/* $License: Copyright (C) 2011-2012 InvenSense Corporation, All Rights Reserved. See included License.txt for License information. $ */ /** * @defgroup Results_Holder results_holder * @brief Motion Library - Results Holder * Holds the data for MPL * * @{ * @file results_holder.c * @brief Results Holder for HAL. */ #include #include "results_holder.h" #include "ml_math_func.h" #include "mlmath.h" #include "start_manager.h" #include "data_builder.h" #include "message_layer.h" #include "log.h" // These 2 status bits are used to control when the 9 axis quaternion is updated #define INV_COMPASS_CORRECTION_SET 1 #define INV_6_AXIS_QUAT_SET 2 struct results_t { long nav_quat[4]; long gam_quat[4]; inv_time_t nav_timestamp; inv_time_t gam_timestamp; long local_field[3]; /**< local earth's magnetic field */ long mag_scale[3]; /**< scale factor to apply to magnetic field reading */ long compass_correction[4]; /**< quaternion going from gyro,accel quaternion to 9 axis */ int acc_state; /**< Describes accel state */ int got_accel_bias; /**< Flag describing if accel bias is known */ long compass_bias_error[3]; /**< Error Squared */ unsigned char motion_state; unsigned int motion_state_counter; /**< Incremented for each no motion event in a row */ long compass_count; /**< compass state internal counter */ int got_compass_bias; /**< Flag describing if compass bias is known */ int large_mag_field; /**< Flag describing if there is a large magnetic field */ int compass_state; /**< Internal compass state */ long status; struct inv_sensor_cal_t *sensor; float quat_confidence_interval; }; static struct results_t rh; /** @internal * Store a quaternion more suitable for gaming. This quaternion is often determined * using only gyro and accel. * @param[in] quat Length 4, Quaternion scaled by 2^30 */ void inv_store_gaming_quaternion(const long *quat, inv_time_t timestamp) { rh.status |= INV_6_AXIS_QUAT_SET; memcpy(&rh.gam_quat, quat, sizeof(rh.gam_quat)); rh.gam_timestamp = timestamp; } /** @internal * Sets the quaternion adjustment from 6 axis (accel, gyro) to 9 axis quaternion. * @param[in] data Quaternion Adjustment * @param[in] timestamp Timestamp of when this is valid */ void inv_set_compass_correction(const long *data, inv_time_t timestamp) { rh.status |= INV_COMPASS_CORRECTION_SET; memcpy(rh.compass_correction, data, sizeof(rh.compass_correction)); rh.nav_timestamp = timestamp; } /** @internal * Gets the quaternion adjustment from 6 axis (accel, gyro) to 9 axis quaternion. * @param[out] data Quaternion Adjustment * @param[out] timestamp Timestamp of when this is valid */ void inv_get_compass_correction(long *data, inv_time_t *timestamp) { memcpy(data, rh.compass_correction, sizeof(rh.compass_correction)); *timestamp = rh.nav_timestamp; } /** Returns non-zero if there is a large magnetic field. See inv_set_large_mag_field() for setting this variable. * @return Returns non-zero if there is a large magnetic field. */ int inv_get_large_mag_field() { return rh.large_mag_field; } /** Set to non-zero if there as a large magnetic field. See inv_get_large_mag_field() for getting this variable. * @param[in] state value to set for magnetic field strength. Should be non-zero if it is large. */ void inv_set_large_mag_field(int state) { rh.large_mag_field = state; } /** Gets the accel state set by inv_set_acc_state() * @return accel state. */ int inv_get_acc_state() { return rh.acc_state; } /** Sets the accel state. See inv_get_acc_state() to get the value. * @param[in] state value to set accel state to. */ void inv_set_acc_state(int state) { rh.acc_state = state; return; } /** Returns the motion state * @param[out] cntr Number of previous times a no motion event has occured in a row. * @return Returns INV_SUCCESS if successful or an error code if not. */ int inv_get_motion_state(unsigned int *cntr) { *cntr = rh.motion_state_counter; return rh.motion_state; } /** Sets the motion state * @param[in] state motion state where INV_NO_MOTION is not moving * and INV_MOTION is moving. */ void inv_set_motion_state(unsigned char state) { long set; if (state == rh.motion_state) { if (state == INV_NO_MOTION) { rh.motion_state_counter++; } else { rh.motion_state_counter = 0; } return; } rh.motion_state_counter = 0; rh.motion_state = state; /* Equivalent to set = state, but #define's may change. */ if (state == INV_MOTION) set = INV_MSG_MOTION_EVENT; else set = INV_MSG_NO_MOTION_EVENT; inv_set_message(set, (INV_MSG_MOTION_EVENT | INV_MSG_NO_MOTION_EVENT), 0); } /** Sets the local earth's magnetic field * @param[in] data Local earth's magnetic field in uT scaled by 2^16. * Length = 3. Y typically points north, Z typically points down in * northern hemisphere and up in southern hemisphere. */ void inv_set_local_field(const long *data) { memcpy(rh.local_field, data, sizeof(rh.local_field)); } /** Gets the local earth's magnetic field * @param[out] data