path: root/jet_tools/JetCreator/
diff options
authorJean-Michel Trivi <>2009-04-03 18:22:56 -0700
committerThe Android Open Source Project <>2009-04-03 18:22:56 -0700
commit8872ef327bd0a801363edf1c6ce8df0b74e51c8d (patch)
tree743a03c5e06fab24cb940fdaf236875f73453501 /jet_tools/JetCreator/
parenta6b91a93965796319b0e09bafc1f5255110f1714 (diff)
AI 144573: Checking in Sonivox' JetCreator code.
BUG=1721874 Automated import of CL 144573
Diffstat (limited to 'jet_tools/JetCreator/')
1 files changed, 361 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jet_tools/JetCreator/ b/jet_tools/JetCreator/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..04d4ca3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jet_tools/JetCreator/
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+ File:
+ Contents and purpose:
+ Draws the event graph and progress bar
+ Copyright (c) 2008 Android Open Source Project
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+import wx
+import logging
+from JetUtils import *
+from JetDefs import *
+ '#C0E272',
+ '#85CF89',
+ '#CF9683',
+ '#749EDE',
+ '#9FB5B1',
+ '#B095BF',
+ '#FE546D',
+ '#B3BB97',
+ '#FFFFB8',
+ ]
+EOS_BAR = '#095000'
+APP_BAR = '#B3BB97'
+class Marker():
+ """ Defines portions of the graph for events """
+ def __init__(self, sEventType, iEventId, sName, sStartMbt, sEndMbt, iStartMeasure, ppqn):
+ self.sEventType = sEventType
+ self.iEventId = iEventId
+ self.sName = sName
+ self.StartMbt = ConvertStrTimeToTuple(sStartMbt)
+ self.EndMbt = ConvertStrTimeToTuple(sEndMbt)
+ self.iStartMeasure = iStartMeasure
+ self.iStart = 0
+ self.iEnd = 0
+ self.iWidth = 0
+ self.iHeight = 0
+ self.iTop = 0
+ self.iUpdate = False
+ self.sColor = '#FFFFB8'
+ self.ppqn = ppqn
+ self.isDirty = False
+ def CalcCoord(self, step, height, ColorFct):
+ """ Calculates the coordinates in pixels for graphing the shaded regions """
+ #measures
+ iStartM = self.StartMbt[0] - self.iStartMeasure
+ iEndM = self.EndMbt[0] - self.iStartMeasure
+ self.iStart = step * iStartM
+ self.iEnd = step * iEndM
+ #beats
+ self.iStart = self.iStart + ((step / 4.0) * (self.StartMbt[1]-1))
+ self.iEnd = self.iEnd + ((step / 4.0) * (self.EndMbt[1]-1))
+ #ticks
+ pctTickOfBeat = (float(self.StartMbt[2]) / float(self.ppqn))
+ self.iStart = self.iStart + ((pctTickOfBeat * (step / 4.0)))
+ pctTickOfBeat = (float(self.EndMbt[2]) / float(self.ppqn))
+ self.iEnd = self.iEnd + ((pctTickOfBeat * (step / 4.0)))
+ self.iWidth = self.iEnd - self.iStart
+ self.iHeight = height
+ self.sColor = ColorFct()
+ self.iUpdate = False
+class SegmentGraph(wx.Panel):
+ """ Draws the player graph bar """
+ def __init__(self, parent, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, ClickCallbackFct=None, showLabels=True, showClips=True, showAppEvts=True):
+ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1, pos=pos, size=size, style=wx.BORDER_STATIC)
+ self.iLocationInMs = 0
+ self.iLengthInMs = 0
+ self.iLengthInMeasures = 0
+ self.iMarkerTop = 15
+ self.iScaleTop = 0
+ self.iEdges = 5
+ self.iStartMeasure = 0
+ self.iMidiMode = False
+ self.ClickCallbackFct = ClickCallbackFct
+ self.iColor = 0
+ self.showLabels = showLabels
+ self.showClips = showClips
+ self.showAppEvts = showAppEvts
+ self.font = wx.Font(8, wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False, 'Courier')
+ self.Markers = []
