diff options
16 files changed, 2041 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crypto/j2me/java/util/ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a08de0005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+package java.util;
+public abstract class AbstractCollection
+ implements Collection
+ protected AbstractCollection()
+ {
+ }
+ public abstract Iterator iterator();
+ public abstract int size();
+ public boolean isEmpty()
+ {
+ return size() == 0;
+ }
+ public boolean contains(Object o)
+ {
+ Iterator it = iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext())
+ {
+ Object e =;
+ if (o == null)
+ {
+ if (e == null)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (o.equals(e))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public Object[] toArray()
+ {
+ Object[] arObjects = new Object[size()];
+ Iterator it = iterator();
+ int i = 0;
+ while (it.hasNext())
+ {
+ arObjects[i++] =;
+ }
+ return arObjects;
+ }
+ public Object[] toArray(Object[] a)
+ throws NullPointerException, ArrayStoreException
+ //TODO: Check if this is realy compatible to SUN!!!
+ {
+ if (a == null)
+ {
+ throw new NullPointerException();
+ }
+ if (isEmpty())
+ {
+ return a;
+ }
+ Object[] arObjects = null;
+ int size = size();
+ if (a.length < size)
+ {
+ Iterator it = iterator();
+ Object o =;
+ if (o == null) //no object or object is null
+ {
+ throw new ArrayStoreException(); //correct ?
+ }
+ throw new ArrayStoreException("please pass array of correct size");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ arObjects = a;
+ if (a.length > size)
+ {
+ arObjects[size] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ Iterator it = iterator();
+ int i = 0;
+ while (it.hasNext())
+ {
+ Object o =;
+ arObjects[i++] = o;
+ }
+ return arObjects;
+ }
+ public boolean add(Object o)
+ throws RuntimeException, NullPointerException, ClassCastException, IllegalArgumentException
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException();
+ }
+ public boolean remove(Object o)
+ throws RuntimeException
+ {
+ Iterator it = iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext())
+ {
+ Object e =;
+ if (o == null)
+ {
+ if (e == null)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ it.remove();
+ }
+ catch (RuntimeException ue)
+ {
+ throw ue;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (o.equals(e))
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ it.remove();
+ }
+ catch (RuntimeException ue)
+ {
+ throw ue;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public boolean containsAll(Collection c)
+ {
+ Iterator it = c.iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext())
+ {
+ if (!contains(
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public boolean addAll(Collection c)
+ throws RuntimeException
+ {
+ Iterator it = c.iterator();
+ boolean ret = false;
+ while (it.hasNext())
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ ret |= add(;
+ }
+ catch (RuntimeException ue)
+ {
+ throw ue;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public boolean removeAll(Collection c)
+ throws RuntimeException
+ {
+ Iterator it = iterator();
+ boolean ret = false;
+ while (it.hasNext())
+ {
+ if (c.contains(
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ it.remove();
+ ret = true;
+ }
+ catch (RuntimeException ue)
+ {
+ throw ue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public boolean retainAll(Collection c)
+ throws RuntimeException
+ {
+ Iterator it = iterator();
+ boolean ret = false;
+ while (it.hasNext())
+ {
+ if (!c.contains(
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ it.remove();
+ ret = true;
+ }
+ catch (RuntimeException ue)
+ {
+ throw ue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public void clear()
+ throws RuntimeException
+ {
+ Iterator it = iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext())
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ it.remove();
+ }
+ catch (RuntimeException ue)
+ {
+ throw ue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public String toString()
+ {
+ String ret = "[";
+ Iterator it = iterator();
+ if (it.hasNext())
+ {
+ ret += String.valueOf(;
+ }
+ while (it.hasNext())
+ {
+ ret += ", ";
+ ret += String.valueOf(;
+ }
+ ret += "]";
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/crypto/j2me/java/util/ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42dda96ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+package java.util;
+public abstract class AbstractList
+ extends AbstractCollection
+ implements List
+ protected AbstractList al = this;
+ protected AbstractList()
+ {
+ }
+ public boolean add(Object o)
