/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "JNIHelpers.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/math.h" #include "webp/format_constants.h" #include "FrameSequence_webp.h" #define WEBP_DEBUG 0 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Frame sequence //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static uint32_t GetLE32(const uint8_t* const data) { return MKFOURCC(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]); } // Returns true if the frame covers full canvas. static bool isFullFrame(const WebPIterator& frame, int canvasWidth, int canvasHeight) { return (frame.width == canvasWidth && frame.height == canvasHeight); } // Returns true if the rectangle defined by 'frame' contains pixel (x, y). static bool FrameContainsPixel(const WebPIterator& frame, int x, int y) { const int left = frame.x_offset; const int right = left + frame.width; const int top = frame.y_offset; const int bottom = top + frame.height; return x >= left && x < right && y >= top && y < bottom; } // Construct mIsKeyFrame array. void FrameSequence_webp::constructDependencyChain() { const size_t frameCount = getFrameCount(); mIsKeyFrame = new bool[frameCount]; const int canvasWidth = getWidth(); const int canvasHeight = getHeight(); WebPIterator prev; WebPIterator curr; // Note: WebPDemuxGetFrame() uses base-1 counting. int ok = WebPDemuxGetFrame(mDemux, 1, &curr); ALOG_ASSERT(ok, "Could not retrieve frame# 0"); mIsKeyFrame[0] = true; // 0th frame is always a key frame. for (size_t i = 1; i < frameCount; i++) { prev = curr; ok = WebPDemuxGetFrame(mDemux, i + 1, &curr); // Get ith frame. ALOG_ASSERT(ok, "Could not retrieve frame# %d", i); if ((!curr.has_alpha || curr.blend_method == WEBP_MUX_NO_BLEND) && isFullFrame(curr, canvasWidth, canvasHeight)) { mIsKeyFrame[i] = true; } else { mIsKeyFrame[i] = (prev.dispose_method == WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_BACKGROUND) && (isFullFrame(prev, canvasWidth, canvasHeight) || mIsKeyFrame[i - 1]); } } WebPDemuxReleaseIterator(&prev); WebPDemuxReleaseIterator(&curr); #if WEBP_DEBUG ALOGD("Dependency chain:"); for (size_t i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) { ALOGD("Frame# %zu: %s", i, mIsKeyFrame[i] ? "Key frame" : "NOT a key frame"); } #endif } FrameSequence_webp::FrameSequence_webp(Stream* stream) : mDemux(NULL) , mIsKeyFrame(NULL) , mRawByteBuffer(NULL) { if (stream->getRawBuffer() != NULL) { mData.size = stream->getRawBufferSize(); mData.bytes = stream->getRawBufferAddr(); mRawByteBuffer = stream->getRawBuffer(); } else { // Read RIFF header to get file size. uint8_t riff_header[RIFF_HEADER_SIZE]; if (stream->read(riff_header, RIFF_HEADER_SIZE) != RIFF_HEADER_SIZE) { ALOGE("WebP header load failed"); return; } uint32_t readSize = GetLE32(riff_header + TAG_SIZE); if (readSize > MAX_CHUNK_PAYLOAD) { ALOGE("WebP got header size too large"); return; } mData.size = CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE + readSize; if(mData.size < RIFF_HEADER_SIZE) { ALOGE("WebP file malformed"); return; } mData.bytes = new uint8_t[mData.size]; memcpy((void*)mData.bytes, riff_header, RIFF_HEADER_SIZE); // Read rest of the bytes. void* remaining_bytes = (void*)(mData.bytes + RIFF_HEADER_SIZE); size_t remaining_size = mData.size - RIFF_HEADER_SIZE; if (stream->read(remaining_bytes, remaining_size) != remaining_size) { ALOGE("WebP full load failed"); return; } } // Construct demux. mDemux = WebPDemux(&mData); if (!mDemux) { ALOGE("Parsing of WebP container file failed"); return; } mLoopCount = WebPDemuxGetI(mDemux, WEBP_FF_LOOP_COUNT); mFormatFlags = WebPDemuxGetI(mDemux, WEBP_FF_FORMAT_FLAGS); #if WEBP_DEBUG ALOGD("FrameSequence_webp created with size = %d x %d, number of frames = %d, flags = 0x%X", getWidth(), getHeight(), getFrameCount(), mFormatFlags); #endif constructDependencyChain(); } FrameSequence_webp::~FrameSequence_webp() { WebPDemuxDelete(mDemux); delete[] mIsKeyFrame; if (mRawByteBuffer == NULL) { delete[] mData.bytes; } } FrameSequenceState* FrameSequence_webp::createState() const { return new FrameSequenceState_webp(*this); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // draw helpers //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static bool willBeCleared(const WebPIterator& iter) { return iter.dispose_method == WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_BACKGROUND; } // return true if area of 'target' completely covers area of 'covered' static bool