path: root/src/powervr_iep_lite/iep_lite/iep_lite_utils.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/powervr_iep_lite/iep_lite/iep_lite_utils.c')
1 files changed, 333 insertions, 333 deletions
diff --git a/src/powervr_iep_lite/iep_lite/iep_lite_utils.c b/src/powervr_iep_lite/iep_lite/iep_lite_utils.c
index 50879c7..7bcd605 100644
--- a/src/powervr_iep_lite/iep_lite/iep_lite_utils.c
+++ b/src/powervr_iep_lite/iep_lite/iep_lite_utils.c
@@ -1,333 +1,333 @@
- *********************************************************************************
- **
- ** Name : iep_lite_utils.c
- ** Author : Imagination Technologies
- **
- ** Copyright : 2008 by Imagination Technologies Limited. All rights reserved
- ** : No part of this software, either material or conceptual
- ** : may be copied or distributed, transmitted, transcribed,
- ** : stored in a retrieval system or translated into any
- ** : human or computer language in any form by any means,
- ** : electronic, mechanical, manual or other-wise, or
- ** : disclosed to third parties without the express written
- ** : permission of Imagination Technologies Limited, Unit 8,
- ** : HomePark Industrial Estate, King's Langley, Hertfordshire,
- ** : WD4 8LZ, U.K.
- **
- ** Description : Contains all general utility functions for iep lite api.
- **
- *********************************************************************************
- *********************************************************************************/
- This code is provided for demonstration purposes only. It has
- been ported from other projects and has not been tested with
- real hardware. It is not provided in a state that can be run
- with real hardware - this is not intended as the basis for a
- production driver. This code should only be used as an example
- of the algorithms to be used for setting up the IEP lite
- hardware.
- ********************************************************************/
- Includes
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "img_iep_defs.h"
-#include "csc2.h"
-#define EXTERNAL
-#include "iep_lite_api.h"
-#include "iep_lite_reg_defs.h"
-#undef EXTERNAL
-#include "iep_lite_utils.h"
-inline void READ_REGISTER(void * p_iep_lite_context,unsigned int reg,unsigned int * pval)
- IEP_LITE_sContext * sIEP_LITE_Context = p_iep_lite_context;
- *pval = *(img_uint32 *)(sIEP_LITE_Context->ui32RegBaseAddr + (img_uint32)reg);
- /*fprintf ( stderr, "Reading reg at addr %08x val %08x \n", reg, *pval );*/
- @Function iep_lite_RenderCompleteCallback
-img_void iep_lite_RenderCompleteCallback (void * p_iep_lite_context)
- IEP_LITE_sContext * sIEP_LITE_Context = p_iep_lite_context;
- img_uint32 ui32MyReg;
- DEBUG_PRINT ( "Entering iep_lite_RenderCompleteCallback\n" );
- if (NULL == sIEP_LITE_Context)
- {
- return IMG_FAILED;
- }
- if (( sIEP_LITE_Context->eBLEBlackMode != IEP_LITE_BLE_OFF ) ||
- ( sIEP_LITE_Context->eBLEWhiteMode != IEP_LITE_BLE_OFF ))
- {
- if ( sIEP_LITE_Context->bFirstLUTValuesWritten == IMG_FALSE )
- {
- /* The first table must be calculated using fixed values for YMinIn and YMaxIn. */
- /* This is because the BLE hardware will not return meaningful values for these */
- /* until it has been turned on and we can't turn it on without a valid table. */
- /* As such, we use fixed values to approximate a table for the first frame. */
- }
- else
- {
- /* Back at start of "read vals / calc table / write table" cycle */
- &ui32MyReg );
- }
- /* The hardware can return unusable values for MinIn and MaxIn for two reasons : */
- /* 1. The read has been performed while the hardware is calculating new values */
- /* (i.e.: mid frame). In this case, both readback values will be zero. */
- /* 2. The read has been performed during the first frame after the hardware has */
- /* been turned on, but before the first readback values have been calculated. */
- /* In this case, the value for MinIn will be greater than the value for MaxIn. */
- /* */
- /* In both cases, we just ignore the read and try again next time. */
- if (
- (( sIEP_LITE_Context->i32YMinIn == 0 ) &&
- ( sIEP_LITE_Context->i32YMaxIn == 0 ))