+ throws RuntimeException, ClassCastException, IllegalArgumentException
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ add(size(), o);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch (RuntimeException ue)
+ {
+ throw ue;
+ }
+ }
+ public abstract Object get(int index)
+ throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;
+ public Object set(int index, Object element)
+ throws RuntimeException, ClassCastException, IllegalArgumentException, IndexOutOfBoundsException
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException();
+ }
+ public void add(int index, Object element)
+ throws RuntimeException, ClassCastException, IllegalArgumentException, IndexOutOfBoundsException
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException();
+ }
+ public Object remove(int index)
+ throws RuntimeException, IndexOutOfBoundsException
+ {
+ Object o = get(index);
+ removeRange(index, index + 1);
+ return o;
+ }
+ public int indexOf(Object o)
+ {
+ ListIterator li = listIterator();
+ Object e;
+ while (li.hasNext())
+ {
+ int index = li.nextIndex();
+ e =;
+ System.out.println(e);
+ if (o == null)
+ {
+ if (e == null)
+ {
+ return index;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (o.equals(e))
+ {
+ return index;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ public int lastIndexOf(Object o)
+ {
+ ListIterator li = listIterator(size());
+ while (li.hasPrevious())
+ {
+ int index = li.previousIndex();
+ Object e = li.previous();
+ if (o == null)
+ {
+ if (e == null)
+ {
+ return index;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (o.equals(e))
+ {
+ return index;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ public void clear()
+ throws RuntimeException
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ removeRange(0, size());
+ }
+ catch (RuntimeException ue)
+ {
+ throw ue;
+ }
+ }
+ public boolean addAll(int index, Collection c)
+ throws RuntimeException, ClassCastException, IllegalArgumentException, IndexOutOfBoundsException
+ {
+ Iterator it = c.iterator();
+ boolean ret = false;
+ while (it.hasNext())
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ add(index++,;
+ ret = true;
+ }
+ catch (RuntimeException ue)
+ {
+ throw ue;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public Iterator iterator()
+ {
+ return new AbstractListIterator(this, 0);
+ }
+ public ListIterator listIterator()
+ {
+ return listIterator(0);
+ }
+ public ListIterator listIterator(int index)
+ throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
+ {
+ if (index < 0 || index > size())
+ {
+ throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
+ }
+ return new AbstractListListIterator(this, index);
+ }
+ public List subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
+ throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IllegalArgumentException
+ {
+ if (fromIndex < 0 || toIndex > size())
+ {
+ throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
+ }
+ if (fromIndex > toIndex)
+ {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+ }
+ return (List)new Sublist(this, fromIndex, toIndex);
+ }
+ public boolean equals(Object o)
+ {
+ if (o == this)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!(o instanceof List))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Iterator it1 = iterator();
+ Iterator it2 = ((List)o).iterator();
+ while (it1.hasNext())
+ {
+ if (!it2.hasNext())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Object e1 =;
+ Object e2 =;
+ if (e1 == null)
+ {
+ if (e2 != null)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!e1.equals(e2))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public int hashCode()
+ {
+ int hashCode = 1;
+ Iterator it = iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext())
+ {
+ Object o =;
+ hashCode = 31 * hashCode + (o == null ? 0 : o.hashCode());
+ }
+ return hashCode;
+ }
+ protected void removeRange(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
+ {
+ System.out.println("breakpoint 1");
+ if (fromIndex == toIndex)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ System.out.println("breakpoint 2");
+ ListIterator li = listIterator(fromIndex);
+ System.out.println("breakpoint 3");
+ int i = fromIndex;
+ do
+ {
+ li.remove();
+ i++;
+ }
+ while (li.hasNext() && i < toIndex);
+ }
+ private class AbstractListIterator
+ implements Iterator
+ {
+ AbstractList m_al = null;
+ int m_nextIndex = 0;
+ public AbstractListIterator(AbstractList al, int index)
+ {
+ m_al = al;
+ m_nextIndex = index;
+ }
+ public boolean hasNext()
+ {
+ return m_nextIndex < m_al.size();
+ }
+ public Object next()
+ {
+ return m_al.get(m_nextIndex++);
