/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2013 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * Not a Contribution. * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.provider; import android.annotation.SdkConstant; import android.annotation.SdkConstant.SdkConstantType; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SqliteWrapper; import android.net.Uri; import android.telephony.MSimSmsManager; import android.telephony.SmsMessage; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.telephony.Rlog; import android.util.Patterns; import com.android.internal.telephony.MSimConstants; import com.android.internal.telephony.SmsApplication; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * The Telephony provider contains data related to phone operation, specifically SMS and MMS * messages and access to the APN list, including the MMSC to use. * *

Note: These APIs are not available on all Android-powered * devices. If your app depends on telephony features such as for managing SMS messages, include * a {@code <uses-feature>} * element in your manifest that declares the {@code "android.hardware.telephony"} hardware * feature. Alternatively, you can check for telephony availability at runtime using either * {@link android.content.pm.PackageManager#hasSystemFeature * hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_TELEPHONY)} or {@link * android.telephony.TelephonyManager#getPhoneType}.

* *

Creating an SMS app

* *

Only the default SMS app (selected by the user in system settings) is able to write to the * SMS Provider (the tables defined within the {@code Telephony} class) and only the default SMS * app receives the {@link android.provider.Telephony.Sms.Intents#SMS_DELIVER_ACTION} broadcast * when the user receives an SMS or the {@link * android.provider.Telephony.Sms.Intents#WAP_PUSH_DELIVER_ACTION} broadcast when the user * receives an MMS.

* *

Any app that wants to behave as the user's default SMS app must handle the following intents: *

* *

Other apps that are not selected as the default SMS app can only read the SMS * Provider, but may also be notified when a new SMS arrives by listening for the {@link * Sms.Intents#SMS_RECEIVED_ACTION} * broadcast, which is a non-abortable broadcast that may be delivered to multiple apps. This * broadcast is intended for apps that—while not selected as the default SMS app—need to * read special incoming messages such as to perform phone number verification.

* *

For more information about building SMS apps, read the blog post, Getting Your SMS Apps Ready for KitKat.

* */ public final class Telephony { private static final String TAG = "Telephony"; /** * Not instantiable. * @hide */ private Telephony() { } /** * Base columns for tables that contain text-based SMSs. */ public interface TextBasedSmsColumns { /** Message type: all messages. */ public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_ALL = 0; /** Message type: inbox. */ public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_INBOX = 1; /** Message type: sent messages. */ public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT = 2; /** Message type: drafts. */ public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_DRAFT = 3; /** Message type: outbox. */ public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_OUTBOX = 4; /** Message type: failed outgoing message. */ public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_FAILED = 5; /** Message type: queued to send later. */ public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_QUEUED = 6; /** * The type of message. *


*/ public static final String TYPE = "type"; /** * The thread ID of the message. *


*/ public static final String THREAD_ID = "thread_id"; /** * The address of the other party. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String ADDRESS = "address"; /** * The date the message was received. *

Type: INTEGER (long)

*/ public static final String DATE = "date"; /** * The date the message was sent. *

Type: INTEGER (long)

*/ public static final String DATE_SENT = "date_sent"; /** * Has the message been read? *

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

*/ public static final String READ = "read"; /** * Has the message been seen by the user? The "seen" flag determines * whether we need to show a notification. *

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

*/ public static final String SEEN = "seen"; /** * {@code TP-Status} value for the message, or -1 if no status has been received. *


*/ public static final String STATUS = "status"; /** TP-Status: no status received. */ public static final int STATUS_NONE = -1; /** TP-Status: complete. */ public static final int STATUS_COMPLETE = 0; /** TP-Status: pending. */ public static final int STATUS_PENDING = 32; /** TP-Status: failed. */ public static final int STATUS_FAILED = 64; /** * The subject of the message, if present. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String SUBJECT = "subject"; /** * The body of the message. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String BODY = "body"; /** * The ID of the sender of the conversation, if present. *

Type: INTEGER (reference to item in {@code content://contacts/people})

*/ public static final String PERSON = "person"; /** * The protocol identifier code. *


*/ public static final String PROTOCOL = "protocol"; /** * Is the {@code TP-Reply-Path} flag set? *


*/ public static final String REPLY_PATH_PRESENT = "reply_path_present"; /** * The service center (SC) through which to send the message, if present. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String SERVICE_CENTER = "service_center"; /** * Is the message locked? *

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

*/ public static final String LOCKED = "locked"; /** * The sub_id to which the message belongs to *


* @hide */ public static final String SUB_ID = "sub_id"; /** * Error code associated with sending or receiving this message *


