.TH "system-config-selinux" "8" "8 April 2013" "System Config Tools Manual" "System Config Tools Manual" .SH NAME system\-config\-selinux \- SELinux Management tool .SH SYNOPSIS .B system-config-selinux .SH DESCRIPTION \fBsystem-config-selinux\fP provides a graphical interface for managing the SELinux configuration. .SH OPTIONS None .SH FILES \fi/usr/bin/system-config-selinux\fP .SH Examples To run the program type: system-config-selinux .PP .SH "SEE ALSO" .TP selinux(1), semanage(8) .PP .SH REPORTING BUGS Report bugs to . .SH LICENSE AND AUTHORS \fBsystem-config-selinux\fP is licensed under the GNU General Public License and is copyrighted by Red Hat, Inc. .br This man page was written by Daniel Walsh