+ }
+ public void remove()
+ {
+ m_al.remove(m_nextIndex - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ private class AbstractListListIterator
+ extends AbstractListIterator
+ implements ListIterator
+ {
+ public AbstractListListIterator(AbstractList al, int index)
+ {
+ super(al, index);
+ }
+ public boolean hasPrevious()
+ {
+ return m_nextIndex > 0;
+ }
+ public Object previous()// throws NoSuchElementException;
+ {
+ return m_al.get(--m_nextIndex);
+ }
+ public int nextIndex()
+ {
+ return m_nextIndex;
+ }
+ public int previousIndex()
+ {
+ return m_nextIndex - 1;
+ }
+ public void set(Object o) //throws RuntimeException, ClassCastException, IllegalArgumentException,IllegalStateException;
+ {
+ m_al.set(m_nextIndex - 1, o);
+ }
+ public void add(Object o)// throws RuntimeException, ClassCastException, IllegalArgumentException;
+ {
+ m_al.add(m_nextIndex - 1, o);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/crypto/j2me/java/util/ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..13c61ecfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+package java.util;
+public abstract class AbstractMap
+ implements Map
+ protected AbstractMap()
+ {
+ }
+ public int size()
+ {
+ return entrySet().size();
+ }
+ public boolean isEmpty()
+ {
+ return size() == 0;
+ }
+ public boolean containsValue(Object value)
+ {
+ Iterator it = entrySet().iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext())
+ {
+ Map.Entry v = (Map.Entry);
+ if (value == null)
+ {
+ if (v.getValue() == null)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (value.equals(v.getValue()))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public boolean containsKey(Object key)
+ throws ClassCastException, NullPointerException
+ {
+ Iterator it = entrySet().iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext())
+ {
+ Map.Entry v = (Map.Entry);
+ if (key == null)
+ {
+ if (v.getKey() == null)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (key.equals(v.getKey()))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public Object get(Object key)
+ throws ClassCastException, NullPointerException
+ {
+ Iterator it = entrySet().iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext())
+ {
+ Map.Entry v = (Map.Entry);
+ if (key == null)
+ {
+ if (v.getKey() == null)
+ {
+ return v.getValue();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (key.equals(v.getKey()))
+ {
+ return v.getValue();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public Object put(Object key, Object value)
+ throws RuntimeException
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException();
+ }
+ public Object remove(Object key)
+ {
+ Iterator it = entrySet().iterator();
+ Object o = null;
+ while (it.hasNext())
+ {
+ Map.Entry v = (Map.Entry);
+ if (key == null)
+ {
+ if (v.getKey() == null)
+ {
+ o = v.getValue();
+ it.remove();
+ return o;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (key.equals(v.getKey()))
+ {
+ o = v.getValue();
+ it.remove();
+ return o;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public void putAll(Map t)
+ {
+ Iterator it = t.entrySet().iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext())
+ {
+ Map.Entry v = (Map.Entry);
+ put(v.getKey(), v.getValue());
+ }
+ }
+ public void clear()
+ {
+ entrySet().clear();
+ }
+ public Set keySet()
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException("no keySet in AbstractMap()");
+ }
+ public Collection values()
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException("no values in AbstractMap()");
+ }
+ public abstract Set entrySet();
+ public boolean equals(Object o)
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException("no equals in AbstractMap()");
+ }
+ public int hashCode()
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException("no hashCode in AbstractMap()");
+ }
+ public String toString()
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException("no toString in AbstractMap()");
+ }
diff --git a/crypto/j2me/java/util/ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a91c4766
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+package java.util;
+public abstract class AbstractSet
+ extends AbstractCollection
+ implements Set
+ protected AbstractSet()
+ {
+ }
+ public boolean equals(Object o)
+ {
+ if (this == o)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (o == null)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!(o instanceof Set))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (((Set)o).size() != size())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return containsAll((Collection)o);
+ }