*/ public static final String ERROR_CODE = "error_code"; } /** * Contains all text-based SMS messages. */ public static final class Sms implements BaseColumns, TextBasedSmsColumns { /** * Not instantiable. * @hide */ private Sms() { } /** * Used to determine the currently configured default SMS package. * @param context context of the requesting application * @return package name for the default SMS package or null */ public static String getDefaultSmsPackage(Context context) { ComponentName component = SmsApplication.getDefaultSmsApplication(context, false); if (component != null) { return component.getPackageName(); } return null; } /** * Return cursor for table query. * @hide */ public static Cursor query(ContentResolver cr, String[] projection) { return cr.query(CONTENT_URI, projection, null, null, DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER); } /** * Return cursor for table query. * @hide */ public static Cursor query(ContentResolver cr, String[] projection, String where, String orderBy) { return cr.query(CONTENT_URI, projection, where, null, orderBy == null ? DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER : orderBy); } /** * The {@code content://} style URL for this table. */ public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://sms"); /** * The default sort order for this table. */ public static final String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = "date DESC"; /** * Add an SMS to the given URI. * * @param resolver the content resolver to use * @param uri the URI to add the message to * @param address the address of the sender * @param body the body of the message * @param subject the pseudo-subject of the message * @param date the timestamp for the message * @param read true if the message has been read, false if not * @param deliveryReport true if a delivery report was requested, false if not * @return the URI for the new message * @hide */ public static Uri addMessageToUri(ContentResolver resolver, Uri uri, String address, String body, String subject, Long date, boolean read, boolean deliveryReport) { return addMessageToUri(resolver, uri, address, body, subject, date, read, deliveryReport, -1L, MSimSmsManager.getDefault().getPreferredSmsSubscription()); } /** * Add an SMS to the given URI. * * @param resolver the content resolver to use * @param uri the URI to add the message to * @param address the address of the sender * @param body the body of the message * @param subject the psuedo-subject of the message * @param date the timestamp for the message * @param read true if the message has been read, false if not * @param deliveryReport true if a delivery report was requested, false if not * @param subId the sub_id which the message belongs to * @return the URI for the new message * @hide */ public static Uri addMessageToUri(ContentResolver resolver, Uri uri, String address, String body, String subject, Long date, boolean read, boolean deliveryReport, int subId) { return addMessageToUri(resolver, uri, address, body, subject, date, read, deliveryReport, -1L, subId); } /** * Add an SMS to the given URI with the specified thread ID. * * @param resolver the content resolver to use * @param uri the URI to add the message to * @param address the address of the sender * @param body the body of the message * @param subject the pseudo-subject of the message * @param date the timestamp for the message * @param read true if the message has been read, false if not * @param deliveryReport true if a delivery report was requested, false if not * @param threadId the thread_id of the message * @return the URI for the new message * @hide */ public static Uri addMessageToUri(ContentResolver resolver, Uri uri, String address, String body, String subject, Long date, boolean read, boolean deliveryReport, long threadId) { return addMessageToUri(resolver, uri, address, body, subject, date, read, deliveryReport, threadId, MSimSmsManager.getDefault().getPreferredSmsSubscription()); } /** * Add an SMS to the given URI with thread_id specified. * * @param resolver the content resolver to use * @param uri the URI to add the message to * @param address the address of the sender * @param body the body of the message * @param subject the psuedo-subject of the message * @param date the timestamp for the message * @param read true if the message has been read, false if not * @param deliveryReport true if a delivery report was requested, false if not * @param threadId the thread_id of the message * @param subId the sub_id which the message belongs to * @return the URI for the new message * @hide */ public static Uri addMessageToUri(ContentResolver resolver, Uri uri, String address, String body, String subject, Long date, boolean read, boolean deliveryReport, long threadId, int subId) { return addMessageToUri(resolver, uri, address, body, subject, date, read, deliveryReport, threadId, subId, -1); } /** * Add an SMS to the given URI with priority specified. * * @param resolver the content resolver to use * @param uri the URI to add the message to * @param address the address of the sender * @param body the body of the message * @param subject the psuedo-subject of the message * @param date the timestamp for the message * @param read true if the message has been read, false if not * @param deliveryReport true if a delivery report was requested, false if not * @param threadId the thread_id of the message * @param subId the sub_id which the message belongs to * @param priority the priority of the message * @return the URI for the new message * @hide */ public static Uri addMessageToUri(ContentResolver resolver, Uri uri, String address, String body, String subject, Long date, boolean read, boolean deliveryReport, long threadId, int subId, int priority) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(8); Rlog.v(TAG,"Telephony addMessageToUri sub id: " + subId); values.put(SUB_ID, subId); values.put(ADDRESS, address); if (date != null) { values.put(DATE, date); } values.put(READ, read ? Integer.valueOf(1) : Integer.valueOf(0)); values.put(SUBJECT, subject); values.put(BODY, body); values.put("pri", priority); if (deliveryReport) { values.put(STATUS, STATUS_PENDING); } if (threadId != -1L) { values.put(THREAD_ID, threadId); } return resolver.insert(uri, values); } /** * Move a message to the given folder. * * @param context the context to use * @param uri the message to move * @param folder the folder to move to * @return true if the operation succeeded * @hide */ public static boolean moveMessageToFolder(Context context, Uri uri, int folder, int error) { if (uri == null) { return false; } boolean markAsUnread = false; boolean markAsRead = false; switch(folder) { case MESSAGE_TYPE_INBOX: case MESSAGE_TYPE_DRAFT: break; case MESSAGE_TYPE_OUTBOX: case MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT: markAsRead = true; break; case MESSAGE_TYPE_FAILED: case MESSAGE_TYPE_QUEUED: markAsUnread = true; break; default: return false; } ContentValues values = new ContentValues(3); values.put(TYPE, folder); if (markAsUnread) { values.put(READ, 0); } else if (markAsRead) { values.put(READ, 1); } values.put(ERROR_CODE, error); return 1 == SqliteWrapper.update(context, context.getContentResolver(), uri, values, null, null); } /** * Returns true iff the folder (message type) identifies an * outgoing message. * @hide */ public static boolean isOutgoingFolder(int messageType) { return (messageType == MESSAGE_TYPE_FAILED) || (messageType == MESSAGE_TYPE_OUTBOX) || (messageType == MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT) || (messageType == MESSAGE_TYPE_QUEUED); } /** * Contains all text-based SMS messages in the SMS app inbox. */ public static final class Inbox implements BaseColumns, TextBasedSmsColumns { /** * Not instantiable. * @hide */ private Inbox() { } /** * The {@code content://} style URL for this table. */ public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://sms/inbox"); /** * The default sort order for this table. */ public static final String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = "date DESC"; /** * Add an SMS to the Draft box. * * @param resolver the content resolver to use * @param address the address of the sender * @param body the body of the message * @param subject the pseudo-subject of the message * @param date the timestamp for the message * @param read true if the message has been read, false if not * @return the URI for the new message * @hide */ public static Uri addMessage(ContentResolver resolver, String address, String body, String subject, Long date, boolean read) { return addMessageToUri(resolver, CONTENT_URI, address, body, subject, date, read, false, MSimSmsManager.getDefault().getPreferredSmsSubscription()); } /** * Add an SMS to the Draft box. * * @param resolver the content resolver to use * @param address the address of the sender * @param body the body of the message * @param subject the psuedo-subject of the message * @param date the timestamp for the message * @param read true if the message has been read, false if not * @param subId the sub_id which the message belongs to * @return the URI for the new message * @hide */ public static Uri addMessage(ContentResolver resolver, String address, String body, String subject, Long date, boolean read, int subId) { return addMessageToUri(resolver, CONTENT_URI, address, body, subject, date, read, false, subId); } } /** * Contains all sent text-based SMS messages in the SMS app. */ public static final class Sent implements BaseColumns, TextBasedSmsColumns { /** * Not instantiable. * @hide */ private Sent() { } /** * The {@code content://} style URL for this table. */ public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://sms/sent"); /** * The default sort order for this table. */ public static final String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = "date DESC"; /** * Add an SMS to the Draft box. * * @param resolver the content resolver to use * @param address the address of the sender * @param body the body of the message * @param subject the pseudo-subject of the message * @param date the timestamp for the message * @return the URI for the new message * @hide */ public static Uri addMessage(ContentResolver resolver, String address, String body, String subject, Long date) { return addMessageToUri(resolver, CONTENT_URI, address, body, subject, date, true, false, MSimSmsManager.getDefault().getPreferredSmsSubscription()); } /** * Add an SMS to the Draft box. * * @param resolver the content resolver to use * @param address the address of the sender * @param body the body of the message * @param subject the psuedo-subject of the message * @param date the timestamp for the message * @param subId the sub_id which the message belongs to * @return the URI for the new message * @hide */ public static Uri addMessage(ContentResolver resolver, String address, String body, String subject, Long date, int subId) { return addMessageToUri(resolver, CONTENT_URI, address, body, subject, date, true, false, subId); } } /** * Contains all sent text-based SMS messages in the SMS app. */ public static final class Draft implements BaseColumns, TextBasedSmsColumns { /** * Not instantiable. * @hide */ private Draft() { } /** * The {@code content://} style URL for this table. */ public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://sms/draft"); /** * @hide */ public static Uri addMessage(ContentResolver resolver, String address, String body, String subject, Long date) { return addMessageToUri(resolver, CONTENT_URI, address, body, subject, date, true, false, MSimSmsManager.getDefault().getPreferredSmsSubscription()); } /** * Add an SMS to the Draft box. * * @param resolver the content resolver to use * @param address the address of the sender * @param body the body of the message * @param subject the psuedo-subject of the message * @param date the timestamp for the message * @param subId the sub_id which the message belongs to * @return the URI for the new message * @hide */ public static Uri addMessage(ContentResolver resolver, String address, String body, String subject, Long date, int subId) { return addMessageToUri(resolver, CONTENT_URI, address, body, subject, date, true, false, subId); } /** * The default sort order for this table. */ public static final String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = "date DESC"; } /** * Contains all pending outgoing text-based SMS messages. */ public static final class Outbox implements BaseColumns, TextBasedSmsColumns { /** * Not instantiable. * @hide */ private Outbox() { } /** * The {@code content://} style URL for this table. */ public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://sms/outbox"); /** * The default sort order for this table. */ public static final String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = "date DESC"; /** * Add an SMS to the outbox. * * @param resolver the content resolver to use * @param address the address of the sender * @param body the body of the message * @param subject the pseudo-subject of the message * @param date the timestamp for the message * @param deliveryReport whether a delivery report was requested for the message * @return the URI for the new message * @hide */ public static Uri addMessage(ContentResolver resolver, String address, String body, String subject, Long date, boolean deliveryReport, long threadId) { return addMessageToUri(resolver, CONTENT_URI, address, body, subject, date, true, deliveryReport, threadId, MSimSmsManager.getDefault().getPreferredSmsSubscription()); } /** * Add an SMS to the Out box. * * @param resolver the content resolver to use * @param address the address of the sender * @param body the body of the message * @param subject the psuedo-subject of the message * @param date the timestamp for the message * @param deliveryReport whether a delivery report was requested for the message * @param subId the sub_id which the message belongs to * @return the URI for the new message * @hide */ public static Uri addMessage(ContentResolver resolver, String address, String body, String subject, Long date, boolean deliveryReport, long threadId, int subId) { return addMessageToUri(resolver, CONTENT_URI, address, body, subject, date, true, deliveryReport, threadId, subId); } } /** * Contains all sent text-based SMS messages in the SMS app. */ public static final class Conversations implements BaseColumns, TextBasedSmsColumns { /** * Not instantiable. * @hide */ private Conversations() { } /** * The {@code content://} style URL for this table. */ public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://sms/conversations"); /** * The default sort order for this table. */ public static final String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = "date DESC"; /** * The first 45 characters of the body of the message. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String SNIPPET = "snippet"; /** * The number of messages in the conversation. *


