diff options
authorTanguy Pruvot <tanguy.pruvot@gmail.com>2014-07-06 21:08:37 +0200
committerTanguy Pruvot <tanguy.pruvot@gmail.com>2014-07-22 07:27:36 +0200
commit1a6456b1e85aecc01bc112d8a77312f176636ebc (patch)
parent28c1d282af67aa77a36f97b4a96b0a6fef8dbe69 (diff)
runtime: add some plugins/autoload files, minimal help
wanted to add tar/gzip/zip support but plugins are not compatible with busybox tools Add spacehi.vim to show trailing spaces/tabs with <F9> key Change-Id: I5881fe878852e6da400a11a9af347572af42fe16
3 files changed, 154 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/autoload/spacehi.vim b/runtime/autoload/spacehi.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae2623508
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/autoload/spacehi.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+" vim600: set foldmethod=marker:
+" $Id: spacehi.vim,v 1.4 2014/07/08 15:37:13 laz Exp $
+" Description: Per buffer, togglable syntax highlighting of tabs and trailing
+" spaces.
+" Author: Adam Lazur <adam@lazur.org>
+" Last Change: $Date: 2014/07/08 15:37:13 $
+" URL: http://adam.lazur.org/vim/spacehi.vim
+" License: Redistribution and use of this file, with or without
+" modification, are permitted without restriction.
+" Section: Documentation {{{1
+" This plugin will highlight tabs and trailing spaces on a line, with the
+" ability to toggle the highlighting on and off. Using highlighting to
+" illuminate these characters is preferrable to using listchars and set list
+" because it allows you to copy from the vim window without getting shrapnel
+" in your buffer.
+" NOTE: "set list" will override SpaceHi's highlighting.
+" Highlighting can be turned on and off with the functions SpaceHi() and
+" NoSpaceHi() respectively. You can also toggle the highlighting state by
+" using ToggleSpaceHi(). By default, ToggleSpaceHi is bound to the key F3.
+" You can customize the colors by setting the following variables to a string
+" of key=val that would normally follow "highlight group" command:
+" g:spacehi_spacecolor
+" g:spacehi_tabcolor
+" The defaults can be found in the "Default Global Vars" section below.
+" You can give a list of filetypes to exclude
+" If you want to highlight tabs and trailing spaces by default for every file
+" that is syntax highlighted, you can add the following to your vimrc:
+" autocmd syntax * SpaceHi
+" The author currently uses the following (a little overboard) in his vimrc:
+" autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost,FilterReadPost,FileReadPost,Syntax * SpaceHi
+" au FileType help NoSpaceHi
+" Section: Plugin header {{{1
+" If we have already loaded this file, don't load it again.
+if exists("loaded_spacehi")
+ finish
+if !has("syntax")
+ finish
+ let loaded_spacehi=1
+" Section: Default Global Vars {{{1
+if !exists("g:spacehi_tabcolor")
+ " highlight tabs with red underline
+ let g:spacehi_tabcolor="ctermfg=1 cterm=underline"
+ let g:spacehi_tabcolor=g:spacehi_tabcolor . " guifg=red gui=underline"
+if !exists("g:spacehi_spacecolor")
+ " highlight trailing spaces in blue underline
+ let g:spacehi_spacecolor="ctermfg=4 cterm=underline"
+ let g:spacehi_spacecolor=g:spacehi_spacecolor . " guifg=blue gui=underline"
+" Section: Functions {{{1
+" Function: s:SpaceHi() {{{2
+" Turn on highlighting of spaces and tabs
+fun s:SpaceHi()
+ " highlight tabs
+ syntax match spacehiTab /\t/ containedin=ALL
+ execute("highlight spacehiTab " . g:spacehi_tabcolor)
+ " highlight trailing spaces
+ syntax match spacehiTrailingSpace /\s\+$/ containedin=ALL
+ execute("highlight spacehiTrailingSpace " . g:spacehi_spacecolor)
+ let b:spacehi = 1
+" Function: s:NoSpaceHi() {{{2
+" Turn off highlighting of spaces and tabs
+fun s:NoSpaceHi()
+ syntax clear spacehiTab
+ syntax clear spacehiTrailingSpace
+ let b:spacehi = 0
+" Function: s:ToggleSpaceHi() {{{2
+" Toggle highlighting of spaces and tabs
+fun s:ToggleSpaceHi()
+ if exists("b:spacehi") && b:spacehi
+ call s:NoSpaceHi()
+ echo "spacehi off"
+ else
+ call s:SpaceHi()
+ echo "spacehi on"
+ endif
+" Section: Commands {{{1
+com! SpaceHi call s:SpaceHi()
+com! NoSpaceHi call s:NoSpaceHi()
+com! ToggleSpaceHi call s:ToggleSpaceHi()
+" Section: Default mappings {{{1
+" Only insert a map to ToggleSpaceHi if they don't already have a map to
+" the function and don't have something bound to F9
+if !hasmapto('ToggleSpaceHi') && maparg("<F9>") == ""
+ map <silent> <unique> <F9> :ToggleSpaceHi<CR>
diff --git a/src/Android.mk b/src/Android.mk
index 79e1dd976..905f52bdb 100644
--- a/src/Android.mk
+++ b/src/Android.mk
@@ -93,17 +93,16 @@ vim_runtime_files := \
indent.vim \
indoff.vim \
filetype.vim \
- ftoff.vim
+ ftoff.vim
vim_colors_files := \
default.vim \
vim_doc_files := \
- help.txt \
- version7.txt \
- tags \
- term.txt
+ help.txt intro.txt tags \
+ motion.txt editing.txt scroll.txt \
+ options.txt term.txt
vim_syntax_files := \
awk.vim \
@@ -118,6 +117,7 @@ vim_syntax_files := \
xml.vim dtd.vim \
context.vim \
gitcommit.vim \
+ help.vim \
javascript.vim \
java.vim \
manual.vim \
@@ -127,6 +127,12 @@ vim_syntax_files := \
syntax.vim \
+vim_plugin_files := \
+ matchparen.vim \
+vim_autoload_files := \
+ spacehi.vim \
@@ -173,7 +179,31 @@ $(VIM_RUNTIME_S): $(LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE)
+ $(addprefix $(vim_runtime_path)/plugin/,$(vim_plugin_files))
+ @echo "Install: $@ -> $(VIM_SHARED)/plugin/"
+ @mkdir -p $(VIM_SHARED)/plugin
+ $(hide) cp $@ $(VIM_SHARED)/plugin/
+ $(addprefix $(vim_runtime_path)/autoload/,$(vim_autoload_files))
+ @echo "Install: $@ -> $(VIM_SHARED)/autoload/"
+ @mkdir -p $(VIM_SHARED)/autoload
+ $(hide) cp $@ $(VIM_SHARED)/autoload/
diff --git a/vimrc.android b/vimrc.android
index fc6a1a18a..7363874f6 100644
--- a/vimrc.android
+++ b/vimrc.android
@@ -95,6 +95,10 @@ if has("multi_byte")
set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,latin1
+if has("syntax")
+ source /system/usr/share/vim/autoload/spacehi.vim
" Convenient command to see the difference between the current buffer and the
" file it was loaded from, thus the changes you made.
" Only define it when not defined already.