""" File: JetUtils.py Contents and purpose: Utilities used throughout JetCreator Copyright (c) 2008 Android Open Source Project Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ from __future__ import with_statement import wx import os import copy import ConfigParser import logging import time import tempfile from JetDefs import * from JetDebug import * from midifile import TimeBase, trackGrid class JetCutCopy(object): """ Handles cut/copy/pasting of events and segments """ def __init__ (self, objType, objSave, currentSegmentName): self.objType = objType self.objSave = copy.deepcopy(objSave) self.currentSegmentName = currentSegmentName def GetObj(self, objList): """ Gets an object """ objSave = copy.deepcopy(self.objSave) if self.objType == JetDefs.MAIN_SEGLIST: oldName = objSave.segname i = len(oldName) - 1 while i > 0: if not oldName[i].isdigit(): break i = i - 1 oldName = oldName[0:i+1] i = 1 while True: newName = oldName + str(i) if self.UniqueSegName(newName, objList): break i = i + 1 objSave.segname = newName elif self.objType == JetDefs.MAIN_EVENTLIST: oldName = objSave.event_name i = len(oldName) - 1 while i > 0: if not oldName[i].isdigit(): break i = i - 1 oldName = oldName[0:i+1] i = 1 while True: newName = oldName + str(i) if self.UniqueEventName(newName, objList): break i = i + 1 objSave.event_name = newName return objSave def UniqueSegName(self, nameVal, seglist): for nm in seglist: if nm.segname == nameVal: return False return True def UniqueEventName(self, nameVal, eventlist): for nm in eventlist: if nm.event_name == nameVal: return False return True class JetState(object): """ Saves the state for cut/copy/paste """ def __init__ (self, jet_file, currentSegmentIndex, currentEventIndex): self.jet_file = copy.deepcopy(jet_file) self.currentSegmentIndex = currentSegmentIndex self.currentEventIndex = currentEventIndex def Queue (jet, queueSeg): """ Queues a segment """ jet.QueueSegment(queueSeg.userID, queueSeg.seg_num, queueSeg.dls_num, queueSeg.repeat, queueSeg.transpose, queueSeg.mute_flags) class QueueSeg(object): """ Object representing a segment """ def __init__ (self, name, userID, seg_num, dls_num=-1, repeat=0, transpose=0, mute_flags=0, status=''): self.name = name self.userID = userID self.seg_num = seg_num self.dls_num = dls_num self.repeat = repeat self.transpose = transpose self.mute_flags = mute_flags self.status = status #DumpQueueSeg(self) def FindDlsNum(libraries, dlsfile): """ Looks for a dls file in the library list """ for index, library in enumerate(libraries): if library == dlsfile: return index return -1 def SetRowSelection(list, row, state): """ Sets the selection status of a list row """ if state: list.SetItemState(row, wx.LIST_STATE_SELECTED, wx.LIST_STATE_SELECTED) else: list.SetItemState(row, ~wx.LIST_STATE_SELECTED, wx.LIST_STATE_SELECTED) def ClearRowSelections(list): """ Clears the list rows selection status """ index = list.GetFirstSelected() while index != -1: SetRowSelection(list, index, False) index = list.GetNextSelected(index) def getColumnText(list, index, col): """ Sets the text of a column """ item = list.GetItem(index, col) return item.GetText() def getColumnValue(list, index, col): """ Gets the text of a column """ item = list.GetItem(index, col) v = str(item.GetText()) if len(v) > 0: return int(item.GetText()) else: return 0 def StrNoneChk(fld): """ Returns a blank string if none """ if fld is None: return "" return str(fld) def ConvertStrTimeToTuple(s): """ Converts a string time to a tuple """ try: measures, beats, ticks = s.split(':',3) return (int(measures), int(beats), int(ticks)) except: return JetDefs.MBT_DEFAULT def FileRelativePath(target, base=os.curdir): """ Returns relative file path """ if not os.path.exists(target): return target if not os.path.isdir(base): return target base_list = (os.path.abspath(base)).split(os.sep) target_list = (os.path.abspath(target)).split(os.sep) if os.name