = savedCenterFreqs.split(";"); int[] freqs = new int[split.length]; for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { freqs[i] = Integer.valueOf(split[i]); } return freqs; } } public static int[] getCenterFreqs(Context context, int eqBands) { String savedCenterFreqs = context.getSharedPreferences("global", 0).getString("equalizer.center_freqs", EqUtils.getZeroedBandsString(eqBands)); String[] split = savedCenterFreqs.split(";"); int[] freqs = new int[split.length]; for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { freqs[i] = Integer.valueOf(split[i]); } return freqs; } }