*/ public static final String MESSAGE_COUNT = "msg_count"; } /** * Contains constants for SMS related Intents that are broadcast. */ public static final class Intents { /** * Not instantiable. * @hide */ private Intents() { } /** * Set by BroadcastReceiver to indicate that the message was handled * successfully. */ public static final int RESULT_SMS_HANDLED = 1; /** * Set by BroadcastReceiver to indicate a generic error while * processing the message. */ public static final int RESULT_SMS_GENERIC_ERROR = 2; /** * Set by BroadcastReceiver to indicate insufficient memory to store * the message. */ public static final int RESULT_SMS_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 3; /** * Set by BroadcastReceiver to indicate that the message, while * possibly valid, is of a format or encoding that is not * supported. */ public static final int RESULT_SMS_UNSUPPORTED = 4; /** * Set by BroadcastReceiver to indicate a duplicate incoming message. */ public static final int RESULT_SMS_DUPLICATED = 5; /** * Used internally: The sender of the SMS was blacklisted * for not being listed in the contact list * @hide */ public static final int RESULT_SMS_BLACKLISTED_UNKNOWN = 6; /** * Used internally: The sender of the SMS was blacklisted * for being listed in the blacklist * @hide */ public static final int RESULT_SMS_BLACKLISTED_LIST = 7; /** * Used internally: The sender of the SMS was blacklisted * for matching a blacklist regex entry * @hide */ public static final int RESULT_SMS_BLACKLISTED_REGEX = 8; /** * Used internally: * Broadcast Action: A new protected text-based SMS message has been received * by the device. This intent will be delivered to all registered * receivers who possess {@link android.Manifest.permission#RECEIVE_PROTECTED_SMS}. * These apps SHOULD NOT write the message or notify the user. * The intent will have the following extra values: *

* * * *

The extra values can be extracted using * {@link #getMessagesFromIntent(Intent)}.

* *

If a BroadcastReceiver encounters an error while processing * this intent it should set the result code appropriately.

* @hide */ public static final String PROTECTED_SMS_RECEIVED_ACTION = "android.provider.Telephony.ACTION_PROTECTED_SMS_RECEIVED"; /** * Activity action: Ask the user to change the default * SMS application. This will show a dialog that asks the * user whether they want to replace the current default * SMS application with the one specified in * {@link #EXTRA_PACKAGE_NAME}. */ @SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.ACTIVITY_INTENT_ACTION) public static final String ACTION_CHANGE_DEFAULT = "android.provider.Telephony.ACTION_CHANGE_DEFAULT"; /** * The PackageName string passed in as an * extra for {@link #ACTION_CHANGE_DEFAULT} * * @see #ACTION_CHANGE_DEFAULT */ public static final String EXTRA_PACKAGE_NAME = "package"; /** * Broadcast Action: A new text-based SMS message has been received * by the device. This intent will only be delivered to the default * sms app. That app is responsible for writing the message and notifying * the user. The intent will have the following extra values:

* * * *

The extra values can be extracted using * {@link #getMessagesFromIntent(Intent)}.

* *

If a BroadcastReceiver encounters an error while processing * this intent it should set the result code appropriately.

* *

Note: * The broadcast receiver that filters for this intent must declare * {@link android.Manifest.permission#BROADCAST_SMS} as a required permission in * the {@code * <receiver>} tag. */ @SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION) public static final String SMS_DELIVER_ACTION = "android.provider.Telephony.SMS_DELIVER"; /** * Broadcast Action: A new text-based SMS message has been received * by the device. This intent will be delivered to all registered * receivers as a notification. These apps are not expected to write the * message or notify the user. The intent will have the following extra * values:

* * * *

The extra values can be extracted using * {@link #getMessagesFromIntent(Intent)}.

* *

If a BroadcastReceiver encounters an error while processing * this intent it should set the result code appropriately.

*/ @SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION) public static final String SMS_RECEIVED_ACTION = "android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED"; /** * Broadcast Action: A new data based SMS message has been received * by the device. This intent will be delivered to all registered * receivers as a notification. The intent will have the following extra * values:

* * * *

The extra values can be extracted using * {@link #getMessagesFromIntent(Intent)}.

* *

If a BroadcastReceiver encounters an error while processing * this intent it should set the result code appropriately.

*/ @SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION) public static final String DATA_SMS_RECEIVED_ACTION = "android.intent.action.DATA_SMS_RECEIVED"; /** * Broadcast Action: A new text based mock SMS message has been received * by the device. For development purpose only. The intent will have the * following extra values:

* *

* or

* * @hide */ @SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION) public static final String MOCK_SMS_RECEIVED_ACTION = "android.provider.Telephony.MOCK_SMS_RECEIVED"; /** * Broadcast Action: A new WAP PUSH message has been received by the * device. This intent will only be delivered to the default * sms app. That app is responsible for writing the message and notifying * the user. The intent will have the following extra values:

* * * *

If a BroadcastReceiver encounters an error while processing * this intent it should set the result code appropriately.

* *

The contentTypeParameters extra value is map of content parameters keyed by * their names.

* *

If any unassigned well-known parameters are encountered, the key of the map will * be 'unassigned/0x...', where '...' is the hex value of the unassigned parameter. If * a parameter has No-Value the value in the map will be null.