in ['nt','dos','os2'] and base_list[0] <> target_list[0]: return target for i in range(min(len(base_list), len(target_list))): if base_list[i] <> target_list[i]: break else: i+=1 rel_list = [os.pardir] * (len(base_list)-i) + target_list[i:] return os.path.join(*rel_list) def FileFixPath(fileSpec): """ Tweaks slashes """ return fileSpec.replace("\\", "/") def FileKillClean(fileName): """ Deletes a file skipping errors """ try: os.remove(fileName) except: pass def FileJustRoot(fileName): """ Gets just the root of the file name """ try: return os.path.splitext(fileName)[0] except: return "" def FileJustName(fileName): """ Gets just the filename, without the path """ try: return os.path.split(fileName)[1] except: return "" def FileJustPath(fileName): """ Gets just the path, without the file name """ try: return os.path.split(fileName)[0] except: return "" def FileJustExt(fileName): """ Gets just the extension of the file """ try: ext = os.path.splitext(fileName)[1] return ext.upper() except: return "" def FileDateTime(fileName): """ Gets the date/time of a file """ try: filetime = time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(fileName)) return filetime except: return "" def FileExists(fileName): """ Checks if a file exists """ try: return os.path.exists(fileName) except: return False def IniSetValue(configFile, section, option, value): """ Sets the value of a config file field """ config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.read(configFile) if not config.has_section(section): config.add_section(section) config.set(section, option, value) cfgfile = open(configFile,'w') config.write(cfgfile) cfgfile.close() def IniGetValue(configFile, section, option, retType='str', default=''): """ Gets the value of a config file field """ ret = default config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.read(configFile) if config.has_section(section): if config.has_option(section, option): ret = config.get(section, option) if retType =='int': try: ret = int(ret) except: ret = 0 elif retType == 'float': try: ret = float(ret) except: ret = 0 elif retType == 'bool': try: if ret[0].upper()=='T': ret = True else: ret = False except: ret = False elif retType == 'list': try: ret = eval(ret) except: ret = [] return ret def GetRecentJetFiles(): """ Builds a list of recent jet files """ fileList = [] config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.read(JetDefs.JETCREATOR_INI) if config.has_section(JetDefs.RECENT_SECTION): for count in range(0, 10): sFile = "File" + str(count) if config.has_option(JetDefs.RECENT_SECTION, sFile): sFileName = config.get(JetDefs.RECENT_SECTION, sFile) if FileExists(sFileName): if sFileName != JetDefs.UNTITLED_FILE: #fileList.append(FileRelativePath(config.get(JetDefs.RECENT_SECTION, sFile))) fileList.append(config.get(JetDefs.RECENT_SECTION, sFile)) return fileList def AppendRecentJetFile(jetFile): """ Appends to a list of recent jet files """ addedFiles = [] fileList = GetRecentJetFiles() config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.read(JetDefs.JETCREATOR_INI) if config.has_section(JetDefs.RECENT_SECTION): config.remove_section(JetDefs.RECENT_SECTION) config.add_section(JetDefs.RECENT_SECTION) config.set(JetDefs.RECENT_SECTION, "File0", jetFile) addedFiles.append(jetFile) count = 1 for file in fileList: if file not in addedFiles: sFile = "File" + str(count) config.set(JetDefs.RECENT_SECTION, sFile, file) addedFiles.append(file) count += 1 FileKillClean(JetDefs.JETCREATOR_INI) cfgfile = open(JetDefs.JETCREATOR_INI,'w') config.write(cfgfile) cfgfile.close() def CompareMbt(mbt1, mbt2): """ Compates to measure/beat/tick values """ try: m1, b1, t1 = mbt1.split(':',3) m2, b2, t2 = mbt2.split(':',3) if int(m1) > int(m2): return False elif int(m1) == int(m2) and int(b1) > int(b2): return False elif int(b1) == int(b2) and int(t1) > int(t2): return False elif int(m1) == int(m2) and int(b1) == int(b2) and int(t1) == int(t2): return False else: return True except: return False def MbtVal(mbt): """ Converts mbts to ticks """ if type(mbt).