path: root/giflib-4.1.6/util/gifhisto.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'giflib-4.1.6/util/gifhisto.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 272 deletions
diff --git a/giflib-4.1.6/util/gifhisto.c b/giflib-4.1.6/util/gifhisto.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 32d00cd..0000000
--- a/giflib-4.1.6/util/gifhisto.c
+++ /dev/null
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-* "Gif-Lib" - Yet another gif library. *
-* *
-* Written by: Gershon Elber Ver 0.1, Jul. 1989 *
-* Program to create histogram of the colors used by the given GIF file. *
-* Dumps out GIF file of constants size GIF_WIDTH by GIF_HEIGHT. *
-* Options: *
-* -q : quiet printing mode. *
-* -t : Dump out text instead of GIF - #Colors lines, each with #appearances. *
-* -i W H : size of GIF image to generate. Colors of input GIF file are *
-* spread homogeneously along Height, which better by dividable by the *
-* number of colors in input image. *
-* -n n : select image number to generate histogram to (1 by default). *
-* -b : strip off background color count. *
-* -h : on-line help *
-* History: *
-* 8 Jul 89 - Version 1.0 by Gershon Elber. *
-#include <config.h>
-#ifdef __MSDOS__
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <alloc.h>
-#endif /* __MSDOS__ */
-#ifndef __MSDOS__
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "gif_lib.h"
-#include "getarg.h"
-#define PROGRAM_NAME "GifHisto"
-#define DEFAULT_HISTO_WIDTH 100 /* Histogram image diemnsions. */
-#define HISTO_BITS_PER_PIXEL 2 /* Size of bitmap for histogram GIF. */
-#ifdef __MSDOS__
-extern unsigned int
- _stklen = 16384; /* Increase default stack size. */
-#endif /* __MSDOS__ */
-#ifdef SYSV
-static char *VersionStr =
- "Gif toolkit module,\t\tGershon Elber\n\
- (C) Copyright 1989 Gershon Elber.\n";
-static char
- *CtrlStr = "GifHisto q%- t%- s%-Width|Height!d!d n%-ImageNumber!d b%- h%- GifFile!*s";
-static char
- *VersionStr =
- " Gershon Elber, "
- __DATE__ ", " __TIME__ "\n"
- "(C) Copyright 1989 Gershon Elber.\n";
-static char
- *CtrlStr =
- " q%- t%- s%-Width|Height!d!d n%-ImageNumber!d b%- h%- GifFile!*s";
-#endif /* SYSV */
-static int
- ImageN = 1;
-static GifColorType
- HistoColorMap[] = { /* Constant bit map for histograms: */
- { 0, 0, 0 },
- { 255, 0, 0 },
- { 0, 255, 0 },
- { 0, 0, 255 }
- };
-static void QuitGifError(GifFileType *GifFileIn, GifFileType *GifFileOut);
-* Interpret the command line and scan the given GIF file. *
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- int i, j, Size, Error, NumFiles, ExtCode, CodeSize, NumColors = 2, Color,
- Count, ImageNum = 0, TextFlag = FALSE, SizeFlag = FALSE,
- ImageNFlag = FALSE, BackGroundFlag = FALSE, HelpFlag = FALSE;
- long Scaler, Histogram[256];
- GifRecordType RecordType;
- GifByteType *Extension, *CodeBlock;
- char **FileName = NULL;
- GifRowType Line;
- GifFileType *GifFileIn = NULL, *GifFileOut = NULL;
- /* Same image dimension vars for both Image & ImageN as only one allowed */
- if ((Error = GAGetArgs(argc, argv, CtrlStr, &GifQuietPrint,
- &TextFlag, &SizeFlag, &ImageWidth, &ImageHeight,
- &ImageNFlag, &ImageN, &BackGroundFlag,
- &HelpFlag, &NumFiles, &FileName)) != FALSE ||
- (NumFiles > 1 && !HelpFlag)) {
- if (Error)
- GAPrintErrMsg(Error);
- else if (NumFiles > 1)
- GIF_MESSAGE("Error in command line parsing - one GIF file please.");
- GAPrintHowTo(CtrlStr);
- }
- if (HelpFlag) {
- fprintf(stderr, VersionStr);
- GAPrintHowTo(CtrlStr);
- }
- if (NumFiles == 1) {
- if ((GifFileIn = DGifOpenFileName(*FileName)) == NULL)
- QuitGifError(GifFileIn, GifFileOut);
- }
- else {
- /* Use the stdin instead: */
- if ((GifFileIn = DGifOpenFileHandle(0)) == NULL)
- QuitGifError(GifFileIn, GifFileOut);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) Histogram[i] = 0; /* Reset counters. */
- /* Scan the content of the GIF file and load the image(s) in: */
- do {
- if (DGifGetRecordType(GifFileIn, &RecordType) == GIF_ERROR)
- QuitGifError(GifFileIn, GifFileOut);
- switch (RecordType) {
- if (DGifGetImageDesc(GifFileIn) == GIF_ERROR)
- QuitGifError(GifFileIn, GifFileOut);