* *

Note: * The broadcast receiver that filters for this intent must declare * {@link android.Manifest.permission#BROADCAST_WAP_PUSH} as a required permission in * the {@code * <receiver>} tag. */ @SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION) public static final String WAP_PUSH_DELIVER_ACTION = "android.provider.Telephony.WAP_PUSH_DELIVER"; /** * Broadcast Action: A new WAP PUSH message has been received by the * device. This intent will be delivered to all registered * receivers as a notification. These apps are not expected to write the * message or notify the user. The intent will have the following extra * values:

* * * *

If a BroadcastReceiver encounters an error while processing * this intent it should set the result code appropriately.

* *

The contentTypeParameters extra value is map of content parameters keyed by * their names.

* *

If any unassigned well-known parameters are encountered, the key of the map will * be 'unassigned/0x...', where '...' is the hex value of the unassigned parameter. If * a parameter has No-Value the value in the map will be null.

*/ @SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION) public static final String WAP_PUSH_RECEIVED_ACTION = "android.provider.Telephony.WAP_PUSH_RECEIVED"; /** * Broadcast Action: A new Cell Broadcast message has been received * by the device. The intent will have the following extra * values:

* * * *

The extra values can be extracted using * {@link #getMessagesFromIntent(Intent)}.

* *

If a BroadcastReceiver encounters an error while processing * this intent it should set the result code appropriately.

*/ @SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION) public static final String SMS_CB_RECEIVED_ACTION = "android.provider.Telephony.SMS_CB_RECEIVED"; /** * Broadcast Action: A new Emergency Broadcast message has been received * by the device. The intent will have the following extra * values:

* * * *

The extra values can be extracted using * {@link #getMessagesFromIntent(Intent)}.

* *

If a BroadcastReceiver encounters an error while processing * this intent it should set the result code appropriately.

*/ @SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION) public static final String SMS_EMERGENCY_CB_RECEIVED_ACTION = "android.provider.Telephony.SMS_EMERGENCY_CB_RECEIVED"; /** * Broadcast Action: A new CDMA SMS has been received containing Service Category * Program Data (updates the list of enabled broadcast channels). The intent will * have the following extra values:

* * * *

The extra values can be extracted using * {@link #getMessagesFromIntent(Intent)}.

* *

If a BroadcastReceiver encounters an error while processing * this intent it should set the result code appropriately.

*/ @SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION) public static final String SMS_SERVICE_CATEGORY_PROGRAM_DATA_RECEIVED_ACTION = "android.provider.Telephony.SMS_SERVICE_CATEGORY_PROGRAM_DATA_RECEIVED"; /** * Broadcast Action: The SIM storage for SMS messages is full. If * space is not freed, messages targeted for the SIM (class 2) may * not be saved. */ @SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION) public static final String SIM_FULL_ACTION = "android.provider.Telephony.SIM_FULL"; /** * Broadcast Action: An incoming SMS has been rejected by the * telephony framework. This intent is sent in lieu of any * of the RECEIVED_ACTION intents. The intent will have the * following extra value:

* * */ @SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION) public static final String SMS_REJECTED_ACTION = "android.provider.Telephony.SMS_REJECTED"; /** * Read the PDUs out of an {@link #SMS_RECEIVED_ACTION} or a * {@link #DATA_SMS_RECEIVED_ACTION} intent. * * @param intent the intent to read from * @return an array of SmsMessages for the PDUs */ public static SmsMessage[] getMessagesFromIntent(Intent intent) { Object[] messages = (Object[]) intent.getSerializableExtra("pdus"); String format = intent.getStringExtra("format"); int subId = intent.getIntExtra(MSimConstants.SUBSCRIPTION_KEY, 0); Rlog.v(TAG, " getMessagesFromIntent sub_id : " + subId); int pduCount = messages.length; SmsMessage[] msgs = new SmsMessage[pduCount]; for (int i = 0; i < pduCount; i++) { byte[] pdu = (byte[]) messages[i]; msgs[i] = SmsMessage.createFromPdu(pdu, format); msgs[i].setSubId(subId); } return msgs; } /** * Read the normalized addresses out of PDUs * @param pdus bytes for PDUs * @param format the format of the message * @return a list of Addresses for the PDUs * @hide */ public static List getNormalizedAddressesFromPdus(byte[][] pdus, String format) { int pduCount = pdus.length; SmsMessage[] msgs = new SmsMessage[pduCount]; List addresses = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < pduCount; i++) { byte[] pdu = (byte[]) pdus[i]; msgs[i] = SmsMessage.createFromPdu(pdu, format); // If the originating address is null on our message // then the format for SmsMessage createFromPdu is likely // incorrect. SmsMessage createFromPdu(the new method) // takes in a format parameter that it gets from the Tracker // however, on some of our legacy devices using a legacy ril, // since that format is derived by getting voice tech, // we can get a bad format and no valid members. // Thus we introduce a hack that utilizes the deprecated // SmsMessage.createFromPdu if we get a null originating address. if (msgs[i].getOriginatingAddress() == null) { msgs[i] = SmsMessage.createFromPdu(pdu); } String originatingAddress = msgs[i].getOriginatingAddress(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(originatingAddress)) { String normalized = normalizeDigitsOnly(originatingAddress); addresses.add(normalized); } } return addresses; } private static String normalizeDigitsOnly(String number) { return normalizeDigits(number, false /* strip non-digits */).toString(); } private static StringBuilder normalizeDigits(String number, boolean keepNonDigits) { StringBuilder normalizedDigits = new StringBuilder(number.length()); for (char c : number.toCharArray()) { int digit = Character.digit(c, 10); if (digit != -1) { normalizedDigits.append(digit); } else if (keepNonDigits) { normalizedDigits.append(c); } } return normalizedDigits; } } } /** * Base columns for tables that contain MMSs. */ public interface BaseMmsColumns extends BaseColumns { /** Message box: all messages. */ public static final int MESSAGE_BOX_ALL = 0; /** Message box: inbox. */ public static final int MESSAGE_BOX_INBOX = 1; /** Message box: sent messages. */ public static final int MESSAGE_BOX_SENT = 2; /** Message box: drafts. */ public static final int MESSAGE_BOX_DRAFTS = 3; /** Message box: outbox. */ public static final int MESSAGE_BOX_OUTBOX = 4; /** * The thread ID of the message. *

Type: INTEGER (long)

*/ public static final String THREAD_ID = "thread_id"; /** * The date the message was received. *

Type: INTEGER (long)

*/ public static final String DATE = "date"; /** * The date the message was sent. *

Type: INTEGER (long)

*/ public static final String DATE_SENT = "date_sent"; /** * The box which the message belongs to, e.g. {@link #MESSAGE_BOX_INBOX}. *


*/ public static final String MESSAGE_BOX = "msg_box"; /** * Has the message been read? *

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

*/ public static final String READ = "read"; /** * Has the message been seen by the user? The "seen" flag determines * whether we need to show a new message notification. *

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

*/ public static final String SEEN = "seen"; /** * Does the message have only a text part (can also have a subject) with * no picture, slideshow, sound, etc. parts? *

