path: root/docs/downloads.html
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authorBrint E. Kriebel <bekit@cyngn.com>2014-09-29 17:19:43 -0700
committerBrint E. Kriebel <bekit@cyngn.com>2014-09-29 17:19:43 -0700
commitb64a23b7cc2761f03879ceb6b030ae80171f11e2 (patch)
tree86ba49fd1b7275a7e293c3c3bc44e6317bebf67f /docs/downloads.html
parentfe926bab25e3af81265d4e0bbb79bcdb41b10635 (diff)
parent9961286c06c25cd03464d3e2b00bd9b9dedf96ba (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/downloads.html')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/docs/downloads.html b/docs/downloads.html
index ebd1b28..2baa929 100644
--- a/docs/downloads.html
+++ b/docs/downloads.html
@@ -1,11 +1,22 @@
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<title>ProGuard Downloads</title>
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@@ -16,33 +27,201 @@ License. Please consult the <a href="license.html">license page</a> for more
<b>ProGuard</b> is written in Java, so it requires a Java Runtime Environment
- (JRE 1.4 or higher).
+ (JRE 1.5 or higher).
-You can download the latest release (containing the program jar, the
-documentation you're reading now, examples, and the source code) from this
+You can download the latest release (containing the program jars, the
+documentation that you're reading now, examples, and the source code) from this
-<center><a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=54750"
-target="other">Download section</a> (at <a
+<center><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/proguard/files/"
+target="other">Download section at SourceForge</a></center>
+The <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/proguard/files/proguard/"
+target="other">proguard</a> section contains major releases and updates with
+sub-minor version numbers, for applying emergency fixes. The
+<a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/proguard/files/proguard%20beta/"
+target="other">proguard beta</a> section contains beta releases. These include
+new features and any less urgent bug fixes collected since the previous
If you're still working with an older version of <b>ProGuard</b>, check out
the summary of changes below, to see if you're missing something essential.
Better look at the up-to-date <a
href="http://proguard.sourceforge.net/downloads.html">on-line version</a> if
-you're reading a local copy of this page.
-The download section may also contain updates with sub-minor version numbers.
-These versions are typically released shortly after their parent versions, for
-applying emergency fixes. Please make sure to look at those if you are
-encountering any problems with recent releases.
-Finally, there may be beta versions of upcoming releases. They may be of
-interest too, because they typically contain any less urgent bug fixes
-collected since the previous release.
+you're reading a local copy of this page. Unless noted otherwise,
+<b>ProGuard</b> remains compatible across versions, so don't be afraid to
+If you're only interested in individual jar files for your build process, you
+can also download them from the Maven Central repository, with GroupId
+<a href="http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|g:%22net.sf.proguard%22"
+target="other">net.sf.proguard</a> and ArtifactIds
+<a href="http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|a:%22proguard-parent%22"
+<a href="http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|a:%22proguard-base%22"
+<a href="http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|a:%22proguard-gui%22"
+<a href="http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|a:%22proguard-anttask%22"
+<a href="http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|a:%22proguard-gradle%22"
+<a href="http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|a:%22proguard-wtk-plugin%22"
+target="other">proguard-wtk-plugin</a>, and
+<a href="http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|a:%22proguard-retrace%22"
+<h3><div>Jul 2013</div> Version 4.10</h3>
+<li>Made Gradle task resolve files lazily.
+<li>Enabled as-needed execution in Gradle task.
+<li>Using standard string interpolation for Gradle configuration.
+<li>Reduced log levels for console output in Gradle task.
+<li>Updated documentation and examples.
+<h3><div>Mar 2013</div> Version 4.9</h3>
+<li>Added Gradle task.
+<li>Added more peephole optimizations for strings.
+<li>Improved optimization of classes with static initializers.
+<li>Improved processing of finally blocks compiled with JDK 1.4 or older.
+<li>Fixed shrinking of access widening abstract methods, for the Dalvik VM.
+<li>Fixed overly aggressive shrinking of class annotations.
+<li>Fixed processing of unused classes in generic signatures.
+<li>Fixed merging of classes with similar class members.
+<li>Added java system property <code>optimize.conservatively</code> to allow
+ for instructions intentionally throwing <code>NullPointerException</code>,
+ <code>ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException</code>, or
+ <code>ClassCastException</code> without other useful effects.
+<li>Fixed optimization of unnecessary variable initializations.
+<li>Fixed optimization of code involving NaN.
+<li>Fixed inlining of methods that are supposed to be kept.
+<li>Fixed preverification of artificially convoluted dup constructs.
+<li>Fixed quotes for java commands in .bat scripts.
+<li>Improved handling of non-sequential line number information.
+<li>Now requiring Java 5 or higher for running ProGuard.
+<li>Updated build files.
+<li>Updated documentation and examples.
+<h3><div>May 2012</div> Version 4.8</h3>
+<li>Added more peephole optimizations for strings.
+<li>Added support for multiple external configuration files in Ant
+ configurations.
+<li>Added support for Ant properties in external configuration files.
+<li>Fixed parsing of empty file filters on input and output.
+<li>Fixed parsing of '*' wildcard for file filters and name filters.
+<li>Fixed obfuscation of private methods that are overridden in concrete
+ classes with intermediary abstract classes and interfaces (workaround
+ for Oracle bugs #6691741 and #6684387).
+<li>Fixed optimization of complex finally blocks, compiled with JDK 1.4 or
+ earlier.
+<li>Fixed optimizing signatures of methods that are marked as not having
+ side effects.
+<li>Fixed optimization of long local variables possibly causing verification
+ error for register pairs.