checkIfCover(const WebPIterator& target, const WebPIterator& covered) { const int covered_x_max = covered.x_offset + covered.width; const int target_x_max = target.x_offset + target.width; const int covered_y_max = covered.y_offset + covered.height; const int target_y_max = target.y_offset + target.height; return target.x_offset <= covered.x_offset && covered_x_max <= target_x_max && target.y_offset <= covered.y_offset && covered_y_max <= target_y_max; } // Clear all pixels in a line to transparent. static void clearLine(Color8888* dst, int width) { memset(dst, 0, width * sizeof(*dst)); // Note: Assumes TRANSPARENT == 0x0. } // Copy all pixels from 'src' to 'dst'. static void copyFrame(const Color8888* src, int srcStride, Color8888* dst, int dstStride, int width, int height) { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { memcpy(dst, src, width * sizeof(*dst)); src += srcStride; dst += dstStride; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Frame sequence state //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FrameSequenceState_webp::FrameSequenceState_webp(const FrameSequence_webp& frameSequence) : mFrameSequence(frameSequence) { WebPInitDecoderConfig(&mDecoderConfig); mDecoderConfig.output.is_external_memory = 1; mDecoderConfig.output.colorspace = MODE_rgbA; // Pre-multiplied alpha mode. const int canvasWidth = mFrameSequence.getWidth(); const int canvasHeight = mFrameSequence.getHeight(); mPreservedBuffer = new Color8888[canvasWidth * canvasHeight]; } FrameSequenceState_webp::~FrameSequenceState_webp() { delete[] mPreservedBuffer; } void FrameSequenceState_webp::initializeFrame(const WebPIterator& currIter, Color8888* currBuffer, int currStride, const WebPIterator& prevIter, const Color8888* prevBuffer, int prevStride) { const int canvasWidth = mFrameSequence.getWidth(); const int canvasHeight = mFrameSequence.getHeight(); const bool currFrameIsKeyFrame = mFrameSequence.isKeyFrame(currIter.frame_num - 1); if (currFrameIsKeyFrame) { // Clear canvas. for (int y = 0; y < canvasHeight; y++) { Color8888* dst = currBuffer + y * currStride; clearLine(dst, canvasWidth); } } else { // Preserve previous frame as starting state of current frame. copyFrame(prevBuffer, prevStride, currBuffer, currStride, canvasWidth, canvasHeight); // Dispose previous frame rectangle to Background if needed. bool prevFrameCompletelyCovered = (!currIter.has_alpha || currIter.blend_method == WEBP_MUX_NO_BLEND) && checkIfCover(currIter, prevIter); if ((prevIter.dispose_method == WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_BACKGROUND) && !prevFrameCompletelyCovered) { Color8888* dst = currBuffer + prevIter.x_offset + prevIter.y_offset * currStride; for (int j = 0; j < prevIter.height; j++) { clearLine(dst, prevIter.width); dst += currStride; } } } } bool FrameSequenceState_webp::decodeFrame(const WebPIterator& currIter, Color8888* currBuffer, int currStride, const WebPIterator& prevIter, const Color8888* prevBuffer, int prevStride) { Color8888* dst = currBuffer + currIter.x_offset + currIter.y_offset * currStride; mDecoderConfig.output.u.RGBA.rgba = (uint8_t*)dst; mDecoderConfig.output.u.RGBA.stride = currStride * 4; mDecoderConfig.output.u.RGBA.size = mDecoderConfig.output.u.RGBA.stride * currIter.height; const WebPData& currFrame = currIter.fragment; if (WebPDecode(currFrame.bytes, currFrame.size, &mDecoderConfig) != VP8_STATUS_OK) { return false; } const int canvasWidth = mFrameSequence.getWidth(); const int canvasHeight = mFrameSequence.getHeight(); const bool currFrameIsKeyFrame = mFrameSequence.isKeyFrame(currIter.frame_num - 1); // During the decoding of current frame, we may have set some pixels to be transparent // (i.e. alpha < 255). However, the value of each of these pixels should have been determined // by blending it against the value of that pixel in the previous frame if WEBP_MUX_BLEND was // specified. So, we correct these pixels based on disposal method of the previous frame and // the previous frame buffer. if (currIter.blend_method == WEBP_MUX_BLEND && !currFrameIsKeyFrame) { if (prevIter.dispose_method == WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_NONE) { for (int y = 0; y < currIter.height; y++) { const int canvasY = currIter.y_offset + y; for (int x = 0; x < currIter.width; x++) { const int canvasX = currIter.x_offset + x; Color8888& currPixel = currBuffer[canvasY * currStride + canvasX]; // FIXME: Use alpha-blending when alpha is between 0 and 255. if (!