""" File: JetDefs.py Contents and purpose: Holds definitions used throughout JetCreator Copyright (c) 2008 Android Open Source Project Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import wx class JetDefs(): def CreateHelpIniFile(self): """ Used to create the help data file for context sensitive help """ self.CreateHelpIniForDialog("SEGDLG_CTRLS") self.CreateHelpIniForDialog("EVTDLG_CTRLS") self.CreateHelpIniForDialog("PREFERENCES_CTRLS") self.CreateHelpIniForDialog("JET_PROPERTIES_CTRLS") self.CreateHelpIniForDialog("REPLICATE_CTRLS") self.CreateHelpIniForDialog("MOVE_CTRLS") def CreateHelpIniForDialog(self, dlgName): """ Used to create the help data file for context sensitive help """ print("\n" + dlgName) lst = getattr(self, dlgName) u = __import__('JetUtils') for ctrl in lst: fld = ctrl[0] if fld[0:2] != "fr": if u.IniGetValue(self.JETCREATOR_HLP, dlgName, fld) == "": u.IniSetValue(self.JETCREATOR_HLP, dlgName, fld, "") print(fld) DEFAULT_MUTE_SYNC = False TEMP_JET_DIR = "./Tmp/" TEMP_JET_CONFIG_FILE = "./Tmp/Temp.jtc" UNTITLED_FILE = "Untitled.jtc" JETCREATOR_INI = "JetCreator.ini" JETMIDIFILES_INI = "JetMidiFiles.ini" JETCREATOR_HLP = "JetCreatorhlp.dat" #Postevent message defines PST_UPD_LOCATION = 1 PST_PLAY = 2 PST_DONE = 3 PST_PAUSE = 4 PST_RESUME = 5 PST_MIDI_INFO = 6 #Dialog titles and prompts DLG_JETOPEN = "Open Jet File" DLG_PREFERENCES = "Preferences" DLG_ABOUT = "About" DLG_PROPERTIES = "Jet Project Properties" DLG_AUDITION = "Audition Jet File" DLG_REPLICATE = "Replicate Event" DLG_MOVE = "Move Events" MAIN_TITLEPREFIX = 'Jet Creator - ' MAIN_DLG_CTRLS = 'JET_CREATOR' MAIN_SEGLIST = 'segList' MAIN_EVENTLIST = 'eventList' MAIN_ADDSEGTITLE = "Add Segments" MAIN_REVSEGTITLE = "Revise Segments" MAIN_ADDEVENTTITLE = "Add Event" MAIN_REVEVENTTITLE = "Revise Event" MAIN_CONFIRM = "Confirm Deletion" MAIN_CONFIRM_SEG_DLT = "\n\nOkay to delete segment(s)?" MAIN_CONRIRM_EVT_DLT = "\n\nOkay to delete event(s)?" MAIN_PLAYSEG = "Play Segments" MAIN_PLAYSEGMSG = "Queue one or more segments by checking them in the list, then play." MAIN_HELPTITLE = "Jet Creator Help" MAIN_HELPFILE = "JET Creator User Manual.htm" MAIN_HELPGUIDELINESTITLE = "Jet Authoring Guidelines" MAIN_HELPGUIDELINESFILE = "JET Authoring Guidelines.htm" MAIN_IMPORTTITLE = "Import Project" MAIN_IMPORTMSG = "Okay to import\n\n%s\n\ninto\n\n%s?" MAIN_SAVEBEFOREEXIT = "Save project before exiting?" MAIN_JETCREATOR = "Jet Creator" #Audition window defines AUDITION_CTRLS = 'AUDITION_CTRLS' AUDITION_SEGLIST = 'segList' AUDITION_QUEUELIST = 'queueList' AUDITION_TRACKLIST = 'trackList' AUDITION_GRAPH = 'graph' PLAY_TRIGGERCLIP_MSG = 'Triggered Clip %d: %s' #Config file defines RECENT_SECTION = "Recent" DIR_SECTION = "Directories" IMAGES_DIR = "ImagesDir" INI_PREF_SECTION = "Preferences" INI_PROJECT_DIRS = "chkProjectDir" INI_LOGGING = "Logging" INI_DEFAULTDIRS = "Directories" INI_DISPEMPTYTRACKS = "DisplayEmptyTracks" INI_EVENTSORT = "EventSort" INI_EVENTSORT_0 = "EventSort0" INI_EVENTSORT_1 = "EventSort1" INI_SEGSORT = "SegSort" INI_SEGSORT_0 = "SegSort0" INI_SEGSORT_1 = "SegSort1" #Mbt defines MBT_DEFAULT = (0,0,0) MBT_MIN = 0 MBT_ZEROSTR = "0:0:0" #File open dialog specs APPLICATION_TITLE = "Jet Creator" MIDI_FILE_SPEC = 'MIDI Files (*.mid)|*.mid|All Files (*.*)|*.*' DLS_FILE_SPEC = 'DLS Files (*.dls)|*.dls|All Files (*.*)|*.*' JTC_FILE_SPEC = 'Jet Content Files (*.jtc)|*.jtc|All Files (*.*)|*.*' ARCHIVE_FILE_SPEC = 'Jet Archive Files (*.zip)|*.zip|All Files (*.*)|*.*' OPEN_PROMPT = "Open Jet Creator File" SAVE_PROMPT = "Save Jet Creator File" EXPORT_ARCHIVE_PROMPT = "Save Jet Archive" MUST_SAVE_FIRST = "You must save your JetCreator project before exporting it." IMPORT_ARCHIVE_PROMPT = "Select the Jet Archive to import" IMPORT_ARCHIVEDIR_PROMPT = "Choose a directory:\n\nYour imported project files will be placed there." IMPORT_ARCHIVE_NO_JTC = "This does not appear to be a JetCreator archive file." IMPORT_NOT_JET_ARCHIVE = "Not a recognized Jet Archive file." #Button texts BUT_ADD = 'Add' BUT_REVISE = 'Revise' BUT_DELETE = 'Delete' BUT_PLAY = 'Play' BUT_STOP = 'Stop' BUT_MOVE = 'Move' BUT_QUEUEALL = 'Queue All' BUT_DEQUEUEALL = 'Dequeue All' BUT_UNMUTE = 'Un-Mute' BUT_MUTE = 'Mute' BUT_AUDITION = 'Audition' BUT_QUEUE = 'Queue' BUT_MUTEALL = 'Mute All' BUT_MUTENONE = 'Mute None' BUT_ORGMUTES = 'Original Mutes' BUT_CANCELANDQUEUE = 'Cancel && Queue' BUT_CANCELCURRENT = 'Next' BUT_PAUSE = 'Pause' BUT_RESUME = 'Resume' BUT_PLAYSEG = 'Play Segment' BUT_PLAYMIDI = 'Play MIDI File' #Grid defines GRD_TRACK = "Track" GRD_CHANNEL = "Channel" GRD_NAME = "Name" GRD_SEGMENTS = "Segments" GRD_LENGTH = "Length" GRD_QUEUE = "Queue" GRD_STATUS = "Status" #Menu defines MNU_ADD_SEG = "Add Segment" MNU_UPDATE_SEG = "Revise Segment" MNU_DELETE_SEG = "Delete Segment" MNU_MOVE_SEG = "Move Segment(s)" MNU_ADD_EVENT = "Add Event" MNU_UPDATE_EVENT = "Revise Event" MNU_DELETE_EVENT = "Delete Event" MNU_MOVE_EVENT = "Move Events(s)" MNU_UNDO = "Undo\tctrl+z" MNU_REDO = "Redo\tctrl+y" HLP_QUANTIZE = "The quantize element is optional and defaults to 0 if omitted.\nThis value sets a window size in ticks for the breaks in\n a segment when notes are extracted from a larger file. \nSee the section on Quantization for further detail \non the operation of this parameter." #Status bar messages SB_NEW = "New JET Creator file" SB_OPEN = "Open JET Creator file" SB_SAVE = "Save Jet Creator file and generate .JET output file" SB_SAVEAS = "Save JET Creator file as another file" SB_EXIT = "Exit the application" SB_CUT = "Cuts the current segment or event to the clipboard" SB_COPY = "Copies the current segment or event to the