- ||
- (( sIEP_LITE_Context->i32YMinIn > sIEP_LITE_Context->i32YMaxIn ))
- )
- {
- /* Discard values */
- }
- else
- {
- iep_lite_CalculateBLELookUpTable ( sIEP_LITE_Context,
- sIEP_LITE_Context->i32YMinIn,
- sIEP_LITE_Context->i32YMaxIn );
- /* All ready for writing to hardware */
- iep_lite_WriteBLELUTToHardware (sIEP_LITE_Context);
- }
- }
- DEBUG_PRINT ( "Leaving iep_lite_RenderCompleteCallback\n" );
- return;
- * Function Name: iep_lite_CalculateBLELookUpTable
- *****************************************************************************/
-img_void iep_lite_CalculateBLELookUpTable ( IEP_LITE_sContext * sIEP_LITE_Context,
- img_int32 i32YMinIn,
- img_int32 i32YMaxIn )
- img_uint32 ui32x1;
- img_uint32 ui32x2;
- img_uint32 ui32x3;
- img_uint32 ui32x4;
- img_uint32 ui32y1;
- img_uint32 ui32y2;
- img_uint32 ui32y3;
- img_uint32 ui32y4;
- img_uint32 ui32lum0;
- img_uint32 ui32lum1;
- img_uint32 ui32i;
- img_uint32 ui32DR;
- img_uint32 ui32DB;
- img_uint32 ui32DW;
- img_uint32 ui32BlackSlope;
- img_uint32 ui32WhiteSlope;
- img_uint32 ui32CompositeWord = 0;
- img_uint32 ui32resolution = (IEP_LITE_DATA_SIZE_10_BITS + 1);
- img_uint32 ui32col_res = IEP_LITE_DATA_SIZE_10_BITS;
- DEBUG_PRINT ( "Entering iep_lite_CalculateBLELookUpTable\n" );
- ui32DB = asBLEBlackModes [ sIEP_LITE_Context->eBLEBlackMode ].ui32D;
- ui32DW = asBLEWhiteModes [ sIEP_LITE_Context->eBLEWhiteMode ].ui32D;
- ui32BlackSlope = asBLEBlackModes [ sIEP_LITE_Context->eBLEBlackMode ].ui32Slope;
- ui32WhiteSlope = asBLEWhiteModes [ sIEP_LITE_Context->eBLEWhiteMode ].ui32Slope;
- ui32DR = i32YMaxIn - i32YMinIn;
- ui32lum0 = i32YMinIn + ((ui32DB * ui32DR)>>(IEP_LITE_BLE_RES_PAR + IEP_LITE_BLE_RES_PAR_CORR));
- ui32lum1 = i32YMaxIn - ((ui32DW * ui32DR)>>(IEP_LITE_BLE_RES_PAR + IEP_LITE_BLE_RES_PAR_CORR));
- ui32x1 = (ui32lum0 - (ui32lum0 * ui32BlackSlope>>IEP_LITE_BLE_RES_PAR));
- ui32y1 = 0;
- ui32x2 = ui32lum0;
- ui32y2 = ui32lum0;
- ui32x3 = ui32lum1;
- ui32y3 = ui32lum1;
- ui32x4 = (ui32lum1 + ((ui32col_res - ui32lum1) * ui32WhiteSlope>>IEP_LITE_BLE_RES_PAR));
- ui32y4 = ui32col_res;
- /* initialization (we see black pixels if the resolution is not dense enough) */
- IMG_MEMSET (sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT, 0, sizeof(img_uint32)*(ui32resolution));
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- for(ui32i = ui32x4; ui32i < ui32resolution; ui32i++)
- {
- sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT [ui32i] = IEP_LITE_DATA_SIZE_10_BITS;
- }
- sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT [ui32x1] = ui32y1;
- sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT [ui32x2] = ui32y2;
- sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT [ui32x3] = ui32y3;
- sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT [ui32x4] = ui32y4;
- iep_lite_BLERecursiveLUTCalculation ( sIEP_LITE_Context,
- ui32x1,
- sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32x1],
- ui32x2,
- sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32x2],
- ui32x3,
- sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32x3],
- ui32x4,
- sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32x4] );
- /* Compress table */
- for(ui32i=0; ui32i<IEP_LITE_BLE_LUT_TABLE_SIZE_IN_ENTRIES; ui32i+=2)
- {
- sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT [ ui32i ],
- ui32CompositeWord );
- sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT [ (ui32i+1) ],
- ui32CompositeWord );
- sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT [ ui32i ] = ui32CompositeWord;
- }
- DEBUG_PRINT ( "Leaving iep_lite_CalculateBLELookUpTable\n" );
- * Function Name: iep_lite_BLERecursiveLUTCalculation
- *****************************************************************************/
-img_void iep_lite_BLERecursiveLUTCalculation ( IEP_LITE_sContext * sIEP_LITE_Context, img_int32 i32x1, img_int32 i32y1, img_int32 i32x2, img_int32 i32y2, img_int32 i32x3, img_int32 i32y3, img_int32 i32x4, img_int32 i32y4 )
- img_uint32 ui32id1;
- img_uint32 ui32id2;
- img_uint32 ui32id3;
- img_uint32 ui32id4;
- img_uint32 ui32id5;
- img_uint32 ui32id6;
- img_uint32 ui32id7;