+ self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnLeftDown)
+ #initialize buffer
+ self.OnSize(None)
+ def ClearGraph(self):
+ """ Clears the graph values """
+ self.iLocationInMs = 0
+ self.iLengthInMs = 0
+ self.iLengthInMeasures = 0
+ self.iMarkerTop = 15
+ self.iScaleTop = 0
+ self.iEdges = 5
+ self.iStartMeasure = 0
+ self.iMidiMode = False
+ self.iColor = 0
+ self.Markers = []
+ self.iLocationInMs = 0
+ self.DoDrawing()
+ def LoadSegment(self, segment, segMarker=None, iMidiMode=False, showLabels=True, showClips=True, showAppEvts=True):
+ """ Loads up the segment drawing the graph """
+ if segment is None:
+ self.ClearGraph()
+ return None
+ self.iMidiMode = iMidiMode
+ self.showLabels = showLabels
+ self.showClips = showClips
+ self.showAppEvts = showAppEvts
+ self.Markers = []
+ self.iLocationInMs = 0
+ info = MidiSegInfo(segment)
+ #disable graph for debugging
+ #return info
+ self.iLengthInMs = info.iLengthInMs
+ self.ppqn = info.ppqn
+ self.StartMbt = mbtFct(ConvertStrTimeToTuple(segment.start), 1)
+ self.EndMbt = mbtFct(ConvertStrTimeToTuple(segment.end), 1)
+ self.LengthMbt = None
+ self.iStartMeasure = self.StartMbt[0]
+ self.iLengthInMeasures = self.EndMbt[0] - self.StartMbt[0]
+ for jet_event in segment.jetevents:
+ if self.showClips and jet_event.event_type == JetDefs.E_CLIP:
+ self.AddMarker(JetDefs.E_CLIP, jet_event.event_id, jet_event.event_name, mbtFct(jet_event.event_start,1), mbtFct(jet_event.event_end,1), self.iStartMeasure, self.ppqn)
+ elif jet_event.event_type == JetDefs.E_EOS:
+ self.AddMarker(JetDefs.E_EOS, jet_event.event_id, jet_event.event_name, mbtFct(jet_event.event_end,1), mbtFct(jet_event.event_end,1), self.iStartMeasure, self.ppqn)
+ elif self.showAppEvts and jet_event.event_type == JetDefs.E_APP:
+ self.AddMarker(JetDefs.E_APP, jet_event.event_id, jet_event.event_name, mbtFct(jet_event.event_start,1), mbtFct(jet_event.event_end,1), self.iStartMeasure, self.ppqn)
+ if segMarker is not None:
+ self.AddMarker(JetDefs.E_CLIP, 0, segMarker[0], mbtFct(segMarker[1],1), mbtFct(segMarker[2],1), self.iStartMeasure, self.ppqn)
+ self.DoDrawing()
+ return info
+ def AddMarker(self, sEventType, iEventId, sName, sStartMbt, sEndMbt, iStartMeasure, ppqn):
+ """ Adds a marker to the list """
+ if not CompareMbt(sStartMbt, sEndMbt):
+ sEndMbt = sStartMbt
+ self.Markers.append(Marker(sEventType, iEventId, sName, sStartMbt, sEndMbt, iStartMeasure, ppqn))
+ def OnLeftDown(self, event):
+ """ Calls the function assicated with an event """
+ pt = event.GetPosition()
+ for Marker in self.Markers:
+ if pt[0] >= Marker.iStart and pt[0] <= Marker.iEnd and pt[1] >= Marker.iTop and pt[1] <= Marker.iTop + Marker.iHeight:
+ if self.ClickCallbackFct != None:
+ self.ClickCallbackFct(Marker.sName, Marker.iEventId)
+ def GetAColor(self):
+ """ Gets a color """
+ color = GRAPH_COLORS[self.iColor]
+ self.iColor = self.iColor + 1
+ if self.iColor >= len(GRAPH_COLORS):
+ self.iColor = 0
+ return color
+ def OnSize(self, event=None):
+ """ Repaints for resizing of screen """
+ if OsWindows():
+ # The Buffer init is done here, to make sure the buffer is always
+ # the same size as the Window
+ Size = self.GetClientSizeTuple()
+ # Make new offscreen bitmap: this bitmap will always have the
+ # current drawing in it, so it can be used to save the image to
+ # a file, or whatever.
