path: root/giflib-4.1.6/util/gifbg.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'giflib-4.1.6/util/gifbg.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 371 deletions
diff --git a/giflib-4.1.6/util/gifbg.c b/giflib-4.1.6/util/gifbg.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8dc98b8..0000000
--- a/giflib-4.1.6/util/gifbg.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-* "Gif-Lib" - Yet another gif library. *
-* *
-* Written by: Gershon Elber Ver 0.1, Jul. 1989 *
-* Program to generate back ground image that can be used to replace constant *
-* background. *
-* Options: *
-* -q : quiet printing mode. *
-* -d direction : set direction image should increase intensity. *
-* -l levels : number of color levels. *
-* -c r g b : colors of the back ground. *
-* -m min : minimin intensity in percent. *
-* -M max : maximum intensity in percent. *
-* -s width height : size of image to create. *
-* -h : on-line help. *
-* History: *
-* 9 Jul 89 - Version 1.0 by Gershon Elber. *
-#include <config.h>
-#ifdef __MSDOS__
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <alloc.h>
-#endif /* __MSDOS__ */
-#ifndef __MSDOS__
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "gif_lib.h"
-#include "getarg.h"
-#define PROGRAM_NAME "GifBG"
-#define DEFAULT_WIDTH 640
-#define DEFAULT_HEIGHT 350
-#define DEFAULT_MIN_INTENSITY 10 /* In percent. */
-#define DEFAULT_NUM_LEVELS 16 /* Number of colors to gen the image. */
-#define DIR_NONE 0 /* Direction the levels can be changed: */
-#define DIR_TOP 1
-#define DIR_TOP_RIGHT 2
-#define DIR_RIGHT 3
-#define DIR_BOT_RIGHT 4
-#define DIR_BOT 5
-#define DIR_BOT_LEFT 6
-#define DIR_LEFT 7
-#define DIR_TOP_LEFT 8
-#define DEFAULT_DIR "T" /* TOP (North) direction. */
-#ifdef __MSDOS__
-extern unsigned int
- _stklen = 16384; /* Increase default stack size. */
-#endif /* __MSDOS__ */
-#ifdef SYSV
-static char *VersionStr =
- "Gif library module \t\tGershon Elber\n\
- (C) Copyright 1989 Gershon Elber.\n";
-static char
- *CtrlStr = "GifBG q%- d%-Dir!s l%-#Lvls!d c%-R|G|B!d!d!d m%-MinI!d M%-MaxI!d s%-W|H!d!d h%-";
-static char
- *VersionStr =
- " Gershon Elber, "
- __DATE__ ", " __TIME__ "\n"
- "(C) Copyright 1989 Gershon Elber.\n";
-static char
- *CtrlStr =
- " q%- d%-Dir!s l%-#Lvls!d c%-R|G|B!d!d!d m%-MinI!d M%-MaxI!d s%-W|H!d!d h%-";
-#endif /* SYSV */
-static int
- MaximumIntensity = DEFAULT_MAX_INTENSITY, /* In percent. */
- MinimumIntensity = DEFAULT_MIN_INTENSITY,
- ImageWidth = DEFAULT_WIDTH,
- ImageHeight = DEFAULT_HEIGHT,
- Direction;
-static unsigned int
-static void QuitGifError(GifFileType *GifFile);
-* Interpret the command line and scan the given GIF file. *
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- unsigned int Ratio;
- int i, j, l, LevelHeight, LevelWidth, Error, LogNumLevels, FlipDir,
- Accumulator, StartX, StepX, Count = 0, DoAllMaximum = FALSE,
- DirectionFlag = FALSE, LevelsFlag = FALSE, ColorFlag = FALSE,
- MinFlag = FALSE, MaxFlag = FALSE, SizeFlag = FALSE, HelpFlag = FALSE;
- GifPixelType Color;
- char *DirectionStr = DEFAULT_DIR;
- GifRowType Line;
- ColorMapObject *ColorMap;
- GifFileType *GifFile;
- if ((Error = GAGetArgs(argc, argv, CtrlStr, &GifQuietPrint,
- &DirectionFlag, &DirectionStr, &LevelsFlag, &NumLevels,
- &ColorFlag, &RedColor, &GreenColor, &BlueColor,
- &MinFlag, &MinimumIntensity, &MaxFlag, &MaximumIntensity,
- &SizeFlag, &ImageWidth, &ImageHeight,
- &HelpFlag)) != FALSE) {
- GAPrintErrMsg(Error);