+ public int hashCode()
+ {
+ int hashCode = 0;
+ Iterator it = iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext())
+ {
+ Object o =;
+ if (o != null)
+ {
+ hashCode += o.hashCode();
+ }
+ }
+ return hashCode;
+ }
diff --git a/crypto/j2me/java/util/ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80adf4785
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+package java.util;
+public class ArrayList extends AbstractList
+ implements List
+ {
+ Vector m_Vector=null;
+ public ArrayList()
+ {
+ m_Vector=new Vector();
+ }
+ public ArrayList(Collection c)
+ {
+ m_Vector=new Vector((int)(c.size()*1.1));
+ addAll(c);
+ }
+ public ArrayList(int initialCapacity)
+ {
+ m_Vector=new Vector(initialCapacity);
+ }
+ public void trimToSize()
+ {
+ m_Vector.trimToSize();
+ }
+ public void ensureCapacity(int minCapacity)
+ {
+ m_Vector.ensureCapacity(minCapacity);
+ }
+ public int size()
+ {
+ return m_Vector.size();
+ }
+ public boolean contains(Object elem)
+ {
+ return m_Vector.contains(elem);
+ }
+ public int indexOf(Object elem)
+ {
+ return m_Vector.indexOf(elem);
+ }
+ public int lastIndexOf(Object elem)
+ {
+ return m_Vector.lastIndexOf(elem);
+ }
+ public Object clone()
+ {
+ ArrayList al=new ArrayList(this);
+ return al;
+ }
+ public Object[] toArray()
+ {
+ Object[] o=new Object[m_Vector.size()];
+ m_Vector.copyInto(o);
+ return o;
+ }
+ public Object get(int index)
+ {
+ return m_Vector.elementAt(index);
+ }
+ public Object set(int index,Object elem)
+ {
+ Object o=m_Vector.elementAt(index);
+ m_Vector.setElementAt(elem,index);
+ return o;
+ }
+ public boolean add(Object o)
+ {
+ m_Vector.addElement(o);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public void add(int index,Object elem)
+ {
+ m_Vector.insertElementAt(elem,index);
+ }
+ public Object remove(int index)
+ {
+ Object o=m_Vector.elementAt(index);
+ m_Vector.removeElementAt(index);
+ return o;
+ }
+ public void clear()
+ {
+ m_Vector.removeAllElements();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/crypto/j2me/java/util/ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8cd74daae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+package java.util;
+public class Arrays
+ private Arrays()
+ {
+ }
+ public static void fill(byte[] ret, byte v)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i != ret.length; i++)
+ {
+ ret[i] = v;
+ }
+ }
+ public static boolean equals(byte[] a, byte[] a2)
+ {
+ if (a == a2)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (a == null || a2 == null)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ int length = a.length;
+ if (a2.length != length)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ {
+ if (a[i] != a2[i])
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public static List asList(Object[] a)
+ {
+ return new ArrayList(a);
+ }
+ private static class ArrayList
+ extends AbstractList
+ {
+ private Object[] a;
+ ArrayList(Object[] array)
+ {
+ a = array;
+ }
+ public int size()
+ {
+ return a.length;
+ }
+ public Object[] toArray()
+ {
+ Object[] tmp = new Object[a.length];
+ System.arraycopy(a, 0, tmp, 0, tmp.length);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ public Object get(int index)
+ {
+ return a[index];
+ }
+ public Object set(int index, Object element)
+ {
+ Object oldValue = a[index];
+ a[index] = element;
+ return oldValue;
+ }
+ public int indexOf(Object o)
+ {
+ if (o == null)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
+ {
+ if (a[i] == null)
+ {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
+ {
+ if (o.equals(a[i]))
+ {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ public boolean contains(Object o)
+ {
+ return indexOf(o) != -1;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/crypto/j2me/java/util/ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a911dcd63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+package java.util;
+public interface Collection
+ {
+ public boolean add(Object o) throws RuntimeException,ClassCastException,IllegalArgumentException;
+ public boolean addAll(Collection c) throws RuntimeException,ClassCastException,IllegalArgumentException;
+ public void clear() throws RuntimeException;
+ public boolean contains(Object o);
+ public boolean containsAll(Collection c);
+ public boolean equals(Object o);
+ public int hashCode();
+ public boolean isEmpty();
+ public Iterator iterator();
+ public /*SK13*/boolean remove(Object o) throws RuntimeException;
+ public boolean removeAll(Collection c) throws RuntimeException;
+ public boolean retainAll(Collection c) throws RuntimeException;
+ public int size();
+ public Object[] toArray();