+ self._Buffer = wx.EmptyBitmap(*Size)
+ self.DoDrawing(None)
+ if event is not None:
+ event.Skip()
+ def OnPaint(self, event=None):
+ """ Painting of windows """
+ if OsWindows():
+ dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self, self._Buffer)
+ else:
+ dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self)
+ dc.Background = wx.Brush(wx.WHITE)
+ self.DoDrawing(dc)
+ def DoDrawing(self, dc=None):
+ """ Does the actual drawing of the control """
+ if dc is None:
+ if OsWindows():
+ dc = wx.BufferedDC(wx.ClientDC(self), self._Buffer)
+ else:
+ dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self)
+ dc.Background = wx.Brush(wx.WHITE)
+ dc.Clear()
+ self.iColor = 0
+ gWidth, gHeight = self.GetSize()
+ gWidth = gWidth - (self.iEdges * 2)
+ step = int(gWidth / (self.iLengthInMeasures + .01))
+ for Marker in self.Markers:
+ Marker.CalcCoord(step, gHeight, self.GetAColor)
+ """ eliminate overlaps; establish colors """
+ iClips = 0
+ iMarkers = 0
+ for index, Marker in enumerate(self.Markers):
+ if Marker.sEventType == JetDefs.E_CLIP:
+ iClips = iClips + 1
+ iOverlaps = 1
+ for index1, Marker1 in enumerate(self.Markers):
+ if Marker.sEventType == JetDefs.E_CLIP:
+ if index != index1 and not Marker1.iUpdate:
+ if Marker.iStart <= Marker1.iStart and Marker.iEnd <= Marker1.iEnd and Marker.iEnd >= Marker1.iStart:
+ iOverlaps = iOverlaps + 1
+ Marker.iUpdate = True
+ Marker1.iUpdate = True
+ if not Marker.iUpdate and Marker.iStart >= Marker1.iStart and Marker.iEnd >= Marker1.iEnd and Marker.iStart <= Marker1.iEnd:
+ iOverlaps = iOverlaps + 1
+ Marker.iUpdate = True
+ Marker1.iUpdate = True
+ if iOverlaps > 1:
+ iTop = 0
+ for index1, Marker1 in enumerate(self.Markers):
+ if Marker.sEventType == JetDefs.E_CLIP:
+ if Marker1.iUpdate:
+ Marker1.iHeight = gHeight / iOverlaps
+ Marker1.iTop = iTop * Marker1.iHeight
+ iTop = iTop + 1
+ elif Marker.sEventType == JetDefs.E_APP:
+ iMarkers = iMarkers + 1
+ for Marker in self.Markers:
+ if Marker.sEventType == JetDefs.E_CLIP:
+ dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(Marker.sColor))
+ dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(Marker.sColor))
+ dc.DrawRectangle(Marker.iStart + self.iEdges, Marker.iTop, Marker.iWidth, Marker.iHeight)
+ width, height = dc.GetTextExtent(Marker.sName)
+ k = ((Marker.iStart + Marker.iEnd) / 2) - (width/2) + self.iEdges
+ if self.showLabels or self.iMidiMode:
+ dc.DrawText(Marker.sName, k, ((Marker.iTop+Marker.iHeight/2) - (height*.5)))
+ if self.iMidiMode:
+ self.iMidiModeStart = Marker.iStart
+ elif Marker.sEventType == JetDefs.E_EOS:
+ dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(EOS_BAR))
+ dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(EOS_BAR))
+ dc.DrawRectangle(Marker.iStart + self.iEdges, Marker.iTop, 1, Marker.iHeight)
+ width, height = dc.GetTextExtent(Marker.sName)