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

*/ public static final String TEXT_ONLY = "text_only"; /** * The {@code Message-ID} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String MESSAGE_ID = "m_id"; /** * The subject of the message, if present. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String SUBJECT = "sub"; /** * The character set of the subject, if present. *


*/ public static final String SUBJECT_CHARSET = "sub_cs"; /** * The {@code Content-Type} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "ct_t"; /** * The {@code Content-Location} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String CONTENT_LOCATION = "ct_l"; /** * The expiry time of the message. *

Type: INTEGER (long)

*/ public static final String EXPIRY = "exp"; /** * The class of the message. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String MESSAGE_CLASS = "m_cls"; /** * The type of the message defined by MMS spec. *


*/ public static final String MESSAGE_TYPE = "m_type"; /** * The version of the specification that this message conforms to. *


*/ public static final String MMS_VERSION = "v"; /** * The size of the message. *


*/ public static final String MESSAGE_SIZE = "m_size"; /** * The priority of the message. *


*/ public static final String PRIORITY = "pri"; /** * The {@code read-report} of the message. *

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

*/ public static final String READ_REPORT = "rr"; /** * Is read report allowed? *

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

*/ public static final String REPORT_ALLOWED = "rpt_a"; /** * The {@code response-status} of the message. *


*/ public static final String RESPONSE_STATUS = "resp_st"; /** * The {@code status} of the message. *


*/ public static final String STATUS = "st"; /** * The {@code transaction-id} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String TRANSACTION_ID = "tr_id"; /** * The {@code retrieve-status} of the message. *


*/ public static final String RETRIEVE_STATUS = "retr_st"; /** * The {@code retrieve-text} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String RETRIEVE_TEXT = "retr_txt"; /** * The character set of the retrieve-text. *


*/ public static final String RETRIEVE_TEXT_CHARSET = "retr_txt_cs"; /** * The {@code read-status} of the message. *


*/ public static final String READ_STATUS = "read_status"; /** * The {@code content-class} of the message. *


*/ public static final String CONTENT_CLASS = "ct_cls"; /** * The {@code delivery-report} of the message. *


*/ public static final String DELIVERY_REPORT = "d_rpt"; /** * The {@code delivery-time-token} of the message. *


* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String DELIVERY_TIME_TOKEN = "d_tm_tok"; /** * The {@code delivery-time} of the message. *


*/ public static final String DELIVERY_TIME = "d_tm"; /** * The {@code response-text} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String RESPONSE_TEXT = "resp_txt"; /** * The {@code sender-visibility} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String SENDER_VISIBILITY = "s_vis"; /** * The {@code reply-charging} of the message. *


* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String REPLY_CHARGING = "r_chg"; /** * The {@code reply-charging-deadline-token} of the message. *


* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String REPLY_CHARGING_DEADLINE_TOKEN = "r_chg_dl_tok"; /** * The {@code reply-charging-deadline} of the message. *


* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String REPLY_CHARGING_DEADLINE = "r_chg_dl"; /** * The {@code reply-charging-id} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String REPLY_CHARGING_ID = "r_chg_id"; /** * The {@code reply-charging-size} of the message. *


* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String REPLY_CHARGING_SIZE = "r_chg_sz"; /** * The {@code previously-sent-by} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String PREVIOUSLY_SENT_BY = "p_s_by"; /** * The {@code previously-sent-date} of the message. *


* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String PREVIOUSLY_SENT_DATE = "p_s_d"; /** * The {@code store} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String STORE = "store"; /** * The {@code mm-state} of the message. *


* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String MM_STATE = "mm_st"; /** * The {@code mm-flags-token} of the message. *


* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String MM_FLAGS_TOKEN = "mm_flg_tok"; /** * The {@code mm-flags} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String MM_FLAGS = "mm_flg"; /** * The {@code store-status} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String STORE_STATUS = "store_st"; /** * The {@code store-status-text} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String STORE_STATUS_TEXT = "store_st_txt"; /** * The {@code stored} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String STORED = "stored"; /** * The {@code totals} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String TOTALS = "totals"; /** * The {@code mbox-totals} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String MBOX_TOTALS = "mb_t"; /** * The {@code mbox-totals-token} of the message. *


* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String MBOX_TOTALS_TOKEN = "mb_t_tok"; /** * The {@code quotas} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String QUOTAS = "qt"; /** * The {@code mbox-quotas} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String MBOX_QUOTAS = "mb_qt"; /** * The {@code mbox-quotas-token} of the message. *


* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String MBOX_QUOTAS_TOKEN = "mb_qt_tok"; /** * The {@code message-count} of the message. *


* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String MESSAGE_COUNT = "m_cnt"; /** * The {@code start} of the message. *


* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String START = "start"; /** * The {@code distribution-indicator} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String DISTRIBUTION_INDICATOR = "d_ind"; /** * The {@code element-descriptor} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String ELEMENT_DESCRIPTOR = "e_des"; /** * The {@code limit} of the message. *


* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String LIMIT = "limit"; /** * The {@code recommended-retrieval-mode} of the message. *


* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String RECOMMENDED_RETRIEVAL_MODE = "r_r_mod"; /** * The {@code recommended-retrieval-mode-text} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String RECOMMENDED_RETRIEVAL_MODE_TEXT = "r_r_mod_txt"; /** * The {@code status-text} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String STATUS_TEXT = "st_txt"; /** * The {@code applic-id} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String APPLIC_ID = "apl_id"; /** * The {@code reply-applic-id} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String REPLY_APPLIC_ID = "r_apl_id"; /** * The {@code aux-applic-id} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String AUX_APPLIC_ID = "aux_apl_id"; /** * The {@code drm-content} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String DRM_CONTENT = "drm_c"; /** * The {@code adaptation-allowed} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String ADAPTATION_ALLOWED = "adp_a"; /** * The {@code replace-id} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String REPLACE_ID = "repl_id"; /** * The {@code cancel-id} of the message. *

Type: TEXT

* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String CANCEL_ID = "cl_id"; /** * The {@code cancel-status} of the message. *


* @deprecated this column is no longer supported. * @hide */ @Deprecated public static final String CANCEL_STATUS = "cl_st"; /** * Is the message locked? *

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

*/ public static final String LOCKED = "locked"; /** * The sub id to which message belongs to *


* @hide */ public static final String SUB_ID = "sub_id"; } /** * Columns for the "canonical_addresses" table used by MMS and SMS. */ public interface CanonicalAddressesColumns extends BaseColumns { /** * An address used in MMS or SMS. Email addresses are * converted to lower case and are compared by string * equality. Other addresses are compared using * PHONE_NUMBERS_EQUAL. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String ADDRESS = "address"; } /** * Columns for the "threads" table used by MMS and SMS. */ public interface ThreadsColumns extends BaseColumns { /** * The date at which the thread was created. *

Type: INTEGER (long)

*/ public static final String DATE = "date"; /** * A string encoding of the recipient IDs of the recipients of * the message, in numerical order and separated by spaces. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String RECIPIENT_IDS = "recipient_ids"; /** * The message count of the thread. *


*/ public static final String MESSAGE_COUNT = "message_count"; /** * Indicates whether all messages of the thread have been read. *


*/ public static final String READ = "read"; /** * The snippet of the latest message in the thread. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String SNIPPET = "snippet"; /** * The charset of the snippet. *