- img_uint32 ui32id8;
- DEBUG_PRINT ( "Entering iep_lite_BLERecursiveLUTCalculation\n" );
- if(
- i32x2 - i32x1 <= 1 &&
- i32x3 - i32x2 <= 1 &&
- i32x4 - i32x3 <= 1
- )
- {
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- ui32id1 = i32x1;
- ui32id2 = (i32x1 + i32x2) >> 1;
- ui32id3 = (ui32id2 >> 1) + ((i32x2 + i32x3) >> 2);
- ui32id7 = (i32x3 + i32x4) >> 1;
- ui32id8 = i32x4;
- ui32id6 = ((i32x2 + i32x3) >> 2) + (ui32id7 >> 1);
- ui32id4 = ui32id5 = ((ui32id3 + ui32id6) >> 1);
- sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id1] = i32y1;
- sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id2] = (i32y1 + i32y2) >> 1;
- sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id3] = (sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id2] >> 1) + ((i32y2 + i32y3) >> 2);
- sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id7] = (i32y3 + i32y4) >> 1;
- sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id8] = i32y4;
- sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id6] = ((i32y2 + i32y3) >> 2) + (sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id7] >> 1);
- sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id4] = sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id5] = ((sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id3] + sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id6]) >> 1);
- iep_lite_BLERecursiveLUTCalculation (sIEP_LITE_Context, ui32id1, sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id1], ui32id2, sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id2], ui32id3, sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id3], ui32id4, sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id4]);
- iep_lite_BLERecursiveLUTCalculation (sIEP_LITE_Context, ui32id5, sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id5], ui32id6, sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id6], ui32id7, sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id7], ui32id8, sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id8]);
- }
- DEBUG_PRINT ( "Leaving iep_lite_BLERecursiveLUTCalculation\n" );
- * Function Name: iep_lite_WriteBLELUTToHardware
- *****************************************************************************/
-img_void iep_lite_WriteBLELUTToHardware (IEP_LITE_sContext * sIEP_LITE_Context )
- img_uint32 i;
- DEBUG_PRINT ( "Entering iep_lite_WriteBLELUTToHardware\n" );
- {
- sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT [ i ] );
- }
- if ( sIEP_LITE_Context->bFirstLUTValuesWritten == IMG_FALSE )
- {
- /* Turn BLE on */
- sIEP_LITE_Context->bFirstLUTValuesWritten = IMG_TRUE;
- }
- DEBUG_PRINT ( "Leaving iep_lite_WriteBLELUTToHardware\n" );
- @Function iep_lite_StaticDataSafetyCheck
-img_void iep_lite_StaticDataSafetyCheck ( img_void )
- img_uint32 ui32i;
- DEBUG_PRINT ( "Entering iep_lite_StaticDataSafetyCheck\n" );
- /* asBLEBlackModes */
- for ( ui32i=0; ui32i<IEP_LITE_BLE_NO_OF_MODES; ui32i++ )
- {
- IMG_ASSERT ( asBLEBlackModes [ui32i].eSafetyCheck == (IEP_LITE_eBLEMode) ui32i );
- }
- /* asBLEWhiteModes */
- for ( ui32i=0; ui32i<IEP_LITE_BLE_NO_OF_MODES; ui32i++ )
- {
- IMG_ASSERT ( asBLEWhiteModes [ui32i].eSafetyCheck == (IEP_LITE_eBLEMode) ui32i );
- }
- DEBUG_PRINT ( "Leaving iep_lite_StaticDataSafetyCheck\n" );
-/*--------------------------- End of File --------------------------------*/
+ *********************************************************************************
+ **
+ ** Name : iep_lite_utils.c
+ ** Author : Imagination Technologies
+ **
+ ** Copyright : 2008 by Imagination Technologies Limited. All rights reserved
+ ** : No part of this software, either material or conceptual
+ ** : may be copied or distributed, transmitted, transcribed,
+ ** : stored in a retrieval system or translated into any
+ ** : human or computer language in any form by any means,
+ ** : electronic, mechanical, manual or other-wise, or
+ ** : disclosed to third parties without the express written
+ ** : permission of Imagination Technologies Limited, Unit 8,
+ ** : HomePark Industrial Estate, King's Langley, Hertfordshire,
+ ** : WD4 8LZ, U.K.