+<li>Fixed merging of classes defined inside methods.
+<li>Fixed stack consistency in optimization step.
+<li>No longer removing debug information about unused parameters, for
+ <code>-keepparameternames</code> or <code>-keepattributes</code>.
+<li>Fixed updating manifest files with carriage return characters.
+<li>Now removing unreachable code in preverification step.
+<li>Improved default regular expression for stack traces in ReTrace.
+<li>Updated documentation and examples.
+<h3><div>Dec 2011</div> Version 4.7</h3>
+<li>Added support for Java 7.
+<li>Parsing unquoted file names with special characters more leniently.
+<li>Added support for instance methods overriding class methods.
+<li>Added removal of unused parameterless constructors.
+<li>Added removal of empty class initializers.
+<li>Added peephole optimizations for constant strings.
+<li>Avoiding idle optimization passes.
+<li>Improved removal of unused constants after obfuscation.
+<li>Fixed removal of unused classes referenced by annotations.
+<li>Fixed simplifying parameters of constructors that should actually be
+ preserved.
+<li>Fixed simplifying parameters of large numbers of similar constructors.
+<li>Fixed exceptions in optimization of unusual obfuscated code.
+<li>Fixed NullPointerException when specifying <code>-keepclassmembers</code>
+ without specific class or class members.
+<li>Fixed potential problems with mixed-case class name dictionaries when not
+ allowing mixed-case class names.
+<li>Fixed obfuscation of classes with EnclosingMethod attributes that don't
+ specify methods.
+<li>Fixed preverification of returning try blocks with finally blocks, inside
+ try blocks, when compiled with JDK 1.4.
+<li>Fixed sorting of interfaces containing generics.
+<li>Fixed paths in shell scripts.
+<li>Fixed filling in of text fields showing class obfuscation dictionary and
+ package obfuscation dictionary from configuration in GUI.
+<li>Worked around Oracle Java 6/7 bug #7027598 that locked the GUI on Linux.
+<li>Updated documentation and examples.
+<h3><div>Feb 2011</div> Version 4.6</h3>
+<li>Added support for synthetic, bridge, and varargs modifiers in configuration.
+<li>Added detection of atomic updater construction with constant arguments.
+<li>Fixed merging of package visible classes.
+<li>Fixed optimization of fields that are only accessed by reflection.
+<li>Fixed optimization of read-only or write-only fields that are volatile.
+<li>Fixed handling of side-effects due to static initializers.
+<li>Fixed handling of bridge flags in obfuscation step.
+<li>Fixed handling of super flag when merging classes.
+<li>Fixed updating of variable tables when optimizing variables.
+<li>Fixed removal of unused parameters with 32 or more parameters.
+<li>Fixed incorrect removal of exception handler for instanceof instruction.
+<li>Fixed inlining of methods with unusual exception handlers.
+<li>Fixed optimization of unusual code causing stack underflow.
+<li>Fixed keeping of constructor parameter names.
+<li>Fixed unwanted wrapping of non-standard META-INF files.
+<li>Fixed filtering of warnings about references to array types.
+<li>Fixed overriding of warning option and note option in Ant task.
+<li>Improved detection of file name extensions for canonical paths.
+<li>Improved printing of seeds specified by <code>-keep</code> options.
+<li>Improved printing of notes about unkept classes.
+<li>Improved checking whether output is up to date.
+<li>Updated documentation and examples.
+<h3><div>Jun 2010</div> Version 4.5</h3>
+<li>Added option <code>-keepparameternames</code>.
+<li><code>-dontskipnonpubliclibraryclasses</code> is now set by default. Added
+ <code>-skipnonpubliclibraryclasses</code> as an option.
+<li>Made processing independent of order of input classes to get even more
+ deterministic output.
+<li>Improved constant field propagation.
+<li>Improved renaming of resource files in subdirectories of packages.
+<li>Avoiding making fields in interfaces private.
+<li>Optimizing exception handlers for monitorexit instruction.
+<li>Reduced maximum allowed code length after inlining from 8000 bytes to
+ 7000 bytes.
+<li>Fixed missing warnings about missing library classes.
+<li>Fixed shrinking of annotations with arrays of length 0.
+<li>Fixed handling of -0.0 and NaN values when simplifying expressions.
+<li>Fixed copying of exception handlers when simplifying tail recursion calls.
+<li>Fixed optimization of introspected fields.
+<li>Fixed simplification of unnecessary variable initializations.
+<li>Fixed evaluation of subroutines in pre-JDK 1.5 code.
+<li>Fixed updating of access flags in inner classes information.
+<li>Fixed disabling of field privatization.
+<li>Fixed invocations of privatized methods.
+<li>Fixed updating of local variable debug information in optimization step.
+<li>Fixed print settings without file name in GUI.
+<li>Fixed field privatization setting in GUI.
+<li>Fixed saving incorrectly quoted arguments in GUI.
+<li>Fixed handling of regular expressions with only negators.
+<li>Fixed unwanted wrapping of non-standard META-INF files.
+<li>Fixed regular expression pattern for constructors in ReTrace.
+<li>Updated documentation and examples.
<h3><div>Jul 2009</div> Version 4.4</h3>
@@ -511,10 +690,11 @@ Upgrade considerations:
+<hr />
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-Copyright &copy; 2002-2009
-<a href="http://www.graphics.cornell.edu/~eric/">Eric Lafortune</a>.
+Copyright &copy; 2002-2013
+<a target="other" href="http://www.lafortune.eu/">Eric Lafortune</a>.