clipboard" SB_PASTE = "Pastes the current segment or event from the clipboard" SB_UNDO = "Undo the last segment or event edit." SB_REDO = "Reverse the last segment or event undo edit." SB_IMPORT_PROJ = "Imports a JetCreator project archive." SB_EXPORT_PROJ = "Saves all project files to an archive." #Defines the menus MENU_SPEC = (("&File", ("&New", SB_NEW, 'OnJetNew', True), ("&Open...", SB_OPEN, 'OnJetOpen', True), ("&Save", SB_SAVE, 'OnJetSave', True), ("Save As...", SB_SAVEAS, 'OnJetSaveAs', True), ("", "", "", True), ("Import Project...", SB_IMPORT_PROJ, "OnJetImportArchive", True), ("Export Project...", SB_EXPORT_PROJ, "OnJetExportArchive", True), ("Properties...", "Sets properties specific to this Jet project", 'OnJetProperties', True), ("", "", "", True), ("Exit", SB_EXIT, 'OnClose', True)), ("&Edit", (MNU_UNDO, "Undo", 'OnUndo', False), (MNU_REDO, "Redo", 'OnRedo', False), ("C&ut\tctrl+x", "Cut", 'OnCut', True), ("&Copy\tctrl+c", "Copy", 'OnCopy', True), ("&Paste\tctrl+v", "Paste", 'OnPaste', True)), ("Jet", ("Preferences", "Set user preferences including defaults for new project files.", 'OnPreferences', True)), ("Segments", (MNU_ADD_SEG, "Add a new segment to the segment list", 'OnSegmentAdd', True), (MNU_UPDATE_SEG, "Revise the segment attributes", 'OnSegmentUpdate', False), (MNU_DELETE_SEG, "Delete the segment from the segment list", 'OnSegmentDelete', False), (MNU_MOVE_SEG, "Move one or more segments by incrementing or decrementing their time values", 'OnSegmentsMove', False)), ("Events", (MNU_ADD_EVENT, "Add a new event for the currently selected segment", 'OnEventAdd', False), (MNU_UPDATE_EVENT, "Revise the current event's attributes", 'OnEventUpdate', False), (MNU_DELETE_EVENT, "Delete the event from the event list for this segment", 'OnEventDelete', False), (MNU_MOVE_EVENT, "Move one or more events by incrementing or decrementing their time values", 'OnEventsMove', False)), ("Help", ("JET Creator User Manual", "Get help on the JET Creator", "OnHelpJet", True), ("JET Authoring Guidelines", "Guidelines helpful for JET content creation", "OnHelpJetGuidelines", True), ("About", "About the JET Creator", "OnAbout", True)) ) #Define the toolbar TOOLBAR_SPEC = ( ("-", "", "", ""), ("New", "img_New", SB_NEW, "OnJetNew"), ("Open", "img_Open", SB_OPEN, "OnJetOpen"), ("Save", "img_Save", SB_SAVE, "OnJetSave"), ("-", "", "", ""), ("Cut", "img_Cut", SB_CUT, "OnCut"), ("Copy", "img_Copy", SB_COPY, "OnCopy"), ("Paste", "img_Paste", SB_PASTE, "OnPaste"), ("-", "", "", ""), ("Undo", "img_Undo", SB_UNDO, "OnUndo"), ("Redo", "img_Redo", SB_REDO, "OnRedo"), ) F_HLPBUT = "hlpButton" F_OK = "btnOk" F_CANCEL = "btnCancel" F_MIDIFILE = "filecmbMidiFile" F_DLSFILE = "filecmbDlsFile" F_SEGNAME = "txtSegName" F_START = "tmStart" F_END = "tmEnd" F_QUANTIZE = "spnQuantize" F_REPEAT = "spnRepeat" F_TRANSPOSE = "spnTranspose" F_MUTEFLAGS = "grd2MuteFlags" F_SYNCMUTE = "chkSync" F_ETYPE = "cmbEventType" F_ENAME = "txtEventName" F_ESTART = "tmEventStart" F_EEND = "tmEventEnd" F_EID = "spnEventID" F_ETRACK = "spnEventTrack" F_ECHANNEL = "spn1EventChannel" F_EEVENTID = "spnEventID" F_EMUTEBUT = "btnMute" F_ETRIGGERBUT = "btnTriggerClip" F_GRAPH = "graphPlay" F_PAUSE = "btnPause" F_ADDSEG = "btnAddSeg" F_UPDSEG = "btnUpdateSeg" F_DELSEG = "btnDeleteSeg" F_PLAY = "btnPlay" F_PLAYMIDI = "btnPlayMidi" F_EASPLAY = "btnEasPlay" F_ADDCLIP = "btnAddEvent" F_UPDCLIP = "btnUpdateEvent" F_DELCLIP = "btnDeleteEvent" F_EXPORT = "btnOkExport" F_JETFILENAME = "filecmbJetFileName" F_COPYRIGHT = "txtCopyright" F_JFILE = "filetxtJetFileName" F_JOPEN = "btnOpen" F_JNEW = "btnNew" F_JIMPORT = "btnImport" F_JLIST = "lstRecent" F_ERRGRID = "grdErrors" F_CHASECONTROLLERS = "chkChaseControllers" F_DELETEEMPTYTRACKS = "chkDeleteEmptyTracks" F_OPTMIDI = "optMidiGraph" F_OPTSEG = "optSegGraph" F_RDOGRAPH = "rdoboxGraphType" F_DISPEMPTYTRACKS = "chkDisplayEmptyTracks" F_GRAPHLABELS = "chkGraphLabels" F_GRAPHCLIPS = "chkGraphClips" F_GRAPHAPPEVTS = "chkGraphAppEvts" F_REPLICATE = "btnReplicate" GRAPH_LBLS = "Labels" GRAPH_TRIGGER = "Trigger Clips" GRAPH_APP = "App Events" #IDs for dialogs ID_JET_OPEN = 0 ID_JET_NEW = 1 ID_JET_IMPORT = 2 #Event types E_CLIP = 'TriggerClip' E_EOS = 'End of Segment' E_APP = 'App Controller' INTWIDTH = 70 TIMEWIDTH = 70 #Definitions of fields in the edit frame TM_WIDTH = 100 TRACK_MIN = 1 TRACK_MAX = 32 EVENTID_MIN = 1 EVENTID_MAX = 63 APPCONTROLLERID_MIN = 80 APPCONTROLLERID_MAX = 83 #NEEDS TO DEFAULT TO RANGE OF BOTH POSSIBLE TYPES DEFAULTID_MIN = 1 DEFAULTID_MAX = 100 #Mins and maxs for dialog values QUANTIZE_MIN = 0 QUANTIZE_MAX = 9 CHANNEL_MIN = 1 CHANNEL_MAX = 16 TRANSPOSE_MIN = -12 TRANSPOSE_MAX = 12 REPEAT_MIN = -1 REPEAT_MAX = 100 #Standardize the columns BUTSIZE = wx.DefaultSize COLSIZE = 120 COL1 = 30 COL2 = COL1 + COLSIZE COL3 = COL2 + COLSIZE COL4 = COL3 + COLSIZE COL5 = COL4 + COLSIZE COL6 = COL5+ COLSIZE COL7 = COL6 + COLSIZE ROWSIZE = 50 ROW1 = 40 ROW2 = ROW1 + ROWSIZE ROW3 = ROW2 + ROWSIZE ROW4 = ROW3 + ROWSIZE ROW5 = ROW4 + ROWSIZE ROW6 = ROW5 + ROWSIZE ROW7 = ROW6 + ROWSIZE BUTOFF = 25 BUTROW1 = 25 FILEPATH_GRIDWIDTH = 120 FILEPATH_WIDTH = 250 #Segment grid column definitions SEGMENT_GRID = [('Segment Name', 200, F_SEGNAME), ('MIDI File', FILEPATH_GRIDWIDTH, F_MIDIFILE), ('DLS File', FILEPATH_GRIDWIDTH, F_DLSFILE), ('Start', TIMEWIDTH, F_START), ('End', TIMEWIDTH, F_END), ('Quantize', 0, F_QUANTIZE), ('Transpose', 0, F_TRANSPOSE), ('Repeat', 0, F_REPEAT), ('Mute Flags', 0, F_MUTEFLAGS) ] #Clips grid column definitions CLIPS_GRID = [('Event Name', 200, F_ENAME), ('Type', 100, F_ETYPE), ('Start',TIMEWIDTH, F_ESTART), ('End',TIMEWIDTH, F_EEND), ('Track',0, F_ETRACK), ('Channel',0, F_ECHANNEL), ('EventID',0, F_EEVENTID) ] #Jet