__name__=='str' or type(mbt).__name__=='unicode': mbt1 = mbt else: mbt1 = "%d:%d:%d" % mbt try: return TimeBase().ConvertStrTimeToTicks(mbt1) except: return 0 def TicksToMbt(ticks): """ Converts ticks to mbts """ return TimeBase().ConvertTicksToMBT(ticks) def TicksToStrMbt(ticks): """ Converts ticks to mbts """ return TimeBase().ConvertTicksToStr(ticks, '%02d:%02d:%02d') def MbtDifference(mbt1, mbt2): """ Returns difference between mbt values """ return TimeBase().MbtDifference(mbt1, mbt2) def PlayMidiFile(midiFile, dlsFile=''): """ Plays a midi file """ try: e = __import__('eas') if midiFile == '': return eas = e.EAS() if dlsFile > '': eas.LoadDLSCollection(dlsFile) eas.StartWave() audio_file = eas.OpenFile(midiFile) audio_file.Prepare() audio_file.Play() audio_file.Close() eas.StopWave() eas.Shutdown() except: return def SegmentOutputFile(segName, configFile): """ Computes a segment output file """ configPath = FileJustPath(configFile) + "/" segOutput = configPath + "Seg_" + segName + ".mid" return segOutput def ComputeMuteFlags(jet_file, segName): """ Computes mute flags """ muteFlag = 0 for jet_event in jet_file.GetEvents(segName): muteFlag = SetMute(jet_event.track_num, muteFlag) return muteFlag def ComputeMuteFlagsFromList1(list): """ Computes mute flags from a list """ muteFlag = 0 num = list.GetItemCount() for iRow in range(num): track_num = list.GetTrackNumber(iRow) if list.IsChecked(iRow): muteFlag = SetMute(track_num, muteFlag) else: muteFlag = ClearMute(track_num, muteFlag) return muteFlag def ComputeMuteFlagsFromList(list): """ Computes mute flags from a list """ muteFlags = 0 num = list.GetItemCount() for iRow in range(num): track_num = list.GetTrackNumber(iRow) if list.IsChecked(iRow): muteFlags = SetMute(track_num, muteFlags) return muteFlags def SetMuteFlag(track, muteFlag, mute): """ Sets a mute flag """ if mute: SetMute(track, muteFlag) else: ClearMute(track, muteFlag) def SetMute(track, muteFlag): """ Sets a mute flag """ try: muteFlag |= 1 << (track) return muteFlag except: #bad argument return muteFlag def ClearMute(track, muteFlag): """ Clears a mute flag """ try: muteFlag &= ~(1 << (track)) return muteFlag; except: #bad argument return muteFlag def GetMute(track, muteFlag): """ Get a mute flag """ try: if (muteFlag & ( 1 << (track))) == 0: return False else: return True except: #bad argument return False def InfoMsg(msgTitle, msgText): """ Display a simple informational message """ dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, message=msgText, caption=msgTitle, style=wx.OK|wx.ICON_INFORMATION ) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() def SendEvent (mycontrol, evt): """ Sends an event """ cmd = wx.CommandEvent(evt) cmd.SetEventObject(mycontrol) cmd.SetId(mycontrol.GetId()) mycontrol.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(cmd) def GetJetHelpText(dlgName, fld): """ Gets the jet help text file """ return IniGetValue(JetDefs.JETCREATOR_HLP, dlgName, fld) def ExportJetArchive(fileName, jetConfigFile, jetFile): """ Exports all files into a zip archive file """ z = __import__('zipfile') zip = z.ZipFile(fileName, 'w') #zip the original .JET file if FileExists(jetFile.config.filename): zip.write(jetFile.config.filename, FileJustName(jetFile.config.filename)) #make copy of object so we can modify it jet_file = copy.deepcopy(jetFile) #zip the files, without paths for segment in jet_file.GetSegments(): if FileExists(segment.filename): if not FileJustName(segment.filename) in zip.namelist(): zip.write(segment.filename, FileJustName(segment.filename)) if FileExists(segment.output): if not FileJustName(segment.output) in zip.namelist(): zip.write(segment.output, FileJustName(segment.output)) #zip the library files for library in jet_file.GetLibraries(): if