Local earth's magnetic field in uT scaled by 2^16. * Length = 3. Y typically points north, Z typically points down in * northern hemisphere and up in southern hemisphere. */ void inv_get_local_field(long *data) { memcpy(data, rh.local_field, sizeof(rh.local_field)); } /** Sets the compass sensitivity * @param[in] data Length 3, sensitivity for each compass axis * scaled such that 1.0 = 2^30. */ void inv_set_mag_scale(const long *data) { memcpy(rh.mag_scale, data, sizeof(rh.mag_scale)); } /** Gets the compass sensitivity * @param[out] data Length 3, sensitivity for each compass axis * scaled such that 1.0 = 2^30. */ void inv_get_mag_scale(long *data) { memcpy(data, rh.mag_scale, sizeof(rh.mag_scale)); } /** Gets gravity vector * @param[out] data gravity vector in body frame scaled such that 1.0 = 2^30. * @return Returns INV_SUCCESS if successful or an error code if not. */ inv_error_t inv_get_gravity(long *data) { data[0] = inv_q29_mult(rh.nav_quat[1], rh.nav_quat[3]) - inv_q29_mult(rh.nav_quat[2], rh.nav_quat[0]); data[1] = inv_q29_mult(rh.nav_quat[2], rh.nav_quat[3]) + inv_q29_mult(rh.nav_quat[1], rh.nav_quat[0]); data[2] = (inv_q29_mult(rh.nav_quat[3], rh.nav_quat[3]) + inv_q29_mult(rh.nav_quat[0], rh.nav_quat[0])) - 1073741824L; return INV_SUCCESS; } /** Returns a quaternion based only on gyro and accel. * @param[out] data 6-axis gyro and accel quaternion scaled such that 1.0 = 2^30. * @return Returns INV_SUCCESS if successful or an error code if not. */ inv_error_t inv_get_6axis_quaternion(long *data) { memcpy(data, rh.gam_quat, sizeof(rh.gam_quat)); return INV_SUCCESS; } /** Returns a quaternion. * @param[out] data 9-axis quaternion scaled such that 1.0 = 2^30. * @return Returns INV_SUCCESS if successful or an error code if not. */ inv_error_t inv_get_quaternion(long *data) { if (rh.status & (INV_COMPASS_CORRECTION_SET | INV_6_AXIS_QUAT_SET)) { inv_q_mult(rh.compass_correction, rh.gam_quat, rh.nav_quat); rh.status &= ~(INV_COMPASS_CORRECTION_SET | INV_6_AXIS_QUAT_SET); } memcpy(data, rh.nav_quat, sizeof(rh.nav_quat)); return INV_SUCCESS; } /** Returns a quaternion. * @param[out] data 9-axis quaternion. * @return Returns INV_SUCCESS if successful or an error code if not. */ inv_error_t inv_get_quaternion_float(float *data) { long ldata[4]; inv_error_t result = inv_get_quaternion(ldata); data[0] = inv_q30_to_float(ldata[0]); data[1] = inv_q30_to_float(ldata[1]); data[2] = inv_q30_to_float(ldata[2]); data[3] = inv_q30_to_float(ldata[3]); return result; } /** Returns a quaternion with accuracy and timestamp. * @param[out] data 9-axis quaternion scaled such that 1.0 = 2^30. * @param[out] accuracy Accuracy of quaternion, 0-3, where 3 is most accurate. * @param[out] timestamp Timestamp of this quaternion in nanoseconds */ void inv_get_quaternion_set(long *data, int *accuracy, inv_time_t *timestamp) { inv_get_quaternion(data); *timestamp = inv_get_last_timestamp(); if (inv_get_compass_on()) { *accuracy = inv_get_mag_accuracy(); } else if (inv_get_gyro_on()) { *accuracy = inv_get_gyro_accuracy(); }else if (inv_get_accel_on()) { *accuracy = inv_get_accel_accuracy(); } else { *accuracy = 0; } } /** Callback that gets called everytime there is new data. It is * registered by inv_start_results_holder(). * @param[in] sensor_cal New sensor data to process. * @return Returns INV_SUCCESS if successful or an error code if not. */ inv_error_t inv_generate_results(struct inv_sensor_cal_t *sensor_cal) { rh.sensor = sensor_cal; return INV_SUCCESS; } /** Function to turn on this module. This is automatically called by * inv_enable_results_holder(). Typically not called by users. * @return Returns INV_SUCCESS if successful or an error code if not. */ inv_error_t inv_start_results_holder(void) { inv_register_data_cb(inv_generate_results, INV_PRIORITY_RESULTS_HOLDER, INV_GYRO_NEW | INV_ACCEL_NEW | INV_MAG_NEW); return INV_SUCCESS; } /** Initializes results holder. This is called automatically by the * enable function inv_enable_results_holder(). It may be called any time the feature is enabled, but * is typically not needed to be called by outside callers. * @return Returns INV_SUCCESS if successful or an error code if not. */ inv_error_t inv_init_results_holder(void) { memset(&rh, 0, sizeof(rh)); rh.mag_scale[0] = 1L<<30; rh.mag_scale[1] = 1L<<30; rh.mag_scale[2] = 1L<<30; rh.compass_correction[0] = 1L<<30; rh.gam_quat[0] = 1L<<30; rh.nav_quat[0] = 1L<<30; rh.quat_confidence_interval = (float)M_PI; return INV_SUCCESS; } /** Turns on storage of results. */ inv_error_t inv_enable_results_holder() { inv_error_t result; result = inv_init_results_holder(); if ( result ) { return result; } result = inv_register_mpl_start_notification(inv_start_results_holder); return result; } /** Sets state of if we know the accel bias. * @return return 1 if we know the accel bias, 0 if not. * it is set with inv_set_accel_bias_found() */ int inv_got_accel_bias() { return rh.got_accel_bias; } /** Sets whether we know the accel bias * @param[in] state Set to 1 if we know the accel bias. * Can be retrieved with inv_got_accel_bias() */ void inv_set_accel_bias_found(int state) { rh.got_accel_bias = state; } /** Sets state of if we know the compass bias. * @return return 1 if we know the compass bias, 0 if not. * it is set with inv_set_compass_bias_found() */ int inv_got_compass_bias() { return rh.got_compass_bias; } /** Sets whether we know the compass bias * @param[in] state Set to 1 if we know the compass bias. * Can be retrieved with inv_got_compass_bias() */ void inv_set_compass_bias_found(int state) { rh.got_compass_bias = state; } /** Sets the compass state. * @param[in] state Compass state. It can be retrieved with inv_get_compass_state(). */ void inv_set_compass_state(int state) { rh.compass_state = state; } /** Get's the compass state * @return the compass state that was set with inv_set_compass_state() */ int inv_get_compass_state() { return rh.compass_state; } /** Set compass bias error. See inv_get_compass_bias_error() * @param[in] bias_error Set's how accurate we know the compass bias. It is the * error squared. */ void inv_set_compass_bias_error(const long *bias_error) { memcpy(rh.compass_bias_error, bias_error, sizeof(rh.compass_bias_error)); } /** Get's compass bias error. See inv_set_compass_bias_error() for setting. * @param[out] bias_error Accuracy as to how well the compass bias is known. It is the error squared. */ void inv_get_compass_bias_error(long *bias_error) { memcpy(bias_error, rh.compass_bias_error, sizeof(rh.compass_bias_error)); } /** * @brief Returns 3-element vector of accelerometer data in body frame * with gravity removed * @param[out] data 3-element vector of accelerometer data in body frame * with gravity removed * @return INV_SUCCESS if successful * INV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if invalid input pointer */ inv_error_t inv_get_linear_accel(long *data) { long gravity[3]; if (data != NULL) { inv_get_accel_set(data, NULL, NULL); inv_get_gravity(gravity); data[0] -= gravity[0] >> 14; data[1] -= gravity[1] >> 14; data[2] -= gravity[2] >> 14; return INV_SUCCESS; } else { return INV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } /** * @brief Returns 3-element vector of accelerometer data in body frame * @param[out] data 3-element vector of accelerometer data in body frame * @return INV_SUCCESS if successful * INV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if invalid input pointer */ inv_error_t inv_get_accel(long *data) { if (data != NULL) { inv_get_accel_set(data, NULL, NULL); return INV_SUCCESS; } else { return INV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } /** * @brief Returns 3-element vector of accelerometer float data * @param[out] data 3-element vector of accelerometer float data * @return INV_SUCCESS if successful * INV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if invalid input pointer */ inv_error_t inv_get_accel_float(float *data) { long tdata[3]; unsigned char i; if (data != NULL && !inv_get_accel(tdata)) { for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { data[i] = ((float)tdata[i] / (1L << 16)); } return INV_SUCCESS; } else { return INV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } /** * @brief Returns 3-element vector of gyro float data * @param[out] data 3-element vector of gyro float data * @return INV_SUCCESS if successful * INV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if invalid input pointer */ inv_error_t inv_get_gyro_float(float *data) { long tdata[3]; unsigned char i; if (data != NULL) { inv_get_gyro_set(tdata, NULL, NULL); for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { data[i] = ((float)tdata[i] / (1L << 16)); } return INV_SUCCESS; } else { return INV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } /** Set 9 axis 95% heading confidence interval for quaternion * @param[in] ci Confidence interval in radians. */ void inv_set_heading_confidence_interval(float ci) { rh.quat_confidence_interval = ci; } /** Get 9 axis 95% heading confidence interval for quaternion * @return Confidence interval in radians. */ float inv_get_heading_confidence_interval(void) { return rh.quat_confidence_interval; } /** * @brief Returns 3-element vector of linear accel float data * @param[out] data 3-element vector of linear aceel float data * @return INV_SUCCESS if successful * INV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if invalid input pointer */ inv_error_t inv_get_linear_accel_float(float *data) { long tdata[3]; unsigned char i; if (data != NULL && !inv_get_linear_accel(tdata)) { for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { data[i] = ((float)tdata[i] / (1L << 16)); } return INV_SUCCESS; } else { return INV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } /** * @} */