open dialog control definitions JETOPEN_SIZE = (365+200,360) JETOPEN_CTRLS = [ ('Jet Creator Files', 'frCreator', 20, 20, (234+200, 244 + ROWSIZE), 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Open', F_JOPEN, BUTROW1, COL3+200, BUTSIZE, 0, 0, ID_JET_OPEN, [], "OnOk", True, ""), ('New', F_JNEW, BUTROW1+BUTOFF*1, COL3+200, BUTSIZE, 0, 0, ID_JET_NEW, [], "OnNew", True, ""), ('Import', F_JIMPORT, BUTROW1+BUTOFF*2, COL3+200, BUTSIZE, 0, 0, ID_JET_IMPORT, [], "OnJetImport", True, ""), ('Cancel', F_CANCEL, BUTROW1+BUTOFF*3, COL3+200, BUTSIZE, 0, 0, wx.ID_CANCEL, [], "", True, ""), ('', F_JFILE, ROW1, COL1, 200+200, 0, 0, -1, JTC_FILE_SPEC, "", True, ""), ('Recent Files', F_JLIST, ROW2, COL1, (200+200,200), 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ] #Jet properties dialog control definitions JET_PROPERTIES_SIZE = (465,460) JET_PROPERTIES_CTRLS = [ ('Jet Project Properties', 'frProperties', 20, 20, (334, 344 + ROWSIZE), 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Ok', F_OK, BUTROW1, COL3+100, BUTSIZE, 0, 0, wx.ID_OK, [], "OnOk", True, ""), ('Cancel', F_CANCEL, BUTROW1+BUTOFF*1, COL3+100, BUTSIZE, 0, 0, wx.ID_CANCEL, [], "", True, ""), ('Jet File', F_JETFILENAME, ROW1, COL1, 300, 0, 0, -1, JTC_FILE_SPEC, "", True, ""), ('Copyright', F_COPYRIGHT, ROW2, COL1, 300, 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Chase Controllers', F_CHASECONTROLLERS, ROW3, COL1, 200, 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Delete Empty Tracks', F_DELETEEMPTYTRACKS, ROW4 - ROWSIZE/2, COL1, 200, 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ] #Preferences dialog control definitions PREFERENCES_SIZE = (465,460) PREFERENCES_CTRLS = [ ('Preferences', 'frPreferences', 20, 20, (334, 344 + ROWSIZE), 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Ok', F_OK, BUTROW1, COL3+100, BUTSIZE, 0, 0, wx.ID_OK, [], "OnOk", True, ""), ('Cancel', F_CANCEL, BUTROW1+BUTOFF*1, COL3+100, BUTSIZE, 0, 0, wx.ID_CANCEL, [], "", True, ""), ('Copyright', F_COPYRIGHT, ROW1, COL1, 300, 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Chase Controllers', F_CHASECONTROLLERS, ROW2, COL1, 200, 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Delete Empty Tracks', F_DELETEEMPTYTRACKS, ROW3 - ROWSIZE/2, COL1, 200, 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), # ('Use Project Directories', INI_PROJECT_DIRS, ROW1, COL1, 150, 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ] #Error dialog control definitions ERRORCOLW = 220 ERRORDLG_SIZE = (600,400) ERRORDLG = [ ('Ok', F_OK, BUTROW1, 500, BUTSIZE, 0, 0, wx.ID_OK, [], "OnOk", True, ""), ('', F_ERRGRID, BUTROW1, COL1, (200,300), 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ] #Event dialog control definitions BGR = 100 EVT_OFFSET = 525+BGR EVTDLG_SIZE = (375+EVT_OFFSET,530) ID_MUTE = 124 ID_MIDIFILE = 123 ID_TRIGGERCLIP = 122 SEGFRAME_SIZE = (500+BGR, 344 + ROWSIZE) TRACKGRD_SIZE = (70, SEGFRAME_SIZE[1]-50) GRAPH_SIZE = (760, 50) AUDCOL=190 EVTDLG_CTRLS = [ ('Segment', 'frSeg', 20, 20, SEGFRAME_SIZE, 0, 0, -1, [], "", False, ""), ('Segment Name', F_SEGNAME, ROW1, COL1, 200+BGR, 0, 0, -1, [], "", False, ""), ('MIDI File', F_MIDIFILE, ROW2, COL1, FILEPATH_WIDTH+BGR, 0, 0, ID_MIDIFILE, MIDI_FILE_SPEC, "", False, ""), ('DLS File', F_DLSFILE, ROW3, COL1, FILEPATH_WIDTH+BGR, 0, 0, -1, DLS_FILE_SPEC, "", False, ""), ('Starting M/B/T', F_START, ROW4, COL1, TM_WIDTH, 0, 0, -1, [], "", False, ""), ('Ending M/B/T', F_END, ROW5, COL1, TM_WIDTH, 0, 0, -1, [], "", False, ""), ('Quantize', F_QUANTIZE, ROW6, COL1, INTWIDTH, QUANTIZE_MIN, QUANTIZE_MAX, -1, [], "", False, HLP_QUANTIZE), ('Repeat', F_REPEAT, ROW4, AUDCOL, INTWIDTH, REPEAT_MIN, REPEAT_MAX, -1, [], "", False, ""), ('Transpose', F_TRANSPOSE, ROW5, AUDCOL, INTWIDTH, TRANSPOSE_MIN, TRANSPOSE_MAX, -1, [], "", False, ""), ('Event', 'frEventg', 20+EVT_OFFSET, 20, (234, 344 + ROWSIZE), 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Ok', F_ADDCLIP, BUTROW1, COL3+EVT_OFFSET, BUTSIZE, 0, 0, wx.ID_OK, [], "OnOk", True, ""), ('Cancel', F_CANCEL, BUTROW1+BUTOFF*1, COL3+EVT_OFFSET, BUTSIZE, 0, 0, wx.ID_CANCEL, [], "OnClose", True, ""), ('Replicate', F_REPLICATE, BUTROW1+BUTOFF*2, COL3+EVT_OFFSET, BUTSIZE, 0, 0, wx.ID_CANCEL, [], "OnReplicate", True, ""), ('Event Name', F_ENAME, ROW1, COL1+EVT_OFFSET, 200, 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Event Type', F_ETYPE, ROW2, COL1+EVT_OFFSET, 120, 0, 0, -1, [E_CLIP, E_EOS, E_APP], "OnEventSelect", True, ""), ('Starting M/B/T', F_ESTART, ROW3, COL1+EVT_OFFSET, TM_WIDTH, 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Ending M/B/T', F_EEND, ROW4, COL1+EVT_OFFSET, TM_WIDTH, 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Track', F_ETRACK, ROW5, COL1+EVT_OFFSET, INTWIDTH, TRACK_MIN, TRACK_MAX, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Track Mutes', F_MUTEFLAGS, ROW1, COL3 + 15+BGR, TRACKGRD_SIZE, 0, 0, -1, [], "", False, ""), ('Channel', F_ECHANNEL, ROW6, COL1+EVT_OFFSET, INTWIDTH, CHANNEL_MIN, CHANNEL_MAX, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('EventID', F_EEVENTID, ROW7, COL1+EVT_OFFSET, INTWIDTH, DEFAULTID_MIN, DEFAULTID_MAX, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Play', F_PLAY, BUTROW1+BUTOFF*4, COL3+EVT_OFFSET, BUTSIZE, 0, 0, -1, [], "OnPlay", True, ""), ('Trigger', F_ETRIGGERBUT, BUTROW1+BUTOFF*5, COL3+EVT_OFFSET, BUTSIZE, 0, 0, ID_TRIGGERCLIP, [], "OnTriggerClip", False, ""), ('Un-Mute', F_EMUTEBUT, BUTROW1+BUTOFF*6, COL3+EVT_OFFSET, BUTSIZE, 0, 0, ID_MUTE, [], "OnMute", False, ""), ('Pause', F_PAUSE, BUTROW1+BUTOFF*7, COL3+EVT_OFFSET, BUTSIZE, 0, 0, -1, [], "OnPause", False, ""), ('Graph', F_GRAPH, 