+ public Object[] toArray(Object[] a) throws ArrayStoreException;
+ }
diff --git a/crypto/j2me/java/util/ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d611e5e3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+package java.util;
+public class Collections
+ public static List EMPTY_LIST = new ArrayList();
+ private Collections()
+ {
+ }
+ public static Collection unmodifiableCollection(Collection c)
+ {
+ return new UnmodifiableCollection(c);
+ }
+ static class UnmodifiableCollection
+ implements Collection
+ {
+ Collection c;
+ UnmodifiableCollection(Collection c)
+ {
+ this.c = c;
+ }
+ public int size()
+ {
+ return c.size();
+ }
+ public boolean isEmpty()
+ {
+ return c.isEmpty();
+ }
+ public boolean contains(Object o)
+ {
+ return c.contains(o);
+ }
+ public Object[] toArray()
+ {
+ return c.toArray();
+ }
+ public Object[] toArray(Object[] a)
+ {
+ return c.toArray(a);
+ }
+ public Iterator iterator()
+ {
+ return new Iterator()
+ {
+ Iterator i = c.iterator();
+ public boolean hasNext()
+ {
+ return i.hasNext();
+ }
+ public Object next()
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ public void remove()
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public boolean add(Object o)
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException();
+ }
+ public boolean remove(Object o)
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException();
+ }
+ public boolean containsAll(Collection coll)
+ {
+ return c.containsAll(coll);
+ }
+ public boolean addAll(Collection coll)
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException();
+ }
+ public boolean removeAll(Collection coll)
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException();
+ }
+ public boolean retainAll(Collection coll)
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException();
+ }
+ public void clear()
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException();
+ }
+ public String toString()
+ {
+ return c.toString();
+ }
+ }
+ public static Set unmodifiableSet(Set s)
+ {
+ return new UnmodifiableSet(s);
+ }
+ static class UnmodifiableSet
+ extends UnmodifiableCollection
+ implements Set
+ {
+ UnmodifiableSet(Set s)
+ {
+ super(s);
+ }
+ public boolean equals(Object o)
+ {
+ return c.equals(o);
+ }
+ public int hashCode()
+ {
+ return c.hashCode();
+ }
+ }
+ public static Map unmodifiableMap(Map map)
+ {
+ return new UnmodifiableMap(map);
+ }
+ static class UnmodifiableMap
+ implements Map
+ {
+ private Map map;
+ UnmodifiableMap(Map map)
+ {
+ = map;
+ }
+ public int size()
+ {
+ return map.size();
+ }
+ public boolean isEmpty()
+ {
+ return map.isEmpty();
+ }
+ public boolean containsKey(Object key)
+ throws ClassCastException, NullPointerException
+ {
+ return map.containsKey(key);
+ }
+ public boolean containsValue(Object value)
+ {
+ return map.containsValue(value);
+ }
+ public Object get(Object key)
+ throws ClassCastException, NullPointerException
+ {
+ return map.get(key);
+ }
+ public Object put(Object key, Object value)
+ throws RuntimeException, ClassCastException, IllegalArgumentException, NullPointerException
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException("unsupported operation - map unmodifiable");
+ }
+ public Object remove(Object key)
+ throws RuntimeException
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException("unsupported operation - map unmodifiable");
+ }
+ public void putAll(Map t)
+ throws RuntimeException, ClassCastException, IllegalArgumentException, NullPointerException
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException("unsupported operation - map unmodifiable");
+ }
+ public void clear()
+ throws RuntimeException
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException("unsupported operation - map unmodifiable");
+ }
+ public Set keySet()
+ {
+ return map.keySet();
+ }
+ public Collection values()
+ {
+ return map.values();
+ }
+ public Set entrySet()
+ {
+ return map.entrySet();
+ }
+ }
+ public static List unmodifiableList(List list)
+ {
+ return new UnmodifiableList(list);
+ }
+ static class UnmodifiableList
+ extends UnmodifiableCollection
+ implements List
+ {
+ private List list;
+ UnmodifiableList(List list)
+ {
+ super(list);
+ this.list = list;
+ }
+ public boolean equals(Object o)
+ {
+ return list.equals(o);
+ }
+ public int hashCode()
+ {
+ return list.hashCode();
+ }
+ public Object get(int index)
+ {
+ return list.get(index);
+ }
+ public Object set(int index, Object element)
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException();
+ }
+ public void add(int index, Object element)
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException();
+ }