+ **
+ ** Description : Contains all general utility functions for iep lite api.
+ **
+ *********************************************************************************
+ *********************************************************************************/
+ This code is provided for demonstration purposes only. It has
+ been ported from other projects and has not been tested with
+ real hardware. It is not provided in a state that can be run
+ with real hardware - this is not intended as the basis for a
+ production driver. This code should only be used as an example
+ of the algorithms to be used for setting up the IEP lite
+ hardware.
+ ********************************************************************/
+ Includes
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "img_iep_defs.h"
+#include "csc2.h"
+#define EXTERNAL
+#include "iep_lite_api.h"
+#include "iep_lite_reg_defs.h"
+#undef EXTERNAL
+#include "iep_lite_utils.h"
+inline void READ_REGISTER(void * p_iep_lite_context,unsigned int reg,unsigned int * pval)
+ IEP_LITE_sContext * sIEP_LITE_Context = p_iep_lite_context;
+ *pval = *(img_uint32 *)(sIEP_LITE_Context->ui32RegBaseAddr + (img_uint32)reg);
+ /*fprintf ( stderr, "Reading reg at addr %08x val %08x \n", reg, *pval );*/
+ @Function iep_lite_RenderCompleteCallback
+img_void iep_lite_RenderCompleteCallback (void * p_iep_lite_context)
+ IEP_LITE_sContext * sIEP_LITE_Context = p_iep_lite_context;
+ img_uint32 ui32MyReg;
+ DEBUG_PRINT ( "Entering iep_lite_RenderCompleteCallback\n" );
+ if (NULL == sIEP_LITE_Context)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (( sIEP_LITE_Context->eBLEBlackMode != IEP_LITE_BLE_OFF ) ||
+ ( sIEP_LITE_Context->eBLEWhiteMode != IEP_LITE_BLE_OFF ))
+ {
+ if ( sIEP_LITE_Context->bFirstLUTValuesWritten == IMG_FALSE )
+ {
+ /* The first table must be calculated using fixed values for YMinIn and YMaxIn. */
+ /* This is because the BLE hardware will not return meaningful values for these */
+ /* until it has been turned on and we can't turn it on without a valid table. */
+ /* As such, we use fixed values to approximate a table for the first frame. */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Back at start of "read vals / calc table / write table" cycle */
+ &ui32MyReg );
+ }
+ /* The hardware can return unusable values for MinIn and MaxIn for two reasons : */
+ /* 1. The read has been performed while the hardware is calculating new values */
+ /* (i.e.: mid frame). In this case, both readback values will be zero. */
+ /* 2. The read has been performed during the first frame after the hardware has */
+ /* been turned on, but before the first readback values have been calculated. */
+ /* In this case, the value for MinIn will be greater than the value for MaxIn. */
+ /* */
+ /* In both cases, we just ignore the read and try again next time. */
+ if (
+ (( sIEP_LITE_Context->i32YMinIn == 0 ) &&
+ ( sIEP_LITE_Context->i32YMaxIn == 0 ))
+ ||
+ (( sIEP_LITE_Context->i32YMinIn > sIEP_LITE_Context->i32YMaxIn ))
+ )
+ {
+ /* Discard values */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iep_lite_CalculateBLELookUpTable ( sIEP_LITE_Context,
+ sIEP_LITE_Context->i32YMinIn,
+ sIEP_LITE_Context->i32YMaxIn );
+ /* All ready for writing to hardware */
+ iep_lite_WriteBLELUTToHardware (sIEP_LITE_Context);
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINT ( "Leaving iep_lite_RenderCompleteCallback\n" );
+ return;
+ * Function Name: iep_lite_CalculateBLELookUpTable
+ *****************************************************************************/