- GAPrintHowTo(CtrlStr);
- }
- if (HelpFlag) {
- fprintf(stderr, VersionStr);
- GAPrintHowTo(CtrlStr);
- }
- /* Make sure intensities are in the right range: */
- if (MinimumIntensity < 0 || MinimumIntensity > 100 ||
- MaximumIntensity < 0 || MaximumIntensity > 100)
- GIF_EXIT("Intensities (-m or -M options) are not in [0..100] range (percent).");
- /* Convert DirectionStr to our local representation: */
- Direction = DIR_NONE;
- FlipDir = FALSE;
- for (i = 0; i < (int)strlen(DirectionStr); i++) /* Make sure its upper case. */
- if (islower(DirectionStr[i]))
- DirectionStr[i] = toupper(DirectionStr[i]);
- switch(DirectionStr[0]) {
- case 'T': /* Top or North */
- case 'N':
- if (strlen(DirectionStr) < 2)
- Direction = DIR_TOP;
- else
- switch(DirectionStr[1]) {
- case 'R':
- case 'E':
- Direction = DIR_TOP_RIGHT;
- break;
- case 'L':
- case 'W':
- Direction = DIR_TOP_LEFT;
- FlipDir = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 'R': /* Right or East */
- case 'E':
- Direction = DIR_RIGHT;
- break;
- case 'B': /* Bottom or South */
- case 'S':
- if (strlen(DirectionStr) < 2) {
- Direction = DIR_BOT;
- FlipDir = TRUE;
- }
- else
- switch(DirectionStr[1]) {
- case 'R':
- case 'E':
- Direction = DIR_BOT_RIGHT;
- break;
- case 'L':
- case 'W':
- Direction = DIR_BOT_LEFT;
- FlipDir = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 'L': /* Left or West */
- case 'W':
- Direction = DIR_LEFT;
- FlipDir = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- if (Direction == DIR_NONE)
- GIF_EXIT("Direction requested (-d option) is wierd!");
- /* We are going to handle only TOP, TOP_RIGHT, RIGHT, BOT_RIGHT so flip */
- /* the complement cases (TOP <-> BOT for example) by flipping the */
- /* Color i with color (NumLevels - i - 1). */
- if (FlipDir) {
- switch (Direction) {
- case DIR_BOT:
- Direction = DIR_TOP;
- break;
- case DIR_BOT_LEFT:
- Direction = DIR_TOP_RIGHT;
- break;
- case DIR_LEFT:
- Direction = DIR_RIGHT;
- break;
- case DIR_TOP_LEFT:
- Direction = DIR_BOT_RIGHT;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* If binary mask is requested (special case): */
- if (MinimumIntensity == 100 && MaximumIntensity == 100 && NumLevels == 2) {
- MinimumIntensity = 0;
- DoAllMaximum = TRUE;
- Direction = DIR_RIGHT;
- }
- /* Make sure colors are in the right range: */
- if (RedColor > 255 || GreenColor > 255 || BlueColor > 255)
- GIF_EXIT("Colors are not in the ragne [0..255].");
- /* Make sure number of levels is power of 2 (up to 8 bits per pixel). */
- for (i = 1; i < 8; i++) if (NumLevels == (1 << i)) break;
- if (i == 8) GIF_EXIT("#Lvls (-l option) is not power of 2.");
- LogNumLevels = i;
- /* Open stdout for the output file: */
- if ((GifFile = EGifOpenFileHandle(1)) == NULL)
- QuitGifError(GifFile);
- /* Dump out screen description with given size and generated color map: */
- if ((ColorMap = MakeMapObject(NumLevels, NULL)) == NULL)
- GIF_EXIT("Failed to allocate memory required, aborted.");
- for (i = 1; i <= NumLevels; i++) {
- /* Ratio will be in the range of 0..100 for required intensity: */
- Ratio = (MaximumIntensity * (i * (256 / NumLevels)) +
- MinimumIntensity * ((NumLevels - i) * (256 / NumLevels))) /
- 256;
- ColorMap->Colors[i-1].Red = (RedColor * Ratio) / 100;
- ColorMap->Colors[i-1].Green = (GreenColor * Ratio) / 100;
- ColorMap->Colors[i-1].Blue = (BlueColor * Ratio) / 100;
- }
- if (EGifPutScreenDesc(GifFile,
- ImageWidth, ImageHeight, LogNumLevels, 0, ColorMap)