*/ public static final String SNIPPET_CHARSET = "snippet_cs"; /** * Type of the thread, either {@link Threads#COMMON_THREAD} or * {@link Threads#BROADCAST_THREAD}. *


*/ public static final String TYPE = "type"; /** * Indicates whether there is a transmission error in the thread. *


*/ public static final String ERROR = "error"; /** * Indicates whether this thread contains any attachments. *


*/ public static final String HAS_ATTACHMENT = "has_attachment"; } /** * Helper functions for the "threads" table used by MMS and SMS. */ public static final class Threads implements ThreadsColumns { private static final String[] ID_PROJECTION = { BaseColumns._ID }; /** * Private {@code content://} style URL for this table. Used by * {@link #getOrCreateThreadId(android.content.Context, java.util.Set)}. */ private static final Uri THREAD_ID_CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse( "content://mms-sms/threadID"); /** * The {@code content://} style URL for this table, by conversation. */ public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath( MmsSms.CONTENT_URI, "conversations"); /** * The {@code content://} style URL for this table, for obsolete threads. */ public static final Uri OBSOLETE_THREADS_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath( CONTENT_URI, "obsolete"); /** Thread type: common thread. */ public static final int COMMON_THREAD = 0; /** Thread type: broadcast thread. */ public static final int BROADCAST_THREAD = 1; /** * Not instantiable. * @hide */ private Threads() { } /** * This is a single-recipient version of {@code getOrCreateThreadId}. * It's convenient for use with SMS messages. * @param context the context object to use. * @param recipient the recipient to send to. * @hide */ public static long getOrCreateThreadId(Context context, String recipient) { Set recipients = new HashSet(); recipients.add(recipient); return getOrCreateThreadId(context, recipients); } /** * Given the recipients list and subject of an unsaved message, * return its thread ID. If the message starts a new thread, * allocate a new thread ID. Otherwise, use the appropriate * existing thread ID. * *

Find the thread ID of the same set of recipients (in any order, * without any additions). If one is found, return it. Otherwise, * return a unique thread ID.

* @hide */ public static long getOrCreateThreadId( Context context, Set recipients) { Uri.Builder uriBuilder = THREAD_ID_CONTENT_URI.buildUpon(); for (String recipient : recipients) { if (Mms.isEmailAddress(recipient)) { recipient = Mms.extractAddrSpec(recipient); } uriBuilder.appendQueryParameter("recipient", recipient); } Uri uri = uriBuilder.build(); //if (DEBUG) Rlog.v(TAG, "getOrCreateThreadId uri: " + uri); Cursor cursor = SqliteWrapper.query(context, context.getContentResolver(), uri, ID_PROJECTION, null, null, null); if (cursor != null) { try { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { return cursor.getLong(0); } else { Rlog.e(TAG, "getOrCreateThreadId returned no rows!"); } } finally { cursor.close(); } } Rlog.e(TAG, "getOrCreateThreadId failed with uri " + uri.toString()); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to find or allocate a thread ID."); } } /** * Contains all MMS messages. */ public static final class Mms implements BaseMmsColumns { /** * Not instantiable. * @hide */ private Mms() { } /** * The {@code content://} URI for this table. */ public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://mms"); /** * Content URI for getting MMS report requests. */ public static final Uri REPORT_REQUEST_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath( CONTENT_URI, "report-request"); /** * Content URI for getting MMS report status. */ public static final Uri REPORT_STATUS_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath( CONTENT_URI, "report-status"); /** * The default sort order for this table. */ public static final String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = "date DESC"; /** * Regex pattern for names and email addresses. *
  • mailbox = {@code name-addr}
  • *
  • name-addr = {@code [display-name] angle-addr}
  • *
  • angle-addr = {@code [CFWS] "<" addr-spec ">" [CFWS]}
  • *
* @hide */ public static final Pattern NAME_ADDR_EMAIL_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\s*(\"[^\"]*\"|[^<>\"]+)\\s*<([^<>]+)>\\s*"); /** * Helper method to query this table. * @hide */ public static Cursor query( ContentResolver cr, String[] projection) { return cr.query(CONTENT_URI, projection, null, null, DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER); } /** * Helper method to query this table. * @hide */ public static Cursor query( ContentResolver cr, String[] projection, String where, String orderBy) { return cr.query(CONTENT_URI, projection, where, null, orderBy == null ? DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER : orderBy); } /** * Helper method to extract email address from address string. * @hide */ public static String extractAddrSpec(String address) { Matcher match = NAME_ADDR_EMAIL_PATTERN.matcher(address); if (match.matches()) { return match.group(2); } return address; } /** * Is the specified address an email address? * * @param address the input address to test * @return true if address is an email address; false otherwise. * @hide */ public static boolean isEmailAddress(String address) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(address)) { return false; } String s = extractAddrSpec(address); Matcher match = Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS.matcher(s); return match.matches(); } /** * Is the specified number a phone number? * * @param number the input number to test * @return true if number is a phone number; false otherwise. * @hide */ public static boolean isPhoneNumber(String number) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(number)) { return false; } Matcher match = Patterns.PHONE.matcher(number); return match.matches(); } /** * Contains all MMS messages in the MMS app inbox. */ public static final class Inbox implements BaseMmsColumns { /** * Not instantiable. * @hide */ private Inbox() { } /** * The {@code content://} style URL for this table. */ public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://mms/inbox"); /** * The default sort order for this table. */ public static final String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = "date DESC"; } /** * Contains all MMS messages in the MMS app sent folder. */ public static final class Sent implements BaseMmsColumns { /** * Not instantiable. * @hide */ private Sent() { } /** * The {@code content://} style URL for this table. */ public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://mms/sent"); /** * The default sort order for this table. */ public static final String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = "date DESC"; } /** * Contains all MMS messages in the MMS app drafts folder. */ public static final class Draft implements BaseMmsColumns { /** * Not instantiable. * @hide */ private Draft() { } /** * The {@code content://} style URL for this table. */ public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://mms/drafts"); /** * The default sort order for this table. */ public static final String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = "date DESC"; } /** * Contains all MMS messages in the MMS app outbox. */ public static final class Outbox implements BaseMmsColumns { /** * Not instantiable. * @hide */ private Outbox() { } /** * The {@code content://} style URL for this table. */ public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://mms/outbox"); /** * The default sort order for this table. */ public static final String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = "date DESC"; } /** * Contains address information for an MMS message. */ public static final class Addr implements BaseColumns { /** * Not instantiable. * @hide */ private Addr() { } /** * The ID of MM which this address entry belongs to. *

Type: INTEGER (long)

*/ public static final String MSG_ID = "msg_id"; /** * The ID of contact entry in Phone Book. *

Type: INTEGER (long)

*/ public static final String CONTACT_ID = "contact_id"; /** * The address text. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String ADDRESS = "address"; /** * Type of address: must be one of {@code PduHeaders.BCC}, * {@code PduHeaders.CC}, {@code PduHeaders.FROM}, {@code PduHeaders.TO}. *


*/ public static final String TYPE = "type"; /** * Character set of this entry (MMS charset value). *


*/ public static final String CHARSET = "charset"; } /** * Contains message parts. */ public static final class Part implements BaseColumns { /** * Not instantiable. * @hide */ private Part() { } /** * The identifier of the message which this part belongs to. *


