/* * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.ex.camera2.blocking; import android.hardware.camera2.CameraCaptureSession; import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureFailure; import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureRequest; import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureResult; import android.hardware.camera2.TotalCaptureResult; import android.util.Log; import com.android.ex.camera2.utils.StateChangeListener; import com.android.ex.camera2.utils.StateWaiter; /** * A camera capture listener that implements blocking operations on state changes for a * particular capture request. * *

Provides a waiter that can be used to block until the next unobserved state of the * requested type arrives.

* *

Pass-through all StateListener changes to the proxy.

* * @see #getStateWaiter */ public class BlockingCaptureCallback extends CameraCaptureSession.CaptureCallback { /** * {@link #onCaptureStarted} has been called. */ public static final int CAPTURE_STARTED = 0; /** * {@link #onCaptureProgressed} has been * called. */ public static final int CAPTURE_PROGRESSED = 1; /** * {@link #onCaptureCompleted} has * been called. */ public static final int CAPTURE_COMPLETED = 2; /** * {@link #onCaptureFailed} has been * called. */ public static final int CAPTURE_FAILED = 3; /** * {@link #onCaptureSequenceCompleted} has been called. */ public static final int CAPTURE_SEQUENCE_COMPLETED = 4; /** * {@link #onCaptureSequenceAborted} has been called. */ public static final int CAPTURE_SEQUENCE_ABORTED = 5; private static final String[] sStateNames = { "CAPTURE_STARTED", "CAPTURE_PROGRESSED", "CAPTURE_COMPLETED", "CAPTURE_FAILED", "CAPTURE_SEQUENCE_COMPLETED", "CAPTURE_SEQUENCE_ABORTED" }; private static final String TAG = "BlockingCaptureCallback"; private static final boolean VERBOSE = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE); private final CameraCaptureSession.CaptureCallback mProxy; private final StateWaiter mStateWaiter = new StateWaiter(sStateNames); private final StateChangeListener mStateChangeListener = mStateWaiter.getListener(); /** * Create a blocking capture listener without forwarding the capture listener invocations * to another capture listener. */ public BlockingCaptureCallback() { mProxy = null; } /** * Create a blocking capture listener; forward original listener invocations * into {@code listener}. * * @param listener a non-{@code null} listener to forward invocations into * * @throws NullPointerException if {@code listener} was {@code null} */ public BlockingCaptureCallback(CameraCaptureSession.CaptureCallback listener) { if (listener == null) { throw new NullPointerException("listener must not be null"); } mProxy = listener; } /** * Acquire the state waiter; can be used to block until a set of state transitions have * been reached. * *

Only one thread should wait at a time.

*/ public StateWaiter getStateWaiter() { return mStateWaiter; } @Override public void onCaptureStarted(CameraCaptureSession session, CaptureRequest request, long timestamp) { if (mProxy != null) mProxy.onCaptureStarted(session, request, timestamp); mStateChangeListener.onStateChanged(CAPTURE_STARTED); } @Override public void onCaptureProgressed(CameraCaptureSession session, CaptureRequest request, CaptureResult partialResult) { if (mProxy != null) mProxy.onCaptureProgressed(session, request, partialResult); mStateChangeListener.onStateChanged(CAPTURE_PROGRESSED); } @Override public void onCaptureCompleted(CameraCaptureSession session, CaptureRequest request, TotalCaptureResult result) { if (mProxy != null) mProxy.onCaptureCompleted(session, request, result); mStateChangeListener.onStateChanged(CAPTURE_COMPLETED); } @Override public void onCaptureFailed(CameraCaptureSession session, CaptureRequest request, CaptureFailure failure) { if (mProxy != null) mProxy.onCaptureFailed(session, request, failure); mStateChangeListener.onStateChanged(CAPTURE_FAILED); } @Override public void onCaptureSequenceCompleted(CameraCaptureSession session, int sequenceId, long frameNumber) { if (mProxy != null) mProxy.onCaptureSequenceCompleted(session, sequenceId, frameNumber); mStateChangeListener.onStateChanged(CAPTURE_SEQUENCE_COMPLETED); } @Override public void onCaptureSequenceAborted(CameraCaptureSession session, int sequenceId) { if (mProxy != null) mProxy.onCaptureSequenceAborted(session, sequenceId); mStateChangeListener.onStateChanged(CAPTURE_SEQUENCE_ABORTED); } }