+img_void iep_lite_CalculateBLELookUpTable ( IEP_LITE_sContext * sIEP_LITE_Context,
+ img_int32 i32YMinIn,
+ img_int32 i32YMaxIn )
+ img_uint32 ui32x1;
+ img_uint32 ui32x2;
+ img_uint32 ui32x3;
+ img_uint32 ui32x4;
+ img_uint32 ui32y1;
+ img_uint32 ui32y2;
+ img_uint32 ui32y3;
+ img_uint32 ui32y4;
+ img_uint32 ui32lum0;
+ img_uint32 ui32lum1;
+ img_uint32 ui32i;
+ img_uint32 ui32DR;
+ img_uint32 ui32DB;
+ img_uint32 ui32DW;
+ img_uint32 ui32BlackSlope;
+ img_uint32 ui32WhiteSlope;
+ img_uint32 ui32CompositeWord = 0;
+ img_uint32 ui32resolution = (IEP_LITE_DATA_SIZE_10_BITS + 1);
+ img_uint32 ui32col_res = IEP_LITE_DATA_SIZE_10_BITS;
+ DEBUG_PRINT ( "Entering iep_lite_CalculateBLELookUpTable\n" );
+ ui32DB = asBLEBlackModes [ sIEP_LITE_Context->eBLEBlackMode ].ui32D;
+ ui32DW = asBLEWhiteModes [ sIEP_LITE_Context->eBLEWhiteMode ].ui32D;
+ ui32BlackSlope = asBLEBlackModes [ sIEP_LITE_Context->eBLEBlackMode ].ui32Slope;
+ ui32WhiteSlope = asBLEWhiteModes [ sIEP_LITE_Context->eBLEWhiteMode ].ui32Slope;
+ ui32DR = i32YMaxIn - i32YMinIn;
+ ui32lum0 = i32YMinIn + ((ui32DB * ui32DR)>>(IEP_LITE_BLE_RES_PAR + IEP_LITE_BLE_RES_PAR_CORR));
+ ui32lum1 = i32YMaxIn - ((ui32DW * ui32DR)>>(IEP_LITE_BLE_RES_PAR + IEP_LITE_BLE_RES_PAR_CORR));
+ ui32x1 = (ui32lum0 - (ui32lum0 * ui32BlackSlope>>IEP_LITE_BLE_RES_PAR));
+ ui32y1 = 0;
+ ui32x2 = ui32lum0;
+ ui32y2 = ui32lum0;
+ ui32x3 = ui32lum1;
+ ui32y3 = ui32lum1;
+ ui32x4 = (ui32lum1 + ((ui32col_res - ui32lum1) * ui32WhiteSlope>>IEP_LITE_BLE_RES_PAR));
+ ui32y4 = ui32col_res;
+ /* initialization (we see black pixels if the resolution is not dense enough) */
+ IMG_MEMSET (sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT, 0, sizeof(img_uint32)*(ui32resolution));
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ for(ui32i = ui32x4; ui32i < ui32resolution; ui32i++)
+ {
+ sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT [ui32i] = IEP_LITE_DATA_SIZE_10_BITS;
+ }
+ sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT [ui32x1] = ui32y1;
+ sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT [ui32x2] = ui32y2;
+ sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT [ui32x3] = ui32y3;
+ sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT [ui32x4] = ui32y4;
+ iep_lite_BLERecursiveLUTCalculation ( sIEP_LITE_Context,
+ ui32x1,
+ sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32x1],
+ ui32x2,
+ sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32x2],
+ ui32x3,
+ sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32x3],
+ ui32x4,
+ sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32x4] );
+ /* Compress table */
+ for(ui32i=0; ui32i<IEP_LITE_BLE_LUT_TABLE_SIZE_IN_ENTRIES; ui32i+=2)
+ {
+ sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT [ ui32i ],
+ ui32CompositeWord );
+ sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT [ (ui32i+1) ],
+ ui32CompositeWord );
+ sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT [ ui32i ] = ui32CompositeWord;
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINT ( "Leaving iep_lite_CalculateBLELookUpTable\n" );
+ * Function Name: iep_lite_BLERecursiveLUTCalculation
+ *****************************************************************************/
+img_void iep_lite_BLERecursiveLUTCalculation ( IEP_LITE_sContext * sIEP_LITE_Context, img_int32 i32x1, img_int32 i32y1, img_int32 i32x2, img_int32 i32y2, img_int32 i32x3, img_int32 i32y3, img_int32 i32x4, img_int32 i32y4 )
+ img_uint32 ui32id1;
+ img_uint32 ui32id2;
+ img_uint32 ui32id3;