- if (GifFileIn->Image.ColorMap)
- NumColors = GifFileIn->Image.ColorMap->ColorCount;
- else if (GifFileIn->SColorMap)
- NumColors = GifFileIn->SColorMap->ColorCount;
- else
- GIF_EXIT("Neither Screen nor Image color map exists.");
- if ((ImageHeight / NumColors) * NumColors != ImageHeight)
- GIF_EXIT("Image height specified not dividable by #colors.");
- if (++ImageNum == ImageN) {
- /* This is the image we should make histogram for: */
- Line = (GifRowType) malloc(GifFileIn->Image.Width *
- sizeof(GifPixelType));
- GifQprintf("\n%s: Image %d at (%d, %d) [%dx%d]: ",
- GifFileIn->Image.Left, GifFileIn->Image.Top,
- GifFileIn->Image.Width, GifFileIn->Image.Height);
- for (i = 0; i < GifFileIn->Image.Height; i++) {
- if (DGifGetLine(GifFileIn, Line, GifFileIn->Image.Width)
- QuitGifError(GifFileIn, GifFileOut);
- for (j = 0; j < GifFileIn->Image.Width; j++)
- Histogram[Line[j]]++;
- GifQprintf("\b\b\b\b%-4d", i);
- }
- free((char *) Line);
- }
- else {
- /* Skip the image: */
- /* Now read image itself in decoded form as we dont */
- /* really care what is there, and this is much faster. */
- if (DGifGetCode(GifFileIn, &CodeSize, &CodeBlock) == GIF_ERROR)
- QuitGifError(GifFileIn, GifFileOut);
- while (CodeBlock != NULL)
- if (DGifGetCodeNext(GifFileIn, &CodeBlock) == GIF_ERROR)
- QuitGifError(GifFileIn, GifFileOut);
- }
- break;
- /* Skip any extension blocks in file: */
- if (DGifGetExtension(GifFileIn, &ExtCode, &Extension) == GIF_ERROR)
- QuitGifError(GifFileIn, GifFileOut);
- while (Extension != NULL) {
- if (DGifGetExtensionNext(GifFileIn, &Extension) == GIF_ERROR)
- QuitGifError(GifFileIn, GifFileOut);
- }
- break;
- break;
- default: /* Should be traps by DGifGetRecordType. */
- break;
- }
- }
- while (RecordType != TERMINATE_RECORD_TYPE);
- /* We we requested to kill back ground count: */
- if (BackGroundFlag) Histogram[GifFileIn->SBackGroundColor] = 0;
- if (DGifCloseFile(GifFileIn) == GIF_ERROR)
- QuitGifError(GifFileIn, GifFileOut);
- /* We may required to dump out the histogram as text file: */
- if (TextFlag) {
- for (i = 0; i < NumColors; i++)
- printf("%12ld %3d\n", Histogram[i], i);
- }
- else {
- /* Open stdout for the histogram output file: */
- if ((GifFileOut = EGifOpenFileHandle(1)) == NULL)
- QuitGifError(GifFileIn, GifFileOut);
- /* Dump out screen descriptor to fit histogram dimensions: */
- if (EGifPutScreenDesc(GifFileOut,
- ImageWidth, ImageHeight, HISTO_BITS_PER_PIXEL, 0,
- MakeMapObject(4, HistoColorMap)) == GIF_ERROR)
- QuitGifError(GifFileIn, GifFileOut);
- /* Dump out image descriptor to fit histogram dimensions: */
- if (EGifPutImageDesc(GifFileOut,
- 0, 0, ImageWidth, ImageHeight, FALSE, NULL) == GIF_ERROR)
- QuitGifError(GifFileIn, GifFileOut);
- /* Prepare scan line for histogram file, and find scaler to scale */
- /* histogram to be between 0 and ImageWidth: */
- Line = (GifRowType) malloc(ImageWidth * sizeof(GifPixelType));
- for (Scaler = 0, i = 0; i < NumColors; i++) if (Histogram[i] > Scaler)
- Scaler = Histogram[i];
- Scaler /= ImageWidth;
- if (Scaler == 0) Scaler = 1; /* In case maximum is less than width. */
- /* Dump out the image itself: */
- for (Count = ImageHeight, i = 0, Color = 1; i < NumColors; i++) {
- if ((Size = Histogram[i] / Scaler) > ImageWidth) Size = ImageWidth;
- for (j = 0; j < Size; j++)
- Line[j] = Color;
- for (j = Size; j < ImageWidth; j++)
- Line[j] = GifFileOut->SBackGroundColor;
- /* Move to next color: */
- if (++Color >= (1 << HISTO_BITS_PER_PIXEL)) Color = 1;
- /* Dump this histogram entry as many times as required: */
- for (j = 0; j < ImageHeight / NumColors; j++) {
- if (EGifPutLine(GifFileOut, Line, ImageWidth) == GIF_ERROR)
- QuitGifError(GifFileIn, GifFileOut);
- GifQprintf("\b\b\b\b%-4d", Count--);
- }
- }
- if (EGifCloseFile(GifFileOut) == GIF_ERROR)
- QuitGifError(GifFileIn, GifFileOut);
- }
- return 0;
-* Close both input and output file (if open), and exit. *
-static void QuitGifError(GifFileType *GifFileIn, GifFileType *GifFileOut)
- PrintGifError();
- if (GifFileIn != NULL) DGifCloseFile(GifFileIn);
- if (GifFileOut != NULL) EGifCloseFile(GifFileOut);