/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "Minikin" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "FontLanguage.h" #include "FontLanguageListCache.h" #include "HbFontCache.h" #include "MinikinInternal.h" #include #include #include #include #include using std::vector; namespace android { FontStyle::FontStyle(int variant, int weight, bool italic) : FontStyle(FontLanguageListCache::kEmptyListId, variant, weight, italic) { } FontStyle::FontStyle(uint32_t languageListId, int variant, int weight, bool italic) : bits(pack(variant, weight, italic)), mLanguageListId(languageListId) { } hash_t FontStyle::hash() const { uint32_t hash = JenkinsHashMix(0, bits); hash = JenkinsHashMix(hash, mLanguageListId); return JenkinsHashWhiten(hash); } // static uint32_t FontStyle::registerLanguageList(const std::string& languages) { AutoMutex _l(gMinikinLock); return FontLanguageListCache::getId(languages); } // static uint32_t FontStyle::pack(int variant, int weight, bool italic) { return (weight & kWeightMask) | (italic ? kItalicMask : 0) | (variant << kVariantShift); } FontFamily::FontFamily(int variant) : FontFamily(FontLanguageListCache::kEmptyListId, variant) { } FontFamily::~FontFamily() { for (size_t i = 0; i < mFonts.size(); i++) { mFonts[i].typeface->UnrefLocked(); } } bool FontFamily::addFont(MinikinFont* typeface) { AutoMutex _l(gMinikinLock); const uint32_t os2Tag = MinikinFont::MakeTag('O', 'S', '/', '2'); size_t os2Size = 0; bool ok = typeface->GetTable(os2Tag, NULL, &os2Size); if (!ok) return false; UniquePtr os2Data(new uint8_t[os2Size]); ok = typeface->GetTable(os2Tag, os2Data.get(), &os2Size); if (!ok) return false; int weight; bool italic; if (analyzeStyle(os2Data.get(), os2Size, &weight, &italic)) { //ALOGD("analyzed weight = %d, italic = %s", weight, italic ? "true" : "false"); FontStyle style(weight, italic); addFontLocked(typeface, style); return true; } else { ALOGD("failed to analyze style"); } return false; } void FontFamily::addFont(MinikinFont* typeface, FontStyle style) { AutoMutex _l(gMinikinLock); addFontLocked(typeface, style); } void FontFamily::addFontLocked(MinikinFont* typeface, FontStyle style) { typeface->RefLocked(); mFonts.push_back(Font(typeface, style)); mCoverageValid = false; } // Compute a matching metric between two styles - 0 is an exact match static int computeMatch(FontStyle style1, FontStyle style2) { if (style1 == style2) return 0; int score = abs(style1.getWeight() - style2.getWeight()); if (style1.getItalic() != style2.getItalic()) { score += 2; } return score; } static FontFakery computeFakery(FontStyle wanted, FontStyle actual) { // If desired weight is semibold or darker, and 2 or more grades // higher than actual (for example, medium 500 -> bold 700), then // select fake bold. int wantedWeight = wanted.getWeight(); bool isFakeBold = wantedWeight >= 6 && (wantedWeight - actual.getWeight()) >= 2; bool isFakeItalic = wanted.getItalic() && !actual.getItalic(); return FontFakery(isFakeBold, isFakeItalic); } FakedFont FontFamily::getClosestMatch(FontStyle style) const { const Font* bestFont = NULL; int bestMatch = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < mFonts.size(); i++) { const Font& font = mFonts[i]; int match = computeMatch(font.style, style); if (i == 0 || match < bestMatch) { bestFont = &font; bestMatch = match; } } FakedFont result; if (bestFont == NULL) { result.font = NULL; } else { result.font = bestFont->typeface; result.fakery = computeFakery(style, bestFont->style); } return result; } size_t FontFamily::getNumFonts() const { return mFonts.size(); } MinikinFont* FontFamily::getFont(size_t index) const { return mFonts[index].typeface; } FontStyle FontFamily::getStyle(size_t index) const { return mFonts[index].style; } const SparseBitSet* FontFamily::getCoverage() { if (!mCoverageValid) { const FontStyle defaultStyle; MinikinFont* typeface = getClosestMatch(defaultStyle).font; const uint32_t cmapTag = MinikinFont::MakeTag('c', 'm', 'a', 'p'); size_t cmapSize = 0; if (!typeface->GetTable(cmapTag, NULL, &cmapSize)) { ALOGE("Could not get cmap table size!\n"); // Note: This means we will retry on the next call to getCoverage, as we can't store // the failure. This is fine, as we assume this doesn't really happen in practice. return nullptr; } UniquePtr cmapData(new uint8_t[cmapSize]); if (!typeface->GetTable(cmapTag, cmapData.get(), &cmapSize)) { ALOGE("Unexpected failure to read cmap table!\n"); return nullptr; } // TODO: Error check? CmapCoverage::getCoverage(mCoverage, cmapData.get(), cmapSize, &mHasVSTable); #ifdef VERBOSE_DEBUG ALOGD("font coverage length=%d, first ch=%x\n", mCoverage.length(), mCoverage.nextSetBit(0)); #endif mCoverageValid = true; } return &mCoverage; } bool FontFamily::hasVariationSelector(uint32_t codepoint, uint32_t variationSelector) { assertMinikinLocked(); if (!mHasVSTable) { return false; } const FontStyle defaultStyle; MinikinFont* minikinFont = getClosestMatch(defaultStyle).font; hb_font_t* font = getHbFontLocked(minikinFont); uint32_t unusedGlyph; return hb_font_get_glyph(font, codepoint, variationSelector, &unusedGlyph); } bool FontFamily::hasVSTable() const { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!mCoverageValid, "Do not call this method before getCoverage() call"); return mHasVSTable; } } // namespace android