FileExists(library): if not FileJustName(library) in zip.namelist(): zip.write(library, FileJustName(library)) #remove the paths on filenames for segment in jet_file.GetSegments(): segment.filename = FileJustName(segment.filename) segment.dlsfile = FileJustName(segment.dlsfile) segment.output = FileJustName(segment.output) #remove paths for index, library in enumerate(jet_file.libraries): jet_file.libraries[index] = FileJustName(library) #create temporary .JTC file so we can modify paths to files tmpConfigFile = JetDefs.TEMP_JET_CONFIG_FILE FileKillClean(tmpConfigFile) #save the file jet_file.SaveJetConfig(tmpConfigFile) #zip it and rename it back to original name without path zip.write(tmpConfigFile, FileJustName(jetConfigFile)) #create a flag file so we know this is a jet archive zip.write(tmpConfigFile, "JetArchive") zip.close() FileKillClean(tmpConfigFile) def ValidateConfig(test_jet_file): """ Validates the contents of a config file """ dImp = __import__('JetDialogs') errors = [] fatalError = False for segment in test_jet_file.segments: logging.debug(segment.filename) if segment.filename is not None and len(segment.filename) > 0 and not FileExists(segment.filename): errors.append(("Segment MIDI file not found", segment.filename)) fatalError = True if segment.dlsfile is not None and len(segment.dlsfile) > 0 and not FileExists(segment.dlsfile): errors.append(("Segment DLS file not found; removing from config", segment.dlsfile)) segment.dlsfile = "" logging.debug(test_jet_file.config.filename) if len(errors) == 0: return True else: dlg = dImp.JetErrors("Jet Definition File Errors") dlg.SetErrors(errors) result = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() if fatalError: return False else: return True def release_getLogger(name): """ passing original handler with debug() method replaced to empty function """ def dummy(*k, **kw): pass global __orig_getLogger log = __orig_getLogger(name) setattr(log, 'debug', dummy) setattr(log, 'info', dummy) setattr(log, 'error', dummy) setattr(log, 'critical', dummy) return log def install_release_loggers(): """ Save original handler, installs newer one """ global __orig_getLogger __orig_getLogger = logging.getLogger setattr(logging, 'getLogger', release_getLogger) def restore_getLogger(): """ Restores original handler """ global __orig_getLogger if __orig_getLogger: setattr(logging, 'getLogger', __orig_getLogger) def GetMidiFileLength(midiFile): """ Gets the length of a midi file via eas """ e = __import__('eas') if not FileExists(midiFile): return 0 eas = e.EAS() audio_file = eas.OpenFile(midiFile) audio_file.Prepare() midiLength = eas.audio_streams[0].ParseMetaData() audio_file.Close() eas.Shutdown() return midiLength def GetMidiInfo(midiFile): """ Gets midi file info """ m = __import__('midifile') md = m.GetMidiInfo(midiFile) return md def PrintMidiInfo(midiFile): """ Prints info about a midi file """ mi = GetMidiInfo(midiFile) if mi.err == 0: print("ppqn: " + str(mi.ppqn)) print("beats_per_measure: " + str(mi.beats_per_measure)) print("ending mbt: " + str(mi.endMbt)) print("ending mbt str: " + mi.endMbtStr) print("maxMeasures: " + str(mi.maxMeasures)) print("maxBeats: " + str(mi.maxBeats)) print("maxTicks: " + str(mi.maxTicks)) print("maxTracks: " + str(mi.maxTracks)) print("totalTicks: " + str(mi.totalTicks)) for track in mi.trackList: print(track) else: print("Error opening") def MidiSegInfo(segment): """ Midi file info saved in config file for speed """ class segInfo: iMsPerTick = 0 bpm = 4 ppqn = 480 total_ticks = 0 iLengthInMs = 0 iTracks = 0 trackList = [] ver = "1.5" ret = segInfo() savedVer = IniGetValue(JetDefs.JETMIDIFILES_INI, segment.filename, "Ver") savedDateTime = IniGetValue(JetDefs.JETMIDIFILES_INI, segment.filename, "DateTime") dateTime = FileDateTime(segment.filename) if ver != savedVer or dateTime != savedDateTime: mi = GetMidiInfo(segment.filename) if mi.err == 0: IniSetValue(JetDefs.JETMIDIFILES_INI, segment.filename, "Ver", ver) IniSetValue(JetDefs.JETMIDIFILES_INI, segment.filename, "DateTime", str(dateTime)) IniSetValue(JetDefs.JETMIDIFILES_INI, segment.filename, "PPQN", str(mi.ppqn)) IniSetValue(JetDefs.JETMIDIFILES_INI, segment.filename, "BPM", str(mi.beats_per_measure)) IniSetValue(JetDefs.JETMIDIFILES_INI, segment.filename, "totalTicks", str(mi.totalTicks)) IniSetValue(JetDefs.JETMIDIFILES_INI, segment.filename, "maxTracks", str(mi.maxTracks)) iLengthInMs = GetMidiFileLength(segment.filename) * 1000 IniSetValue(JetDefs.JETMIDIFILES_INI, segment.filename, "LengthInMs", str(iLengthInMs)) if iLengthInMs > 0: IniSetValue(JetDefs.JETMIDIFILES_INI, segment.filename, "MsPerTick", str(iLengthInMs / mi.totalTicks)) #have to write out the tracklist in format that can be saved in INI file tl = [] for track in mi.trackList: tl.append((track.track, track.channel, track.name)) IniSetValue(JetDefs.JETMIDIFILES_INI, segment.filename, "Tracks", tl) trackList = [] tl = IniGetValue(JetDefs.JETMIDIFILES_INI, segment.filename, "Tracks", 'list', []) for t in tl: trackList.append(trackGrid(t[0], t[1], t[2],False)) iTracks = IniGetValue(JetDefs.JETMIDIFILES_INI, segment.filename, "maxTracks", 'int', 0) iMsPerTick = IniGetValue(JetDefs.JETMIDIFILES_INI, segment.filename, "MsPerTick", 'float', 0) bpm = IniGetValue(JetDefs.JETMIDIFILES_INI, segment.filename, "BPM", 'int', 0) ppqn = IniGetValue(JetDefs.JETMIDIFILES_INI, segment.filename, "PPQN", 'int', 480) if iMsPerTick == 0 or bpm == 0 or ppqn == 0: return ret tb = TimeBase(ppqn, bpm) total_ticks = tb.ConvertStrTimeToTicks(segment.length) if total_ticks == 0: total_ticks = tb.MbtDifference(tb.ConvertStrTimeToTuple(segment.start), tb.ConvertStrTimeToTuple(segment.end)) if total_ticks == 0: return ret ret.iTracks = iTracks ret.iMsPerTick = iMsPerTick ret.bpm = bpm ret.ppqn = ppqn ret.total_ticks = total_ticks ret.iLengthInMs = total_ticks * iMsPerTick ret.trackList = trackList return ret def TimeStr(ms): """ Returns a time string """ s=ms/1000 m,s=divmod(s,60) h,m=divmod(m,60) d,h=divmod(h,24) if m > 0: return "%d Min %d Sec" % (m,s) else: return "%d Seconds" % (s) def mbtFct(mbt, mod): """ Converts times """ if type(mbt).__name__=='str' or type(mbt).__name__=='unicode': mbt = ConvertStrTimeToTuple(mbt) retType = 'str' else: retType = 'int' m = mbt[0]+mod b = mbt[1]+mod t = mbt[2] if m < 0: m = 0 if b < 0: b = 0 if b > 4: b = 4 if t < 0: t = 0 if retType == 'str': return "%d:%d:%d" % (m, b, t) else: return (m, b, t) def OsWindows(): """ Tells us whether windows or os x """ if os.name == 'nt': return True ; else: return False ; def MacOffset(): """ Mac screen coordinates funky on some controls so we finagle a few pixels """ if not OsWindows(): return 3 else: return 0 def SafeJetShutdown(lock, jet): """ Makes sure we do the jet shutdown properly """ with lock: #MAKE SURE WE CLEANUP #try: jet.Clear_Queue() #except: pass try: jet.eas.StopWave() except: pass try: jet.Shutdown() except: pass jet = None def CreateTempJetFile(org_jet_file): """ Creates temporary jet file for playback testing """ dirname = JetDefs.TEMP_JET_DIR if not os.path.isdir(dirname): os.mkdir(dirname) tmpConfigFile = dirname + FileJustName(org_jet_file.config_file) FileKillClean(tmpConfigFile) jet_file = copy.deepcopy(org_jet_file) for tmp in jet_file.segments: tmp.output = dirname + FileJustName(tmp.output) jet_file.config_file = tmpConfigFile jet_file.config.filename = dirname + FileJustName(jet_file.config.filename) FileKillClean(jet_file.config.filename) jet_file.SaveJetConfig(tmpConfigFile) jet_file.WriteJetFileFromConfig(tmpConfigFile) return jet_file def CleanupTempJetFile(jet_file): """ Cleans up temporary files """ FileKillClean(jet_file.config.filename) FileKillClean(jet_file.config_file) for tmp in jet_file.segments: FileKillClean(tmp.output) def GetNow(): return time.asctime() if __name__ == '__main__': """ Tests functions """ pass