- QuitGifError(GifFile);
- /* Dump out the image descriptor: */
- if (EGifPutImageDesc(GifFile,
- 0, 0, ImageWidth, ImageHeight, FALSE, NULL) == GIF_ERROR)
- QuitGifError(GifFile);
- GifQprintf("\n%s: Image 1 at (%d, %d) [%dx%d]: ",
- PROGRAM_NAME, GifFile->Image.Left, GifFile->Image.Top,
- GifFile->Image.Width, GifFile->Image.Height);
- /* Allocate one scan line twice as big as image is as we are going to */
- /* shift along it, while we dump the scan lines: */
- if ((Line = (GifRowType) malloc(sizeof(GifPixelType) * ImageWidth * 2)) == NULL)
- GIF_EXIT("Failed to allocate memory required, aborted.");
- if (Direction == DIR_TOP) {
- /* We must evaluate the line each time level is changing: */
- LevelHeight = ImageHeight / NumLevels;
- for (Color = NumLevels, i = l = 0; i < ImageHeight; i++) {
- if (i == l) {
- /* Time to update the line to next color level: */
- if (Color != 0) Color--;
- for (j = 0; j < ImageWidth; j++)
- Line[j] = (FlipDir ? NumLevels - Color - 1 : Color);
- l += LevelHeight;
- }
- if (EGifPutLine(GifFile, Line, ImageWidth) == GIF_ERROR)
- QuitGifError(GifFile);
- GifQprintf("\b\b\b\b%-4d", Count++);
- }
- }
- else if (Direction == DIR_RIGHT) {
- /* We pre-prepare the scan lines as going from color zero to maximum */
- /* color and dump the same scan line Height times: */
- /* Note this case should handle the Boolean Mask special case. */
- LevelWidth = ImageWidth / NumLevels;
- if (DoAllMaximum) {
- /* Special case - do all in maximum color: */
- for (i = 0; i < ImageWidth; i++) Line[i] = 1;
- }
- else {
- for (Color = i = 0, l = LevelWidth; i < ImageWidth; i++, l--) {
- if (l == 0) {
- l = LevelWidth;
- if (Color < NumLevels - 1) Color++;
- }
- Line[i] = (FlipDir ? NumLevels - Color - 1 : Color);
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < ImageHeight; i++) {
- if (EGifPutLine(GifFile, Line, ImageWidth) == GIF_ERROR)
- QuitGifError(GifFile);
- GifQprintf("\b\b\b\b%-4d", Count++);
- }
- }
- else {
- /* We are in one of the TOP_RIGHT, BOT_RIGHT cases: we will */
- /* initialize the Line with its double ImageWidth length from the */
- /* minimum intensity to the maximum intensity and shift along it */
- /* while we go along the image height. */
- LevelWidth = ImageWidth * 2 / NumLevels;
- for (Color = i = 0, l = LevelWidth; i < ImageWidth * 2; i++, l--) {
- if (l == 0) {
- l = LevelWidth;
- if (Color < NumLevels - 1) Color++;
- }
- Line[i] = (FlipDir ? NumLevels - Color - 1 : Color);
- }
- /* We need to implement a DDA to know how much to shift Line while */
- /* we go down along image height. we set the parameters for it now: */
- Accumulator = 0;
- switch(Direction) {
- StartX = ImageWidth;
- StepX = -1;
- break;
- default:
- StartX = 0;
- StepX = 1;
- break;
- }
- /* Time to dump information out: */
- for (i = 0; i < ImageHeight; i++) {
- if (EGifPutLine(GifFile, &Line[StartX], ImageWidth) == GIF_ERROR)
- QuitGifError(GifFile);
- GifQprintf("\b\b\b\b%-4d", Count++);
- if ((Accumulator += ImageWidth) > ImageHeight) {
- while (Accumulator > ImageHeight) {
- Accumulator -= ImageHeight;
- StartX += StepX;
- }
- if (Direction < 0) Direction = 0;
- if (Direction > ImageWidth) Direction = ImageWidth;
- }
- }
- }
- if (EGifCloseFile(GifFile) == GIF_ERROR)
- QuitGifError(GifFile);
- return 0;
-* Close output file (if open), and exit. *
-static void QuitGifError(GifFileType *GifFile)
- PrintGifError();
- if (GifFile != NULL) EGifCloseFile(GifFile);