# Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project # Copyright (C) 2017-2018 The LineageOS Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ifeq ($(call my-dir),$(call project-path-for,qcom-power)) LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) ifeq ($(call is-vendor-board-platform,QCOM),true) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE_RELATIVE_PATH := hw LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := \ liblog \ libcutils \ libdl \ libxml2 \ libhidlbase \ libhidltransport \ libhardware \ libutils LOCAL_SRC_FILES := \ service.cpp \ Power.cpp \ power-helper.c \ metadata-parser.c \ utils.c \ list.c \ hint-data.c LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := external/libxml2/include \ external/icu/icu4c/source/common LOCAL_CFLAGS += -Wall -Wextra -Werror ifneq ($(BOARD_POWER_CUSTOM_BOARD_LIB),) LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES += $(BOARD_POWER_CUSTOM_BOARD_LIB) else # Include target-specific files. ifeq ($(call is-board-platform-in-list, msm8974), true) LOCAL_SRC_FILES += power-8974.c endif ifeq ($(call is-board-platform-in-list, msm8226), true) LOCAL_SRC_FILES += power-8226.c endif ifeq ($(call is-board-platform-in-list, msm8610), true) LOCAL_SRC_FILES += power-8610.c endif ifeq ($(call is-board-platform-in-list, apq8084), true) LOCAL_SRC_FILES += power-8084.c endif ifeq ($(call is-board-platform-in-list, msm8994), true) LOCAL_SRC_FILES += power-8994.c endif ifeq ($(call is-board-platform-in-list, msm8992), true) LOCAL_SRC_FILES += power-8992.c endif ifeq ($(call is-board-platform-in-list, msm8996), true) LOCAL_SRC_FILES += power-8996.c endif ifeq ($(call is-board-platform-in-list,msm8937), true) LOCAL_SRC_FILES += power-8952.c endif ifeq ($(call is-board-platform-in-list,msm8952), true) LOCAL_SRC_FILES += power-8952.c endif ifeq ($(call is-board-platform-in-list,msm8953), true) LOCAL_SRC_FILES += power-8953.c endif ifeq ($(call is-board-platform-in-list,msm8998 apq8098_latv), true) LOCAL_SRC_FILES += power-8998.c endif ifeq ($(call is-board-platform-in-list,sdm660), true) LOCAL_SRC_FILES += power-660.c endif ifeq ($(call is-board-platform-in-list,sdm845), true) LOCAL_SRC_FILES += power-845.c endif ifeq ($(call is-board-platform-in-list, msm8909), true) LOCAL_SRC_FILES += power-8909.c endif ifeq ($(call is-board-platform-in-list,msm8916), true) LOCAL_SRC_FILES += power-8916.c endif endif # End of board specific list ifneq ($(TARGET_POWER_SET_FEATURE_LIB),) LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES += $(TARGET_POWER_SET_FEATURE_LIB) endif ifeq ($(TARGET_USES_INTERACTION_BOOST),true) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DINTERACTION_BOOST endif ifneq ($(TARGET_POWERHAL_SET_INTERACTIVE_EXT),) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DSET_INTERACTIVE_EXT LOCAL_SRC_FILES += ../../../$(TARGET_POWERHAL_SET_INTERACTIVE_EXT) endif ifneq ($(TARGET_TAP_TO_WAKE_NODE),) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DTAP_TO_WAKE_NODE=\"$(TARGET_TAP_TO_WAKE_NODE)\" endif ifeq ($(TARGET_HAS_LEGACY_POWER_STATS),true) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DLEGACY_STATS endif ifeq ($(TARGET_HAS_NO_POWER_STATS),true) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DNO_STATS endif ifneq ($(TARGET_RPM_STAT),) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DRPM_STAT=\"$(TARGET_RPM_STAT)\" endif ifneq ($(TARGET_RPM_MASTER_STAT),) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DRPM_MASTER_STAT=\"$(TARGET_RPM_MASTER_STAT)\" endif ifneq ($(TARGET_RPM_SYSTEM_STAT),) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DRPM_SYSTEM_STAT=\"$(TARGET_RPM_SYSTEM_STAT)\" endif ifneq ($(TARGET_WLAN_POWER_STAT),) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DWLAN_POWER_STAT=\"$(TARGET_WLAN_POWER_STAT)\" endif ifeq ($(TARGET_HAS_NO_WLAN_STATS),true) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DNO_WLAN_STATS endif LOCAL_MODULE := android.hardware.power@1.1-service-qti LOCAL_INIT_RC := android.hardware.power@1.1-service-qti.rc LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES += android.hardware.power@1.1 vendor.lineage.power@1.0 LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional LOCAL_MODULE_OWNER := qcom LOCAL_VENDOR_MODULE := true LOCAL_HEADER_LIBRARIES := libhardware_headers include $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE) endif endif