+ public Object remove(int index)
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException();
+ }
+ public int indexOf(Object o)
+ {
+ return list.indexOf(o);
+ }
+ public int lastIndexOf(Object o)
+ {
+ return list.lastIndexOf(o);
+ }
+ public boolean addAll(int index, Collection c)
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException();
+ }
+ public ListIterator listIterator()
+ {
+ return listIterator(0);
+ }
+ public ListIterator listIterator(final int index)
+ {
+ return new ListIterator()
+ {
+ ListIterator i = list.listIterator(index);
+ public boolean hasNext()
+ {
+ return i.hasNext();
+ }
+ public Object next()
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ public boolean hasPrevious()
+ {
+ return i.hasPrevious();
+ }
+ public Object previous()
+ {
+ return i.previous();
+ }
+ public int nextIndex()
+ {
+ return i.nextIndex();
+ }
+ public int previousIndex()
+ {
+ return i.previousIndex();
+ }
+ public void remove()
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException();
+ }
+ public void set(Object o)
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException();
+ }
+ public void add(Object o)
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ public List subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
+ {
+ return new UnmodifiableList(list.subList(fromIndex, toIndex));
+ }
+ }
+ public static Enumeration enumeration(final Collection c)
+ {
+ return new Enumeration()
+ {
+ Iterator i = c.iterator();
+ public boolean hasMoreElements()
+ {
+ return i.hasNext();
+ }
+ public Object nextElement()
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/crypto/j2me/java/util/ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bcd75ddd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+package java.util;
+public class HashMap extends AbstractMap{
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///// innere Klasse Null ////////////////////////////////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+public class Null extends Object
+ {
+ public Null()
+ {
+ }
+ public String toString()
+ {
+ return "Nullobject";
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///// innere Klasse innerSet ////////////////////////////////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ class ISet extends AbstractSet implements java.util.Set
+ {
+ Vector vec = null;
+ public ISet()
+ {
+ vec = new Vector();
+ }
+ public boolean add(Object o)
+ {
+ vec.addElement(o);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public int size()
+ {
+ return vec.size();
+ }
+ public Iterator iterator()
+ {
+ return new IIterator(vec);
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///// innere Klasse Iterator ////////////////////////////////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ class IIterator implements java.util.Iterator
+ {
+ int index = 0;
+ Vector vec = null;
+ public IIterator(Vector ve)
+ {
+ vec = ve;
+ }
+ public boolean hasNext()
+ {
+ if (vec.size() > index) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ public Object next()
+ {
+ Object o = vec.elementAt(index);
+ if (o==Nullobject) o=null;
+ index++;
+ return o;
+ }
+ public void remove()
+ {
+ index--;
+ vec.removeElementAt(index);
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///// innere Klasse Entry ////////////////////////////////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ class Entry implements Map.Entry
+ {
+ public Object key=null;
+ public Object value=null;
+ public Entry(Object ke,Object valu)
+ {
+ key = ke;
+ value = valu;
+ }
+ public boolean equals(Object o)
+ {
+ if (value == ((Entry)o).value && key == ((Entry)o).key ) return true;
+ else return false;
+ }
+ public Object getValue()
+ {
+ return value;
+ }
+ public Object getKey()
+ {
+ return (Object)key;
+ }
+ public int hashCode()
+ {
+ return value.hashCode() + key.hashCode();
+ }
+ public Object setValue(Object valu)
+ {
+ value = (String)valu;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private Hashtable m_HashTable=null;
+ private Null Nullobject = null;
+ public HashMap()
+ {
+ Nullobject = new Null();
+ m_HashTable=new Hashtable();
+ }
+ public HashMap(int initialCapacity)
+ {
+ Nullobject = new Null();
+ m_HashTable=new Hashtable(initialCapacity);
+ }
+ public HashMap(Map t)
+ {
+ Nullobject = new Null();
+ m_HashTable=new Hashtable();
+ this.putAll(t);
+ }
+ public void clear()
+ {
+ m_HashTable.clear();
+ }
+ public Object clone()
+ {
+ HashMap hm=new HashMap(this);
+ return hm;
+ }
+ public boolean containsKey(Object key)
+ {
+ if (key == null) key = Nullobject;
+ boolean b = m_HashTable.containsKey(key);
+ return b;