*/ public static final String MSG_ID = "mid"; /** * The order of the part. *


*/ public static final String SEQ = "seq"; /** * The content type of the part. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "ct"; /** * The name of the part. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String NAME = "name"; /** * The charset of the part. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String CHARSET = "chset"; /** * The file name of the part. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String FILENAME = "fn"; /** * The content disposition of the part. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String CONTENT_DISPOSITION = "cd"; /** * The content ID of the part. *


*/ public static final String CONTENT_ID = "cid"; /** * The content location of the part. *


*/ public static final String CONTENT_LOCATION = "cl"; /** * The start of content-type of the message. *


*/ public static final String CT_START = "ctt_s"; /** * The type of content-type of the message. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String CT_TYPE = "ctt_t"; /** * The location (on filesystem) of the binary data of the part. *


*/ public static final String _DATA = "_data"; /** * The message text. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String TEXT = "text"; } /** * Message send rate table. */ public static final class Rate { /** * Not instantiable. * @hide */ private Rate() { } /** * The {@code content://} style URL for this table. */ public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath( Mms.CONTENT_URI, "rate"); /** * When a message was successfully sent. *

Type: INTEGER (long)

*/ public static final String SENT_TIME = "sent_time"; } /** * Intents class. */ public static final class Intents { /** * Not instantiable. * @hide */ private Intents() { } /** * Indicates that the contents of specified URIs were changed. * The application which is showing or caching these contents * should be updated. */ @SdkConstant(SdkConstantType.BROADCAST_INTENT_ACTION) public static final String CONTENT_CHANGED_ACTION = "android.intent.action.CONTENT_CHANGED"; /** * An extra field which stores the URI of deleted contents. */ public static final String DELETED_CONTENTS = "deleted_contents"; } } /** * Contains all MMS and SMS messages. */ public static final class MmsSms implements BaseColumns { /** * Not instantiable. * @hide */ private MmsSms() { } /** * The column to distinguish SMS and MMS messages in query results. */ public static final String TYPE_DISCRIMINATOR_COLUMN = "transport_type"; /** * The {@code content://} style URL for this table. */ public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://mms-sms/"); /** * The {@code content://} style URL for this table, by conversation. */ public static final Uri CONTENT_CONVERSATIONS_URI = Uri.parse( "content://mms-sms/conversations"); /** * The {@code content://} style URL for this table, by phone number. */ public static final Uri CONTENT_FILTER_BYPHONE_URI = Uri.parse( "content://mms-sms/messages/byphone"); /** * The {@code content://} style URL for undelivered messages in this table. */ public static final Uri CONTENT_UNDELIVERED_URI = Uri.parse( "content://mms-sms/undelivered"); /** * The {@code content://} style URL for draft messages in this table. */ public static final Uri CONTENT_DRAFT_URI = Uri.parse( "content://mms-sms/draft"); /** * The {@code content://} style URL for locked messages in this table. */ public static final Uri CONTENT_LOCKED_URI = Uri.parse( "content://mms-sms/locked"); /** * Pass in a query parameter called "pattern" which is the text to search for. * The sort order is fixed to be: {@code thread_id ASC, date DESC}. */ public static final Uri SEARCH_URI = Uri.parse( "content://mms-sms/search"); // Constants for message protocol types. /** SMS protocol type. */ public static final int SMS_PROTO = 0; /** MMS protocol type. */ public static final int MMS_PROTO = 1; // Constants for error types of pending messages. /** Error type: no error. */ public static final int NO_ERROR = 0; /** Error type: generic transient error. */ public static final int ERR_TYPE_GENERIC = 1; /** Error type: SMS protocol transient error. */ public static final int ERR_TYPE_SMS_PROTO_TRANSIENT = 2; /** Error type: MMS protocol transient error. */ public static final int ERR_TYPE_MMS_PROTO_TRANSIENT = 3; /** Error type: transport failure. */ public static final int ERR_TYPE_TRANSPORT_FAILURE = 4; /** Error type: permanent error (along with all higher error values). */ public static final int ERR_TYPE_GENERIC_PERMANENT = 10; /** Error type: SMS protocol permanent error. */ public static final int ERR_TYPE_SMS_PROTO_PERMANENT = 11; /** Error type: MMS protocol permanent error. */ public static final int ERR_TYPE_MMS_PROTO_PERMANENT = 12; /** * Contains pending messages info. */ public static final class PendingMessages implements BaseColumns { /** * Not instantiable. * @hide */ private PendingMessages() { } public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.withAppendedPath( MmsSms.CONTENT_URI, "pending"); /** * The type of transport protocol (MMS or SMS). *


*/ public static final String PROTO_TYPE = "proto_type"; /** * The ID of the message to be sent or downloaded. *

Type: INTEGER (long)

*/ public static final String MSG_ID = "msg_id"; /** * The type of the message to be sent or downloaded. * This field is only valid for MM. For SM, its value is always set to 0. *


*/ public static final String MSG_TYPE = "msg_type"; /** * The type of the error code. *


*/ public static final String ERROR_TYPE = "err_type"; /** * The error code of sending/retrieving process. *


*/ public static final String ERROR_CODE = "err_code"; /** * How many times we tried to send or download the message. *


*/ public static final String RETRY_INDEX = "retry_index"; /** * The time to do next retry. *

Type: INTEGER (long)

*/ public static final String DUE_TIME = "due_time"; /** * The time we last tried to send or download the message. *

Type: INTEGER (long)

*/ public static final String LAST_TRY = "last_try"; } /** * Words table used by provider for full-text searches. * @hide */ public static final class WordsTable { /** * Not instantiable. * @hide */ private WordsTable() {} /** * Primary key. *

Type: INTEGER (long)

*/ public static final String ID = "_id"; /** * Source row ID. *

Type: INTEGER (long)

*/ public static final String SOURCE_ROW_ID = "source_id"; /** * Table ID (either 1 or 2). *


*/ public static final String TABLE_ID = "table_to_use"; /** * The words to index. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String INDEXED_TEXT = "index_text"; } } /** * Carriers class contains information about APNs, including MMSC information. */ public static final class Carriers implements BaseColumns { /** * Not instantiable. * @hide */ private Carriers() {} /** * The {@code content://} style URL for this table. */ public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://telephony/carriers"); /** * The default sort order for this table. */ public static final String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = "name ASC"; /** * Entry name. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String NAME = "name"; /** * APN name. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String APN = "apn"; /** * Proxy address. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String PROXY = "proxy"; /** * Proxy port. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String PORT = "port"; /** * MMS proxy address. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String MMSPROXY = "mmsproxy"; /** * MMS proxy port. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String MMSPORT = "mmsport"; /** * Server address. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String SERVER = "server"; /** * APN username. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String USER = "user"; /** * APN password. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String PASSWORD = "password"; /** * MMSC URL. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String MMSC = "mmsc"; /** * Mobile Country Code (MCC). *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String MCC = "mcc"; /** * Mobile Network Code (MNC). *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String MNC = "mnc"; /** * Numeric operator ID (as String). Usually {@code MCC + MNC}. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String NUMERIC = "numeric"; /** * Authentication type. *