+ img_uint32 ui32id4;
+ img_uint32 ui32id5;
+ img_uint32 ui32id6;
+ img_uint32 ui32id7;
+ img_uint32 ui32id8;
+ DEBUG_PRINT ( "Entering iep_lite_BLERecursiveLUTCalculation\n" );
+ if(
+ i32x2 - i32x1 <= 1 &&
+ i32x3 - i32x2 <= 1 &&
+ i32x4 - i32x3 <= 1
+ )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ui32id1 = i32x1;
+ ui32id2 = (i32x1 + i32x2) >> 1;
+ ui32id3 = (ui32id2 >> 1) + ((i32x2 + i32x3) >> 2);
+ ui32id7 = (i32x3 + i32x4) >> 1;
+ ui32id8 = i32x4;
+ ui32id6 = ((i32x2 + i32x3) >> 2) + (ui32id7 >> 1);
+ ui32id4 = ui32id5 = ((ui32id3 + ui32id6) >> 1);
+ sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id1] = i32y1;
+ sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id2] = (i32y1 + i32y2) >> 1;
+ sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id3] = (sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id2] >> 1) + ((i32y2 + i32y3) >> 2);
+ sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id7] = (i32y3 + i32y4) >> 1;
+ sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id8] = i32y4;
+ sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id6] = ((i32y2 + i32y3) >> 2) + (sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id7] >> 1);
+ sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id4] = sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id5] = ((sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id3] + sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id6]) >> 1);
+ iep_lite_BLERecursiveLUTCalculation (sIEP_LITE_Context, ui32id1, sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id1], ui32id2, sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id2], ui32id3, sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id3], ui32id4, sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id4]);
+ iep_lite_BLERecursiveLUTCalculation (sIEP_LITE_Context, ui32id5, sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id5], ui32id6, sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id6], ui32id7, sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id7], ui32id8, sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT[ui32id8]);
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINT ( "Leaving iep_lite_BLERecursiveLUTCalculation\n" );
+ * Function Name: iep_lite_WriteBLELUTToHardware
+ *****************************************************************************/
+img_void iep_lite_WriteBLELUTToHardware (IEP_LITE_sContext * sIEP_LITE_Context )
+ img_uint32 i;
+ DEBUG_PRINT ( "Entering iep_lite_WriteBLELUTToHardware\n" );
+ {
+ sIEP_LITE_Context->aui32BLELUT [ i ] );
+ }
+ if ( sIEP_LITE_Context->bFirstLUTValuesWritten == IMG_FALSE )
+ {
+ /* Turn BLE on */
+ sIEP_LITE_Context->bFirstLUTValuesWritten = IMG_TRUE;
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINT ( "Leaving iep_lite_WriteBLELUTToHardware\n" );
+ @Function iep_lite_StaticDataSafetyCheck
+img_void iep_lite_StaticDataSafetyCheck ( img_void )
+ img_uint32 ui32i;
+ DEBUG_PRINT ( "Entering iep_lite_StaticDataSafetyCheck\n" );
+ /* asBLEBlackModes */
+ for ( ui32i=0; ui32i<IEP_LITE_BLE_NO_OF_MODES; ui32i++ )
+ {
+ IMG_ASSERT ( asBLEBlackModes [ui32i].eSafetyCheck == (IEP_LITE_eBLEMode) ui32i );
+ }
+ /* asBLEWhiteModes */
+ for ( ui32i=0; ui32i<IEP_LITE_BLE_NO_OF_MODES; ui32i++ )
+ {
+ IMG_ASSERT ( asBLEWhiteModes [ui32i].eSafetyCheck == (IEP_LITE_eBLEMode) ui32i );
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINT ( "Leaving iep_lite_StaticDataSafetyCheck\n" );
+/*--------------------------- End of File --------------------------------*/