(currPixel & COLOR_8888_ALPHA_MASK)) { const Color8888 prevPixel = prevBuffer[canvasY * prevStride + canvasX]; currPixel = prevPixel; } } } } else { // prevIter.dispose_method == WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_BACKGROUND // Need to restore transparent pixels to as they were just after frame initialization. // That is: // * Transparent if it belongs to previous frame rectangle <-- This is a no-op. // * Pixel in the previous canvas otherwise <-- Need to restore. for (int y = 0; y < currIter.height; y++) { const int canvasY = currIter.y_offset + y; for (int x = 0; x < currIter.width; x++) { const int canvasX = currIter.x_offset + x; Color8888& currPixel = currBuffer[canvasY * currStride + canvasX]; // FIXME: Use alpha-blending when alpha is between 0 and 255. if (!(currPixel & COLOR_8888_ALPHA_MASK) && !FrameContainsPixel(prevIter, canvasX, canvasY)) { const Color8888 prevPixel = prevBuffer[canvasY * prevStride + canvasX]; currPixel = prevPixel; } } } } } return true; } long FrameSequenceState_webp::drawFrame(int frameNr, Color8888* outputPtr, int outputPixelStride, int previousFrameNr) { WebPDemuxer* demux = mFrameSequence.getDemuxer(); ALOG_ASSERT(demux, "Cannot drawFrame, mDemux is NULL"); #if WEBP_DEBUG ALOGD(" drawFrame called for frame# %d, previous frame# %d", frameNr, previousFrameNr); #endif const int canvasWidth = mFrameSequence.getWidth(); const int canvasHeight = mFrameSequence.getHeight(); // Find the first frame to be decoded. int start = max(previousFrameNr + 1, 0); int earliestRequired = frameNr; while (earliestRequired > start) { if (mFrameSequence.isKeyFrame(earliestRequired)) { start = earliestRequired; break; } earliestRequired--; } WebPIterator currIter; WebPIterator prevIter; int ok = WebPDemuxGetFrame(demux, start, &currIter); // Get frame number 'start - 1'. ALOG_ASSERT(ok, "Could not retrieve frame# %d", start - 1); // Use preserve buffer only if needed. Color8888* prevBuffer = (frameNr == 0) ? outputPtr : mPreservedBuffer; int prevStride = (frameNr == 0) ? outputPixelStride : canvasWidth; Color8888* currBuffer = outputPtr; int currStride = outputPixelStride; for (int i = start; i <= frameNr; i++) { prevIter = currIter; ok = WebPDemuxGetFrame(demux, i + 1, &currIter); // Get ith frame. ALOG_ASSERT(ok, "Could not retrieve frame# %d", i); #if WEBP_DEBUG ALOGD(" producing frame %d (has_alpha = %d, dispose = %s, blend = %s, duration = %d)", i, currIter.has_alpha, (currIter.dispose_method == WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_NONE) ? "none" : "background", (currIter.blend_method == WEBP_MUX_BLEND) ? "yes" : "no", currIter.duration); #endif // We swap the prev/curr buffers as we go. Color8888* tmpBuffer = prevBuffer; prevBuffer = currBuffer; currBuffer = tmpBuffer; int tmpStride = prevStride; prevStride = currStride; currStride = tmpStride; #if WEBP_DEBUG ALOGD(" prev = %p, curr = %p, out = %p, tmp = %p", prevBuffer, currBuffer, outputPtr, mPreservedBuffer); #endif // Process this frame. initializeFrame(currIter, currBuffer, currStride, prevIter, prevBuffer, prevStride); if (i == frameNr || !willBeCleared(currIter)) { if (!decodeFrame(currIter, currBuffer, currStride, prevIter, prevBuffer, prevStride)) { ALOGE("Error decoding frame# %d", i); return -1; } } } if (outputPtr != currBuffer) { copyFrame(currBuffer, currStride, outputPtr, outputPixelStride, canvasWidth, canvasHeight); } // Return last frame's delay. const int frameCount = mFrameSequence.getFrameCount(); const int lastFrame = (frameNr + frameCount - 1) % frameCount; ok = WebPDemuxGetFrame(demux, lastFrame, &currIter); ALOG_ASSERT(ok, "Could not retrieve frame# %d", lastFrame - 1); const int lastFrameDelay = currIter.duration; WebPDemuxReleaseIterator(&currIter); WebPDemuxReleaseIterator(&prevIter); return lastFrameDelay; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Registry //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "Registry.h" static bool isWebP(void* header, int header_size) { const uint8_t* const header_str = (const uint8_t*)header; return (header_size >= RIFF_HEADER_SIZE) && !memcmp("RIFF", header_str, 4) && !memcmp("WEBP", header_str + 8, 4); } static bool acceptsWebPBuffer() { return true; } static FrameSequence* createFramesequence(Stream* stream) { return new FrameSequence_webp(stream); } static RegistryEntry gEntry = { RIFF_HEADER_SIZE, isWebP, createFramesequence, NULL, acceptsWebPBuffer, }; static Registry gRegister(gEntry);