+ }
+ public boolean containsValue(Object value)
+ {
+ if (value == null ) value = Nullobject;
+ boolean b = m_HashTable.contains(value);
+ return b;
+ }
+ public Set entrySet()
+ {
+ Object Key = null;
+ ISet s = new ISet();
+ Enumeration en = m_HashTable.keys();
+ while (en.hasMoreElements())
+ {
+ Key = en.nextElement();
+ s.add(new Entry(Key,m_HashTable.get(Key)));
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ public Object get(Object key)
+ {
+ if (key==null) key= Nullobject;
+ Object o = m_HashTable.get(key);
+ if (o == Nullobject) o=null;
+ return o;
+ }
+ public boolean isEmpty()
+ {
+ return m_HashTable.isEmpty();
+ }
+ public Set keySet()
+ {
+ ISet s=new ISet();
+ Enumeration en = m_HashTable.keys();
+ while (en.hasMoreElements())
+ {
+ s.add(en.nextElement());
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ public Object put(Object key, Object value)
+ {
+ if (key==null) key=Nullobject;
+ if (value==null) value = Nullobject;
+ return m_HashTable.put(key,value);
+ }
+ public void putAll(Map m)
+ {
+ Iterator it = m.entrySet().iterator();
+ Object key=null;
+ Object value=null;
+ while (it.hasNext())
+ {
+ Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry);
+ if (me.getKey() == null) key = Nullobject;
+ else key= me.getKey();
+ if (me.getValue()==null) value = Nullobject;
+ else value = me.getValue();
+ m_HashTable.put(key,value);
+ }
+ }
+ public Object remove(Object key)
+ {
+ return m_HashTable.remove(key);
+ }
+ public int size()
+ {
+ return m_HashTable.size();
+ }
+ public Collection values()
+ {
+ ISet s=new ISet();
+ Enumeration en = m_HashTable.keys();
+ while (en.hasMoreElements())
+ {
+ Object Key = en.nextElement();
+ //s.add(((Map.Entry)m_HashTable.get(Key)).getValue());
+ s.add(m_HashTable.get(Key));
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
diff --git a/crypto/j2me/java/util/ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e37cb7c8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+package java.util;
+public class HashSet
+ extends AbstractSet
+ private HashMap m_HashMap = null;
+ public HashSet()
+ {
+ m_HashMap = new HashMap();
+ }
+ public HashSet(Collection c)
+ {
+ m_HashMap = new HashMap(Math.max(11, c.size() * 2));
+ addAll(c);
+ }
+ public HashSet(int initialCapacity)
+ {
+ m_HashMap = new HashMap(initialCapacity);
+ }
+ public Iterator iterator()
+ {
+ return (m_HashMap.keySet()).iterator();
+ }
+ public int size()
+ {
+ return m_HashMap.size();
+ }
+ public boolean contains(Object o)
+ {
+ return m_HashMap.containsKey(o);
+ }
+ public boolean add(Object o)
+ {
+ if (!m_HashMap.containsValue(o))
+ {
+ m_HashMap.put((Object)o, (Object)o);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public boolean remove(Object o)
+ {
+ return (m_HashMap.remove(o) != null);
+ }
+ public void clear()
+ {
+ m_HashMap.clear();
+ }
+ public Object clone()
+ {
+ HashSet hs = new HashSet();
+ hs.m_HashMap = (HashMap)m_HashMap.clone();
+ return hs;
+ }
diff --git a/crypto/j2me/java/util/ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1b9c05fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+package java.util;
+public interface Iterator
+ public abstract boolean hasNext();
+ public abstract Object next() throws NoSuchElementException;
+ public abstract void remove() throws RuntimeException,IllegalStateException;
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d9df616fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+package java.util;
+public interface List
+ extends Collection
+ void add(int index, Object element)
+ throws RuntimeException, ClassCastException, IllegalArgumentException, IndexOutOfBoundsException;
+ boolean addAll(int index, Collection c)
+ throws RuntimeException, ClassCastException, IllegalArgumentException, IndexOutOfBoundsException;
+ Object get(int index)
+ throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;
+ int indexOf(Object o);
+ int lastIndexOf(Object o);
+ ListIterator listIterator();
+ ListIterator listIterator(int index)
+ throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;
+ Object remove(int index)
+ throws RuntimeException, IndexOutOfBoundsException;
+ Object set(int index, Object element)
+ throws RuntimeException, ClassCastException, IllegalArgumentException, IndexOutOfBoundsException;
+ List subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
+ throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;
diff --git a/crypto/j2me/java/util/ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e08d959c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+package java.util;
+public interface ListIterator
+ extends Iterator