430, 20, (EVTDLG_SIZE[0]-40,60), 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), (GRAPH_LBLS, F_GRAPHLABELS, (BUTROW1+BUTOFF*10)+70, COL3+EVT_OFFSET+5, 200, 0, 0, -1, [], "OnSetGraphOptions", True, ""), (GRAPH_APP, F_GRAPHCLIPS, (BUTROW1+BUTOFF*10)+90, COL3+EVT_OFFSET+5, 200, 0, 0, -1, [], "OnSetGraphOptions", True, ""), (GRAPH_TRIGGER, F_GRAPHAPPEVTS, (BUTROW1+BUTOFF*10)+110, COL3+EVT_OFFSET+5, 200, 0, 0, -1, [], "OnSetGraphOptions", True, ""), ("Graph", "boxGraph", (BUTROW1+BUTOFF*10)+45, COL3+EVT_OFFSET, (90,95), 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ] #Segment dialog control definitions BGR = 100 AUDCOL = 560 COLADD = 500 + BGR SEGDLG_SIZE = (890+BGR,530) SEGFRAME_SIZE = (375+BGR, 394) AUDFRAME_SIZE = (350, 394) TRACKGRD_SIZE = (200, AUDFRAME_SIZE[1]-60) MUTEGRD_TRACK = 50 MUTEGRD_CHANNEL = 60 MUTEGRD_NAME = 100 BIGBUT = (100, 25) FILEPATH_WIDTH = 350 SEGDLG_CTRLS = [ ('Segment', 'frSeg', 20, 20, SEGFRAME_SIZE, 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Audition', 'frAudition', SEGFRAME_SIZE[0]+30, 20, AUDFRAME_SIZE, 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Segment Name', F_SEGNAME, ROW1, COL1, 200+BGR, 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('MIDI File', F_MIDIFILE, ROW2, COL1, FILEPATH_WIDTH+BGR, 0, 0, ID_MIDIFILE, MIDI_FILE_SPEC, "", True, ""), ('DLS File', F_DLSFILE, ROW3, COL1, FILEPATH_WIDTH+BGR, 0, 0, -1, DLS_FILE_SPEC, "", True, ""), ('Starting M/B/T', F_START, ROW4, COL1, TM_WIDTH, 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Ending M/B/T', F_END, ROW5, COL1, TM_WIDTH, 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Quantize', F_QUANTIZE, ROW6, COL1, INTWIDTH, QUANTIZE_MIN, QUANTIZE_MAX, -1, [], "", True, HLP_QUANTIZE), ('Repeat', F_REPEAT, ROW1, AUDCOL+100+BGR, INTWIDTH, REPEAT_MIN, REPEAT_MAX, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Transpose', F_TRANSPOSE, ROW2, AUDCOL+100+BGR, INTWIDTH, TRANSPOSE_MIN, TRANSPOSE_MAX, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Track Mutes', F_MUTEFLAGS, ROW1, COL3 + 145+BGR, TRACKGRD_SIZE, 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Display Empty Tracks', F_DISPEMPTYTRACKS, ROW1+TRACKGRD_SIZE[1]+20, COL3 + 145+BGR, 200, 0, 0, -1, [], "OnSetTrackDisplayOption", True, ""), ('Ok', F_ADDSEG, BUTROW1, COL3 + COLADD, BIGBUT, 0, 0, wx.ID_OK, [], "OnOk", True, ""), ('Cancel', F_CANCEL, BUTROW1+BUTOFF*1, COL3 + COLADD, BIGBUT, 0, 0, wx.ID_CANCEL, [], "OnClose", True, ""), ('Replicate', F_REPLICATE, BUTROW1+BUTOFF*2, COL3 + COLADD, BIGBUT, 0, 0, wx.ID_CANCEL, [], "OnReplicate", True, ""), ('Play Segment', F_PLAY, BUTROW1+BUTOFF*4, COL3 + COLADD, BIGBUT, 0, 0, -1, [], "OnPlay", True, ""), ('Play MIDI File', F_PLAYMIDI, BUTROW1+BUTOFF*5, COL3 + COLADD, BIGBUT, 0, 0, -1, [], "OnPlayMidi", True, ""), ('Pause', F_PAUSE, BUTROW1+BUTOFF*6, COL3 + COLADD, BIGBUT, 0, 0, -1, [], "OnPause", False, ""), ('Graph', F_GRAPH, 430, 20, (SEGDLG_SIZE[0]-40,60), 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Graph', F_RDOGRAPH, (BUTROW1+BUTOFF*10), COL3 + COLADD, (100,140), 0, 0, -1, ["MIDI File", "Segment"], "OnSetGraphType", True, ""), (GRAPH_LBLS, F_GRAPHLABELS, (BUTROW1+BUTOFF*10)+70, COL3 + COLADD+5, 200, 0, 0, -1, [], "OnSetGraphOptions", True, ""), (GRAPH_APP, F_GRAPHCLIPS, (BUTROW1+BUTOFF*10)+90, COL3 + COLADD+5, 200, 0, 0, -1, [], "OnSetGraphOptions", True, ""), (GRAPH_TRIGGER, F_GRAPHAPPEVTS, (BUTROW1+BUTOFF*10)+110, COL3 + COLADD+5, 200, 0, 0, -1, [], "OnSetGraphOptions", True, ""), ] REPLICATE_MAX = 999 F_RPINCREMENT = "tmIncrement" F_RPGRDPREVIEW = "grdPreview" F_RPPREFIX = "txtPrefix" F_RPREPLACE = "chkReplaceMatching" F_RPMOVE = "chkMoveMatching" F_RPNUMBER = "spnNumber" F_RPBUT = "btnPreview" REPLICATE_GRID = [('Event Name', 200, F_ENAME), ('Start',TIMEWIDTH, F_ESTART), ('End',TIMEWIDTH, F_EEND) ] REPLICATE_SIZE = (515,550) REPLICATEGRID_SIZE = (350,310) REPLICATE_CTRLS = [ ('Replicate', 'frRep', 20, 20, (384, 480), 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Ok', F_OK, BUTROW1, COL3+150, BUTSIZE, 0, 0, wx.ID_OK, [], "OnOk", True, ""), ('Cancel', F_CANCEL, BUTROW1+BUTOFF*1, COL3+150, BUTSIZE, 0, 0, wx.ID_CANCEL, [], "", True, ""), ('Preview', F_RPBUT , BUTROW1+BUTOFF*2, COL3+150, BUTSIZE, 0, 0, -1, [], "OnPreview", True, ""), ('Name Prefix', F_RPPREFIX, ROW1, COL1, 300, 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Replace Existing Items Matching Prefix', F_RPREPLACE, ROW3, COL1, 200, 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Preview', F_RPGRDPREVIEW, ROW4-20, COL1, REPLICATEGRID_SIZE, 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Starting M/B/T', F_ESTART, ROW2, COL1, TM_WIDTH, 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Increment M/B/T', F_RPINCREMENT, ROW2, COL2+20, TM_WIDTH, 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Number', F_RPNUMBER, ROW2, COL3+40, INTWIDTH, 1, REPLICATE_MAX, -1, [], "", True, ""), ] MOVE_SIZE = (350,390) MOVE_CTRLS = [ ('Move', 'frRep', 20, 20, (384, 480), 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Ok', F_OK, BUTROW1, COL3+150, BUTSIZE, 0, 0, wx.ID_OK, [], "OnOk", True, ""), ('Cancel', F_CANCEL, BUTROW1+BUTOFF*1, COL3+150, BUTSIZE, 0, 0, wx.ID_CANCEL, [], "", True, ""), ('Preview', F_RPBUT , BUTROW1+BUTOFF*2, COL3+150, BUTSIZE, 0, 0, -1, [], "OnPreview", True, ""), ('Starting M/B/T', F_ESTART, ROW1, COL1, TM_WIDTH, 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Increment M/B/T', F_RPINCREMENT, ROW1, COL2+20, TM_WIDTH, 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ('Preview', F_RPGRDPREVIEW, ROW2, COL1, MOVE_SIZE, 0, 0, -1, [], "", True, ""), ] if __name__ == '__main__': jd = JetDefs() jd.CreateHelpIniFile()