*/ public static final String AUTH_TYPE = "authtype"; /** * Comma-delimited list of APN types. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String TYPE = "type"; /** * The protocol to use to connect to this APN. * * One of the {@code PDP_type} values in TS 27.007 section 10.1.1. * For example: {@code IP}, {@code IPV6}, {@code IPV4V6}, or {@code PPP}. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String PROTOCOL = "protocol"; /** * The protocol to use to connect to this APN when roaming. * The syntax is the same as protocol. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String ROAMING_PROTOCOL = "roaming_protocol"; /** * Is this the current APN? *

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

*/ public static final String CURRENT = "current"; /** * Is this APN enabled? *

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

*/ public static final String CARRIER_ENABLED = "carrier_enabled"; /** * Radio Access Technology info. * To check what values are allowed, refer to {@link android.telephony.ServiceState}. * This should be spread to other technologies, * but is currently only used for LTE (14) and eHRPD (13). *


*/ public static final String BEARER = "bearer"; /** * MVNO type: * {@code SPN (Service Provider Name), IMSI, GID (Group Identifier Level 1)}. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String MVNO_TYPE = "mvno_type"; /** * MVNO data. * Use the following examples. *
  • SPN: A MOBILE, BEN NL, ...
  • *
  • IMSI: 302720x94, 2060188, ...
  • *
  • GID: 4E, 33, ...
  • *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String MVNO_MATCH_DATA = "mvno_match_data"; /** * Initial Preferred APN * true : initial preferred APN, false : not initial preferred APN. * Default is false. * @hide */ public static final String PREFERRED = "preferred"; } /** * Contains received SMS cell broadcast messages. * @hide */ public static final class CellBroadcasts implements BaseColumns { /** * Not instantiable. * @hide */ private CellBroadcasts() {} /** * The {@code content://} URI for this table. */ public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://cellbroadcasts"); /** * Message geographical scope. *


*/ public static final String GEOGRAPHICAL_SCOPE = "geo_scope"; /** * Message serial number. *


*/ public static final String SERIAL_NUMBER = "serial_number"; /** * PLMN of broadcast sender. {@code SERIAL_NUMBER + PLMN + LAC + CID} uniquely identifies * a broadcast for duplicate detection purposes. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String PLMN = "plmn"; /** * Location Area (GSM) or Service Area (UMTS) of broadcast sender. Unused for CDMA. * Only included if Geographical Scope of message is not PLMN wide (01). *


*/ public static final String LAC = "lac"; /** * Cell ID of message sender (GSM/UMTS). Unused for CDMA. Only included when the * Geographical Scope of message is cell wide (00 or 11). *


*/ public static final String CID = "cid"; /** * Message code. OBSOLETE: merged into SERIAL_NUMBER. *


*/ public static final String V1_MESSAGE_CODE = "message_code"; /** * Message identifier. OBSOLETE: renamed to SERVICE_CATEGORY. *


*/ public static final String V1_MESSAGE_IDENTIFIER = "message_id"; /** * Service category (GSM/UMTS: message identifier; CDMA: service category). *


*/ public static final String SERVICE_CATEGORY = "service_category"; /** * Message language code. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String LANGUAGE_CODE = "language"; /** * Message body. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String MESSAGE_BODY = "body"; /** * Message delivery time. *

Type: INTEGER (long)

*/ public static final String DELIVERY_TIME = "date"; /** * Has the message been viewed? *

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

*/ public static final String MESSAGE_READ = "read"; /** * Message format (3GPP or 3GPP2). *


*/ public static final String MESSAGE_FORMAT = "format"; /** * Message priority (including emergency). *


*/ public static final String MESSAGE_PRIORITY = "priority"; /** * ETWS warning type (ETWS alerts only). *


*/ public static final String ETWS_WARNING_TYPE = "etws_warning_type"; /** * CMAS message class (CMAS alerts only). *


*/ public static final String CMAS_MESSAGE_CLASS = "cmas_message_class"; /** * CMAS category (CMAS alerts only). *


*/ public static final String CMAS_CATEGORY = "cmas_category"; /** * CMAS response type (CMAS alerts only). *


*/ public static final String CMAS_RESPONSE_TYPE = "cmas_response_type"; /** * CMAS severity (CMAS alerts only). *


*/ public static final String CMAS_SEVERITY = "cmas_severity"; /** * CMAS urgency (CMAS alerts only). *


*/ public static final String CMAS_URGENCY = "cmas_urgency"; /** * CMAS certainty (CMAS alerts only). *


*/ public static final String CMAS_CERTAINTY = "cmas_certainty"; /** The default sort order for this table. */ public static final String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = DELIVERY_TIME + " DESC"; /** * Query columns for instantiating {@link android.telephony.CellBroadcastMessage} objects. */ public static final String[] QUERY_COLUMNS = { _ID, GEOGRAPHICAL_SCOPE, PLMN, LAC, CID, SERIAL_NUMBER, SERVICE_CATEGORY, LANGUAGE_CODE, MESSAGE_BODY, DELIVERY_TIME, MESSAGE_READ, MESSAGE_FORMAT, MESSAGE_PRIORITY, ETWS_WARNING_TYPE, CMAS_MESSAGE_CLASS, CMAS_CATEGORY, CMAS_RESPONSE_TYPE, CMAS_SEVERITY, CMAS_URGENCY, CMAS_CERTAINTY }; } /** * @hide */ public static final class CdmaCallOptions implements BaseColumns { /** * The content:// style URL for this table */ public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://cdma/calloption"); /** * The default sort order for this table */ public static final String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = "name ASC"; public static final String NAME = "name"; public static final String MCC = "mcc"; public static final String MNC = "mnc"; public static final String NUMERIC = "numeric"; public static final String NUMBER = "number"; public static final String TYPE = "type"; public static final String CATEGORY = "category"; public static final String STATE = "state"; } /** * Contains phone numbers that are blacklisted * for phone and/or message purposes. * @hide */ public static final class Blacklist implements BaseColumns { /** * The content:// style URL for this table */ public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://blacklist"); /** * The content:// style URL for filtering this table by number. * When using this, make sure the number is correctly encoded * when appended to the Uri. */ public static final Uri CONTENT_FILTER_BYNUMBER_URI = Uri.parse("content://blacklist/bynumber"); /** * The content:// style URL for filtering this table on phone numbers */ public static final Uri CONTENT_PHONE_URI = Uri.parse("content://blacklist/phone"); /** * The content:// style URL for filtering this table on message numbers */ public static final Uri CONTENT_MESSAGE_URI = Uri.parse("content://blacklist/message"); /** * Query parameter used to match numbers by regular-expression like * matching. Supported are the '*' and the '.' operators. *

* TYPE: boolean */ public static final String REGEX_KEY = "regex"; /** * The default sort order for this table */ public static final String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = "number ASC"; /** * The phone number as the user entered it. *

Type: TEXT

*/ public static final String NUMBER = "number"; /** * Whether the number contains a regular expression pattern *

Type: BOOLEAN (read only)

*/ public static final String IS_REGEX = "is_regex"; /** * Blacklisting mode for phone calls *

Type: INTEGER (int)

*/ public static final String PHONE_MODE = "phone"; /** * Blacklisting mode for messages *

Type: INTEGER (int)

*/ public static final String MESSAGE_MODE = "message"; } }