+ public boolean hasPrevious();
+ public Object previous()
+ throws NoSuchElementException;
+ public int nextIndex();
+ public int previousIndex();
+ public void set(Object o)
+ throws RuntimeException, ClassCastException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException;
+ public void add(Object o)
+ throws RuntimeException, ClassCastException, IllegalArgumentException;
diff --git a/crypto/j2me/java/util/ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf496f89d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+package java.util;
+public interface Map
+ public static interface Entry
+ {
+ public Object getKey();
+ public Object getValue();
+ public Object setValue(Object value)
+ throws RuntimeException, ClassCastException, IllegalArgumentException, NullPointerException;
+ public boolean equals(Object o);
+ public int hashCode();
+ }
+ public int size();
+ public boolean isEmpty();
+ public boolean containsKey(Object Key)
+ throws ClassCastException, NullPointerException;
+ public boolean containsValue(Object value);
+ public Object get(Object key)
+ throws ClassCastException, NullPointerException;
+ public Object put(Object key, Object value)
+ throws RuntimeException, ClassCastException, IllegalArgumentException, NullPointerException;
+ public Object remove(Object key)
+ throws RuntimeException;
+ public void putAll(Map t)
+ throws RuntimeException, ClassCastException, IllegalArgumentException, NullPointerException;
+ public void clear()
+ throws RuntimeException;
+ public Set keySet();
+ public Collection values();
+ public Set entrySet();
+ public boolean equals(Object o);
+ public int hashCode();
diff --git a/crypto/j2me/java/util/ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ec45c748
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+package java.util;
+public interface Set
+ extends Collection
+ public int size();
+ public boolean isEmpty();
+ public boolean contains(Object o);
+ public Iterator iterator();
+ public Object[] toArray();
+ public Object[] toArray(Object[] a);
+ public boolean add(Object o);
+ public boolean remove(Object o);
+ public boolean containsAll(Collection c);
+ public boolean addAll(Collection c);
+ public boolean retainAll(Collection c);
+ public boolean removeAll(Collection c);
+ public void clear();
+ public boolean equals(Object o);
+ public int hashCode();
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48d8d8e89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crypto/j2me/java/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+package java.util;
+public class Sublist
+ extends AbstractList
+ AbstractList m_al = null;
+ int m_fromIndex = 0;
+ int m_toIndex = 0;
+ int size = 0;
+ public Sublist(AbstractList ali, int fromIndex, int toIndex)
+ {
+ m_al = ali;
+ m_toIndex = toIndex;
+ m_fromIndex = fromIndex;
+ size = size();
+ }
+ public Object set(int index, Object o)
+ {
+ if (index < size)
+ {
+ o = m_al.set(index + m_fromIndex, o);
+ if (o != null)
+ {
+ size++;
+ m_toIndex++;
+ }
+ return o;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
+ }
+ }
+ public Object get(int index)
+ throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
+ {
+ if (index < size)
+ {
+ return m_al.get(index + m_fromIndex);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
+ }
+ }
+ public void add(int index, Object o)
+ {
+ if (index <= size)
+ {
+ m_al.add(index + m_fromIndex, o);
+ m_toIndex++;
+ size++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
+ }
+ }
+ public Object remove(int index, Object o)
+ {
+ if (index < size)
+ {
+ Object ob = m_al.remove(index + m_fromIndex);
+ if (ob != null)
+ {
+ m_toIndex--;
+ size--;
+ }
+ return ob;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
+ }
+ }
+ public boolean addAll(int index, Collection c)
+ {
+ if (index < size)
+ {
+ boolean bool = m_al.addAll(index + m_fromIndex, c);
+ if (bool)
+ {
+ int lange = c.size();
+ m_toIndex = m_toIndex + lange;
+ size = size + lange;
+ }
+ return bool;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
+ }
+ }
+ public boolean addAll(Collection c)
+ {
+ boolean bool = m_al.addAll(m_toIndex, c);
+ if (bool)
+ {
+ int lange = c.size();
+ m_toIndex = m_toIndex + lange;
+ size = size + lange;
+ }
+ return bool;
+ }
+ public void removeRange(int from, int to)
+ {
+ if ((from <= to) && (from <= size) && (to <= size))
+ {
+ m_al.removeRange(from, to);
+ int lange = to - from;
+ m_toIndex = m_toIndex - lange;
+ size = size - lange;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (from > to)
+ {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public int size()
+ {
+ return (m_toIndex - m_fromIndex);
+ }