+ k = Marker.iStart - (width/2) + self.iEdges
+ dc.DrawText(Marker.sName, k, ((Marker.iTop+Marker.iHeight/2) - (height*.5)))
+ elif Marker.sEventType == JetDefs.E_APP:
+ dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(APP_BAR))
+ dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(APP_BAR))
+ dc.DrawRectangle(Marker.iStart + self.iEdges, Marker.iTop, 1, Marker.iHeight)
+ width, height = dc.GetTextExtent(Marker.sName)
+ k = Marker.iStart - (width/2) + self.iEdges
+ if self.showLabels or self.iMidiMode:
+ dc.DrawText(Marker.sName, k, ((Marker.iTop+Marker.iHeight/2) - (height*.5)))
+ """ Draw scale """
+ if gWidth == 0:
+ iDiv = 50
+ else:
+ iDiv = (gWidth)/18
+ if iDiv == 0:
+ iDiv = 50
+ scale = ((self.iLengthInMeasures / iDiv) + 1)
+ if scale == 0:
+ scale = 1
+ beatStep = step / 4.0
+ dc.SetFont(self.font)
+ j = 0
+ lastEnd = 0
+ num = range(self.iStartMeasure, self.iStartMeasure + self.iLengthInMeasures + 1, 1)
+ dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#5C5142'))
+ for i in range(0, (self.iLengthInMeasures+1)*step, step):
+ k = i + self.iEdges
+ dc.DrawLine(k, self.iScaleTop, k, self.iScaleTop+8)
+ if i != (self.iLengthInMeasures)*step:
+ for iBeat in range(1,4):
+ k = i+(iBeat * beatStep) + self.iEdges
+ dc.DrawLine(k, self.iScaleTop, k, self.iScaleTop+4)
+ width, height = dc.GetTextExtent(str(num[j]))
+ k = i-(width/2) + self.iEdges
+ if k > lastEnd:
+ if j == 0 or (j % scale) == 0:
+ dc.DrawText(str(num[j]), k, self.iScaleTop+8)
+ lastEnd = k + width
+ j = j + 1
+ """ Updates the location bar in case screen moved or resized """
+ if self.iLocationInMs > 0 and self.iLengthInMs > 0:
+ iOffset = 0
+ if self.iMidiMode:
+ iOffset = self.iMidiModeStart
+ till = gWidth * (self.iLocationInMs / self.iLengthInMs)
+ dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(PROGRESS_BAR))
+ dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(PROGRESS_BAR))
+ dc.DrawRectangle(self.iEdges + iOffset, gHeight-6, till, 3)
+ def UpdateLocation(self, iLocationInMs):
+ """ Updates the location bar """
+ #disable graph for debugging
+ #return info
+ self.iLocationInMs = iLocationInMs
+ if self.iLocationInMs > 0 and self.iLengthInMs > 0:
+ if OsWindows():
+ dc = wx.BufferedDC(wx.ClientDC(self), self._Buffer)
+ else:
+ dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self)
+ dc.Background = wx.Brush(wx.WHITE)
+ iOffset = 0
+ if self.iMidiMode:
+ iOffset = self.iMidiModeStart
+ gWidth, gHeight = self.GetSize()
+ gWidth = gWidth - (self.iEdges * 2)
+ till = gWidth * (self.iLocationInMs / self.iLengthInMs)
+ dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(PROGRESS_BAR))
+ dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(PROGRESS_BAR))
+ dc.DrawRectangle(self.iEdges + iOffset, gHeight-6, till, 3)
+ self.isDirty = True
+ else:
+ if self.isDirty:
+ self.DoDrawing()
+ self.isDirty = False